Dunkey Streams Resident Evil 2 Part 2

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uh hey super mario fan what's going on me and you were watching the new show it's a really good show it's called 90 day fiance very high brow oh look at that look at the technology on this game boom look at that i'm gonna mad this so it's like the old school game see if i want to go through here it's like i'm gonna mat it so every time you go through a second i forgot what i was i think i unlocked i think this i did this looks like it leads underground good get out of this hole hey marvin guess what i think i found the way out marvin come on let's get you out of here come on are you okay make sure you get the crank oh no i just i don't have the crank here save yourself i do need a crank connection bad we got to get you to hold please claire we both know how this is going to end get out of the city i can't just leave you here claire please go do this for me when is marvin gonna come back when are they gonna bring back marvin as a character hey marvin thank you [Music] so hey you sexy don't kiss kiss thank you the almighty what is this thing is this the police station this is like a little model of it they went crazy on this game it is just police station friends who is this though kid oh that's your channel okay thank you for the laughs thank you jay for the bones what is this thing huh oh you need a little uh don't i have this oh i need a little twister i need a twister thing for that no no no that's not the crank that's not the crank i need the crank for upstairs there actually is a crank i actually do need the crank to progress thank you beaver and walrus for all the birthday bones doing it it's classic birthday stream today thank you batman that's your charge danny waller she going to bed already how you going to bed think you wanna wish for all the bones love your junk view all right now this part of the game is too scary this part i remember this part is where it gets too scary think my favorite part of this one is the police station oh here we go this one gets crazy though you like go outside then you're like in a lab then you're like in a zone just break this hit this open are there gas pedals in there the [ __ ] am i gonna do with gas pedals ain't cute angel knife and camo legend and prelude to madness get back in walrus you're not going to bed now the gas pedals brought you back in what the [ __ ] am i going to do with gas pedals thank you captain jerusalem happy b day dunko thank you guys for all the birthday bones you know every time i stream it's my birthday happy birthday that's why i'm probably gonna die probably gonna die very soon aging very rapidly on twitch [ __ ] hello hello oh my god i have my volume up so loud this is going to scare the [ __ ] out of me i remember once the hat man shows up i was losing my mind in this game it's so scary and he just jumps out at you thank you sharper and sputnik for all the bones thank you ethan probably just a mouse that's true thank you kid if you die while streaming resident he will become a zombie is that true i won't budge shoot it oh that's a zombie that's a little zombie yep little zombie hey it's okay throw the grenade promise do you need help no i've never played the original at this one i'm sorry i can't understand you thank you you need help why you need help he's right behind you oh where's it wait where'd the ball go thank you guys thank you quantum and wolf medic where did i where did the eyeball go i don't even have any bullets maybe i'll throw this grenade down i forget how you even throw them oh here we go here we go oh god he's coming to get me oh give me this give me this oh oh okay wait okay wait later [Music] [ __ ] all right i'm good i'm good i don't know if the eyeball has to be open for the grenade to hurt him whoa he's talking to me he's asking where are you [Music] he wants doggy food i'm gonna grenade oh [ __ ] i should have waited [Music] whoa [ __ ] now still yeah got him here i'll get him with this i'll get him with this yeah get you with that [ __ ] [ __ ] maybe i should just get him with this gun where'd he go i can't see [ __ ] i think i beat him [ __ ] where is it what the [ __ ] all right all right [Music] bring the eyeball out no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no get over here i can't tell if that's hurting them or not sneaking past holy [ __ ] maybe switch to this how do i get past them how do i get past that [ __ ] oh no okay wait this way [Music] happy birthday that's my house that my health is still okay i win [Music] when is my top 10 hottest resident evil characters coming out i'm still working happy birthday hey it's gonna take me a while to think think somebody with a massive eye on their arm would know where i am yeah i promise everything's fine yeah that would that would make i just need you to lower that batter for me i didn't think they thought it out that far my mom your mom is down here although to be fair that i was closed for a long time in the fight i hope so yeah of course i'll help you [Applause] nemesis is three times the size of an average human mother yeah i think that would probably nemesis will probably be on my list if he really does get that big this way i think this is capcom's biggest franchise right it's gotta be i think this resident evil is their biggest game right now i'm working on top 10 hottest master hunter masters number 10 rathalos how can you go wrong with a dragon like this so number nine the great jig race umbrella the big pharmaceutical company my mom's always at work what do you know about umbrella well hopefully you'll get to see her again soon leon doesn't get a little kid this is different from his where is your dad he um works with my mom but he's gone leon was like teaming up with that both of my parents are gone it's just me and my brother oh i'm sorry it was obviously it means we've got something in common and that's a good thing right hottest metal gear characters number 10 hottest metal gear characters metal gear zeke is this the burger kid quest line the burger kid who was the burger kid here is this the burger kid i know the burger the burger trucker over there it's closed her dad was the burger man really didn't she just say her dad was at the pharmaceutical umbrella thank you raccoons damn it need a key card thank you for changing here come on this is how my mom took me last time sherry oh i've been looking everywhere for you sherry brave little girl to leave your house in the middle of this oh this guy's evil on the ground hands behind your head you can't be serious oh on the ground now just like a dead rising enemy sherry tie your hands why are you doing it shut up tyre okay then you tie her up now or she dies what's this all about child endangerment for starters sherry come here what are you gonna do to her [ __ ] business this guy runs the tax too big get over here what's your name what's your [ __ ] name claire sherry you come with me now or say goodbye to claire okay okay i'll go you better be taking me to my mom absolutely don't listen to him he's full of [ __ ] stop hurting her please don't tell me how to do my job stop let me go let me go obviously nobody talks you mad we'll fix that where did that craziest girl come from stay safe sherry okay key card first already lost the kid already yeah i was pretty quick love you donkey thank you phantom what's his job to kidnap the kid i guess i think that guy is like the sheriff or something i think he's the sheriff oh i found raccoon monthly attention all raccoon city heroes who's the most feared yet respected man in town oh it's amy rose of course the answer should be obvious to any resident of our fair city that's right that's police chief brian irons the man that scares the bejesus out of criminals everywhere and stern father that loves every last one of us sinful citizens chief irons is known for his great charity work including big contributions to the orphanage support for abused women art preservation animal conservation let us know if we've missed anything just when does our great hero sleep when asked the city is my extended family i'm just doing what i do for my family she firing said with a soft smile damn bastard is the police chief oh i remember this i remember this [ __ ] this is really intense take the magazine to the vendor i don't think there's a vendor in this one mister i don't think there's a guy that buys your stuff in this one express elevator to chief's office no vendor no vendor in this one they didn't come up with the vendor to later oh this is too scary too scary no i don't need the dog whistle a dog whistle is not in this game oh this is scary this is the shooting range let's get some practice iron disposed bent key but can still open the car's door and truck oh i got the box i got the box do you have to look at it like the old game oh give me the key now let me look at this key oh look at the graphics on this key boom see this is how you know it's just like the old games thank you one and only cave throw the bones you know it's like the old games when they went and spent like way too long on the key graphics look at that there's like little grime old marks and [ __ ] on there this is crazy how'd they do this look at the key graphics on this game look at the little stickers the little stickers have like a different kind of i think the light goes on the stickers different that's crazy that's one old key that's a nice key a message from mr raccoon howdy boys and girls it's your peril from raccoon city zoo it's always great to see you today i want to talk about something really important to me you know my popular mr raccoon toys well i heard some bad kids have been using them for target practice but that makes me really sad good little kids wouldn't be that mean right plus it's super super dangerous so just don't do it see you at the zoo [ __ ] mr raccoon i'm shooting his [ __ ] statues bastard mr raccoon it's uh mr buffoon me this now one of these zombies is definitely gonna get up definitely one of these zombies is getting up that's just nothing oh i think that's where he was i think i shot his thing already use the knife oh yeah how do you use the knife i think i destroyed the knife or something do you just always have the knife in this one i forget how you do the knife oh they break yeah they kind of have like the defensive weapon idea from the old one sounds like shoving flash bangs in their mouths when they caught me yeah i can fight though i'm a good fighter oh [ __ ] don't kill don't don't shoot me all right there's definitely a monster in here give me the blue give me the blue herb hey donkey it's me jack nicholson hey thank you jack nicholson now don't kill me kill me yeah i'm done with this game that guy's dumb at this game oh there's another one see you why isn't this one dead why is this one still going jesus oh [ __ ] oh you [ __ ] all right that's it nope now you [ __ ] up you're ready how come that one was so team you can sneak past them i can sneak past them really easy now like this oh the fire was burning on the ground this guy would steal even while in jail whoa this guy would steal stuff in jail he would actually go into jail to steal i remember this part is really scary this is too spooky of a part all right i had to open these oh yeah you do all right let's open open this one nothing opening this one now this is looking like a zombie are you zombie you gonna eat me huh now he's dead he's all the way dead but just to be safe just to be safe let's put him back in there you can't eat the zombies oh what the [ __ ] huh i'll put those guys back in there how do you get that all right all right watch i have an idea all right that doesn't work oh this game this guy would never attack this is a good game now don't you [ __ ] go open that get this thing from this game yeah give me that key oh i should have known i shouldn't know okay what why and where did this guy come from where did you even come from oh i need the crank wait is that a new monster i can't tell if it's alive or not i think this rag doll is just [ __ ] out i beat this monster right yeah i read that monster oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] eat your dinner your dinner what the [ __ ] this sucks now this is all right i think that now can go this way here we go what happens if you combine combine blue and red what would that make thank you cho do i like this or resident evil 7 more i feel like this one has the best gameplay of all the games ever played resident evil 7 since it came out though i think resident evil 7 was there was not that much combat it was more like puzzle and like running away from guys i remember there was a lot of parts where you're like running around and doing like stealth stuff i don't think there was that much combat in seven nine there's a lot different game played in this one use the car key oh the car key that's right uh where's the car where's it gonna is it this car i think it's one of the cop cars said like a number on it seven four three nine oh this is it oh what's this this is a pretzel oh no room sorry gotta leave it no real see now this is a nice feature actually i can just discard this that's all new technology being able to discard an item 13 shot first to use double stack magazines 15 shot this just seems less powerful than the one i already have oh it's got a little laser dot though that's nice oh i like this laser then where was i going do [Music] faster oh the deer room oh look at this raccoon yay resident evil whole series reviews looks like daily dunk vids are back y'all thank you d leo where is mommy vampire donkey mad thank you sir king i don't know where the mommy vampire is i don't know who that is does this game have a gorilla uh the gorilla could be in this room from what i understand as thanks for your unwavering support i have just deposited a small summon to your account to use as you see fit i hope that i can count on you to maintain surveillance over your subordinates especially the ones who survive that mansion get rid of them if you must wb oh this is wesker right what's wesker's last name wesker breakfast wesker bumble this is whisker i hope i can count on you to maintain surveillance over your subordinates especially the ones that survive that mansion get rid of them if you must oh wait this is huh what does this mean whatever ask your boss oh that's i ran into trouble with umbrella the suits want to take the fruit of my research away but don't worry this will all blow over soon you just keep doing what i tell you and everything will be all right you are to up the security around my lab your muscle heads are to shoot any suspicious person on site doesn't matter if they kill them or even if they're umbrella employees i'm so close to completing g and no [ __ ] is going to get my way get your [ __ ] together and do your [ __ ] job i told you i need more security in the sewers don't you know how critical of a time this is for me as for the money i can pay you whatever once i take over but not before why don't you get that never forget how expendable you are dang w wb is a big w w [ __ ] all right i don't need that can this this is for shotgun does this go on this oh all right oh but that made that bigger sub machine gun ammo i don't even have that yet all right this is looking good oh this is a big crocodile it's the warner brothers the warner brothers wrote that note it could be could be oh look at that big armadillo back there now the gorilla should be in this room oh watch out watch out for this watch out for this this is the mona lisa oh there's a big snapping turtle oh don't let them eat me put your hand in that mouth you can pet him now this is the lady with the plant leo would know what painting this is what painting is this green all right we didn't whoa whoa classic classic tiger room great place has a tiger room you missed a paper to read this taxidermy log wait till dear place of capture to arclay mountains pleased with how it turned out but i'm getting tired of working on these puny things maybe time to move on to more challenging animals yeah yeah this guy is weird i didn't want to read that i wish i passed that one up now this this is important because you have to actually ride him out of here to escape oh my gosh thank you arcadium thank you for all the bones okay thank god a key card oh now this this is called a manga beast this is a funny bird this is a dodo is this really a dodo this is a dodo really yeah no have you seen ice age no you haven't seen ice age i guess i saw ice age a long time ago is there a dodo in ice age that's so big dang how come there's no dodos left i just know they say he went away at a dodo i got it clearly i gotta plug in the dodo chip into this they were hunted to extinction what really this guy has a freaking dodo oh question big ass bear in here how how recently did they go extinct you don't need the power panel parts only 10 years ago what 20 30 years ago that's messed up we could just be having a big dodo walking around that would have been great why would you hunt one oh they went extinct in 1690 yeah how did this guy get one then this is [ __ ] time traveler this game is [ __ ] [ __ ] you know what these resident evil games aren't realistic anymore you will need some power panel parts to fix this issue a repair man from one of our stores at the station repaired a bell in a clock tower he sent a few spare parts with him and he reported that he left one in the third floor east storage room if something goes wrong please don't hesitate to seek him out on the clock tower this game is [ __ ] [ __ ] this [ __ ] ass police guy he has a dodo from 1600 how did he get it you know what now that i'm done when is this plate from babe when is this plate from when is this plate from eighth century how did he get this [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is this a [ __ ] pharaoh how did he get the pharaoh's tune this is the most rich [ __ ] police officer look it is this guy's this is like ancient greek [ __ ] now this guy is everything this is this is the first flying machine how did he get all this [ __ ] how the [ __ ] did he get this much stuff you know what it was it was the guy that likes to steal stuff he stole all this stuff and brought it to you what's the deal with this thing the lover's relief oh got it [Music] that's a nice couch i think i'm back in the yep back in the police station this is a video that is not a real dodo no this is all based on true okay stop that stop trying to get in stop trying to get in no stop that now something really scary happens here where the monster the monster like attacks you through the wall it's like the mega monster he attacks you here so nobody be scared is this stubs the zombie get me out no this is not stubs the zombie this predates stubs the zombie wasn't this exact box and uh no i was just no that was that was from this game what the huh huh i outsmarted him i outsmarted him there's no way for him to get over here all right now i'm gonna read this report suspicious man was found at the location listed above when confronted by an officer he tried to escape by acting confused but was arrested i know he had on him was confiscated remarks it's not like everyone doesn't know who it is it's just a hassan he's a regular fixture in our jail he wasn't a bad guy per se just a bit of a bird brain kleptomaniac can't believe he tried to pull a fast one in a police station of all places though six two eleven see i'm thinking this guy stole all these artifacts and then brought them into the police station so that he could steal them out of the police station then [Music] thank you jesus and moo cam oh what the [ __ ] is this what happens if i combine gun powder with this one oh it tells you right there that makes acid rounds i like acid rounds give me the this guy is so dumb you can't never get me dummy hey can't get me you can't get me oh thank you moo cow thank you chip this brain guy not not the biggest brain on this guy [ __ ] i gotta go back in that room actually all right all right maybe if i go through really fast he can't get me outsmarted is she coming how smart if you go slow he doesn't attack i'm not finding out i'm going to block this guy down here thank you you are out of there [Music] one second wait a second you guys yeah i guess if i guess and if this is twitch then this zombie if the zombie was on twitch he would have got blocked [Applause] thank you thank you i think a lot of people on twitch are gonna get that one oh i need that i definitely need that weapon oh this oh you're gonna want that you're definitely gonna want that oh it's the hat why does he leave the hat why does the hat man leave the hat once hatman gets involved in the game it just all goes to hell he's such a [ __ ] that man is so evil i'm hearing a zombie [ __ ] i got room for the large gear oh no no whoa that's it who's saying something wow i took him out in one shot that's called a power play i hear another zombie over here oh thank you thank you for the bones pretend dang i got too much stuff in my inventory what can we get rid of nothing really i gotta find a box oh knife oh it's the little guy look at this you can walk up here oh don't mess with me i have a powerful gun that one shot kill zombies got him you beat this game 30 times and didn't know you could walk up yep that's a very powerful trick i think the dude chases you around in this room so it would be helpful with when that's going on it did a good job on this game well i guess i'm not uh flying out of here anytime soon hazel deutsch land leap beat thank you shayna what are you kidding me why are you kidding me [Applause] thank you thank you oh i gotta get all these zombies oh no no no no no i gotta get them all wrangled up and get them in one big shot what if i wonder if they can fall down the steps he's still going no way come on you're out of there yeah get out of here oh [ __ ] he's still going you idiot you'll never get me look how slow you are you freaking suck you'll never get me hit him with the wheelbarrow [Music] that guy chases me instead of the hat that would be a good twist it was just that shitty crawling guy chasing the whole game but he was super slow that shitty guy is just trying to give you the entire game there he is jesus stay back i think i got a lure amount here okay i tricked him [Music] oh wait i saw something i can't even get down [ __ ] i hate this guy so much he's so scary all right i think i beat him now watch this watch this i'm gonna put that in there we're gonna put put that in there now this oh we need this i love you dunk thank you ray boom i got the stars badge i'm official i'm official boom oh this for the gun oh there we go all right i can go get the machine gun you know what i'm gonna put this away for now this may be a mistake to put this away but i'm gonna put it away for now just to free up some inventory space but i'm gonna bring out this that's a good compromise put the keys away i gotta go open a bunch of doors now don't i see i can go in here i can go and go get the gun thank you blazer you can swallow the keys to make room for the gun oh that is a good idea actually all right i'm going to the records room first oh save that's a good idea oh god no marvin what happened to marvin [Music] what's wrong with marvin oh marvin's evil marvin's evil marvin no how did the heck get here oh my second guess i'm back hey guys jason told me to come over here i'll play some music for you oh no i don't want to play oh no what if i start playing i don't know what he wanted me to do over here tell knock knock jokes knock knock someone say who's there who's there uh resident evil resident evil resident evil who uh resident evil don't open the door because it's probably a zombie don't open that door i won't open the door there's a zombie at the door ah such funny jokes sorry i don't know why he told me to take a come over here you should have just put a song on or something so you guys like pizza [Music] you guys uh you guys ever tried mac and cheese pizza it's pretty good but cheeseburger pizza that's not good don't order cheeseburger pizza but do order mac and cheese pizza taco pizza not very good either uh what else is good um uh what else is good ah let's see uh you know what's good gardeners remember those a lot of people forget about gardeners they're good uh what is a gardeto oh my god someone doesn't know what they are they're like a snack mix it's like the best snack mix ever basically if you put pretzels and rye chips and some chex and make them delicious and it's granddaddos uh look for them at your local grocery store not sponsored by gardeners jason should be sponsored by gardenos guys who should sponsor jason i gotta find jason some sponsors liam pronounce this word ricotta ricotta how do you say it what's up with ira wednesday what do you mean i did um i did a stream earlier i did it he should be sponsored by taco though okay let me be honest he hasn't eaten taco bell in like six years plus it's like then he would use that as an excuse to eat taco bell all the time and that would be bad for his health but i guess i don't know it would be funny that would be cool but he doesn't eat taco much i'm sorry it's not like there's a taco bell near or anything yeah he doesn't eat much taco well he makes his own tacos you guys he's good at making his own tacos he's pretty good taco bell thank you refreshing for something to jason thank you so much jason appreciates it oh no i haven't added the emails yet i got jason a lot of emotes for his stream and i'm gonna add them for him so new era's coming soon here's jason bye what did leah say don't boo me don't boo me this is my stream this is my stream don't boo me leah told you to strew the truth what did leah say leah said gardenos is good on my stream what the hell on my stream she said that they are pretty good what the [ __ ] oh my god man i haven't been to taco bell in six years that's not true babe yeah i've been to taco bell 25 years ago i think maybe two years ago i went to taco bell two years ago i used to go to taco bell like every probably twice a week that was a big lifestyle shift oh this [ __ ] is in here yeah i used to be going to taco bell all the time at like two or three in the morning that's the only place that's open until two in the morning don't you kill me don't you kill me [ __ ] i'm trapped in here oh you [ __ ] get me out of this [ __ ] all right all right i need to get upstairs does anybody know how the big how mr x works how does he work they told you to eat mac and cheese pizza well that's just good advice that's just what everybody should do [Applause] if you shoot his head off he leaves you alone all right i'll try that oh my god there's so many zombies i can open this leah said gardeno's pizza babe did you say gardener's pizza she's denying that i had the fritos pizza and i gotta say not a good idea fritos pizza no go you oops oh oops i did it i did it i'm a genius this big [ __ ] shoot the head off good one [ __ ] what an accomplishment oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] and [ __ ] the usb dongle quick here we go here we go boom you're safe in this room oh i didn't know that to my bestest stars buds why are these guys in stars is this where the first game was set is this where the mansion was how are y'all doing in that drab ball station hanging in there against old irons me i just got back from a date with a hot chick but you can guess what we got up to under her extra large umbrella what europe is amazing one month is in no way enough to even scratch the surface maybe i'll extend my vacation for another six months barry don't even think of coming to join me wouldn't want to make all the cute girls cry yeah so you just leave the babes to me jill if claire tries to contact you please let her know i'm okay chris this does not sound like chris what are you saying that's what chris says he says barry don't you come over here you'll just leave me in the elevator are you in blind am i in blind you mean am i playing this for the first time no i played this before get the dongle back i don't want that down go back this is ranked this is the ranked mode what am i going to do with the dongle back why do i want that down go back what am i donald trump look at this thing tell me to sink the crank tell me this ain't the crank this is definitely the crank you guys i'm beating all the resident evils i'm reading the whole series at the beginning of this month i said i'm beating the whole series and so far i got up to the second game after the whole month oh thank you did you know getting me so far i'm on the second resident evil no i didn't play resident evil 0 no the offshoots don't count one through seven i'm gonna play six no i'm not at i don't think i'm gonna make it to at the rate i'm going i don't think i'm gonna make it to resident evil 3 before the new one comes out resident evil zero was the worst that's the one i had as a kid i had resident evil zero all right what am i thinking here what am i thinking let's go to the item box let's get let's get some of these guns out oh 200 there we go now we're in business oh now we're business did all the mainline games took me 94 hours [ __ ] 94 hours all right yeah i should be able to beat them all now where am i going well i could go back to the to the runkus room the safety deposit room oh [ __ ] he says [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] you yeah yeah god [ __ ] i'm all the health [Music] oh number three is really short good [Music] oh there we go some more inventory space [Music] beat three in one stream all right i might be able to catch up then this big [ __ ] is coming to get me still here he comes here he comes i think he launched me nope your mouth oh [ __ ] i need help i need help but [ __ ] i gotta go i gotta go oh i can go in the library now there's a bunch of items over here that i missed all right i know what to do and i know what to do i gotta go to the library [Music] oh i'm dying yes i did find the little girl and then i lost her in like three seconds all right what am i thinking here what am i thinking i don't get any health items have i seen is it good oh well get this guy out of here oh [ __ ] this guy's marvin marvin get out of the way that way marvin oh no oh no oh marvin you ass marvin you ass oh i'm dead i'm dead no way can the new mortal kombat be better than the old mortal kombat movie that one is a masterpiece now when they brought out some of the greatest actors don't bite me i shaved don't kill me i hope i saved thank you taters yes yes saved everybody thank you buddy don't bite me don't bite me [ __ ] [ __ ] i'm missing every shot hey all right that should be good here we go here we go no no no no no no no no no no [ __ ] [ __ ] no stay here stay here i gotta push this don't punch me don't you punch me i'm going up the ladder i'm a genius for this one you guys boom you'll never catch me up here [Applause] give me the house [Applause] how does that work what's down [ __ ] okay he definitely cheated he definitely cheated there here comes this big [ __ ] to kill me all right i'm gonna have to use my new knowledge of the secret zone all right so that's that's a good little zone i found oh damn when i'm all the way back here did i see the crank um all right all right i'm doing better already somebody said the big guy can't father you into the into the clock tower room is that true now this guy is trying to be a [ __ ] get out of here get out of here huh repair plan police station what's that clock tower due to the high cultural value of the bell i'm calling a specialist in to make repairs we'll go over the details once they're on the scene but in the meantime i'll take steps to secure the belt since the yoke is threatening to break oh i need the gear the zombies sound like hannah barbera godzilla what does he sound like i think i watched that when i was a little kid the godzilla cartoon ugh thank you farm answer this is the second non-mario game that i've played i gotta say i regret i regret every second i wish i was playing mario right now how many gears do i need i need this gear any disc gear what is that 20 years i need to eat this leaf i hear them stomping around out there all right so i gotta go get go get those gears gears are the new cranks well you think that but you actually need a crank also watch this watch this crank handle slot you need to crank still i still need the crank all right i'm going i'm going [Applause] wow he's out of there there we go give me that big old gear ah we gotta go gotta go over here boom i need this thing open the box yeah now i gotta go go to the [ __ ] where do you get the other gear maybe it's in the chiefs the chief zone private collection room right i'm going this is what i'm doing i'm going to the clock tower first or should i maybe i should go down here first go to the chief's room give me this knife all right i'm going to the chief's room all right hear that big [ __ ] i hear that big [ __ ] walking around all right put this in there now i need another one still what a price to pay all right i'm going to the clock tower now don't be in here oh god the stomping make it stop stopping the stomping is definitely the scariest part of this game oh [ __ ] where is he where is he huh are they where is he where is he a hero oh [ __ ] oh oh go go go go go go i thought he was upstairs all right here we go your heart is racing just from seeing me play this see i need another thing i need i need something here what did i even do oh there we go oh look oh it's the next little part oh there we go okay okay at least they do cut you some breaks that is nice that he can't come into this room what did that do drop the bell in mr x that's a good idea drop the bell on what did i do i activated some did i activate this thing i'll figure it out eventually this thing definitely what i gotta do is take this away yep yep clearly clearly ah so clear to me now yep and now basically you gotta go up here thank you sharmful and mad wood bones [Music] spencer family i just i actually did decipher the clock tower puzzle just just right there i just figured it out thank you all right now i can go into the rumpus room hey ray gun thank you dummy where where is she oh he's down there he's dumb he's way down there you'll never get me down there i just don't think it's gonna give you a heart attack yeah the stomping is really really scary once you get past they don't they don't use him i don't think i think that's the trick to this game is that they don't use him too much if they used him too much the game would just just be too intense to even enjoy oh we're playing bioshock here but i hear that's the whole idea of resident evil 3 is like the monsters is chasing the whole game so i don't know how i feel about that one i've never played i still hear him stomping in the cut scene hello good to see you again claire we've got unfinished business what is that in the neighborhood you'll find it sherry all right for now i swear you bastard if you hurt her who is this guy where did he come from stupid kid if you just hadn't dropped that [ __ ] thing i could let you go don't worry sherry it'll be all over soon there has to be a way out of here the voice acting is pretty good for a japanese game oh my god this is the scariest part yet oh my god oh my oh my god what's in there oh this is impossible nobody can beat this oh it's one of these oh it's one of these um wow boom oh wait damn it damn it i was so close i was so close dang it no [Music] oh my god thank you so much red holy crap got some that's too many bones red thank you so much red i have it hmm dang i was so close i was so close to winning all right yeah let's do this part first oops boom whoa whoa how the [ __ ] uh dang it maybe this is a trick maybe this ah no no no no no no boom no all right now this is a trick boom boom the scissors yes yes you guys i got the scissors i got the scissors oh that was for the scissors yes oh they're children scissors even better is she holding it like a weapon no that would have been funny this is crazy this whole uh part with the kid is now in the leon mode no i didn't find a ghost of burger man yet what is this oh let's do the eye test all right can you guys read below the green line tell me what letters you see below the green line type it out oh my god red thank you so much red okay i'm seeing a lot of wrong answers yeah seeing a lot of wrong answers you definitely yeah definitely nobody here is can read and is blind [Music] now let's go over to the fish room what does that say baby room this is the baby room sally's diary wednesdays are perfectly great days because we get snacks and ice cream i hate the last place i was at the teachers were all meanies there was a study study study and there wasn't no ice cream i love love love it here there was an important rule made today everyone must write a diary get health checkups and we ain't allowed outside by ourselves it's good we don't have to go to school i don't want to go and get picked on for my old clothes especially not by the guy that used to wear them the orphanage director is coming today so i'm going to wear my favorite checkered blue outfit the director is tall the director has a mustache the director is a policeman yeah that was it that was all right diary definitely where this game is lacking compared to the first one is the diaries we need some more legendary diaries like hungry and eat doggy food thank you serena yeah where's wesker's diary this guy's gonna [ __ ] come and kill me says i guess i can just escape all right that must be the door out of here oh that was easy [ __ ] off damn it darn it i need the the key should have just been like [ __ ] [ __ ] this [ __ ] here's a little note tom's diary it's been two months since i got that letter to oliver and all i've gotten back is not a zip and again they're all like that once they get adopted but he's living like a king and some fancy folks home forgotten all about us really thought oliver was different that he'd be my friend for life guess i'm just a fool and said all the little kids down today and told him a story she said all the kids that get adopted are turned into food for the boogeymen what doggie food all the kids they get adopted are turned into food for the boogeyman that's why no one hears from them ever again not sure where she gets her ideas from but she's sure got the mind for writing trashy horror novels there's something weird going on around here and it's not just a case of it's not just because i am stories don't get me wrong i've been in worse places and this place is funded by some big drug company who's writing this how does the kid on to the whole the kid the kid has cracked the whole storyline already how old is this kid why can't people go go outside why are there so many doctors around what's with those shots every day it's almost like we're i'm getting adopted me most people go for younger kids so i figured i was too old but i can't say i'm not a little happy who am i kidding i'm totally psyched i say goodbye to this place on 20th i'm gonna go try to i'm gonna try my best to be a good son some of my new mom and pop can be proud of oliver came back in the middle of the night all messed up screaming help me and stuff i didn't even recognize him at first his face was peeling and melted off it's just a skin thing they say you'll get better soon oh my god what the [ __ ] that like running test on these little kids oh i'm gonna have to run around this [ __ ] [ __ ] man blinks diary oh here we go here we go now we're finding the good notes if you're reading this go call kalish boogeyman's here eating everybody many bark boogeymans here now we're talking my language now we're talking my language back to the classics elk they're coming help me mommy oh no you know that one is a little that one is actually scary because a little kid wrote it what the [ __ ] is this it's you really can't match the the funniness of a zombie writing you know also the kid did not date this letter where does zombie date of the letter oh oh [ __ ] are you going sherry i told you to stay put you need to learn to listen leave me alone just please time to teach some manners oh [ __ ] why do you have acid just sitting around oh [ __ ] you are gonna be so [ __ ] sorry this is like mr x all over again wait i didn't even get the key please oh [ __ ] you knocked the door you stupid [ __ ] that's a dead end hey [ __ ] you man [ __ ] [ __ ] what do i do what do i do oh no oh no no no oh it's all over now door's locked oh no oh no where are you show yourself i know you're in here no longer it takes me to find you the worse it's gonna be what the [ __ ] oh god oh god i just gotta be here somewhere [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] am i winning going here [ __ ] [ __ ] please [ __ ] this is your last [ __ ] chance show yourself no oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh no no no no oh it birds the key the key get the key get the key don't make a [ __ ] crazy noise grab that [ __ ] key lock that dumbass in there go go go go go go go go go go go [ __ ] is my key nice [Music] go go go oh [ __ ] i'm gonna die i'm gonna die what the [ __ ] nice try sherry oh [ __ ] off you ass come on lock the door lock the door there you go oh what the [ __ ] oh my god get over here holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] oh mastro [Music] [ __ ] killed that guy 30 minutes earlier good to see you again claire we've got unfinished business what are you talking about don't waste my [ __ ] time bring me the pendant or sherry dies pendant what do you need it for do you want the girl to die fine where are you the orphanage the orphanage where is that in the neighborhood you'll find it sherry all right for now i swear you bastard if you hurt her are you serious damn it oh the zombie is a good guy now oh now i can go to the basement all right just you wait [ __ ] i wish i could get the dodo as item uh this ain't right how do you get down to the basement the elevator was there was an elevator right i think it was in like the oh there was over there there it is all right i gotta go back save the game i don't gotta save the game you only gotta save the game if you're planning on dying me i don't die only say only people who save the game don't know how to do this trick this is why i don't have to save that almost connected you you are dumb you're dumb he's gonna really chase me out here i thought i would be free from him out here i got the music he has like stomper music thank you true mixes oh [ __ ] do i gotta go that way [ __ ] looks like it's the other way oh no no no no no no no no no no no no okay i can get i can get through here looks like the only way forward the new alpaca strategy thank you stuck in brands no i haven't heard about the new alpaca strategy did i lose him oh he can't call fire escapes thank you space captain starfish he can't come up here oh look at this dumbass zombie yes [ __ ] oh [ __ ] hell oh thank you security and ngc and geek mr p thank you guys thank you benry g oh ammo no i got enough [ __ ] oh no no no no no no gotcha wash my hair outside elsa's doing all right oh oh bubba spaghetti meatballs thank you ashrae yeah walnut and dylan thank you guys look left what oh basketball this game is too sacre a hey be quiet over there i need the basketball oh what the [ __ ] no no no no no no no no no jeez sheesh am i right you guys the new sheesh joke seriously they're no match for the gun do no match for the machine gun oh hype train wait i got a new sound i gotta play for the hype train whenever the hype train goes off i'll play this i gotta play the train sound effect of a train thank you captain phyllis wait a second that's not that hype train that's the sound of the train makes all right back to the game well you can't get past this well that's where the game ends thanks for watching guys can't get past that see you all right maybe you can get past it maybe you can get pissed well this way is blocked too yeah no see you you know what i have an idea through the bus through the bus [ __ ] where's the dog don't be dumb don't be dumb eat your doggy food that's gotta be the orphanage [Music] that's a strong dog hang on sherry thank you ryan all right guys i got bad news i'll be right back leah's insurance knock knock knock knock who's there it's me it's leah guys that's who's there it was me just kidding who's there uh hmm i don't actually know any more knock knock jokes uh here's one what do you call a ghost's favorite series i love you dunky and leah love your content thank you so much edgar that is so sweet guys what's a ghost's favorite cereal it's ghost toasties ghost toasties i think that was the answer to the joke it didn't really make sense to me when i heard it but uh that's apparently a joke good one i think jason ran away because he was um he was too scared this game is getting scary are you guys scared right now when that the little girl was like the man with the acid on his face that's crap was scary and the dogs i'm scared of dogs next time i see a giant dog outside and it barks at me i'm actually gonna be scared more than usual he had to go take a break he's probably looking at himself in the mirror right now like splashing water on his face like trying to snap out of it thank you thank you for the bets thank you for the hype train for jason oh good you're not scared anymore okay then it's probably even more scarier than uh than even ever before jason was so cute with the dodo bird too why doesn't he know what a dodo bird looks like he's so funny he doesn't know what a donut bird looks like my joke was scary oh sorry thank you for the bits for jason spenny he probably oops i didn't see what you said but thank you svenie it's only wednesday but you're looking forward to crossword sunday oh thanks juvenilla yep if anyone likes crossfired puzzles check out my twitch channel i do crossword puzzles every sunday look jason uh knock knock no wait how is uh how is a zombie like a turtle thank you benry how is a zombie like a turtle this is a this is a riddle yep some people got it some people got it they're both slow and green they're both green and slow i just made that one up off the top of the dome and i was pretty good riddle right oh my gosh it's eddie this is awkward uh jason's not here welcome to jason's stream eddie and everybody i guess the answer to the knock knock joke it was knock knock who's there it's eddie it was him welcome to the to the halftime show jason will be back soon probably he got a little too scared here jason's playing a very very scary game and he had to go take a break thank you thank you kyle for the bets for jason uh what did eddie stream what kind of what kind of gaming was that he up to he watched booger wall what booger law trial what is booger wall i see gus tweet about that sometimes i feel like booger wall if i have to guess is it a wall that somebody smeared a bunch of boogers on and now they're all denying that it was them was there like a booger on the wall and everyone's pointing fingers at someone else that's my guess about what's the booger wall exactly oh i mean that's just a phenomenon of life particularly like with uh 12 or 13 year olds but you know if they've got a booger ball too then um yeah they do need to figure out who's responsible how did i know what it was oh well jason's back welcome back babe you had a very exciting raid well uh yep eddie raided i told some jokes here's jason give it up for leah leah ladies and gentlemen she's funny [Applause] thank you thank you she's funny what was she saying what kind of jokes was she saying kind of her spider joke did she say a spider joke thank you eddie for the rain she said a zombie like a joke how is a zombie like a turtle yeah slow yeah it's slow and green it's slow and green that's the joke yeah well you didn't give me any materials i was trying to make a zombie joke thanks [Applause] flowing green it is true i know they're not really green in this game but usually they're green hey it's this place that zombies green hello i have the pendant man leo saw a bunch of turtles the other day oh what the [ __ ] your fault what took too long oh god [Music] oh my god jesus christ all right they're always referencing a horror movie really on the nose reference classic classic resident evil how many horror movies did they reference so far in this they had a shining axe they had an alien zombie at the chest what else did they have sherry where are you claire sherry robocat yep definitely referenced robocab at one point what the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] he's still coming he's still [ __ ] coming behind you don't stop get the [ __ ] out of here hurry keep going getting this getting this sherry come on [Music] hey what are you jack nicholson [Applause] thank you i can't well let me unpause the game that got killed deca that's her dad she's a maestro whoa yeah kill that dumb guy i guess i gotta fight this guy he's even worse at least that one guys did are you all right can you hear me claire claire you have to get up he's going to get us wake up wake up wake up wake up open your eyes hold still not infected sherry where's sherry sure sure he's fine do you know sherry this impressive display of strength what happened here we have to assess the situation who are you i'm claire i didn't foresee this excuse me where is she hello what oh annette tell me what happened to william i don't know who's who is that the creature responsible for this what can you help me find sherry seems to be evolving much faster than expected where are you going look i don't have time to play 20 questions everything's under control i need to find [ __ ] my daughter is not your concern everything's under control where did sherry go oh the high-powered rounds oh what's that for this no about g oh thank you gregory gregory brought her back to the orphanage the g virus critical trial will be entering its final phase soon very soon before g the new creature that will surpass humans is born allow me to predict a few things about its biology and biological functions intelligence his intelligence will begin to drop immediately with their linguistic abilities disappearing within a matter of days finally they will lose their capacity to reason in their humanity g will be a creature of pure instinct driven only by a need to survive and reproduce yeah this is like 5g true physical abilities due to it's unusually accelerate how are you gonna how are you gonna how are you gonna be scientists and put the wrong do how you gonna put the wrong do as a scientist this is a dumbass scientist no wonder the zombies got all [ __ ] crazy due to this unusually accelerated cell division evolution it will be highly adaptable to any environment furthermore with its amazing ability to repair itself through regeneration it will be extremely difficult to completely kill without any with any conventional small fire power reproductive behavior g's most remarkable feature will be its intense desire to reproduce it will instinctively search out humans with dna that closes matches its own and implant an embryo in them but the chances of success are very low and if the dna is not a close enough match an undeveloped g creature will be produced instead i suppose the only ones who might be a close enough of mass will be any biological children of the subject though oh the master's gonna try and shoot the shoot the zombie thing into the kid's mouth i don't think the zombie realizes that that though i think he's just a killing monster now probably don't need two knifes probably don't need this probably you don't need this oh wait what do i wanna what if i do what if i do this see what i'm saying and what if i say this i don't think i need this key anymore right now i can probably go back i need three knives why do i need three knives i don't need three knives i don't even need one knife i don't even need one gun i can beat this game without any weapons and i have hundreds of the times direct there's a new playstation direct really uh-uh thank you pokemon cherry can you hear me tomorrow there's no playstation direct did they say if anything cool is gonna be on there now i'm gonna smell like [ __ ] literally maybe i'll do a stream of it maybe i'll do a uh stream of the event i'm thinking i'm thinking we're gonna see a bug snacks maybe a bug snack spin off knack three now i don't think neck three i don't think we'll see mac three this generation but i think neck three for how they're gonna they're gonna have to i think that the god of war games i think those are kind of like a prototype you know got a word i think they're developing those to kind of do like be a trial run for the technology that will power knack three and they say okay well it works here cable car then maybe we can try next three if god award goes over already [Music] there's three of them in here all right i think that's all i need for you all right what is this sherry i told you i cannot leave here until my work is done that's what you always say sherry why didn't you stay in the house it was safe there hey sherry was scared those things were everywhere and you should have called the police that's what we taught you i did but nobody came in you didn't answer your phone so sherry i don't have time for this this is a [ __ ] ash man jerry i'm coming hold on sherry i'll be right there shoe work company pamphlet greeting from the ceo thank you for your interest in knight's construction company over the past 20 years we have had the honor to work on the sewer systems of some of our country's greatest cities while never losing sight of the two prince of two core principles of playfulness and superior industrial design [Music] what why are they making a playful sewer at kcc we believe that just because i work as sub terrain doesn't mean our designs have to be subpar more refined than the queen more polish than a knight and as pleasant as a pawn our work is sure to bring great victory to everyone involved may we mute meet on the field someday the [ __ ] why thank you hashtag oh the vcr put the knife in the vcr i need the movie that's on brand for the city maybe that's one of their maybe that's the third attraction the playful sewers donkey's forget thank you ham him for the spaghetti oh i remember this i remember this before she goes in there pretty sure the rook and knight are on the same wall and the bishop and queen aren't next to each other [Music] um all right all right let's figure this out rook knight bishop queen rook and knight are on the same wall pond plug well this just says pawn right there right of course so now i just gotta do rook and knight bishop and queen are next to each other the queen and rook are opposite so queen wait rook what's a rook it's just a rook that's a bishop this is a playful sewer rook is the castle can i even do this do i need all six pieces to do this bishop and queen aren't next to each other rook and knight are on the same wall so rook is one of these rook and knight on the same wall queen is queen is well queen's got to be here then and rook has to be here so this goes here or it goes here i don't even think i can solve this yet i think i need three more pieces but maybe you have to bring these with you i think for later this is the second most tragic thing to happen to me oh i'm so sorry hungry feather what was the first most tragic [Music] you're liking survival horror games now with your mouse did you play the old resident evil i kind of want to play the first silent hill silent hill one i feel like that's might be even less accessible than old resident evil though the [ __ ] is this is the old silent hill more or less a pain yes than the gamecube resident evil silent hill 2 i already played sound hill too much harder more a pain silent hill one is [ __ ] mode it's ps1 yeah i don't know i know people really like sounding hell one and sound hell too silent hill 2 had some pretty great voice acting or the guy was eating pizza how can you sit there and eat pizza that was a masterpiece thank you potato and gavin item below has been delivered to the location specified heat resistant safe the combination is written on the side of the safe and chalk how can you sit there and eat pizza wristband required for cable car entry no kyle we are not still going for the pizza bill ending we're going for the burger man's origin ending trying to find the origin story of burger man all right all right they said the combo is written on the safe 212 eight wait two twelve eight two twelve eight there it is what's that for this i guess that's for the revolver oh that guy's weak that's the weakest zombie yet if i played a frogger yep that's scary play dead space i haven't played dead space in a while [ __ ] [ __ ] no they're both alive still how are they both alive you know what [ __ ] you guys that was definitely a big waste but very funny oh man this guy's alive kirby's epic yarn is not a horror game that is a kirby game what the [ __ ] ah how do you fight that huh what is he doing what is she doing don't do that don't shoot that can't get me up here right did i win or lose you know what game had a really scary level the new yoshi game had a really like had a horror level for some reason all right i'm not going back in there for some reason the new yoshi game just has a really horrific level yeah clown level i think it is a clown level wait a minute this ain't right you know what [ __ ] these guys [ __ ] these guys that's a real grenade go by him go by him boom how are you guys alive you got hit by a grenade what is this guy um he's like up in the air oh no no no no no no you're out of there dialogue what's the dialogue this has been contaminated the fail-safe didn't activate man kim are dead i can't stop coughing director owens you it was a you oh oh my god it was all director owens director owens was behind it all what the [ __ ] no way get out of here stupid zombie [ __ ] you [ __ ] you jesus oh [ __ ] i don't know the code wait i have a pump though look at this i have a new pump item the t-bar that's for the t virus huh i go do i go here t-bar is the best weapon could be could be have i ever watched resident evil movies no they look funny though i saw a video of where red letter media was watching the ending of resident evil and it's just like one giant cgi fight that was a great video that was a masterpiece video i was sold in the host franchise after seeing that video it's like a 20 minute long slo-mo cgi fight and then just crazy [ __ ] just keeps happening like she throws like a throwing knife into like a dog a dog is like about to bite her and she like takes a throwing knife out of some dude's head and like throws it into the dog's mouth that's so [ __ ] stupid that's a masterpiece though where am i going this is getting crazy then yeah she kicks a pane of glass she shatters like a window and then like [ __ ] does like a karate kick to kick a little shard of glass into some dude that's all happening in like one one huge action sequence it's so long it's like 20 minutes long and it's all just a slow-mo fight it's the best [ __ ] so zombie oh do i really gotta take this roll of film all the way back to the police station am i ever gonna i don't think you go back to the police station from this point do you ugh where the [ __ ] did that zombie come from where how was so many zombies there's so many zombies [Applause] where the [ __ ] did all these zombies come from [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] i need my grenade launcher here so many zombies the video how do you get past this oh my god oh my god [ __ ] oh no no no no no no oh okay he jumped in the water don't kill go i can make it i can make it i can make it [Music] i need my grenade launcher the key don't you keep climbing in there love you dunk i'm gonna die this game is hard thank you yo hobo yo bojo uh where does that take you i'm so confused i have no idea where i'm going in this place is this a safe one no takes you to adventure town tm okay i'm gone i'm going back to this room i'm going to watch the movie right thank you busy bee yeah thank you scrub lord i need a healing item and i don't got none put the raw film away what is this that's for the gun maybe i should do this maybe i should say [Music] boom and say phone and go boom oh this can shoot the super gun see now i can shoot the super gun where'd the big gun go big ammo i lost it there it is that's how i got i only got three oh wait i know i got four boom oh now we're talking all right watch the movie put the movie in this better be a good movie oh please stop glad i watched that not very good yeah it's kind of like ratatouille i like ratatouille a little more than that one dang i need health hey dunk what's poppin hey credit thank you all right i'm going back to the previous zone this looks like i'm gonna [ __ ] die here this looks like where you die wow it's a baby don't be any monsters hey health oh hey dunk what's poppin i'm still at bad health after eating that i'm [ __ ] dead i'm so dead jesus i am so dead i'm gonna [ __ ] die what the [ __ ] is it [ __ ] the [ __ ] don't eat me don't eat me don't eat me don't don't don't [ __ ] this i'm unpoisoned don't grab me oh my god no no no no no no no no no go go go i win i win i win right i beat the game this game is [ __ ] up this is the [ __ ] up game thank you save the king if i just put no that didn't work whoa what whoa what the hell you can do this halo 5 recap yeah i could do a halo 5 recap the problem is that i don't really get what happened halo 5 okay i remember that this puzzle is kind of simple but also it takes me like 10 hours to do this part so i'm gonna be here for a while i need the queen king that's the rook now that's something else don't they have the king [ __ ] off jesus [ __ ] you yeah take that you bastard you're out of there no no no you're out of there all right he's dead i would just knife it good idea good thinking no wait i don't have a knife all right all right now clearly i need the king here right wait i have the king i have the king i don't have the king this is the queen did he move did he move it's gonna be a while you guys if you need to go to the bathroom or get some snacks this is the time okay i think i solved it actually oh what this is new it's like a big ass taser um ugh the taser only has one bullet really it has seven bullets do i only get seven shots and then it's done you saw us do something english and there was no stanley cameo where did you stay after the credits don't tell me left before the credits were over okay i think i messed up i think i messed up now i'm starting to remember where this took so long okay so this okay so i can figure this out i can figure this out so clearly i mean ain't it obvious ain't it obvious you guys have this thing what you gotta do think about it think about it pretty much what you gotta do yeah these are some [ __ ] playful sewers i love the guys who came up with this so pretty much what you gotta do pretty much basically you know pretty much and you know and honestly what you need to do here and it's very simple and i'm just trying to i'm just taking a little longer because i want you to see i want you guys to see how simple this part is you take the queen okay and essentially you come here use the queen okay get the king come this way and basically take the queen not enough room [ __ ] [Music] [ __ ] uh dang i want to keep the red separate from this thing but those guys in the next room poison you okay i'm just gonna i'm just gonna hope that i don't get poisoned thank you gold gregory come over here hit the queen that's the king actually come over here put the queen in there boom see see come over here put the king run around take the queen get the king back and i'm out and that's how you win and hopefully i don't die and have to do this entire thing over again because i have no health right now it's bouncing jerry all right now i really hope that i don't die here and have to do everything over i'm breaking out the super stun gun didn't work i did it wrong or something okay don't kill me nobody kill me nothing kill me nothing killed me nothing don't kill me don't kill me don't kill oh no [ __ ] [ __ ] you can't go this way oh huh where do you go you can't go this way i'm gonna [ __ ] die i can't you go this way maybe i can stun this guy and maybe that stunned them and maybe i can what the [ __ ] all right i needed that that plant that i threw away now i need that because now i'm gonna die so definitely should not have discarded that there's no way i'm living there's no way i can live come on come on just just make it just give me a green herb [ __ ] off it no i can't get past the hitbox yes jesus christ that part is brutal switch to assist mode no don't don't you try to run that on me how far back am i oh give me a little checkpoint all right you gotta love the playful shoes let me pass down boom i can do this i can do this yeah there's another game i missed okay i got the poison now i can get past though i can get past i'm out now maybe i can make it to the safe room without coughing to death oh my god she's limping oh [ __ ] i'm never gonna make it i'm never gonna make it i don't even know how to get there oh [ __ ] where does that go all right i'm just gonna go left [ __ ] it no no no no no no no no shoot the gun shoot the gun oh my god i think i just shot two shots off and they both missed or something all right and this is a dead end okay so that was a horrible way to pick i made it i made it this is zambi go go go i'm so slow no no no this part is insane this part is insane this new bayonetta looks a lot twilight the video game oh man i really do regret getting rid of that blue the blue that really [ __ ] me over if i can just hit the guy the swimming guy i just gotta hit him and i'm good i don't want to get poisoned just gotta land this shadow how the [ __ ] oh that killed him oh all right how does it work if you do it oh so if you just go over to max it just does nothing or something i read it like if you [ __ ] it up all right all right i'm out i'm out of the sewer and here's the it's a hundreds oh my god where do you go where do you go workers break room of course i had to work spray crew now i can take a break i'm hearing the sound s z f s z f what is that for goodnight s f c for zombie that's right hey it's elevator all right i win did i win did i beat the game i have now won yes i know i could beat this game wait a minute this is uh this is the i'm back in the police station right yep i'm back in the police station what did i need to go back to the police station for didn't i find something i forget now yeah the roll of film huh well i got all the chess pieces why are you doing high-powered rounds oh here we go what happened to sherry yeah she's the last thing that happened to her is that she fell face down into like sewage and it's been in there for like hours she'll be good okay this really that worked i thought i needed this for something i'm so lost i'm so lost in this place okay i don't want to be in here this is horrible i'm so confused [ __ ] all right i'm trying out my new boss say hi to the high powered round whoa did that win that destroyed him uh i'm so confused where to go i guess i guess i'll just go across the thing i thought i needed these for that puzzle thing oh no what happens if i get this guy with this why didn't he blow up how do you [ __ ] you just hold it you just hold it until it blows up i thought you had to like release it right at the max [Music] you want to overload it all right okay probably gonna need the knife you know what i'm gonna discard this the knife now where are we i'm so lost oh i didn't think that would do that [ __ ] now i'm down here [ __ ] uh what was the point of going over there all right i'm getting my piece back nope now my inventory is full [ __ ] [ __ ] these acid rounds i don't need that how do i get back to the to the chest room i guess i'll just backtrack all the way back where does that take you i go over there oh no no no all right i'm charging them i'm overloading them there he goes he's still alive and he's still alive this time get up there climb up climb up there i hate this [ __ ] sewer part [ __ ] the sewer whoever designed the playful sewer [ __ ] you see you soon hey wait a minute wait a minute i think i might be onto something here here here's the chest room i have a blue herb boom my god this sewer is a [ __ ] nightmare all right let's put this guy rook and knight are on the same wall bishop and queen queen and rucker opposite bishop and queen aren't next to each other the queen and rook were opposite so maybe queen goes here bishop and queen so it's gotta be bishop in what do i all have i got king rook queen that could work right rook queen queen brooke queen and rook are opposite brooke and knight you're on the same mall all right so rook is in this one rook queen damn boom [Music] all right sherry on my way all right now i can save sherry [ __ ] limping alone no health no ammo jesus christ what the hell what do i do all right let's get this right here about put that away put that away let's put that away give me this give me the flame rounds give me the acid rounds i'm bringing out the big guns boom here we go i'm back in action i'm back in action so what the [ __ ] [ __ ] why i'm on fire what the [ __ ] is this i'm gonna die no no no don't kill don't kill do i shoot this guy oh good he's coming safe [ __ ] [ __ ] i'm on fire [ __ ] you now what are you how do you win [Music] oh my god what the [ __ ] is this game button yeah [Music] huh oh i gotta hit him i gotta hit him step stay right there stay right there stay right here stay right here [Music] what is that what how do you get out of the way oh my god oh okay they made a checkpoint right here because they knew that would happen can you stun him somewhere ah [ __ ] all right stay right there stay right there oh there you go no way he's still going this is [ __ ] get get this is [ __ ] [Music] stay down just stay right there one more second [Music] hey you have a have a nice fall [Applause] this is taking forever all right guys that's gonna be it for tonight i'll finish this next time thank you guys for watching i'll see you guys later goodbye everybody i bye-bye i won't be singing go bye everybody i guess i won't be seeing eye to eye
Channel: WaLter .NO
Views: 83,874
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: eN6y0OtOzck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 237min 6sec (14226 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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