Dunkey Streams Donkey Kong 64 part 5

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[Music] yes [Music] okay [Music] [Music] hey jeremy [Music] it's time to beat donkey kong i'm almost done i'm 34 percent down in washington you two months [Music] hmm you're stuck in an office cubicle oh you gotta get out of there happy dunk oh god crank this stream up in the office everybody at the office crank this stream up for the office the whole office likes this game this is an office string oh look at that banana it's just sitting there there's a free banana right there who's got the uh the plum gun i think that's lanky kong you work at activision oh [Music] well crank it up in activision crank this stream up i love this you gotta love this thank you zach and pedro let's get this this is an easy banana happy birthday here we go where's the gaba ghoul happy tuesday everyone three oh wow thank you doctor cute doctor laughing around yeah that is that is good advice actually watching this stream can lower your blood pressure if it's the right game sometimes it depends when my patients come in for high blood pressure i just tell them to watch your stream and it makes them better even though it doesn't cure their blood pressure oh well all right where am i going i feel like i can go past the pirate level now i feel like i'm done with that soon i think i'm all done with the pirate zone [Music] i think i might have enough bananas already to beat the game i thought you only needed like 70 or something to beat the game [Music] i might just be able to go to the end right now [Music] play wario world next step to beat him up the gamecube my blood pressure is so low i have ed oh [ __ ] wow just remember i'm your biggest fan [Music] pokemon unite i don't know i did play that play wario world next thank you kong you ass thank you can't get over there he's not powerful enough how do i become an awesome speech [Music] yoshi one of these goes up past this part i'm just gonna do that i'm just gonna bypass this section all right it's gonna be five five bypasses damn it i don't wanna go here it can't be two is it oh it's two okay oh i need chunko i need chunko kong to lift the boulder [Music] oh yeah don't you go up more oh whoa whoa look at that x over there on that platform i thought you could go up this more maybe [Music] don't worry funky monkey among us tuesdays we'll be back when they release among us too see what i'm doing is kind of a joke it's like among us two states is this the olympics see what i'm saying all right let's get big big bona baby this game is great love you dumb scooby-doo cyberchase what is that i doubt the big white x means anything it's probably just a coincidence that is true usually in games that is true but for this game it's kind of a weird game and i feel like this game it actually means something holy [ __ ] look at how far you can throw it wait let me get a good camera angle okay i'm gonna throw this boulder all the way to the x ion [ __ ] who's got the triangle chuck good luck donkey i believe in you there we go that didn't work [Music] what did i already do that you must have did that already so right now i got to get lanky kong played it trombone [Music] there was something down here so i saw a golden banana for chunky kong down here let's go let's let's just just you know for old time's sake let's go over here and see what's going on over here i know it's highly unlikely that it means anything but let's just for my own curiosity yeah of course yeah it is just for sure yeah it doesn't do anything thank you thank you [Music] where is the next level donkey when are you going to stream your famous snack 2 speed run oh neck 2 speed run well i've been i've been refining it a lot [Music] i don't think it's fast enough yet to show though so once i release this speed run a lot of people are going to learn a lot of new tricks and skips it's going to change the whole category [Music] all right maybe we gotta go up k lewis mansion maybe that's where the next level is i think somebody said there's two more levels oh yeah the keys the keys i gotta go unlock uh bronco chrome okay okay let's go get bronco [Music] you guys are gonna like this game here we go oh get the third watermelon oh how do you do that who grants you the watermelon power this candy corn right dang do i have to go back to the pirate level to get the upgrade love you dunkster there's so many [ __ ] upgrades now for like every car i'm so lost this is a strand type game right thank you and chrissy [Music] you get the watermelon and crystal caves okay so we didn't even go there yet green eggs and jam is that the max you can get up to three [Music] all right where did that barrel go let's go monkey kong gives you 1 million to spend at the supermarket where you can get the watermelon is that true [Music] [Music] uh [Music] hey look at this little zone diddy kong needs to go in there ah look oh i gotta switch to diddy where's the barrel [Music] i think the barrel is in this direction oh this is gonna hurt [Music] can i borrow five bucks [Music] does the barrel have something to do with the big white x no that is that sounds like you might be developing a some kind of psychological issue they would never do that i forget who does this thing who does the dirt pile here we go here we go here we go here we go yeah yeah [Music] getting a banana thank you vegan giant mccormick how am i gonna get back now how do you get back [Music] can i go in here all right i can make this jump i can make this jump that's a really really far jump my long jump does not go very far at all but i can make this jump i can make this jump let's see let's see let's see what goes farther i think the long jump goes farther than this that double jump does not go very far at all what if i do this yes okay okay i start up with a wind wind-up [ __ ] [Music] all right back to the barrel i just got here can i get a recap thank you a recap on the storyline uh here just look at this this will pretty much bring you back up to speed see this [Music] that's pretty much all you need to know [Music] who pulls the lever donkey kong let's pull the library people treat you like some sort of funny man when you are actually a genius master [Music] potish yeah there it is two one one three two is a number that dk might find useful okay [Music] time to see what those furry freaks are up to huh not a car inside for you to respond homer steel bar dlc for this game what's that that's thank you [Music] this is a good storyline hey he can't do that he can't do that it's a cg [Music] this is a pre-rendered cutscene oh we dropped them i'm surrounded by fools oh funky forest donkey monkey okay i don't remember this level at all [Music] whoa oh i like that [Music] whoa this is cool [Music] okay oh watch this watch this watch and learn [Music] oh okay this is like a clock tower oh look it's like it's a cuckoo clock we have a cuckoo clock just like this they again bought a cuckoo clock it looks like this [Music] it has like pine cones that turn the [Music] [Music] thing [Music] all right let's climb this i can't it's unclimbable am i playing this on n64 emulator n64 all the way it's like i always say you know bring out the old n64 for this one what is this a moon [Music] is this level going to be bigger or smaller than the forest than the pirate level is it going to be smaller or 10 times larger [Music] so far i haven't seen anything for donkey kong to do [Music] about the same okay thank you that's going home i bet donkey kong's got something in here okay this is a bag of flour okay that's a grenade nacho fries are back at taco bell thank you yummy for the nacho fries update okay okay so obviously what we have to do here okay that kills you so clearly what we have to do oh look donkey kong is in there a little donkey kong head can't uh who punches this i think chunky kong punches the gate open get out of here chunky kong you ass this is your one jab this is your one jab and you blew it what a [ __ ] amateur well we're gonna need tiny kong apparently donkey kong you have no you just you just are nothing in this level nobody wants you donkey kong [Music] it's the fly in your room or the game i think it's the game i think it's the bumblebee and game [Music] where do i go where do i go what do i do what do i do where do i go where am i who do i go where do i go where am i going i can go under this i'm so little i can go under the meat grinder right i can yeah look i can make it under thank you for the laughs thank you okay how do i undo here we go [Music] so what the hell was the point of that hey look it's the code it's the code 21132 break the box break the mystery box oh my god looks like donkey kong is finally coming into play they said he would never be used again donkey kong is finally coming back here we go here we go come in cranky take it to the fridge donkey kong come on man it has your face on it you can't press that down donkey kong what are you doing dog you have no powers you can't even press down a switch that has your own face on it oh this is so sad i can't he can't even look at his own self he's so embarrassed okay well this is just a rumor nothing happens [Music] hold still where are you get home still [ __ ] killing this guy get over here he ate months stand in front of a coconut got him headshot flawless victory all right clearly metroid will be good clearly you have to pick this up okay donkey kong can't pick this up that's probably like a power oh donkey kong [Music] tiny kong in the hole by the coins tiny kong in the hole by the coins oh oh there's a little hole in here who picks up the purple coins is it tiny kong gets the purple ones okay okay all right wait a minute wait a minute i think we're into something here [Music] hey dunk i've been watching you since like 2015 and i just want to say i love your videos thank you for the laughs [Music] moon okay that's a moon that's a moon room who get what is this this is like tnt crates or something you can get blocky take ammo for something who believes in censorship dunk glad to know you're playing the donkey kong game i made just for you oh thank you shane thank you for making this game it's kind of confusing but it's still pretty funny right that dumbass bumblebee go i'm killing this guy he's so fast he's so fast [ __ ] this no no all right what's the deal with this room does chunko kong got a slam b's a minute does she get big maybe she goes big mode [Music] now she gets even smaller actually i just hit myself with a grenade in my head okay let's see is there a just there okay here's another crate to get smaller what is the what is the point of that this game we may not beat this game you guys [Music] i may die before we beat this oh thank you enormous thank you for the bones hit the moon with a feather i don't think that's going to do anything i'll just do it just for fun i think we gotta leave and come back county congress doesn't have enough powers to smash these crates play the instrument to break the box oh let's see if that works [Music] nope that killed the bumblebee though i think we need some we get some explosive bomb thing probably i think we're gonna need to find that before we do this room wait what if you don't have enough gems to get small again you're just stuck in this room for life didn't really think that out [Music] all right let's let's get out before i run out of gyms all right let's get the [ __ ] out of here this is a [ __ ] house [Music] such a nice game all right let's get these purple bananas now these only grow underwater [Music] i hope you guys are learning a lot about the donkey kong universe from this game [Music] yeah that's why they're purple because they grow underwater and each kong is bound to a color of banana wait what if i get little and i can go through these bars that will never work but okay what's up here [Music] okay i can refill this i need to be diddy kong but i bet i can't even slam that [Music] what is with this moon everywhere there's a moon something with the moon [Music] is this like a night and day level you have to like come back at night time or something and do that stuff i don't remember this at all i do remember playing the [ __ ] out of this game though yeah i don't remember this level at all maybe they patch this in later [Music] all right diddy kong needs to be there okay okay [Music] all right let's bring out monkey kong [Music] now watch this yes moon what the heck what can i actually do everything is gated off by a [ __ ] moon this is this isn't fungi forest this is [ __ ] forest now if i blow this up we gotta find funkycon i'm sick of this [ __ ] where's my gun funky kong is this compatible with the hey you pikachu microphone [Music] can i speak to the kongs it is okay it is you have to play this level at night time in real life it's like animal crossing probably won't be real in this game you have to wait for it to go to daytime to do the next part oh wait a minute wait a minute look daytime [Music] cuckoo there okay now we can do stuff we still gotta find funky kong man oh look at this [Music] okay werewolves are out now i'm hearing werewolf howl this got too scary i like daytime better turn the sun back let's turn the sun back on oh this is funky kong's house oh it's this guy all right let's go into funky's tower oh yeah he definitely lives in here let's find funky kong before i start doing look cranky kong let's go talk to him get get out of there there you go give me some new powers what's the new power we get [Music] big buddhist sebastian are you listening me diddy you and the rest of the mangy kong's wait i didn't read what he said i'm not letting you have another potion what did he say it went by so fast [Music] i'm assuming that just let you slam buttons that i couldn't slam before for no reason donkey kong can do the switch yeah that's the shittiest upgrade ever donkey kong you can hit a switch now that you should have been able to hit 20 years ago [Music] all right let's break out donkey kong diddy kong is a [ __ ] lightweight diddy kong players are [ __ ] donkey kong all the way [Music] how is a seven year old supposed to beat this they're supposed to play it for years they're supposed to play it for five years until they're [ __ ] [Music] they're supposed to play it until they're 30 and then beat it on the 30th first thing okay that did nothing we gotta hit it on every character okay here's the donkey oh god my new power my new power here's my power you guys ready i'm showcasing the biggest buddhist slam insane insane 25 seconds what go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go huh huh go i can do this i can do this where is it go no oh i got stuck wait i was was i even going the right way all right let's redo oh where you do redo did it really waste this this is really counting down in the cut scene no way is it really yes it is yes it is that that might be a glitch actually this cartridge i have is kind of haunted where's the golden banana what how the hell wait wait wait wait wait let's go press it again redo that never gets where did it spawn it it's like huh where is that all right i'll get it this time i'll get it this time i win this i win this okay i went the wrong way i just want to see the banana where it is [Music] it's like way up there how in the world it's like at the very top of the level [Music] we need like a super blast to get up there i thought it was here i thought it looked like it was here didn't it it's by like this white door but there must be another white door even higher up how do you even access that zone this is why funky kong never goes to this house anymore shoot all the mushroom switches yeah that'll take a long time [Music] oh here we go here we go hey [Music] now donkey kong likes this don't get mad he likes to do this sounds like he's in pain but he actually likes this i know it sounds like he's dying [Music] he likes this he's winning oh [Music] boom all right [Music] what the [ __ ] how how do you get through that little hoop [Music] that's impossible what oh did i win okay so that was just that was just to get to the mini game now i actually actually beat the minigame okay [Music] okay i'm winning i think here we go here we go did i win or lose [Music] here we go here we go well done [Applause] [Music] all right huh what [Music] oh okay all right i did it [Laughter] i got the banana [Music] all right so this is the top of this zone i don't know how the [ __ ] you must yeah you must have to do that shoot thing at the bottom i'm just gonna keep climbing see what's up here come on donkey oh almost fell down that's where the banana is over there how the [ __ ] all right let's cross let's cross oh i hope i don't fall [ __ ] [ __ ] all right let's climb back up was this the first strand type game possibly there is a lot of walking in this game there's a lot a lot a lot of walking okay i got this this time i got nope was that okay i get this but i get this i just gotta climb all the way back up once i get all the way back up i do this can i do my classic diddy kong voice if i make this jump i'll do it all right looks like i won't be doing it maybe if you get like at the very bottom of the rope maybe you get more air i thought you would get more air from being on the top of the rope because nothing in this game makes sense oh and down we go again all right don't worry guys i get to the top of this eventually i get to the top of this can i make a prediction for the next jump yeah we should do a prediction oh oh good okay this shitty ass camera angle all right all right and if i make this i'll do my famous diddy kong impressions donkey i'm gonna invent pretzel race soon all right all right come on thank you ian and rascal people are saying yeah people are saying yeah it can be done all right i gotta win this for the believers i gotta do this [Music] for the believers i gotta do this boom and that's why you always believe and that's why you always gotta believe and now for my diddy kong impersonation okay there it is [Music] all right this is where funky kong resides get this big green [ __ ] [Music] all right doesn't this looks yellow this is green [Music] okay so this was pointless to go here [Music] god damn this game this is a [ __ ] game hello johnson don't worry when i get to the top of this there's such a huge prize at the top definitely won't be like something for lanky kong you [ __ ] be where is it i'm gonna switch who's the green car [Music] is there even a barrel to switch let's check down here let's swap kongs i'm swapping kongs donkey kong is [ __ ] everybody knows it but they won't say it i think lanky kong is green [Music] chunky is green oh god damn it lanky kong is a [ __ ] sham and everybody knows mikey kong is a [ __ ] disgrace he got hit by a bat only lanky khan could get hit by a bat in midair what a [ __ ] sham of a kong okay now we got chunky kong out now the people who know this game knows that this is the best character see look and he has a good air move watch he can do that chunky kong is just a little too bit chunky for you that's fair that's fair but it's also very inaccurate now look see see how easy it is to do this part is chunky kong you get it on the first try every time [Music] [Music] go chunky go i've mastered this tree zone now look at this get up there this is not a good game what are you saying it has chunky kong in it i stream the rest of the birdo game um there's too many games to play right now i don't think i'll stream another game again after this twitch will be shutting down by the time this game is over everybody's gonna move back to africa tv [Music] ah [Music] who is this [Music] oh here we go where am i where am i oh still hold still hold still hold still you dumb hold still you're so fast oh wait wait wait i can kill i can kill like this [Music] this is the most humility humiliating way to die all right now give me that balloon now look at this this is going to be some kind of puzzle huh okay we gotta make it back into chunky kong's face yeah that's his ear that's his ear that's his nose wait wait those were his eyes no that's not his hair though that's a donkey kong year i think okay okay this is looking good okay okay boom that's not right got it i like that one [Laughter] their face is like playing together [Music] all right let's break up did we come yeah i think they should have did lanky kong's eyes and nose for chunky kong if they do a new donkey kong it should be like sonic forces where you can make your own kong you should create them by using that that little spaghetti with me puzzle thing what are you saying no don't do that that's what the fans have been asking for create your own con you know how you can like google your own name and see the hedgehog you'll be able to do that but for kong you'll be able to type your name in and then kong and anything will pop up [Music] you're telling me you wouldn't like that [Music] not you yeah andre kong i could see it bumbocon everybody pitch your kong idea tell me what your custom kong would be called glizzicon okay [Music] these ideas could work [Music] donkey kong okay yeah that could work it could be a donkey kong sexy con [Music] king kong oh that's a good idea mike is going to have blue spike in here and run really fast oh a blue con it's never been done oh [ __ ] [Music] boo boo kong good idea good idea and what's great about it is that nintendo will download all of the uh kong ideas and those all those are intellectual properties that now belong to nintendo [Music] so they'll be able to use those characters in future installments [Music] smelly kong good idea good thinking hexagon kong all right that could work that one could work [Music] it's not even hexacong it's just hexagon cone wait i won though wait i won [Music] this game is [ __ ] this is a [ __ ] game my kong will be called [ __ ] kong he'll be the main character of every game [Music] here we go again we can't let these guys ground pound that move is too powerful [Music] i gotta keep them cc'd oh god all right all right i got this i got this [Music] that dive move is very it can be too powerful okay okay i got this i got this [Music] [Applause] boom [Music] you guys are still listing cars see see how fun it is to come up with your own con it'll be called donkey kong forces it'll be developed by sonic team [Music] i think i'm pretty sure nintendo would sign off on that let sonic team make a donkey kong game [Music] they're still going they're still listing obamacon sonic kong reggie khan keanu khan this could all work it'll be set in a a universe where all these kongs have to unite at the end of the game it'll show you every kong that players created [Music] and they'll all team up and do a huge laser blast donkey kong [Music] oh god he's killing monkey get on stop hitting me you ass get on that mushroom there you go oh wait you can just fly over this whole thing you just fly to the top of this thing but lanky kong needs to be up here who was the skeleton that was the skeleton of a former khan how does lanky khan get up here he's a [ __ ] buffoon he'll never reach these heights [Music] all right he can do it actually [Music] boom okay that opens two doors okay oh but only for 10 seconds okay [Music] okay all right and i gotta go open them again perfect perfect okay hey hey don't say long linky kong is a piece of [ __ ] don't say that [Music] okay one of the one of the bumblebees just [ __ ] threw a grenade at the other one and killed him did you guys see that the second i walked in he blew up the other one this game is a masterpiece [Music] thank you that can only be one that's true that is true where's the other door thank you claptrap [Music] who is this this is a bone kremling that's the only time you see that enemy is just on top of this building that's a rare enemy type [Music] play assassin's creed 4 black flag this is assassin's creed 4 black flag oh see what you gotta do see what you gotta do yep yep i see what you gotta do i see what you got to do and let's and this is [ __ ] stupid all right but let's do it because this is a dumb game [Music] wait what why does the door close how do you do it if you can't you need donkey kong to start it i thought you had to go and switch to donkey kong [Music] what is this [ __ ] game [Music] all right so i guess you just do it as lanky kong my mind just automatically went to the most obnoxious thing possible because it's donkey kong 64. i thought you would have to go to b donkey kong then hit his then go to diddy okay so you can just do it as lanky con okay this is not so horrible [Music] here we go all right mr noah has an idea it's called homeric kong and the kong can steal bart kong you know i think they'll let you make any kind but some won't be featured in the final cut scene welcome to bonus stage crazy con clamor shoot the golden banana just don't hit any cons [Music] huh am i hitting kongs it's going by so fast how the [ __ ] you have to be the fastest in the world to beat this what huh [Music] what how do you beat this it's broken this is glitched it doesn't work it's what it goes so fast okay got one [Music] what the [ __ ] [Music] okay i can do this i can do this this can be done [Music] you have to shoot it like instantaneously just there we go here we go oh no oh no that added one more boom i got that what come on come on that's so fast come on that was so fast [ __ ] [ __ ] there there one more oh no oh no there i got it i got it i got it what the [ __ ] that's like a half was that's like a millisecond you get to name it jesus all right i'm getting off of funky's tower [Music] now where is funky kong that bastard jambalaya khan oh that's a good one he can wear a chef's head i don't even like bananas i hope you can still enjoy this game even though you don't like bananas [Music] metal kong just like sonic oh that's pretty good that could be done [Music] hmm all right i think we gotta go back [Music] two months hello dunk [Music] thanks sam big the khan [Music] i'll give i'll give i'll give the green light down that one like beg the cat but he's big the car i'll give it a go ahead on that [Music] this is such a scary level scarier than any horror game they actually had to remake this level because originally it would have got an m rating so they had to tone some they had to tone some aspects down for the full release i'm a balloon they actually kept us in though they wouldn't let the they wouldn't take that out donkey kong electric boogaloo adult kong oh that's a good one [Music] oh oh no why did i don't want to let a bunch of bats in here get out of here you [ __ ] [ __ ] fight me come on fight me get over here face me come on swing down swing down see what happens i'll destroy all of you come on come on i have an idea i have an idea okay it's not letting me do the saxophone they disabled the saxophone because that would just make this really easy all right uh i'm just gonna start shooting there's one more where is he [Music] oh i won gun kong well that's lanky see i'm on to something with this donkey kong forces a lot of a lot of fans want to make their own that's what they've always said even as far back as the original arcade donkey kong game fans have wanted to create their own [Music] calling you'll start as like a grunt the storyline will be you'll start as like the bottom of the food the bottom of the pyramid you know and lanky kong like recruits you he goes there you're just a newcomer kid your job is to make sure chunky kong gets enough food how do i leave this it's so dark in here maybe this nope all right well i got a feeling we're gonna be in here for a while [ __ ] in here this is a horror game i can't see nothing this is what it's like to be is what it's like to live this chunkycon oh okay that's where you leave i couldn't even see that all right [Music] okay so diddy kong's got to get up here clearly [Music] if you say i don't want to do this anymore into your hey you pikachu you can skip parts of the level thank you donkey kong that should be a feature in every game [Music] i don't want to play this anymore skip [Music] this this is tic-tac-wood didn't you see the big cuckoo clock wait what did that do i wasn't i didn't pay attention this all right we need the winch here look okay that didn't work oh you dumbass bad do that again see what happens yeah yeah okay that didn't work okay that didn't work huh i'm gonna need crumbo kong for this room i feel like you need chunky kong to punch these it seems like you should be able to ram into them with this that doesn't work [Music] come on yeah hexacon hexagon kind would have been this all right well i'm done with this one [Music] what's over here oh this is donkey kong's realm [Music] [Music] what what what is this a rose bush is that what that's supposed to be look at this that's a rose bush so you can't touch it or something that's like a thorn it's like thorns what's this gonna do i forget what is this oh he's invincible now watch rose bush huh how about i do how about i do touch it okay where am i going though where am i going okay i'm gonna deactivate that until i know already okay i'm dead [Music] oh that kills him too [Music] is this tom clancy's donkey kong siege i was getting killed during that cut scene you dumb game i got hit like three times while that cutscene played out i have no health now the [ __ ] cutscene you can get killed during the cutscene all right that's why this is one of the greatest games oh okay okay this is an interesting spot here [Music] all right all right 25 seconds on the clock i see a melon crate i need this okay okay wait i gotta go to the donkey kong's trough okay okay plenty of time plenty of time get up there all right so where does it spawn the banana hold still where did she go boom capture your soul what is your favorite movie where ice cube is the actor wow that's a great question ice cube is such a famous actor his best work is are we are we done yet because that's what you say when you watch the movie how the [ __ ] do you get to this huh what the hell there's mines leading to it i don't see them i gotta run around i gotta run around go go go go go are they up here oh that was almost that was almost done all right i got this i got this what there was a rope there's no rope what are you guys saying you guys are losing your mind oh there they are too late i can't see [ __ ] in this [ __ ] game who am i seeing kong will my night vision goggles come on right i get this i get this one but to be honest this ropeway that's for that's for children let's do this the true way this game sucks [Music] all right let's do it to dumb baby way go donkey kong go get up there get up on that ladder go go go go go welcome to bonus stage what is this avoid the tnt carts to speed up press z to slow down press b change lanes use that wait what huh okay [Music] this looks like one of those ones where this is gonna take at least the whole stream to get this okay go go donkey kong go switch switch lanes there you go okay okay don't get killed switch oh this isn't so bad did it just add time [Music] okay no this is bad actually now this is bad this is bad [Music] i get this i get this okay how do you slow down b z is speed up okay what a control scheme okay go go go oh oh wait how do you [Music] welcome to bonus stage all right i get this i get this one i didn't what i thought he would change lines automatically okay i get this one i get this welcome to bonus i win this okay okay good good good i win this i win this oh we got another one we got another one on the outside lane i'm going in okay okay i'm winning oh i win this easily boom okay [Music] there it is there it is [Music] all right that's the bramble scramble house how did i get so good i don't know just extremely good at this game [Music] from watching all the donkey kong tv show episodes [Music] look at that moon look at the graphics on that moon could have fooled me i thought that was the real moon where is funky kong he's just gone funky kong funky gone he's gone from this world what else was a moon there was other moon stuff i think i have to go in this building and there was moon stuff huh how do you get in here though [Music] now i'm confused wasn't there like moon stuff there was like a moon [Music] door [Music] get out of here hmm [Music] let's go turn it to daytime two one one three two two one one three two come on [Music] all right enough for night time too scary [Music] all right [Music] ninja speedrun did a speedrun of donkey kong 64. no i never saw them oh who was this this is a new con [Music] they introduced a new car mushroom head cars [Music] [Music] boom [Music] there was no such thing as kong kong incidents [Music] [Music] all right well if you guys guys got any good kong jokes like that be sure to post them and [ __ ] maybe they'll appear in the next game who knows [Music] okay oh this room this is like this is so uh this reminds me that don't put that banjo double so much look at this big old tree look at these photo realistic leaves falling i feel like i'm gonna for like a funky forest i feel like an orange monkey kong waltzing through a funky forest right [Music] now [Music] oh here we go check this out [Music] that didn't do anything oh that's a saxophone [Music] it's all the same it's all the same instrument [Music] it's just rock it's just rock music it's not a big deal [Music] i have to race this who the [ __ ] is this the easter bunny huh the easter bunny is in this what is this yo noid what is this creature let's wake him up [Music] he's up [Music] hey lanky i've heard you're a bit of a mover how about a good old-fashioned running race around my obstacle course fresh back here when is the trophy [Music] go i beat this guy i beat this guy go go go [Music] i need turbo i need turbo [Music] [Music] he's passing me [Music] go lanky can go [Music] i gotta beat him on the turn [Music] boom i have the advantage i have the advantage i got this i'm going for it i'm going for it not yeah for a lumbering ape i wasn't really trying though so you can't have the trophy yet what you piece of [ __ ] this is overwatch you don't get why i don't want that [ __ ] i want the golden banana you [ __ ] what did he do what this game is a [ __ ] scam [Music] he wasn't even trying he wasn't even trying now [ __ ] this guy sleep tight go for a stealth kill manky car [Music] all right yeah it was his little brother playing now he's trying to i'm ready for you this time lanky make it two out of two and i'll hand over my trophy i'm gonna beat him again he's gonna say he wasn't trying [Music] go hand walk is faster no it isn't that's way slower [Music] oh my god look how fast he is now what the [ __ ] how do you win now how do you win now huh look at how fast he is what the [ __ ] he really wasn't trying [Music] he's already done he already beat the whole level i just started yeah i must need to unlock a power holy [ __ ] [Music] he's already done man that's so funny my grandpa could run faster than you this system my most hated character in the donkey kong universe for some reason saying no to that killed every bumblebee i am i'm taking this guy out i am taking this [ __ ] rabbit out [Music] can i go in this barrel already no i haven't even marked this [Music] all right where's cranky kong [Music] yeah i played the new pokemon moba i played it all right where's cranky cars [Music] thanks to me come on lanky i still need 15 banana medals for my amazing surprise hurry up and find them you lazy bum you [ __ ] ass i have 66 what are you saying how does this game work wait are these the banana medals is that what he's saying these things [Music] how do you get those so i can't race that guy until i get five more of those you get them from collecting 75 bananas in any level oh okay i can't believe i only have 10 of those [Music] how do we check how do we check what's going on with what oh i got the banana medal on the inky coin here i got 75 all right i gotta i gotta get the banana medals i got i can't let this [ __ ] easter bunny [ __ ] i can't let him win [Music] this is a bigger villain than k rool where's the monkey swapper [Music] there it is hey donkey are you going to do a death story video in the future i don't know if i'll do a death story [Music] video [Music] what is this gonna do [Music] did that not work used to be nighttime this [ __ ] game [Music] hmm oh wait diddy kong has a little barrel over here i have no bananas on tiny [Music] all right here we go squawk what do you think i am an eagle you're far too heavy [Laughter] [Music] that's one funny this is one funny game [Music] all right here we go here we go i'm surprised it's not using gems while this is happening here we go here we go oh [ __ ] [Music] let's blow these guys up i win no i win what is this big bean huh what did that do i just got a big purple bean [Applause] what did i just get i just collected an eggplant what was that why did i just get a big bean where does it keep track of my bean collectibles i have one nintendo coin four fairies ten banana medals three keys four crowns how many beans one bean i guess [Music] plant the bean oh god damn it of course you gotta plant the bean [Music] [Music] can i trade the bean in [Music] yeah i want to eat the beans feed it to chunky kong we [Music] did the car go up go up there you go that's what that's for wait is that really all this for just to go up here and get those bananas really all right okay [Music] there's a door in the tree it's gotta be night time now okay okay [Music] feed the guys to fight the bonus i feel like i'm missing like a huge chunk of this level i have like nothing but i've explored i feel like i've explored everything i still have nothing okay i have zero bananas on dunk diddy i barely have any golden bananas oh i just need two more bananas to get the medal for him [Music] i need to get some two more red bananas to get him oh here we go here i go here i go here i go we have we have here i go hey here i go right all right okay okay [Music] thank you meat change it back to night time i don't know that time is very scary it's extremely scary to do that look at this look at this oh look at this look at this [Music] [Music] okay [Music] uh oh look tanika can unlock a little zone let's do that is this another bean what is this this is like a huge flattened bean all right where is the swaparoo love you dunk been watching you since i was two years old since you were two years old oh my god yeah there's got to be a whole other zone that we haven't even discovered can you check how many i just need a couple more i feel like i'm gonna have to go back to other levels and get bananas [Music] 11 months left really really game you open the first part of the door is tiny kong and then you have to change this game is just the most like straightforward about wasting your time this is one of the most straightforward this is like a jrpg level of wasting your time on purpose okay now we're going back to the door all right now i'm going to have to i'm going to open this and then i'm going to have to swap to lanky corn to get through the third door [Music] oops all right now to get these but now to get this one banana i have to swap back to tiny what [ __ ] put this here what an ass who makes a game like this okay who's this guy please help me those awful tomatoes have eaten all my friends and i'm the only one left i'll give anyone a nice banana who can sort them out i like this character oh there's funky oh god they're evil oh no they're invincible [Music] die die kill him oh [ __ ] the [ __ ] [Music] shoot him shoot him they're invincible they're invincible this is a horror game they can't be grenaded they're what [Music] run for your life all kongs have homing ammo [Music] here we go [ __ ] with me [ __ ] with me tomatoes [Music] huh kill them kill them yeah [ __ ] with me yeah yeah boom get the hair how did he die why did he die i'll be right back okay uh [Music] ah [Music] i must have had one dumbass car and make this game [Music] all right i need one more banana to get the medal [Music] truck revenge boom face me you're dead oh what a relief it's always raining take a nice sunny spot somewhere else and the banana is yours huh careful now chunky i don't want any bruises is this good all right put him in that zone here we go right here [Music] go down go damn wow this is a nice area i could definitely get to like living here [Music] all right [Music] i did it can i pick him up again [Applause] [Music] he finally watched monkey mcdonald's i'm glad you finally saw it something [Music] that's one of the most secret videos [Music] whoa i planted the bean and it turned into a big bean man [Music] what he's alive [Music] wow you are my bean man dunk all right where is the where's the swapper it is wait i can climb this [Music] okay okay [Music] thank you rave lord nido [Music] this game is too scary hey it's a horror game what do you expect how do you do these i forget how you do these somebody has to break those hold me down hold b over the brown dirt is anybody [Music] strap me in the beans mouth squawks you think this is scary out here just wait till we go in his mouth boom there it is there it is i mastered this game all right now what do i do this [Music] maybe i have to be donkey kong or something [Music] just hold b oh and i'm going super saiyan there it is oh okay [Music] this game has more moves than [ __ ] tekken [Music] thank you anime and slower [Music] all right let's switch it to night time [Music] when will you show us your fancy bugs in gameplay bug them you guys are making up new games now [Music] thank you [Music] oh it's a hype train you guys know what that means whenever the hype train starts i gotta play the train noise hype train here we go [Music] [Music] hype train people are so hyped up right now people in town are so hyped up right now oh my god for this hype train i'm switching it to night time oh my god thank you chef daddy thank you for all the bones [Music] all right all right let's try that again [Music] six months baby week these nuts fit in your mouth sorry duncan had to do it to him oh okay all right i get this [Music] i get this i get this i get this i actually do get this okay night time thank you cheetos sloth and ripple bible and down no doubters do not always win no no no no this is false info wait what the [ __ ] it just said oh wait i'm in the wrong zone i went to the wrong door [Music] oh my god level 5 hype train you guys know what happens whenever it's a level five hype train i gotta play the special level five hype train sound effect okay level five hype train there it is there it is [Music] thank you still maria for the bones [Music] thank you governor okay so turning it to night time lets me go in here that was the dumbest that was one of the dumber unlocks of the world maybe there's something else here at night [Music] maybe this guy turns evil at night look he's got a golden tooth [Music] shoot it to get a golden banana no i guess not [Music] kill him to get a golden banana doubters always win thank you thank you nama and spicy and smackadoodle smack a noodle all right i'm going into the hippos lounge go to the well with chunky go to the well with chunky does he have to be big mode or something does he have to be in a big form [Music] level six hundred doing some spaghetti and meatballs i think we're about to hit level six thank you guys for all the bones almost there thankful stream don't stare i feel like we're still missing that big huge part of this level oh hype train went off the door is opening the hype door is opening the hype door is opening we can now enter the realm of hype who's gonna be in here all right before i go in here everybody make a wish make a wish to chunky kong if i beat the boss your wish will come true [Music] let's do a bet all right all right the bed is up the bed is up place the bets this is gonna be a great big battle this is gonna be a huge battle everybody got your wishes in all right here we go this is where dreams come true [Music] holy [ __ ] [Music] he's dead he's dead he's down whoa whoa boom this is impossible kill him [Music] i beat him i won okay here we go round two round two i got this i got this this guy's [ __ ] this guy's nothing look at him boom killed him he's dead he's dead i would love to see this guy kill chunky [ __ ] oh [ __ ] come on come on chunky come on chunky get that [ __ ] huh get that kill him kill him that's it i won i won nope it's still going it's still going now what what's gonna happen [Music] what is this come on come on get him get him go big mode yeah get him kill him chunky i can do this i can do this get that big get him go big mode [ __ ] with me [ __ ] with chunky get him punch him kill him i got this i got this this is getting crazy get him go big mo get him get him i can't tell if this is working or not get him mom do the big punch he's dead he's dead he's out of there [Music] don't you ever try to face chunky he's out of there hell yeah [Music] the believers are rich the believers are millionaires easy easy game oh god the tomatoes are back believers just won the donkey coin [Music] believers have just now entered on the ground level of the new dunk coin the new currency how do you get okay i got a banana oh oh no oh no all right we're not doing bets on this we're not doing bets on this this is a bet that nobody know nobody should make this bet [Music] this is impossible this is something that no i won't i won't even allow bets on this there should be no bets on this if there's a bet on this it'll be can i beat this within 10 attempts that's the only fair bit this part is so stupid all right i'm saying right now everybody vote no everybody bet i know for free money okay let's go [Music] huh don't wave at me chunky pay attention what the [ __ ] who made this oh no vote no do not vote yes what the [ __ ] is this okay i killed that guy [Music] okay [Music] did somebody actually vote yes going that money is gone huh how do you do that oh you gotta hit the bill oh they're all good that bell lowers that one okay then oh there's a good explosive it's this is so [ __ ] crazy what the [ __ ] look at that tnt all right i just need 40 more coins what the [ __ ] is happening what [Music] what [Music] what [Music] what the [ __ ] is happening [Music] stop waving pay attention oh my god he's still waiting he doesn't care [Music] what sick [ __ ] came up with this how do you even dodge that get away from me this is hill this is hell what the [ __ ] is this who makes this uh only all just down by 32. [Music] okay please god don't tell me people actually voted yes please don't the 37 voted yes who voted yes on that all right all right i'll give you i'll give you a shot at redemption [Music] i even said straight up don't vote yes all right who's gonna who's gonna get scammed out of their money again let's see i just got here the sigh makes me think i just missed a big drama oh all right there's three coins gone oh god get that away get that away don't hit me go away [Music] i got this i got this downloaded i'm winning this for all the people that believed for some reason oh this is for all the believers that voted yes even though i said don't oh don't worry i win this i win this i actually win this i'm extremely skilled at this we win this year [Music] okay that's tnt okay okay don't worry there's still time to fix this okay drive by that's always nice this is this is absurd [Music] what the [ __ ] [Music] i think i'm doing slightly better okay okay this is harder than this is like 10 times harder than the [ __ ] super nintendo minecart levels [Music] jesus christ [Music] okay get over there this is [ __ ] ridiculous go through there you go almost i almost beat it just needed 16 more all right well let's see who lost their money this time 36 again wow wait i picked yeah oops i picked the wrong thing oh well i picked you on the accident hey that's part of the gamble that's part of the gamble you never know if i picked the wrong thing on accident should have should have accounted for that all right it seems like people are really furious at the betting let's start one more i promise i'll hit the right button this time maybe there's a three percent chance that i'll hit the wrong button again but you have to account for that that's why gambling is a skill based skill based you should never gamble if you don't have the proper skills [Music] oh okay okay i got this i got this [Music] oh i'm doing so good yep yep okay good oh yeah definitely win this i think i have less coins than last time [Music] okay okay okay danger okay danger part drive by i know about that [Music] okay forgot about the second drag by though [Music] okay this part boom okay okay [Music] i got this i got this [Music] oh i win this i win the season [Music] believers are gonna be so happy boom oh hit by the fire wow i almost almost won now all right now let's try to hit the right button this time i will split 50 50. all right i got a good feeling on this next one though [Music] this one i got a good feeling on this one all right one more bit one more bit and this is where the believers this is where it all pays off you scammed twice now i only scammed once i only scammed once i only did it once if you're saying twice you know what for all the people saying twice what did you bet because i'm gonna i'm scamming right now i'm doing another scam to truly bring it up to two i'm just voting i'm saying i'm saying yeah i'm saying believers win freebie freebie i'm just i'm just scamming intentional scam [Music] all right i win this one i win this one easily i know all the tricks now [Music] boom he's dead i've mastered this here we go here we go [Music] boom boom boom this wins this is the one this is the one boom boom boom this is easy this is easy [Music] they didn't make this chaotic enough [Music] that's the problem boom i know about that guy i don't know about that guy too can't kill me with that game boom [Music] [ __ ] [Music] i got this i got this [Music] through the teeth [Music] here we go [Music] [ __ ] [Music] okay okay i got this i got this through the flamethrower there it is that's it that's it i win the believers win the believers win the believers are rich [Music] i thought that would unlock a new zone now i still feel like i'm missing a ton of [Music] stuff i want to win the race against that one guy [Music] dang chunky kong almost wait he does have 75 donkey kong sword dunk diddy kong just needs two more and tiny kong almost has enough we gotta find a couple more red and purple bananas somewhere [Music] i gotta beat that one guy in the race i can't let that slide did i play skyward sword no i haven't played that yet i've never even leave that game every time i start that game i run out of juice the freaking the sword keeps talking to me i haven't beaten i haven't been dead or twilight princess i gotta be both of those still [Music] somebody redeem to drop it really drop it okay somebody to drop it all right let's do drop it drop it has been redeemed okay okay drop it has been redeemed let me find uh let's see here let's see a good drop okay okay here we go all right i'm finding a good drop all right all right uh all right here we go here we go you guys ready drop it activate come on please yes [Music] [Music] drop it redeemed it's like they say i want to see that part again that classic [Music] classic what kind says that [Music] now that's a good dropping [Music] hmm where is this last we need two more red bananas where are they gonna be [Music] is there only 75 bananas in a level exactly that actually might be a pain in the ass that might turn this into a major pain in the ass actually there's some lanky kong bananas how many does he need oh he already got his okay so there's more than 75 okay okay so this should not be too bad there's a hundred okay that's that's good so you can miss some [Music] let's turn it to daytime [Music] [Music] can you get on the water wheel and spin it you should be able to that's what it looks like you should be able to do [Music] i'm gonna try oh no because it's filled with water you can't even go in the wheel maybe you can go on top of the wheel [Music] let's see let's see let's bring lanky kong on top i have a plan [Music] you can moonwalk you can't walk in this game broke me emotionally as a child please save beat this for me this game broke you emotionally as a child don't worry i'll be i'll beat this this is for you [Music] this game broke me too the final boss the whole final boss zone of this game i could not ever beat how do you do this oh the homing the homing gun homing peanuts whoa back on it homes in kill him it still can't kill him boom he's out of there you had no idea i had homing peanuts okay so donkey kong can slam that now homing peanuts are worse than the regular peanuts no way no way thank you stickers two hours later we can slam the switch yep here we go now what does this stuff do let's get this this balloon boom all right now how do we oh wait a minute wait a minute it all comes back it all comes back two one one what is it what's the code two one one three two it all comes back two one one this is such a callback this is such a big callback boom there it is huh of course you gotta switch it to night time to get it of course what a masterpiece of the game all right now let's go back in the tiny con room i remember we had to do something in there that we never did [Music] [Music] all right get the tracking feathers this has to no this doesn't this goddamn game doesn't make any sense this has to be nighttime i knew it [Music] and you got to break these big dumbass crates somehow these mystery crates okay we're back to square one we're back to square one tiny kong must be able to enter this zone somehow i see his stuff around [Music] who's working the camera tim mcgraw he doesn't know [ __ ] it could be tim mcgruff on camera problem back in the 90s you don't know who was working the camera it was all uncredited on credited work back then [Music] all right we're going back to night time i got a feeling you gotta go back to night time [Music] we're gonna need chunko where's chunkocon i summon chunko where'd you go it's just a switcher [Music] there he is here's applecon i'm here okay wait what the [ __ ] okay okay no no who needs who needs to get this donkey kong [Music] wait a minute [Music] god damn it it has to be daytime there was no point in switching it to nighttime except for donkey kong to get this banana [Music] did he open the door on the top of the roof i think i already went in there i think i already went in that zone and did that all right now we gotta go switch it to daytime i'm just gonna no this is what i'm doing i'm not going back to that zone [Music] what i'm doing is this i'm switching it to daytime and i'm going back to the big tree zone and i'm looking for bananas [Music] oops we gotta go switch it to we gotta go get two we gotta get a couple more bananas we need more on diddy and tiny donkey kong almost has 75 too he just needs five more two more ten more everybody be on the lookout for bananas [Music] oh remember this stupid thing let's do this dumb thing get up there despawned it despawned before it hit the button [Music] this is gonna unlock something very powerful something extremely powerful tiny coming banana boom what's this do i don't care about that i don't think i need any more golden bananas i think i'm setting golden bananas all right this is gonna unlock something extremely powerful when i do this it's all gonna be worth it oh my god i see dirty corn bananas this is how you get that fresh banana okay okay how do you even uh [Music] calm down calm down thing chunko kong's already got his bananas this was like a golden this was like the first golden banana we were trying to do remember let's get it let's just get it just because it's a callback but this is the last banana i get the last golden banana just as revenge i want to get this go go go go go go go go go go oh and i got a banana i got a banana middle and a golden banana oh my god oh my god that was pretty cool okay now where are diddy's bananas i saw them like on one of these vine sections i think it's slower there we go oh and a blueprint here we go there it is banana metal banana metal is that 15 now did i get 15 okay 13 what scam okay it's a scam she needs five more all right keep your eyes peeled for purple bananas you never know where they might spring up yeah imagine being scammed and donkey kong what kind of [ __ ] gets scammed in donkey kong hmm i'm going all the way down i'm not seeing any purple bananas in this tree here's some chunk of bananas you gotta get the cruel's jewels are you sure are you sure on this what if i go into tiny kong's little uh alcove i'll go into the tiny kong alcove i bet that has a purple banana okay let's get out of this zone [Music] [Music] can we have another scam donkey no there's no scams there's no scams this is a scam free stream [Music] except for that one but that was just that one time [Music] this is a low low amount of scams very low [Music] compared to like a casino much higher rate of scams there this is a much less scams zone [Music] oh yeah you can go in here okay let's go to night time let's go to night vision [Music] please we need another scam my family is dying oh my god all right i'll get working on a new scam i'll do a bet and i'll trick out say the opposite let's set the scam up now for people like that are in here we'll know to scam but people who have come into this stream later they won't know [Music] so we'll set like a fake bed up and then i'll say i'll say yeah everybody vote yeah and i'll hit yeah and i'll say oh oops accident i hit it yeah this is a great scam all right we just gotta wait we just gotta wait for some people to come in this game [Music] oh god damn it has to be daytime i always think it has to be night time what how do you get what is this thing this is something too [Music] all right let's go change it back to daytime [Music] oh yeah you need night time for the teleport for okay okay okay let's do that maybe there'll be some kind of secret zone in there [Music] all right where's the jet pack let's go let's go get up there all right this is this is worthless this is just banana medals that i have a million of damn it don't you think about those you're about to scam and how those you have scammed lead you to scamming those you're about to scam yeah that is a good point robot but i think that we should do a scam because think about the funniness aspect [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] all right now i'm going to the place now i know how to do it [Music] hmm okay so this is not the right door this door [Music] boom okay [Music] okay chunky picks this up yep i don't know why [Music] punch that purple there it is [Music] that turns the wheel that turns the wheel yeah and that turns that i don't know what that did and i need this this is beer chunky is gonna drink all this thank you wizard [Music] don't worry guys this is a scam free stream this is no scams to the people who just came in there is no scam being perpetrated upon the new reviewers this is all legit aboveboard [Music] i think i gotta do this right like do this nope i think you gotta like say damn uh-huh and basically boom yep yep now all we have to do now is walk all the way back around to the other side of the barn bring the barrel back because i messed it up first and you know this is not a scam [Music] you can tell by the level of gameplay here that this is not going to be a scam all right now let's do let's do a bit will i be able to bring this barrel over let's see and i don't know i might i might not be able to do it okay i messed it up last time [Music] guys guys this is the scam bit this is the scam bit will i be able to do it yes or no you just say [Music] blocking the scam everybody there it is i did it all right all right i did it wow i thought i would look i thought i would lose that believers win who could have thought [Music] okay now i gotta go this no there was no scam there was no scam that was all legit that was all above board [Music] no scams happened [Music] scamming everybody that was all [Music] aboveboard um [Music] this is all regulation cons [Music] okay wait a minute this is dumb this is dumb so you switch off a funky kong and the door is repaired who's repairing the door lanky kong slinky corn coming in and fixing the door every time [Music] i got the middle i got the medal all [Music] right [Music] okay we need one more medal okay i'm getting hungry though i think it might be time to end the stream i'm gonna go get one more medal so i can race the guy we have to race the easter bunny we can't let him be victorious [Music] okay [Music] [Music] can i check my banana totals for other levels let's see jungle japes i need i don't need 10 more tiny let's go over there let's get one more medal now let's go race the easter bunny [Music] see look rand canvas pro scan so well done see [Music] is this game better or worse than banjo-tooie i like the smarter banjo too love you donkey this is more [Music] action-packed [Music] thank you deals this is action yeah this is a lot of action compared to banjo-tooie at least two is very it's like four times bigger than this game all right be on the lookout for purple bananas [Music] true [Music] can we get a true or false quiz going on an example do i want to tackle i always want a taco that's not a good bit [Music] wanna have tacos for dinner false it's not false i wanna do that but all right where are these goddamn proper bananas i think if you were a purple banana what segment of the level would you be hiding in how old is duncan true or false that's a good one how old am i true or false i say i say true d all of the above good answer good answer steve where are the purple bananas that's a good question does anybody know rupert kong he was the main he was the lead programmer in this game maybe he knows [Music] [Music] this thing you can go in here where is the bananas okay [ __ ] [Music] i feel like i went in this show i must have went in this [ __ ] you'd have to be some kind of buffoon they're not going in [Music] what is this chunky con goes in let's try going small mode and going through the little trees i feel like i did this already but maybe now [Music] i see one is that a banana there it is boom banana middle [Music] all right easter bunny here we come easter bunny you son of a [ __ ] i'm coming for you [Music] this is gonna be a huge battle people have been waiting to see the conclusion to the storyline since years ago do my donkey kong impression how about daily car i'll do dirty cars let's make a compromise [Music] thank you muppet now how do we get back to the level where i was i forget where you even go oh yeah you gotta go in that barrel [Music] i think three will take me there [Music] there it is [Music] lanky kong impression all right i'll do link econ you guys ready that was it did you hear it i'll do it one more time thank you kong [Music] there it is there it is all right easter bunny your time is over [Music] now first we have to find cranky khan i forget where cranky kong is hiding in was he this way or the other way i think she was this way right [Music] cranky kong is in his lab oh thank you thank you so much [Music] dad is he not this way maybe he's the other way [Music] where are the teleporters in this level [Music] oh let's go hand some of these [Music] let's go hand this stuff oh my god [Music] [Music] this is funky kong's house [Music] where does three take you okay okay i think cranky kong is over here somewhere there he is he's in his land [Music] all right now give me the good upgrade [Music] wait what wait i didn't get to upgrade that i wanted the [ __ ] is this huh the [ __ ] this isn't the easter bunny what the [ __ ] is this [Music] what [Music] give me the upgrade to race the bunny okay we're doing this now this game is hard as [ __ ] how do you you have to pick these up there we go okay okay dead okay got the fuel drop the fuel in there okay okay okay drop some more fuel in there get that get the jam get the fuel drop the fuel okay dead okay is it even it's not even so i have to get 5 000 points in this to race the bunny collect points but don't get in the ship it's not where does it even keep track of my points it doesn't even there's no score meter there's no you don't get points for filling the ship up i've mastered this game now look at this all right well i guess i'm on this game now i'm going in the ship this is action this is action port this is action this is action-packed relatively okay that kills i wish it would just show me my score so i know how many points i have hey dad how's it going okay okay got the rare coin okay okay i'm going to space i'm dead okay but i'm back i'm going out of space it's like pikmin this is like pikmin am i at 5 000 yet oh [ __ ] i hope so 5 000. what you got my railway coin that's impossible you must have cheated all you can do now is play for fun i suppose interested no upgrade me you piece of junk [Music] i got [ __ ] scammed it didn't even give me the thing [Music] this game is just scamming me back-to-back back-to-back scams first i raced the easter bunny i beat him and then he said no that didn't count because i wasn't trying [Music] then i the beat rocket ship game that didn't give me anything let me see something do i have to beat this guy twice now i don't even see the barrel there anymore okay let's let's see maybe i can use the barrel this whole time right it does look kind of grayed out like i can't why would they give you this if you can't even use it this game is a scam i would need [Music] i'm not erasing this guy i'm leaving see [Music] you all right i'm going to the next level i guess to get the upgrade to beat this level try going to a previous level cranky [Music] really the previous level cranky [Music] okay let me look this up let me look up how you get this hmm no i said it is then the next level i gotta go to crystal caves to get the next upgrade for lanky khan okay where's crystal caves at man this easter bunny race is really getting very stretched out all right let's give bowser his key that level is in donkey kong's ear oh my god [Music] here we go [Music] huh is this the new is this the level what is this this is the crystal cave level [Music] it seems like a evil castle level [Music] this is the wrong level okay [Music] oh check out lanky kong swim animation that's how you know he's going to the olympics whoops oh glad to see you finally playing the best 3d game of our generation hey there it is all right all right it's looking like half a year wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow mg emoji magog thank you so much robert for that great song ah that's somebody's turn on the beat but they will have to admit defeat after they tangled with my pet i'll play streets of rage 4 yeah we were just playing it the other day we were playing in the hardest mode which i don't recommend [Music] those horrible kongs threw barrels in knocked me into the lava then one of them got big and punched me in the face look at my poor nose [Music] [Music] all right i am not now i am not actually playing this level i'm just here strictly for the upgrade [Music] i'm strictly here for the cranky kong upgrade so everybody look out for cranky kong's upgrade zone yeah i got jumbo car he was the first con marked [Music] why is it playing an evil song what is happening this guy is killing everything special huh oh hey there it is [Music] back again lanky drink a gatorade no i don't want no i don't want to do this no i want to get the upgrade upgrade me you dumb you dumbass what happened okay so if you hit pause that just goes to a black screen did i really get scammed again [Music] [Music] no all right here we go finally there it is yeah shut up all right now we can finally go back and race the easter bunny [Music] [Music] oh this game has a lot of [ __ ] up parts but the soundtrack they got the soundtrack right all right here we go easter bunny park [Music] [Music] all right i gotta put some good battle music in this is gonna be a big showdown every world will have its end that's not good i don't like that here we go [Music] [Music] eternity thank you donkey ollie [Music] down [Music] okay here we go okay let's beat this stupid-ass guy once and for all [Music] now he's really racing for real this time no tricks [Music] get in there here we go now we're talking come on lanky car [Music] catch him catch him get up there get up there get that guy [Music] come on come on you can do this damn it damn it he's so fast he's so fast even with the upgrade he's she smokes you he closed baby donkey knows even donkey clothes baby he's so fast no oh no this is ruined i already i already lost so much time right there how do you beat this guy it's even using my crystals while this is happening [Music] is this faster is this a faster technique to jump [Music] is this going fast he's just doing so he's so fast he's so fast hit the barrel before you wake him up oh you can okay okay i need to get some crystals first all right i don't know if this will work no you can't oh yeah you can all right here we go here we go here we go this is the one this is the one go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go don't let this dumb rabbit get ahead come on come on come on lanky get up there get up there come on oh god he's so close come on you got this you got this this is it this is it this is it this is it this is it got him you lose you sure are one mean monkey you bastard i win yeah give me the banana don't you ever think you can face me all right i beat the game thanks for watching everybody come back okay come on candy i'll take you home all right you're still my little love monkey when i see a smile on your hairy face i know there's no other way that could take your place i can't believe you feel the way that you do your love is like a dream come true you are the sunlight woman of my day take my hand and everything's okay i see bananas when i look in your eyes i'd shower you with coconut cream pies [Music] is stronger than a golden banana [Music] stronger than a golden banana
Channel: WaLter .NO
Views: 105,647
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: g27epFnfBwU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 231min 59sec (13919 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 28 2021
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