Dumpster Diving "Get In & Get It!"

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all right y'all check it out somebody left us a little some something back here man we'll leave space i'll take it man all right yeah they left that back here for us didn't throw it in the dumpster so we ain't got to jump in to get it yeah all right yeah anyways all righty guys here we are another episode dumpster diving awesome sauce trying to make a living appreciate y'all tagging along man i hope we have a good evening weather's nice couple days now i haven't had any uh real rain so you know go rock it rock it anyways y'all like my little hangover buckets i got three of them back here put a little uh screw right in the middle keep them from blowing out it's a little uh wing nut screw uh so if i have to you know i got stuff coming in and if i have to remove them got it so we're going to try it out see if it works i mean i hope it does if not i mean i still got some buckets all right let's get it oh yeah what's up buckets oh what we got here something metallic for that water hose it can you mistake it for copper if you don't know what you're looking at then you grab it and you really know it ain't copper siemens building technology it's definitely aluminum housing is that a lock for a door or something i don't know man i'll take it i'll definitely tell you what buck is a stuff man ooh piece of wire down there let's see is it a big piece of wire is it big oh it's not that big there we go though numero uno all right all right big blue open top oh look at that guy here man still in the package surge protection back there what is all of this ish this stuff looks new whatever it is a piece of aluminum right there huh hot cheeky yeah look at that man all this crap in the box still huh let's see here look at that that's like brand new in the package man all right let's see what we got here let me just grab this whole box oh there's a box in here a metal box see what we got there must be like extra oh jeez let's see let's be like extra parts and anenus and then you cater what that thing looks new all right fire net plus expander card take dad grab all that low frequency horn okay all right there's another one of them boxes here let's see what's in here oh it's something fancy it's wrapped in pink it's a little firebox of some sort say what throwing this crap in the trash all this stuff right here man it's like new stuff new stuff that's what's in those little boxes oh rock and roll man i'll take that yeah baby all right all right oh what's up pine needles box lots of pineapples this wire is it a motor box is that is it it is look at that old motor mortar i dig it all right oh yeah no thanks there are wires of the motor search bucket here throw that up there yeah dumpster oh i see a wire right there there's a wire right there got some crap take the script more wire oh it don't smell that great in here some wires here another power cord so i cleaned out the desk anything good some milk goods a rule what's up there oh there's four wires down at the bottom there let's see here in this box come to papa here over on this side over here down here yeah yeah what this is that says dell i don't know what that is it's a little dowel box a little dell box okay i don't see a whole lot more yeah that's pretty cool looking huh it doesn't say sweet dell what's up neil we got up in here man there's something that box it's all taped up y'all want to take a peek y'all want to take a peek see what we got in the box what's in the box man i see a lot of plastic oh that looks like made maybe [Music] definitely something scrappable i see metal power cord [Music] it's got a little weight to it for sure all right hold on close my door real quick all right let's see what's what was in the box man it says nevian i see a lot of good stuff huh all right scrap chair oh i see wires snippets dog i need to sniff it okay a little held here let's see oh berries i see berries y'all i like berries um this is a little bit bigger than what we got here this one's bigger stuff in the bag smaller significant here bigger crap back there all right take it baby take it take it oh looks pretty awesome looks pretty awesome so we'll take it take some awesomeness the smallest knife in the world a little bit not a whole lot there somebody's lunch all right all right yeah okay all right cool right on snip it rock and roll oh that win hello hello it's me let's see man i see you i see you i look at that man tools tools in the trash toolbox right here look at that big old drill bit man yikes [Music] back of the truck back there back man that's junk that mustache grab it anyway though clean it up clean it up decent little tool box man there there's a nice piece of scrap sure call fusion for home max oh yeah and then that uh that little navian thing oh yeah yeah yeah i'll grab these a little bit scrappy that nebbian thing i looked it up it is it's a tankless water heater i wasn't 100 sure it kind of looked like one to me but like i haven't really i mean that's the second one i think i've ever found and the last one i opened you know when you look inside it was all like uh what is this crap copper that looks like it's some sort of coated copper another one of those guys mostly just junk so yeah that's a definite good flying man i love tanks water heaters although like i said this is that's the second one i found the first one though i took it apart man i may make some money to those things got some copper in them what is that slim jim it's a whole pop-a-lock kid auto lockout universal it's a whole kit uh hopefully i don't get stopped by the po-po they're gonna be like what's wrong with all this man you stealing you robbing it's like y'all man i'm just out doing my thing just scavenging just scavenging all right god there's not much on these boxes man there's really not a whole lot to be had there just saying hesitating about it all right cat wire there there yeah it's going to initially look better than oh my god not all that great but we got we got some stupid between my legs all right i'm gonna guess bless it bro all right toolbox let's go we got up in here y'all dad look at that oh we got a pooter upside down let's see here there goes another i've never really seen you like that before got like a handle on the top of our monitor look at that and they left the hard drives in them say what kind of computer is that says this is server 2003 that's a holding a soyo soyo pooter so yo that's hp compact got the hard drive in it nice dude i'm digging it i'm digging it [Applause] look at that scale yeah these old printers oh there's we all know y'all told me don't be bringing printers more pooters monitor here tattling and i'ma just back the truck right up here loaded up a little work a little bit smarter let's see here all these big old monitors old school monitors the heck is that sense mod a piece of that computer all right see what's in the box it's in the box oh just old paperwork oh paperwork little printers old monitors let's hop up in there real quick take a quick little peek some wires and such take that there we go there we go there you go man come on that's crazy these old monitors have a cord attached to what the heck is that osborne computer corporation is that a computer hold up that looks pretty interesting actually all right over here come on let's go something down here record i'm gonna see a radio a transceiver man there's a box down here that's got a bunch of stuff it's over here another battery back up let's get the batteries in it let's grab that box grab that bar all right typically i'd cut the chorus but i'll pass on we won't do that today it'll be nice just in case somebody wants these big old monitors i doubt it but you know we'll be nice we'll be nice all right man it's looking legit old scanner [Applause] all right dude sounds empty a little empty there's a uh motor of course it'd be way in the bag looks like a little temperature gun of course it's way in the bank there you go all right second motor of the night dog definitely dig it all right no capacitor grab it don't tell me this thing works look at that it works it's on my ac unit my ac vent 70. dotty 89.5 look at that i have a temperature gun it's got a laser on it 70. it seems like the ac should look colder than that why would someone throw that away and for a gun style thermometer i'm 84. i must be dead sweet sweet yeah don't throw crap like this in the trash try to be a little organized but you know sometimes it just is what it is man oh yeah what's up scrap scraptastic [Music] lights up in here man yeah big ol transformer right oh here much for being organized right it's just the nature of the beast give me give me give me let's see man it's glassing go watch out for the glass [Music] i think that's aluminum too well that's got some heavy gauge heavy gauge wire in that sucker yeah this one's gonna be a little tricky if i have to get in there's a lot of broken glass i'm i'm still rehabbing my leg you know what i mean i don't want to go get cut right up again oh yeah see it's over here from this side a bag full of stuff electrician's trash bag i like electricians trash bags they throw away awesome dude all right let's see what we can fish out of here damn if i want to get all this [Music] oh good money right there good stuff all right let's see here we go um okay you know what i think we may be able to we may be able to make it happen just got to be careful don't try this at home kids definitely don't try this at me just watch big old latch get all that awesomeness there there we got wires over here balance wires [Music] you want it get in get it all right well this knight is definitely better than the last one last one kind of suck but i'll post it anyway and i appreciate y'all stick it with me through the good and the bad all right i think we got this i think we got the most out let's get out of here before something bad happens all right all right let's go ahead scrape oh excuse me guys wow wow whoa anything up in here tonight y'all check that out my little cowboy yes sir got a box here with some cow wires how much we got how much how much oh is the cat wired in the window let's see not much not a whole lot in there now we're taking the whole box that's for sure so we'll go ahead and grab that grab my kitty cat wire now yeah whoa get all wrapped up in the wire inside there's a little nip it please grab the little guy oh looks like there's some stuff all right we're going in all right hold your breath cat wire more cow more cat wild work guess what i'll be taking this crap y'all tomorrow morning all right all right now i get super excited a little too excited sometimes get so excited dribble in the pants a little bit bro all righty scavengers good morning how's everybody doing as you can see i'm doing pretty well sitting pretty tight ah i'd say a pretty darn successful evening out there getting some stuff in the urban jungle last night uh got her full scraps resale and all kinds of stuff in between anyway so yeah we got our computers over here got five of these guys old school computers all have the hard drives in them good stuff right there this guy right here probably the absolute highlight of the trip it's this osborne computer corporation this morning i was kind of looking around and uh this looked like it's an old school personal computer from the 80s anybody recognize these i do uh it says 83 on this sucker man 83. and it's amazing like this thing could probably only hold just a few pictures compared to like the crap we have today that's the real floppy dicks right there man that's crazy but anyways i plugged it in and check this out y'all we turn her on so yeah this is like a little like portable personal computer i guess this would have been like considered like a laptop or or whatever of the day let's see yeah here it comes it's taking a minute to warm up i don't know if y'all can see uh this is probably apple's competitor back in the 80s the early 80s so the screen comes on barely says osborne system 1 1982 revision 1.3 says pr insert disk in drive a press return i'm guessing this is going to be drive a hit return the light came on oh it's saying boot air boot air boot air it just keeps reading boot air boot air so do we just eject it or i don't know how to do that i don't know i don't know so it looks like something's happening let's stick something in here escape maybe escopi yeah so you can hear it running but it's got boot air boot air it's probably like i mean crazy old but the fact that it powers on probably probably shouldn't even shut it off like that does it just come out i guess so that's crazy that's absolutely crazy right here man absolutely crazy old school computer it looked like there actually is a market for these old computers here too and the fact that it works there could be some connoisseur out there that'd be interested in it it's not an old apple but it i mean it's definitely like and it just you know folds up like a suitcase you carry it with you the original laptop right there man but anyways yeah super cool right there uh we got lots of scrap back there lights this we've um here looks like a microphone stand we pulled out of the dumpster with all the computers it looks like a microphone stand i'm guessing this cat right here is a soldering iron maybe dorset electronics maybe not maybe not says frequency 133.5 door set electronics i'm gonna have to look that up i was thinking maybe a soldering iron but now i'm thinking not so much definitely have to look that up see what we got there got our infrared gun as we saw works it says i'm 118 degrees fahrenheit this morning which is not good maybe that's why they tossed it out it's acting up now now it's reading 118. that's probably why i was in the trash it was working fine last night but now it's definitely all out of whack all out of whack oh shoot oh well oh well i thought i had something cool uh we got our box over here full of fire stuff this is all brand new crab guys this uh surge protector right here this dtk 120 hw these are about 50 bucks a pop okay uh let's see here this guy right here same thing about 50 bucks it's a honeywell bg12lo it's a fire of a pull fire alarm brand new in the pack the only thing i'm thinking is because i was kind of behind a newer building and i'm guessing that they uh they were doing an install they had extra parts let's see uh this stuff over here these are these uh input monitor modules these are like god i want to say these were like a hundred bucks like a hundred bucks a piece we got a handful of those let's see what else we got here uh low frequency horn i mean that's new in the package right there i think i looked that up that's probably like 50 60 bucks these are the expensive guys right here we'll pull these out let's see this right here i think this was uh well up into the few hundred dollar range it's a cereal and you could and an annunciate enunciator that's it okay it's a serial enunciator uh hichoki hickey the american corporation uh fire alarm stuff but i mean it's it's new bro let's even get the control panel keys enclosed new stuff same thing right here i think this this cat was like a thousand bucks this is what's in this big box down here this thing was like a thousand bucks it's a fire alarm control i mean and it also it has the the keys with it it's crazy the crap that these people just toss right out an expander card probably goes with all this other stuff i didn't look that one up the fnp 1120c slc new in box all this stuff new box got a bunch of these though these uh dcp dimmm the input modules like i said those are like 100 bucks a pop we got some here let's see and see there's another there's that that's the box man the alarm box yeah we got some of those there got some up here these cats right here they don't look new or anything but that's gonna be aluminum right there so you clean that up uh get the clean aluminum off of it or you'll be able to scrap it out as uh breakage aluminum breakage this guy right here i looked it up i think it's called a thunder thunderbolt a dell thunderbolt it's a docking station for like office stuff uh more of this crap over here the fire alarm stuff we just got a whole a whole mess of it a little tool box over there some junk wire here and there some lights clean those up looks like the bottom part where the transform is that looks like to be cast aluminum got some bx over there with some number one in it a little electrician's trash bags and snippets but all in all man rock and roll super successful evening super super successful evening but anyways scavengers that's gonna do it on this episode of dumpster diving i've got a little bit of work cut out for me get cleaned up you know uh scrap run maybe maybe i don't know ah but yeah get get my work cut out for me like i said get it all cleaned up this and that but like i said that's gonna do it on this episode dumpster dump guys as always it was a total pleasure appreciate y'all tagging along be sure to like the video subscribe to the channel share it with your peeps uh instagram facebook got it check it out go s uh follow i guess that's what you do on the insta uh merch appreciate that guys extra special shout out to everybody that blossom if you are interested down below teespring get y'all some stuff t-shirts stickers what have you go there help support the scavenger and a uh extra special shout out to uh everyone and all your warm uh thoughts and comments about the pooches that we just uh we just fostered we just brought in uh earlier this week we brought them in from a shelter it was a high kill shelter they literally had one day left so we were able to save them there they're inside just rest and sleeping poor babies you know they didn't we got them home they didn't even know uh how to act i don't think they've ever been inside uh we did have a couple candles set up when as soon as they came in they both went right into their candles like they knew exactly what they were doing uh we had you know big old dog bed laid out and uh i swear they had no idea what a dog bed was they're not house trained uh i mean they just look like they've just been outside and neglected all their life and uh you know bread to no end uh sell much i mean she got the big ol biggest nene's you know you can just tell that they bred them and dumped them and uh it's really sad so yeah we got them picked up they're inside wrestling like i said um see patricia uh of the two she's the one in the better shape uh uh nothing really wrong with her other than her age and you know she's got some you know some eye issues we're working with that it's uh selma that uh she's got really bad arthritis in the hips and we found out that she's also a heartworm positive so we're going back to the vet next week to do some x-rays of her chest and see what we can do there um hopefully we can get this you know fixed up squared away hopefully i mean they are senior dogs they're you know you know just hope for the best y'all but i want to thank everybody for all the thoughts and comments and the uh the few donations that came in there's been a couple of people that uh sent some monetary donations appreciate that but uh if y'all really want to help out go to austin bulldog rescue that's austin like is in the you know austin texas that's where they're based out of they have a website i know they've got an instagram uh on there that's where uh if y'all want to donate to help out that's where they're accepting the donations being that we're fostering the rescue at the moment is paying all the medical bills and everything so uh it'd be best if anybody wants to help out and donate just go ahead and donate there uh you know goes towards you know getting them some toys and food and stuff like that i mean although like the wife and i we have no problem you know supplying these things we had two two bulldogs that we just recently passed you know within the past year and so you know we've got you know we're set up for this we're totally set up for this um but you know it's great that the rescue wants to come in and and do all this so like i said if you are interested uh go check them out austin bulldog rescue give them a thumbs up you know follow on instagram if you got it tell mike sent you uh but yeah um yeah anyway all right i'm just over here rambling on and on and on uh all right guys will y'all take care have a lovely day um yes yes peace what we got here y'all those gravity scraps [Music]
Channel: Mike The Scavenger
Views: 224,740
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diving, best dumpster diving, dumpster diving for food, dumpster diving in america, dumpster, dumpster diving gamestop, dumpster diving 2020, dumpster diving at apple store, dumpster diving haul, dumpster diving at ulta, dumpster diving police, dumpster diver, jackpot dumpster diving, dumpster haul, dumpster diving mega, dumpster diving illegal, dumpster divers, apple store dumpster diving, ahmedmoetv dumpster diving, make money, extra money, scrap yard, free
Id: 4C-USK7R_3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 58sec (2638 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 21 2021
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