Dumpster Diving 41.2 (Oh Look At That! More Copper!)

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what are you kidding me we back the truck up here guys cutting board get there that's aluminum bar stock right there loading her up ten morning guys looks brand-new here's a driver Wow the dumps are they just keep oh it's a box full of stuff what is that what is that do more hand grinder nice check round little piece of copper y'all bolt cutters what is that somebody's walking thick walking stick oh yeah yeah that empty tackle box got a nine a four oh did that more copper Oh more copper the clamp ain't nothing wrong with that a little bit of grease I could definitely use that another driver watch my window [Music] all righty guys that's a good dumpster right there good piece of Teflon all right yeah what is that it's bad whatever it is you know how I know it's bad cuz it says bad unique system hmm okay that's way looks unique [Music] let's get up out of here come on bed what's up chair that's a decent looking chair now the lie pretty good shape that's nice letter too but yeah all right look at that y'all wow I've never seen that's like what bulletproof glass or something wow that's pretty thick stuff anything up in y'all I don't even know how you would cut that he okay okay okay uh we got some jars up in here oh my we back up the truck load up on some glass jars let's get up in here nothing at all look at that we got leads all right oh geez got here so let's make a a broken glass mess here that's an amber hard [Music] no I didn't know these out but hey this sounds like it's all open it up later take a look inside that's for show sorry guys all tied up in here oh yeah I think we got plenty on let's go around alright let's roll what y'all think fair game I think fair game they probably just couldn't get it in the dumpster break my bottles garli we're filling her up today boys alright guys so y'all always ask me you're wondering like what what do you what do you do or what do you say like when people approach you in and for the most part I've never really been approached I mean people have seen me but when they see that I'm just kind of taking stuff out of the dumpsters they you know kind of just leave me alone let me be I play it smart though you know if there's people a lot of people around I'll just keep cruising I'll come back when they're gone or whatever but today I just left a dumpster I was looking in and the lady came out and she and she was she was suspecting me of dumping and she's like you know telling me hey you can't be dumping this belongs to this dumpster belongs to this building that and I you know once I explained to her that I'm not done being dad I'm actually you know looking for scrap metal and I recycle scrap metal and everything she ended up getting my number she's gonna call me up she's got a washing machine she needs a picked up so you mean you got yes I mean that's kind of you know y'all wondering like what happens when people approach you but you know once they realize that you're really not breaking the law you're actually doing something good and you know positive you actually get you know positive reinforcement back you know and now I end up get to I get to go get a washing machine take to the scrapyard so yeah you guys wanted to know and so far that's that's been about the the gist of it I haven't had any any any mean people yet but that's not to say it won't happen in the future but yeah it just happened what is that that looks big and heavy it's got wheels on it like a smoker or something we'll take it be strong I'll check that out was that a t-bird that's pretty real pretty already guys so Saturday is trust in my neighborhood and so I figured just do a quick little stroll through the neighborhood see if we pick up a couple of things I know there's a guy that rolls around scrapping in my neighborhood I just don't know if I beat him or not but we'll just do a quick little stroll around the hood see if find a little some some look what that is guys holds in the trash can hoes in the trash can hoes in the trash alrighty guys well got another day of getting some stuff mostly scrap this trip but we we filled her up for sure and I think we did pretty darn good if you you ask me I've got these these little GE boxes here these little electric electrical boxes they're full of these boards and that one that I popped open it looked like there was just tons of those little gold plated pins in there so see what we can do about stripping that down definitely you know take these boxes and scrap those out that's all metal housing and everything got some tubs back there some miscellaneous stuff some golf clubs little smoker scrap scrap scrap little Scrabble tee scrap scrap scrap and then we just killed it on the jars again today these are pretty easy to sell we'll try to sell them out right before the garage sale but it's not you know I'll throw them up in the garage you know quarter apiece don't like probably a hundred of them here so be nice and easy got some good clean number one copper and we got some of this aluminum conduit over here and it's full of yeah it's full that's wire but I believe free is better eighty-six they are scrapping YouTube page they have a video where I think they that you could break you could just twist this stuff and break it in sections get the aluminum housing and then you can get that a that cop right there cuz yeah there's like I could definitely that's all number one good stuff right there definitely some good stuff yeah just a little bit of this little bit of that yeah got me a walking stick there's some more good clean copper there but uh yeah they're not too bad not too bad there I think that's looming them there and yeah we hit a pretty good lick so uh yeah good day good day well I appreciate you guys tagging along with me today I totally enjoyed having you be sure to like subscribe share with your friends hit that notification bells stay up to date with the videos check me out an Instagram I got one we're gonna get back out of here with some more of scrapping and picking action for you see y'all stay tuned and have a wonderful day
Channel: Mike The Scavenger
Views: 187,346
Rating: 4.9141273 out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diving, dumpster diving for food, dumpster diving vlog, dumpster, we went dumpster diving, daytime dumpster diving, buhay amerika dumpster diving, biggest jackpot dumpster diving, dumpster diving pinoy in america, daytime dumpster diving mega haul, diving, dumpster diving at apple store, dumpster diving in america, best dumpster dive, dumpster dive night, dumpster diving at ulta, jezvlog dumpster diving, dumpster diver, dumpster haul, best dumpster diving
Id: _lf1coct2jg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 15sec (1095 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2019
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