Sold the Cobalt & we're back to the dealer auction.

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[Music] so hey everybody welcome back to the channel we are buttoning up this old cobalt flip car this is our 06 chevy cobalt we got down at the old dealer auction you can see there 137 000 miles pretty low for an 06. just to bring some of you up to speed in case you missed it uh we had some transmission issues we've got that ironed out now she was nasty inside we got that ironed out now but she had a few cosmetic issues on the outside and i thought i'd just kind of throw that in there why not some of you guys like seeing how we handle some of these cosmetic issues on the cheap and that's exactly what we're going to show you now we got a little molding issue sticking up i'm just going to use some weather stripping adhesive and i just wanted to let you guys know where a lot of people mess up with this stuff is uh they'll just kind of squirt it down in there and maybe throw a piece of tape on there to hold it down and walk away they'll come back an hour or so later peel the tape up and it'll feel like it's kind of stuck at first but then before you know it it's gonna pop right back up again well that's because they just squirted it down in there and you can't do that and i'm going to show you the trick basically what you want to do obviously is clean the area first which i've already done i kind of propped this up just a little bit got underneath the best i could with a clean rag some acetone got everything cleaned out no more gunk in there i think i'll start by kind of wedging this up just a bit get something kind of underneath here to help hold it up i don't want to get too crazy with it i don't want to bend it and i don't want to continue to to to make it come unstuck back here where it's still stuck so cause more work for ourselves right i'm going to start off by just putting a little bit down in there go as far back as we can we just want to get a little in there and what's going to make the difference is that we're going to use our acid brush to spread all of that out we don't want it to be a thick bead not at all you want this to be relatively thin and you also want to put some on the bottom side as well so both surfaces that are going to come in contact with each other needs some of this on there it's what makes all the difference it's what separates this from being a successful repair and not being a successful repair so just kind of notice i got me some tape here that's because this stuff has a tendency to get very messy so anyway i've got both you see there i'm already don't worry if that happens let it dry and kind of rub it off because it'll turn kind of rubbery so anyway now that i've got all that on there we are going to let it set for a minute usually a few minutes is all you're going to need and that's going to what you want is you want to be able to touch it and have it just be kind of slightly tacky almost dry to the touch and at that point you're ready to stick both those materials together and once that happens it ain't coming loose after that i promise so you can see here this is where you want to be at look this is the brush and i can touch it now look it's got all that weather stripping on there the adhesive and i could touch it just fine that's what you want just right there that's how you know it's ready i'm gonna try to do this one-handed you only get one shot at this let's get it down there push it in real good obviously at this point we go and take off all of our protect good thing i put that on there that protective tape we would have made a mess without it let's get all of this off there you have it that ought to stay stuck just fine i guess you could throw a little piece of tape on it to hold it down we really don't need it in this case it was already kind of trying to stay down by itself it'd just come unstuck if you got a little bit of uh a little bit of excess excess excess uh just roll it off of there by this point you could kind of just roll that stuff off like a little booger seriously that's kind of what it's like and uh that's part of the advantage of letting the stuff set up like you're supposed to is you can actually work with a little better rather than it just being a big old nasty mess so there you have it there's that simple easy and i know a lot of you know it but i know a lot of you also have tried just squirting it down and they're sticking it on and coming back and wondering what the hell [Music] kind of see what i'm doing here just feathering all that back we don't want to burn all the way down to the to the metal or anything like that but we do want to feather all this nasty stuff out you can see it's it's literally got gouges on the roof you see them all over there i don't know somebody's been throwing something on top of the car sliding it like maybe boxes and stuff like that but those are deep you can really feel them and i don't want those left behind when i spray my uh color on there i want it to be nice and smooth so in case you're wondering what grit i'm using this is 320 grit on a palm sander it's making light work of that it's knocking it off there right right quick really easy so i think that's going to take care of it right there as far as the sanding goes and like i said we were just trying to kind of smooth it up just a little bit it was gouged up pretty good i think this is going to make our finish look a lot better a lot smoother so i got everything all masked up like i said we don't have to get too crazy with it so i'm not going to wrap the entire car with plastic i got my fans set up over here they're going to kind of blow any over spray right straight up that door it should be fine it won't be too much over spray like i said this stuff's kind of thick this is what we're using in case you were wondering in case i didn't show you before let's get it at walmart man it's like four dollars or something a can and i think two cans is going to cover this up just fine just like with any other paint you're going to want to shake it up for about a minute before you use it make sure it's kind of warm outside not too windy all that kind of stuff they say don't do this out in the direct sunlight that makes sense let's start by going around my edges give yourself about a 50 overlap and just start going with it [Music] the hood i was noticing it's got just a little bit of fade you guys see what i'm talking about just a little bit of haziness there i think the buffer is going to knock that right off uh before i hit it i'm going to wash the hood because it does got some grime on it and i don't want to uh get that all over my buffing pad and all that so i'll probably just skim over it with uh with this here i've got some zero zero zero zero that's four zeros you guys scotch brite this is important it's actually steel wool uh very important that you get the four zeros it'll look like this you just pick this stuff up from walmart or anywhere really that's the four zeros be sure it has that or you will scratch up everything this is safe to use on your glass too it'll get all the contaminants and things like that off of that glass works really good and it won't scratch it gonna hit it up with some water [Music] and we'll hit it with our scotch brite that should uh get all of the it feels like it's just got like contaminants all over it you know for our tree sap stuff like that so this will get that right off of there you can see here this is what we're left with just slight dull finish which is already you know it was already dull to begin with right i'm going to use this to bring it back to shine it's a medium cut i think that'll bring it back just fine if not we'll go to something a little more aggressive but we're going to start with this i think this is get it let's find out [Music] i don't know man that looks pretty good to me nice and shiny that's way better than before all right so good deal i'm glad we started off with a medium cut and didn't start off with something too aggressive because that medium cut's going to do that just fine i'm going to go ahead and skim over the rest of the hood like i said the rest of the car is fine we shouldn't have to mess with it but this hood need a little bit of attention and it should help it all tie together i think [Applause] [Music] well it's time to send her down the line fingers crossed we'll see i'm going to give it a quick rinse down here at the oh car wash in town and then we're going to go back to the lot and see if we can't get this deal done well there she is all cleaned up ready to go we did the mirror check it out she's good to go i didn't even have to go to the salvage yard that thing is solid not even an issue and all i did was pop the cover off and i threw a couple of screws in there and then put the cover back on so yeah i mean not the perfect repair but it will do so uh if they want if it bothers them then go buy a mirror i don't care but we are not so we are done spending money on it and it is time to send it down the line we ain't even made it home and it's already getting rained on i'll tell you what i spend more time rinsing these cars off than i do anything else people all the time ask me why do you sell your car so cheap get them the hell out of here so i have to keep rinsing it off over and over again so cobalt's out of here it did in fact sell i uh i posted it for 38.50 and i took 3600 on it with so we did good we did very good on it in fact it was mostly time more than anything that was spent on it the the actual uh dollar amount wasn't that bad i think we may have had about 75 dollars into a couple of a couple of the shift solenoids uh i think we put three in there in total and uh transmission fluid filter the seal for the transaxle all that kind of stuff it all added up to around 200 bucks so that would put us at 2400 total and then we got 3 600 for the car and all we did was clean it up fix the shifting situation and uh she's out of here so we did turn a negative into a positive on that one we thought we were gonna lose and we didn't we actually did okay on it we just had to put some time into it that's how it goes sometimes though i mean when you're out here flipping these cars uh i refused to take a loss on that one i was gonna try whatever i had to do to make that one happen and we've we finally made it happen so good deal on that one as for now we're heading out to the uh oklahoma auto exchange that is a dealer only auction here in oklahoma we've had pretty good luck out there lately so let's go see if we can't repeat the process all over again find us another flip car also i'm going to be i'll be picking up my boy my youngest boy you guys know him as tegrity whips on youtube i'll put a link in the description you guys go see us work on his little danger rangers over there he had a little trailer backing incident uh jack knife showed up and uh he ended up messing up one of the tail lights on on his work truck so we're going to stop by the old pull apart see if we can't bail him out of a jam on that and get his lights switched out hopefully they got one we'll find out also something cool man i i've been getting a lot of fan mail here lately it's starting to kind of stack up and i thought it'd be kind of cool to uh show some thanks to everybody so be looking for that later on in the video we're going to go through some packages that have been getting sent out here some really cool stuff been coming coming our way from the viewers and i just want to say thanks to you guys for that and show off some of the stuff we've been getting man it's really cool i've also got a special guest going to stop by while we're out here at the dealer auction uh fellow youtuber and car dealer he's gonna come by and uh he's got a lot of knowledge man he's been doing this stuff i think like 10 years way longer than i've been doing it and uh we're gonna pick his brain a little bit see what he's got to say man see if he's got some words of wisdom for us i'll take all the help i can get i'll tell you that much so stay tuned for that anyway let's get on out of here man i've been yakking long enough already let's get over to this auction i thought maybe we stopped here and do a little update on the saturn while we're at it hey yeah we still got it uh some of you guys are saying dump it get it out of here and i don't know i'm still on the fence uh it's got a lot of problems and that's content right i mean maybe we should see if we can sort some of it out i don't know we'll figure it out stay tuned and see what we come up with on that one i mean it is bought and paid for it's not costing me anything at this point just to sit there we could throw some parts at it here and there make a video see if maybe we can make it stop knocking uh maybe we can get it to start shifting who knows i mean it's worth a try all right so we made it down here we're running a little bit late they already got got the auction going on so we need to get in there get our bidder pass we may be missing out on something but maybe we cruise through the parking lot see what we got going on out here this car is screaming weird beard treatment here let's see what is it 2014 a little too new for us but man she's in bad shape look at it we got a busted windshield mismatched panels look at this side i don't know if this thing was up for repo and they just kicked the crap out of it out of spite but pretty much every panel look at this they just went through i mean that that's all done on purpose i'll just about bet you all the way down the side of this thing oh you gotta love it some of those dents would probably pop out but i was noticing over here we got a bullet hole it looks like i wonder if it went all the way through yeah it did look it came all the way through the inside i don't see where it went into the dash or anything but guy see it looks like we got this stuff off of here for some reason there ain't no telling but yeah we might keep our eye on this one if we catch it going through just to see how much it goes for if nothing else now this one's definitely too new for us but man that color something else i really like this color 2019 obviously we won't be able to snag anything like this but man i just had to show that color i hope it's coming through on camera that is beautiful um hey we out here with lucky lucky's wheels and deals yeah that's right man hey shout out to uh wherever for putting me on his platform man uh i had him i had you actually on my live i didn't get that i'm gonna get you on here too it's all good oh yeah so hey i had a comment in my comment section the other day and uh somebody said that uh me and lucky changed their lives and i just wanted to talk to lucky for a minute about that see what he thought about that because i think it's cool i mean we just out here trying to make a living yeah and the people watching our videos are just like dude you changed my life man i can't believe all the information you put out there you know i just want to see what's your turn man i like to i like like i said man i like to motivate the people man i like the people you know can i cut something all right i like people to get off their ass and uh you know get to it man get on the grind man like don't look out for no handouts or nothing like that so man uh i stay on the grind every day i see your videos you stay you work on your own cars i stopped doing that a while back i'm trying to get to your level i like to get a little more up there too yeah yeah i used to always work on my own cars and they're like man i'm doing so much so i started taking them to the mechanic and let them work on where i can focus on the business that's what i want to get into a little bit more yeah so that's like the next level stuff and you know if you know how to work on cars you can get to it like okay well i can't find the mechanic they don't want to work on it are they charging too much i can fix this to myself you know but it's cool you know to do what you do and have someone else work or if you got multiple cars you could be focused on this project and they could be working on that so exactly you know you know sometimes it's cool to spend a little bit of that money you can't hold it off you know i mean but i mean shout out to everybody out there if y'all ain't subscribed to my youtube channel it's called lucky wills and deals subscribe to my youtube channel i'm on the way to 100 100 000 almost there man almost there right around the corner hell yeah i couldn't leave the auction without taking a look at his uh chevelle chevelle or malibu chevelle what year 71 71 well you did good lucky you did good on that one man she looks nice i gotta hear it this business can make you a breaky i've been doing this over 10 years and i still find myself losing money i find myself winning money so it's part of the game though roller coaster yeah so all right man you guys heard it here he does this all he's been doing this a lot longer than me i've only been doing this a couple years i'm still learning uh it's nice to see guys like this i watch his channel all the time and to see guys like him come up it's inspirational for me and guys like me maybe i could be next you never know you'll get there man you work on your own cars now you know what i mean you'll get there oh we'll see i appreciate you i had to do it what's up do it hell yeah all right let's get on up out of here unfortunately today was a bust as far as car buying goes so we are out here at the pull apart yard snatching up some parts all right so we've made it over to the truck area it's going to start kind of running up and down the roads you can look it up and they'll tell you exactly where to go to find the parts you're looking for kind of but i like running the roads to be honest with you here we got ourselves an old dodge look at that got the old v8 and i wonder if it's a 360 318 i don't know i have no idea i'm not that good i can't tell them apart like that and when it comes to these mopars but it's all there though it actually looked rather clean under the hood of this look at that it's a shame seeing some of these in here yeah right here yeah any of these is what you're looking for oh no we found one and it's broken imagine that yeah you've run into that a lot got one laying in here but it's the wrong side i do believe yep wrong side dang it all right he's yelling at me over here he must have fouled one where you at got one is that it that's it yeah all right yeah he's worried you think he's gonna find one huh yeah then search half the yard should just snap right out of there it'll have like two couple of clips that hold it just pull it straight out there you go go ahead and grab the bolts i know we don't need them but we'll save them anyway looks like we got a little custom paint going on here check that out what do you think you like that no no a hell of a way to spend a sunday i'll tell you out here in the heat it's about 95 today they are pulling engines man i feel for them found ourselves a nissan hard body you know i can't pass these up any time i see one i gotta stop and look at it you never know when you might need some parts i've got one of these and so does my daughter they got her picked pretty good now i know you're not gonna tell me you don't like that paint job i don't know i love it that's right that is sweet oh they got to pull apart and everything [Applause] got some oldies over here oh mercury i was moving was he's delta 88 is that what that is 88 or 98 i don't know you'll see many of these around anymore yep 88. yeah she didn't do too well yeah she didn't age well at all yeah man it must have seen the weather i guess because normally these interiors hold up a little better than this god look at this thing this is not a typical oklahoma car look at the rust i mean the bottom of it pretty well gone all the way around look at this god all the way up into here all that rust unreal unreal this is not what we see here typically look at the rust on this thing it's got pieces falling off of it that's just the sheet metal yeah this one's bad real bad look at the strut towers curious where this came from there we go look at the strut towers on this thing that's wild this thing's seen a lot of salt i guess oh no that's terrible it's kind of cool though i mean it would have been if it wasn't such a bad shape that door opens perfectly look at that oh my gosh that's terrible got the fred flintstone floor does that door open as good as the other side because the doors open like perfectly on it yeah yeah that's a shame isn't it i mean the dash is actually in good shape it's not busted up at all consoles still in good shape no that's seized looks like we got ourselves a dodge aspen not familiar with this one either kind of i don't know like a valiant or something like that or she took a crunch didn't she get the old slant six i do know that four doors dark tanted windows gotta have that in oklahoma it's hot here full interior in this one and i mean it's not it's not bad i mean look at the seat it's still all there it's not even ripped up got a little wear on the front seat obviously where the driver sits for the most part normal cracking on the dash headliner's still there somebody cut it that's a shame looks like we got ourselves a 58 maybe a 59 old apache i believe is what that is she took a little crunching over on the other side ouch i don't know if it has an engine in it though let's see let's look under here uh no no engine yeah she's in rough shape she's a real rough shape see what's left to the old generator there well i would hate to bend in that when it went rolling look at this oh that's rough that's a wild ride right there hope everybody's all right looks like they did a little cut in here to get them out everybody slow down and take your time be patient don't want to see that happening to nobody try to tell these guys all the time take it easy wear your seat belts all that good stuff you got what you need we're out here huh that was an easy day you gotta like that man we was in and out didn't have to bring the whole toolbox or nothing this is what happened here there's the evidence about to get it oh you dropped one that's okay we'll dig it out of there now before you bolt it in go go test it out give it a little test here there we go you're good hey man i thought we tried something a little different today i have never gone through my uh fan mail on camera and i thought it'd be kind of cool to do that today and show some of the support that we've had on this channel uh this guy here man he's something else tom lombard i know i could say his name is said it before he has been a huge contributor to the channel i mean look this is the kind of stuff this guy sends me look at this stuff these are row lock discs man these things are like a dollar each if you try to buy these down at the o'reillys and stuff like that check this out man he sends me entire boxes all kinds of them all different grits we've got some 120 there's all kinds of of different these are the scotch brite pads this i mean look at this ridiculous awesome man uh from way i understand it he owned a body shop at one point and he also owned a machine shop he was affiliated with those businesses and uh he says he has pallets of this kind of stuff stuff he said the way he put it he couldn't use it all up in two lifetimes so he wanted to send this stuff not just to my channel but my kids channel as well he has sent stuff to my daughter's channel and just big boxes of stuff uh sanding blocks you name it all kinds of cool stuff man i can't get over it unbelievable the support that comes from you guys i said it before i'll say it again i'll keep saying it i've got the best subscribers on youtube hands down man you guys are unreal i just want to show a little bit of appreciation and kind of show what some people have been doing this is freaking awesome hey man here's the guy that sent the uh the gift card 200 gift card steven r again thank you for that much appreciated it got us through our cobalt build uh hey these are some local guys jet hot coatings in okc they did some ceramic coating for us on a header for my daughter's truck she has she has a youtube channel as well uh me myself and darlene go check her out i'll leave a link in the description for her as well they hooked her up with a ceramic coated header free of charge check them out okc great guys they even let us walk around the shop to film a little bit of something going on you know the process and all of that you'll have to look for that on her channel that will be coming soon we're going to put together a nice little video for that uh let's see what we got else let's see uh oh check this out this came a while back and i never got a chance to uh to talk about first of all look at that got ourselves a coronet 59 coronet uh let's see i'll breeze through here uh he found this at walmart cool deal it's cool that they have stuff like that man i mean that is that is great man let's see what does it say national parks let's let's get a better shot of that national parks hopefully y'all can see that my lighting sucks out here you guys enjoying your content i'm looking forward to seeing the progress on the coronet that plymouth fury on your property will be great content as well i agree with you man i cannot wait to get started on that fury we're going to open up a little more room in the shop first by getting this one completed dude a scanner pocket scanner all right actron scanner check it out you guys remember last video i announced that i was a numbskull and i left my scanner in a car that i sold she's long gone we'll never see her again dang it but this one here i made mention i wanted something a little smaller something a little more mobile that i could carry around in the auctions and stuff like that you got to remember i'm packing around a camera batteries chargers all that stuff so it would be nice to have something smaller and here we go we've got one let's see danny t i don't know if it's cool to say your last name so i'm just going to call you danny t for now uh you guys man leave me some notes with your stuff and let me know if it's cool if i use your name man sorry if you're interested in sending something you guys uh there'll be address in the description below uh just send it straight to my car lot it's public address anyway you google it so i feel safe to giving it out and you guys could just send stuff there it seems to be working fine i'm getting all this stuff so still trying to get all these gathered up i don't think there's enough room in the box this time i like digging a hole you always end up with too much dirt because you go back to bury it look at this i think i'm gonna have to get a bigger box or something so there you have it everybody we had a pretty productive day man we went out to the dealer auction we went out to the salvage yard uh we met up with other youtubers really cool deal by the way go subscribe lucky's wheels and deals link in the description and uh really cool dude man i really do appreciate him taking the time to stop and chat with us there for a little bit and showing us that cool car here's man that thing is sweet and thanks again to anybody that sent us stuff in the mail much appreciated i can't thank you enough i'm going to have to go ahead and get on out of here till next time i will see you guys later
Channel: Weird Beard
Views: 42,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Copart, IAA, IAAI, Tarvarish, Salvage, Rebuild, DIY, BHPH, Car lot, flip, samcrac, DIY Gang, KARR, B is for Build, Auto Auction Rebuilds, Cars, Ford, Chevy, Dodge, Honda, Mercedes, Infiniti, Land Rover, Mazda, Nissan, Datsun, used cars for sale, dealer license, lucks wheelz n dealz, chevelle, salvage yard, pull a part, dealer only auction, auto vlog, cobalt, profit or loss?, hustle, a to b transportation, pontiac, cheap transportation, diy car flipping, oklahoma auto exchange, fan mail, plasti dip, gm
Id: 0FBly6nxPs0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 22sec (2002 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 27 2021
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