Dumpster Diving "Let's Move It Along"

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all right good morning y'all feel like it's been forever since uh since we've seen each other ah i'm back sort of yeah i see a couple of things over here let's check it out let's check it out ah right yeah whoa whoa whoa whoa back in the old uh this dumpster we're just gonna toss this stuff up this way since i'm parked over there i mean they throw a bunch of rocks on all this stuff that's not cool got some fondue in here some sort of detector there don't worry oh mess wiring do it anyways how's everybody doing i know i took a little hiatus oh my gosh but i'm back everybody needs a little time away here you know and those are those bullet things i've seen those before get their head straight back in order there's quite a bit of wiring here this is a piece of aluminum that's that's good wasp good not so good oh somebody's coming [Music] oh hello hey i just picking out some scrap metal if you don't mind okay i appreciate it i won't make no messes ugh good thing we we got it he didn't seem to care he much he probably just worked worse for the kevin dude contract work just like whatever bro all right let's move three yarder we got us a three yarder oh someone has some cake let's see ain't nothing really ah a couple little trash cans here i definitely use those never understood that people throw it away perfectly good trash can it's crazy crazy crazy wca looking a little full a couple of totes look at that i mean people i mean these are perfectly good cans bro like perfectly good and they'll love you at the scrap yard for that dude see there's some number one in there all right uh whale now i see some brass yes i do the roofing material on top of some good stuff all right i don't know what do y'all think take the lid now take the lid those don't look too ha ha [Music] here's one right there there's some more boots my size they look okay they look okay all right yeah let's work our way over here there's a bunch of hinges and it's light like aluminum hinges which is good [Music] it's an it's a little it's a little knife yeah perfectly good flat tip screwdriver that is that's plastic that's no good this stuff is good dude no that looks like stainless some crimpers tape there's all kinds of stuff right here that looks expensive it says don't unlock when energized yeah look at that look at that good stuff right there look at that it's still in the package talking and i feel like i used to buy stuff from hot international some brass little piece of wire there's a nice little box going huh yeah we do a piece of breath let's make a ring out of that make a little pinky ring for my pinky there's some water down there yes sir whataburger someone said that they used to be they should be sponsoring me giving me money all the water burger in every video there's like whataburger in every dumpster but i mean you ain't you ain't texting if you don't eat whataburger that's like up north white castle although i gotta admit whataburger is pretty awesome they did put an in-n-out burger here recently i've yet to eat there but everyone just raves and raves about in-n-out burger see this is the stuff i've worried about i usually don't grab that kind of stuff this stuff right here because it of the you know blowing out it's a nice spool and uh you know i don't like stuff blowing out on the road i don't know people are like mike grab this spool grab the pool let's pull their money show you know what i'm after at the moment and uh i mean i find them all the time let's be frank let's be frank all right now we're just getting down to the nitty-gritty here ew oh wait a minute there goes something there's some fruit some rotted fruit this stuff right here this is copper it's coated copper i brought it to the yard one and they looked at it and they're like oh yeah yeah put the wheel to it sure enough it's copper that's what you want what you're after interesting looking stuff a little bit there all right not a bad little dumpster man there's still some more wire coming out of that watch your head [Music] strapping some strapping for your strapping needs all right not bad not bad i'm gonna say that one was quite successful actually and i got some boots they're not over there over the shoe boot oh that's it that's an old cd player is what that is i think i saw a box for a new one yeah there's kenwood the uh boots i guess for the dumpster juice but yeah not bad man it's warm it's a bit warmish it's only going to get worse too man this is texas what we have here the treatment formula three anti-fungal ew ew 2015. that's what's in the trash speaking of trash that's about all that i see in here and pallets and stuff oh hand sanitizer look at that a brand new keyboard it's like they bought it just for the mouse because the mouse is going it's cool mouse though but this this this thing's new that's a dell premier wireless wireless keyboard oh god man looks like some grocery sauce sauce premiere more of a ragu ragoon guy myself it's still good 2022 pasta sauce conquered grape jelly mmm some juices and some applesauce and some bean um oh no i know these are probably so good black beads baby yep hmm yeah yeah i'm a dumb pass on the dumpster food but yeah we got beans and pasta sauce and grape jelly and some orange juice little scrap what is this stuff juice big sweetest sweet tea five to one oh it's a concentrate a bunch of it in here oh man i'm i'm good i'm good i'm good looking a little dark out there huh uh hopefully we'll be no rain no blood there goes something that is a panamax max 5100 not 100 percent sure go easy with it it's got a lot of a lot of plug holes a lot of a lot of just a lot of holes on there [Music] oh a paper shredder i bet the uh the thing on the little tub or whatever let it bro that's what happened to it no there's the tub right there huh hmm let's grab it then it must be broken it's broken that door's a little raspy a little rough all right well we'll check the paper shredder out and see if it works besides coming up there's something there's something in there under all these boxes take a quick little peek here what the heck is this i don't know like antennas beam width i think these are like antennas mostly plastic though so there's some fittings on there huh interesting interesting stuff interesting stuff yeah they look like antennas or something so we'll snip the i don't know take a closer look at them and see what they are worst case scenario there's some wires there might be some wires running through there huh all right because yeah that's what it looks like inside so there's there's definitely some scrap material inside [Music] we've got an open top over here let's check this guy out it's real windy y'all so if the volume cuts out i'ma apologize see what we got here oh look dad i got some copper poppers wires it's such not much though not much not much a little bit little david take a little snippet all right [Applause] check out this open top oh i see copper right there there's a gate look at that that's the name of the game right there son oh man the rest of the gate [Applause] it is windy y'all very very windy out here today a big old piece more that copper no tires keep it throwing tires i got a little bit a little bit a little bit a little bit yeah you get it well all right it's scavengers we're gonna go ahead and call it right there uh i don't messed up you know we kind of did it old school you know got up got up early and then did it in the morning but i kind of slept in a little bit and did get up as early as i usually do and so a lot of places that i would hit usually there's people i mean you'd be surprised how many people work at uh going to work on saturdays these days insane but anyways uh we got this crew this uh the shredder over here i plugged it in turned it on it actually i mean i mean it doesn't sound like the best and that's probably why they tossed it out but it works it shreds it does its thing it's a cross shredder too so yeah we got the tub and uh yeah i think it's a crush i think it's a cross rider that looked like it was oh there we go yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah no yes maybe but yes shredder works uh this guy over here what i can make of it the panamax the max 5100 you plug it in it comes on i'm thinking this is a some sort of voltage regulator of some sort uh they got the unsafe voltage thing is blinking and they just clicked and it says ground okay voltage trigger switched outlets so i'm guessing and you know it says right here the uh the surrogate plus circuitry my my only guess is it's for uh your regulating voltage whether it works or not that's beyond me i don't know i don't have a clue don't have a clue but yes uh it powers on so that's that's that's good i guess um got us a wireless keyboard uh looks like somebody bought it just for the uh for the mouse but the wireless keyboard does it not have to have a um like a little i think it has to have the little jump thing and the little drive that goes into the usb and it doesn't have it so this may be absolutely worthless but we grabbed it anyway uh back here got a few more things got a little bit of copper them over the top a little bit of this pipe definitely got some wires this stuff right here these these are these are definitely for like antennas as you can see there's definitely inside of them there is some scrap there is some wires there's not a lot of weight to them but there's you know there's definitely definitely stuff in there it's aluminum for sure most definitely so take those apart but we got plenty of wire got us some boots some totes some trash cans a little bit of copper the number one copper and then our box of goodies over here just full of wires full of fittings we found our canister over here uh which is uh that's the one the guy walked out on us and he didn't seem to care which is good because they were going to work today meaning i may be going by there tomorrow because now that he knows that i'm there picking up scrap he may be like maybe he tosses out some a little you know they'll throw us a bone or something you know sometimes they're cool like that but there's some that that one dumpster man golly i've hit that one before and they throw out some absolute money just money i mean this this guy right here hog international type 711 these are these are i think they're hose connections or electrical connections yeah electrical connections a1 ai 317 it's the the putty's expired but it's a metal clad type mc cable fitting yeah it's for like cables and stuff but you can tell like i mean that's stainless steel like by the weight of it this guy right here that's aluminum it's really light but that's you know you'll be able to get 60 61 for that but yeah just a box of just awesomeness valves i mean we got it we didn't fill it up today but we got it but uh yeah i'm gonna get a little organized here tomorrow i think we're gonna try to uh do a little curve curbside uh a little curbside and then maybe go back and try to hit that a couple of the dumpsters that i was not able to hit today just because i mean people were at work like i said i slept in and uh you know got a little lazy uh and uh you know didn't get up as early as i wanted to but we still managed to get some stuff some pretty decent stuff too but uh anyways uh all righty well it feels great to be back feels great to be back some of you are wondering where i've been you know just took a little time off a little personal time you know sometimes you just got to uh but i'm back and i'm ready like i was so ready that i got up this morning and i wanted to just go hit it and i did uh but anyways uh alrighty scavengers well that's gonna do it on this episode of dumpster diving i'm your host with the absolute most mike the scavengers always it was a total pleasure i do appreciate y'all tagging along with me this morning be sure to like the video subscribe to the channel uh instagram check it out i got it uh share this stuff with your friends if you want uh extra special shout outs to everybody that bought some merch appreciate that guys if you are interested down below got a little uh teespring page with some stuff i appreciate all the uh purchases coming through i've been seeing you know i can keep track of that and then you know it's been pretty steady been pretty steady i definitely uh thank everyone who bought t-shirts stickers you know all that good stuff i mean i'm very very grateful to you guys but anyways like i said yeah i'm gonna get a little organized here and tomorrow we're gonna try a little curbside and a little dumpster dive it again and uh see if we can fill her up because i've got some stuff going back over here you know we'll get a little scrap run or something put together but anyways but yes y'all stay safe all that good stuff and we will see y'all on that next one peace peace what we got here y'all those gravity scraps mike the scavenger
Channel: Mike The Scavenger
Views: 128,872
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diving, dumpster diving for food, dumpster diving vlog, dumpster, we went dumpster diving, daytime dumpster diving, buhay amerika dumpster diving, biggest jackpot dumpster diving, dumpster diving pinoy in america, daytime dumpster diving mega haul, diving, dumpster diving at apple store, dumpster diving in america, best dumpster dive, dumpster dive night, dumpster diving at ulta, jezvlog dumpster diving, dumpster diver, dumpster haul, best dumpster diving
Id: r6CtyQLCHY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 20sec (1820 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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