Dumpster Diving "Gotta Touch It!"

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all righty scavengers how's everybody doing today look at that man i got some scrap [Music] good scrap right there boy it's an electrical box or something let's see we'll get it see what we got here yo oh yeah good piece of scrap right there anyways how's everybody doing you guys doing all right all right we're all doing all right all right all right fish is probably out of here oh this thing's got breakers and stuff all right yeah big breakers baby breakers all right looks like the last little bit here the door yeah i think we need to jump in looks like this no electrical wiring though that's a bummer the backpack it's a pretty decent shave come on mr backpack oh it's still got the tag on it oh that's decent all right little backpack all right this is nice somebody's corduroy pants or something all right all right that looks about there does it does it yeah it does hold up there's more in here all right look at this ish some aluminum on there all right yeah it's good buckies bucky shorts love buckley's christmas wreath another backpack man that's a good shape and it's got a water pack a camel pack in it all right okay that's a cool looking jacket huh huh paul calm there's leather jacket hey winter's coming you know maybe we had a that hard freeze come through and some really skimpy shirts i like couple jackets abercrombie and fitch okay dumpster diving clothes bro dumpster diving clothes well anyways welcome to another episode of dumpster diving i'm your host with the absolute most mike's scavenger let's go get it fill this truck up have a blast too ah we've got here man i don't see much i see a little bit of that uh catalytic wire and such looks like catalytic wire hopefully it's catalytic wire or not uh see yep that's that outdoor catalytic wire it's got a heavier thing on it yeah cat5e outdoor so it's a little bit heavier which is good which is good add a little bit of weight up in there come on gotta touch it gotta touch it touch it just a little bit what is that plastics uh stop man oh there's some wires that's down in right here let's give it some such look at that look like somebody cleaned out a desk if they toss out anything good dispenser who said oh that's a bosch that's for a uh a multi-tool cutter oh there's another one oh look at that there's a dremel sanding sander thingamajigger some more dremel parts i get down on that grab that and keep our little box here first this is there oh there's commitment man i don't see much else in there huh there's a little bit of wire oh look at that there we go oh there's something in here too all right there's an exit button it's an airport job it's what it says network store what is this just randomness okay there's a box in here it's got lots of randomness here take a quick little gander shall we see what we got here lots of wires and such more wires there's all kinds of stuff in here man all right stuff to go through yeah a little junk to go through let's see here make a little bit amen that's our okay all right [Music] those are empty empty empty all right all right all right so we got us a box of all kinds of crap clean all this stuff up here awesome look at that man that looks like a piece of aluminum huh rock and roll guys open top here yo door open open top with the door open here we go oh scrappy scrap right here stick all that edge back up in there see a vacuum cleaner it's a good scrap back here we'll just start chucking everything towards the door seems the best best thing to do oh yeah there we go more bx baby [Music] busted old toolbox [Music] i tell you why man started to get dark early starting to feel like fall too oh i just had a little cool front come through here and uh i'm gonna say it's pretty nice out here pretty pleasant that's true let's grab that there that's the stuff to go after copper is the name of the game goblin and mostly just ceiling towel light wall studs and such okay all right good stuff good stuff let's get it loaded up keep moving gotta keep moving yeah we don't need uh we'll need all them boxes all right whoa it's a bissell usually i don't take those well i take them like if they're in the dumpsters and such but like if i'm curb sign it up i'll leave those alone there's pieces of extruded aluminum right there yeah if they're in the dumpster man i'll cut them up all that kind of stuff but curbside and i'll leave them because people actually do come by clean them up fix them resell them i guess i mean i ain't gonna use vacuums been well never flash a boat joe got us a little open time oh let's see i think i've seen a light back here yeah dude all right it's a little bitty open top y'all little guy you go ahead and clean these up i got in trouble last time throwing lights with the bulbs in there somebody commented and said that i know better so we'll try and like you know take the bulbs out i do apologize about that oh somebody i apologize y'all i'll get it right michael get it right all right all right we'll get these balls out of here get told what out to do all right let's do a big circle here circle circle circle back there yes i grabbed the little guys all right i think that's about it there's some blood that was there oh grab the blinds inside as it for the lights we got all them lights at last time so this is probably had a couple left oh yeah sounds empty oh god here you go what is that is that a little table look like a little patio table man that thing's pretty heavy dude like a little plant sand maybe perhaps a little shovel that looks like hose hoes in the dumpster y'all there's holes in this dumpster what's up fans how we do it yeah lots of books fans we've got from all the fans all right man little fans big fans round fan square fest fans that don't make it in the back of the truck all right right there look at the printer oh should we grab this stick why not right why not what else we got going on over here oh just some fans and boxes all right all right all right yeah come on fan i know you don't want to come with me but you got to the destiny of the planet depends on it oh look at that y'all my favorite thing in the whole world chairs at least they stack that's good yeah that's always always good when they stack going the truck a little bit easier a little bit easier there yeah i could do the stacking stuff we have glass we have glass y'all see you don't want to break it kyle break it all right my crack head stick i don't beat off crackheads with it uh okay oh god all right we got it man broke her up there get that in the truck back there all right throw these cats back here camera boxes oh they're all empty [Music] emptiness emptiness there goes a little piece of wire looks like a little shop back up in there let's see here come on in y'all watch your head watch over here watch it dude watch it watch budget there's a little baby shot back man it's a little guy a little guy v max plus too bad nothing up in here i found some rackets a little strap down here oh this look at that yo there's a whole bag full of crap right here crestron wow there's a whole bag full of stuff get us a little bomb we got here so we've got this crestron to scream a screen there's some aluminum right there some more aluminum right there [Music] some stuff right there goes some wire and it just keeps going look at that power cord some hardware scrap more wires more aluminum some tent stakes there's some brass keys in there handicap 05 of 2021 it's expired i wouldn't use it anyway tell you what though now that we're on the uh oh look at that aluminum on the issue of uh talking about cars what's up with all the cars and the paper plates lately like literally i see about a dozen cars a day and i'm talking these are like 20 year old cars these ain't new off the lot cars these are old school it's like what's up with that another one like why are people just trying to are they trying to beat the system i think people trying to beat the system or what like what do they what they be doing what they be doing what is that to beat the system man okay yeah there's another box of stuff set that out there all right stuff that looks like straight-up vomit hang in there no yeah nothing kind of slow night so far you know we're getting some stuff but you can't have like a killer night every night we've been on that roll you know this is what it is but all right man come on shout back let's go stuff oh my goodness gracious look at all this what is this neptune's cbd water cbd water huh it's got cbd in it it's got weed in it or what cbd water huh stimulates there's crap floating in there y'all see that there's like there's bits of crap floating in this water ew ew oh white chunks of crap man here got some christmas lights that's for sure there's a whole mess of them in here man try to be careful with them man we'll test them out see if they work cause uh cause christmas is coming it's coming y'all let's see here's a little radio boom box yeah i'm not taking no cbd water with chunks of crap floating around in it god wait look at all these lights man all right scrapyard's got a set price for christmas life if they end up not working just set those out there but we'll plug them in and see if they work then i mean i have to buy no christmas lights this year although i don't think i have to i don't have to buy christmas lights in a while let's see what we got follow your heart all you need is love isn't that from the beatles isn't that from the bloody beatles here sit down there the bloody buddha's there's more cbd water yeah it's got like little chunks white chunks floating in it not cool not cool christmas lights grab all them christmas yeah like i'm saying though everything doesn't work scrapyard has a set price on uh look at that we got waffle maker grilled cheese sandwich maker a panini press whatever they're called oh my god oh that's an empty empty there's a tree stand scrap it out empty buckets little boss yeah there's another case of cbd water down there is this like a a thing for your christmas life well that's pretty nifty huh over there all right christmas lights christmas in the christmas lights all right cbd get water back in the trash where you go where you belong all right we've got going on up in here that looks like a roller like for a conveyor or something but here's wooden box for calipers there's no calipers in them though those are still pretty cool though those are like those are cool like uh cigar boxes and such a little scrap there throw these up here cool little boxes let's see oh there's a a case down here let's see if it is no drill doctor nothing really up in here let's see what is that it looks like it goes to the drill doctor put my little bucket up here there goes something right here little scrap there get back there there's another case yeah i'm gonna grab that one that one's not as cool as the wooden ones we got here y'all except for air gauge all right era air pump look at that big old piece of scrap there man get down on oh there's that snivet he's number one right there that big old stapler it's a little square d box that thing looks new huh look at that yeah that's a new box it's still got grease on the contacts hey rock and roll i like new stuff new stuff is great look at that is that a hammer what all right you know what i'm just gonna grab this trap just because it's here it's in my way look at that there goes the board number one right there some romance golly there's a little bit of everything up in here man we cleaned out the pantry it looks like miami the you those cups those are stainless part of a blender or something all kinds of stuff somebody cleaned out the pantry there's some metal shavings here these are the machine shop that's what that's about right in here oh okay i think we picked it over pretty well pretty pretty pretty good oh my spoon yo there's the uh there's the kitchen pantry y'all there's a coffee mug houston strong look at that two-piece salt pepper set that all right there a little crock pot hold up crap what else kind of concoctions that we got in here there's some old peanut butter and that's probably part of some of that crap that i just pulled out huh look at these pots lots of pots and pans we've got lots and lots of pens [Music] got the murder weapon here right all right y'all [Music] power recorded something that's a cool little thing but i don't have the it's missing a drawer yeah well alrighty scavengers good morning how's everybody doing it is a absolute beautiful day out today absolutely gorgeous beautiful day lovely day for sorting out some scrap which is what i'm gonna do after my wife pressure washes his driveway that's right she wants to pressure wash it and she's gonna pressure wash it with the new dewalt that we found just a few weeks ago got it all fixed up so ah yeah got to bang this out get saved away do a little pressure wash to get back get this stuff organized but yes uh not the most successful of evenings but it was still pretty successful i mean you know we were on a roll there for a few uh a few trips out and uh it only makes sense that you know it all comes crashing down but we still managed to get a few things got some scrap uh got some fans back there uh big old breaker box that's good uh some more lights again we got tons of wiring to go through uh bx cable some of this is uh you know uh it's got yeah it's got the the number one running through it cut that out of there uh yeah mostly just a scrap kind of evening i mean did get a couple of items somewhere in here that are still in the packaging from the uh the multi-tool stuff i think all that crap is in here but i'm gonna go through all this clean all this up organize all this get this all squared away uh today on this lovely day i got a little bit of some sort back here to do as well so you know just stay busy that's what we do uh but yeah there it is all in its glory you know hopefully some of these christmas lights work so i got some christmas lights for the uh i mean i already have some christmas lights but i mean more christmas lights we'll do a grizz ball griswold family christmas if we have to god that thing looks new huh yeah it is look it's that's brand new man wilson max the same wilson from castaway man except it's not a volleyball it's a racket but yes yes that's all she wrote on this one guys so that is gonna do it on this episode of dumpster diving as always it was a total pleasure be sure to like the video subscribe to the channel share with your friends instagram facebook gotta check it out extra special shout out to everybody that bought some merch appreciate the guys if you are interested down below there should be a little bit of teeth spring go uh check it out you know t-shirt stickers what have you uh yeah you got my uh afternoon cut out for me it's a beautiful afternoon too so all right we all take care enjoy the weather if you're in my neck of the woods or if it's nice in your neck of the woods and uh yeah let's get ready for this uh this whole fall thing to happen so anyways yeah what we got here y'all [Music] all right [Music]
Channel: Mike The Scavenger
Views: 273,187
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diving, best dumpster diving, dumpster diving for food, dumpster diving in america, dumpster, dumpster diving gamestop, dumpster diving 2020, dumpster diving at apple store, dumpster diving haul, dumpster diving at ulta, dumpster diving police, dumpster diver, jackpot dumpster diving, dumpster haul, dumpster diving mega, dumpster diving illegal, dumpster divers, apple store dumpster diving, ahmedmoetv dumpster diving, make money, extra money, scrap yard, free
Id: Xgs-qPSSEpA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 18sec (2178 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 23 2021
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