Street Scrap Copper Rampage Scored Amiga 1000 in the Trash

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ghetto scrappers today we're going on a copper rampage and so before I head out there and I'm actually going to do this today and tomorrow I'm gonna see how much copper I can find on the streets by scrapping out TVs and what I was been thinking about this week is the microwave ovens you know and it's really changing so here I've got the three varieties of transformers from microwave ovens and so we've got the the old original style this one is copper and if it's copper down the base this exposed spool then you've got copper up at the top so this is a copper copper transformer the old original microwave oven transformer and these ones are definitely worth splitting open and removing the two copper because you get pretty good value more than you would if you sold the transformer as it is so but these are really running out I'm starting to find now like one in probably twelve microwave ovens if not 15 one in every 15 microwaves will still have one of these but they're usually the real old microwaves majority now are of these ones which are aluminium base and the copper top so you've still got copper in this one and but it's really not worth splitting open because you're not getting much value for the copper just for one because then you're you've ended up getting steel for this and aluminium for this one so but for some people that are just looking for copper these are still okay you can still get a good chunk of copper out of it but you just don't get much more value than you would if you just sold it so these I'm starting to find in pretty much every you know what 14 out of 15 microwaves will have one of these or I'd say 13 out of 15 and and as well as the one in 15 with the copper copper one in 15 are actually aluminium and aluminium so this top one is also aluminium and it's most likely from a slightly cheaper version of a microwave although this is a pretty big transformer so it might not necessarily be a really cheap microwave or it was a big one anyway both of these I actually sell as transformers I'd only it's just kind of worth it I'm looking for copper but right now I'm not I'm not sort of busting these open because I'm not getting any extra value so but maybe next year when I'm looking we're no longer getting copper from the CRTs I'll probably start busting these ones open as well right but these ones definitely bust open say anyway okay cool so this is what I'm I've been thinking over the week is where we pretty much only half and half so because I sell these I'm no longer getting much cop buy one in 15 I'm actually getting two copper out of so where is my future copper going to come from and televisions are definitely running out so I thought well what I'm doing is I'm kind of ignoring televisions because I don't want to pick them up and bring them back they're too heavy and too much trouble to send to the recyclers so I'm gonna go back to my old style of scrapping on the street and and so here we got this a television yoke as you can see we've got the two pieces of copper inside this one's actually a round copper and then we've got the two ferrite cores with the copper round around there as well so there's usually four pieces that's from the television that's from my monitor same thing it's got two pieces of copper in the middle and then the ferrite core with another two pieces underneath that so again four pieces but because it's a PC monitor they've always got a little bit more copper because you've got this copper spool here you've got little copper spools here down the down this underneath and also around the edge here you got that band of copper so this pops usually pops off in this case it doesn't oh yes it should but as you can see here we've got really beautiful copper wire here as well so CRT monitors are always better value pound-for-pound because we do get a little bit more it's only once you start getting the big CRTs the Sony's and stuff that you're getting more copper out of a television and so we've got our degaussing cable sometimes it's just this aluminium shield wrapped around it and most of the time it's the PVC tape trapped around it but usually nine ninety five percent of them are always copper some people say they get a lot of aluminum ones I don't see many aluminium you know yeah look probably one in twenty five tvs if not more aluminium so like this looks like it's it's just an aluminium shielding but it's actually copper inside and obviously the same as these these ones here because it's this aluminium tape it's actually very light tape so the copper content in this is probably close to about 95 percent by weight you know it's at least 90 percent whereas in these ones here the black ones they can vary sometimes it can be up to 90 but usually about 85% and so this is our best copper at the moment all right and so because it's it's like it's insulated and we take it out this goes as Millbury copper mostly sometimes it can be a little bit darker it'll go as burnt copper but it's most of the time it's just Millbury copper now I've got a serrated knife here this isn't you want a flat blade knife when you you're cutting these because the serrated knives hook into the copper but yeah we've got some you know really nice copper here so yeah well as I was saying it's um this is running out and if we're not getting copper from degaussing cables and copper from yokes and then we're not getting much copper from the Transformers anymore from microwave ovens there's really little places where we're going to get copper so it's a one more reason why the future of copper II you know the price is going to go up because there's going to be a lot most of the copper now is going to have to come from freshly mined copper rather than you know quite a decent portion of copper came from recycled so sure there will be still industrial recycled copper a lot of pipes really heavy gauge copper but from your small scrappers we're just not going to get it anyway enough of that I'm getting ready and I'm going to go out and scrap the streets and let's start this copper rampage let's start this copper rampage copper copper cover so yeah it's early so today so how up and now we don't want microwaves or vacuum cleaners Oh up we're going to cord first up let's find some copper oh it's not copper nice barrel with lids you're probably going to regret it but oh well first my major pick up and it's a barrel with lid telephone system oh we got some DVDs we don't want the VCR a little fridge mini fridge even got some canes that's cute well we're making a start I've got a couple of DVDs there's another one okay so what three DVDs in one stop check it out guys two pcs just sitting there waiting for me how's that for good timing Hey Wow yeah it's a bit light but hey it's a PC well just sitting there waiting for me cool good turn go ahead I got into this street how's that guys I've barely gotten anything out three DVDs and I've already got two pcs I should do this more often look for televisions and instead of televisions I get pcs Wow unbelievable I've got some great things already I mean wow nice cool Stu in there copper wire when you reckon we scrap the first TV yet it's gonna take me a little while to to get the swing of it first one's always a bit wobbly okay here we go cut the cord divorcing cable try and do it quick quicken as possible ok put that bit back on there we go cut some of these braided wire that's it the rest now go to us always better to do it from the back one television scrapped out back on the pile so there we go okay it's only small television really not much to it we do have a degaussing cable copper yoke okay get some copper off this board mostly from this spool but one down see if we can get them all there we go copper how we're gonna do this doesn't have any handles wow it's a big one huh haven't done one of these for a while a Grundy made in Austria haven't done a grundig for I think I've only ever done one Grundig before so interesting so we always do the back first then we turn it around all the base and we do the top that way when we open the cover where we've got the cords in front of us it's if we hope in the cover so I'm a bit awkward and a bit rough at the moment but um you know combination of just a bit rusty doing it on the street and just a bit nervous to talks got my talks handy boys gotta expect torque screws especially when it comes with European TVs German TVs Austrian TVs this one's a little bit harder because we can get the yoke from here but this is encapsulated in a it's like a plastic it's like so we can only really get half of that well that's right yeah that's what I didn't check for screws holding on the gotcha got the bag we're at all green circuit boards nice copper beautiful all cleaned up get our braided team copper okay [Music] because it's so heavy got to make sure all the screws are in otherwise it will just pop open okay there you go like new okay that's - there's a PC I am tool they're three slot cards hey PC number three so how good am I going hey three pcs scrape down two televisions and three pcs let's television what's that a you attack it's a mixer MX maringá I think it's Wow engineered in Germany assembled in China much rather if it was assembled in Germany wow look at look at all the knobs I haven't seen so many knobs in one spot for a long time that's going in front seat Wow what do you think glucose glucose Wow cord cut big Panasonic copper just have a look here nothing we'll get some copper at least this one's got handles okay no this will do we'll just open up from here wow that's a nice mixer well I've got some great stuff already nice barrel three pcs couple TVs no more screws okay well it's a nice big yoke it's good one medium-sized divorcing table - crew yeah it's a nice big chunk of copper yeah baby however get some good Braley that was nice and quick that should do it okay yeah as a big big awesome cable in that one oh I think that's the three TVs down now three TVs three pcs and got an awesome looks like a mixer what a nice mix up look sigh so many knobs on it Wow oh well I don't think you're gonna probably work but it might be interesting to scrap it out I'll have to do some research first but I'll keep it here so I don't break any knobs I'm going to take the stainless steel that's instant cash ya can't give up the stainless steel there's ten bucks worth hey easy bit more maybe I can always put stuff in there so I'd take up any extra spice I don't want scrap steel obviously today I'm looking for copper but you can't pass up easy stainless steel like that there's one television sitting by itself we can't just leave it sitting here alone well with copper in it we're going to take the copper out and we'll put it back okay that was easy it's gonna have to do here we go thank you so any place that you need to stop here these tubs I was trying to find a bigger tub to put these things but it doesn't look like a working but all I'm using it for is like a barrier so I suppose that can work as a barrier keep me giving half keep a little bit of room sake keep scrapping some TVs out a set-top box just what we like it's actually quite a heavy one might as well cut a couple chords while I here here that's a nice heavy set-top box they'll be awesome a good board in there at least this one that mixer unbelievable Eurotrash Berenguer a scrubber a floor scrubber Wow crept up chainsaw Wow it's got a nice big motor on it but all this rubbish I don't want to touch it that's giant too big for me unfortunately joint scrubber at these pcs Wow guys oh I was just talking about three pcs well he's another three pcs compact disc pro Microsoft mm Pentium 2 Wow collectible guys collectible we're delving into the collectability hopefully the sponsor looks like a good one too they'll take it set-top box printer cartridges awesome well the people were right at the front working on the car so I was a bit you know gentle so do you mind if I take three pcs in one pickup so I got two then one oh yeah yeah baby yeah yeah these are semi vintage Wow Pentium 2 this one's a good one and this one seller on there that's not bad quite vintage might do well out of these ones what's that one yeah they look like old Pentium tubes 3 pcs three pcs that's 6 pcs guys and look what I've got in a van virtually nothing all right I got me cables and DVDs in there barrel but I've got virtually nothing in a van I've scraped out four TVs wow that was awesome I was trying to contain myself when I was talking you know I didn't want to yell pcs please no microwaves I don't even want this fluorescent white tubing because it's got the florescent lights and I don't really like taking off the lights and just letting him sit there so I'm gonna leave that you know but maybe the next scrapper that comes along he's gonna say oh microwave our fluorescent light housing just have to change route is that a little collectible I love these realistic poor division so it's a portable it's got DC Universal DC plug and here it's not battery-operated that's a good one I collect things like that just an air conditioner copper not much pretty light vivillon yeah I know this brand vivillon there's nothing in there there's so little copper in there the degaussing cables aren't even worth stripping but look at that that's a beautiful little realistic collectible that yeah I love it it's in such nice condition I love these little tiny little portable CRTs I've got a really nice collection of them now even better little signing I love these little ah that's not so all so machine another microwave these are really good these little portable radios I've got a collection of these two they're really collectible see this one here this one's a Sony cassette recorder this one's not a very common one to have the little tiny little cassette and a Hannah mix it's not a solid state the best ones yeah the best way our little radios are the ones that say solid state a lot of people are after them really good well I'm finding great stuff who needs microwaves when you're picking up cream you know I mean ha I almost want to go and get those 15 microwaves from home and bring them back and drop them off to make more room for more stuff yeah unbelievable just you'd have so much good scores that I've almost completely forgotten about scrap metal or anything like that because you know it's all good it looked like a PC but it's probably scrapped out yeah baby yeah baby yeah hey that's PC number seven in one hour well a no-vote as I was turning the corner I just saw it you still got a slot card the front covers missing Wow PC number seven come I can't get over these compacts three beautiful vintage compacts semi vintage they're not fully vintage obviously Pentium two three regular piece seats and now that one seven pcs guys and I haven't it you know it barely feels like I've even got started I can't get over it but [Applause] scrapping TVs is a little bit harder than I expected in this area because it's not there's so many cars as you can see so you can't park right next to the TV and it's just they're too heavy to carry you know thirty meters up the road to put it into the van and then carry it back out and put it back where it was and I don't want to put it just on someone's empty nature strip because that's not fair so it's just a little bit harder than I expected I was hoping to just rock up to piles like this pile here I was hoping to just pull over here I put a TV in but I there's another stainless steel wow I didn't expect another one usually I only find one stainless steel wow look at Big Daddy's WoW is $15 with a stainless steel head let's get some grass is wipe off the sludge so don't bring it home oh yeah that's a good one about 15 bucks it takes up room but it's good casual copper now we're looking for cover on tater well there's some copper and brass mostly brass there's about six or seven dollars there okay we've got some stuff to pick through here nice one accord excellent okay we're gonna have to have a look vintage will take it certainly down on keyboards about 100 keyboards at home and I need 101 good chords big speakers what can't pass this one up a little that yeah as I said it's it's pretty hard to scrap out in this area but well I've done four I could have done some really big ones but they're just too big to carry I don't really want to do them on the street I don't want that here we go scrap the LCD TV well when they do it for you you can't help but to take it I mean look at that for an LCD TV board there's virtually nothing on it there might be some chips under that one little BGA one flat pack and that's it very low value but still biggest can't be choosers as they say oh we got cords well since we got stainless steel and wires we'll take that I don't want all that might come in handy that's good for the workshop gold recovery hey we got some pots and pans haha funny but that's a really nice stainless steel [Music] yeah in case you've just joined us I've got 7 pcs guys 7 pcs dumbells he strengthened up I like them both I don't know why but especially when they set up ready to go well that was a nice barrel but it's just too dirty and muddy I don't wanna oh there we go that was worth it battery it's only a small one five bucks maybe six show you I've got to send batteries to the scrapyard I'm building up a lot of batteries it's all cash guys you know batteries are really good money at the moment when you find one good thing settled hub the trading card game but I believe it or not guys in my previous life I was a trading card dealer non-sport and I've got a lot of albums and stuff [Music] so these ones mooing packet because big laser printer this might seem funny for a scrapper but I know my training cards I've got I've been collecting trading cards well I haven't for about six years but I was collecting trading cards for about twenty years and I was a dealer I do trading card fairs I do comic con and when I retire I'll be dealing in trading cards again on eBay I've got probably I don't know hundreds of thousands of trading cards all brand-new mint-condition non-sport Australian sports I didn't get into American sports except during the boom the mid 90s early 90s a 92 93 94 there were huge years for trading cards for MBA and pretty much pretty much any American sport was really popular but obviously the basketball cars Jordan cards that were huge but training cards have changed a lot these days it's they kind of spoiled it when they when they started bringing our signature cards and like one of ones that really kill the market but it was already dropping down like by 1996 the card market was really collapsed but what I did I was still into non sports cards so there was a real lot of trading card shops here in Melbourne in Australia and there was a lot of wholesalers distributors and they had mountains of stock and I was buying boxes I was clearing him out so I'd go into a wholesaler that was closing down and boxes that were that were retailing for like one hundred and twenty dollars a box I was buying him for like five dollars a box and so I accumulated a lot of good stuff especially like Marvel and superheroes stuff I've got a lot of that and I'm glad I did that when everyone was getting out of the market I was buying out everyone that was going out because I used to be a pretty big dealer and so now I've got that stockpiled and just sitting there waiting for the next phase of the Hobby to come back in because everything goes around in circles and so it won't be long that trading cards will be popular again so I'm just gonna whip over to the other side of this road check out a new section and then do that for about 15 minutes and then start heading home check out what we got I didn't you know certainly haven't filled up the van but for a Saturday I've had a ball it's been fantastic with my gloves I feel like a man on a mission a scrapper with a cause the objective of the day was purrs a flat-screen wants to get as much copper as I could I've only done four TVs so this might be a good opportunity to get myself some copper from a nice big Sony it doesn't look like the people at home either yep it hasn't been scratched it's even got the cord okay I'll just cut the cord so I don't trip over whoo this is a big one oh it's so heavy I don't even know if I'm gonna be able to kind of enlisted into the van that weighs about 100 kilos that's a heavy bugger there better be some good copper in here it has to be go down do all these little screws otherwise the circuit board gets tangled up okay Wow it's not the biggest Sony but I'll tell you what it's one of the heaviest Wow same as the last week remember the steel thing but this time I might have the right tools oh yeah we're going to get this buggery up no problem there that better cut the flyback transformer off cables this is going to be 1 1 mega C IPTV scrap guys I tell you and I don't even know if it's going to come out on video here's their yoke massive circuit board take the whole thing so far so good okay now for our pay pay time copper the gossan cable obviously we're gonna take this steel because I'm not gonna be able to put it back there's the AB the gossan cable will be strapped into it [Music] okay I don't know if this is these are actually getting it but if you can't see it what we've got here is a Sony TV it almost probably identical to the one I tried to scrape out last week but I didn't have the tool so now look at that and that's joint the gossan cable two sides it's about half an inch thick we'll take the whole lot good copper there okay now I've really got to get this screwed on properly so I can pick it up perfect [Music] [Music] bang job done guys well now there we go Wow go ahead join the gossan cables there's probably $10 worth of copper they're massive circuit boards good copper there and the yoke how's that okay I mean it's a really quick scrap doesn't take long but boy it's a heavy one all right yay so that made up for the one that we missed out on last week see us only by not got some quartz anything interesting oh yeah Kenwood amplifier oh it's broken that's good it's a whole Kenwood system yeah this button is broken but the rest looks alright and I'm if it's a good one Kenwood you know the amplifier could be used as parts and we'll just take care of that [Music] don't have another look huh nothing else under there hey Mario alright well that was a good part there's something else I almost missed this that's Kingwood as well it's a graphic equalizer now this one looks good too well say we're gonna a tuner an amplifier compact this player and an equalizer wow that was a good little Kenwood system but I'm starving now I want to go home and have something to eat I've been out a little bit longer than expected I've just gotten into this little area here there's a scrap out CRT so old piles have been scrapped out but I just noticed someone putting out some fresh stuff so I just want to finish this little area off and we'll start heading home there's a couple of little CRTs would have been nice to scrap it's just that well especially after that Sony I'm a bit tired now run around quite a bit so [Music] not a spring chicken like I used to be I'd scrape out probably 25 TVs in one day [Applause] hey guys PC number eight and Asus well it hasn't been scrapped there I think we can leave the cover on this one here it's got three slot cards that's a good sign PC number eight eight pcs this one is probably the worst one yeah look how little I've picked up yeah I've got eight pcs oh wow scraped our five TVs awesome let's keep going about another ten minutes and I'm gonna head back it looks like PC stuff someone's gone through yeah missed out on that I've got a hoot seat the copper sticker definitely missed out on that path but uh it's a new it's actually you could use it but I don't have any use for it all right here we go steel scrapper check these guys out do you remember them guys they were the ones a few weeks ago don't it was like they're following me around everywhere they're the same guys they're just going around scrapping steel so good on him oh there's a little vintage monitor [Music] okay they get steel but it looks like they're also getting chairs and stuff for um for markets well it's that hang on a minute hang on a minute guys Amiga oh my god 1000 don't tell me don't tell me oh my god yes yes yes yes a bit dirty but yes oh my god and the keyboard with cord Wow as soon as I seen model 1000 this is the one I was looking for oh my god amiga commodore amiga it's the one thousand man this is so old yep the Amiga 1000 personal computer my god Wow made in Japan oh yes this is the one this is jackpot city guys I love it I love it and this beautifully aged just how I expect that to be a little bit yellowy you know bit greasy well not greasy just there you know over the years but it's even got the port the gender changer Wow fantastic Wow Wow oh and there's a monitor why's it are you oh it's the monitor I can't believe it I gotta get in this side we're gonna put in the front oh my Wow get rid of that we've got the monitor Commodore model 1081 and it's in great condition oh it's had the cord cut but that's alright it doesn't matter because I can replace that cord easy splicing it even but oh my gosh right there sitting right there Commodore Amiga it's that stuff dreams are made out of you know if you're into computers and gaming consoles if there's anything you would ask for well unless you would ask for a vintage Apple you know or anything vintage but that's good enough for me that is fantastic I can't get over it I honestly can't get over why you know there's a bit of cable it's mixed in with a rope I'll take it and clean it up don't get it I'm I'm stumped I just want to sit down have a cup of coffee after that oh wow I can't believe it you know the monitor is great the cords cut I can fix that it's really good I'm actually happy with the monitor too but the actual you know Commodore Amiga 1000 look them up and the keyboard and this keyboard is perfectly intact fantastic the original and all the keys are there fantastic model 1000 look how low the serial number is and it's it's not cracked or anything wow wow if I can't believe it you know see with me it's it's not about money this stuff you just you know you can't find in hard rubbish and sure you can buy them secondhand somewhere you know they sell on eBay sometimes but even reconditioned ones but you know there's nothing like finding one just in the rubbish and my G it's probably going to rain tonight it's just oh wow I'm talking or probably talking a little bit too loud sorry because if people are turning around and looking must be talking loud but I'm so um I'm just stoked Wow and this was the last you know I was only going to do another 15 minutes and I'm just so glad I got I'd give up like I got eight pcs today right in such a short time Wow I mean although time flies it's really hard to know what time um how long I'm actually out here I don't look at clocks or anything but I give up all those eight pcs for that Amiga what I just got now I can't believe it I'm glad I didn't get it really early because that would have just thrown me for the rest of the day yeah I can't even focus unbelievable I can't believe it out of everything you know if you ask me what kind of computer console just gives me the Commodore Amiga 1000 any day of the week Wow yeah that's it I'm just going to do a couple more streets I'm going home I want to check out my Commodore Amiga and there's a microwave see this is why I don't want to fill up with junk I've got so much in a couple of weeks I'll probably start picking up microwaves again I'll take the cord thank you very much and they can have it you know but if you're a scrapper around Melbourne there's nothing wrong with taking microwaves they can come in handy you know you can fill them up with scrap metal all your junky bits and take it to the scrapyard and just dump it like that when you get good money for scrap steel you know so and now it takes a few minutes to take out the transformer oh yeah hey there's some good stuff here okay hey another copper stacker heatsink I'd say it's a it's a gaming gun I'm gonna take the whole box the whole box that'll be fun to go through a lot of boxes like that get to check out all the good little bit good pain looks like a power old saw this extreme silent sapphire Wow see fruit Wow I'll take that I'll take that don't mind if I do I've got to keep picking through all this stuff cause there's too much in there that's a nice I don't know it looks like they're the box a bit chunky take some of this aluminium yeah oh well here's some nice cable look at that jumper lead cable look out thick thick copper ease that's what we're looking for copper copper wire bits of brass you know I think we've got a laptop yeah we got a complimentary laptop how someone's it looks like there wasn't pay save that look an Asus laptop wow this is a gold mine this place well for computer enthusiasts how's that Isis k52 J another one to scrap and I got this tub full of stuff just awesome Wow it's just oh I don't know I can't I've just got no words to explain what it's like for a scrapper that's a computer gaming console enthusiast to have a day like this it's just flat-out only I can't believe it I mean just there I picked up some good stuff I've got some computer bits and there you go a laptop just sitting there you know I mean it's just and it's only Saturday what's tomorrow going to bring where all these nature strips are going to be loaded with stuff it's just gonna be insane home stretch guys stainless steel these could be my last chords yeah can't can't really top the day now any more than what I've what I've got oh wow what a day as you can see the Vans not full that's for sure but wow just amazing eight pcs they've even got two big stainless steel sinks this one is up you know I'm tempted to keep this one because it's so big this might be good for a outdoor sink I'm not sure yet I don't really want to sell it because this rule extra long is quite expensive to buy but I've got so many goodies to go through take all this out I want to spread it out on the table so by the time I finish this there's still a bit of sunshine but I'm so hungry I'm going to go in and I'm gonna eat anything that's in the fridge but yeah so let me just take all this stuff out okay so aside from the stainless steel I got quite a bit of that three basins I got these five set-top boxes and DVD player also another set-top box in the box they're the five pcs that I picked up randomly the first three and then one at the end and this one on the corner that I got so five random pcs just for scrapping out there nothing special and I got this barrel I couldn't resist a barrel with the lid so got a lot of cords and stuff in there also got those collectible radios and some interesting little bits and pieces but it's just gonna take me a while to get through all that I've just got a bit of a backlog so there's the boards and the yolks and the degaussing cables from the CRT TVs that I scrapped out that was the giant the Sony very heavy here probably next time I probably won't try and pick a one up I'll just if I can't do it on the street I'll just leave it there just too heavy do try and carry I've got that box of goodies that I just picked up all in one go I have to go through that now workout burly still got a little gaming gun might still work but it's still part of a collection I'll just put it with all the other gaming stuff I've got that really neat Kenwood complete stereo system here so you know four pieces didn't expect that you know all the cords and cables and the antennas are all still there so the only thing was the main thing is the amplifier it's the a57 yeah it's this button here is looks like it's pushed in it's broken but other than that you know if it powers up I reckon this whole system will power up they didn't even unplug the thing so I think they just literally removed it off the shelf but you know as it was you know still in the same situation they've just removed it and got rid of it so I reckon the whole thing works just that buttons broken there are the other three pcs so I've got eight pcs all up so these compact disc pros and really awesome I'm really happy with these you know Pentium twos quite quite you know almost getting to collectible stage but yeah I think that the bottom one might be a nice one you know I think it's this one here yeah yeah this one here with the floppy there Pentium 2 this one I might actually put aside in my own collection these two I might scrapped out and just see what's inside I'll just have to have a look overall got that awesome gyro track what is it a it's a mixer I suppose a mixing console yes so many knobs and dials and little buttons all over it yeah obviously you know if it was really good I don't think people would throw it out so I don't think it's you know really really special or anything you know I think this kind of thing might be worth about $100 secondhand but you know I have to test you know see if the lights work and all that but it might be an interesting thing just to scrap out because I can't see it's selling you know and I also got the Asus laptop but you know the Holy Grail here is this Amiga 1000 Commodore Amiga I can't believe that I actually got it you know just a shame that I was a little bit too late and the cord color got to this you know you know it's it would be nice if cord cutters knew what they're cutting the cords off like for me I don't cut anything no cords or things that I think are good and useful or like this obviously collectible so cord cutters don't even know what they're really cutting cords often and so like this Commodore it's the 1081 Omega CRT you know this could be worth clothes you know who knows it could be worth $100 just for that yet the cord covers come and cut but it's not a problem I got no problem when I pick up stuff with a cord cut easy to repair no worries at all but I'm really happy with the keyboard that's awesome keyboard still got the cord totally intact perfect alright Amiga keyboard for model 1000 that's what we want low serial really good condition no cracks this is going to clean up really really really nice and then obviously to complete the whole deal well we can't go past our fantastic Amiga 1000 computer doesn't get much better than that just the floppy no CD no DVD well there's a slot card there so that's awesome it's in good shape ports good it's even got this gender changer port so still intact so it does show like with this it's not bent or anything so does showed that there it was kept in good storage some really you know happy with that now so the keyboard goes there there's peripherals so it looks like yeah that's the RGB monitor yep bottle looks like that's for television video awesome I mean as I said I can't believe I actually got it because you know if you asked me what computer I would like to find what vintage computer I would say I want I want an Amiga 1000 now I think I've got already one but I think I've got a lot of accessories but the machine isn't in as good condition so this is what I was looking for mega 1000 perfect just what I wanted kai asked for anything more than that everything's intact still got the switch switch works so this goes straight into the collection obviously that was awesome still can't get over it it's going to take me a while to get over this one just you know it's just a sort of thing you don't expect in hard rubbish you know it's just on the side of the street you saw it where it was I just turned a corner I've seen that monitor I thought I'll stop and sure enough bang another cookie for some bonus I can also got that little little CRT television almost a matching system but yeah I like these old vintage CRTs even the antenna is in still perfect condition so really really nice piece this it's even got a little a little adapter jack for the power so you just need a little universal add-on to that and away you go so really nice all intact really good condition can't ask for anything more than that just have to clean it up you know how it goes a bit looks a bit dirty once it cleans up it'll look brand-new still got the dials here volume control tuner it's all intact this is the kind of stuff I love I don't know if you know everyone else sort of likes this vintage stuff but for me this is the ants pants the pickup of this year so far actually these compacts are pretty good but yeah nothing falls into that category but really good Kenwood lots of good little junks started off as a copper rampage I did I think I did what did I do four or five TVs after I'd done that Sony I was just too tired and already what you know I've been walking around for a couple of hours so I'll just too tired to pick up anymore TVs and drag him into the van you know I thought I'd get a lot more done today but you know I went by how I used to do it a few years ago and well I just don't have that energy to do it especially you know because I'm scrapping a lot more these days of pretty much scrap every day so but we'll see how we go tomorrow I might go again and but worst comes to worst because tomorrow I want to go out and I want to look for more of this cream stuff this is this is what I'm you know scrapping for and safe I don't get to do too many TVs tomorrow I might even go out on Monday because it's very close to where I'm living now so [Applause] so it's not so difficult to get out there you know our guys rambling on a bit much hope this video wasn't too long for us it was just an awesome day eight pcs well nine pcs if you class this Amiga but this is in a totally different category interesting mix up some whole heap of interesting things got that barrel which are some goodies in there more DVDs and set-top boxes and got some nice collectible radios and stuff like that even got a lid so I could just leave it out here now if it rains tonight that's all cool alright guys well keep scrapping have fun and I'll catch you soon
Channel: eWaste Ben
Views: 210,981
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Commodore Amiga 1000, Trash Picking, Copper, Scrap copper crt tv, ewaste ben, curbside trash day, making money scrap, scrapping streets for cash, finding computers in trash, copper in tv's, diving into trash for cash
Id: b11nRrTYawo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 35sec (5315 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 22 2018
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