Dumpster Diving "Don't Touch The Lightsaber!"

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all right all right all right y'all someone hit a pole Mike scavenger on this Mike the scavenger hotline told me they found a UH a horde of some aluminum it's sure enough they did that's what I'm talking about right there let me uh let me back dottie up and we'll just start unloading golly all right I did break Sunday she's chillin over there aluminium big long pieces - now it's time to get down in there going doors might come back here with a drill get his hardware off get that moving get this grip back see when I said scavenger hotline I mean my mom called me and told me there's a big dumpster outside full of aluminum [Music] [Music] see what we can do over here we're going to break this glass do that last we do the rest I guess I could have like opened the back here go grab my little sledgehammer truck get this piece over here though if I can't go gotcha what y'all think smash that glass let's do it got my flow Jim all right [Music] all right and then like I said in the past those uh these little thing green just don't like them I don't like them got a bad history with alright oh man look at this nasty niche it's a Jaguar oh no I keep pushing oh used coloring books voices of magazines with another bag back here I see boobie cups lots and lots of boobie cups we'll go through it in the morning there's a charger in there for the most part probably just joke more these clothes clothes clothes clothes everywhere strippers dumpster these are like dresses there's jeans clothes for the garage sale I'll get them out [Music] Southern grace Southern grace huh see there's like there's looks like nice dresses in here track closed box all that up there rod sale duratec HID lights special shoes like that it's a bag oh my gosh look at this sort of tablet oh it's just a take that go through that of clothes hair straining perfume it's like a whole card oh that's actually pretty cool oh it's falling apart though I think or maybe not okay what else yeah look at all those pins yes a tchotchke clothes pants grudge so glad stuff garage sale yep 25 cents apiece on everything clothing got you some money there I don't know that we'll take a look at those dresses to see if they're anything special and always check pockets I mean that's Banana Republic right there yeah I mean I know they're not as good the quality as they once were but here oh there's some shoes doesn't look too bad see look too bad oh those are pretty bad all right I think we've got the goods most of it anyway all right get the shoes there I didn't find a matching one for that someone probably saw it but not me cheese it all the way down in there oh shoot look at it box full of stuff [Music] [Music] we closed we're boxes were stuffing I can't get these clothes out all right there's just a few pieces left down there but I think we got quite a bit of stuff yeah definitely a grad selling scrap tonight got it all man parts of a car aluminum right there maybe that's what that was over here see there's some license plates I like funny it's like a light plate I have quite the collection actually dude dude it's gross up in here that's not a bloomin amount yeah cool plates though handicapped plates hmm don't be thinkin it Mike this dumpster has wheels so I gotta be careful it's a big boy oh all right so here all excited I go oh that's heavy Intel Oh Windows Vista yes I'm coming you were there it's old printer all right y'all I know I I talk crap about cord cut itself but let's face it that printer they put this blade away for I stick myself into things me got us another one y'all all right give me a second here Joe holy cow it's got a floppy drive windows 98 all right windows 98 I curse the man who threw the grass at this trash all right there's a pin okay I think we're good it's a bucket nastiness yeah [Music] what's up bags for grass I found a bunch of grass a little across the street yeah these guys Ziza lawn mower bags these chilies myself five bucks especially that Toro oh it's just plastic there's our flag [Music] hey hey man I can always use shipping hey it says stainless but 20 bucks says my magnet sticks right dude yeah all right all right all right we'll get up in here y'all lookin scrappy screaming my gosh there's all kinds of stuff all right let's uh let's make some room for all that fits quick alright let's start loading her up this actually probably would make good like walls for the side of downing what a night I'll tell you what goodnight recently some wrapping paper in there hey out of a store going by this board get my workout you know yeah I don't know there's a little too flimsy for pallet red oh I hear the cops god I hope they're not coming for me it was some jalapeno halo qualifier checkup me gosh I hope I get my bike on top yeah I'm gonna pass on that wrapping paper I got plenty of it nice actually fine seven it's still wrapped sure bring in ooh I'll take that I'll take a brand new string Oh what else we got up in here oh no is that a tub there's a lasso helmet those uppers wesleyan Co Wesley Wesley tomboy some shoulder pads that's pretty cool a little school bus wreck old gateway monitor we got definitely household stuff oh shoot there's a bunch of shoes hey that's that's cool Halloween decor right there it's got lights to what I'll be on sale this is my truck that's a Christmas tree right there Christmas tree that's like actually really pretty I need to break it all right like an old humidifier devil take that part of it so here we go warm yeah it's like a humidifier for skeleton bones oh there's my skeletons right gang I don't have my knife on me okay you some fake vegetables all right what is that in there cut up stuff is if I care shoot I don't know what that is oh wait there's a whistle all right timeout that's kind of creepy quality bag girl time your head cuz that brand-new Christmas lights y'all like still in the box save my whistle hey that's heard you know for these back alleys you know K somebody wants to try to jump up all me I can blow my whistle those are probably feel good all right yeah I don't know what the heck this record now we got to figure out how I get all this crap on the alarms still going out guys I don't know what I did [Music] [Music] alright alright yeah here's that we did at the scrapyard iron came in 200 pounds 0.06 three pound 1260 aluminum breakage point or six pound point oh six a pound thirty-six cents lumen I'm sixty sixty three had a hundred forty two pounds of it no no no no no what is that seat a 113 okay yeah yeah yeah yeah 142 pounds gave a thirty six pound forty to sixty not bad for that one dumpster there and in a little bit of aluminum sheeting 26-pound thirty-three pounds 726 gives us sixty to eighty two as y'all could see guys the weather here is absolutely horrendous and disgusting so let's move on into the garage here and we'll kind of go through what we found alright alright scavengers another successful evening of getting some stuff I've been kind of going through all this crap I found in the one dumpster but we'll go over these these computers we found here these are these these are a little bit older computers but they have all the stuff in them hard drive here the little board's memory chips all that stuff so the computer guy be totally having this thing had Windows 98 that's like really old school right there but should definitely make him happy that makes me happy I like finding computers they're real cool and such well just kind of like I said we were kind of going through just kind of going through this stuff that we had found in the one dumpster I went through this little shindig we found here and for the most part it's just junk you know like little perfume stuff they got wet this stuff was in the back of my truck last night I didn't know it was gonna be raining the clothes and everything I was able to save got you know those were in the truck but there's one little box right here everything got wet so I was just kind of going through it I found some pretty interesting stuff you see right there that's a lightsaber the little pink lightsaber don't touch the lightsaber because it's you know it's a lightsaber it's dangerous just old Chargers old this and that I think this is a yeah it lights up too so I think that's a yeah one of those up oh my god of a vape thing for smoking your vapes yeah just little tchotchke stuff I am gonna go through I found this this is a little memory stick Pro magic gate we'll stick it in and see if there's anything cool on it see if we can find anything but nothing too interesting so far yeah and then it's just other tchotchke stuff in here I found a few things that are kind of like Navy related I don't know if this person was in the Navy yeah there's nothing too hot just it looks like somebody stuff just literally got tossed out that's what I'm thinking that's for cigarettes for cigarettes yeah and that's another thing like those bags they speak a lot like cigarettes but yeah nothing too crazy got a red stapler here a few things I can use but for the most part this is just you know scrap junk what have you don't even want to mess with it these dresses we got one two three four there's like five dresses here they're really nice dresses I won't put these in the garage sale for a quarter a piece like I always said I do with the clothes these I'll try to sell as a lot they for a really small person a lot of these pants that I found you know there's some good pants you know air parcel Abercrombie & Fitch we found some Banana Republic Hollister some good good clothes here for sure definitely good for resale in the garage sell but these dresses good as good to try to sell them you know as you know probably 10 maybe 10 20 bucks or something they're pretty nice and but it's for a really really really small person but yeah we started going through some of these bags over here a lot of it's pretty nasty we found a bunch of just random tchotchke stuff you know some cash a glitter to make it rain you know books you know little journals a you know I don't really like to go through people stuff oh but I did find this remember we found this last night just the keyboard well actually found the thing that the actual I guess it's the monitor part but it's not turning on oh yeah that's another thing see like you know not your usual crew and it says you know the Navy so I'm one of this is like a person that was in the Navy and yeah this guy's not turning on I'll see if I can charge it see if it comes on see you know what we got there but yeah that's a pretty cool fine there see yeah there's like deodorant and toiletries what's weird there was like this bag right here it was it has lots of jewelry it had lots of jewelry but it also has rocks and stuff and I don't know what the stones are for yeah maybe places they have been I don't know but we did find quite a bit of jewelry check this out I found a timepiece it says Milan Milan that's really cool lots of uh you know just nothing too spectacular as far as the jewelry goes I don't haven't yet to find any like like silver diamonds of you know curious about like I found this ring right here it sounds I don't know it does not sound actually it sounds like carbon steel and it's not stamped with any number or anything but a bunch of keys that watch with a little kitty cat on it yeah motel six keys I did find some drug paraphernalia I found a bag an open bag of needles always be careful out there kids there are needles so I'm thinking this person may have been somebody who kind of drifted around somebody who kind of a pokey root you know not sure what they were all about but uh you know I don't know if somebody end up going to jail and then this stuff was just left somewhere but uh yeah we've just still kind of going through it seeing what we find the ones we live with laugh with and love family yeah see this kind of stuff good garage sale stuff see Oh Kenwood controller oh that's for a stereo car stereo that's a I guess that's like a TV receiver of some sort [Music] beware yeah just garage sale stuff that's a Buddha we got the Buddha Cup their money oh look at that is that a roach L root Suri no but yeah we'll put that over here with the drug stuff because I also found all this check this out all these bags although these are a little bit bigger I mean if your dealers dealing you things that bags are this big that's pretty big time cuz that's a big bag that's a big bag yeah so I'm thinking this was like a drifter a druggie somebody maybe they ended up getting arrested go to jail got popped who knows and their stuff baby left somewhere but for some reason there's another one it'll do burrito although that looks like tobacco maybe they rolled their own cigs yeah and then like when I saw the cutting like now makes sense with like all the coloring bugs it's like you know maybe writing like they do drugs but there's another el brewery No see what's in this bag definitely grads how this one this one's this was not in too bad a shape not too bad a shape but it ain't nothing special see I can get it open oh yeah yeah I come on Mike get together oh that's just like some hmm yeah nothing in there nothing but yeah all these clothes these pants there's a bunch of keys let's see what the keys are for there's more rocks and there's straws and drug paraphernalia ain't electronics jewelry you know I'd say all in all not a bad little lick for sure let's see yeah that plus the scrap plus all this like now I got a mess to clean up but anyways guys that's gonna do it for this episode of dumpster diving I'm your host with the absolute most Mike the scavenger as always it was a total pleasure be sure to LIKE the video subscribe to my channel shout out to everybody that bought some merch if y'all ready to sit down below there's a couple links only trust some stuff I got a tape teespring page about as you see the weather is pretty gross right now things supposed to start getting cold again - so probably not gonna hit it up tonight but we'll definitely shoot for tomorrow night and then you know have a ball y'all take care [Music]
Channel: Mike The Scavenger
Views: 160,774
Rating: 4.8921595 out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diving at gamestop, dumpster diving haul, dumpster diving for makeup, dumpster diving makeup, dumpser diving, make money flipping, storage, make money, how to save money on black friday, thrifting, value village, money, storage wars, garage sale, dating, garage sale haul, rummage sale, follow me around, thrift, auction, haul, unit, video, thrifting haul, massive black friday haul, goodwill haul ebay, california, mike the scavenger, scavenger mike, dumpster mike
Id: 319AhtI8arE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 54sec (2394 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 22 2020
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