Dumpster Diving "We're Gettin' The Band Back Together!"

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hello mr. battery how are we doing hmm it's just one but hey one plus another one makes more what's up dumb with all these leaves and sticks looks like there was I think there was concrete at one time but they busted it off which is good now a capable yeah I think we can get away with that oh I'm not jumping in here there's stores in there I think that's it anyways let's see woman's here to pizza yeah that's a that's all she wrote folks we shall get up out of here and go get some more stuff what's that rock see some stuff see what we gonna look like car parts little motor look at that looks a little bit older sorry guys this camera can take a lickin and keep on tickin see there's another one right here scream screams befalling yo there's no that looks really old it looks like om they're always works visit huh all right all right I'll meet the screens of students yeah a little actually motors look like a pump nitrogen gas under high pressure ooh bursaries Oh check that out yeah big ol iron gate you know I'd say that's fair game so I do a little working huh yeah hmm all right gay Haley except open-top how we doing this evening we feeling good feeling good like we should see some Christmas sighs I think that's here to work yeah that's more than a few oh thank you [Music] whoa there's a grill to a car and keyboards breezy out here tonight [Music] alright alright come on brace Oh what's that box oh man she stopped whoa looks like some sort of printer that the ink exploded I'm gonna try to get that out no siree oh geez that's a big printer to plastic okay yeah we ain't getting out how did this happen how did I get here ooh got an open top here y'all it's like the back doors Oh what look at this y'all instruments what's that brands like it's full of instruments pieces of instruments these are like for the bazooka to visit this stuff made of good scrap material those are plastic but that's what they like they're getting getting down these cases wonder if it's all there that one will take the face is there [Music] why would they throw this in the trash clarinets pieces of what-have-you [Music] this is clarinet I wasn't in the band I was in the orchestra [Music] movies are just like all the instruments that came in for repair I think this stuff is made of pretty legit pretty legit stuff it's really light though they gonna fix like a whole lot scrap lies that's what this looks like this parts and pieces the instruments maybe not the whole whole enchilada you don't think that's like your old piece of cellphone maybe I can put one together and learn to start playing something else to drive the missus crazy old instruments [Music] so strap in there I guess cuz there's just lots of little pieces her work lots of scratch I give this brass I mean you know you say you got brass buttons you should join the band right don't wanna grab all these like makes noise holler for the boys a lot of band stuff [Music] okay well we're walking that's long there's something in that one huh there's something in there she's black but we'll pop it open in the morning well I gotta work in the morning so maybe more like the afternoon but y'all won't know the difference [Music] fill the box I didn't tell you all the other night I got rolled up on Perry Ellis Jeffster diving somewhere where they've been having a string of car break-ins I rolled up on me hey man what you doing you working in here like well kinda sorta I'm dumpster diving I have a YouTube channel you're not breaking into course no you want that guy walking away literally no bro you can look at my GoPro it's one I got the proof right in Mike the scavenger google it I'm the realtor and then once you realize that I was not a bad guy just rolled out I don't think he gave a crap about the whole YouTube feel like I'm sober and I'm like breaking into your stuff [Applause] why would I still be here look at that that's all plastic ah geez ain't no good for nobody Oh cases lock that one's empty I just wanted to see and they're all like empty yeah yeah I wonder which is like a company going out of business - this is full look there in the case oh look at that there's another one is that a piccolo I pick a little flute uh-huh-huh more more stuff holy crap yo that one Hickey this we feel heavy coupled that case is Selmer it's locked I can't tell if there's something in it or the case is heavy all right let's check it out got the brass but the hole well let's missing all the buttons that's full some notes don't come out only high B sharp and C okay okay I can work with that I can work with that one of these are empty that's crazy bananas feels heavy yep that's got stuff in it too alright let's wait we got here oh we're joining the baño we're getting the band back together quick nice all these cases are empty wait those instruments are pretty bad shape but yeah brass tacks baby coming with it [Music] [Music] well what's up little ones how you doing piece of lying ain't worth nothing no we got her all right plastic what you know what I got I got don't be afraid of the big motor Oh what are you doing bro we just made me cut me a drink hmm well I love a sharp blade it works really good there's some more stuff down here to lots of string alright you know like a little room here y'all mr. messy this that there's stuff in here all hot water oh yeah portable hot water here we'll get what we can boom zip carpet looks like some wires look at why a little bit under that carpet I'll brought out my scavengers huh and yeah I'd say a pretty successful evening digging still felt of the church gosh oh yeah II totally check out this stuff man we got flutes we've got clarinet so we've got brass oh and we got this we pop this sucker open there's an actual violin in it but it's it's a little broken but I mean I guarantee you that thing could just be reglued it's got all the stuff well it looks like money in a new chinrest but like it here it's got like the bridges and the thing for the strings and the bow it's got all the stuff it just needs some some little repair I don't think it's anything fancy I think all this stuff because these boxes they say like high schools and middle schools and stuff this is all just rental musical instruments you know like we kids join the bands not all kids can afford to go out and buy their stuff you know like when I was in the orchestra I can't afford to go out and buy a cello so I had to rent a cello and that's what all this stuff here is it looks like it's stuff that was all rented out to kids look I mean it mostly difference most parts Oh looks beat up looks damaged says you know a lot of this says it's not working my guess is this was stuff that came in maybe they planned on fixing partying out whatever but being there was an open-top I don't know maybe they maybe they're going out of business and just getting rid of all their the inventory definitely gonna have to go hit that bin up again brochure here in the next few days just to see if they toss out anymore cuz this stuff my friends this is brass this is brass there's probably some illuminating here but for the most part this is brass yo brass tats baby but yeah we got all these like clarinets I don't know and these may be able to be sold for parts I know nothing about these they they're they look very put my thing down they seem very intricate with their little buttons like I said I have no experience whatsoever with woodwinds or Bret are the brass instruments you know over my head just cuz you know just not what I was into it but those are like those things says all brass all brass I don't think I've ever found anything quite like that for sure totally awesome totally awesome yeah and we've got two extra parts over here like down here this is like the extra parts we were able to put all these together but I don't even know if I've got this bit together right we got parts here that just looks like you know just miscellaneous parts and then this looks like the parts the flutes and stuff like that's pretty like that's some real pretty polished it's real pretty when it's all polished up so yeah totally awesome like on that dumpster right there the monitor plugged it in it actually works let's see we turn it on see we got power here here come's yeah see then it's got the thing no signal and it only stays for a second and then it goes to yellow so this monitor this monitor works good to go to view sonic they probably just got something a little bit bigger but rock and roll baby and then the head units like that looks like a pretty legit head unit it's a Bosch April 8 2000 26 trash so obviously was it's got a it's got a yeah a work tag on it so there's obviously a reason why they put trash in there's trash on there but I don't know could it be taken apart you know get the screen out let me know I mean anything other than oh it's a nice for a Nissan Nissan part number two five nine one five nine hotel Mike zero alpha I'll have to look that up but you know I can't sell it like being working and stuff but I don't know we'll see this guy this is a mercedes-benz it says trash tube so that side of her mercedes-benz head unit hi you exchanger huh straight-up work too bad doesn't have like the Mercedes logo on it I'd love to hang on to that and then this guy like it's got like a little screen like it's a thin screen back here this is not have a tag like the other ones interesting yeah I got a nice it's got a screen right here they're in good shape not all beat up that's for sure oh let's see what else we got back here oh yeah we got that water heater I can see brass on it right now there's probably gonna be copper in it so we'll be able to break that sucker down got the motor big old motor that's from a big that's a big motor for a big pool that ain't some little punk like that's a pretty decent-sized motor honestly yeah I definitely scrapped that out got this iron gate right here I've sold that I found one of these in the past I sold divine at the garage so I think I got 10 or 15 bucks for which is definitely more than it would be worth and scrap the I mean just would make a pretty a you know decorative piece in the in the yard in the garden maybe you know somewhere lean it up against nothing let some vines grow up it maybe put a little birdbath on it hang a mirror on it I don't know would definitely be cool like if you had the garden space for it let's see got some cat wire got some miscellaneous wire lots of Christmas lights and you know these guys over here that I said I thought were like solenoids or something what does this say yeah that's trash too but that's a big piece of cast aluminum up there on the top but I don't know if this is under high pressure I may not want to mess with it I don't see where there's a button to bleed it so not sure not sure you know not worth blowing myself up from 15 cents worth of aluminum motors it's an anti-lock brake controller Oh an anti-lock brake controller what should say 2011 213 Ford Edge anti-lock ABS brake pump Oh is a pump assembly with adaptive cruise huh well that's what that is that's what those are this doesn't say it but probably probably has something to do with it the same thing right here yep Tomoko Tomoko all right yeah then just a little bit of scrap there a little bit of scrap there I'd say all y'all pretty successful even whoo yes driving my neighbor's crazy over here with all this stuff that we got there but uh you know come Monday morning get rid of this stuff yeah I bet they love me mm-hm actually they don't seem to care we're pretty clean over here I don't leave this stuff out for more than a day or two and you know what I have to so uh but yeah well anyways guys let's see let's see let's see well all right that's gonna do it for this episode of dumpster diving I'm your host again with absolute most Mike scavenger be sure to like the video subscribe to my channel shout out to everybody that bought submerge appreciate that guys I think I'm working with something where we're gonna have like a t-shirt giveaway through tee spraying them I'm waiting on the deed details about that and I think there's also I'm working on trying to trying to get a like a promo code thing I don't know I don't know how all that crap works I'm I'm just a simple guy you know what I mean but uh anyways already all well hey y'all take care I want to give a special shout out to all the moms out there that's right tomorrow is Mother's Day 2020 mom happy Mother's Day to you was probably a total handful growing up if you had to deal with it say pay with my wife you know happy Mother's Day to my beautiful wife Laura let's see yeah we got some fur kiddos a couple of English bulldogs Burt and Winston yeah the two - Maine women in my life that have put up with my crap not gonna lie being a scavenger is crazy but anyways are you guys I'm gonna take it easy tonight I've been working I've worked the past six days straight at my job and doing the dumpster dive and stuff I'm taking tonight off I'm thinking I'm gonna go get some crawfish maybe have a cold beer - and then you know probably be in bed by 9:00 or eight as soon as I lay my head down I'm so frickin tired okay literally I just got off work right now but uh already guys love y'all happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there yeah [Music]
Channel: Mike The Scavenger
Views: 130,082
Rating: 4.92241 out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diving, dumpster diving for food, dumpster diving vlog, dumpster, we went dumpster diving, daytime dumpster diving, buhay amerika dumpster diving, biggest jackpot dumpster diving, dumpster diving pinoy in america, daytime dumpster diving mega haul, diving, dumpster diving at apple store, dumpster diving in america, best dumpster dive, dumpster dive night, dumpster diving at ulta, jezvlog dumpster diving, dumpster diver, dumpster haul, best dumpster diving
Id: PzV_9OtQ_5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 25sec (2125 seconds)
Published: Sat May 09 2020
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