DUMPSTER DIVING- EPIC! Unreal what we found in this Dumpster!

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[Music] [Music] [Music] these are nice toes oh there's some stuff and goo in there [Music] okay there's something sticky in here it's gross these totes are great for donating stuff in makes this easy to pack it all up so even if they're sticky stuff i'm still gonna grab them because these are nice fit perfectly awesome okay have to clean that out but this will work great all right what do we have nice sewing machine shark makes the sewing machine what a trip you're real pro very cool i don't know what i don't know this is heavy though here let's throw those in real quick we're probably gonna have to go quick here because we're probably gonna have to go quick here because it's so hot [Music] wow it's even got the cover and the paddle thing nice okay i gotta do my part i couldn't put that one back in the bag because i was holding the camera but [Music] all right so cool is exciting i hope there's more sewing stuff in here okay oh my goodness there's gonna be like oh this is gonna be a big one today i don't know what to cool donate stuff i'll just take it out of there and we'll stick chocolates oh contacts how cute a little contact case wow that is nice i don't know what that is is this halloween stuff or nice these are uh this is 199 envelopes hola halloween look more contact cases there's five of them so far those are nice cases they are really cute does that go with this there's a little figurine in here gift tags help get her out of there maybe she's supposed to be in there oh i don't know no we're getting lit okay let amanda see this halloween stuff just cloth because she might want some of that otherwise it's whoa more contact cases look at all these and they're all friendly i don't know let's see do any of them have attack no but they're heavy like really nice they have a little glass in there here something's in here ready i'll give one to this guy oh no just empty but let's all right this out just in case nope empty it's cute okay so i'm going to set those up on their edge so if amanda wants them we can easily grab them [Music] wow i'm glad it's only 100 degrees because it's so hot oh yeah oh it's adorable i know hudson hudson loves batman and they get some rain in texas i don't know there's a button somewhere let's just pull it because kids don't know how to do it [Music] all right guys what else have we got here i feel like this is some kind of oh what's nice looking at here this stuff is smoking hot right now oh you know what that chain thing is probably this look probably for change nobody needs that in california so these go to this game look at this game i do we're going to play this game oh that's a good one it's whack-a-mole or whack-a-frog or something this stuff is actually hot to the touch these are great toys these are music makers for jamming we're gonna load this toad up yep i think i found this tote oh look this is for people with round heads dry shampoo is this like a horse brush maybe no it's for hair it's first okay it's normal it's a good brush there's a hanging thing oh yeah somebody will want that somebody will want that that's part of this chain auto track to clip it that's cool not a lot of snow around here we could donate it though yeah people go to the mountains help me get it out of there please phone case okay i don't want that toilet seat it'll be hard to get them back in okay so you can see the landscaping is right there oh is this real dusty nope okay good we can put more junk in here check the pockets that zipper seems to be having an issue nothing oh got some receipts and some bobby pins all right we could load stuff into that those chains maybe easier to carry go get a suitcase chains can we zip it like that sure all right that's adorable for belts and stuff oh this that's scarves i think a little daisy what is up with these contests these are great donation items how awesome what do you know this brand no but they're really having a ton of them you know what you save one for your mom you wear contacts oh i wear contacts too actually yeah i could keep one in the vehicle yep nothing wrong with these looks like somebody was having a yard sale or something baby birthday it's a baby purse 50 cents 50 cents yeah i should have these yard sale leftovers i should get a couple of these because they're they're nice to hold and they're not huge yeah oh this is gonna do this first because it's not closed it is we like seeing power chords yep oh wow man look at all this what am i looking at here oh envelopes this is um money roller is this like um i don't know for putting money in it what is this stuff that's um for wrapping paper all right oh little projects oh hot water bottle oh here what is this it's a it's a little joystick it's a game it says these are oh it's suspenders we gotta check that game out because that might be good is it an actual game yeah or is it just that dream works this goes i think you plug it into a tv it might have a game in it though too i don't know it says dreamworks on it this is rock band oh thank you so it was a game type thing we're loading up that big tote okay these i'm gonna put over in that green bin over there clothes clothes some nice little totes clothes see totes glasses those are jazzily wow they are a little cute green i might keep that for a candle look at these little totes have lids oh nail stuff oh that's pretty handy look at these what is this okay separate that one because yeah i'm gonna have to look through these and see if any of these are real wow that might be a fortune right there wow what if it's diamonds in there whoa look at these okay these are made in vagina oh that's nice wow somebody dumped a lot of stuff glasses they're a nice little uh you know they're cosmetic but oh bra [Music] here are the clothes i can stick in this bag this is nice those are nice best friends and then what's this one oh just a pretty one they're heavy real pretty yeah very very nice wow this was going in the landfill and they're not cracked yep oh nail station fun that's awesome so you put your nail dryer there your little nail polish is here saving it from the landfill here's nail stuff nail stuff ooh what is this look at that oh this was the problem that is for your hair man they got some nice stuff why don't people just donate come on i might find this and charge something up oh these used to be fun when i was growing up we didn't have this type we had to make our own cheerleading big old belt buckle made our airplanes out of hair hookah beads that actually nice stuff yeah i'm really glad we're safe these little guys viper glasses [Music] never had that happen with the gopro it was uh it's so hot out that the gopro shut down and said it was hot that's nice calculator like a teeny little scientific calculator she's good to donate hold on oh this is nice i'm gonna have to that's broken that's pretty because on the lid of something it says it was fifty dollars wow i don't see why there's more let's we could just take this whole bag and throw it in there because it's more sunglasses a bunch of sunglasses [Music] i gotta move slower because i don't have the oh the holster yeah no i don't have the gopro has that stabilization oh my goodness i think these are video games because some of these okay so we got a wii controller teenage mutant ninja turtles ps3 karaoke she was 36 bucks 36 there's another one like that yeah you might want to look those up still okay guitar greatest tips oh my gosh that's neat yikes that is neat i feel like some shade just came out kabuki uh it doesn't feel shady to me it's hot okay so there's several looks this is not for the wii are those all wii games um i don't know i know some are saying ps3 and whatnot okay and then look all these bunch of wii games yep that's awesome this is in a dumpster for gamestop but i think it's not i think it's from somebody's personal that's personal this thing here is kind of it's heavy what girls we should look is there a name on them look at oh she got a head missing but they don't sfi i don't know what that even is huh huh they've got them marked for a lot of money well the good thing is legos this is nice flattener oh an air a hair flattener dollies what let's do this stuff um that's a baby monitor in here as you go okay joystick to something the wii i think we'll put it in this one because the rough squeeze in there oh look at this i think that's a good one i'm keeping that okay what finally something steve wants 1991 this is going in my pocket right now okay embroidered invitations how adorable are those those are so sweet nice very thoughtful something is there anything in this here's some jewelry man pretty jewelry it says these are something opal opal is a stone right yeah but they're not they're cat i don't know these are definitely for jewelry making we don't okay this looks like feminine products what lemonade girls okay well here's some more feminine products oh you can make you can make stuff out of it thumbtacks a cute little beauty and the beast girl the cup can still be used garbage a little piece i'm hearing some stuff right here oh it's more vegan tons of games here pull the whole bag up right it's gonna go in the trash red box they never returned that before they bought it nhl hockey dragon ball z somebody's mom's gonna be or his kid's gonna be mad that mom got rid of all the stuff where's my stuff yeah i went off to college and [Music] g-force espn hockey look is that a remote thing yep controller yep ps3 pros get more much more roll of tape nice this is such a great great sport another girl oh here's the umbrella for that one girl that broke i could glue it back on but we'll probably just go drop this off right now so they could glue it on they're pricing those ladies pretty those are some these are some high-class workers you know what i mean can opener kind of bottle opener yep multi multi one broken glass something okay yeah that one's broken through okay don't really hit that make sure that there's something in here oh it does there's something heavy down here get it out stiff okay nope is it just the blanket that fat this this thing here is heavy really yeah huh okay something in there [Music] [Music] christmas cards christmas card yep six dollars what's that oh excellent oh here yeah oh like a slice a dicer slicer or for use with plugs and blades with the same width yes it's probably something that chops oh here it is a multi charger oh huh oh xo does a lot of cooking stuff yeah belly slipper wow it's a little bitty narrow foot that's a kirby oh controller for a clicker i can't think of the name a mouse mouse controller plug-in oh those are cute knobs right here we should grab these these little knobs might be good for something in the future okay so far we got a full coat we got the sewing machines suitcase i think that's it my phone's getting hot stuff okay all right awesome we will load this stuff up i'm so excited okay i'm gonna test these sewing machines see which one i'm gonna give to my mom my mom said she wants one so she uh sold her old sewing machine and these are smaller yay so the downside to this one is i there aren't any accessories in here i've got all this feet so i don't know that it matters because it would just be you know bobbins and things maybe a screwdriver or something and i can just attach one from other ones that i have for her so that's easy the feet come off easy i've got tons of bobbins and all kinds of stuff to give her so that's no big deal it's ready fine bobbin winder worked fine everything's working so let's try this little guy over here powering so that's good um difference is it's got a regular bobbin where the brother has a drop in bobbin but they're both easy enough i'm sure my mom's used to this one because this is what all of them are like before neither one of them have an automatic uh threader and i wish that it did because that's hard on the on the eyes to do a um threading of the needle um my new one has like a little key thing that not my new it's a really old um sewing machine that i have but my old one that i had had an automatic threader which was the greatest invention ever it popped down here threaded it popped it back out um but the one that i use now has like a little attachment that pops in there and it'll help me thread it so she's just gonna have to use a bobbin or a little thing okay only a few stitches here but i mean how many do you really need has a reverse which is great pretty simple i don't see too much going on here with this one it's actually heavier than the brother so i'm gonna look up pricing after i test this one and see reviews and see which one she's going to get this one has attachments in here or little accessories which is hard to open with one hand but at least there's some stuff in there i can give her the little screwdriver if she takes the other one from here since i'm donating it she can actually get all these attachments and things for whichever one i give her and that'll be nice okay so let's get to test it okay here we go on this one that's tight is it gonna work oh that doesn't sound good hmm so this doesn't sit on here like this it must need something up there hmm like a stick or something i'll have to look and see what's supposed to go up there i thought it was weird that this would just sit out here without a spindle but it probably has a spindle that needs to go on there somehow um off to look oh well well would you look at that i look up the manual look at this genius that is so awesome i've never seen that before i've only you know i sew all the time but i've only used my few machines so that is great so now let's try it again i think i've got everything set up here i've got to re-thread this and try it again so after learning this little sucker look maybe it's something that's always been on all of these and i never knew it that's hilarious mine had a stick i had to put on there so that's nice okay so we're set let's see how how she sews forward okay has a thread cutter here which is nice um i think yeah i think they're pretty comparable i just don't know i'll let my mom decide i'll send these videos to her and she can choose i would go with that one because that one has more by the way thanks belinda grandkids are obsessed with this cat every time they come over this is what they come over they want to touch the kitty so she's out because we just had the kids over but um anyway the brother has more stitch options so i'm just gonna say that one even though this one might be a little bit smaller but i'll let my mom decide
Channel: StevenSteph Resale Killers
Views: 1,160,188
Rating: 4.7784142 out of 5
Keywords: StevenSteph, Dumpster, Diving
Id: k8hMhDNVBF4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 20sec (1400 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 06 2020
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