Dumpster Diving Electronics! HUGE Bag Full! Night 13

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welcome back to Jebus gaming guys we're here at the first game stop dumpster if you're new to the channel make sure you hit that subscribe button and leave this video big fat thumbs up let's get right into this game stop back [Music] alright let's hopefully we're lucky to do bunch of advertisements and areas of 3d s case for sonic case is good be getting into the case wall wiring a party the s just a case but it's got the manual awesome awesome also going on the wall let's see what is this just the case of no art and nothing then I'll leave that one behind it looks like a broken piece of Bluetooth headset or something ooh look at that see the other day I found a bunch of these cases like this and they didn't have the yes games that they had a bunch of seeing boy fans games for some reason which is really weird let's see Scooby Doo just a case digging for dinosaurs just a case closed Namco pac-man it looks like just the case Star Wars case Harry Potter Legos case in battles Ninjago hope I'm pronouncing that right just the case that's okay I need the s pieces for my wall right now so this is great anything in here perfectly the next box in one case I'll take it there's anything else in here well that's a cool-looking giftcard look at that looks like a classic NES controller you know what I notice have no money on it mama take it for decoration purposes it looks pretty cool the other dumpster the recycling sighs did we see anything that's Starbucks doesn't look like nothing on this side there's a bunch of Starbucks and yeah just a bunch of Starbucks trash oh well grapevines here and I will see you guys at the next dumpster welcome back to Jebus gaming guys there's actually some pulleys over here so I grabbed these two bags and took them back to the trunk did you see this is still the other bag we took earlier we have a lot of trash to get rid of but hopefully there's nothing good in here to make it worth it let's see what's in there that's from earlier it's not as bad but let's get into these hopefully there's something good in here and already look at that that's my fashion studio for das looks like there's a few games in here imagine movie star for das sweet life Oracle of spies for the yes well I'm so glad I took these now already let's see what is that dead batteries that may be it but still awesome hold only put these aside to make sure I'm not missing this and it looks like that tip looks freaking awesome three freakin games but what is that whoa I don't think the Call of Duty ghost emblem on it doesn't it that's freaking awesome it looks like a water bottle a bunch of dead batteries weighing the rest of the bag down oh well got three free games and a cool call duty bracelet awesome set this up here let's go through the heavier bag this is the one it looks like there's something good in it yeah in it holy crap please don't be cut please don't be cut please don't be cut where's the end of it no no no no yes it's not cut off it's even got the Xbox one adapter on it I can actually use this at home holy crab it's like a twenty dollar piece and it's got the turtle beach's attached to it this thing is really stuck in the bag which sucks but I got to figure out how to get this out hold on just a second I don't want to rip these they tie this thing tight what are you trying to make it challenging for me like if you want to free headset you got work for huh this is getting annoying come out almost gotcha almost gotcha there we go there we go that is freaking awesome these are the Xbox one they're not turtle beach's like I thought but there's an Xbox one headset with the freaking adapter that's awesome hell yeah that's a great start for this bag hopefully there's more cool stuff in here like that not sure advertisement that was all that's in there but that was freaking awesome I can use that I still use one of the cheapo headset to come with you original Xbox up that's definitely great to have and I'll see you guys at the next dumpster all right what's up guys I'm back at the car we went to the same game stop and I was just scared because of employee thing that happened the other night what's that Game Stop so I brought it back to the car Brooklyn is the only bag I found all of the boxes that I saw them throw away we're all empty except for one done in case it didn't have a game in it so we're just gonna go through this one bag and it's pretty light so but I've got it still have high hopes up seriously why is what somebody really likes Reese's puffs there's like there was like ten boxes in the other one what is this star wars the clone wars for Wii and this ziploc bag that's kind of weird it's not it's really scratched and I'm gonna pretty good condition decent condition not perfect I know you guys know that raps on for the reason self commercial a long time ago oh my god is this we game but still it's good for one tiny light bag see it the next one welcome back to Jebus gaming guys we just got all this amazing stuff home this was a jackpot night for sure so we saw an employee at the game stuff like four hours after they closed so we were hoping they were throwing stuff out and we were right and we hit the jackpot we found a huge bag of random electronics which I'm about to go through I have now looked through it yet a huge box of figures and a bunch of other bags from other dumpsters first let's get into this this was not from Gamestop obviously it's from a food store cut store nearby I just checked it cuz why not and there's like six bags seven eight bags of dog treats that are not even expired so I definitely took them I actually have a job working with dogs so they'll be happy as you can see they're three more packs of these redskins Star Wars beer holders I have so many of these I don't even know what to do with them I got a huge box full - starting to overflow but I'm gonna keep selling them online because that's basically free bags of money these these are what disappointed me I saw these and I immediately jumped in the dumpster to get them there's got to be 500 game codes here unfortunately they're all expired which made me so sad I thought I hit the mother lode and I kind of gave everyone tons of codes but they're all expired which sucked but these are not expired I got three more so as well codes here if anyone wants them here's one if you can see that there's a second one and here's the third one all right now let's move this stuff out of the way let's get into this huge bag of electronics I have no idea what's in here yet let's just start pulling stuff out first hold on all right looks like we got a weed gun I'm assuming looks like a freaking vector or something from auto warfare too but yeah it looks like a wee gun let's see if open and close got anything in it I have no idea other stuff works like I've now played anything that Tendo since the Super Nintendo and Game Boy era anyway that looks cool I can't seem to get it back in no well figure that out later we got this a little wet I'm not sure what that is oh well yeah let's see what this water it looks like a power wire to something it's definitely three prong to three prong maybe an Xbox or something like that that's good we have a show okay this looks like a female USB a male USB N in a power that makes no sense to me I'm actually not sure how this is working right now let's unravel and see try to figure it out because I don't understand this one bit how can it have to end and also have a wall plug that doesn't really make much sense to me yeah get off let's see here okay and the end is oh that's really weird I've actually never seen one like this it's for Xbox 360 it says but it has a female USB and a male USB all attached to one wire that's really weird I have no idea what that's used for for the Xbox and I've owned 360 for years I've never seen that got looks like a Wii sensor yep kind of dirty but not really that'll wipe right off with a paper towel or something that's cool yeah oops one of these charging kit maybe yeah it says right here on the thing a we charge station with battery but it looks like it actually plugs I don't know why says with battery that's cool I've actually found a few we controllers we can charging up we got a broken hanger awesome we have this looks that the power supply for something not sure what I have no idea that end goes to we got some type of really smaller looking charger maybe that goes to a des a DSi or something like that it's a real small circle hey guys what's in the bag you the microphone let's see we have this something to do with rock band guessing that's what this is - yeah another thing to do with rock band a microphone none of the wires are cut so that's great I don't have a rock band but we'll find someone that can use it we have this looks like the robot from Star Wars what's his name r2d2 I think it's what it is but it's actually got a car port on it hmm that's a car charger I have no idea what he is that's really weird hmm I'll have to look that up later it looks like it moves maybe a speaker or something I'm not sure that's cool guy he had it came with r2d2 an Xbox 360 Xbox 360 headset perfect condition we have this wire which is let's see USB it's Microsoft maybe this is some type of think this is actually an Xbox 360 controller charger this will go on the top of the controller and that'll go to your Xbox make your controller wired that's pretty cool what is this this just looks like it just a typical iPod charger USB to the charger you got this which is actually a charging kit for I'm hoping a 36d actually found one not long ago for the Xbox one by don't have do not have one man I can't talk for my 360 I'm hoping that's what this is because I really need it are these all we backs Yahoo oh they're really grimy they're really dirty but I can definitely clean them up I don't want to touch the backside of them right now but after they look like to me we actually I think - we controllers without backs I'll clean these up and they look brand-new on the controller kind of gross right now definitely I wash my hands after but that's good to have looks like the back of something else what is this something for the Xbox 360 what is this is this like a router it's something as an antenna I have no idea what that is if anyone knows what this is please let me know in the comments maybe Bluetooth receiver or something like that I don't know that's cool maybe we have some random broken stuff another disgusting way back like I said easel cleanup though that's no problem it's just gross right now we have one two three four five I think these are all Xbox 360 rechargeable packs they look like to me that's actually a genuine Microsoft one right there then a few knockoffs which maybe they'll fit that actually I'm gonna try that a bit and see if they fit in a discharged kit maybe we have another we sensor pretty cool this box is pretty grimy but I cannot leave all those electronics there I'm not sure what this is either I see a couple more wires there's a charger for let's see open up I'm for I have no idea to tell you the truth anyone know what that goes - never seen that before weird got another rechargeable battery pack by energizer see this is also energizer so I'm hoping that's what they go - that'd be great and it for 360 that'd be awesome we got looks like a typical yeah micro USB - USB which is good always always always can use those I'm gonna enjoy charge our Android user so I need those wires all over the place what is it all right that's just packaging is that all those in here here's another back to maybe a rechargeable we back I'm guessing um is that it for this bag I didn't actually go through it I kind of just do everything in here and left so I can look at it all at home hey what's this oh it's broken that was a Sailor Moon mug oh man now what I've been a really cool I would have actually kept out if it wasn't broken that sucks but other than that [Music] looks like that's it for that bag alright we also got this huge box of figures here from the same game stop dumpster not sure what these all are let's go through and see what we got put it right here we have two here now I have no idea I never seen these movies or cartoons so you guys are gonna have to let me know in the comments I have no idea where any of these guys come from but there's some woman at some little bad guy let's make room for him right there we got that woman a red guy with something in the middle this time they probably just threw these away cuz the packaging was damaged if I had to guess or they're missing the one there's a woman in the red guy Kenny Pixar okay maybe the other pieces will be in the Box somewhere like here's loops here's another complete one it has all three of them I have no idea what they are though I've never watched this kind of show so I don't know if they're worth anything what they are or anything but they're there so definitely to take them couldn't leave them there I knew and a package for 20 bucks it looks like stitch and some I don't know what that orange head woman is but some type of coins and it has $20 price tag so it must be valuable we have it looks like some type of Skylander maybe I have no idea but again just the package is damn it that's probably why he's in the trash okay got another type of Skylander thing maybe I could be completely wrong it says Activision on the side so I'm probably completely wrong but no idea what they are what he's in there we have this blue guy and this little Slava Lance Eruptor and big bubble pop fizz no idea what these guys are they have pretty funny names I'll give them that we get at the back to one here's something else splatter splasher some type of car obviously no idea what it goes to though we have Minnie Mouse I know who that is I know one finally in a chaos trophy um let's see it's on that car again and a lava guy out of the package okay here's one of those things that go in the middle of the packs we first started going through so at least have one other complete one there's another chaos trophy let's see what else we got here trash trash there's another one of these and another thing that went in the middle so I actually have two more complete packs now just not the box have another chaos trophy another pack of these disc things not sure what they're for and it looks like that might be it I'm hoping this stuff's awesome like I said I have no idea what they are I don't know what show or what game they're coming from but if it's in the package like that it looks that cool I'm definitely definitely always going to take it alright now let's go through the stuff we found at the other dumpsters have some cases here no games in these I thought this is a sims 4 Cola but it's actually just some display thing they put up on the counter unfortunately it says download but then it also says display card so I'll open that later I want to see what that is I've got a ton a ton of DS cases which is great also a lot of Pokemon when those are my favourite pokemon and mario i love to find because i love those games I think this poll bag here it is completely full of des cases with the cover art and most of them have the manuals to this bag here let's go through here this is also a great dumpster found the box I don't usually find these I don't know why I actually took it but it's Pokemon so I have to take it you can't leave something Pokemon behind there's the actual game that goes in it as you can see it's two together a blank xbox case PlayStation Vita case which is cool right here I think of some type of Nintendo DS case maybe I'm not sure more mario kart for the DS Wii condom some type of wire here I'm not exactly sure what this goes to it looks like a microUSB maybe I'm not sure but that's a really big wire and brick to just be microUSB and it's doesn't it tend to want it so I'm sure that's not actually what it is we got what here it looks like it's half of a laptop charger to me I'm not exactly sure but that's what it looks like we have this wire which is looks like just an HDMI wire yeah that's all that is is an HDMI which is always good to have the fountain this this is really weird Star Wars the Clone Wars just in a baggie for some reason it didn't have a case or wasn't it the loose disc is just a game and a baggie never had that happen before found another pack here of Call of Duty pins one two three four five six of ten more Call of Duty pens which is awesome found what is this just more Call of Duty World War two promo stuff I decided to take and this I don't know what this is actually it's some type of little pokeball I'm not really sure what it is it doesn't work or anything I said Nintendo DS on it but no idea what that is but there's Pokemon so I took it last bag here but probably the best thing we found was an Xbox one headset now what the headset on its own is great to find but it also came with where is it at this adapter and those either don't know this is probably a twenty to thirty dollar adapter it makes old headsets use the Xbox one so I was really stoked to have this and now we have it basically another free adapter say it's $30 and I don't know how much his headset is but it looks comfortable a lot better than mine I also actually have the cheapo one that comes with the Xbox one but that's definitely the new Xbox logo so this is definitely for the Xbox one lastly just had a few little TS games in there which is always cool to find you rarely find the s games in their case if I find on the either loose or in here like that anyway that's about it look one more thing sorry it's Call of Duty it looks like a Call of Duty ghosts logo on it just a random little bracelet I found I tell you because I thought I was pretty cool now that's about it we found this was a freaking epic jackpot as you can see we found all kinds of stuff do you have some trash to get rid of but that's no problem definitely take that trash for all this amazing free stuff thank you guys so much for checking out the video if you did enjoy make sure you leave this video a big fat thumbs up and if you're not already hit that subscribe button cuz we do awesome dumpster-dives all the time and until next time peace out [Music]
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 7,287
Rating: 4.9534883 out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diving electronics, dumpster diving electronics store, dumpster diving, dumpster diving apple store, dumpster diving cops, dumpster diving gamestop, dumpster diving haul, dumpster diving new things, dumpster diving score, gamestop dumpster diving, live dumpster diving, making money dumpster diving, dumpster, dumpster dive, best dumpster dive, phone store dumpster dive, e waste, free apple products, making money, treasure hunting
Id: hceslvVEqAE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 55sec (1375 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 01 2017
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