Dummy is the WEIRDEST Show (Quibi 2020)

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I'm like weirdly attached to it like I'm obviously I'm gonna like take it apart and I'm gonna like you know give it to a kid when this is all over but like it's hard for me to not want to like build a shelf of like all the Legos that I made because I do feel like weirdly proud of it Wow Anna we have so much in common I too have a shelf dedicated to Lego so like we should we can't hang out and build Lego sometime it would be cool all right so we're back with everybody's favorite no that's actually a lie I'm bored back with quick pie entertainment aka kwibi aka if you're looking for quick buy it intimate you're probably unlike tik-tok or Twitter but it's kwibi so today we're gonna be talking about the show dummy which I mentioned in passing in my actual creepy video if you missed that video you should definitely go check it out but in that I had a lot of questions I'd only watch the first episode which again because every episode of this is like a teaser trailer it was only like six minutes long and I had a lot of questions about it I decided I wanted to go through the whole thing it is way too warm to be wearing a long sleeve kind of crew neck we're gonna go for a little bit longer before we have to swap out the bomb but dummy is essentially I will let la Anna Kendrick explain this for you I play Cody she's having like boyfriend problems and she um she makes her neck stop so that's a really good show you can watch it nothing weird happens yes it is just as weird as it sounds and it became very apparent to me that dummy is actually based on the real-life relationship of Cody Heller and her boyfriend at the time current fiancee Dan Harmon yes that Dan Harmon because not only do people tell me but they also say it blatantly in the show they don't come up with pseudonyms they don't come up with anything different this is 100% tan Harmon and Cody Heller they make numerous references to brick and Morty and Dan Harmon's success throughout the entirety of the show because obviously that would be something looming over Heller as a writer herself and yes though there's there's really a sex doll but I guess is a couple they were just super honest and open with their relationship when they first started it there open about like their interests and their kinks and stuff like that so it came out that Dan had one of these dolls and at first like in the show Cody just makes a bunch of jokes for it she gives it a nickname but then the more time she spends with him the more she starts feeling insecure and jealous about this sex doll which ultimately influenced her to start writing the show as a way of processing a bunch of these feelings and started to imagine conversations in her head with this sex doll as if it was her writing partner now I guess the show was shopped around and switched up quite a bit originally CBS had picked it up for these 15 minute block episodes that they were looking to do but apparently they just dropped the entire idea of these 15-minute blocks and then kriby said well 15 minutes is just entirely too much so we gotta go sub 10 so kwibi ended up giving dummy a home which is pretty par for the course as I mentioned in that first video which you should still watch could be is loaded with big names and odd ideas because they're trying to just cash in on anything and everything they can if a creator that has a big name kind of wanted to do something that other studios just weren't that a try kwibi was there to fill in that space it's just working so well for them so far and I feel bad because I don't inherently blame the creators I think there's a lot of really great ideas on kwibi that just aren't given the platform to succeed and breathe and be the best versions of themselves because they have to edit themselves down to these little quick slices of entertainment and I do think that this show is one of those kind of great ideas this is just the right level of absurdity to really work Anna Kendrick is an absolute joy in just about everything that she's in Meredith Hagler actually brings so much charm to voicing this doll because those are the characters that you're essentially falling around for the entire time and they're dynamic really is the basis of the show because they succeed together the show at least is good on those merits I think there's a lot of great humor and a lot of great delivery but because the episodes are so short we never get a chance to really flesh out any other characters I like the therapist that they have in a few episodes and there's definitely some other characters that provide some genuine laughs but nothing ever really feels fleshed out also the animation on the doll's face gets pretty bad at times and a lot of people have this like the uncanny valley feeling with it I get that it most likely had a tight budget because I think that was also kind of one of the selling points behind kwibi and it does actually make a lot of good commentary on like the standards of men versus women and how women see themselves the insecurities and lacked confidence that can come with that so for a free trial and kwibi I think it's probably worth the watch oh there's also like a revolving door of agents that get me to Dinn this I don't know if that was actually reflective of Kody Heller's real life but I didn't really know where else to mention it in the scheme of the rest of the video but that's just something worth noting but let's get on to the show itself so I was mentioned in my first creepy video the first episode ends with Cody stumbling upon the doll and the dog gets pretty sassy and when she wakes up the next morning and thinks it's all a dream and then realizes sadly it wasn't things continue to get weird as you might imagine but one thing I will say is that when the doll is introduced in the first episode and again when it comes back in a second there's this really like trippy music that plays every time she pops up and it's kind of like this weird twisted fairytale like song like it's whimsical but very weird I really love it and in this episode she ends up giving the doll a bath because you know in the last episode it's brought up that Dan's never clean her and she's he's had her for about seven years apparently so she's just been dirty the entire time I really hope that that part wasn't based on reality do whatever you want but cleaning your business you know did we find out that the dolls name is Barbara and that she's a feminist I have news for you babe we're all sex dolls until we topple the patriarchy it's great you're a feminist sex oh yeah um yeah I've read The Feminine Mystique so yeah and just might be a little bit a lot jealous of Kody so when Kody goes to put her back after giving her a bath Barbara is like no my arm was in a different position you have to get it back in that position or Dan's gonna know you were snooping and he's gonna dump you but he basically forces her into manipulating the arm so much that it breaks and then the episode ends and I keep forgetting what format I'm watching because the episode is just so suddenly over that it feels weird that it's done either way as mentioned the doll Barbara manipulated Kody into breaking her arm so Dan would think she was crazy and like purposely trying to damage his property and break up with her because that that plan makes sense and it's specifically because she the doll wanted to be alone with Dan again so they could be their own couple man and doll so of course Cody has to fess up and deal with everything that's been happening JK she obviously tracks down a sex doll repair shop as one does and they find out the contrary to what Barbara thought she is not a custom-designed model specifically for Dan she's just a run-of-the-mill Kayla model that was actually discontinued due to disinterest and then the repair guy gets her strung up and starts going over all the reasons why it would be better just to get a new model than trying to fix the old one and it actually kind of becomes this commentary on how people and the industry itself just judges women as they age and how differently they treat them versus men and myths it got a lot deeper than I expected a show with this premise to do and then you think things are gonna be okay maybe they're gonna be friends I don't even know why I'm like conceptualizing the idea of them being friends right now but they back to dance place and dance there because the sex doll texted him like 9-1-1 emergency get here now but in reality it would have had to have been Cody's sub-conscience that texted Dan to come home immediately and Denis upset the doll is in her car because he was like you said you wouldn't invade my privacy and that you were ok with it so I feel you know will betray here but doesn't actually stop to ask what like why did you casually take Barbara out for a spin I think that means something else in this context take her out for a drive for a drive but luckily Cody goes on a ramble that Anna Kendrick just she sells them so well explains the situation and Dan's like no I love you like why are you comparing yourself to that that's just a masturbation toy any Chuck's barb in the dumpster and I guess that is would happen in real life when Cody started working on the script for this pilot Dan chucked it in a dumpster back to the shows she thinks great barb is gone I can move on with my life but then of course the doll is screaming at her from the dumpster as she's trying to work on her script and she starts giving her advice on the script and they're kind of like bouncing off of each other cuz it's like it's a super good script about a stripper who was also the Tooth Fairy is going super well then someone takes with all because he wants to recycle it to help save the environment so she's gotta like rescue it and realize as well can't bring it back to dance so I guess I'm just gonna bring it back to my place and not only does she bring Barbara back to her place she also brings the plank of wood aka lumber that barbara has fallen in love with from the dumpster there's some really good stuff in this show so the sixth episode starts off with a therapy session in which she reveals to this therapist that she's been having full-blown conversations with her boyfriend's sex doll and the therapist is like this is essentially an imaginary friend you're using her as a tool to deal with a transitionary period and personal struggle and Barbara is there to reflect and help you deal with that part of yourself that you just don't want to or can't accept so as long as Barbara's not encouraging Kody to hurt herself or others everything's totally fine we should kill Dan what so obviously his the point where Barbara starts to resent Dan because he chucked her in a dumpster and we start getting meta and Cody realizes because of Barbara's prompting that writing a script about the adventures that her and Barb have together it might be a good idea but first she's like no way that's crazy so Cody goes over to Dan and tries to actually you know explain the genuine situation that she's dealing with her as she's legitimately been having conversations with his sex doll and he just assumes it's for a pilot he's like oh my god that's hilarious that's so much better than the stripper toothfairy thing you should totally focus on this and Cody's like yeah I guess that's actually a great idea but Barb's gonna be super mad that I talked about it with you so she finds a way to UM make things better by buying her a fancy new hoo-ha that she's been wanting and then presents it to her like fine jewelry and if that wasn't weird enough in the next episode they decide to go on a road trip and Barbara had Cody make her a necklace with the old hoo-ha so Cody's subconscious made her make a hoo-ha necklace for this doll so they take a pit stop on this journey and Cody actually brings doll inside the gas station convenience store necklace and all and she's just literally dragging this doll around the store while having a conversation with her out loud and like making fun of this other woman who appears to potentially maybe have a drug problem this whole episode runs on the idea of like the Bechtel test and how they should probably stop talking about guys so much and dance so much and how easy it is to fail because they can't think of anything else to talk about and that there's even the reality that they could not include any discussion about guys or any male characters at all and then just [ __ ] talk another woman and they would still theoretically pass the Bechdel test and then when they finally come to this realization Barbara's like hey we can talk about guys again because I may need to tell you that there's this guy that's I say the delivery of comedy on the show is genuinely good but Cody can't even dwell on this robbery for too long she starts getting into an argument with Barbara because she starts texting Dan instead of calling 911 pops in on her while she's rambling at this dalla being like hey slide your phone your wallet what are you doing and Cody once again starts rambling and the more she goes on the thief realizes that her boyfriend is is Dan Harmon and he's a huge fan and then he takes off his mask randomly just be like oh yeah I'm such a huge fan and then he shows his Rick and Morty shirt off because again that's just an ongoing thing so he starts gushing about how much she loves him and then they're both like oh my god that's so crazy it's so cool and in the crack addict they were just making fun of shoots him in the back of the head gee no wonder no one else would make this but it's spectacular so they get back to Cody's place and they start working on the script and Cody thinks that Dan's cheating on her with this Simone chick that he's does a podcast with but before I can really dwell on the insecurities and how like trash Dan might be the sex doll starts to sexualize a 13 year old boy ah no oh my god no I'm barbers like well I'm only 7 so it's like an older man no okay this is not this is not good at all and then she's like look I'm fake that's a child I'm not gonna ask that child over to meet you because like you're an Anatomy oh that's no but then she does she actually invites the kid over to try to get the kid to use the doll because barb made her but she's barb so she made her own you know so now it seems like she's taking a pass at the kid she whines obviously the kid runs away freaked out because it seems like she's trying to get him to do some weird stuff cuz it's what she and then one of my favorite emotional songs ever starts playing color blind and they try to have another one of those like I'm old and outdated conversations he's just gonna replace me and then no I only call you ugly because I'm jealous you're so beautiful it's like oh my god no I'm not beautiful but we just did not spend enough time on the trying to get a chair head to have been a different way to create a conflict here either way because they've both been upset and talking about how jealous they are of each other they kiss and it's not the worst thing I've ever seen oh my god I guess I guess real-life Cody Heller wanted a full sex scene here Anna said no so we're now officially in the last episode they wake up the next day and it's clear that they went all the way so she hits up the therapist because the doll isn't talking anymore and if they're pissed is like oh so you essentially made love to yourself you did all the work figuring out your insecurities became one with yourself fully actualized the situation is this actually what happened I don't think so cuz Cody said that while writing the dog got thrown out we can't tell you too long because obviously the kid's mom comes over and is like you tried to get my son to have a round with the you know so she thinks she's gonna get kicked out of her apartment which is honestly the last thing I would be worried about in this situation because you you there's a lot worse things that can happen to you but hey Dan asked sort of move in and it's so great but then barb pops back up and was like hey I was just sleeping tired me out but I'm assuming she comes back because she used to call her out on the fact that she's being a passive participant in her own life this ultimately ends up bringing up the insecurities she has that Dan's gonna leave her when she stops being young and hot and Cody repays this honest look into her own mind but leaving barb in a storage locker with a phone that's cold Cody and then it cuts to a month later what mustard you have to be to leave this inanimate object alone for a month but this inanimate object has the best intentions because with that phone Barbara has sent off scripts to Cody's agents and they actually get a chance to pitch the show so it cuts to this meeting and the execs walk in with Cody arguing with barb except you know the dog clearly isn't talking back but it's fine before you can even get going with the pitch the guys like we're doing Harmons girlfriend yeah he actually dated me first one that guy's such a genius and then it's over it mostly kind of felt like a pilot just chopped up into little segments because that's kind of what it is I guess more realistically it's almost like cliffnotes for a show like if you really quickly needed to know pretty much everything about an entire series of a show but you didn't have enough time to actually watch it so somebody just edited you together all like the big beats that's essentially what you're getting with this and pretty much everything that's on kwibi and it's discerning because there's so much more potential here I really like the dynamic between Anna Kendrick and the doll yes it's completely weird the face uncanny valley stuff is a little bit odd if it had a budget it would probably be a little bit better in this situation but it never quite gets to its level of full potential there's some great comedy there's great chemistry between the two leads you know as much chemistry as you can bring to acting opposite an inanimate object but it never feels like it's really giving you enough to think about these episodes have so little time that it doesn't leave you with any room for interpretation because there's just no time or room for nuance it is a really great look at learning how to value yourself not holding yourself to the standards of others just the overall way that like women argued in a lot of these positions and the insecurities that that brings to them but sadly the platform that let it live could potentially be its downfall so that is gonna do it for today's video kwibi is a pretty interesting show it has a lot of heart it's got a lot of good laughs in it it is very unusual and very weird but you haven't redeemed your kwibi 2 week free trial yet no reason not to do that and give it a shot it's quirky but it's you know it's good it's got some heart I still don't think kwibi is remotely worth paying for as a platform when you compare all the other streaming services that you can have for the same or similar price points if you guys watched it let me know what you're thinking down below I know some people really hated this I know some people really liked it again I'm just held back by how much I dislike the format so let me know you guys are thinking in the comment section down below thank you as always to my patreon supporters subscribe to the channel if you're new leave a like on the video if you're into that kind of thing I hope you're all having a fantastic day and we'll catch you all later you
Channel: Amanda the Jedi
Views: 401,643
Rating: 4.9655309 out of 5
Keywords: dummy, quibi, quibi is a disaster, quibi dummy, quibi failure, cody heller, dan harmon, rick and morty, dummy show, dummy review, anna kendrick, donal logue, quibi pitch, dummy is weird, dummy is bad, quibi is a billion dollar disaster, amanda the jedi, meredith hagner, quibi original, quibi trailer, why quibi failed, joel mchale, funny dummy, comedy
Id: DhBfYbivyhU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 41sec (1121 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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