The Dark Side of THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY Explained | X-MEN

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real quick before this video starts just wanna thank everybody for the insane amount of continued support lately and also ask for more if you're not already sub to the channel it would be awesome if you could do that i'm getting so close to 200 000 subscribers i would love to hit it by the end of july so if you're not already subbed and kind of into what i do here that that would be awesome okay to the video so x-men 3 the last stand had some issues it was kind of a huge insult to you know establish character traits the x-men storytelling in general but you know what x3 did have ellen page did you know what else has ellen page the umbrella academy and i love the umbrella academy i also love the x-men who's hiding [ __ ] i love superheroes in general but i really love the stories that manage to be stylized a bit darker take on some serious themes not be afraid to push some violence but still be incredibly fun to watch if not a bit over the top an umbrella academy juggles that all so well and it's also no surprise that the umbrella academy has a lot in common with the x-men for one they both have ellen page and video we are done but no a family of adopted super kids tracked down by a multi-millionaire living in a mansion in what appears to be the east of the united states fighting crime using code names all while wearing coordinated outfits with insignias having real comic books written about them and action figures and if you somehow didn't pick up on all of that or legitimately just don't know anything about the x-men every news publication review testimonial complaint and back of comic book blurb will tell you that the umbrella academy has a lot in common with the x-men it obviously has some stuff in common with some other stuff like doom patron things like that but x-men being what they are that's obviously where a lot of those comparisons are going to go but i think that the first season of the umbrella academy tells a story that the x-men live-action movies have been trying to tell for years and have mostly not done so great at in fact one might say that they fumbled them too perhaps even three different times and the umbrella academy does it right but we'll get to that because while there are many similarities the umbrella academy kind of act as like a dark twisted quirky dysfunctional version of the x-men because there's a lot of emotional abuse and neglect and honestly the ethical dilemma of collecting a bunch of super-powered children to make them fight crime and put them in harm's way and while there are stories where xavier is a dick he's got nothing on sir reginald hargraves because i'm unlike xavier who brought in the mutants to help them learn to control their powers and provide them with general safety hargraves did it for purely scientific reasons to save the world because quite honestly he hated children which brings us to how it all began with one of my all-time favorite television show intros everything from the music to the character establishing shots is captivating and establishes everything you need to know in a fun and dynamic way based on a comic book series of the same name by gerard way of my chemical romance and gabriel ba the netflix series begins on october 1st 1989 when 12 children around the world were born at the same time to women who showed no signs of being pregnant beforehand hargraves was intent on locating and adopting all of them he got seven and legitimately only refers to them by numbers thankfully they do eventually get real names from their robot nanny turned mother yes robot nanny turned mother you heard that correctly i told you it was quirky number one or luther has super strength number two or diego can manipulate projectiles in the air number three or allison can make people do anything just by saying i heard a rumor that number four or klaus can channel the dead number five stays five but he can blip through time and space number six is ben and can release monster tentacles out of his body and number seven vania my girl ellen page is seemingly powerless for now and that's legitimately what this man named them he treats them like scientific subjects not children they also have pogo the talking chimpanzee it's great and quick aside i'm sure not the only person who's made a video on this like specific topic because i've talked about this with a lot of my friends it's a very obvious parallel but i don't care i am a small maritime canadian and i would like to focus my video on the tiny maritime canadian that is in this cast but there's so much going on here that i could literally make a video about each different character or just the overall abuse that they suffer as children and the overall ethics of everything that happened to them but this is what we're doing so it's years later years after they've suited up as the umbrella academy looking like a series of little damien waynes to fight crime in some pretty brutal ways that dad who definitely [ __ ] them all up and didn't want to be seen as a father figure yeah he died so the gang's back together after years of being apart and deeply messed up everyone's having a little bit of a rough go luther got messed up on a mission and had to be saved with a serum that turned his upper body into that of an ape diego is a paranoid vigilante allison is dealing with a divorce and custody battle because she used her powers on her kid klaus became a drug addict and attempts to silence the voices of the dead and drown the memories of being locked in a mausoleum by dear old dad five blipped himself through time and got stranded in a post-apocalyptic future alone for 40-something years and now he's back in the body of a child ben is dead and essentially has to follow klaus around in between benders from beyond the grave but it's vanya the prime subject of this video who appears to have no powers and as a result was essentially excluded from all the other children she wasn't allowed to train with them wasn't allowed to go on missions with them hell she wasn't even allowed to play with them why can't i go play with the others i'm afraid there's just nothing special about you and because the children can sense those sentiments from dear old dad and just want his approval they're pretty shitty to her too and this exclusion is even more defined as adult because they've all gone their separate ways but vanya specifically wrote a book about her life in the family so a lot of them particularly diego see her as a traitor but before they can dwell for too long five slams out of the sky looking exactly the same as he did when he disappeared years before and he comes with news in an apocalypse and they have eight dates to stop it from happening just really basic stuff you know normally i hate stories that just have world ending implications because i never feel like it's going to happen and it removes a lot of attention but so much of the story is so absurd that it just works and like most time travel stories the more you try to fix things the more you either play into exactly what's gonna happen or make everything way worse and things do start to go off the rails there's a lot of self-imposed feelings of failure as a result of heavy expectations that they had as children some of the siblings are very close some of them not so much you know real world tenenbaum stuff best funeral ever there's this group in charge of maintaining the timeline that five worked for as an assassin and they're they're pretty damn violent she chopped my hands off and they're trying to make sure the five doesn't actually affect the timeline because to them this doomsday scenario is just destined and has to happen so while the gang is trying to figure out what causes the destruction of the world they push vanya out even more because not only do they see her as useless but also as a liability she's literally the outcast of the outcasts but it's fine because she meets someone leonard he makes her feel confident appreciated and accepted something she's been craving her entire life because up until this point she's been living her life fairly invisible because that's the way she's always been treated but leonard believes in her and her talents and thinks she's special something no one's ever made her feel before but it seems that he may have some ulterior motives because he found hargrave's journal that klaus tossed in a dumpster when hawking a bunch of dear old bad stuff for drug money so he knows what no one other than pogo knows that vania does have powers powers that hargrave suppressed because he believed her to be too dangerous and didn't want to put in the work training her that will conclude your training for the time being powers that are still being suppressed to this very day with the medication she takes pills that leave her flat reserved meek and lacking in emotion because when vania gets upset bad things happen vania's powers allow her to convert sound into energy which she can then manipulate to varying degrees yes we can nitpick that maybe she can do too many unexplained things but i like it and at this point the powers really only seem to reveal themselves when she's upset which doesn't really happen because the pills combined with her lifelong instilled feelings of inferiority have essentially made her a shadow keeping the powers fully suppressed bringing us back to leonard so even though this muppet should feel honored that he has the attention of ellen page it's not just that he wants her to be her best self he wants to live vicariously through her destroy the umbrella academy even more and unleash banya's full potential so they can be this ultimate literal power couple you know except for the fact that he doesn't have any because he grew up obsessed with the umbrella academy he was born on the same day and wanted so desperately to belong because his home life was horrible and rather than being technical reginald dealt him with a dose of brutality usually only reserved for his own children you never will have power so get off my property but vania is pretty blind to all this which makes sense she spent her whole life neglected by everyone in her family constantly being reminded that she doesn't belong so when someone enters her life sees her as special sees her potential and encourages her that pushes her to be confident when literally everyone she encounters pushes her down she's going to latch onto that no matter how unusual some things may seem because there's a lot of unusual he's sneaking around her apartment her pills start going missing alison doesn't trust him the first chair violinist spontaneously goes missing opening the spot up for her right after she talks about how important that role was and then the powers come in because she's no longer taking her medication and leonard has convinced her that she doesn't need it her unfiltered emotions are coming out more both the positive and the negative because at first she's opening up she's happy she's feeling more she's feeling her music she gets first chair and everything feels so good and all that is just making her fall for leonard even harder because he's been nothing but encouraging so to her it's all related to him and then it pans up to his attic and we see the hargrave journal and helen the former first chair who is very dead well there is something to be said about someone who will literally do anything to help you succeed in life yeah but with her newfound confidence she actually stands up to her family which is great and something that definitely needed to happen but because of the anger she starts making all these things ripple around her on the street and she doesn't realize she's doing it and it's only going to get worse because leonard keeps manipulating the tension between her and her family constantly reminding her that they treated her as less and that it still hasn't changed even though their father is dead and they shouldn't be pit against each other anymore i have been left out of everything for as long as i can remember bonnie at this stage is essentially an emotionally stunted adult that's never learned how to process her anger and while that's bad for most people she also has powers that she's completely unaware of on top of that so when she does start using them she starts to lash out with any kind of regard or restraint and she has no knowledge of how to rein it in because she spent her whole life heavily medicated pargraves literally had her convinced that she wouldn't be able to function without experiencing debilitating anxiety if she wasn't taking that medication and this is how our dark phoenix storyline begins vanya is our jean grey obviously much more reserved meek and probably depressed than jean grey but hey everyone's more [ __ ] up in the umbrella academy and the x-men gene is an incredibly powerful telepath with telekinetic abilities depending on what version of the x-men we're dealing with her powers are just way too much to control and xavier mentally blocks her from accessing them sometimes it's just the telepathy but a lot of storylines she maintains access to both powers but xavier has them heavily nerfed because like vanya jean can't fully control them in these storylines the voices swirl in her head overwhelm her affect her control on the telekinesis and when she gets emotional it gets worse and again depending on the storyline when she finds out about that suppression she gets upset this is exactly what happens to vanya except she gets the added benefit of feeling completely outcasted and unloved by the people that are supposed to be your family it made sense that things got emotional solano takes her to a cabin and tries to push her to use her powers and it doesn't work so he pays a bunch of guys to beat the [ __ ] out of him and of course she snaps and this is a taste of how bad things can get with vanya without even trying she killed two grown men and maimed a third and we still haven't even gone full dark phoenix yet and while she's horrified leonard is excited man's lost an eye and he's giddy and then she starts to remember everything her dad did like locking her in that sound isolation dungeon and this is kind of where she starts to accidentally weaponize her violin playing so when allison goes to find vanya to let her know that leonard's actually herald that he was humiliated by their dad that he went on to kill his own father later that same day and did time in prison it makes sense that vani didn't want to believe her and it doesn't help that allison's essentially the complete opposite of her in so many ways alison's confident she's included she even went on to be an actress so to vanya in this emotionally vulnerable state it just kind of feels like allison's trying to keep her down in her place and it really doesn't help when vanya realizes that alison had a part in making her forget not having powers is what vanya sees as the origin to everything that went wrong in her life so in this moment of rational emotion she blames allison for ruining her life in reality it's because of hard graves but knowing your whole life could have been completely different would be tragic so when allison goes for round two to calm her down vanya strikes out because she doesn't know how to control herself yet and she's immediately horrified and leonard comes in and won't let her stay and try to help he drags her away and she's just so shocked that she can't stop herself from going with him and boy is he giddy with delight that alison seems to be out of the picture you did what you had to and this still isn't our dark phoenix moment vania ends up finding the hargrave journal that harold leonard had been using and all the things that he'd been hiding starts to trickle out when it seems like he's losing her he actually starts to manipulate her using all of the same things her father said to her over the years and boy does she just mess him up i don't even know if i can show the clip because yeah we're starting to enter full dark phoenix yes in x-men obviously there is a literal phoenix force that overtakes gene it's the idea behind everything where it lines up the idea that they both essentially become overwhelmed with their powers and lose control the more their emotions run wild anyways in the original doomsday scenario because of the eye they found they know that leonard was there and now he's not so they have changed the time to some degree but as you'll all continue to learn in season two timelines are a [ __ ] and vania comes to try and make things better because she's not a monster she didn't mean to hurt anybody it doesn't excuse her actions but in that moment at least she's okay and this could be the moment that they would be able to emotionally get through to her and try to help her deal with her powers but luther being big dumb dumb and the first one to come across her when she gets back to the mansion holds her into submission and locks her back in that isolation chamber and oh boy was that not a good idea because that's just the last piece of betrayal she needs to go completely over the edge yeah i get it she's dangerous when she gets emotional and they don't fully understand what her powers are or what she's doing but locking her in a chamber like that was probably just not the best option she needs our help and we can't do that if she's locked in a cage she might be struggling with this new power not even allison wants her to be in that room but luther just refuses to let her out and so quickly the transformation is complete she panics and manages to use the sound of her own heartbeat to blast her way out but instead of dark phoenix she becomes the white violin or even like counter ideas of each other it's cute so basically what i'm saying is that luther caused the apocalypse but then it's sad because she kills pogo because she finds out that he knew about it all along and it's just so sad because he was good and he loved her but this is vanya at peak lack of control and i'm kind of into it and she starts destroying the house because she has all these flashbacks to the horrible memories of her childhood of being excluded and just yelled at constantly and then she heads to her concert because the show must go on and then we get a nice little flashback where hargraves lets her use the violin that belong to his dying wife and he has this little smile on his face when she's talking about how she's gonna be the best so yeah in the first episode pogo was right he does love them all in his own way but again as vania mentions that's the problem because in his own way was never enough so the gang heads over to the icarus theater isn't that nice you know flying too close to the sun all that business and things are almost okay the only thing she's killing right now is her violin solo she's still doing the pale skin glowy blue eyes thing but you know it's fine she sees allison from inside the crowd and they just smile at each other because alison is just so taken away by how beautiful the music is and then dum-dums diego and luther have to try to run at her on stage and obviously she's like [ __ ] for once in my life this is my moment to shine and you're gonna keep playing yeah we're fine thanks for asking and then it all crescendos and she pretty easily gets the upper hand on everyone and it all goes to this moment where you think allison is gonna have to shoot her in the head that they're gonna have to go with the she's just too dangerous to be kept alive trope you know like x-men 3 but then allison just shoots to the right of her ear which disorients her and they think they've saved the day but again timelines are a [ __ ] and this doomsday scenario really wants to happen and it just redirects her energy at the moon and she freaking blows that sucker up so five bops them all including vania back in time to try to stop it from happening so i'll be honest there is a lot going on with this season there's a fake eye time travel weird companies super powers mood explosions abuse dad being an alien talking chimpanzees robot mom but it all comes together in such a nice way for me at least and the stuff that doesn't seem to come together so nice is just laying the groundwork for future seasons it's not perfect but my god do i ever have a great time watching it as mentioned a chunk of this story is something that the x-men movies have attempted two maybe three times anyone else remember gene literally having the phoenix force already inside her at the end of x-men apocalypse and it suddenly being the space entity again in literally the very next movie that every x-men movie is taking place on a slightly different timeline theory just makes more sense every day point being that the fox movies made the attempt at the dark phoenix storyline multiple times and never really quite stuck the landing the newer x-men movies failed to make me care about the characters as a family and the last dan just destroyed any of the work the previous two movies put in and while the umbrella academy may be dysfunctional the show at least puts in the works we understand why things are the way they are while still showing that they're a family at their core and like so many stories before and after x3 sets up the situation where gene becomes irredeemable where it's almost a blessing that you have to kill her because you're not really killing her you're just killing the part of her that like is out of control she'll still be dead either way but you know she's killed scott xavier joined magneto wreaked havoc they essentially make her walking evil this makes it palatable to audiences when they have to take the hero wolverine and have him do the very non-heroic thing and take her out save me i love you they obviously do very similar things with vanya you've got the person who's encouraging her to use these powers saying she's perfect just the way she is you know and like x-men a lot of times that ends up being magneto and this it's leonard but with umbrella academy they actually do point out our mistakes show openly how completely out of control she is but they also leave room for the other character's mistakes as well and point out that this was largely due to years of built up mistreatment neglect feeling invisible and legitimately not having any idea how to use your powers to any capacity like literally one day you are not special you have no powers you're the only non-important person in your entire family of siblings to well you have powers and they're they're very strong powers that all on top of coming off medication she's been on her entire life oh my god but again it still doesn't try to justify those actions but it also never tries to make it seem like luther or five or diego had no choice in the things they do they just picked one of the many choices that's what i like about this so much it doesn't fall victim to having to try and maintain some level of pure heroics in our characters when they want to do something bad even if they think it's the right thing like no one would argue that maybe hey vania might be a little bit too powerful and we might have to make that really hard call they don't try to justify anyone's actions in this regard and in the end they still have ability to not kill vania and further make the decision to take her back in time with them to try to get her the help she needs so this doesn't happen again and that's just why i think it stuck to landing so much better than some of those previous x-men outings again i'm still an x-men stan i don't even hate dark phoenix but i think they just got it right with this we have complex characters with complex stories all trying to do what's right and sadly sometimes that just makes things worse sometimes you just can't change fate because yeah they fail and the world is being destroyed all around them but the most important thing the thing we need from all our heroes even the unconventional ones is the fact that they don't ever give up the umbrella academy a total failure so make sure you tune in to season two releasing on july 31st which is friday and i'm not allowed to talk about it yet which is really hard and this video is still probably going to come out on the day that i can talk about it but i just don't know so i can't i've watched it twice so take that for what you will find but that is going to do it for today's video let me know what you guys are thinking in the comments section down below did you like umbrella academy what did you what didn't you i just really love it thanks as always to my patreon supporters anybody who's watching this right now subscribe to the channel if you're new leave a like if you're into that kind of thing i hope you all have a fantastic day and we'll catch you all later you
Channel: Amanda the Jedi
Views: 155,458
Rating: 4.9764004 out of 5
Keywords: the umbrella academy, umbrella academy, netflix, x-men, dark phoenix, the umbrella academy explained, umbrella academy xmen, vanya, vanya dark phoenix, white violin, ending explained, umbrella academy alien, umbrella academy season 2, umbrella academy review, umbrella academy dark phoenix, jean grey vanya, number 7, dark xmen, dysfunctional family, gerard way, ellen page, my chemical romance, aidan gallagher, robert sheehan, comic book, superhero, hargreeves
Id: YGexl-gO1cQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 4sec (1264 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 28 2020
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