Is Tall Girl the WORST Movie on Netflix? Completely Average Girl reviews Tall Girl

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all right so I have been on the hunt for the Netflix movie that was going to be worse than swiped so I actually made an entire video where it's almost done video about falling in love and I just haven't been able to finish it with all the travel that I've been doing and then other things keep coming up so that video was still on the way but in the time that you know it's taken for me not to upload that movie we have been blessed by a movie called tall girl the way people were talking about it I assumed had to be the worst thing that Netflix has ever created well that's me 16 years old six foot one and a half it's not now don't take that as me trying to say that it's good because it's also not good but you know it's got a couple of positive parts so let's let's get into this rundown of tall girl now I will say the opening scene is is horrible there's no way she's that's how there's no way that this guy who looks of completely normal height that when she stands up you get the entire and I know they do it on purpose but you get that the angle that's actually like halfway down his body going up at her so that she looks like she's seven feet tall when she openly states she's a cool six one she's not a giant she's just tall and I before I get too deep into this I don't want anybody to think that I don't believe that tall girls have struggles like obviously they do I was actually tall tall and middle school I just completely stopped growing in middle school I've been this height since I was about 11 and now I'm just completely average height 5/6 it is in North America 5/6 is a perfectly average in fact it's it's slightly above average of women Heights I am average in height and in every other aspect of my life but again I'm not trying to say that all girls don't have problems don't deal with bullying don't deal with all sorts of weird stuff with like doctors being like well we just want to make sure you're not growing too fast or anything like that but when this movie starts off literally saying something like this you think your life is hard I'm high school junior wearing size 13 Nikes men's size 13 Nikes beat that like come on the movie itself isn't a bad idea but are you actually gonna try to pull that you think your life is hard being gay or dealing with racism or dealing with poverty or dealing with any other number amount of things I'm tall do you know what it's like having to wear size 13 Nikes you don't and then it cuz the scenes of her growing up when her dad was like trying to look into experimental procedures to like stunt her growth to take things and supplements that would sense her growth when honestly yeah she did end up going to be very tall but there's no way to know if that would have continued all the way into her adulthood and then I noticed that no it's Angela Kinsey Angela from the obvious what are you doing here stop you don't need to do this people still love the office you could just make an entire career off of that alone you don't need to do this yourself Angela get out of a Netflix movie and then it cuts to her at school and you know she's starting feel a little bit better after a pep talk from her friend her friend that if this is a great friend by the way we just I need to just drive home the fact that this friend is like the pep talk friend of all friends just given her the best advice picking her up pepping her up way better then she deserves as his movie goes on but then of course someone walks by and gives her the what's the weather like up there a comment that I really just can't imagine is that common once you hit high school maybe I'm wrong but at this point in the movie we've already heard it twice and the first time was from a group of guys that we're not that much shorter than her and that brings me to another problem guys in America are generally pretty tall in high schools like you can have you have a full flexural range you've got guys that you know are closer to 5 foot than 6 foot but you've got a bunch of guys that are gonna be 6 foot and above she would not stand out that much and I remember when this first started wondering if no ascent to NATO was going to be in this movie and then I quickly realize no no ascent nao can't be in this particular Netflix abomination because he's the same height as her so then they wouldn't be able to drive home their point as well as her being some kind of complete unique anomaly in this American city of being six feet tall somebody get to school and we meet her friend Griffin luck you know Griffin bluk who was fantastic in American vandal was in another great movie that's not out yet called Big Time adolescence I'm not actually sure when that's releasing but it's also got Pete Davidson in it dude's been in some good stuff but then the poor boy gets stuck in this movie as the best friend who's on the shorter side or I guess the more average height side and he's into her like clearly he wants to date her and she just keeps bringing things up like we can't date cuz you're not tall and dating a guy who's shorter than me would just draw more attention to how much of a freak I am who's being judgmental about height now how dare you Jodie oh yeah her name's Jody and they have this like interesting back and forth where the guys like come on that he's not like somebody's gonna walk in here just super tall super funny super handsome like what you had to lose and then of course I just think it's crazy you won't go out with me just cuz cuz what'd you think that at any moment some taller than you funny intelligent nice perfect guy is just gonna walk through that door I mean come on [Music] this guy walks in the friggin door and of course he can't be American because there's no tall guys in America he had to be from Sweden where it's normal for people to be that height right after that she's super into him because you know he's relatively attractive and he's tall which that's those were the thresholds I get it you know it's a high school thing even not in high school you see someone attractive you're like damn yes and that's what Jodi did here she was like damn yes yeah she's basically just trying to get the tall guy cuz he's tall let me see the resident hot popular girl being into him and her just kind of being like yo this girl has made my life a living hell she was the first person to ever really make fun of me for being tall and that kind of cuts back in time shows are doing a presentation I wanted to be Taylor Swift and then they're all like more like taller Swift Taylor Swift is tall she's like five foot ten she's like three inches shorter than this girl Taylor Swift counts as a tall girl dumb ass kids be the way the hot popular girl starts talking to him she knows Swedish because she's traveled and and then of course she knows Spanish because she's been to Barcelona okay look I realized that this movie was filming in January book-smart didn't come out until March I really doubt they stole the joke but is way better in book smart Shakespeare in the Park King wat it's actually funny it's um it's what we did in my sermon program last year in Barcelona when I lived in I will be directing so of course she's the press because she can't have the tall hot guy who we then find out isn't obviously a foreign exchange student and staying with her best friend the dude that's in love with her or one of her best friends cuz her other best friend is this one who just gives her all these pep talks even though they don't all seem to interact at the same time which I thought would maybe they did and I just forgot already okay so they clearly all hang out interact with each other at multiple points in this movie that I just completely forgot about so carry on she finds her in the bathroom being all sulky and like nobody sits on toilets like this like there are so many other places that you could hide in a high school and even if you were gonna choose the bathroom as your place to hide and read why would you put your butt on the toilet seats where other people's naked butts are people are nasty you don't you don't know you don't even have the toilet paper liner there and you're also really tallit there's a huge point of contention in this is that you're tall so it's uncomfortable sitting in most places so you're going to jam yourself into a tiny bathroom stall and read a book sideways uh-uh no no but either way she's kind of sulky you know she kind of has a moment with the Swedish guy she realizes they could probably really hit it off he really likes musicals she's rediscovering her love of piano but then you know hot girl shows up and it's like ah nah that's actually my boyfriend now we settled it last night so uh uh uh uh so she gets sad again and then comes home to her dad having a tall people party oh why are all your friends wearing hats to save tip stoppers well that's because they are not only a group of friends but they're also you know you mean a club no to try to make her feel more included after at one point talking about how tall people don't seem to live as long I get that you're trying but come on man why why would you think that was a good idea so obviously she gets super pissed off she goes up to her room but then Sweden Sweden calls her and it's like hey you want to want to come over and watch a musical with me and she's like yeah hell yeah and then he starts calling her yo D so we're gonna call her yo D for the rest of the movie because obviously he has to have a bad Swedish accent he's never been in anything else so I didn't know who he was but I looked him up and it specifically says he is an American actor slash model so they literally just picked this guy that had blond hair to make him Swedish and then just got him to just sell this horrendous Swedish accent and when she calls the main character yo D the entire time either way they're chilling they end up kissing cheaters like I get it she's the hot popular girl who's she's a [ __ ] she's been a [ __ ] to you but that's not an excuse to cheat and just be really nonchalant about it you know sometimes you do the thing where that's like oh my god that was an accident that it happened it could never happen again or I'm gonna break up with the person that was with so that we can be together but like none of that happens here because like you kind of quickly realize that Sweden boy is not popular in his home country for some reason he's at seen as a loser so they're really just piping up this whole thing that everybody in Swedish is unbelievably attractive if this guy is like the ugly one so he really likes being popular and the fact that all the people in the school seem to like him so he doesn't want to date the unpopular girl and this kind of gets driven home even more when the to have a conversation the Swedes like you know I really like yo D and then the short guys like yeah but you like you really like being popular too and like soon enough you're gonna be back in Sweden so why don't you just like rock with the popularity for a little bit longer stay with the hot chick and then you can become like homecoming king isn't that what you want that's a big deal here in America so like everybody slowly starts being just such a shitty person in this I do believe that the short guy is mostly a good person and he's just being you know selfish being like yo I've loved this girl my entire life and yours gonna walk in here with y'all Swedish ass and take her hell nah yeah everybody in this really sucks everybody in this movie sucks except pep talk black girl she's awesome the whole way through she too good for everybody in this movie so now suddenly she's starting to wear her hair down instead of in that like obnoxiously tight ponytail you know she's wearing makeup she's showing off a little bit suddenly now like okay yeah we're gonna invite you places and things are gonna be good and at this point she ends up blowing off her friend and then actually has the audacity audacity to try to criticize her friend say you you don't have my back when like [ __ ] she had your back the entire damn movie she's like a one-person cheerleader pep team the entire ride through and you're gonna get mad at her the one time she's like I don't think you're being a very good friend right now how dare you yo D how dare you and then little griffin starts getting pulled into the popular people club and finds a girl that seems really into him which is nice it's like hey look you don't have to like fight for someone who has no interest in you or Mantic Lea there's girls just into you for who you are and the way you are that's awesome of course they're gonna screw that over because that's not the way these movies work and he's not the main character yo he is like Netflix you cancelled American vandal just to shove this boy in this so yeah after some more misadventures and misfires of you know her being set up with somebody not being into it when they're all at like an escape room type thing strays leavin can't escape that was kind of funny neither is that well if you're gonna go go I'm trying solid that could have been that could have been built up that was okay but yeah it turns out that the Swedes dick the entire time he kind of comes over and says like look I'm gonna break up with Kimi yeah sure I'll come to your sister's pageant and we'll go to homecoming two more together and then you know after the pageant where he obviously doesn't show up she goes to a party that's at little Griffin's house and she realizes okay you you just want the best of everything you love being popular so much you're not willing to break up with Kimmy but you still like me and see you're kind of keeping me on the hook and they realize that and then you know after swede ends up getting called out by Kimmy later when she overhears part of that conversation he just completely throws her under the bus and is all like oh yeah she like very embarrassing Lee professed her love to me and I just told her that we talked about it later and then I didn't show up obviously because like I'm with you baby and then everybody lasted her and then little Grif little Grif comes out and he tries to hit the dude with a crate to defend her honor and then he gets punched in the face again you should just stay with glasses girl cuz she was into you for you but no she too could tell that you love yo D so she's now depressed in bed little Grif comes by brings her some high heels and she's like this is the most obviously this is the very insensitive gift and he's like no like someday you know when you meet a tall guy very tall guy who wants to take you somewhere nice you'll have a very nice pair of high heels and you can stand tall knowing that you hear yourself you can feel comfortable in your own skin and it's very nice and you're like this guy is a sweetheart too good for you honey and the chance of showing up at homecoming wearing them and just owns it just rocks it but then she tries to do the on stage you know homecoming / prom speech and I gotta tell you ya got a lot to compete with there you've got the amazing scenes from Mean Girls you've got the haunting haunting scenes from Carrie there's a lot to stand up to here in terms of onstage speeches in public places and you didn't hit the mark that was just not not a very good speech to captivate an entire school so of course after this is done the suite has been admitting to Kimmy that like yeah you know I am just way more into her and I guess I was just kind of using you for you popularity haha he tries to get back with her and she's like yeah I definitely want to start over just not with you which was good that's awesome reclaim yourself girl but then little Grif little Grif comes by and she's like I've just been really waiting my perfect guy list and like yeah I guess you meet it he's too good for her he should be with the glasses girl because the glasses girl was nice she was kind the whole way through she liked him for him she wasn't caught up on weird things but she was sensitive enough to realize that like yeah I can tell that you're like really into her but and it's okay you know it's cool no hard feelings like that's a cool chick why didn't that girl get somebody by the end of this movie maybe I missed it but that girl deserved love and that's basically the movie what I will say what I will say for it though the overall message that it has is that you gotta own the things that make you different or at least try to own the things that make you different if there's things that you're uncomfortable about yourself you can't change and it's just something and it's the way you are whether it's the color of your skin the fact that you're too tall whether or not you're gay where you come from just different things like that you can own and acknowledge the fact that it is it makes your life harder and you can acknowledge these kind of things but you know it's gonna be better in the long run if you can just own it like that's a fine message I don't think anyone can argue with that it's just the trip we take to get there that everybody is horrible in a way that it's like not obvious that they're horrible like and me and girls they make it very obvious Katy turns into a [ __ ] she turns into a [ __ ] she turns into a mean girl and everybody knows it and then she works at redemption that is a thing that happens and that's a thing that a lot of movies manage very well this didn't really manage that it didn't really acknowledge the fact that's like hey you literally cause somebody to cheat on their girlfriend you were really kind of shitty twinning your friends and I feel like you're a little bit too self-absorbed no no huh high school or teenagers self-absorbed who would have thought oh my god a youtuber calling somebody self-absorbed oh my god who would have thought but you know what I mean you know what I mean it just could have been better and there were actually moments in this that I was like I don't know why everybody's complaining about those so much this is like this is not offensive it's BA and then it starts rolling into the end and it's so bad it's like like it's like a really bad first beginning a really bad ending with just like a glue of hope in the Middle where you're like maybe this will go in a good direction and then it doesn't so yeah that is an average height average girl review of tall girl if you guys have seen this which I'm sure a lot of you have let me know what you thinking in the comment section down below do you think this is worse than swiped is there a worse movie on Netflix that you want to hear me talk about let me know in the comment section down below as always thank you all so much for watching thank you to all my patreon have a fantastic day it will catch you all later you
Channel: Amanda the Jedi
Views: 377,539
Rating: 4.9621091 out of 5
Keywords: tall girl, worst of netflix, sabrina carpenter, tall girl netflix, netflix, luke eisner, griffin gluck, tall girl ending, tall girl movie, tall girl 2019, tall girl review, tall girl problems, movie review, netflix movie, commentary, ava michelle, satire, tall girl worst movie, tall girl is a bad person, tall girl is a bad movie, netflix trash, swiped movie, tallgirl, tallgirl movie, american vandal, mean girls, tall girl commentary, average girl reviews tall girl
Id: 7xvphWkIyOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 11sec (1031 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 05 2019
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