'AFTER' is a Fanfiction Disaster and the Movie is Worse | Explained

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so i have a list of like books movies topics and things that i want to make videos on eventually and also things that i'm regularly asked to make videos about and one of the top requests has been after by anna todd the four piece novel series that's being churned out into four feature films but also the movie was kind of so bland that i didn't really know what people were talking about when they were comparing it to 50 shades of grey like i watched that movie expecting some kind of like r-rated treasure trove and i got just standard bland teen drama and for those of you who may be wondering what kind of fan fiction after originated from was it twilight was it fifty shades was it pretty little liars go to college but no it's something so much more after originated on wattpad as one direction fanfiction as in the author likely self-inserted herself in a story where she gets to meet and fall in love with harry's styles i had to explain the concept of fan fiction that included real people to my mom when i was visiting my parents a couple weeks ago and that concerned her and confused her more than when i was explaining hentai to her so good job and at first i was just gonna watch the movie i wanted this to be a quick experience but i felt based on the movie alone i didn't feel that that could be the reason why people would be so obsessed with this story both negatively and positively because like i said the movie's pretty standard and it handles a topic that's been dealt with multiple times before so i figured there had to be something in the book so i buckled down and i read that too and before i got too far into it i decided i was going to take a look at the original fan fiction which is surprisingly still available in an unaltered state on whatpad where it was published under the name imaginator 1d for one direction i would assume and unlike 50 shades of grey there does actually appear to be a fair amount of changes or at least editing from that fan fiction to what is actually published the core story's still the same but it looks like they took the beginning of the second part and moved it to being the end of the first part but at least they're not lying when they say that this was published in a different state than it was when it was fan fiction i would say it's quite bold for ana todd to just completely and unabashedly embrace her fan fiction origins like this fully understanding that the internet is forever and rather than trying to fight it you can just work with it and keep your existing fan base happy but if you want to go to extreme lengths and shield your depraved fan fiction writing and reading habits do i have the solution for you with today's sponsor expressvpn no one in your house needs to know that you're harry harry styles lever 3000 when you can connect to any number of expressvpn's high-speed secure server locations around the world you might think that incognito mode is protecting your privacy in these situations but your isp is 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the loss of who she used to be but there are three more of these suckers so she clearly does not learn her lesson by the end of this but whatever and honestly after reading the book she really should have learned her lesson and if our lead tessa here looks and sounds a little bit familiar it's actually because she is the younger sister of 13 reasons wise katherine langford and our harry 2.0 here used to be young voldy so tessa is on her way to washington central university and our first major difference actually starts here with the mom in the movie she just seems like she's nervous sending her only child off to school a little protective but in the book she's actually pretty horrible tessa even mentally thinks that her mom has a way of seeing the absolute worst in every situation and has essentially tried to control every stage of her life since her dad left them which sets up for future events that happen in this movie a lot better but they head off with who i assume is her brother and when they get there they're a little bit concerned with this roommate steph who might be a little crazy and by a little crazy i mean she has dyed hair and vapes it's the end of the world and for some reason steph isn't a freshman do they pair freshmen with non-freshmen i don't think that's something schools do but and the mom is super not okay with this living arrangement because steph has implied that she'll get her into all these great parties and that is just not good for her sweet little angel child so she immediately wants to get the room switched but eventually calms down and leaves and apparently this guy is actually her boyfriend did not remotely get that vibe i like your sweater thanks i got it from the gap now there's some drama cause this is clearly not our harry styles double man even the roommate thought it was her brother oh also they changed steph's boyfriend tristan from the book into being a girl and i will allow that change appropriate use of gender swap but then it's finally the first day of class and like anastasia and our beloved bella before tessa loves literature so she meets another keener named landon and i'm wondering how many romantic interests they can try and shove into this but thankfully they just remain friends but after class she goes to have a shower and then when she gets back to her room some mysterious bad boy is sitting on her bed and she's obviously like hey can you like go in the hall so i can get changed and then he hits back with don't flatter yourself i'm not looking little british [ __ ] this one is now in the book they actually run into each other when she's first moving in but i think the movie made a good choice of saving this reveal moment for later the great gatsby hate to spoil it but it was all a dream actually it was all a lie foreshadowing and his name is harden changed from harry no brain cells stretched for that name switch and they didn't even make a joke about harden's hard-on so like i'm what a waste but a roommate finally convinces her to go to a party so they introduce her to a group of friends we've got jace who's clearly like 35 and precious or into drinking because this other girl molly is being a [ __ ] and then we meet zed who is clearly zane who is way more important in the book than he ends up being in the movie like he flirts up a storm with tessa all the time so they start playing truth or dare and then figure out that tessa is a virgin so then she swaps to dare and they dare her to make out with hardin i'm done playing this game and they're like oh i like this girl hardin's first rejection ever so she's upset and she seeks comfort in her boyfriend noah so she calls him and he's like hey where are you it's really loud oh my god are you at a party go to college and immediately start drinking like what's wrong with you so they're definitely trying to turn this into the like your boyfriend kind of sucks so much that he's stifling you so it's like forcing you into the arms of another man thing because in the book he's mostly just a sweet little angel so she doesn't really have a way to get back to the dorm she goes back upstairs and stumbles into a room that is clearly hardens because i see the union jack and it's just loaded with a bunch of classic novels and of course the first book she picks up is withering heights are they gonna go for some kind of like katherine heathcliff thing in this series that's just depressing and he has the audacity to be angry at her for being in his bedroom even though he was just casually chilling on her bed whatever he starts flirting with her and says hey are we still playing the game i'm sorry i'm not british i can't do it and then they almost kiss but she ends up leaving and she's upset and then noah sends her another message being like i'm disappointed in you your mom says you shouldn't be partying with that roommate and then he ends it off with just doing what i think is best for you are you her boyfriend or her mom bro like are we sure this isn't her brother are they in alabama don't put up with this [ __ ] she's in college she was at a party and she took one shot of vodka calm down but again noah is way nicer in the book and tessa puts him through hell then it cuts to her in literature class and the prof is like okay we're gonna talk about pride and prejudice and these two little keeners are like yeah i'll talk about pride and prejudice but she ends up asking hardin for his thoughts instead and he starts laying in on it but in the book it's kind of a little bit different he actually says that elizabeth should have told darcy to go [ __ ] himself which is certainly a parallel to the relationship these two were gonna have but the movie goes with elizabeth bennett gave darcy a hard time so then tessa obviously gets into an argument with him where she's talking about how revolutionary it was for a woman at that time to turn down a man for treating her poorly and then it clearly starts going back and forth where are they talking about the book or are they talking about their one-time interaction that's the power of a good book so after class she starts bitching about him to land and he's like yeah he's going to be my step-brother his dad is the chancellor of the university don't let him under your skin which you know he clearly already is so next day she runs into heart and he's like i want to show you a place let's reset and be friends and for some reason she agrees at least in the book they had a few more interactions before this happens and she even kissed him first at a different party so yes at this stage she has already cheated on her boyfriend in the book but whatever they started driving uh in the book we find out that tessa's favorite band is the fray which you know what sure that fits so the romantic music in this scene as they're walking through the woods is the only thing that saves it from my brain being like oh he's gonna like kill her but thankfully it's just a nice dock on a beautiful lake so he strips down and goes swimming and convinces her to get in with his t-shirt and then she ends up asking him who he loves most in the world and i knew exactly what he was gonna say myself then he asks her about her boyfriend and we get this mushy like what does a high school kid do to deserve you he is nice to me isn't that just another word for boring and then hardin just seems super into her suddenly i thought that you just wanted to be friends i don't think we can ever be just friends do we need like a cliche counter do i have a do i have a clicker and then they kiss so i guess i was right they were trying to make noah seem annoying and stifling and then while they're going to get dressed they start like touching each other from behind and oh my god he has king and queen tattoos on his fingers she was his queen and god help anyone who dared disrespect his queen so again as he's kind of like pulling up her shirt and going down her panties he's like wait have you never been touched before oh my god this is 50 shades of grey this is his virginal girl even though it looked like she was panicking the second he goes to stop touching her she's like why did you stop girl maybe you should break up with your fake high school boyfriend before you continue this in the book they even established that she's never touched herself and he does end up giving her some mouse click action to give her her first oh and then we get lovely lines like these lips the things you could do with them and i can't believe no one has [ __ ] you before oh my god the romance though she was gonna let him go all the way in the book like this is someone who didn't even sleep in the same room with her boyfriend because they were gonna wait till marriage for anything like that and now she's suddenly like ready to give it up in the woods so they go to eat they have a really nice conversation until molly comes around with zed oh has a boyfriend tess yo she may be a [ __ ] but valid question so they go to leave but molly won't let hartnett of the booth so then he gives tessa his keys and then she just like waits by the bar for him so she's obviously like are you ashamed of me like i'm gonna tell noah about us do you mean us if you want to dump mr high school then go ahead but don't do it on my account yo run from this guy too why do they all suck and when he says this to her in the book it's way more messed up because he's already been that extra level of intimate with her both physically and emotionally and also at this point in the book they've had way more back and forth they've made out more at one point to the extent that she felt him hardened against her and i guess that is probably the closest i'm gonna get to a hardin's hard-on joke and he's a lot more verbally abusive in the books like pretty much every single one of their interactions ends with him saying something horrible and leaving or her leaving but she always forgives him she gets back to the dorm after he's been a dick and oh no now they're ruining avril okay look no hate to whoever did this cover but when you're covering complicated by avril lavigne you can go heavier you can't make it more pop and then the next morning noah is waiting on the lawn outside of her dorm with flowers ah it's so awkward in the book she actually begs him to drive down and spend a night with her after some stuff that happened with hardin because she's just trying to recreate that passion she feels with hardin with him but sadly his kiss does not ignite the flame inside her but in the movie she ends up bringing him to a bonfire party and hardin becomes a sad boyo so molly comes over to mess with her so they start playing a game of second blow and that jace guy goes to kiss her when the card drops and harden goes to like beat the [ __ ] out of him while noah's just kind of like uh so they go back to the dorm room and start watching movies and then landon calls saying that hardin just flipped out and mentioned her name so she leaves to go talk to him while leaving noah behind asleep in the book he at least knows she's going so she takes noah's car to get there and when she does he has the audacity to be mad at her even though she hasn't done anything to him so in the movie there's like a few broken things like a vase and maybe like one or two dishes in the book it's specifically described as him having destroyed like every single dish in the kitchen and actually knocked over an entire cabinet and like smashed the glass panel on the front a full-on violent display which is apparently quite typical for him so it turns out that he's upset that his dad is getting married and lives in this big house but his mom lives in a dump in london and he's wasted even though he allegedly doesn't drink and literally pulls the scott pilgrim with the i thought you didn't drink i don't thought you didn't drink only on special occasions but he ends up apologizing for how he's been treating her and he says he's a mess and she's like i think we're both a mess and like honey he's definitely a bigger mess than you man this is peak teenager i love it so they start making out again while her boyfriend is asleep in her dorm room so now we get the more intimate scene that was originally at the lake he does some downstairs kissy kissy and then they fall asleep again while her boyfriend is in her dorm room in the book it's even worse because he asks her to stay and she agrees and still doesn't call and make some kind of excuse for noah or break up with him beforehand in the movie she just accidentally falls asleep girl yikes a friend needed my help in the middle of the night then hardin is like right there so noah kind of figures out what's going on they break up obviously and then she gets mad at hardin even though you know she's the one who just cheated on her boyfriend and around here in the book is where zed starts to amp up the flirtation with her so she's avoiding heart and it only takes like one more piss off for her to be like oh my god no i'm so sorry i won't mess up again and her behavior is actually kind of deluded in the book because he agrees to give her a second chance and then later that same day she lets hardin in to watch movies with her because she doesn't want him driving home drunk and he spends the night and they end up sleeping in the same bed together something that noah has literally never done and then they go ahead and spend the entire next day together like you just got back together with your boyfriend she even ignores noah for the entire day when they're hanging out and then they end up running into harden's dad where there's clearly some tension and he mentions some kind of dinner and then she's like well i'm gonna go for landon so if you want to be there you can be there like girl you have a boyfriend and you just invited yourself over to your sidepiece's dad's house but at some point in here she ends up telling harden about how her dad was a drunk and abusive and ended up leaving her mom and her with nothing when she was really young and that ever since then her mom has been planning out her entire life for her and that noah was always one of the people there for her so she obviously feels really horrible about what she did not horrible enough to stop doing it though again in the movie this isn't so bad because they don't get back together but in the book she literally just brings them back around for round two heartbreak so obviously even though she's back with noah she's still messing around with hardin and noah just randomly shows up because apparently hardin had deleted all of the text messages he had been sending her so then tessa and hardin have this massive argument right in front of noah where hardin's like i want to be with you and spills out his entire guts about his insecurities and how she makes him better and then she's like you don't date and i'm not your type and he's like no but you are so then she tells noah to leave but noah thinks she's talking to hardin but then she's like no you noah like this is all just so unnecessarily cruel go home high school you are out of your element and around here is where the movie shows us some nice romantic moments of them reading books together but of course hardin goes right back to being weird tessa ends up trying to track him down at a party and sees molly's sitting on his lap so she ends up agreeing to go on a date with zed and harden is super concerned that zed has told her something and that keeps happening throughout this book where he's just super concerned about her talking to his friends and then when she's really upset and goes to leave because harden's been an entire [ __ ] again he actually has the audacity to yell out about loving her which obviously just pisses her off and she leaves crying but of course they make up again even though he mostly just makes her cry all the time but then he keeps talking about how good she's been for him and how much better he's trying to be here's a serious piece of amanda life advice it is not your job to fix other people's problems that you are in a relationship with some people just need therapy this is the same [ __ ] fifty shades pulled at one point she literally thinks to herself how proud she is that she's learning to disengage the bomb that is hardened seriously if you have to worry about how to dance around someone's violent and verbally abusive fits get out and honestly there are a ton of fifty shades parallels in this story so i can definitely see why this is called fifty shades light beyond all the sexual encounters that happen in the book tessa wants to work at a publishing company in seattle and actually gets an internship at one she's this pure virginal girl who's never even touched herself he has horrible nightmares that only go away when she's sleeping next to him he hates being told no he's hyper focused on her innocence has a troubled past he doesn't date he's super controlling and he's insanely jealous to the point of anger at any other man in her life so yeah if somebody had told me that this was fan fiction for what it would have been like if christian and anna had met while they were still in college i probably would have believed them but whatever they patched things up again and wow it looks like it might be time for bone town then her mom shows up and just walks in on her straddling him how did she even get in the dorms but her mom's like all that work and you're gonna throw it away for some boy you're gonna break up with him immediately in the book the mom's like don't worry i've talked to noah and he's willing to take you back as long as you stop all this nonsense absolute insanity and i know there's parents like that out there that's crazy this is my life and you have to let me live it she lays down the law and her mom for trying to control her life so she's not gonna end things with harden and then their mom says she's gonna cut her off financially i'm worried that you're gonna ruin your life by dating this boy so i'm gonna financially cut you off from being able to live in the dorm room so that like maybe you won't be able to get a good enough education anymore makes sense he's gonna break your heart like yeah he probably is gonna break her heart it's university people go through [ __ ] it's how you learn like she's still got a 4.0 and in the book a prestigious internship at a publishing house and this moment makes more sense because the book laid the groundwork to point out how insane the mom really is whereas in the movie it just comes across as jarring so harden ends up surprising her with a loft that belongs to a professor who's away and says that they can stay there like it's their place so she doesn't have to worry about not being able to afford the dorm rooms in the book they just flat out sign elise together after knowing each other for three months and fighting almost every single time they see each other at this point in the book she's already gone down on him in a very detailed scene in which taste and dick sensation are described so yeah you want to suck my he asks i'm officially horrified yet somehow turned on um yeah i mean if you want me to of course i want you to i wanted your lips around me since i first saw you and then she pokes his pweepy with her finger a true mood setter i can feel my eyes widen and hear my own gasp as hardin's manhood comes into view wow it's big much bigger than i expected how am i ever going to get it into my mouth but apparently tessa is a dick connoisseur and has no trouble being an expert her first time out so good for you tessa but then hardin specifies that it's kind of her purity that made it so good in some ways like but they're having a great old time living together they're going on dates and then she says nothing could ever change the way that i feel about you well i'm sure there's something but yeah in the book they literally fight the very first night they move in together so despite the obvious tension between hardin and his father she convinces him to go to their wedding in the but he ends up getting pissed off during his dad's speech and then tells her about how his dad was a drunk who picked a fight with some guys at a bar and then when they went to find him he wasn't home so it's heavily implied that they sexually assaulted his mother and he couldn't stop it which is why he has all these nightmares and the wisest thing to come out of anyone's mouth in this movie people change clearly still doesn't change what happened wow maybe tesla will learn this lesson for herself but now it's time to go all the way and they actively show them using a condom so we just gotta condone that but then i read the book and it kind of provides an alternative reason as to why uh they would be explicitly showing a condom and in the book he tries to tell her something before they start but then she's just like no stop no more talking now now it's smoosh time and has somehow managed to get a pg-13 rating even though she makes noises when he thrusts which based on my breaking dawn research should have secured them in our you can't have a thrust in conjunction with a noise at the same time like you have to kind of get right and this is actually one of the points of contention with how this movie was adapted the thing that makes after what it is for better or for worse is the extreme mood swings and outbursts from hardin and all the sex stuff it is literally 50 shades light the book it is steeped in its wattpad origins but they clearly wanted this to be available to a wider demographic and not piss off the parents of the teenagers who wanted to see this and i'd rather they had just committed to all that stuff rather than giving us a bland movie and i like teen movies most of the time this is just very cookie cutter in the book after he takes her virginity he says he's gonna toss the sheets but then later on she sees them still in the back of his trunk and he just says he forgot to throw them out hmm but anyways molly ends up messaging harden but tessa sees it first and is like meet us at bob's did you tell her yet maybe i will so she obviously thinks that he's cheating on her and he's like no it's not like that and i actually feel inclined to believe him because molly sucks but she gets way too antsy and he doesn't answer any of her messages but then she gets one from jace telling her to meet him because he's with hardin and then we realized that jace only messaged her because molly asked her to and then it's all revealed we find out that hardin basically dared himself to get her to fall in love with him after she walked away from him at that party and in the book it's specifically to get her to have sex with him so really sick and all the people that she had ever hung out with knew including her roommate steph so she is disgusted heartbroken embarrassed and pissed and this part ends up being way more messed up in the book i didn't believe it when he claimed she won even with the condom right me either the sheets though i mean how can you deny blood on the sheets molly laughs he saved the condoms and the sheet from their first time to prove he took her virginity this is deluded even that time he stumbled into her dorm room drunk so he couldn't leave right after she made up with noah and i'm not saying she ever should have stayed with noah but still turns out he was lying so she wouldn't send them away and he really thought he was gonna seal the deal that night he was even beating people up so they wouldn't tell her because yeah he did end up catching feelings in the book he even invites her to england on holidays to meet his mom so even though he used the money to repaint the car she just bought and make the down payment on the apartment this is all so messed up like just drop the dare or let her in on it so you can both make some cash without the trauma then he has the audacity to say you said nothing could change the way you felt about me then i guess we're both liars ooh we just went full circle back to their first conversation so then she ends up heading home to reset talks to her mom and i assumed it was going to be an i told you some moment so even though the mom apologizes in the movie i still hate this change because of how horrible she is in the book and in the book she already has the internship at the company that hardin's dad's best friend owns but in the movies she contacts them separately and gets the interview herself and hardin is being all emotional in his room and he sees the copy of withering heights they kind of bonded over but then he cut the scene of him throwing it at a wall because i guess they really just didn't want him to be violent in this at all then it cuts to the end of the semester and the professor is like this is what hardin turned in but i think it was more for you than me so it's his final paper and he's talking about how he never used to believe in all of the love that was shown in the books he's read his whole life but she changed that for him you once asked who i loved most in this world it's you how manipulatively sweet and then they meet at the lake and all is well and i just feel blessed that the sequel to this movie is already out but also kind of pissed that i missed its theatrical run and this is also where a major deviation happens i'm assuming they didn't know if they were going to get a sequel so they couldn't leave it on the cliffhanger that the book has because in the book it ends right after they reveal that there was a dare to sleep with her and it's stormy outside and then it ends with her asking zed to tell her absolutely everything and that's the cliffhanger so now i'm gonna have to keep going with these yeah i truly cannot stress how back and forth harden is in the book to like such extreme measures how much he truly breaks her down by saying the exact things he knows is going to upset her the most even if he doesn't believe it how he messes up and then pulls the christian gray like no please don't leave me you make me so much better i can't live without you i need you based on the book i fully understand why people wanted me to talk about this because it does it does feel like junior fifty shades but that is after let me know what you guys are thinking in the comment section down below were you one of the people following this from the original fan fiction again no hate sometimes you just gotta read this kind of stuff because that's just what you're feeling let me know what you're thinking i'm sure it gets even crazier as the next three installments continue so thanks as always to my patreon supporters subscribe to the channel if you're new leave a like on the video if you're into that kind of thing i hope you're all having a fantastic day i'm mostly okay and we'll catch you all later tell me why you're gonna make me so complicated
Channel: Amanda the Jedi
Views: 507,579
Rating: 4.9776702 out of 5
Keywords: after movie, harry styles, anna todd, after we collided, reacting to after, reaction, reacting to, after explained, after is bad, after is 50 shades, amanda the jedi after, one direction, josephine langford, hero fiennes tiffin, after, 1d, zayn malik, hardin and tessa, 365 days, fifty shades of grey, 50 shades, after is a dumb movie, wattpad, wattpad presents, wattpad movie, one direction fanfiction, fanfiction, tropes, rant, review, comedy, I read after, reading after
Id: VSAjn1EyaGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 25sec (1645 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 29 2020
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