They Say You Can't Outrun The Cops...

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how's it going everyone welcome to reaction time in my I'm here with the homie yeah a friend come on give it to me sweet wait Johnny why do you have an extra life sticker on you because that's what our merch came around today we're looking at people who outran the police you know they said the police always catch the person well not always we're actually instances where they don't catch the person when they being company I don't think they wanted to catch you you company sorry Anthony anyways um Anthony you look like you're in the bootleg matrix alright you're gonna not have fun with those anymore we're gonna start with this video but before I begin make sure to subscribe check us out on the socials here's his Instagram mine are you ready quit it flick away your Instagram I'll do that day Lula gears oh yeah under sound effect let's go okay they're trying to I know my sizes drink yeah yes Drake and they're all mad okay it's gonna run but how fast it's gonna be fast enough there's a fence right there oh just hop over it like it was nothing with the deep front flip another game he had friend flipped another gate Annelle oh yeah you feel all trying to stop him but he can't to fast like a fast he's going he goes around and you just gone yo you jumpy hella gay I think he's just playing with them at this point like you're just messing with them complete come back let's watch it one more time baby do one you kind of push the car back cuz either touching him he doesn't like it no filming except for this part you don't like put Mario sound effects I don't like do it let's do it oh we got I get my new friend flip it was so unnecessary he ja he still did run flip over another gate so like he just really wanted to show off he's like dude they got nothing on me they're way easier than people think to run oh this will has a star a mushroom or something he has a superpower but of course I don't recommend anyone do this it's a really bad offense don't try this ever oh well you might get caught yeah exactly don't do this you don't get caught you're good oh my god his friends is cheering loud oh we were gonna arrest them for loitering now you expected the chase enough all right the first clip would you this is worth the paperwork now hold is it worth the paperwork now is it worth the time if you get got no if they remember you they know where you live now the idea ready yeah this one uh he's in his underwear chilling outside they're trying to talk to him happy day happy day they're trying to uh like this is for all of them there's a lot of cops I'd be scared I don't know what he's doing oh not well it's like a glove what's he gonna do hook they're all like like what they're holding they're putting their hands uh close by oh they tased them and he's running and it's like how do you say it man he's running electricity dude's got sonic powers you guys sonic powers you got an electric jolt is fee ready steady here we go come on run smiling [Music] wait I just realized that was his friend making those sound effects listen yeah listen oh my god that's actually hilarious I know they're joking around like he's laughing is this a joke where's this real like it's real bull like is it worth than a guy in his underwears and the Taisen - he took the tase like a champ he's gonna tase and you can transfer into energy that's one second energy that's a quick jolt to the feet oh speaking of which if you think pursuits always end in the cops winning yeah not with this clip this is a dodge and he actually outran the cops I'm not gonna say anymore but they say you can't outrun the cops yeah you can look at this clip heõs is the new trailer hops a shop it couldn't be I would use it okay that look at the white Dodge he's actually going like a hundred miles per hour I think I got 120 there's look at the cops so you the cops they can't keep up you know I don't know what he did this car if he moderate or just one of the fastest cars I've seen on the freeway right now in that pursuit but even the helicopter couldn't keep up at one point hello Ella cow which is actually one of the fastest cars that Dodge makes look at this I just be scared if there's travel early because how oh he is my ow look at this I just thought I forget right now my god I've never seen someone go this fast look at that the helicopter can't keep up the helicopter really needs to take off he just went to the carpooling and I hardly doubt there's more than one person that car yeah but no signal and only one person in the car is a double offence stamp oh my god a long time he's doing over 100 now the camera is actually facing the car that means it's too fast it's actually taking off oh my good Oh Oh scared like I love how they're all just like swerving away cuz I were - oh you just imagine the truck goes into his Lane that's going this guy's insane well freeways this it's uh Eastview it's like they're actually but look yeah this is actually one of the few televised ones that he completely outran the cops most of them won't be televised if they outrun them they say they just found a man they caught him or whatever but this one they actually admitted to it they need to put a tire like the rack that pops his tire but they can't do it on a freeway so there's needing to get all not do them look and they're so far there's no traffic on the freeway I think it's the middle of the day he's completely open so okay now he's really going off even more that is so scary ya know not only will you have a lot of you know he's a nice little bit though dude you guys please don't ever attempt anything close to this like anything goes wrong wolf everyone is dead at this point and even the USPS man you see him look he's just gonna deliver some mail so where are the cops anyways I can't keep up they just can't keep up with him he's too fast he's going like a hundred something are you just swarming right through cars or see any cops in front of them so dangerous oh my god will he ever run out of gas that's a question okay this is the moment the helicopter starts losing them they said for a little while but they lose them again right here that's like terrified - look I just give me so much anxiety I'm looking this I'm just thinking of all possible bad scenarios and right here they start to lose him he's getting farther and farther oh yeah he's definitely oh they lose them they admitted to listen to this one of the first times I mean they don't want televise it but this two-way was already televised they admitted it it's just gonna disappear who's gone he just disappeared oh okay they're the cops these although these well I don't even see him lately can't keep up where is he nice completely gone every single officer has lost sight of the car and now he actually is one of the first few successful people so literally Jesus get off the freeway he's home free he could be if he's smart about it I mean you don't know if people are coming in from the top that being said we got another person so this is not an actual cop it's a funny arrest we got the other ones look at this one he's threatening to tase him so this is a bounty hunter as you can see he's not an official cop but you can just do citizen's arrest I don't even know if it's legal there's a lot of taste well I think he is allowed to because there is a bond on the guy something that I'm not sure if he's allowed to actually everyone let me know in the comments he wants to talk to him he's like let me talk to you these giants gave up more they it will it happen hey guys he's a feminist no but he's a feminist I don't know what was going on this guy's so funny every time I watch this something's died all once he heard feminist he's out I said you ain't gave me I got you cuz he's faster that is a good save mine's client Apple mine's banana peel that's warm stay just like that cross your ankles oh gosh you Ranga don't take pictures like that be bright you ankles up to you but sweat man what's my safe word bring your girl up to your box that's all far I go you think I met Pilates I know you have it I have it let's get the Lonnie classes no no no because I don't know I don't want to go to Pilates I wanna have my feet to my ass why do you tease them no scare you oh that's cute they just like that stick this hand up just like that don't move it they didn't Oh watch all hands but it don't work don't do drugs kids hahaha that is change you know how long it took me to acquire those some of there's a limited edition I can't breathe look at it that's my wallet you have no watch your fingers booty boom man whooping now we got the first guy jumping over fences like it's nothing as fast filming just laughing second guy getting tased give him some juice for his fee and ran like supersonic booty home at Gotham we got the Hellcat dodge car just complete outrunning the car but now we get comedian over here who's on to me by any person he's just looking for a road taco in my car I got snacks would you mind get my snacks for me huh No Oh stand up you said don't stand the stand up the circulation to my hand he's pretty fast though he wasn't really fast what do you guys think he's giving a round of applause about pineapple juice man all right what's your safe word and then you stop touching me cops just told him away right there look at this guy and he's gonna make a run for it and he actually completely disappears look at this study what do you expect he's just so slow and the cameraman is trying to keep up to make sure you filmed everything but he has like he has like so many yes so many things holding him down around his waist and just heavy there's no way you can outrun him yeah there's no way it's impossible he outran the cops in this case - it's dark outside yeah it's dark and he's not gonna be able to fighting with a flashlight it's impossible he can literally hide anywhere I'm like a trash cans like no height is deep but you have old world yeah yeah yeah the whole street oh he was running he dropped his cell phone oh they know if anyone calls them they're gonna know who it is that's the only mistake he made he ran away at random but he might still get arrested and it's worse now guys we hope you enjoyed if you did please leave a like give this video to 50,000 likes and also check out Anthony on Instagram in my Instagram add tell fishermen and also check out our pranks on YouTube we have a second channel where we had collaborated he always makes me but at least is documented and recorded don't want him to document the frag got away you got away just like these people did you old my favorite prank one when I broke your phone it was a prank though so it's okay the except for the one with the balloon anyways we'll see you soon we hope you guys have a good one stay safe don't do any of this and peace do the hammer pound your phone no one has ever found [Music]
Channel: Reaction Time
Views: 5,174,946
Rating: 4.9217463 out of 5
Keywords: reaction time, reaction, time, react, reaction time channel, reactions, reacting, reacting to, teens react, elders react, kids react, tal fishman, family friendly, kids, kid friendly, facts, learn, learning, game time, free time, funny, funniest, hilarious, timeless
Id: E219t-6-nTs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 16sec (856 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 06 2019
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