Reacting To Videos With 0 Views! (So Weird)

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videos with zero views soreby upload date in the last hour okay hahaha type in video sort by upload date yeah last hour there we go use no use no views now we're gonna explore YouTube and we're gonna react to videos zero views we're gonna be the first viewers I'm exciting are you guys ready like we say first in the comments to whether were they imagine being these guys with 0 viewers and having youtubers like react to the video usually the first viewer for tall video sorry yeah you smell like blueberries there's a case like blueberries smell like pina colada well I'm down you smell like poop we are not going to believin links in the description the Casey's people don't want a lot of fans and stuff to come to their video because I'm able to just upload on youtube to share with friends they don't really know how to use unless interview yo its Papa Anthony I'm here joined with careless hey Anthony y'all check us out on Instagram they're gonna be popped up right here pieces are you guys ready I'm super excited reacting to videos with zero views what do we got here first we got the best baby funny video new funny video no views here we got me to one let's see what this video is all about oh wait why did that look so hot diaper Sheena literally kicked him to the floor look we thought he's on the ground gonna grow up to be Johnson he's done see he's like here's like some slobber on the thigh he's like hey that's mean oh right in the nose bro wow that was crazy bro I not expect that the baby here of use to the face don't use all of you now what has one view it has one view now next up we got a video project oh you missed emoni my Segway you know what they used Oh growing up in Nigeria I had this dream of seeing myself in the Florida this might be for a class the ability to send it to a teacher these people are trying yes these people aren't trying to be youtubers they're just the uploading stuff yeah some people just I just upload stuff to share with people just here here's the link you never expect someone to just react what it is like blow up got like 10 million views he looks at it one day he's like look when would this be and how's it gonna come to us mindful awareness traveling to such countries no this is touching what is a touching feeling tired well you get off you good I had this dream of seeing myself in the Rhema USA campus what is he sounds beautiful I don't really I think that was beautiful don't already said yeah I'm awake fool don't you see my name's let's keep going another videos reviews re people are IB vine I usually create we still this idea so we still oh we should know she got might be able Isaac oh she a bit the left girls yeah she knows how to be you can yolks I got in that infinite video that you can plug let's play subscribe to the channel also another plug Thomas merge off the bridge keyless go what is that called nothing on the product no they will give her the sound effects to the second she opens her mouth the actual thing that come out she's kind of good that that's really good sounds good actually very severe yeah we show a picture where we can tell originally you have to see the original you bro just like they'll have fun yeah that was very soon as M&Ms cinnamon so I know how do you spell cinnamon Anthony okay all right here here what are those watch this the top what is priceless guns actually it does 0b0 view minimize 0 V they deserve more so another video that was on there I'm just happen so it's a prom video ok you never want to prop tell you one with us I went to prom oh no you didn't let's try it alright soprano good time I don't like problem yeah dad Scion your arms up prom okay no you think it Laurie time with tall yo this is a cool video this is supposed to be a montage I like this oh yes I'll take those dudes just exact same outfit who is that chick yo Instagram him you know dang look at those dresses lookin good Tina yo Batman plays basketball Patricia what about the girl in the car that's ten telepathy Filipina tell apena battle prom part one this looks fun this guy looks like yo Maggie see Kayla's on the back you're Bob - now he's so funny you like it do it yeah okay that's good all right your house or fair it's a fad it's fast motion you see kids making out with the teacher in the back oh I wish I was here who's that girl though I don't know what she's make up funny face I don't know Kayla sighs I'm not Thursday don't worry bang next up this guy we had a comedy skit called the funny school stereotypes reminds me of when I did tall and short and head is probably better than ours hey guys he's never gonna be doing some funny school stereotypes so hope you guys like and let's get right he's got a good youtuber oh that was really good that was good and I was clean I don't know if you took it in one take or tooken I feel bad it says you're the kid who doesn't brush his teeth does it Robert so that's it that's Mel's right anyways the kid doesn't brush his teeth okay what does the same kid brother don't sigh he's like what the kid who throws toilet paper on the ceiling no tall what is that a pig yeah everyone does what do you think was gonna happen well the kids actually oh I've never seen this what people did this Michael do that in the bathroom when you're taking it he threw it over you know a song oh oh my evils did that I do and then it falls on and it falls on your head [Applause] now we reenact that and put the ultimate wedgie on Anthony like on that video Oh [Music] [Music] every single way yo he's on that grind grind combo yes a - do you have tattoos I did see it wait we want some ice for the tattoo reveal everyone drop like 50,000 likes so we're gonna reveals mm that's a own it you'll never know unless you drop in if you want a part too if you guys want to see tallest a to a hundred thousand like Donna sniffle you want your guys very energetic I like it I like this yeah Oh jinx you owe me a kiss a little he literally said the same thing are we the same person the tallest buildings in the Philippines how many people actually look something like that up you guys got to put stuff people click be holy we got the world's tallest building the world's tallest it okay this is the title you need the world's tallest building dropping a watermelon off the world's tallest building off being tall off the world's tallest the world's tallest buildings Thomas o most insane buildings in the world you wouldn't believe exists the most estate building you wouldn't Loess has hot girls an imprint this challenge extra hard truth impossible it's trehala hard by once you through by are you ready ready for this ten number ten more ten I could get down to this Sal keto it's the Siham Sal keto sky sweet sour Seder that doesn't sound [ __ ] he's both guy tower wrong no I didn't guys next time we saw a makeup tutorial I obviously shot with an iPhone vertically like a cactus painting I like the wall color so this is a makeup tutorial she's got nice y'all next up do I have any sister ready no this is just looks like you'll never see missus create a mechanic I still don't know what she's saying dude you speak Spanish oh I wish I do you lady told me speaks to my oh oh local a style poyo things I mean hello my name is chicken you doing today how are you at mcdonnell's me I'm Oh chicken me I'm not chicken dude well we me amo el poyo I love check my name the chicken who can translate down below someone translate heads lately right now everything she sings I think she's saying subscribe to infinite I think she's saying on top the merch got the merch look at this it's so fired don't matter mercy oh my god wouldn't you wear this you would yeah what is this yeah this is a like video it's kind of similar to firework which I'm actually on by the way follow me at tall fishermen on firework actually use my link in the description and check it out download it and I'll follow me on firework I post a lot of random stuff on there and these guys are on it too all right let's go react is do you do it oh yeah let's see it Tony there you go hearts all around oh he likes her I think she wants to he wants to marry her I think he really likes you know that lip-syncing is honky yo eyes don't wink this week can you wink Anthony week I usually wink when I see Paul stop it all right this next up I didn't do an eye staring contest hey guys just want to say this video is brought to you by surf shark VPN it's a great solution for keeping your privacy secure on the Internet you can also access geo restricted content let's say you want to go on your bank account but you're using free public Wi-Fi and you don't have any encrypted connection with surf shark VPN you can connect to any country you want and that's it you get a secure data connection between the device and the server so you don't have to worry about any hackers getting your bank account surcharge VPN can be used for so many other things as well like if you want to access Netflix but it's a restricted country to use my code reaction time and you can get 83 percent off a two-year plan using surf shark VPN go to the first link in the description it'll only be $1.99 a month with my code its surf shark comp slash reaction time hope you guys use it I hope you guys enjoyed that's gonna be able to get right back into the video let's go yeah excuse so it's salty it was actually really salty there's something really for you why your fingers all nasty I will spit it up look at this oh is this game what game on a charge how does it work yeah no it's her mental and you're supposed to do with your mouth oh my god like watch zero views oh one beat only don't look don't look don't look don't look why play oh nevermind I'm covering my eyes that was snow we should do that tall does it for videos with zero views of shops so 50,000 like maybe let's go tattooer go wait I'm Ava's yeah we'll see you guys next time tell me what you're caught in watching em piece [Music]
Channel: Reaction Time
Views: 3,203,202
Rating: 4.9456787 out of 5
Keywords: reaction time, reaction, time, react, reaction time channel, reactions, reacting, reacting to, teens react, elders react, kids react, tal fishman, family friendly, kids, kid friendly, facts, learn, learning, game time, free time, funny, funniest, hilarious, timeless
Id: vMiXXen4JnA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 17sec (917 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2019
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