Drunk Swedish Woman Can't Stay On Rescue Board

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I was on the megaphone within 20 seconds of them jumping into water and boy there's already time to go in yeah maybe we're watching aren't you gonna come here and give my hand yeah guys I be back with these two swimmers are relatively close to shore for now but this rip charging out to sea at around 3 meters per second he's got maybe like 30 seconds before he's on that backhand in the rosin you can smell something isn't quite right as soon as it got to the patients straight away I got a strong worth of alcohol when you're drunk your decision-making and coordination and really important for us of your balance is all gone and so on a risk the board of two people it can be really tough unable to paddle against the RIP Harrison and Tommy must move into the impact zone I have to told her to hold on I'll look back and as a solid wave we have to break on us Tommy Marshall secured the girl before the next wife hits if he's learned now's the time to show it and next by it comes an absolutely March this how many lost is forward and straight away I realized that Tommy was out the back with his patient and no rescue board with no flotation device as an intoxicated patient is in danger himself tecnique Harrison must help the young trainee so he directs his passenger towards a key hole in the rocks I knew I had to get to Tommy really quickly that's as vulnerable as you get helping six foot waves in the head with no rescue gear [Music] patient I helped by a surfer the local was out there a good they come down and gave us a hand they ignored the dangerous current signs and then when swimming while intoxicated so not the smartest bunch that I think and the ocean a dangerous cocktail big waves and it becomes lethal and I said guys don't assume this corner ever again swim up between the flags and don't you dare come down when you're intoxicated
Channel: BondiRescue
Views: 1,433,942
Rating: 4.9332619 out of 5
Keywords: bondi rescue, bondi rescue official, bondi rescue 2019, bondi beach australia, lifeguard rescues, best rescues ever, real life rescues, bondi lifeguards, bondi beach lifeguards, first aid training, australian lifeguards, drunk swedish woman needs rescuing, drunk woman at bondi beach, drunk swedish woman, drunk people fails, drunk people getting rescued, drunk woman drowns, tommy bondi rescue, drowning swimmer rescued from rip, bondi rescue season 12, drunk woman bondi beach
Id: ukLlJt9fp78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 5sec (185 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 31 2020
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