How to Redeem Your Timeline | Troy Brewer | Redeeming Your Timeline

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church will you join me in welcoming the whole wide world to big time burleson texas y'all this is the open door experience boom outstanding guys want to welcome you to midweek service and i'm actually going to be talking to you i'm actually going to be preaching part three of my redeeming your timeline sermon series and i'm going to be delivering that and super excited about getting into the stuff that we're going to get off into because look i have props i'm a lot like gallagher anybody know gallagher i love props it's like anybody that's you know below the age of 40 doesn't have a clue who gallagher the genius was anyway i do i've got i have up here on top of this really cool podium i've got this podium and i have i have seven blocks everybody go i'm going to illustrate one two three four five six and the seventh yeah you knew seven was coming right that's good yeah that's good very impressive actually we were talking today with the production team and it's like man they hate they hate for me to put the seven chairs up here because it's just tough on cameras and i'm a fat guy and i got to get up sit down i got to get up and sit down and actually for everybody who's listening on the radio that's not true i'm six foot seven and i'm chiseled and blonde-headed and blue-eyed do you know that josh charlie was here over the weekend he said dude somebody told me that you were six foot seven and chiseled in blonde hair and blue eyed he goes i thought what the heck i said yeah i lie on the radio and i tell people that all the time but with that said i have seven blocks here in front of you because i'm talking about redeeming your timeline and i want to i want to just say a great big thank you to everybody who has been getting the book it's still number one and on amazon in a whole bunch of categories and nobody will ever be able to take that away from me and i'm i am so grateful number one best seller troy brewer yes sir yes siree barely graduated high school barely had to cheat to graduate actually the lord has redeemed all that and that's funny to me well friends whenever we first started this whole thing on redeeming your timeline i it all goes back to a couple of basic premises the entire book has five premises in it and a premise is a line of logic that brings you to a conclusion and we need to be careful of the premises that we believe and we also need to own the responsibility of the conclusions we come to in every single part of our life you know you marry some knucklehead if you're not if you're not careful or you go through a couple of marriages like most of us do you might be somebody who says okay my premises are i'm not good in relationships or i have not had good relationships so my conclusion is i can't have healthy relationships okay that's the devil and it's a liar it's a lie and so we have to own the responsibility of the premises and the conclusions we come to through the line of logic that we face every single decision making paradigm we have so i mean you can look at everything through a lens that is not redeemed and your eye will be evil or your lens will be evil and jesus said if your eye is evil then your whole body is evil so the lens of how you view things is so important it's so important you know the bible says that he will guide you with his eye there's a whole bunch of different explanations a whole bunch of different layers of revelation as to what that actually means but one of them is you know if if you're so close to jesus and if you're like king david and you have set the lord continually before you and you're in his face and you're looking at him and he begins to look this way what happened you go like okay and you know how that works in your life he will begin to highlight certain things the spirit of the lord will begin to highlight certain things for you to pay attention to do you recognize that okay that's part of the way of him leading you with his eye but that doesn't happen unless you know him face to face and that's a whole different layer of relationship to behold the face of god is a really really really big deal a really big deal now to hold to to behold the face of god means to be in perfect relationship with him now if you get into the face of god the bible says that he calls you and he calls israel and he calls jerusalem he calls us the apple of his eye and one of the revelations of understanding of the apple of his eyes is you're so close to him you can see your reflection in his eye that's the apple of his eye that reflection of you in his pupil like whoa okay in other words you're seeing you through his lens all right all right and that's a whole different mamba jamba can you guys tell i'm about to get it on i'm about to preach up in here can you feel it no too because i just felt my baby leap whenever i just said that yeah you know what i'm talking about do you know that language thank you my sister bringing it so i just felt that the lord's like yeah he was just like rochelle preached that preached that just felt it well so in our relationship with the lord what happens is we learn how to have a redemptive view of things we begin to have a redeemed world view that our entire view of the world and guys you need to own the responsibility of your worldview and if you don't know what a worldview is you need to look it up on google you look everything else up you look up pizza joints on google look up world view and find out what a christian world view is as opposed to a humanist worldview right and you have to own the responsibility because what happens is in within a humanist worldview there are certain premises that lead you to certain conclusions in a christian worldview there are certain premises that lead you to certain conclusions and you have to own the responsibility of sin i know this to be truth and i'm hanging on this i'm not going to let it go and i know this to be truth and i'm going to hang on to that and i'm not going to let it go until ultimately i'm always concluding this and it has to be a godly conclusion you know one of the things no matter what atrocities that i see throughout the world i refuse to let go of the premise that god is good i'm not gonna let it go and you're not gonna shake you're not gonna shake that from me if i can look into the eyes of thousands of boys and girls who have been molested and thousands of boys and girls who have been literal slaves if i can look into the eyes of thousands of people who have been displaced and their crime was that they were poor and see the tragedy of humanity and the horror of humanity upon other human beings and still look you in the eye and say god is good you ain't going to shake that from me and i it's one of the things that me and leanna talk about all the time and say okay well no matter what no matter how we go through this let's determine right now that god is good and leon said god is good like yes ma'am god is good so we're owning the premises no matter what what the facts are because the facts change from moment to moment to moment to moment to moment the facts change the facts are not everlasting truth they're not forever truth the fact of the matter is you might not even feel like you're saved well that ain't true it's a fact but it's a fact i feel like it so you have a world view that says everything revolves around your feelings because you have swallowed the lie of a premise that didn't come from god see jesus said in the last days we would have to guard our hearts so that we would not be deceived oh my goodness he knew what he was talking about didn't he he sure did and the lord knew exactly what he was talking about well when it comes to time i i've been searching god out for years and years concerning time because i mean we might as well get good at it because we're all in it it's kind of like josh hawley got up here and talked about the importance of us having finances i've spent the whole week with him and it's it's been a good week and and uh you know and just going over what is my view of finances and what are my strategies what strategies do i have or am i just saying i'm just believing god okay it's good to believe god when you don't have a strategy it's better to partner with god in a strategy believing god when you don't have a strategy is a wilderness experience partnering with god in a strategy is a promised land experience in the wilderness nobody had a plan nobody had a strategy all they had was oh i got to stick with god that's it and that's the lesson of the wilderness that all of us have to learn is this no matter what do not bail that's the lesson of the wilderness he's going to be a cloud by day it's going to be a fire by night and don't get out from under the cloud because you die don't get away from the fire by night because you die don't get out of eyesight of the lord because if you get snake bit you'll die don't get away from the camp because you'll starve to death so just learn a lesson don't have a plan don't have a strategy believe that god is an answer and stick with him okay that's only supposed to be a 40-day journey and sometimes that turns into a 40-year journey and we have to keep going around the mountain and keep going around the mountain and keep going around the mountain keep going around because we don't learn the lesson of the wilderness which is this do not bail from the presence of god no matter what but then the day comes you come to that river you stand there at that river and he says we're going to cross over now and you cross over and this is the one of the greatest and most dramatic verses in the bible to me is when they came to the river jordan after 40 years of being miraculously fed the bible says and the manna ceased that the way it had always been was no longer ever again and there was a new program and you'd better get with a new program do you know that we're in that time right now do you know that we're in such a huge time of transition worldwide right now that what used to work is is not gonna work anymore that you're gonna have to be willing to change your wine skin and if you fight for the way things used to be you're going to fight for what no longer matters and you won't be in the right fight i tell you this my friends there is an outpouring of the holy spirit that is coming for those who are willing to change their wine skins there is a move of god that is going to take place that is so good and so big and it's so real prophets have been prophesying the billion soul harvests and people laugh and laugh and laugh i laugh but now i'm not laughing at it i'm laughing at those jokers who don't believe that god almighty is able because he is able and there is such a wine that's about to be poured out he's not willing to waste it on a wine skin that's not new a new wine is coming tell the person next to you tell them say a new wine is coming well everybody's got to deal with time and everybody's got to deal with finances and everybody's got to deal with relationships and if you're going to have any kind of mastery in your life and if you're ever going to get in a place where your battle is no longer survival you're going to have to get into a place of mastery of those things and time is indeed one of those things that we think that we have so much time because when we're young we think that 70 years old is old old old until you get near 70 and you're like that really ain't that old i mean you know i you know i was i was i was on the jim baker show this week and i was talking to jim becker that brother's 83 years old and i was like sir are you really 83 years old he said yes sir i sure am and then he said and i'm just getting started and i was like dang like okay 83 is not the ancient of days it's not and i remember when it was and it's amazing how once you get over 50 how 50 is a young man the point of that is time is relative because there are a lot of people that are old and ragged out when they're 22. and time is extremely relative and and and physics has proven that time is relative it's proven it it's time is relative to space it's relative to velocity it's it's relative to gravity time literally changes depending on if you're coming or if you're going now there's a there's a version of that in the word of god that that tells us that a lot of scriptures say and when the time has passed and then other scriptures say and when the time had come okay all those scriptures that say when the time had passed whatever happens after that is always bad because we're talking about unredeemed time but whenever it says and when the fullness of time had come now we're talking about redeemed time because i'm telling you one of the things that time is relative to is redemption time changes at the presence of jesus because time is relative to jesus christ time has to act the way jesus wants it to see okay the speed of light is 186 000 miles per second and you cannot change it but the speed of light goes by different rules when it comes into certain gravitational fields or the speed of light goes by different rules depending upon if if if okay so einstein had this this crazy thing that happened to him he was in burns switzerland and there's this big old ancient medieval clock and it's got these bears and cool stuff and it comes out and one day he was on a streetcar and he was headed the opposite direction he and he heard it go off and he turned around and something clicked in his mind that changed everything and it's where we get the theory of relativity now you're like okay would you quit talking about that talk about jesus i am talking about jesus you just don't know it yet i'm about to get to that okay so so what happened was he he was like okay wait i and he came up with this theory of relativity and then he later came up with the theory of special relativity and that's which was kind of the upgrade from that now what how that works is this okay dude if i'm on a train and if i'm at the back of the train and if i'm shining a light forward what's real is um to the guy that is to what's real is to the guy that's on the train shining the light light is traveling at 186 000 miles per second you guys tracking with me on that so let's just say this is a train this is the engine and this is the caboose are y'all with me it's like choo choo all right okay so let's say i'm right here and i'm like dude to do i'm in this car right here i am shining a light this way okay if i was to take a a speed checker and go how how fast is my light going it's going 186 000 miles per second because that's the only speed that light can travel but here's the deal pickle what if i'm on the outside of the train looking at the train and the train is going 70 miles an hour that way and i took a speed check of the light it's 186 070 miles an hour so it means it's relative to the observer all right do i need to explain that again because i want you to get that the the speed of light is different to the guy that is on the train than it is to the observer that is off the train because the train is moving so if it's moving at 70 miles an hour that means the speed of light is 70 miles an hour faster to this person than it is to this person so time is relative to the what to the observer okay now let's go back talking about the lens that you and i look through because now i'm talking about now i'm talking about if your eye is evil then everything is evil including your time now i'm going to tell you some crazy things and i want to tell you one of the crazy things that i want to tell you is that this timeline this actually represents a timeline that begins right here at the beginning of human history and let me tell you where the beginning of human history begins it does not begin at the birth of adam it does not begin at the creation of the world it begins at the fall of adam god almighty told adam in the day that you eat of the tree of knowledge of sin and death you shall surely die okay this is one thousand years and he died on the 930th year after he sinned a day is to the lord is a thousand years one thousand two thousand three thousand four thousand five thousand six thousand seven thousand years in a biblical human history timeline now what that means is from the fall of adam to abraham from here to here is two thousand years from abraham unto king jesus is two thousand years from jesus to right now is two thousand years where does that mean we're at we're at the return of king jesus in the millennial reign the 1000 year millennial rain we're right at the seventh day that's where we are in the timeline we are literally right here we're we're right here jesus is coming back soon y'all he is and it's not some hokey pie in the sky weirdo thing dude jesus is coming back sure shooting he really is now i had an encounter with the lord and i want to tell you about this weirdo encounter i had with the lord now i i didn't share this for a long time because it was so far out there for me and i was not surrounded by the people i'm surrounded by now and maybe you've been in that place where you've had next level encounters with the lord and you couldn't share with anybody because they already thought you were crazy okay well you're safe now because you are surrounded by next level crazy folk right now you are and i thank god for that i say welcome welcome to the deep end i'll tell you you think you're crazy until uh jamie galloway comes and spends a week with you bro an angel came in my room last night did he show up in yours tell him like no dude let him in man let him in sometimes he starts knocking i'll go i heard a knock last night dude you should have let him in anybody in here ever hear knox am i the only pro okay all right thank you i just i'm just saying i hear this all the time i'm telling you i hear it all the time i'm like well if you're of the lord come on in if you ain't stay out in jesus name i'm not real sure how to answer that knock yet oh i got all kinds of next level weirdo stuff that's just fun stuff between me and god and i tell you man you just need to have some stuff that's between you and the lord that everybody else think is stupid but you just think it's crazy i got stuff like that between me and leanna she there are things that me and i say to each other that would sound so stupid if i said it to anybody else but it's it's a joke you know like okay one of the things that's between me and leanna is i don't know if you've ever seen this saying have you ever seen that crazy video i think it was on the voice where there was this chick from uh uh new orleans and she had this horrible song you know aren't those fun to watch when it's like when they're really bad and she likes gives up and the music starts boom boom boom she's like you know where i'd be i'll tell you where i'd be i'd be in my studio stu stu studio up up in my studio stu stu studio and they're like like the gong show get out right so i'm in the studio every single day all day long and so me and leanna have this weirdo thing between us i was like well you know where i'll be and she starts going studio studio stu and she looks stupid to anybody else i think it's awesome because it's just funny okay well when you're in relationship with people when you have something when you have certain experiences with people there are things between you that don't make sense to anybody else are you ready for this it ain't for anybody else and there's stuff between you and the lord man that you've been walking in where god does this sometimes they're like and like nobody would approve of that if i tell them well then don't tell anybody or tell everybody make them all go away get all weird on them they'll run off but they'll end up calling you when they get cancer all hell breaking loose oh they're looking for that crazy person here's that which like that's crazy that's really not crazy it's a knock it's really not that extreme but what if it's god it is god he says to the church of the laodiceans behold i stand at the door and i walk if any man will hear my voice to me when i hear that i think it's god saying i'm talking to you boy that's right let me in like come on in you're so welcome come on in baby take a load off come on in i don't know i'm thinking that stupid song i hadn't heard that song 30 years oak ridge boys like 1982 i think maybe take a load off y'all know y'all remember the song now you're like yeah that was ridiculous i'm sorry i apologize what was i saying before i was so really interrupted by the voices in my head yeah before that yeah yeah this is next level teaching isn't it a little bit tired this is a timeline i remember that part so we were talking about the fall of adam it doesn't begin at the birth of adam i don't know how long adam lived before before he sinned i don't know if it was a moment i don't know if it's a billion years now i'm not saying it might be a billion years because because i have to have a very old earth history because i don't have to have an old earth history even though scientists will tell you today that the earth is very old and i would like to address that is it okay with you if i take on that tough question and just kind of give you my spin on how that works let me so it begins here it goes to abraham from abraham by the way this is king david king david is exactly 1 000 years before king jesus to the day as a matter of fact whenever whenever jesus i'm sorry whenever king david came into jerusalem with the ark of the covenant is one thousand years to the day that jesus entered into jerusalem when they screamed hosanna hosanna hosanna palm sunday that's exactly 1 000 years to the day okay and so like okay so you got to learn what's kind of stuff that goes on in on this day this is also seven days right what's kind of what happens in this day what happens in this day what happens in this day and we know that there was 400 years of silence before king jesus was born right so we only know really what happens in the first half of this and then the part where jesus shows up okay well what happened here in the early church what happened in the medieval church what's happening right now this is a timeline this is and and guys since you're in the timeline you might as well learn it i mean if you're going to drive a truck you might as well learn all the bells and whistles that's in it i bought my dad last year about a year before he died i bought him a brand spanking new dodge caravan because he was a dodge caravan guy he i don't know why he had to have a caravan i don't know why but he's he he hated change okay i did not get the brave part of me from him i'm oh i've been driving the doctor caravan ha ha hey i'll just drive a doctor well i surprised him and i actually by my totem i was broke down and i said daddy i'm broke down and i need your help where are you at oh my god where are you at what ah mahani he talked like a comanche indian he didn't even know comanche he'd seen a few john wayne movies and thought he could speak comanche india i'm not making that up he's very eccentric dude man very eccentric hi enter hey mahani ha ha okay i'll be there don't worry don't worry about nothing i'll be there where you at i'm in such-and-such car lot and he came over and said where's your car and i'm like dad let me have your keys and say what i said i just sold your car what yeah and i traded it in on that car right there and it was a glorious wonderful day well about a month and a half it was brand spanking new brand new it was cool it was a good day always always i had a dream i'd always be able to do that for him someday and i did it hallelujah because you need to have those kinds of goals within your life i'm telling you you do you need to have that so anyway about a month and a half or two months later on uh he came out to the ranch drove it out there he had his stupid little dog named doc holliday which i can't stand that dog a little weenie dog like who doc holliday he thought he was so brave and so tough like that's the most pathetic excuse of a dog i've ever seen oh doc holliday he he's good against some prowlers boy i'll tell you he he'll bark at them prowlers like what prowlers are you talking about anyway that's my dad so he comes over and i get in the car and i say so dad how are you liking this car all son it's not i can't i mean he hadn't had a car that had air conditioning in it you know all the windows work hi real i see i'll tell you that i'm like well hey what do you think about this adaptive cruise control what yeah adaptive cruise control cruise control i said yeah cruise control and this is adaptive meaning it will slow down if there's a car in front of you that's doing 45 if you've got it set on 75 oh i never drive 75. he wouldn't if he ever drove over 35 miles an hour a day in his life it was because he was drinking and driving before he was saved because he was horrified of everything and so yeah that's my dad i know that sounds crazy can you imagine how i drove him crazy as a young man like what's wrong with my kid because i'm like whoa so so anyway he said what i said i said yeah dad look okay i'm going to show you how to work this we're going to get on the highway i'm going to show you how cruise control it goes no no no no no don't want any of that i said why dad you got all these bells and whistles you don't know nothing about no no no why don't you want why don't you want to use cruise control why would you not want that because son someday in communist a might take it over and drive me off a cliff somewhere that's what he told me i'm like it's not autopilot and there ain't no going to take over your vehicle and drive it off of a cliff well just exactly like that as ludicrous and as silly as that sounds when it comes to time we got all these bells and whistles that you and i can actually operate with god in in our timeline work we're scared to touch anything because we're not smart enough or whatever i want to tell you that god almighty does not control time i'm sorry i'm going to tell you that time does not control god almighty god almighty absolutely controls time and if you partner with him i'm telling you right now you can begin to have mastery in your timelines i want to give you some examples of how god can deal with time okay first of all he can order time first corinthians 14 33 says for god is not a god of disorder but a peace as in all the congregation of the lord's people if god is not a god of disorder and if your timeline has always been chaotic and if you've always been out of sync that curse can be redeemed because the definition of a curse is that you're out of sync you know what jesus said at the end of this fourth day jerusalem jerusalem you missed your day of visitation you've got to sink and now a curse is going to be upon you do you know what the curse is in deuteronomy chapter 28 if you will not obey the voice of the lord if you will not partner with god the bible says that in the evening you will say i wish it was morning in the morning you will say i wish it was even and you will be out of sync well god is a god of order and he can literally set up an order to where you love the time of your life right now listen my 20s were way better than my teens my 30s were way better in my 20s my 40s were way better than my than my 30s yeah and my 50s are way better than my 40s were and that's the way that it's supposed to be now do i have aches and pains well yeah i do and you know do i have challenges yeah i do but dude i'm stupid blessed and i'm in the right season here's the deal i'm not trying to act like i'm 25. and i'm not out losing my mind cheating on my wife and i'm not freaking out and i'm not you know dude i'm a grandpa and i love being a grandparent and i love i love being a pastor i'm in sync with the right timing so i can be blessed okay here's another here's another scripture did you know he can stop time in joshua chapter 10 verse 13 so the sun stood still and the moon stopped until the nation avenged itself on its enemies do you know that god could give you more time he can literally go okay i'm going to stop the timing of this thing for a while the end was supposed to come today but i'm just looking at you dude you need a lot more time yes you have the right in relationship with king jesus to ask him for more time if you need it have you ever considered that okay here's another one he can accelerate time amos chapter 9 13 says the plowman shall overtake the reaper come on he can change time i will make the shadow cast by the sun go back 10 steps and it's gone down on the stairway of ahaz he can change space and distance because it's in continuing with time he can do all these things that's acts chapter 8. i could go through i have a ton of scriptures in here but i want to just tell you this while you and i are subject to time the spirit of the living god that is within us is not subject to time and here's what i'm going to tell you i'm going to tell you something crazy i'm telling you that god this is you this is the day that you were born uh this is the day you got married i'm gonna say this is where you're at because i'm nice this is the day right here at the end of this day where you take your last breath of texas there in your first breath of heaven's there that's what that is some of you are older than you think you are and some of you are going to live a lot longer than you think you will and you're younger than you think you are you need to get in sync with your timing teach me oh lord to number my days that i might apply my heart unto wisdom there's a wisdom in knowing where you're at in your timeline god won't tell me that ask him can i i'm gonna i'm gonna tell you something crazy and you guys can you guys can believe me or you can call me a liar but leanna's family has this weird deal where god tells the men in her family the day that they're going to die i'm going to go back a couple of generations ago and tell you this that she had a grandfather and her grandfather went to a he belonged to the baptist church in kansas in el dorado kansas and he's up there in el dorado kansas and there he is and he goes to the baptist church there and he tells them this he says you know what god almighty told me to take everything i have out of the bank and to build you guys a new sanctuary and he told me that after i after i drive the last board into this place the first the very first service you're going to have is going to be my funeral and they're like okay and so this old man goes to work takes him about a year and a half because he's working by himself and he builds a new sanctuary and he gets done and he looks at the whole thing and he said okay goes home calls his son tells him he loves him puts on the suit he wants to be buried in gets in bed and dies daryl knight are you in here that's daryl knight's grandfather daryl and i and my and my wife are brother and sister pastor daryl our missions pastor he said i didn't know that oh yeah oh yeah leanna's family is weird don't y'all know it was a good day for him when i hooked up with his sister [Laughter] okay i'm going to tell you another story leanna's dad ray knight the guy who made me start the open door food bank ray knight had this i had a very special relationship with ray ray and i were very good friends he had so many troubled sons and i was one of them he had he was a foster dad and he had five biological children and lyanna is one of them and they also raised over 300 foster children throughout their lifetime lyanna grew up in a mad house of foster children and i remember the very first time that i ever went over to lyanna's house and saw the madness that was her house i couldn't believe it and they were the most loving giving extraordinary people you could possibly imagine leanna grew up like that that's why she that's that's why she's the way she is that was her house those were her biological parents and she grew up with lots of other little girls sleeping in her bed and that's how liana grew up so he he would spot troubled troubled kids and he would spot troubled boys and he took in a lot of troubled kids and raised them he took one look at me and went that's my boy and he loved me i mean he really did love me and i had a very very unique and very special relationship with ray i he really was a daddy to me and uh he really did love me and he was a cool dude ray called me up one day and said troy i want you to come over i said okay he said well i done went and heard the lord and when you did what'd he say ray yeah he told me i got this year and i got next year and i'm going to make it to christmas but i ain't going to see new years so i need to get to work i'm like okay weirdo so what do you want to do i want to do this and this and this and this and this and it was food bank stuff it was family stuff and he told me that and dude he's pitcher of health perfect health well that year he got through the whole year and he's completely healthy about halfway through the next year he got sick and he got bad and the whole family was like he's going to die any any moment and i'd call him i'd say he had ring ring ring he'd say hello and i'd say are you dead yet i done told you boy i'm going to make it to christmas but i ain't gonna see new year's i was like all right just checking on you seeing if that word was real man hang on there it's gonna be a cool christmas say okay i call him a few days later you dead yet ray no i done told you boy i won't make it to christmas but i ain't going to see new year's that year which was you know a moment and i don't remember how long ago it was but i want to say it was around 10 years ago maybe it wasn't that long ago but maybe it was i don't know but it was the christmas that we had the big snow do you remember we had the huge snow in north texas did anybody remember how long ago that was see i don't know either see that's when you know you're old like 2009 or something like that you think yeah so do you remember when it was pastor gloria yeah okay so i that christmas guys we it was the most magical christmas ever because ray was near death and all the kids liana's christmas time is absolutely incredible it's it's it's incredible because all the kids and all the foster kids get together and it's like a circus i mean it's just crazy you have no idea who's going to show up right and that day it was snowing outside we had an awesome christmas and the entire family just crammed into ray's bedroom and mandy night was laying up in the bed with him my daughters were laying up in the bed with him i was sitting on the edge of the bed everybody was standing around the room and we were all talking to him and he was setting up in bed happy as a lark and he told me a couple of things that day i said i'll tell him i said ray said has god been talking to you and he said yeah he said i saw the spirit of the lord come through that part of the wall the other day and he came right out like this and goes i don't know if he's an angel i don't know what he was but he came out and he said almost there ray and he went right back into that wall so i said well you know what man you you're liable to make it to new year's and he goes what did i tell you boy and i said ray i'm just hey man listen maybe we can just ask god for more time may we let's ask god for more time and i want you to live for a long long long time i done told you i'm going to make it to christmas but i ain't going to make it to new year's well it was snowing and i had to drive all the way back to joshua from north azel and i was like well look we got to go and the sun went down like we got to go and i gave him a big hug and i told ray knight so ray you made it to christmas man you did it he said i told you i'll make it to christmas i said i think it's the best christmas i've ever had in my life he said it's the best christmas i've ever had in my whole life we got home and when we got home they called us and ray was gone and he made it to christmas and didn't make it to new year's exact i mean god told him a year and a half before he died he told him his timeline there's actually like well that's just too scary for me not if the lord tells you he'll meet you in that place not at all not if god tells you hey man i want to meet you there do you know that god told brother peter at the end of the book of john i've seen how your death glorifies me i've seen it it said and this he said concerning how his death would glorify the lord he told amen he's walking on peter going dude i've seen you last day and it's rock star i've already been there i've see you're you're right here see i'm not subject to time i just went to the back of your train and checked out that oh i'm with you right now in that moment if you can get this there's no reason for you to be fearful of anything in your future because you can ask the presence of the lord to be here do you know how come you know by the way if if this is where you're at now and if you have the god-given ability to invite jesus into your now let me tell you past present future is all the same to him if you have the ability to invite jesus into your now you can also invite him into your future you can the reason why i'm so bold when i get up on stage is because my prayer every time i know i'm going to preach anywhere anytime as lord meet me on that stage and i know i know when i get up on stage jesus is going to be here and so i'm not scared of any group of people i'm not scared of anything no matter how many cameras they put on me as long as i know that the lord is with me i'm not afraid and i prayed and even though i was a week out i asked the lord to be there and i know he was there before i got there and when i got there boom he was there because i asked him there now here's the other thing if you can invite him into your future i know this crazy this is you why can't you invite him into your past into some unredeemed place where the flow of time is taking everything away from you as opposed to the kingdom is coming so what does that look like like wait a minute i can't it's stupid for me to ask god to you know what i i prayed a stupid prayer today that i bet that god answered my good friend mason told me that he had a friend of his who killed himself mason runs our our ministry here and he actually had a funeral to go to today and he told me about it and he said sure i'm so heartbroken over and he has a mutual friend who is really heartbroken over it really and i prayed with him i said man i want to pray with you about that he said okay i prayed with him and while i prayed with him i said father god you're not subject to time and i want to speak into this situation and i pray god at the last few seconds of his life that he would come to know you and that you would be with him in the worst moment of his life like he couldn't do that he did it with samson it's already messed with your theology what i'm saying is this and samson's in the hall of fame of faith and he offed himself now i'm not suggesting anybody do that i wouldn't take a chance if i was you but i'm telling you this that god is not subject to time or space or matter and he's so powerful that he can literally enter into the worst unbelievable tragic situation that's already passed and changed that from something that's not redeemed into something that is redeemed maybe you're i don't know you know i've had friends that i i've known that have died in terrible situations throughout the world and i go when did that happen and they go well it happened four days ago oh no oh no and just going to that oh no that can't be true i'm like that ain't true i don't believe that that person is dead i don't believe that and then when it hits you that that it is true you go okay here's the deal father be in that car the last few minutes of their life and make the last few minutes of their life the best few minutes of their life and be greater than that horrible tragedy that was about to befall them father i pray god in the mighty name of king jesus that your presence would be manifest in that situation even though as time passed like well that's just crazy not if you look at time like a train and if jesus owns the train and he can enter into any car he wants to enter into oh i know it's crazy i'm just telling this well everybody we've got all these we got all this stuff that we can cooperate with god on and we're like no if i don't mess with it i'm just too scared i ain't scared i ain't scared i'm going to end with this verse because it's time for me to end and i'm going to read to you psalms 139 i encourage you guys to read that in the king james and the new king james and the niv in every different way that you can because you've got to get what it's saying bust out a strong's exhaustive concordance and look up every single word of psalms 139 verses 1-5 i'm going to read to you from the passion translation and this is how the passion translation puts it and put on some glasses you perceive every move every movement of my heart and soul and you understand my every thought before it even enters into my mind that means this you know my relationship with you past present future you know how i'm going to respond before i respond you're already there then it says you are intimately aware of me lord you know me like nobody else knows me then it says you read my heart like it's an open book you know what you can do with an open book you can flip to any page you want to you read my heart like it's an open book and you know all the words that i'm about to speak before i even start a sentence you know every step i will take before my journey even begins and now get this because this is about redeeming your timeline you've gone into my future to prepare the way and in kindness you follow behind me to spare me from the harm of my past that is the word of god that god oh man that listen you can have such a relationship with god in the now that you're also having a relationship with him in the future and in the past if you have something in your past that has been cursing you your whole entire life the answer for you is the manifest presence of jesus in that thing redemption is the answer because redemption changes everything if you have some fear of your future way off in the future if you have that the answer for you is the manifest presence of jesus and you need not be afraid of that have courage have courage have courage for i am with you i am with you i am with you says the lord friends we're barely getting off into this and i've rambled a lot tonight about a lot of silly things but you need to know this your timeline is precious to god he loves your timeline he loves when you were a little boy or you were a little girl he he loves when you were growing up he loves that part of you that was wild and adventurous he loves the part of you that got serious he he looks at this whole thing and just says look at this journey what an incredible journey oh i love it and here's here's the deal if you can know him in the now and you can you have to understand he has to come out of eternity into your timeline of right now well if you can come out of eternity and drama line right now you can also show up here or show up here because god is not subject to time let's give the lord a great big praise hallelujah i want to tell you this too man i want to ask you guys stand up you you don't need to be afraid of your timeline of your beginning or your end i don't know if i'm going to outlive every single one of you or if i'm not going to outlive any of you i don't have any idea of that the lord has not told me when my days are over with yet but i'm asking him about it i'm serious hey god can you tell me how much longer i have to live because i need to know what i need to really take seriously that's funny to me he's like well you knock ahead you should take it all serious that's what you should do you should be prepared as if you're going to live another 100 years and you should also be prepared as if you know today is your last day and walk with me in that but i am telling you my friends that this is the truth this is what's real the timeline doesn't own you if jesus is in the timeline with you and that's beautiful to me so let's pray real quick you ready father god sir we come to you lord and we love you and we praise you and we thank you god that you are indeed the ancient of days you are older than time father god sir you there are the alpha and the omega the beginning and the end you are the first and the last and god we declare sir that you are there at our beginning you are there sir at our ending you are with us right now and we are already somehow seated with you in heavenly places in christ jesus god i love you lord and i pray god that we would have mastery in our timelines lord i pray father god sir in the name of jesus that we would not be overcome or overwhelmed by the day that we live in but god you have a special grace for this time and season for the performance of the purpose of this time and season god i say yes to that i say thank you lord for the day that you've trusted me with let all my days glorify you sir in jesus name amen
Channel: Troy Brewer
Views: 5,802
Rating: 4.9074073 out of 5
Keywords: Troy Brewer, Prophecy, sermons, teachings, Opendoor Church, Burleson TX, Jesus, God, church, ministry, fort worth church, texas church, holy spirit teachings, holy spirit filled church, holy spirit
Id: 4850_4NttEo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 51sec (2991 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 08 2021
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