Fasting & Spiritual Insight Show Update

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okay and we are live okay this is beautiful let me just ensure that everybody is on board with me good night everybody good morning to some folks in different parts of the world and it's a pleasure once again to be here with you but i'm going to give everyone a few minutes to uh to to chime in before i get started this is an impromptu uh live so i'm gonna give okay i see sheena agb miss dicey okay let me let folks just climb up up in here before i get started and i know what you're saying already now hold on you look a little different there mr ewing yeah i do we'll discuss that we'll discuss that later so i'm gonna wait for everybody to come on board i am i'm not gonna say that but i'm gonna try to be very brief i just want to update everybody as to what's happening right now what's going to happen tomorrow on the kevin leoing spiritual inside show sophie sophia murray i see you okay felicia cobble i see you guys okay i'm gonna give you is 171 now so we're gonna wait till it hit 500 and then we going to jump right in there one faith at nasa okay i see you all right so i'm going to let you guys i trust you guys uh had a wonderful day i sure have uh today today would have made the 26th day of my 40-day fast yeah 26th day of my my liquid only fast and as you can see it has been treating me very well okay i have lost a lot of weight i i'm gonna be honest with you i was and i needed to lose some weight i was at 249.8 pounds today i would have lost 30 pounds i was on the scale yesterday yeah 30 actually it's more than that 30. yeah 30 pounds 30 pounds i would have lost so i've lost quite a bit of weight and much needed weight i needed to lose and i feel excellent honestly i really really feel good like i said my thought process everything is just revamping my dreams so that's something i'm going to talk about tonight also so i'm just waiting for folks who are 301 i just want to give you an update on my fasting how it has been what i've been doing and i i'm doing this again i normally don't see what i'm fasting but for educational purposes and there's so many people that are writing me on asking so much about it so rather than individually trying to respond to all of them and i i don't have the time to do that right now because i'm really focused on what i'm doing so i decided to do what i'm doing right now just to make a general general statements all right i actually can see my neck now it's serious but but what i would say though this here this here and like i said i did this 10 years ago this is when this is the evidence of when you've had enough when you've had enough and then there are certain things that you know that you cannot accomplish of your own strength so jesus advised us what to do he said this kind will only come out through prayer and fasting so if fasting is not a part of your discipline number one you are in violation of the scriptures because jesus made it very clear that the disciples didn't have the fast while he was present on the earth but he says when he leaves this isn't an option for them every believer of jesus christ must incorporate fasting as part of their christian discipline and this would explain why you find why you would find so many christians going around the same mountain over and over because their prayer alone and it's obvious whether they believe it or not their prayer alone is making no inroads for them and it won't reason being is that there is a certain level of spiritual opposition jesus made it clear that your prayer by itself will not work you have to incorporate fasting now i'm not suggesting anyone to go on a 40-day fast this is something that god would have had to to confirm to you all right uh i i've been contemplating doing this and for me i just made the decision to just go cold turkey and just go at it of course i'll tell you what i did prior to getting all this and while i was honest what i was doing uh to maintain what i'm doing right now all right so we had 427 we almost had 500 and again i just want to encourage many of you many of you you call me so you email me crying and whining all the time you try to fast for a whole 30 seconds and it didn't work good for you and so you decide to call kevin and give up and i want to say to everyone on there even before i get into this it don't make no sense whining to me it don't make no sense crying to me because i can tell you from experience and again 10 years ago when you have had enough no matter what it is whether it's a job situation whether it's a disease or sickness you're challenged with where there's model issues when you have had enough you will do whatever it takes so if you write me and say kevin i want to go on a fast to restore my marriage but i don't know when you start that i don't need to be listening because to me what that's saying to me you haven't had enough see when you've had enough and i've been there you are going to do whatever it takes and i'm so i'm so elated because and i always use this reference when people go to the the san gomez or the witch doctors or the ob voodoo people right because they've had enough it's just that they're seeking source from the kingdom of darkness whatever those people could bring a bottle of feces in it and they say now you take this three times a day you drink there's all of it three times did they drink this they're not questioning them you have to drink all of that i couldn't put some honey with it nobody ever questions in saguma when they tell you go into the graveyard and do for some assaults and then throw your head in somebody grave no body complains no body whine none of it only the christians only the christians who claim to be tired of their situation will do one of two things they are either going to whine or they're going to seek someone who they could sow a seed to for god to do what god said can only be done through prayer and fasting and many of them sitting in churches today as i speak to you right now have sown at least about 66.9 trillion dollars and still waiting for the husband to come back home to be healed from cancer and all of this foolishness that jesus never never said that this is the protocol of the procedures in order to address your problem so i don't feel sorry for them and don't call me i tell you that right now don't you waste your time and send me no emails because people who've had enough guess what i hear from them testimonies they don't need kevin they heard the i when i do email you mr ewing it's going to be my testimony but i ain't calling you to tell you this ain't working at that awakening when i email you you will be receiving a testimony from me and they the people that i entertain now you go to your church would encourage you to tell you give all your children college fees to them and school funding for the future to them and somehow when it hit their account god is going to give you supernatural blessing you can go there but that don't work here if you if you follow this ministry you know you can put in the work because kevin is putting it in for you i can't put it in for you even if i wanted to i cannot i could pray for you i could counsel you but when it comes to putting your hand to the plow that you have to do that and i will never in this life encourage you pamper you but you to do what you are assigned to do god will never do what he has commissioned you to do god will never do what he's given you to strengthen the energy to do god will only do what you cannot do which is the supernatural part of it okay so many people call me abrasive and ash and i love it keep you keep saying that and you will stay in your position and i don't know what you're complaining to me for because i've told you the evidence of what the vast has done to my life so the time you spend complaining about me my life is soaring and it will soar even more after this all right so all i could say to you get out of these places that is telling you to do everything except the scriptures i cannot emphasize that enough if you choose to reduce that as passing the church then that on you but keep there and you know just as well as i do it is not working if you are not implementing what the scriptures has required you to do jesus said not kevin i didn't write this bible he said this kind will only come out through prayer and fasting how long have you been praying and nothing happened how long have you all joined hands scream speak in tongues back flip some assault pimps up on another swing on the chandelier do the [ __ ] walk cabbage patch do the bum the grind all of that and you still come back to square one fruitless producing absolutely nothing well i'm not shocked because the scriptures are clear i don't know how much i'm going to say this this kind will only come through prayer and fasting what what part of that you're missing it never said this kind will only come out through so and see someone see the the gospel of satan it is a gospel to incapacitate you it is a gospel to make you lazy it is a gospel to make you think that money moves god like he moves mankind anybody that subscribes to seed sowing has been disillusioned and whoever is telling you to do it is of the devil if nobody is telling you go and study the word of god fast consecrate yourself if you've had enough go before god make your petitions before god not a preacher not a pastor you have a should have a for you to see the time you have to so see to get things done in your life you don't have a relationship with god you have a relationship with an idol that is pretending to be god and whoever is coercing you whoever is coercing you to give seed to pastors and bishops and all these clowns then it's totally up to you and when i use the phrase clowns are those who sub anyone who subscribe and tell god people that they have to sow seeds for healing broken margins that is a satan's agent no apologies i don't take none of that back i have seen what fasting has done for me i told you repeatedly what it's done for me and what it has been doing for me to this point even now i'm back at the 40-day fast again 10 years later okay and i told you i mourned as fast because there's some major projects that i have on the horizon and i really needed god wisdom and clarity as i venture into these and to make sure the right people are in place to do what i need to do i wouldn't go into the details of it but that's why i'm on it it isn't because i struggled or not and that's far from it i never struggled since i went on my 40 day fast never did never so i i know and those who have advised to do this and they have done it they have seen what god will do okay we have six okay let me go a little deeper for you the purpose of a fast the initial purpose of affairs is to undo the spiritual knots that your life is tied up in it is the only procedure prescribed by scripture to undo those knots jesus never said that if you accepted me as your lord and savior every spiritual stumbling block will move out of your life you've never read that and you will never read that jesus never said that if you accept me as your lord and savior the curses are going to run away from you they're going to scatter seven ways and you will live the abundant life you will be you will have more than enough money and resources you will never be sick again none of that he said in fact a part of when you would have uh accepted jesus christ as your savior he now goes on to tell you the rules that you have to follow as a believer of jesus christ to maintain and sustain or to achieve healing to break or to sever the chords of poverty this is what he tell you and one of those rules he said this kind there's a certain type of spiritual opposition that has put your life in spiritual knots and the only way these knots can be undone is you have to engage in prayer and fasting and anyone tell you otherwise about seed sowing first last fruit to do these things they are filthy liars because there's no scripture and that's why i can make such a bold statement if i am wrong and i'm ready to receive what i'm saying if i am wrong show me a scripture that says that you could do something else and you don't need prayer and fasting show it to me then after that show me a scripture where sowing seed is gonna replace uh prayer and fasting to remove certain demonic forces out of your life you won't find it so i would be remiss to engage people to follow traditions that the bible doesn't speak of i am a strong advocate against it i don't believe in it and i refuse to take that baton and teach people how to rubbish whatever you hear from these slips is gonna be from the word of god whatever i say is going to be back with not one not two but multiple scriptures because at the end of the day i'm not pointing you to me i'm pointing you to the same jesus that i have to go to too fast to pray to consecrate myself before him to cry out to him i have no superpowers and i will not pretend as if i do i don't all i am i've been gifted with the gift of teaching the gift of articulating of breaking down the scriptures which i love to do and that that is what i do but i there's no i don't have no superman i cannot spin a web for you i cannot skip all over the place like superman those people i can't do those things okay i don't repel from kryptonite in those things what i do believe and what i do advocate and push is the scriptures because i love them i love it because i've seen it come to life in my life it has turned my life around and i'm going to share some personal stories with you tonight because again i want to encourage you for those of you are on the fast don't give up don't give up continue to do as much as you don't have to do a 40 day you don't have to do a 10 day you have to do a five day you do what the holy spirit has commissioned you to do or what you feel comfortable doing it isn't about how long you do the fast it is where your heart is because god didn't say he's looking at a fast he says he's look he looks at the hearts of men that's what he's looking at god will never be impressed if you bring all of your money to him and your heart still isn't right your heart have to be right and this is why i said to you that do not go on a fast if you are saturated with unforgiveness hate bitterness and anger if you are on a fast the the only thing that's fasting or speeding up is you're speeding up a weight loss program that's it but in terms of god hearing you you're speaking dutch he's not hearing you you have to get your heart clean okay now tonight before i get into anything else tomorrow as promised i'm gonna have on my show uh mr andrew k coakley okay he is the gentleman that wrote the book that i've been promoting ever since he gave me a copy it's a phenomenal book it's it's power pack and that book is called noise i'm gonna put a copy up here in my camera for you it's called noise and that's written by andrew k coakley right there andrew k coakley all right let me put it right there okay right there andrew k coakley okay and the book is called noise and by the grace of god i spoke with him on uh when i left my show on saturday uh to confirm and uh he has confirmed with me on monday that he will be able to make this show it's gonna be an awesome show and i get to actually sit across from this young man to really listen i've read the book many of you have read it many of you have asked me repeatedly when you're going to bring him on well saturday's going to be the day and we're going to have an extensive conversation about this powerful book as it relates to nowadays church pastors preachers and these people who are just leading god's people astray and again my disclaimer not all of them but at some point i'm so i so thank god that he's anointed this man to see beyond the veil see beyond how people have taken church and turn it into an idle place of worship where we worship people we we are more afraid of bishops and apostles and pastors we are more afraid of having titles yanked from us or not given to us these are our priorities as opposed to getting your life right with christ living according to his rules going out and ministering the same gospel that has set you free to other people helping the poor nowadays especially in my case when you teach and preach these things you are an outcast you are a basher you hate church you have church hurt really i'm speaking the word of god i'm giving the scriptures and you have summarized every summarize everything that i've said as church hurt well it tells you where they are they are so indoctrinated to idolatry my pastor my bishop child that's my bishop don't talk but my pastor i don't listen to kevin because he always bashing the pastors never listen to the scriptures never listen to none of the detailed teachings that i give they are angry if you don't tell they angry because i don't tell them so see to my ministry so that god could make them gazillionaires they are angry because i don't say tapping to my anointing by paying for it as usual they are angry because i don't say give a first for the last fruit they are super angry when i say gift to the poor don't even give it to me don't even give it to this ministry wherever in your name go help somebody else they're angry bitter why because they are totally totally committed to the to the art of idolatry they love mere mortals above god the father they fear a mere mortal more than their fear the invisible god yo you and me they they are they could be in the midst of fornicating and lying and someone knock on that door they say this reverend so and so they will probably uh throw that person out the window because they don't wanna see them having sex with somebody that's not their wife or whatever totally neglecting this how you know is idolatry totally neglecting that the god who've created you saw the intent in your heart prior to you even getting in the bed with that person but no no no they're so i'd that's their nature is so saturated and idolatry that as long as kevin don't see me as long as rev don't see me as long as nobody who is of the club sees me i forget god but i need no god man right now they will say i'm a liar but the cheat the the the the proof was in the eating of the pudding the average church the average church how do i know a church is full of idolatry the average church led that pastor say right now i my wife and i will not be here these next two sundays because we go in disney world or whatever watch how much people come to church watch because apparently jesus don't come to church when he's not there or she's not whoever is the master so i have more than the evidence to prove my point that we are in such a an idolatrous generation that people are i mean basically fighting to the nail for the prophetic if i can't hear what man you got that big bible in your house every you don't read none of it which is totally prophetic god telling you what's going to happen the rules will the all the rules of the bible are prophetic because it's telling you the end from the beginning he said there's a way unto you what's this prophecy proverbs 16 verse 25 there is a way unto you kevin you sophie you marry that may seem or appear to be right listen to the prophecy but i'm telling you at the end of your way it's going to be destruction that's a prophecy no they don't want that what the bible doesn't i don't want to read that too much darwin prophet is what would god say i hear god say 500 see that's what they want the bible says jesus said a wicked an adult an idolatrous nation seek for science and wonder but i also like when jesus told thomas after thomas has seen him in his flesh with the wounds in his hand and thomas says now i believe and jesus said it is good that you believe now that you see me but blessed are those who did not see who don't see the christ but yet they still believe these are people who are committed to christ they believe the bible they don't believe someone's twisted version of it they truly believed the scriptures they no apostolic pentecostal catholic nothing they put before their scriptures their god i met someone the other day and they were so proud to tell me i'm a devout catholic what does that mean what you're not a devout follower of christ you're not a devout believer of jesus christ the son of the living god you're a devout pentecostal you're a devout baptist what does that mean what where can i go in scripture where it shows me that being a devout follower of a particular denomination which christ had never created that that is going to secure your soul as well as that of your family and friends into the eternal life with christ where where can i find that i'm very curious to know that you can't so they hate scripture they hate sound doctrine they hate it it have nothing to do with predicting the future and showing them who their husband or wives are gonna be and which jobs are going to pay them six-figure salaries and all of the temporal things of life that are all going to be for the fire at the end of the day but they never got their soul right never change their nasty no good ways never change the hate bitterness unforgiveness the pride the self they had no reason to they had no incentive to why because they were told that once you bring some money here god is willing to circumvent all of that god is willing to throw all of that in the bush and he's just gonna praise you for your fornication johnny you're fornicate oh give me high five boom give me like now remember now you gotta keep that thousand dollars in the kitty and i ain't gonna see your fornication and lies who god will do that god sent his son jesus christ to die for the entire sins of the world he was made a mockery off on the cross totally embarrassed so that he could hide your evil by you not repenting for it why don't everyone go to church like that that church is the church of satan i think satan will run from that church i can say not that there that'd be on me i gotta go no i can't go there no man so no i i have no no no uh uh remorse for people who subscribe to that nonsense now quickly i want to tell you that fasting one of the things that i'm doing on this fast i'm doing a number of things but one of the things that i'm focusing on is uh generational curses and and i believe i know a lot have been broken since my initial fast right and of course it wouldn't hurt to to reinforce that through this uh 40 day fast and what i realized i'm going to be doing a extensive teaching on this after this for us i'm going to be talking about a more in-depth view of generational curses because there are a lot of people who don't believe in it and i i i'm not even gonna go into that because even if it wasn't in the bible the evidence of it in everyday life is crystal clear oh and all you have to do you have to look no place else but in your family you just look straight in your family and like i always say look at whatever your title is look at the ewing tree look at the russells or the williams tree and what is the consistency that you are constantly negatively that is or even positively generational questions or blessings what is it that you're consistently seeing what is it what is it because we're going to realize that a generational curse is basically when it's stripped down and again i tell i'm going to do some extensive teaching on this it's basically evil spirits through whatever fault of the ancestors whatever they did to violate the laws of god introduce these specific spirits to the family to conform the family members to walk in a direction which is not only totally opposite to god but in a negative pattern that everyone is following but a part of this curse is to blind each individual of the family that they cannot see this in their family but they could see it in somebody else's family they could sit with you and say look at those people over there they could never prosper nobody in their family getting married they could see all of that but right here raiden right up here in their face right in the eye all of them having children out of wedlock all of the boys are on drugs in the family all of the females they get educated but they never ex go beyond a certain point so a part of a generational curse is yes there are spirits assigned speaking directing influencing the individual to go in a direction to literally enforce the law of the curse levied upon the family so the family is christ never to prosper the family is cursed never to go ahead what has happened here is that spiritually the family and its members are restricted they're limited in life i'm mentioning this because see this here and this egregiousness is what jesus said this kind right here this stubborn spirit will only come up through prayer and fasting that's the only way it's going to happen and those who god save are frustrated because they're saying why am i still following the negative pattern of my father of my my brother died was broke died not able to prosper he was safe i'm safe yeah again you will find no scripture that says being safe breaks curses and this is why i understand with people there's no scripture that says that so let me give you a personal example i'm going to give you i'm going to take you into the personal part of my life so for me nobody could tell me these things are real they speak in dutch i'm not even gonna listen to them because i've experienced it i've consult thousands of people on it they've followed the rules they've seen the success they've seen with their life and their family lives took a different direction why because they broke the ordinance they broke the spiritual injunction that was set on their life not by god this was never the plan of god for their lives it was a demonic hole on their lives it was an embargo on their lives that was causing them not to go in the direction that god had purpose for them before i got into my personal view i'll give you an example of it cuba right now the united states of america which is the closest proximity in terms of uh trade and commerce united states have placed an embargo on cuba no form of trade nothing with them so what happens cuba just like the regular human being you have the skill set you have brilliant people you have a nice land you have everything to prosper but because there's an embargo on you nobody wants to deal with you basically a spirit of rejection is on you where you cannot facilitate the the resources you have and trade with the rest of the world particularly united states the biggest trade market uh in the free world so there's an embargo on them and what happened so if you look at any pictures of cuba you see they still driving cars from the 1950s no form of upgrade everything is i mean below standard or whatever you why because there's restrictions there's limitations and that's what happens yes you're brilliant yes you're beautiful yes you have what it takes and if you were to be placed in that ceo chair that supervised you that boss chair you will you will you will just master the place but there are spiritual components in place that has you restricted and this is what nobody's preaching about you are restricted you are literally tied and anchored spiritually and as a result of that that anchor and just how far you attach from that anchor to what's attached to you is just how far you will go spiritually hence you are limited physically i am talking to somebody tonight so your frustration is the result of these great expectations that can never be met and you're wondering these people who i went to school with i advanced them in school some of them never graduated from school they have beautiful families they have nice jobs they have a nice home they have the beautiful life why what is the difference between you and them is it your education no because you're more brilliant than them is it your your looks you're far more attractive than that but then what could it be well they're not spiritually tied like you are very simple and no amount of seed so we could could release you from that you know what's going to release you from that the word of the living god the bible is very clear proverbs 11 verse 9 be through knowledge sheldon just i love it god what is going to release me through knowledge kevin god what is going to release me again true not kevin you god your sure is not seed no kevin you show us not some assault and kevin no no sure that somebody got to put their mantle on me no kevin which why are you guys making my words so complicated proverbs 11 verse 9 be through knowledge shall the just be delivered so god how do i begin to implement the knowledge to deal with this thing well then let's go to my knowledge uh matthew 11 verse matthew 17 verse 21 i said to you kevin this kind this is the knowledge now this demon that has fought you for years this demon that has restricted you for years you've seen it in your grand mummy your mother you've seen it in yourself and you're watching it play out in your children and you're letting these fools tell you generational curses are not real you're seeing it for yourself your mother had three four children for different men you had three four different children for different men you you're watching your children walk in the exact same pattern and you still like a fool sitting in that church go preach it pastor tell him i don't believe in a generation because these people crazy because jesus releases from the curse and go uh whatever hang on the truth listen listen listen not looking for context not looking to read for themselves the bible says study to show yourself for proof the bible says work out your salvation not allow some fool to tell you their beliefs only to bring it right around to sow a seed so god could deliver you now which scripture can we find us so you're watching your grandchildren following the same pattern that your child did that you did your mummy did your grammy did your great gram you watch you watching it right before your eyes and what did i tell you a part of the curse of a generational curse is to literally spiritually blind its victims hence the victim could see a curse and everybody else could judge everybody else would never see it on themselves never never and you say susie look at your life they get offended you think you bet and susie it's not about being better than you susie i see it in you susie i'm from the outside looking in and i'm looking at you you're brilliant just like your mother your grammy was a smart woman but no man never stayed with her no man never stayed with your mother susie look at you you want your third child with a with the third guy you're having this child for susie i'm not condemning you i am showing you that the root of this is spiritual and the churches you're going to sowing your money susie you are compounding your problem you were sowing the seed before the first child you're now on the third child and you're doing the same thing to get a different result and you refuse to follow the rule this kind will only come out through prayer and fasting they can't wait for the next prophet of prophets to come in town and the prophets got them so full and again not all of them i'm not talking about genuine prophets i'm talking with these liars they got them so full so they said you know what we can tell these fools today you know what i'm going to label myself master super improved prophet master superint one night only master super improved prophet is coming to take every dime and you're going to assist us with that with your ignorance because we know you're never going to read the bible we know you're never going to research scriptures we know you're never going to prove nothing like the brilliance so we can tell you whatever you're going to tell you you know god getting ready to send a whole space shuttle from space and drop a whole sacrament in your backyard i see it in the spirit so at the end of the day until you've had enough which i did way back then i've had enough i i one day i couldn't take it no more and i made the decision to go on a 40-day fast 40 day fast i didn't know what i was gonna end early or not but i was determined and i could remember like not because i was on my job then at fedex i wasn't promoted as yet i was struggling i told you my story and i had to literally be on that fast because where i worked at that time i was uh a customs agent meaning that i was responsible for all of the packages that came in two freeport bahamas i was the one that cleared them through customs get all the paperwork and all that done so i was very strenuous i was also the one who would on put the stuff on the plane take the stuff off the plane i was also the one who was responsible for releasing the packages out of the case that was clear this one so i was always going to go doing the 40-day far no food period no food juice water juice water there were days when i was beyond miserable i remember there were days i said but i got eggnog for this when i go my before i go my stopping by kentucky and buy me a whole bucket and that's how i know the lord was working with me by the time it was time for me to get off that desire would be stripped from me and each day i would say lord thank you thank you for giving me the grace to go another day another day when i got to my like 20th and 21st day i was like but i couldn't be now during that time like i told you i was having the most incredible dreams because why because like i taught you before you see when you're going into a fast you are literally literally coming into the spiritual realm and all of the dreams that you're having is showing the spiritual clutter in your life that's why you're having so much nightmares that's why you keep dreaming back where you lived in in abaco or some place you live years when you as a child why am i having these dreams are always taking me back to school back when i was a child back to my former husband wife whatever because the the the fast is literally showing you a dashboard of your life your life is bound your life is limited your life is restricted but it's showing it to you from a spiritual perspective again they get mad kevin every time i tell you my dream of my fast like they always negative there's never no positive don't go lucky i'll get on my face talking nonsense yeah i already told you what the deal is now either you take it or go so see it someplace else go go don't because i don't do that here go away it's accept seeds for god to work fast and put him on overdrive i don't know where that is i'm going there so my life back then unlike now because my fasting now and this is the best fast i've ever had in my entire life where i feel so much in control when i say in control even when it comes down to my dreams the the most frequent things i've been having in my dream having in my dreams now is masquerading spirits i see a lot of people spirits masquerading as them and i can always tell because they never give me direct contact eye contact they're always out of sight always shape different all of this and i know oh they try to give me something to eat or convince me or someone i just had a dream about a very uh a good friend of mine excuse me brought me this big gift and several other gifts but in my mind i think my brother's already passed but again while she's talking she's keep doing a head like this in the dream every dream i've been having like that i dreamt where i lived again i had to do two dreams so far right was trying to take me back again i realized it so what the lord is showing you through these symbols he's showing you these are the things that are either in your life or the enemy is trying to reinstate in your life because i know a lot of them was broken like my life was an example of that so now when i get up and i pray again i i don't go repeating the same thing i'm fasting for and i've been teaching you that all along when you start out your fast yes you lay your petitions to god whether you want a house whatever it is but what you should have done initially was you go to the scriptures and find the scriptures that that that ties into that and i told you my scriptures i told you what i'm believing god for and you'll go into that that's poisonous but you will see the results of it but and i said to god i said listen to be honest with you today is the 26th day of my 40-day fast and what i'm petitioning god for i have mentioned i'd say a minimum of five times since i was on this 26th day fast well god well kevin what you've been asking god i've been giving god back his word as it relates to what i'm asking for and i told you my first scripture was psalms 84 verse 11b no good thing shall be withheld from those that walk uprightly i'm walking uprightly i'm doing what is right up to the best of my ability so god this is what your words say so i have to keep going back oh god i want this cheer i want to share a lot no please jesus i want to share no no no he said now remind me of my word i know what you want i knew before you even came on the fast remind me of my word he says no good thing listen what he's saying to me that's why if when you love the scriptures you will feel the way that they feel when i speak about them to creator of creation has made this indelible promise listen what he said he says if you walk uprightly if you do what is right nothing good will be withheld from you and the word good means that which will be beneficial to you wow wow y'all hear this no listen to this god the one who my fear not a pastor not a preacher not nobody the god of abraham has made a promise to anyone that would believe if you walk uprightly kevin there is nothing there is nothing that will benefit you that i will not allow you to have so proverbs sorry psalms 84 verse 11 says no good thing no good thing shall be withheld shall be restricted restricted shall be hindered from those that walk up lord i i can just shut this baby down right here no i listen this is just i'm getting chill bumps right now no i don't think you know what that mean to me no good thing so for me the majority of my fasting has been these scriptures that i'm gonna give you and thanking god for what i know he has already done because i'm following the rules the regulations i'm not sowing a seed i'm not spinning around i'm not pinning a hundred dollars on pasta i'm not giving first last donkey food monkey fruit i need another garbage that's foolishness what i'm into is the scriptures so he says no good thing shall be withheld restricted or limited from those that walk uprightly uh proverbs 10 verses 24 i think it is he says the fear of the wicked shall come upon him listen listen but the desire of the who the righteous shall be granted my lord listen to this god who have you made the promise to that their desire shall be granted the righteous who's the righteous lord those who have accepted jesus christ as lord and savior and walking according to my will my laws my roots my commandments not mind-made rules are you helping the poor have you forgiven others have you discontinued lying and stealing and cheating and do have you these are the rules that they try to get you to circumvent by sowing a seed the devil is a liar he's a liar and those who who who propagate this nonsense are liars so he says the fear of the wicked shall come upon them listen but the desire what is your desire righteous because god says i'm going to grant you your desire why what was the qualifier because you're the righteous that's what i'm reading the fear of the wicked psalms proverbs 10 24 the fear of the wicked shall come upon them but the desire of the righteous shall be granted the next one i like is i think i think is psalms 34 7 i believe that's what it is correct me if i'm wrong and it says that if we we the believers of jesus christ shall delight ourselves in him which is jesus christ what he's going to do i'm going to give you the desires of your heart i'm going to give you the desires of your heart so god you're telling me if i find joy and teaching and preaching your word and sharing the gospel and helping my neighbor helping the poor and and doing what you say to do meaning i find joy in doing it not complaining not murmuring you say because if i follow that protocol you will give me the desires of my will unless you can't read that's what i said you gotta love the scriptures i love it and that's why i tell you nobody could leave me you know many people has come and refused no i was in the barbershop yesterday they come talking fool to me i don't listen enough i tell them listen i don't know why i always waste you all time talking to me you know hey listen this man is so committed to scr i love this when i hear you telling me something that the scripture didn't say and especially when you lean more on your church policy buddy i don't know a liquor spanish and that's what you're saying to me all i can hear all i can hear is kumo sayamo sayamo migo that that's what i hear and i don't understand none of that because i have built myself no one is going to pollute what the bible clearly says to me don't don't come to me with no nonsense because i'm hearing you here's what you're trying to do to me you're trying to get me what you have been trained to do and that is to circumvent the laws of god through your theology through your opinion through your conjectures and and your church way of doing it no no no no no god has made it extremely clear how to achieve his promises and that is to follow the protocols of this work very very simple very simple he said another scripture i think let me find this one because i kind of forgot this the other day i think is uh i think it's john chapter 16. anyway the scripture says this i don't know why i could i i know is it matthew i think this matthew matthew anyway the scripture that says i think it's matthew it's anyway this is what it says it says if you this is jesus speaking if you abide in me listen and my words abide in you listen to this now jesus if you abide in me if you commit yourself to me if you make me your god not a pastor and i'm not disparaging them they need to know we we me the pastors i'm a teacher they're pastors and whatever i'm talking all of us we need to know our rules our rules is to lead you to jesus why because we need to get you to abide in jesus not us abide in jesus so he says abide in me and also let my words abide in you and watch what he says next and whatsoever you ask shall be granted unto you don't get mad at me came out of the word of god i didn't write it i had no one someone said john 15 16. thank you very much john 15 16. i love that so much john 15 16. okay right okay verse 16 of john 15 says you have not chosen me but i have chosen you and listen and ordain you that you should go listen listen and bring forth much fruit and that your fruit shall remain that whatsoever you shall ask the father and my name it shall be done to you i could attest to this entire chapter you hear me everything on my 10 the first 40 day fast i did in 2011 not only that god answered everything that i've asked for everything the way that he did it for me he superseded my greatest expectation but i wasn't too much shocked about that because during that fast i was also incorporating the word in ephesians 3 verse 20 which says that and god will do exceedingly and abundantly and above all that we could ever ask or think according to the power which is the word of god that operates in us another scripture that i use which is also found in isaiah and the new testament and it says that eyes have not seen heirs have not heard nor has it entered into the hearts of men listen very carefully the things that god has prepared for those that love him so there are things that god has put aside specifically for you and this is one of the reasons why you have the spiritual opposition so you don't ever interact you don't ever participate in those things and you will never participate in those things when you take these demonic shortcuts by sowing seeds and doing foolishness to that get into the word of god he says this kind will only come up through prayer and fasting i cannot emphasize that enough that is what he said now let's go back to this generation of questions and give you my personal story years ago my eldest son right now he's he's 25 right now of course i wasn't a question all my life and i have no problem speaking about my personal life because i keep telling you i'm not your regular preacher i'm not i'm never gonna pretend as if i i didn't mess up in life i didn't make mistakes i made super mistakes in my life but i thank god through his deliverance to me i can now go back and as crazy as they may be i could now tell you how i once lived i again was following in the footsteps of my father i didn't know it i didn't know this at all and i had a girlfriend at the time i had a mean girlfriend but i also had another girlfriend all right and my other girlfriend other than my main girlfriend got pregnant for me all right this was crazy for me because this is not my main girlfriend she's pregnant and then three months later my main girlfriend is pregnant but guess what happened my main girlfriend had a miscarriage if not i would have had two children today 25 years old now why am i bringing this up to you and i want you to hear me hear me you could judge me on your own i don't care i i helping someone tonight and i want you to see things for a day out looking at it right from there if i didn't have the knowledge that i have about generational curses and so on i would just shrug that off and think nothing of it my father i'm my father's eldest child all right i'm 51 years old my brother i have a brother my father's child but we don't have the same mother he's going to be 51 in december two women all right one man which is my father three months apart i never planned it i never sat down one day and said boy you know what when i get older i'm gonna get a girl pregnant and then i'm gonna wait like i'm gonna get like three months apart and get another one pregnant so i could be just like daddy see no no see generational curses have you programmed spiritually already you're already programmed to fail you're already programmed to have a divorce you just don't know it all right you don't notice so here it is my father who has two his two endless children two endless boys myself and my brother three months apart no knowledge on my end i'm following the same pattern same pattern have no knowledge of this i i i'm not even looking all i'm thinking right now my god i can explain to my main girlfriend i got somebody else pregnant now she's pregnant oh lord i can't think of no children that's what i'm thinking and this is what a generational curse does it it it takes it makes you remove your attention of the curse itself and focus on everything except the curse by talking i'm talking to somebody you know you could judge me but i can't help you here i'm trying to help you so people who know him my father said boy it's a life of stranger life this time all day and then one day it hit why are you lucky had that child not the dad survive it wasn't a miscarriage but you'd have been in the same boat as you're naughty but it didn't end there my father and i love him he's deceased now he was a womanizer he was having some money you know how to get the girls i was the exact same way there were times i remember because i grew up with my grandparents in a godly home both of them all we i know nothing else but church didn't like going but trust me you glean a lot even though you don't like gold and i used to fight with myself even in my 20s why am i doing this there were times i would get off on a friday and say no i just want to go relax take a bite watch a movie and it's like something will just come over me like this lustful spirit like you just have to go there you have to be with someone you you got to go to the club you know and then of course you're going to hook up with people and i want you to know too that's not by chance all of this the enemy is orchestrating in your life see you thinking these are your thoughts you're thinking that this is you hear me when i tell you when i give my in-depth teaching on generational crisis this can make so much sense to you everything once you're under curse is orchestrated by the devil now that doesn't mean god can't take an internet for your good which he did for me but which i know he will do for you but at the end of the day the devil is really the one because he's pulled you off of your course that you're supposed to be on so as i went on you from woman to woman and just you know bawling and sleeping around and doing stuff and and i remember there were times i would be there myself when i'm sitting in my car but a moment say this don't make no sense why why am i doing this what what is giving me this desire to water be with somebody else and not the person that i am with i could just meet someone fall ahead over heels for them do everything in the world for them and they doing everything for me they will clean they will do everything kevin i love you and guess what i feel the same way but it comes to a point in that relationship i just can't just have you one and i'm not going to tell them that and what happens now because the the enemy is orchestrating this you become deceptive you lie you make up stories oh i'm going by my friend man give me just go pick up something but you're going by somebody else and your life become a life where you lie so much you begin to believe the lies you tell you forget the lies you tell and you become so deceptive that whenever they catch you in the lie you flip the ball you just flip the whole game on them why are you always on my back man give me a break jesus man let me have nothing to do with them you know but again this devil that is on you this curse that is levied on your life and if god could literally give you an aerial view of all of your deceased members of your family you will see you're living the exact life that they lived nobody could tell me they're saying real they are stupid and ignorant i whoever don't believe it i don't want you don't don't watch my channel don't even listen to me because you are foolish i'll tell you this 85 percent of the people i can't say i'm dealing with generational curses 85 of them so don't tell me they are not real and i'm watching my life that's why i thank god for my parents my mother my grandparents who knew god who prayed who prayed and prayed i never knew the benefit of those prayers that now that i'm in the fullness of my christianity and understand spiritual things and i'm telling you all of this to tell you parents pray for your children and break the crisis the invisible barriers cords and chains on their life that you cannot see don't let them get an uh if they accomplish a degree or finish high school or become the president of a country of a company or ceo that don't share generational crisis because those crisis are set for a specific time to begin moving forward in their lives you see most of them start off very very good in life and then they go downhill and that why because the curse is now activated it's time sensitive but nobody's telling you that everybody's begging you for money begging you begging you everything is see i don't think you all know much i hate that and i'm sure you could see but my expression and how much i hate it because you're you're lying to you're telling people that you don't have to do these things you don't have to follow the rules of the bible you have to do none of that all you have to do is give your money and god who is so broke is going to be so desperate and say thank you oh lord give me 50 dollars now you want me do now don't you ever put my christ in that position you liar you are a liar and that's why you've been so and succeed and nothing has changed absolutely nothing i've seen the the the financial difficulty in my father's life i've seen it i've seen i've seen it in the general i've seen it i've seen it in the children i've seen it in the you have to be super ignorant to play as if you don't see having the knowledge that i have now i've seen it so what do i do he says this guy will only come to prayer and fasting break it i break it over my son i break it over my daughters when i when when i decide to pray i i go in with the scriptures like doing surgery in the realm of the spirit cutting those knots cutting those things that have my that they could possibly be anchored to to follow the generational crisis of my side of the family or even their mother's side of the family so i break it father i understand now i sever every chord change shackle whatever has anchored my destiny that of my wife that of my children to cause them not to go forward like you have timely ordained them to go father severed now in the name of jesus don't wait for something to happen oh lord look at johnny just like his uncle just like his daddy look listen listen you will never admit to generational crisis but logically you see there's a pattern i trying to tell somebody you want to listen to me you can fact you could turn this channel right now that's totally on you but the bottom line for those who want to listen generational crisis will only be broken through prayer and fasting there they are some of the most stubborn sexual sins especially perverted sins and generational curses are some of the most stubborn spirit of lying they are stubborn spirits and that's why you have to engage fasting you have to engage fasting you have to but on your fasting you can't and jesus said he says don't be like the the pharisees who are repetitious in their prayer stop saying the same thing god already know you want to break the curse god already know you want an increase on your job god already knows all of these things so what should i be praying for kevin okay you've already made it clear to god what i told you go and get the scriptures why kevin you keep saying that because god says listen he says remind me of my word claire not your word he already know what you want he said to remind me of my word he says my word can not return unto me void but it must accomplish what i'm settled to do he said i've placed my word above my name he says heaven and earth shall pass away but not one tittle not when the inchi bench of my word shall not come to pass this is what he's saying he said proverbs 30 verse 5 every word of god is pure and that he which is the word of god is a shield to those who put their trust in him so if the emphasis is about his word then it would start to reason that when i approach him in prayer and fasting or any type prayer i should bombard the throne room of heaven with the word of god and that's what i do and that's what i advise everyone that listen to follow me to do don't be kevin you you i don't want you to be a part god didn't when god made the mold with you he broke it he didn't call you to be like me he didn't call you to be like reverend so-and-so and i've seen too many people like that like they again idolatry and these people are grooming them to be like them be like christ be like nobody and again there's no disdain or disrespect to them what i'm saying to you is reality you are called not to be like a preacher or a leader you are called to be whom you have been called to be if god has called kevin ewing not to imitate td jakes not to imitate miles monroe yes learn from them yes glean from them yes true their teaching let it be a mentor to you but you don't be them you'll be whom you've called you to be so again i'm telling you this to tell you this my fasting father god everything you have called kevin l a ewing to be let that come forth now father during this fast take me to another level in my understanding in my wisdom in my knowledge and particularly in my ability to articulate your word that even a child could understand it father i don't want to be like td jakes i don't want to be like craft fruit i love them i like i like to hear those people preach and so on but i don't want to be like them yes let me glean from them there's certain nuggets that they would say that will make me go in the scriptures even more there's a certain revelation that they would have released and i want to go dig more under it but lord let me be me let me be whom you have ordained me to be i could never receive what that has god has put aside for me by pretending to be somebody else i've watched so many of my colleagues grow up under certain pastors you could hear those pastors and their behavior in their mouth their demeanor everything and everything they got to say oh my spiritual father i have no spiritual fathers i don't deal with voodoo the only spiritual father is god almighty people don't like that but again i don't want you you ain't got to watch this channel you go watch cricket or scuba do or somebody and i make no apologies because what i'm telling you is the truth and the truth is stop idolizing people we are living in a generation of idol worshipers okay and god already tell you what he think of idol worship and what he's going to do with it you are called to worship the almighty god you are caught in the only thing that we as preachers teachers ministers of the gospel of jesus christ and this is where the bible says that we are responsible for your souls you know what that means that don't mean maybe be watching you to see if you fornicate lie uh-uh you are responsible for doing what is right after knowing the truth us being responsible for your true souls means that we must ensure that you are receiving the unadulterated word of god that is what we're responsible for but don't let nobody fool you that oh you got to report to me because you see the bible say i'm responsible for your soul right and that's where this doctrine of shepherding came in right through that misguided misconception demonic evil misleading of scriptures be responsible for your soul so you're accountable to us i don't how you read that now kevin ewing would if you come off this line tonight and go and have sex with whatever someone other than your your husband or wife if you go and tell that nothing to do with me i have given you i was i covered my responsibility i've given you the word of god now what you do with the word of god is totally on you that's the responsibility that the preachers have to ensure that you are receiving the authentic unadulterated word of the living god not some made up ritalin rhyme garbage to extract to extort monies from you god will never empower his leaders to do such things their emphasis will be on pointing you to the scripture pointing you and said this is the way jesus did it and this is the way that you should do it don't do it my way i'm a human being that could fail so if i fail your focus and your eyes was always on christ so when kevin failed you say okay god i pray his strength in the lord raise him up but i ain't gonna drop the ball because kevin failed no my eyes was always on christ and that's what i'm training you to do don't put your eyes on me that's why i keep telling you i can say it over and over they are mad because i don't beg you for money they are mad because i don't actually foresee it they are marks because i'm they're mad because i don't tell you so and tap into my anointing like like the anointing is for sale when you love the word of god when you teach it the way you are called to do it people will do whatever the lord tell them to do for your ministry i'm living it every day every day of my life every and i love it that's why i love this i keep telling you they couldn't tell me squat i love the word of god and i want you to love the word of god when i realized that my life was on a trajectory of generational crisis poverty setback i had all of that i used to have dreams i remember one time i'll never forget this when i was on my first 40 day fast i had this dream that i was on this particular street here where i live it's called east sunrise and i was going in a easterly direction there was only a there's a two lane road one going west one going east and as i was going up this road this is a dream now in the easterly direction there was these men working on the road but only when i appeared but there was no damage to the road and they had all of the lights and they were in their little outfits with a little reflective stuff and all of this now the traffic going westerly was free so i'm there when why these guys are holding up the dream ended i had another dream two nights later remember this was all on my initial 40 day fast i had another dream and in this dream i'm at a stop light and for some reason the light would not change but i'm the only one at the stop light everybody all of this the dream is revealing to me symbolically kevin look at the delays look at that and that was exactly happening in my life so again the dream was revealing to me my spiritual state something i would have never known something i would have never seen i dreamt i told you i went to the bank to get some money and immediately when i stepped my photo on the step to grab the door all i saw in the security pull it lock lock lock lock lock couldn't get it had another dream where i'm actually in the bank i'm standing in the line waiting for the teller the person in front of me i was right after them when they went to the to the teller and they were done as soon as they were done i saw the woman turn close every area i remember going to the atm machine all of these are dreams i'm having going to the atm machine watching everybody going and extract their money the minute i put my car on the machine the entire electricity went off god is showing me look these are the injunctions in your life because my finances was a walk at that point i had a dream i told you where i was one time i was riding this just tricycle i was about i was i was 41 41 at the time no no no i was 40. and i had this dream i was riding on this particular road on a tricycle big 40 old man like me and i came off of the pave road to this rocky road and i was just crying and bawling and like in the dream i was crying because i couldn't take care of my kids which wasn't the case but i was very depressed so i was riding this rocky road i ride up one end and ride to the next right one into the right right back to the next and on the way back i saw the shiny silver coin it was actually an american 50 cent piece all right so i put down the tricycle and i picked it up but every time i picked it up pick up a coin another one with a pair i pick it up and another one with a pair so i brush it pick it up pick it up pick it up but in hindsight i wasn't putting it in my pocket i wasn't saving it anyway i just was picking it up and it almost as if it was disappearing so when i got to the base of the ground i dust off everything that was like a cardboard box so i brushed everything off and there was this box about this high about that height right and i pulled it out and you know how boxes have like four flaps to the top but you know you lock it in oh that's how it was it wasn't sealed it was locked so when i pull the top open there was this mayonnaise jar the commercial size one filled with with with like mice and roaches and rats cut up fine you could still see like eyes and tails and it was dirty yucky and i heard this very very faint but very very calm voice said in the dream witchcraft and i woke right up with a dream these were the the dreams i was having during this first 40 day pass then and as as the more i went into the fast like the the week after the next week after next week the dreams become more and more aggressive now goes into the sexual parts of the dream so every night three four times a night i'm having sex with a caucasian woman a blackwood leg and none of them would show their faces they would always be in a sexual position and in my mind i'd say why am i even engaging in this and i know better so i would wake up rebuke wake up rebuke wake up rebuke it was a it was a fight that i was relentless in fighting because i've had enough when i said i've had enough i've had enough so as i went in man the next thing started to happen i started to hear well i wouldn't say voices but strange things started to to take place in my room shaking up the bed and all these other stuff now in hindsight what i didn't know but a lot would have pointed out to me later and i did a lot of teaching on this what i didn't know is that even while you're on a fast through your ignorance that is that the enemy could reinstate the very covenants you're broking during the fast i didn't notice how though through sexual intercourse anything that symbolized agreement kissing hugging especially with deceased people and so on a dream these are the masquerading spirits masquerading either in an animal form a human form or some kind of gift somebody just give to you or sign a document say yeah this you i brought this gift for you or take this money not knowing that i just broke the spirit of poverty but these guys are so relentless and regaining their territory so they now come back in an appealing way and if you accept what they're offering you you have no idea you're you're spiritually accepting this from an evil spirit meaning that you're agreeing with what they're giving to you so the very thing that was broken is not being reinstated you need to have this during the fast especially after the fast and again i did a lot of videos and so on because again i learned from my mistakes and i taught these things so when people have a better understanding as to what's happening to them so it is it is it is it it isn't a choice your dream state during the fast is going to become i mean overwhelming and whatever you're seeing is a is a dashboard or a spiritual display of your spiritual life i've had dreams where i found myself in a pit this long deep pit and i could there was no way i could get at all of this god showing me bore you in spiritual bondage sorcery and witchcraft listen you are in spiritual bondage uh another thing that happened you're not 40 day fast all of a sudden there's an infestation you're gonna have this also in your home where is cockroaches where is mice rats ants these things never happened before why are these things happening kevin i told you before that the the foot soldiers to the kingdom of darkness is the spirit of pharaoh hence you find the nightmares hence you wake up and you feel some roach crawling on your leg all of these things is to generate fear why because the minute you entertain this type of fear you automatically dismiss fate and fate is the the is the mean requirement that you need the bible is very clear uh hebrews 11 6. for it is impossible to please god without fate impossible he didn't say without seed he didn't say without whatever faith which is the word of god is impossible if you're not coming with the word of god it is impossible so if you're if you're easily uh made afraid what happens next because again all of this is being orchestrated by the devil you're not gonna make evil declarations child is so fearful i had this dream last night my god you you didn't rebuke it you didn't say come against us and i break every spiritual covenant made ignorantly or even knowingly in my dream father divorce me from every spiritual agreement every spiritual pledge how could you do it if nobody's teaching you that how could you do it if the only thing you're being told is to it's associated to to fix these things you can so your frustration is as a result of following their rules doing the same thing the same way expecting a different result never ever receiving what you which you which you thought would have happened why because god is never ever going to honor what you're doing if you are contrary to the word of god it is i must be gonna put this on the poster god will will only honor what his covenant says go i watch my videos on this god will honor the covenant watch my videos on faulty foundation watch my videos on generational curses watch my video on spiritual this i i have it all there free sit down and listen and take notes and put into practice and watch the change in your life i receive testimonies every single day why because they followed the laws of god because i taught them the laws of god not my rules not how i feel not what i think not what this particular denomination do not judging people because they don't worship on the sabbath day and making that an idol day you know i'm just right now whenever somebody write me something on top of it i delete it delete it what about your soul are you safe do you give to the poor are you forgiving all of this the sabbath day is no different from any other commandment i do honor the sabbath day i do believe that we should stop lying stealing also we should stop you you could be doing the sabbath day and you don't speak to the neighbor who you sit to next on the sabbath day hypocrite so don't write me talk fool to me i don't listen to that nonsense i delete all that garbage out of my out of my inbox nonsense that's what i see that's foolishness sabbah day sabbath day sabbath what about what about living right every day and again i'm not dismissing sabbath day i believe in the sabbath day it's included in ten commandments it didn't change but what i'm saying to you stop making an idol of it stop it and that's what i get tired of i mean people looking for debate i shut them right down i don't listen to foolishness if you believe that you go over in the corner and you believe what you believe don't bring the garbage here because you're not polluting my spirit you're not polluting my mind because i find it very hypocritical that you could argue intensely on a day you could hardly add i mean advocate kevin i some clown wrote me the other day i just got to mention this right and they said to me minister i love you let me make sure they see that i will make sure you see that chain right there okay let me put my camera so you can see it very good they say minister i love your teaching i think god has really blessed you with the gift of teaching and articulating in his word but god has pressed upon my spirit that you shouldn't wear jewelry hear me and hear me well i have spent over two hours on the video that she's referring to two hours pounding the word of god pounding people to trust in the word of god pounding to make christ your lord and savior pounding to follow the rules the regulations the principles i mean pounding it pounding it and the only thing you could extract from that is i'm wearing this right here this is going to send me to hell people y'all see this this is going to send me straight to hell fire god is going to dismiss every everything i've done for his people everything i've done to assist others the poor everything and training people to live right and have a clean heart and he's going to say kevin i see you got about 500 novels of good works but i see a chain on your neck kevin you better go straight to hell fire you do no good i wonder if people is just think before they write i don't think so so if you're watching me and you're offended then stop watching my channel very simple people stop entertaining people who are just legalistic who are just cyphers who are quick to judge you and tell you and or you were in a you were in a pants god doesn't like that but you're a liar you are a thief you are dishonest you have so much hate in your heart for your mother your mother died and you never fix it with her your father you detest because he never checked for you and the thought of his name makes you sick when you get angry and sometimes use profanity but you could circumvent all of that and say god say don't wear pants and nowhere jewelry and god say uh honor the sabbath day boy y'all it's crazy something wrong these people i i have to one night and i i'm calling them out like well i hope you're listening i'm calling you because i'm trying to show you how much of a hypocrite you are do you push people getting saved the way you push for the jewelry do you say you got to get you don't know if you're going to live covert could take you out you could get knocked down please accept jesus christ do you push that doctrine as much as you push don't wear jewelry don't wear uh airing in your air and your nose uh don't wear a tattoo don't do you push salvation as much as you push that do you tell people now worship on the sabbath day and get safe no you don't you don't do that no worship on sabbath let's just idolize that let's discard every other sin and just focus on the sabbath day listen i can tell you again do not listen to me carefully do not email are you if i see sabbat i'm going to delete it i'm going to delete it because i'm not going to engage you in nonsense sabot day is in the ten commandments nothing in the ten commandments change i believe in the sabbath day i worship on the sabbath day that's the end of it now if you want to talk fool go talk full with somebody else my job is to teach the gospel of jesus christ to give people an understanding to change their lives through the word of god to get their hearts right see once the heart is right the holy spirit could convict them better to change the things he wants changing them but you don't have the right to judge nobody get out of your foolishness in fact go get safe go get it right with god before you come and tell someone oh you as a christian you can't drink wine or stop being judgmental the holy spirit no i've i can show you scriptures i can show you scriptures where uh first of all let's look at the one where god says if you want to be a bishop you have to be the husband of one wife right you cannot drink smoke challenge strong drink he didn't say that to the pastor he didn't say it an average christian you damn you tell him well well you see what's so and so jesus make my way i wasn't fermented right so you were why i understood it you all stopped trying to take him for god god is quite you don't think god knew he's writing this bible see this is where when you have a relationship with the holy spirit then the conviction is easy now what the holy spirit might tell kevin he may not tell it to you because it's not a problem for you kevin might have a a a curse of alcoholism and his family somebody said kevin don't you even look at it but this one over here have a little wine for islamic or whatever reason i'm not here to judge you you know what i'm concerned about do you have a relationship with the holy spirit because he is the one that's going to convict you in fact the scripture says jesus says listen when i leave i'm going to not leave you comfortless but i'm going to send a comforter and here's his job his initial job is to guide you into all truth which is going to be the scriptures that's going to be the benchmark that he is going to procure secondly only him could do this convict you i cannot convict you all i can do is teach you the word of god i cannot convict you so don't bring what the holy spirit tell you to me he may tell you don't have wine he may tell you don't wear a pants because clearly you got something going on up here and he don't want you to feel that this is convoluting your religion that's you i have no problem with it this this has nothing to do with my salvation this this don't get in the way of nothing that i do but clearly it's getting in the way of you so then you should stay away from those things because you are convicted so there's no way in the bible would i see that when the holy spirit convict you you must take a put it in a blanket over everybody else i've never read that don't bring it here don't bring it here you are not going to put restrictions on my freedom in christ jesus ain't going to happen nope no i keep telling you i ain't your regular preacher and i ain't a regular future and if you think i'm talking nonsense i always say according to jesus then now judge me by my fruit now let's look at my fruit i always tell people let's look at my fruit you tell me don't wear a chain because i go to hell you tell me women shouldn't be a pants because great good good now let me go over here to your facebook page and youtube page now we're going to look for fruit because i want to see people on here saying ever since the dolly say i mustn't be a jewelry i don't know the holy spirit just take over me and i start healing a bunch of people and so it started coming to christ that's what i want to see because based on your doctrine of pushing the sabbath and pushing not wearing pants and pushing not drinking wine i should see all kind of fruit coming from you i don't see that but yet this dude over here named kevin you you hit him for everything but then i read all of his comments on youtube facebook twitter all the stuff and everybody's saying ever since they started listening to mine and following the rules their life has taken a dramatic change they have seen increasing their finances they've been healed i see fruit over here but i don't see no food with you yet you have all the legalistic uh perspective and so on here kurt get on my face go get save accept jesus christ as your savior so folks what i'm saying you don't listen to these people you do what that bible tell you to do okay do what jesus tell you to do stop being but stop letting man convict you let the [ __ ] see and if you letting men convicted i mean you do not have a relationship with the holy spirit when you have a relationship why because i have never read in any scripture the pastor will convict you the preacher will convict you no the bible is clear he give these three initial mandates to his holy spirit who's going to replace jesus christ and earth he says the first thing the holy spirit is going to do he is going to guide you all right direct or lead you into not some or part of the truth but all truth okay that's number number two he says the same holy spirit is gonna bring conviction when you're doing something wrong or something that the holy spirit know isn't gonna be good for you now even in the future he's going to give you that conviction to say right kevin so you'll not feel uncomfortable let me stop doing this even though the bible is singing ain't fully wrong but for me the holy spirit say no this can be a problem or the enemy could use this to get me to do something wicked later so let me obey the holy spirit thirdly he says that the same holy spirit is going to bring to your remembrance the things that god has said but you got to read the book voice because to remember something i must have been exposed to it at some point in time i just said all right so if you are more convicted by a mere mortal than a human being no no no no no again idolatry you know when this church passed to say pastor what do you say that the bible didn't make mention of this now i need to get up out of here because when i see these these are called type behave i need to roll up over here because my liberty in christ gives me the liberty to live as christ asked me to live being aided guided directed by his holy spirit not what some body personal belief is i don't get that so you know i i listen i'm going to say something very controversial i used to go to church one time right very very dictated type pastor i remember one time he stand up in the pulpit and he says that he he he he don't he don't he didn't say he was a gangster drinking of wine he said that he don't drink wine so no member in the church could drink wine and that never left me again you may not see it but you are conditioning people to honor you more than they honor god the only way those things become a problem is when god says if it's offending your neighbor a new convoy in christ and they see you let's say you having a wine that's a christian a class of wine and johnny just gets saved the other day he see kevin drinking a glass away god said don't do that in front of him for it'll cause him to you know look be convoluted with the fate he said don't do it he said if if you do it in your private or wherever the case may be and i'm not saying drink to get drunk i'm not saying that the bible tells you drink but do not become drunk so the bible say these things but what i'm saying to you you are not no human they could do to you but they wouldn't do it together you cannot dictate how i live my life you cannot dictate my liberty in christ because what i do is i'm following the holy spirit now i wouldn't do it to to to challenge somebody else no because i'm following the rules but you don't tell me because you don't do it i mustn't do it you just i'm not your child no no get out of here and this is why a lot of people are turned off from christianity they are turned off because there are so much man-made rules these ain't god rules these are their rules these are their rules and then the rules become twisted all of a sudden depending on who you know no no no no i am telling everybody everyone you have been made free in jesus christ and to live in that freedom then you have to abide by the rules it's very simple you've been given when you've accepted jesus christ you have entered a club in a club that is saturated and filled with benefits however those benefits means nothing to you if you're not following the rules or you're lying some demented psychotic psychopath borderline schizophrenia to tell you to do it his or her way and not god's way now you have just stepped into the arena of idolatry because what you're doing is putting them above god child i want pasta see me drinking this little wine because oh lord pass this pasta say what will god say what did god say i'm listening what did jesus say again because clearly what jesus say come second to uh bail over here that you call your pastor and again i know people don't like what i say and they think i'm being rude and disrespectful and i am let me let me be clear with you anyone that dilutes and pollutes the word of god anyone that intentionally leads someone on a path that is not the way to jesus christ anyone that leads people i have no respect for them in fact i think they're scum if you ask me because what is happening is there people and i've been one of them where you are truly looking to hear the word of god because you are so frustrated with your life you finally found someone who's a good teacher who's a good or reader but they're selfish and trying to use their gifts to bring you to them to worship them and to give them all your money i have no respect no patience i could never tolerate that in arrogant people i have no respect i would never listen to them i would never direct no one to them because what you're doing this is the key right here what you're doing is you're wasting your life you'll be because by the time you hit 30 35 40 45 and your eyes finally open if they are and you look back and see how much time you've wasted following a system but never the system of jesus christ now you begin to see i was born with generational curses i was bound with limitation my marriage failed my children but i've been going to this church for 10 15 years that's right you were going there but were you following the rules of jesus christ were you following the principles of god or the principles of your church organization in the apostolic pentecostal baptist first cathedral down to third corner rules regulations that's what you followed so in essence don't expect to receive god's promises if you're following the rules to another organization that's not gonna happen that's not gonna happen no so i'm pushing you i cannot say this enough get into the word of god i cannot say this enough you will i don't know if you'll ever hear preachers say this as much as i do god's word is the final authority anyone who's making up rules anyone who's trying to instil god isn't putting anything in you he lay his rules or dare for you to do or not do it's totally up to you but he tell you incorporated in these rules uh penalties and blessings curses and blessings rewards and and penalties it's up to you god isn't all about don't put on that punch do you put that wine here but i will chop your lip off if you put that rouge on your mood i will come for you right don't put that makeup on that's not god that's not god you know why because he's looking at your heart he's looking at your heart and if he see that this makeup or here or weave or anything it's gonna become a stumbling block in the future or cause men or whatever the case may be then the holy spirit will now come and say i'm gonna convict you because i know you'll be able to handle in the future but mary on the side does the same thing he's not convicting her because mary can handle it again don't tell me what the holy spirit tell you and you now make it law don't bring it in many many i know a lot of people like that if he didn't convict me on it get out of my face as long as i'm not committing a sin here i'm not violating the laws of god but when we get to controversial topics such as wine drinking we've read the scriptures it outlines us do not drink to become drunk you should not be drunk but does it deny drinking white no it didn't and i don't care who have a problem with that i am reading the scriptures i this is what the scripture says so you again don't impose what you believe what you would if you can't handle your liquor don't come to me no don't blame me for that go to alcohol anonymous and straighten that out and read the scriptures and get safe but don't bring that here to me no no don't bring it to me and that's what i say unto you get audio that foolishness stop people stop allowing people to augment your liberty and christ you have been according to romans eight and and one it says you have been made free from the condemnation for those who follow after christ jesus so why are you allowing this mere mortal uh lunatic to convict you the holy spirit does that they do okay obviously the holy spirit has an assistant in these self-righteous clowns so i'm saying to you where do these people get off keep your personal view if you don't like this chain that i'm wearing poke your two eyes out don't you don't have to watch this channel you will never stop me from wearing this chain never and the main [ __ ] that you don't like it i go and go practice another one to put on two so if the borders you get lost but you're not going to bring your opinion and dictate my life that's why i left that that dungeon called the building church everybody nobody is telling me but my freedom in christ everyone is trying to dictate the course of my life oh you know you can't now you know pastor you know pastor what about jesus you know boy you ain't take the kevin i know a lot of y'all don't like it it will turn the channel off turn turn i think they're doing some reruns of dynasty go watch that or dallas there's some ewings on there too but nevertheless all i say to you don't bring your rubber shell this is i am not your regular preacher i believe in my freedom i enjoy my life every moment of my life i enjoy no human i i've been under years of bondage in churches where and i'm sure people reduce it to oh he's a renegade yeah tell me i don't care i like when you're coming i'm a renegade lone ranger call me on that i'm effective though very effective very effective you you yourself probably said it at one point very effective you know of course you would say oh he's effective but he's rude he's effective but he's this well you know it's a package but the point is when i stand before my savior that's that's where the rubber is going to hit the road after all you're complaining after all of that now let's see what you can present to jesus say jesus see the souls right here these are the souls kevin you all open the book and let's see what kevin did as far as assisting his fellow sisters and brothers not those who we pick to think they can do something for him if he helped them excuse me they say lord we got about five five libraries of books what does mine did yeah well let's see what what john cause john been criticizing him all his life john said he ain't safe john said he's wear chain and jewelry john say he step on wine john say all of this john say his wife don't read uh weave and and he is righteous hmm and wrote wrote a video on john let's go back in his life a little bit hip-hop kurt let's look at his life a little bit huh how much souls did you enjoy other than those who condemned the hell john how much people you tell them they're going to go to hell are they where uh uh squid uh uh uh uh above their ankle john how much souls did you get on that john you will know them by their fruit well john you seem to be fruitless i tell you i can never be like that never all i want you to fall in love with the word of god follow the disciplines of christianity you can mess up along the way the bible say a just man follow it seven times and get right back up again solomon said in the book of ecclesiastes there's no just man upon this like that sins not that's what i'm reading so every one of us are sinners every one of us and anyone that tell you that since they got saved they never sin they ought to have their tongues removed and tossed into the hogs because they are liars because if that's the case then we have a duplicate of there's more than one jesus so the idea is you repent you're always in a state of repentance father i repent of the sins known and unknown whoever violated your laws your rules your principles wherever i've came in covenant with things conversation that i've had that i thought was harmless not knowing that i was not representing you forgive me lord forgive me for the evil seeds that i've planted by the evil things that i've said forgive me father god for saying in my heart i didn't say it verbally but saying in my heart how i hate so and so how i despise them how they make me sick those statements are in there that you think nothing of because you're so focused that a person is wearing a chain on airing or some kind of jewelry or whatever what's the difference between a watch and wearing a chain on your neck mom get safe except jesus christ as your savior he's calling for he's knocking on your door stepping wild chances now by your living stop judging people stop sitting back and just pointing the fingers and telling who's saved no you get safe voice yeah but i think what you guys say first then you recognize who are really safe but don't let nobody condemn you don't let nobody condemn you all that listen to that they they they sit down and they can wrap up really they sit down all day judging you are you wearing jewelry oh your wife could wear makeup and weave and this and that same way your pastor could rob you all taking thousand dollars from it every time you come to church every time there's a seed sowing contests in there every time god says so this so that jesus never get a penny the money not one dime he's get not a penny not one dollar again with this not one dollar do you raise it in jesus name you play the song give to the lord jesus don't get a cent not what when did jesus get it jesus you say god says there's five people and you got a thousand dollars there's another three hundred got 200 and the rest bring what you got jesus said come now he won't do that thing for you and turn it around okay everybody brought their money up the church received what fifteen twenty thousand dollars that night now according to scripture how do we give back to jesus let me hear it now and we'll hear this piece right here how you collect it in jesus name so it's jesus's money now how do we give that to jesus i will hear it because when i read in my bible jesus said the way that you give to me the way you take your earthly wealth and store it up into the kingdom or how you give it back to me what do you do he said go and give it to the poor so when the church collects all that money please any pastor correct me if i'm wrong what portion of that twenty thousand fifteen thousand ten thousand five thousand dollars what portion of that did you take and when you distributed among the poor because that is how we give back to jesus when did that happen i'm listening i'm all is i'm listening i'm when the because if you didn't give it to them then you're stealing from jesus matthew 25 when i was hungry you fed me when i was thirsty you gave me something to drink when i was naked you applauded me when i didn't have a roof over my head you ensure that i did get something to put over my head jesus well when did we do this when you gave it to the least of these you were giving it to me hmm that's interesting so i'm going to ask it again because i like it he has crickets when did your pastor when did your church that collects thousands of dollars that's why i said before not say it again i will never give to a church that does not have a pantry or does not have a ministry that assists the poor why would i why would i give you jesus money to teeth i'm not going to do that i'm not going to do that i'm going to give it to someone who's assisting the poor i'm going to give it to some organization or somebody or give it to them myself i don't to go through you especially when you don't give to the poor so wha why would i enable you or make you an enabler to rob jesus i'm not going to do that the rich young ruler look how much look how much giving to the poor tie into your salvation the rich young ruler said master speaking to jesus good master how do i obtain eternal life now listen to the question what he's asking because the the text now would be stemming from what he just asked them how do i inherit eternal life look how much giving to the poor ties in to your eternity with christ jesus because people just believe just getting saved and that's it jesus says okay first of all why do you call me good for none is good so jesus says anyway well just follow the commandments so the rich young rulers say well what specific commandments because what should we follow we say well the regular ones thou shall not steal thou shall not lie i should not commit adultery fornication so on this is what he says the rich angular you say well i've done all of that jesus say yeah now listen to what jesus said because there's a revelation in this she says okay but you know it doesn't end there right he says here's what else you do he says sell all that you have i love this because this is so powerful and jesus never said sell all that you have and give it to him he didn't say sell all that you have and give it to the church i didn't read that either he didn't say sell all that you have and give it to the pastor i never read that what did jesus do well jesus instructed him to follow the protocol to give to him like we would have read in matthew 25. he's showing him don't directly give it to me because i'm going to be leaving here one day and you can't just give it to me but i'm going to give you the protocol now to give it to me he said sell all that you have and give it to the paul that's what i read any church that is not giving to the poor when they claim to have collect jesus tied an offering are thieves they are liars that church is that's why and i can assure you majority of the members in there will never succeed never advance never walk in their calling only would the so-called pastor tell them their callings are why jesus isn't going to sit back and allow you to rob him by not giving to the less fortunate as he is clearly instructed in the scriptures and bless you if that's the case then why would i go on a fast and do the things that are right when i could just break the laws and be blessed how do you give to jesus why didn't i keep pushing this i keep pushing this over and over no matter what i'm talking about i keep pushing the fact that you have to give to the poor you have to this is scripture this is in my opinion this is scripture and during this time of my 40-day fasting now my 26th day every opportunity that comes to my way they've been coming i i am once i would have done my research and notice ain't no scam i am jumping on board because he says while you are fasting give give to the less fortunate that's the scripture why nobody is preaching this why the preacher isn't saying listen this one sunday we ain't gonna collect nothing whatever we collect we can take it and we can walk down to the inner city the ghetto and we're gonna be a blessing next week and saturday the part of the monies we collected throughout the week we're going to have a soup kitchen because why why am i not hearing that because building big edifices and just giving fancy intellectual speeches how is that causing people's lives to be better when they're hungry broke busted disgusted cannot be trusted barely have a cup of custard ignorant somewhere but yet god is gonna change that thing for you yeah he's starting with you when you're gonna bless us when you're gonna stop stealing christ's money and and put up with christ tell you to put it jesus said let me let me put it clear jesus said this is not kevin how do you give to the poor you know what let me read it because you might say i'm making it up and i'm going to end it right here i can i can beat you with it because the scripture okay mark matthew sorry matthew 25 we're going to see the protocol how do we give to jesus how do we give our money everybody out there giving it to the church everybody to give it to the pastor and again let me make my disclaimer i'm not saying you should not give to the pastor i'm not saying you should not give to the church and if that's what you say you are again found to be a liar i am telling you where jesus said how to give to him matthew 25 matthew 25 and let's look at uh 31. matthew 25 verse 31 i'm gonna end right here okay i just want to prove it to you i'm making this up my ministry is about giving to the poor i told you we've adopted my wife's school freeport primary school you guys have been tremendous i thank you for what you're doing and again i'm bringing them on from time to time to bring you updates you've helped so many kids even the teachers uh this ministry in itself we facilitate several families every end of the month to uh defray or to subsidize uh their way of living through assisting them whether it's through random whatever the case may be we do that and whatever comes in here that is where the majority of that goes to a sister like we in fact we just bring on another family of three uh i think i mentioned him on saturday a little bit a single father with his uh three young kids and we have everything that needed fixing we have done it and now we're gonna sit down and work on a plan where we can bring them on board to assist with the raising of those children and meeting the needs so they don't have to go with the power being off or not being able to go on the internet to do their virtual see this is how you give christ back his money crooks get mad only one you're mad at the scriptures i didn't write the scriptures so listen to this matthew 25 31 when the son of man shall come in his glory and all the holy angels with him this is jesus speaking then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory he's getting ready to judge i love you jesus he's getting rid of the judge matthew 25 verse 32 and before him shall he gather all nations and he shall separate them one from another as a shepherd divided his sheep from the goats and he which is jesus the king shall set the sheep on his right hand but the goats on his left and the goats would be those who didn't do what he asked him to do those who stole his money they collected in his name but like we said obama's they thief it same thing as stealing okay so in verse 33 says and he which is the king shall set his sheep on his right hand but his goats on his left verse 34 of matthew 25 then shall the king which is jesus say unto them on his right hand this the sheep come ye blessed of my father inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world my lord verse 35 of matthew 25 for i was hungry and you gave me meat who did they give to me to to the king who's the king jesus the christ he said i jesus was hungry and you gave me meat to eat i jesus was thirsty and you gave me drink i jesus was a stranger but you took me in i jesus was naked and you clothed me i king jesus was sick and you visited me i king jesus was in prison and you came to see me verse 37 of matthew 25 then shall the righteous answer him because they're confused saying lord when saw we thee hungry and fed thee or thirsty and gave thee drink when saw we thee a stranger and took thee in on naked and clothing father lord please forgive me and and i hope this just don't discount me going into heaven but i don't remember seeing you when we were executing these things that you advised us to do when you left this earth verse 39 or when saw we the sick or in prison and came unto thee verse 40 verse 40 of matthew 25 because jesus is going to show us through what he's saying here how do we the believers of jesus christ how do we give to him how do we give to the lord all of those songs give to the lord given jesus name come up here with your first fruit come up here with your best seed offering write your name on that envelope and tell jesus what you want and put your best fruit in there and give this to jesus really well let's see how what jesus have to say about that verse 40 of matthew 25 after this expository on what the sheep were doing even though they didn't see jesus verse 40 says and the king which is jesus shall answer what is he answering because they're questioning him when did we see you hungry when did we see you so we we jesus i don't all we were doing was following the rules the laws and the principles you put in place that's all we did you say i know i know so verse 40 says and the king which is jesus shall answer and say unto them which are the sheep verily i say unto you in as much as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren you have done it unto me who is this me the king who is the king jesus how do we give to jesus by giving to the less fortunate let me hear what your apostolic teachings say about that how do we give to jesus you know what let's continue let's see for those who stole jesus money but they didn't think jesus was looking because pastor didn't see them brother kevin didn't see them the prophetess who see in the spirit didn't see that in the spirit when i was in giving the money to the poor and i was stealing from jesus okay so let's go on verse 41 of matthew 25 then shall he who is he the king which is jesus say and say also unto them on the left hand depart from me ye cursed into everlasting fire my lord prepared for the devil it was never prepared for you goat but you you took on the qualification of a goat when you stole from me and he's about to tell them how they stole from jesus collecting monies in jesus name and the poor never got a penny of it no so let's see here verse 41 then shall he say unto then shall he also say unto them on his left hand depart from me cursing to everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels okay verse 30 42 of matthew 25 for i was hungry and he gave me no meat i was thirsty and you gave me nothing like we say in obama's nothing to drink i was a stranger and you took me not in i was naked and you never offer me a pair of drawers i he said i was a stranger and he took me not in naked and he clothed me not sick and in prison and you never visited me verse 44 i love it i love it already verse 44 of matthew 25 then shall they who's this day the goat the robbers the thieves that collected money in jesus's name but jesus never got a penny of it or maybe a fraction of it verse 44 of matthew 25 says then shall they the goat also answer him which is king jesus saying lord when so we the hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison and did not minister unto thee meaning that as long as you don't look like jesus as long as you ain't jesus i can do what i wanna do um as long as bishop don't see me as long as kevin don't see me as long as the great apostle the master prophet the superimprove to the third power multiplied by six prophetess don't see me i get to go yeah but based on the records here that don't seem to be the case verse 45 of matthew 25 then shall he because they ask you they say jesus where were you when we were when we didn't give so listen listen listen to revelation you're ready for this you're ready for this revelation they never denied that they did not do what jesus was accusing them of never denied well let me read it again because you may think i'm making up the scriptures they says i was will eventually answer and say when did we verse 44 then shall they also answer him saying lord when saw we the hungry thirsty stranger naked sick in prison and we didn't come visit you they never said that's not true jesus jesus now look at now i know you're the son of god but you need help and you get safe no they never denied what they did say because they're trying to find a way to excuse themselves from this so what did they say now they say well well where were you meaning that where you was peeping from we did do it but we didn't remember seeing you but never denied that they didn't do it verse 45 then shall he the king of of of of the jesus the king answered him saying verily i say unto you in as much listen in as much as he did it not to one of the least of these ye ye did it not to jesus when you didn't give to the poor you didn't give to jesus you collected the money in jesus's name but the poor never got a penny of it and those that did that are considered on jesus's left hand and are labeled the let me make it clear anyone that does not give to the poor is a goat scripture i degree knew that scripture scripture you are a goat if if you given tide offering first food last food and none of it got you you and your accomplices are goats and liars and thieves now you may not like my adjectives but that has nothing to what it should do is convict you and repent and get it right i'm not gonna trust anybody to give to the poor when i can do it myself or find organizations that does that or churches that do it and i told you we've made great considerable amount of contribution to churches that actually does that and those who never got from me and you will never get from me and this ministry if you do not have a ministry that gives to the poor or even a country in which the poor i'm not talking about your members only the poor could come to and get something i will not facilitate your lifestyle by assisting you and robbing the paul when you rob jesus by not giving to the poor so the bible says here then shall he answer them verse 45 of matthew 25 saying verily i say unto you inasmuch as he did it not to the one of the least of these you did it not unto me listen to the last verse 46 and these who's these the goat the one who's been lying collected in jesus name but jesus never got a penny and how do we give it to jesus by giving it to the poor so the poor never got it so you rob jesus so he says in verse 46 because i'm trying to show you the correlation with your salvation see when you accept jesus christ that alone based on what i'm reading here there's rules that you follow to sustain your salvation and your relationship with christ to enter an eternal life and what i'm reading here giving plays a major role in that because for those who didn't give to the poor verse 46 says and these shall go away into everlasting punishment but aren't they christians are they not christians you're not listening kevin you see christianity doesn't mean i just accept christ no christianity i accept christ and i'm now following the rules of christ and the major player in that yes i'm following the rules but a part of those rules is assisting the poor that's why he said to the rich young ruler the ritual says listen i don't fornicate i don't lie i do my best to repent of my sins jesus said okay then here's the next step then the next rule is sell all that you have if you truly want to live for me sell all that you have and give it to the poor now why is he well let's go back to what was originally asked the rich young ruler said lord how do i inherit eternal life listen listen listen the question because everything that's about to be said in this dialogue is the is referring to the uh achieving eternal life jesus said well follow the commandments the guy said which commandments he says the regular ones don't do this don't do this don't do this blah blah blah love their neighbors they love thyself he said well i've done that he says okay it isn't ending there because you following the ten commandments there are more rules and the main ones i'm going to focus on it he says now sell what you have and give it to the poor or help others and the bible says that the man walked away very sorrowful after jesus made that statement so in that scripture and in this scripture here because both now is dealing with what's going to be the result of those who didn't help the poor even though they're the pope the pastor the bishop the teacher like kevin but never looked up for the fall but seemed to cover everything else but it seems as if that this giving to the poor plays a super major role in your christianity that somehow has been overlooked for years and if you are not giving to the poor you are robbing jesus and you will be a part of the category of goats on the day of judgment that according to what i'm reading here in verse 46 of matthew 25 it says and he shall go away into everlasting punishment but the righteous into eternal life and who is the righteous those who do things god way and in this case by giving to the poor i cannot stress this enough and if you're tired of me saying this then stop watching me because i'm as long as i have air and these lungs to breed i'm going to be an advocate for the less fortunate i am so convinced that on the day of judgment this is going to be a major key player in your when you stand at the true at the judgment seat of christ don't tell christ how you was the church every sunday you can't tell christ that they made you superintendent of the women's club or or the chief apostle this and that is all rubbish what is going to be of any value did you follow my rules yes jesus i i didn't forget i didn't commit adultery i didn't do it okay now open up those next books and let's see what you did for your fellow man not the little club he was in in church and you only look out for the people in there no who who who who else did you help that couldn't help you well jesus i know but that one right and i don't know but you read it now come from off of i don't know why you force yourself on the right-hand side where the sheep are when you know your rule is over here with a goater that you will be cast into everlasting punishment because you've had the resources god has blessed you with the resources and you ne because you went to a system a system that beg and beg and beg and beg and beg and beg and beg for money beg for seed big big big never gave a dollar to the poor never and you were a willing accomplice you were just satisfied that you gave it to this particular church this particular denomination you were satisfied that you give this to pastor and make sure it's family what about these single mothers and single fathers and these children who you know don't know where the next meal coming from you know what you say but i don't give my tithe offering that ain't what i read in here that ain't what i read in here bible say he that take it from the poor and give it to the rich shall surely come to poverty that's what i read that's what i read that's what i read that's what i read you could fight me all you you you're fighting a losing battle i am gonna follow the scriptures i'm gonna i'm gonna encourage you to follow the scriptures i don't care who your favorite pastor is i don't care who your favorite if they're not insisting that you assist someone and again listen to what i'm saying to you have i ever once said to you give me your money have i ever once said to you come here and bring it no the only thing i've mentioned to you if you cannot find no one in your cities to give or you're afraid to go to those places for danger or whatever then if you're gonna send any donation here make it clear kevin this here is for the poor this for you or kevin all of this here is for the poor make it clear because that's where it's going to go because i i i believe the word of and i want you to believe it and you will see like everybody else who have followed this principle you will see the benefit sinner and christian alike because it's a principle it's a rule nowhere in scripture did you see tiding will give you any promises other than the promise that was made to levitical priests and them giving the tithe and offering as commanded by law but never you so if you're running on the notion that you are going to the windows of heaven is going to open for you because you're paying the tithe you've been deceived in your 60s you're in the 70s why the windows ain't open your windows nailed down uh did they screw them in no because that was not the protocol you were asked to do you were not a levite your pastor is not a leader you are not of the hebrew tribe so you were not commanded by law to give to the sons of levi according to hebrews 5 verse 7 or 7 5. it's very clear it was a law it's not a rule or a principle i heard some preachers say the other day uh you know they've been hearing this young man talking about the tide and he's wrong because tithing is a principle it's a lie tithing is a law it's not a principle qatari has been converted to a law not voluntary like what abraham did not voluntary like what jacob did no god in in numbers 18 made it a law and he reiterated in the new testament in hebrews 7 verse 5. very clear the sons of levi the levitical priesthood was commanded not by opinion not by principle but by law people don't like to hear it but that's the law now now that we know it's a law show me in the scriptures where jesus made the amendment that says no longer will the levite priests get the tithing that it was commanded by law it will now go to the past or the church never read it i saw other amendments jesus made and what is that i saw jesus said listen it was said from time back that if a man physically engaged with a woman they commit adultery through the sexual act it's adultery but i'm making an amendment now in the new testament what did he say he says i'm telling you now that if a man or even a woman as much as look at a person and conceive evil thoughts sexually towards those people you have committed adultery already without even taking off your clothes it's an amendment the next one says that's why we don't do send back prayers to send anymore because they're totally against the laws of god jesus said in the time past yes the law was an eye for an eye a tooth for tooth if somebody hit your cat you killed a rod if they slap you you slap them back that's why david could have make psalms 107 and all these other psalms lord break or dictate send back arrows after them he had a right jesus came and he amended the law he says but now i say unto you love your neighbors bless those instead of curse them that curse you pray for those that despite there's an amendment so that being said could someone kindly direct me to the amendment where god says that the levitical covenant the priestly covenant that he made with the in the nation of israel where in that group alone the 12 tribes of of of israel that the rule was that when they go into the promised land he has demanded that the levitical group or tribe will not inherit any land for the sole purpose of this law what is that law tithing law meaning that because you're going to not own any land in the promised land levitical tribe you're 11 sibling tribes i have commanded by law to pay you only the levitical priesthood tithe not the bahamas not the americans not the syrians not the egyptians only all and that's why jesus came back in matthew 23 verse 23 and he's now addressing those who were obeying the law which was the pharisees the scribes the sadducees and he says yes you've paid you've tied off of your mint and your cumins and so on but you have dismissed the heavier matters so people read that and say see jesus mentioned tight so tight and stuff for the new you need to read in context he was talking to the people by law was practicing the tide by giving to the levitical priesthood so this is why i tell you you are stealing from jesus when you're collecting because again if we go into the and i can do another series on tithing to show you the breakdown as to the laws and constitutions surrounding giving tides and one of the things that i don't understand is that the tide according to the levitical priesthood law says very clearly listen to what it says the only way you could be a levitical priest it's not only that you came from the tribe of levi but you had to specifically come from the loins of aaron the priest who was ordained the first high priest that's number one number two the bible says according to priestly laws and the levites who were supposed to collect the tides it made it very clear what did it say it says that you can only be the a priest at age 25 and you cannot go above that if you're 50. another rule as it relates to tithing the tithe that jesus god said okay now listen the levites when your sibling tribes come and bring the tide even though all of you are levites none of the levites could touch the tide until the priests the levitical high priest must force come he have to must partake of it because he got to take the heave off and he got he take that voice and then you distribute it amongst the other members of the levite tribe right and depending on which year you're in because the tide was a seven year cycle then you give to the orphans you give to the widows listen to what it says next now you give to the stranger so what does that mean that mean if a if a satanist came to the tribe to to israel and they had nothing according to the constitution of tithing israel couldn't say now hold on you you worship buddha so we can't give no provisions were made for the stranger those who didn't even serve your god i'm saying this because i become so confused when you go to a church for help and the first thing they have to do is yuck out their quick books to see if you were paying tithe or they would say you're not a member of the church you're a stranger i know but doesn't your law of timing say that you must give to the stranger so again when you don't know the rules what do you do you then go along with their rules they get angry with people like me because i know the rules and i study to show myself approved so when i come to you i'm not making up anything i'm giving you back the bible i'm giving you back the rules that they claim to go back so i find it very convenient that you follow every you've the only rules out of all of the rules of tithing over of every rule such as to become a levitical priest not only unless you come to the lineage of aaron you must have all of your hair shaved off you must be consecrated all of the tribe of liver have to put their hand on you and ordain you none of this happened but yet you qualify for receiving the time even though you're not a levite pastor so when we work our way to malachi everyone who's going to rob you uses malachi 3 verses 8 to 10 or 6 to 10. you have robbed god but have you robbed god you have robbed god and tied an offering but hey we could fix this that's what they telling you now because they this this time you're getting robbed because the the point you see a penny that he says now bring all your tithe and offering into the house and see if i wouldn't open up the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that they wouldn't even be wrong enough to receive well you see whenever you are studying anything you're looking for context you don't just take one scripture and then make up your own theology so let's go to malachi just for a brief second just to just to nail my point and they normally start from malachi 3 right but we're going to start from malachi 2 because we want to know exactly who this when malachi made the statement that they were robbing god and they stole from god who was this day because this have nothing to do with the new testament church who is this day that he's speaking to now just to give some background numbers 18 speaks of the covenant and who was supposed to get the diet which the only people on this planet was the levitical priesthood the only people that was by law was supposed to receive time right so let's go here to malachi 2 to see who malachi was speaking to you can see the malachi 1 but you're going to see it most of malachi 2. and let's just start at verse 1. and now all ye gentiles no and now oh ye new testament believers no i didn't read that what did you read mr ewing and now oh ye priests this commandment is for you i ain't even gonna further that god sent malachi to read the riot act to the children of israel who has abandoned levitical rules and laws inclusive of tidying they were not putting the tides and so on well the the he blamed the priest because they were the one who was supposed to enforce the law of them receiving the tithe so that they would be meet in the storehouses again for the poor for the widow for the levites themselves and for the strangers but they couldn't do that because they dropped all of the ceremonial laws all of the tithing laws all of that so god sent malachi to read the right act to the priest you you responsible because you guys are god's hands and feet in the earth and you're encouraging these people not to to this economic system that god has put among you this exclusive agreement with the the the children of israel where you priests you priests you are supposed to live off of this tides so he said malachi now he says to the priests and the children of israel he said now we could fix this you can fix this now just bring you all the tides and offering into the storehouse so that it would be meat and mild so god says i will only supply for you when you supply for those who are less fortunate you see the same principle again let's pull back a little bit and i can wrap up right here this this is i i have studied this inside-out it is so much more i haven't even mentioned check this out how is it how is it that the levitical law of tithing the constitution of tithing lord you all hear me and hear me bill put your anger and personal feelings aside right now the number one reason for the tide the number one reason which trumped every other reason was because the children of israel particularly the the tribe of levi god made it clear tribe of levi you were responsible for the tabernacle the temple you are responsible for all of the ceremonial laws the brazen altars all of that the innocent oh the all of that you and he says no one else could touch these things least they will die except the levitical priesthood you're responsible for that he said as a result of that i have exclusively exclusively reserve you for me the christ god almighty so therefore i will take care of you you will own no property none so when y'all go into the promised land i will ordain provinces where you get to set up storehouses so that the system of tithing could be brought to the levite priests in those particular areas but you cannot own no land don't you find it convenient okay pastor you claim that you represent the levite priest which no bible law or amendment can be justified by this is your own doing that's number one number two if you're collecting the tide sir then how come you also own property when the law was that the only way you could receive the title is because you're not having any property don't get mad at me get i didn't if i wrote the rules you had every reason to be upset with me i didn't write these rules so again i find it so convenient that the only part of the tie that you subscribe to is the collecting of it but all of the other rules you dismiss you never shaved your head you never came from the bloodline of levi you don't respect the part of the giving to the stranger because you only give to those who are on your tied list in your uh accounting system and software such as quickbooks and so on but if a stranger come you know you're gonna defy every other law but the only one you're gonna stand to is that you must collect it even though christ have never given you that authority never hence why i don't pay tithe i did something i do something far better than paying time in fact when i caught on to this revelation i have given more in the system that i do now than all of my years combined being tied ten percent god give me disability and give god 10 no that's the levitical order no i limited myself but i only give 10 percent no when opportunity is presented through poor people all the time and he says if you give bountifully i will i will bless you bountifully then he give the new the new testament uh uh regulation he says if you sow stingily you will get if you want more give more and he says now i will minister see to who anybody know to the soul those who love to give i can also make sure that they always have so why why would i stick to a system where i am not a part of the covenant i am not a part of that covenant so someone said to me kevin i think you're wrong what's what's happening here i see i see i see a problem see jesus said we are a royal priesthood so you see that's how we're the priests in that sense uh i don't know you think you think you're talking to your regular brainwashed church members you're talking to kevin because you know i must commend my mother to ensure that her children would not become a burden to her she ensured that she educated them so they could read and comprehend and because i could read and comprehend there is a difference between a levitical priesthood and a royal priesthood mom sir the tide was for the levitical priesthood again sir mom who's collecting tide are you a levite furthermore are you from the tribe of levite furthermore did you come to the lineage to become a priest the lineage of aaron did they boil your head did you stop ministering the word of god as a priest according to you at the age of 50 did you reserve monies for any stranger that walks in your house or not monies but any kind of resources when did the thai change from money from fruits and vegetables and livestock because you should have a big freeze in there with fish and meat and goat and grapes and all this stuff so when they come which law can i look at in the bible that converted it to money again you're not talking to a fool you're talking to somebody who actually reads and which even voice someone who read and believe what he reads in the bible so i've just given you a quick summary why i will never pay tithe as long as i breed never never i quit in 2012 and i'm about to celebrate my 10th anniversary next year in september ten years of not paying a tithe my life has soared when i engage in fasting sword when i invest in the lives of other people not picking up people who i think could help me i'm looking for those who cannot help me as led by the spirit of the living god not a hypocrite not collecting thousands of dollars in tides and owning boats and yachts and properties in the south side of france no the levites got no no property so when did god change the law and says not only am i gonna give the tides that once went to the levitical priests because they couldn't own no land i'm now going to give it to the pastor and i'm also going to amend the law that they can own what kind of property plus collect the tide plus collect the seed plus collect the first fruit plus collect when does it come to an end when do the people who was giving you your blessing now eventually benefit but more importantly when do the poor get this when does jesus come to get his cut i'm listening i'm listening i'm gonna pray right now okay and i know i know many pastors and i love it when you get angry i love it and the truth is is the holy spirit convicting you to change the error of your evil ways stop lying to people stop telling them about mantles falling on them and the anointing is gonna drop on them if they sow a seed and it's lies lies lies lies lies lies through knowledge shall the just be delivered if you delight yourself for me i will give you the desires i've had many of you do my rules the fear of the wicked shall come upon them but the desire of the righteous shall be granted that's the word of god no good thing shall be withheld from those that walk uprightly not so uprightly i didn't read that so why are you making up story why don't you just give them the word of god just repeat the word of god why why everybody is substituting the word of god with their version of getting monies to them and not jesus and i hope i struck a chord tonight particularly in the sense of how you give your wealth to jesus how do you give back to jesus who has blessed you with life how do you thank jesus for giving you strength for giving you wisdom for giving you knowledge and understanding for for even when you deserve to have been killed or you should have died or you should have been killed in an accident or you've contracted some disease you should have been in the hospital with cancer you should have already how do you say god i thank you how do you repay him by giving to the poor somebody who's sick you helped them and you was giving to jesus someone who's hungry you help them and you're given to jesus someone who didn't have over their head you help them pay their rent do something you're giving to jesus so lastly when did your church who collected thousands and hundreds of thousands of dollars every year when did jesus get his cut when did he get his cut when did you when did jesus come to the back door and knock listen you all got my things in there and you you you you you secure the lock and make sure you don't come in there because you're getting a penny of this because you're going to plan on vacation out on a new church being buy a new church bus to do what to say you have a big church but what about a portal because the day is going to come just like with the goat in the sheep you were going to be judged not so much on whether or not you accepted him that should have been the prerequisite but what did you do to maintain your not only salvation but entering eternal life did you help the poor no you didn't heavenly father we thank you for your wisdom tonight for your word i specifically pray father god for those who are just coming into this revelation and understanding i know their challenge and i know that right now there's an ongoing battle between what the word of god says and what their doctrine says what their their tradition says but you've made it very clear very very clear in your word asu what could stagnate delay or restrict your blessings from running its course in our lives and you said according to matthew 15 as well as mark 7 that it is because of our tradition because of our way of doing things because of our policies and beliefs and the whole idea of twisting the scriptures to suit our ideologies which is our traditions you said it's because of the tradition that we hold in high esteem over the word of god that will cause the word of god to be of no effect in our lives the word of god will never manifest what it says no how much we fast pray spit on the ground do foolishness that will never change in other words god will never honor your rules and give you his promises we have to do it his way so father i pray that your spirit not kevin your holy spirit will bring conviction to these people and that these people will put aside church beliefs that especially those that are contrary to your word and focus on what the words and lord i pray right now that you give them the revelation and the understanding that you've given me in fact give them a double triple a portion of what you gave me in understanding the word of god and let the holy spirit teach them what exactly the scripture is saying all in an effort not to be smarter than somebody else not to show themselves to be right but to be in right standing with god i pray for those who have over the years put their their resources in barren ground in ground which you have labeled in your word as a den of thieves people who raise funds in your name people who said to sow seeds and write envelopes and lettuce to you and and make their requests and but all had nothing to do with you i joined my faith with theirs right now like i did many years ago and i repent lord we repent we repent of being ignorant we repent of some of us wandering in our ignorance because of idolatry we respected the man of god more than we respected the word of god so tonight we repent we repent in forging covenants and becoming covenant partners and so on with institutions that have nothing to do with you and the only covenant that we should have ever been apart was the covenant of jesus christ any other man made covenants of the devil you never in the scripture ask any disciple any man or woman of god to join no financial covenants because if we join the original covenant of jesus christ by accepting him as lord and savior who was now reconcile us back to god then a part of that covenant is live according to the rules which is helping our brothers and sisters helping the poor assisting others we don't need no one to we don't need to join no no no covenants to do that that's all incorporated in the gift of salvation it's it's just a matter of us living it out now father every false prophecy that we receive as a result of donating our funds to others believing more in the monies that we are giving as opposed to the unadulterated word of god we we believe that this fifty dollars this two thousand dollars this one thousand we believe that the power was in that money it is a lie yes i could give this money as a token or as a sacrifice but the truth is this is the scripture i'm standing on i'm standing on wherever two or more of us touching anything i'm standing on proverbs uh 11 and 21 that says the righteous shall be uh restored in the earth i'm standing on uh hebrews 10 verses 35 that says that we should not cast away our confidence but it is this confidence of the word of god that shall work for us a great recompense not no money yes i want so this money and susie life over here i was sold in john life because the bible say if i give it to the poor i shall never lock the bible says he that give it to the poor lender to god and it is god that will pay him back that's why i'm so in the money not that i believe in the money this is going to happen for me in the word of god is what i believe the bible says in psalms 41 verses 1 to 3 blessed is he that considered the poor for the lord will help him in his time of trouble the lord will preserve him and keep him alive the lord will will will rescue him from the hands of the enemy the lord will bless him upon the earth the lord will help him in his time of sickness why because he gave to the church no because he gave to the pastor no because he gave to the poor so lord when i give my monies i want to give it to you and i give it to you by giving to the poor and it is i don't believe that by giving that you will have favor no you're going to have favor yes i gave the money but you're going to have favor or you're gonna i'm gonna be favorable on your side because i am following your law your word your rules my my fate isn't tied into the money my fate isn't because i give it to kevin or pastor no no no no no no that's just a prerequisite to what i really believe and i believe the words that i quote every day you say remind you of your word not seed they are robbers they don't like it but that's what you are you are in the bahamas you are teething from god when you collect in the name of jesus but the poor don't get a penny of it you will suffer you will pay not because i want you to because the bible stated quite well uh matthew 25 verse 46 and this group meaning those are the goat who stole from the poor eternal damnation everlasting fire shall be your portion not because i wonder i don't want that i don't want to if god says he is his desire at all should repent and come to him i got the same desire but like god i cannot force you to to do what the bible say that's that's you so i pray that people will love the word of god more than they love kevin more than they love their pastor more than they love how great a teacher i may be or anybody else no i want you to love the same god i am in love with the same god i am taking 40 days another 40 days of my life on this earth and to to make a sacrifice of not putting a meal to my mouth i'm in my 26th day with the confidence at the end of the if i could already start but at the end of all of this god is gonna catapult me to places that i could never go before the barriers that were in place any form of restrictions must be broken why because i'm following the rules and what are the rules mr ewing matthew 17 21 this kind will only come out only not by seed sowing not by first fruit not by last fruit this kind will only come out through prayer and work heaven and fasting there's no substituting there are no shortcuts there's no easy way god is never going to circumvent his law for these robbers never it will never happen and i admonish and encourage you tonight to stick with what the rules say stick with what the rules say on the day of judgment you can't say god pastor tell me this god kept no no you could read you could read you could comprehend you choose to take their word over you were in idolatry and when kevin told you that you got to offend it your offense should have led to conviction and you should have done better but instead whatever past to say whatever kevin say whatever peter pan say that always trump the unadulterated word of god i don't care who you are and what you call yourself and how much titles you got that means absolutely nothing to me why because according to the word of god i will know you by your fruit why are you not producing why are you always losing why tragedy always have been you you're the prophetess you're the chief apostle to deter power with power why you always broke bishop why are you always borrowing money pastor why are you always hustling why did you lose your home why your wife leave you what why why why why but yet yet yet you are doing everything that god say not to do but you've converted it to your doctrine now i understand why it's happening why he says because of your tradition your way of doing things the word of god will never produce in your life jesus said in this void very clearly proverbs 16 verse 25 i love it he said there's a way unto you that may seem or appear to be right but the end thereof the prophecies will end in destruction in proverbs 14 verse 12 or 12 verse 14 it says that again repeating it is a as a way that may seem right again but the end therefore is death this time so god ain't gonna stop you the rules are there you have no excuse the rules are there pastor jesus didn't purchase in church the rules are there pastor never read this the rules are there you didn't read the rules because your pastor was your god your kevin was your god your apostle peter pan was your god and the true god who you clearly didn't believe in because you did you fornicate lie steal cheat you rob people and he was watching you all along but your fear was more for the one who could see you than the one who's watching you 24 7. so you tell me is that not idolatry is it not idolatry because you have more reverence for a mere mortal just like you a a sinner just like you a sinner who got to go to the same jesus just like you but you've allowed him to fool you to say he's your spiritual covering how could you cover me and you have sinned just like me you have to go before christ for forgiveness just like me but yet you and you read in your bible there is but one god and there's one mediator one middleman one covering between you and god and who was that my pastor i didn't read that kevin no i didn't read that my bishop i didn't read it who did you read christ then you had further evidence that says to you the order of god he says christ is the head then the man then the woman and who's the head of christ god again where did you squeeze your past and there'd be a covering it's idolatry this this is high open idolatry when you say that a mere mortal who is subject to sin could cover you cover you from what so when they got covered and and sickness hit them where was their covering when why would i want someone who have sin in their life who's subject to sin to be my covering when i can just follow what the bible say and accept jesus as the only covering who is sinless people wake up father continue to open their eyes remove their anger remove their disdain let them put their personal feelings aside what i'm saying here is the bible and what they're what they don't understand is they are getting upset with the bible if i wrote these things they had every reason to be upset with me so it is another indication if you claim to love god then why do you hate his rules why do you hate the people who preach his rules but you adore those who make up the rules father open their eyes open their eyes so that they may see because the day is going to come where we all will expire and there will be no repenting then there will be no i'm sorry there would be no god i didn't know ignorance is no excuse to the law you've been exposed to the truth and you made a decision that you don't want to hear that you love what bishop said and bishop on sound far more convenient why should i fast why should i pray why should i consecrate before the lord but i could just sow a seed and everything is going to be changed so lord it is my prayer just like you jesus you said that it is not your desire that any should perish but that all should come to repentance and i pray that they would all come to repentance they would they would reject their ways and and that they would they would finally say you know what this makes sense i've been going around the same mountain year after year the same promises doing things the same way this cannot be of god if i'm not getting any form of results in fact i'm going more and more backwards in life and now that i'm hearing the truth i realized that everything i was doing was subtly going against the laws of god hence why i could not succeed so father we thank you tonight we bless you for your word we honor you for your word and all we ask is your wisdom just like solomon you said to solomon solomon out of all of the things in the world you could ask for what is it that you i'm asking you to make a request of me the god of all creation what do you want and solomon in this humility said to god he says god you've been great to my father he's had a great life the only thing i want for you not riches not women not horses not not to dictate over people all i want from you is wisdom knowledge and understanding to lead your people that is what i pray for for myself and that's what i pray for for all of us not to get rich riches and wealth will fade away yes we want to live comfortable yes we want to provide for our families yes we want to be in a position to help others but we have to follow the rules for the blessings of the lord to flow and that we would be excellent stewards over the resources that god has given us father before i end this prayer i pray right now even while i'm on this fast and everyone listening to me that you break the the spirit of poverty break the spirit of of that mindset that consumer mindset that anxious spirit that spirit that is not willing to discipline themselves not willing to save not willing to budget and they have taken on that spirit that most churches that i know has as has misled them to be uh horrible financial starts by sowing in their entire salaries sowing in their children educational fund sowing in their mortgage and their rent when you have blessed them to meet the needs that they've been praying for and they like crazy people took those resources and throwing it away to people who will never give it to you by giving it to the poor i pray that you break that mindset of ignorance believing that you were some kind of slot machine or some kind of lottery when you have given them the resources and the wisdom to manage to so that they will find themselves in this state again that they would not find themselves in a state of poverty anymore by now investing in the lies of the less fortunate paying their bills on time putting something away for rainy day that is what a responsible church uh leader organization will do to their members teach them how to budget teach them how to be great stewards over the little so that they'll be great over managing much but not telling them lies by sowing fate and so your entire rent so your entire that is not god will never tell you that be a good steward over what god has given you and then god will bless you with more and according to second corinthians 9 10 there's a specific group of people that he will give to and who were they he called them he labeled them the soul those that will give he say i will minister the word minister means to serve i will serve seed or resources to anyone no i didn't read that specifically he said very great revelation i'm going to give to the giver i'm going to give to the one who's ensuring that when i give them resources yes they will take care of their own and be responsible for their bills but it doesn't end there with them they are the ones who are now going to what i've given them they're going to now share or give to others father we bless you father we honor you father we praise you father we glorify you and we ask these things in the matchless in the mighty name of our lord and savior jesus christ amen and amen so tonight before i leave i want to thank every hater that has cast me out tonight and i pray that you do what you normally do and tell people about this no good guy kevin who you don't listen to and what that does is that it adds more people to my youtube and facebook and i want to thank you for the free advertisement i know sometimes i wasn't grateful in the past and didn't see the blessing in which you were doing by scandalizing my name but i want to thank you right now because because of what you've done you've picked the interest in others to see what this kevin was about and when they got to this channel they fell in love with the word of god and i want to thank you for allowing god to use you in such a mighty way to bring the people of god and those who would be heirs to salvation to this channel where we preach and teach the unadulterated word of the living god for the rest of you thank you for being on tonight i want to thank you for listening to the word of god and i am feeling so excellent again it's 12 o'clock now so i'm in my 27th day of my 40 day fast i have lost a total of 30 pounds i was weighing in at uh 249.8 pounds so i could i feel good you all have no idea how good i feel i feel great great great great great every other day i do a three mile walk and where am i getting all this energy from i was doing some study on fasting i mean the physical aspects of it and the benefits and i was i read how that because you're not eating and your body's not breaking down glucose and so on your energy is actually coming from the fat in your body that is using the body is using as a resource for the energy because i do this this three mile i do a fast run and i'm just filled with energy i get up with so much energy my thoughts are so clear i tell you i just have massive chronic back pains and joints all of that is gone i have none of that none of that as you can see my skin is very clear i all let stuff gone and i just feel so as by my mother uh just before i came home and i say mommy man i just feel so good i i i was so long to see a flat tummy again when i i had to do something honestly and losing the weight is just another incentive to continue with the 40 day i got to make this joke right here you know i just got tired looking in the mirror and i couldn't tell if i was like sometimes i look backwards because my stomach looked like my bottom was in front of me it's like i said i gotta i gotta fix this so i can poke fun at myself now but it is a tremendous tremendous tremendous i i the restoration holistically is undeniable i i feel so good when i'm reading my bible sometimes i feel like i'm just getting so much revelation like like i just don't want to go past a certain scripture because there's so much that's coming from this and that is where i want you to be i just want to encourage you man even if you only fast for two days make it a part of your discipline you don't have to do the 40 days like me and how i feel right now i probably could do another 10 plus to 40 days because i feel good every day before i went on this fast let me tell you what i did before the first i'm going to wrap up right here before i went on this fast i didn't plan to go on the fast the time i did but i did plan to go on a fast and what happened is that that that's that sunday that sunday sunday evening when i i just made up my mind to just do it but prior to that i was loading up on fluids well i stopped drinking sodas and stuff a long time ago slowly cutting back on some of the foods i was eating but when i went into it i mean in cold turkey you see and that's me i have i have super discipline i must say when i come to these things i have great discipline so one of the things you you don't want to do while you're on the fast is you you have to saturate yourself in the word of god because if you don't the enemy is going to take that opportunity and make you focus on food make you focus on stomach pains food pangs and hunger that's what his job is so it's imperative that you incorporate the word of god and for me because i know the word of god and i have to go get a bible i just recite it i told you when it comes into my second week of any type of fasting my hunger just dissipates all together i don't have that that problem i don't have anymore and i can actually just feel my body just breaking down and bubbling and so on and and all of that other stuff and i'm just i'm just happy to look in the mirror again i told you jason i look here i hope i don't have to pray the spirit of jealousy of you she taught me my gift from you but i feel so but i feel like a young boy did you told me the other day people's house i just fixed and that's another thing i i cook just about every day every day i cook nobody believed i could do that i did some shrimp fried rice and stuff for that day right with somebody uh the pepper steak and stuff of course youtube is my teacher and i and i love to cook so while we were while she was eating so i say i'm waiting for the compliments so she said excuse me give me a break let me eat first well hurry up because you're taking along with this compliment so she was looking at my face she said man you look like a little boy say it again so so i said baby you gotta encourage me yes i do look like a little i agree with you my little cutie but like i say i feel so good so so so so good i feel good and i have this plan that once i would have finished this i'm going to give myself like a week break and then i'm going to join the gym because i used to go to the gym before you know i'm going to join the gym to maintain this because i know how quick it is to put that back on so i'm definitely going to join the gym to maintain my my goal as a part of the things i was requesting for this fast is to lose a minimum of 50 pounds and i'm well on the radio i'm well on the radio i have two more weeks to go well actually a week and six days starting today the 27th i mean though this being the 27 day and i know with that walking and that's keto the walking really sped up the the loss of weight and this was something that i had to do i really really i didn't have any health issues to be honest with you i didn't have any except for the back pain and so on but i didn't want it to get to that i didn't want it because how many times we sit back and you get this one just was diagnosed with diabetes sugar high blood pressure all this stuff and and knowing the generational curses of infirmity in your family you don't sit back and make yourself a victim so with the grace of god and every time i get up i say lord thank you for giving me the grace to endure another day not in torment not in pain not in when i'm gonna get the next me but i'm in comfort i'm in comfort reading my bible is it was always a pleasure for me but now it just seems so highlighted right now and these are the things that i want you to experience all right uh i was gonna stand up but you'll probably see me on the show tomorrow because i've lost a tremendous amount of weight but but i don't look sickly you know some people just like really really sickly on their eyes where to follow the hair don't look sleepy no i have none of that excuse me i was doing something that i didn't even remember was biblical as it relates to fasting because naturally i don't use grease and stuff on my hair i use olive oil and i saw this on when i forget the youtube channel that i watch this this medical guy and i i when i take a bat and everything or whatever i always do my hair with olive oil and in the new testament it says that when you fast you know don't be like the first you saw hypocrites who always looking all down he said no wash your face clean up and anoint your head but and i didn't realize i was doing that i said wow that's interesting right and and this also i got to give you this what do i do during this fast okay in the morning when i get up this was something that i always did but more so now of course i'm not eating now so what i do is i squeeze an entire lemon and a cup and then i get the 100 cold pressed olive oil that i mix with that now some mornings i'll add a little bit of honey to it as well as i may not do it and just do the olive oil in the lemon and then i mix it with water i drain it down that gives you a burst of energy it's also good for cleaning kidney stones moving all of those toxins out of you also lemon is good when i'm done with that i'll go on my walk at that point i've already had in the same container radio when my wife got me i would have in there filled with ice with the 100 pure unsweetened grapefruit juice so i may drink a little bit of that before i go walking but consume a lot of it when i'm done walking hour two later i will consume a lot of water later on down i may get some uh i don't have any here but i get the coconut water i strain all of the little coconut particles out of it and mix it with a lot of water i may squeeze a lime in it for the most part i'll do that maybe even two and make sure it's diluted and the only reason i do this because i have sugar in it and i'm telling you avoid sugar as much as possible in fact most of the fat that you would gain because as a result of of refined sugar which i plan to stay far away from once i'm off this fast very very not good for your health and i drink i used to drink a lot of coffee with that but anyway nevertheless that these are the things that i consume and the reason why i add juices to my waters because for me after a while of drinking so much water my mouth become very like a metallicy taste which i hate so i always try to balance it by drinking something uh not sweet but something that have some kind of uh taste to it all right for you you don't have to do the trim you could just do a walk around your neighborhood because you want to be active and moving and i'm telling you the more you walk or run or whatever you're going to drop and share those pounds better and when you see the weight that you're losing yes we all know that you're on as fast for a spiritual release by untying stuff in the spiritual realm but though losing the weight is even more encouraging to go on that's why i'm telling you all of this okay so you you have to you just can't be a christian and not take care of your body you i plan to i can't wait to uh we have a i have a conference uh coming up in november in texas uh dallas texas and of course we would put it up and so on and i want to i want to look good i want to have a flat tummy and i when you because i come up with new revelations so i want to look the part so i feel god is doing this complete renovation and restoration in me right now and i'm just totally open for it so those of you are prophets prophetess teachers preachers you cannot have a successful christian life if fasting is not a part of your discipline you are commanded by the lord jesus christ that you shall and must fast after he would have left all right so you all have a good night it was a pleasure speaking to you and join me tomorrow on my show at 12 to 2 p.m bahamas time 12 00 to 2 p.m we'll have the one and only mr andrew k coakley who wrote the book noise he's gonna be with us for the two hours my wife is gonna accompany me and we're gonna have 10 books 10 books that we're going to give away uh that my friend barbara the texas who who loved the book and decided to send 10 to give away i'm going to give away them uh tomorrow okay so join us and uh continue to pray my strength in the lord and i pray god's richest blessing over your life in jesus name amen and amen
Channel: Minister Kevin L A Ewing
Views: 21,792
Rating: 4.9370723 out of 5
Keywords: fasting, fasting study, prayer and fasting, prayer and fasting sermons, this kind by prayer and fasting, kevin l a ewing, minister kevin l a ewing, minister kevin ewing, spiritual warfare, in-depth bible study, kevin l a ewing live, kevin l a ewing fasting, spiritual insight, minister kevin l a ewing dreams, kevin ewing, deliverance, through knowledge shall the just, pastor kevin ewing, kevin ewing generational curses, christian youtube channels, laws of fasting in the bible
Id: LeNjAEwP8o0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 170min 12sec (10212 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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