Exploring The World Of Symbolic Dreams

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okay we're live all right first of all i apologize guys for coming on so late i i don't have to go through that right i tested all my stuff i always test my stuff prior to me coming on everything runs smoothly until it's time for me to come on so i just spent the last 30 minutes with my chrome browser telling me that it will not accept my camera feed so that's what i was uh challenged with but anyway it's good to see you guys and uh i'm gonna jump right into it tonight because so much times i've been wasted somebody was praying someone was praying and because i was praying also let me just make sure all of my numbers are up okay good so we're going to do we're going to wait for a little bit for some folks to come on in we got a 186. so we're gonna wait until we get to 500. our topic tonight exploring the world of dream symbols exploring the world of dream symbols and of course this is coming off of the heels of the teaching that uh myself and isaiah did the other night so i think it was uh fitting to come in uh well actually i did this teaching about wanted his teaching before i never completed part two so what i want to do is do like about a 30 30 to 40 minute just scriptures and then we're going to actually go into symbols the rest of the teaching is just going to be different symbols and there's a book here that i use a lot in my study i'm going to tell you about it later and that's the book that we're going to be using tonight in order to uh extract our symbols okay so we're just going to wait for everybody to come in we have 376 we're waiting for 300. all of you have emailed me and uh asked if i had a good vacation no i didn't have a good vacation i had an excellent vacation uh dj and i had a an awesome time it was it was rest that we we we really need it of course she didn't let me rest like i would have said in those posts this lady celebrates her birthday which is on the 21st of july she celebrates it from the 21st to the 31st so of course i have no sadia but to tag along so we're back safely thank god for you guys who've been praying for us again we had an excellent time i miss you guys i miss you guys and i couldn't wait to get back and of course you see i had a wonderful surprise for you on the first video a lot of you guys were asking for that collaboration and god saw it fit and it went off excellent i think the views on that video right now on facebook alone is almost 60 000 views so it was a it was an excellent excellent move of course we're going to be doing a lot more uh stuff together in the very near future i thank god for that connection and uh you guys are going to be well pleased with that so uh this teaching tonight exploring the world of dreams and what i want to definitely pair into because 95 of dreamers are symbolic dreamers where you know they see different signs and symbols in their dreams and the problem here is is that they do not know how to interpret it as a result of that it brings confusion to the dream and so much so that they dismiss the dream altogether because it becomes so perplexing so from the get-go we had 5-11 so we're starting now so from the get-go i want to make clear to you that uh whatever symbols that you see in your dream i want to be clear from the on from the from the get-go you are if the dream is from god you have what it takes to interpret the dream let me be clear that you have what it takes to interpret the dream and that's what we're going to get in tonight and what i what i really want to do this teaching is show you where you are responsible where stop trying to seek somebody to interpret your dream okay you are equipped if you are a child of god that is if you i believe of jesus christ if you have accepted jesus christ of yours as your savior one of the benefits one of millions of benefits that comes along with that is that you have the the the understanding of the mysteries that's being revealed to you uh in your dreams okay so tonight we're gonna explore that avenue just put this on the side here we're gonna explore that avenue so that by the time we're done with this teaching you would be able to interpret your own dreams now yes there'll be some dreams that are difficult to understand i get that piece there but for the most part the more if you take my simple advice like i've been telling you if you saturate yourself with the word of god if you consume this thing daily interpreting your dreams will be automatically why because you would have a better relationship with the word of god for the holy spirit now to speak to you okay so it's very very important let me put this up here it's very very important that you consume the word of god okay so i want us to go to matthew 13 and we're going to read from verse 1 2 13 remember this teaching is about symbols there are two types of dreamers they are the symbolic dreamers those who see signs and symbols in their dreams and then they are straight dreamers straight dreamers are those who however they dreamt it it is exactly how it plays out in life so if they dreamt they saw two people uh giving them a million dollars in the dream then more than likely two people will give them a million dollars in reality all right so for me i'm like a straight dreamer sometimes i'm sometimes a straight dream but for the most part i'm symbolic all right so let's go to matthew i hope you got your pens i'm gonna cram as much scriptures that i can within the next 30 minutes because i want to go straight into symbols but i want to give you an understanding as usual with my teaching so that you can walk away with an understanding here okay so matthew 13 i love this matthew 13 he said i miss you guys here i miss you a lot matthew 13 beginning at verse 1 and it says the same day went jesus out of the house and sat by the seaside and a great multitude sorry and great multitudes were gathered together unto him so that he which is jesus went into a ship and sat and the whole multitude stood on the shore this is going to be very very sweet okay they sat on the shore verse 3 of matthew 13. and he who is the he we need to know the characters in the story so we can get a complete understanding and he which is jesus spoke many things unto them who's the them the the multitudes of people that he's speaking to on the ship by the seashore and he spoke many things unto them in parables saying behold a sower then fought to sow now i want you to circle the word parable because this world parable is equivalent to a dream where a parable there are symbols and signs and things that represent something greater in fact it's a condensed version of the reality that has been spoken of i'm going to take my time tonight okay so matthew 13 verse 4 says and this is still jesus speaking and when he sowed jesus given a problem about the sower it says and when he sowed some seeds fell by the wayside and the fowls came and devoured them up verse 5 of matthew 13. some fell upon stony places where they had not much earth and fought with they sprung up because they had no deepness of earth or there wasn't much soil for them so they sprung up immediately or quickly chapter 6 of matthew 13 and when the sun was up they were scorched these were the seeds now he's talking about they were scorched and because they had no root they withered away verse 7 and some fell among thorns and the thorns sprung up and choked them and and other fell into good ground and brought forth some 100 fold some 64 and some 34 i always found that particular verse to be very interesting because what it's saying there in the good ground because they're giving you different grounds that these seeds were sown on but in verse 8 it's saying that even when good seeds were planted in good ground it didn't necessarily guarantee a hundredfold harvest as you would see here it says even while it was in good ground there were some that produced 64 34 and then there were some that produce a hundred fold but that's a different teaching we get another date verse 9 says jesus is speaking he says now who have heirs to hear let him hear basically what he's saying is that this story this parable this uh what i'm giving you now there's a revelation embedded in this all right now listen to verse 10. so now the disciples the disciples now came and said unto him unto who jesus because jesus is now giving this parable to the multitudes and the disciples said unto him look here why are you already speaking to these fellas in parables why don't you just talk to them straight or why don't you just give them straight dreams why are you always going to give these symbols and stuff listen jesus's response because it's not going to reflect what i said to you earlier if you are a believer of jesus christ if when i say believer you have accepted jesus christ and you're following his rules you're spending time in the scriptures you're listening to the word of god you're building your spirit mind through the word of god so verse 11 says he answered and said to them this is jesus speaking now because the disciples represent us those who believe jesus christ and we have accepted him so jesus is about to reveal something to them that the watch this so verse 11 he answered and said unto them because uh-huh because it is given circular word because the word given which comes from the word gift given would be the past tense of the word give so jesus is telling the disciples something that they already possess something that they already have okay let's be clear see let's read to understand that's what i like now let's just read over stuff let's get the understanding and now the story is going to make complete sense to us so in verse 11 of matthew 13 it says and sorry he answered and said unto them jesus that is because it is given unto you meaning the disciples plural listen listen to know to know what to know what mr jesus what is given unto us it is given unto you from who from god the father it is given unto us to know the mysteries of the kingdom of god listen now that's you those who believe in jesus christ that's you the disciples but let's talk about those who don't believe in god or those who on defense he says but to them there's a separation it is not given god did not give those who do not know him as lord and savior the revelation that he has given you and i to interpret the mysteries of god such as dreams such as prophecies and so on now why am i jumping out the blocks with this because this is again where maybe nice lazy christians have to actually do some work now see this is where you say why didn't you say oh i don't understand this dream let's make no muslim let me call kevin don't call me you got the mystery sir you you have what it takes to unravel the mystery so why don't you for once have faith in god and say god i'm not going to call kevin i'm going to border this man this man is a married man i got a whole family got four million people are asking him all day father you said that i have the mystery i have what it takes to unravel this mystery that you've given me in a dream or in a vision by faith lord reveal give me the understanding to unravel the mystery because you have it you have it that's like that's like that's like someone blessed me with ten thousand dollars and bless you with ten thousand dollars but you're coming to me for some of my ten thousand dollars is that right no it's not right um so the scriptures are clear the scripture says you the believer this is one of the like i say myriad of reasons if you are not a believer of jesus christ right now let this be just another incentive why you should come on board because now you begin to understand the spiritual rep when you begin to delve more into the word of god so jesus now did a separation of the groups meaning the disciples and the multitudes that he was speaking to that day while all are humans they are different as it relates to revelation of the mysteries of god or the kingdom of god all right so he says here because it is given god has already when you accepted god i've given you power i've given you knowledge i've given you understanding see by faith you must believe you have this already as opposed to you believing that someone has to anoint you someone have to pick you up do the somersault and body slam you and put you in the figure four or you gotta go to church for 400 years and wait for someone to break four bottles all over your head that's foolishness look read the scripture it is given the disciples represent us the believers it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom unless your bible reads different that's what i'm reading here he said but unto them because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven but to them it is not given so what is he saying this is why he's saying i have to speak to them in parables so even those of you are believers in jesus christ and you have the ability to unravel the mystery when you rely on god but you're not doing it and that's why it seems so confusing to you with the dream this makes no sense to me why would i have this room and i'm walking down the street and like the street is never ending it's just there's no end in sight which represents fruitlessness meaning that when you take that dream and compare to your life right now all right what is it that you're dealing with right now that's not producing any results so it's the same as you having a dream and you're walking on a road or or you're traveling a distance in a car but there is no end you're just driving driving all day and night driving driving so whatever efforts you're investing in something is fruitless it could be a relationship it could be a project it could be a partnership but the dream is now true symbols revealing to you that the end of this here is nothing that's going to manifest from it all right jump ahead myself let me reel myself back in so verse 12 now listen to verse 12. he says jesus speaking for whosoever have to him shall be given and he shall have more in abundance now let me explain it to you i'll use me as an example the more i share my gifts and my talents with you the more i operate and what i'm doing right now teaching breaking down the word to you spoon feeding it to you making sure you get an understanding jesus say you boy you gavin you and give you more the more you give and this is the this is a principle not just in knowledge but in everything in life the more i give out the more god is going to supernaturally give to me so that's why a lot of you are not growing in your faith because you're not distributing everywhere you look you're looking to take oh come come to interpret this dream for me oh you got a prophecy for me oh no you take your gift your talent and begin to disburse it i love this word freely i didn't read no price tag there no see many i ain't got it today okay he says for whosoever matthew 13 12 for whosoever have to him kevin you have the gift of interpretation you understand mysteries you have the gift of teaching you have the gift of wisdom you have the gift of knowledge you have the gift of counsel are you just sitting on them no what are you doing you're always giving the movie giving it away giving it away and what is happening to you as you give it away god replenishes you with more so if you want many of you playing oh god i want to know the deeper things of you well then give away what you got now if you want more to come to you you have to initiate the process of god giving to you by you giving away to other people freely let me be clear here freely not charging them freely do it that way i live in this and god will bless you you don't have to worry but oh i don't spend 20 20 hours of these people then give me a dollar don't worry about that don't you worry about that you just keep giving keep giving and god is going to replenish you so he says here for whosoever have to him shall be given this is a principle and he shall have more in abundance okay that's the group that's me that's my group now listen the other group who keep running to kevin for interpretation believers i talk about now not sinners because they don't have it wasn't given the mysteries weren't given to them talking about the believers now he says but whosoever have not from him shall be taken away even that would he have kevin i didn't want body oh lord i know i call you too much oh jesus oh lord oh lord forgive me for calling your name lord i just want you i know i haven't been to a couple of times but i just i just want you to interpret this one dream because this i was so scared last night of this dream i wake up sweating and my heart were oh lord i don't know kevin please tell me what this mean you are running the risk of having what was given to you okay as a benefit of being a believer of jesus christ you're running the risk of having this taken away from you by not putting in your own effort and making an attempt to interpret it on your own not only sorry not on your own by making an attempt to asking the holy spirit kevin is not the holy spirit but asking the holy spirit holy spirit help me with this and see when i tell you unless you all get mad at me stop putting your confidence in men stop putting your confidence in your pastor stop putting your confidence in me put your confidence in the word of god we are just directors whether it's the gift of teaching prophecy preaching whatever that's our role but our role is not to replace the holy spirit why because his job the holy spirit is to guide us into all truth you want to know the truth of your dream right so who are you going to come to kevin no i'm going to go to the holy spirit god never told me kevin is going to leave me dollar truth kevin is a teacher but when it comes to leading you into all truth that's the holy spirit when it comes to bringing to your remembrance the things that christ have said that's the holy spirit when it comes to convicting you of sin that's the holy spirit what was your job kevin to teach you and ultimately direct you to the holy spirit to god the father to jesus christ but i'm not your god i am not your god and then again i'm not trying to be uh abrasive i'm trying to i'm i'm i'm trying every moment i have to minister to people to redirect them to godliness trust me it is in everything that i do in ministry that is the most difficult thing in ministry for me in fact casting out devils is easier than trying to get a person to unhinge themselves from depending on another human being and pointing to jesus christ and depend on him that to me if i if someone would ask me kevin what is the most difficult thing you've ever experienced it wasn't poverty it wasn't backwardness it wasn't depression no all of those things was a joke compared to trying to convince a human who has been uh attached to their pastor apostle in such an unhealthy way that if this leader was still somehow whatever they don't know how to function so my job and i'm going to keep telling you this pointing you to the scriptures all right so watch this now he says but to those who don't have or don't use what they have what the little that they have shall be taken away from them so listen to verse 13. jesus is still speaking therefore he's saying he's explaining to them therefore speak i to them in parables i'm speaking to them in parables because they seeing see not and hearing they hear not neither do they understand so i'm speaking jesus is saying i'm speaking the mysteries of god but because they are not spiritually equipped to understand i'm talking but they don't see not physically seeing not physically hearing they don't understand the spiritual nature of what he is saying they don't hear spiritually what he's saying so this is why i cannot put enough emphasis on this you have to develop cut cut out instagram for at least a day cut out facebook cut out unless you listen to me cut up those stuff right and just say you know what let me spend an hour just reading i don't care whether i remember what i read or not let me spend an hour reading the bible okay you don't want to read let me put on a youtube teacher who i love and let me commit for the next 30 minutes to listen to this man or whoever see you have to apply yourself because like the scripture would have said you are running the risk of god taking from you what he originally gave you now people say all the time well one thing what for me for me god don't take it get away people like talk that foolishness you didn't read that judge it's not right what did you read you read to him that have not the little that he have is going to be taken away from who you think is going to take that away from it the one who gave it and i could give you multiple scriptures on this let's look at the scripture with the fellas with the talents when the master gave them talents and the one who didn't use it what happened it was commanded that it be taken away from the one who had the one talent and didn't use it and give it to the one who had five but multiply the five so don't tell me god wouldn't take it from you because the scriptures are unequivocally clear as to what happens to those who refuse to use their gifts and depend on other people and we have to break that and again i'm not putting down any preacher what i'm saying to you he or she is a preacher he or she is an apostle he or she is a teacher prophet prophetess bishop that's it they are not the mediator between you and god the every decent humble preacher of god their priority is to teach you to go to jesus anyone teaching you anything other than that is a devil because what they're doing is putting themselves in the place of god and that should not be right so with that said i want us to just revert to verse 11 of matthew 13 because we're going to go into a few more verses and they're going to wrap up here and go into the symbols jesus said listen carefully because it is given unto you disciples that's all of us who represent jesus christ god has already given us the mystery the word mystery also means secret to his kingdom and whatever he took the time to reveal to us inculcated with that is the excuse me is the embedded is the answer to it so i'm saying to you right now this is where you say god i had this dream or i had this flash of someone in front of me whatever you had whatever spiritual experience father if this is of you then reveal it to me i i believe by faith right now like jesus said to the disciples i it has been given to me the note to know the mysteries lord rev give me the answer what is the unveil this mystery to me now let me prove to you further that you have spiritual secrets in you you have spiritual answers to the mysteries that will be uh presented to you in the future whether it's a dream or whatever the case may be okay so let's look at let's look at psalms 25 verse 14 osaka psalms 25 14. and what does it say it says the secret of the lord or the mystery the secret of the lord is with them that what that fear him fairia means those that reverence him those that serve him those that honor him those that say this is my god the god of jacob the god of isaac the god of jake of abraham that is the god that i serve i don't serve molek polak or whoever else left i believe in the god so god says let me this another nugget here my read it here verse 14 this my secrets are with them again this is another prayer point father your word is very clear it says that the secrets are with me i don't have to come to kevin father kevin ain't no different from me you you did not discriminate as it relates to giving the secrets to your chosen and your chosen are those who've accepted you so he says the secret of the lord is with them that fear him and listen and he will show them his agreements or his covenants so god says i want to show you i want to reveal this to you but you have to make an effort stop depending on people make an effort let's look at another one let's look at proverbs 3 verse 32 proverbs 3 i told you get your pen i hope you got it because we got a lot of scriptures proverbs 3 verse 32 what is it says it says here for the forward which is the disobedient is an abomination to the lord uh-huh but listen to the second part of the scripture but his secret is with the righteous or the save or the just or the upright they're all synonymous with each other so if you are a believer of jesus christ the scriptures are clear i'm not making this up i'm not prophesying to you i am reading it from the scriptures he's saying here unless i can't read he's saying that the secret or the mysteries of god and it's a mystery because you just can't figure it out on your own i believe there are mysteries in my spirit man i believe that they are revelation that i've yet to encounter but as they present them that situation present themselves depending on my relationship with the holy spirit they're going to just come to me and let me give you an example of it i give you this example all the time whenever i'm ministering face to face with people a lot of people are impressed that i riddle scriptures verbatim calling the chapter the verse even telling me the comment that the dot the sorry the period is i always say to you i never once in my life sat down wrote down scriptures and rehearsed them over and over and over again never did never did i just i i was always a fanatic for the scriptures after i got saved and i always told you i love the old testament i love those stories so i i always got uh entrenched in just reading reading reading now i didn't know that while i was doing that i was activating a biblical principle okay whereby you know the bible says that the holy spirit will bring those things to remembrance that jesus said but i was doing my part i was reading what jesus said so every time i got into a conversation with someone we would talk about the things of god and whenever i make a reference the scriptures mysteriously would come to me the chapter and the verse and after i'm done dealing with these people i would walk away and i'm like how did that happen how how was i able to retain that in such detail it was in you bro was it you it was the holy you you did your part you read it you studied it you meditated upon a day and night so the holy spirit says hey god let's let's go kev and as you're talking the scriptures just come the scriptures just come so so the equivalent to that is when the dreams come when situation present itself in life because the mysteries of the kingdom is in you and if you're studying the word of god like i always tell you to do read the word of god play the word of god saturate yourself with the word of god trust me the mysteries are going to be unfold just like when i interpret a dream i don't know these people i don't know them from adam so they come to me and say kevin i don't know i had this dream last night and they gave me this long and listen they telling me the stream and i looking at them like like i like i know it but i'm looking at them like i hope you know more going with this dream because i can barely remember you just say honestly i'm not lying to you they gave me this 4.5 mile dream and i i barely could remember but when they're done and i begin to speak i mean it's almost as if a script it just comes out of me but what is coming out of me the mysteries that were already given the answers to these mysteries god gave them a mystery they don't understand it but here it is he's giving me the the but it was coming from though from god not me how do i know this because they say to me man of god you god is going to bless you you know nothing about what i'm dealing with right now because the symbols in the dream in no way was attached to what was going on in their life from a physical perspective but working along with the holy spirit and i'm just going through this person's life based on the dream now the person is in front of me weeping like a baby and i thought i did something what it is is the accuracy in what i told them but when i say i told them i was used by the spirit to tell them so what am i telling you i'm going to say it again you're going to hear me reiterate this you have to get immersed in the word of god stop playing church stop the form of godliness forget these jokers read the word you don't have to go to no church to read the word you don't have to be able to know pastor if you serious about god make a commitment the same way you could make a commitment to spend 4.6 million hours on instagram youtube twitter make a commitment with i am telling you from experience i wouldn't be where i am today if i wasn't a word lover anyway angry all tonight so so the scripture says here in uh proverbs 3 verse 25 part b it says but his who's his god's secret is with the righteous are you the righteous well have you accepted jesus christ you are the righteousness of god in christ jesus you're a qualifier for the righteous so therefore automatically you don't have to go on a fast for this you don't have to give your neighbor a high five you don't have to sow a seed you don't have to spin around and run your head into the pulpit backflip couple of times you don't have to buy the pasta suits and buy a mercedes benz send his children to college and boarding school in disney world you have to do none of that once you accepted jesus christ you become the righteous and this these are one of a myriad of benefits that comes along with it let's look at another scripture let's go to deuteronomy 29 verse 29 deuteronomy 29 lester 29 i love this one this is what it says the secret things belong unto the lord our god so would that mean kevin that means there are some things that some things god you will never know where did god come from you will never know that that's his secret you don't need to know that what would that what is that going to profit underneath it okay he said the secret things there are some things that god says i've reserved this just for me i'm not sharing this with nobody the sacred things belong unto the lord our god but i love this piece but those things which are revealed displayed or exposed belong unto us not only us and our children okay for a short period of time no he says forever so there are secrets just like we would have read in matthew 13 i think that's verse 11 something around here it has already been given to us so he's referring to this right here not just you but your seed so all god is waiting on us for them to accept jesus christ to qualify them as recipients of this free gift of the mysteries of god scripture the sacred things belong unto the lord our god deuteronomy 29 verse 29 but those things which are revealed those things that have released to us belong unto us and our children forever why is he giving this to us and this is why i love this passage why why are you giving this to us god so we can look smart and intelligent he says it's for us and our children forever that we listen to this now that we may do all the words of the law of this law now this this is so sweet i love this you know the scripture is saying yeah this scripture is saying and this is why you need to know the mystery without this mystery without the mysteries of god you applying them and using them and putting them to use it's going to be difficult for you for you to do some things that the bible is telling you to do because it requires the unfolding of the mystery that god has given you if you choose to use it so now you could see where people could come up with their own gospels and own doctrines and and go into the the the shepherding stuff and all this father spiritual father spiritual cousin and uncle and nephew all our foolishness why they they're not interested in the mysteries they're interested in an organization a little club that's what they're interested in but when you tap into this right here when you say boy you know what this dude making some sense here lord please let me i need more of you let me make a commitment to read the word let me make a commitment i cutting off these people from around me i don't know well yeah nobody but no foolish there's no negative garbage i will here with god because there's some nuggets in this thing that from what i'm reading here and what this kevin dude is telling me he's saying to me that if that the mysteries of god is going to assist me in doing the will of god which is the word of god which is his losses rules his principles and so on and outside of that i'm incapable of fulfilling the law let me be clear people write me on this all the time but kevin when you say the law you mean the ten commandments you mean like the sabbath no what i mean is from genesis to revelation i will be clear again whenever i use the terms the laws of god i am not just singly talking about the ceremonies in the old testament the killing of rams and goat and so on i am talking with from from whatever applies to us from genesis all the way to revelation so we're going to discuss that no further all right so he says here the secret things belong to the lord our god but those things which are revealed belong to us and to our children forever so that we may be able to fulfill or do the law okay now let's go to amos chapter 3 verse 7. amos chapter 3 verse 7. what does this say here surely the lord god will do nothing he wouldn't allow nothing to happen in this earth nothing to go down in this earth except he reveal display or expose his secret unto his servant the righteous the just the upright his servants the prophets so god says listen i'm so serious with the secret stuff that listen when certain dispensations or time come for certain things to be revered i'm not gonna just trot on you haphazardly i'm gonna reveal these mysteries to my servants specifically my prophets true prophets not these prophets not the so see prophet stay away from so see any prophet who tell you so in this life for god to release call the police have him jailed and executed immediately we don't need no evidence shot straight on point don't have none to say to them the true prophet of god will reveal the heart of god that god has given him which is the secrets of god without any uh financial uh demands on you okay let's be clear there so image 3 and 7 says that god will not allow anything to happen in the unless he reveals it to his prophets very clear all right now let's look at the last one here now and then we're going to wrap up with two more scriptures and be over here first corinthians and that's why i love it already let's go to first corinthians chapter two and we're gonna read from verse six to verse fifteen i love this this is one of one of my many favorite scriptures of the bible i love this first corinthians chapter 2 verse 6. howbeit or however we speak and this is paul now speaking to the church of corinth however we speak wisdom among them that are perfect not perfect as in they never made mistake but those who have accepted christ why because we are made the righteousness of god in christ jesus nothing that we did to become righteous but because of what he did has made us righteous i love that yeah how beard we speak among so we speak wisdom among them that are perfect or complete or safe yet not the wisdom of the world so clearly he is saying there are two types of wisdom i did a teaching on this before there's the world wisdom and then there's godly wisdom which is wisdom from god he said wisdom of the world law of the prince of this world that came to naught or to zero verse seven of first corinthians two but we this is paul speaking but we speak the wisdom of god in a who in a what in a mystery in a secret but where did he get it from paul from god all of us have it who are righteous you read that earlier but we speak the wisdom of god in a mystery even the hidden wisdom which god listened when but when did he ordainess god ordained this secret this wisdom this mystery before sorry which god ordained before the world unto his glory listen to verse 8 of first corinthians 2 which none of the princes of this world knew for had they known had they known it they would not have crucified the lord of glory now i will be clear now when you talk about the princes of this world and when you think you're talking about prince charles and those type prince no no no no prince as in principalities because remember principality is just a position that a prince holds so we talk about the spiritual principle okay like back then daniel 10 the prince of greece and the prince of persia they are not humans but that's another teaching we can go on another time and we get into some deeper spiritual warfare stuff okay so he says here now in verse nine listen but it is sorry but as it is written as it is written eyes have not seen nor air heard neither have entered into the hearts of men the things which god had prepared for them that love him now he says as it is written because isaiah prophesied this in the book of isaiah prior to paul reiterating this both of them are saying that they think secrets again that god has prepared for you that you couldn't possibly imagine this is aside from the mysteries you know that's why i tell you accepting jesus christ there are bundles of packages and reward programs and so on that people think christianity is just boring because those who present it is make it makes it boring but the reality is this if you read the book then you won't have to worry about what they're saying because you will see what the reward packages are once you do the will of god once you follow the rules the principles of god very clear so he says eyes have not seen ears have not heard nor has it entered into the hearts of men the things that god has prepared i like that meaning that it's already done to prepare something meaning that you you're making provisions well in advance of the actual event oh i love that i love that i love it so the scriptures are clear very clear god ain't getting ready to do nothing people like to say that no no no no he waiting on you you need to get ready to receive what he has already prepared i love it oh i love this is a good night let me count now come on kevin anyway first 10 of uh first corinthians 2 but god watch how he's going to reveal what i have not seen heirs have not heard nor has these things entered into our hearts as yet watch how he's going to reveal it in verse 10 but god had revealed them uh-huh unto us by his spirit hello hello by his spirit so you see why i tell you you have to get into the word of god because the word of god is god in the beginning was the word in the word was with god and the word was god and the word was with god you see why i keep pushing you back to the bible you see why i keep giving you scripture in order for you to get them to understand the mystery in order for you to get all of the rewards program that comes along with following the rules of the scriptures you have to divulge you have to immerse you have to gorge on the word of god whether you're listening to it whether you're reading it whether you're reciting it this is how you build your spirit man this is how you have true and full unlimited access to the mysteries of god you know when i was a part of the the organized church program right which i'm not a part of anymore buildings i'm talking about and they're systems i am the body i'm a part of the body of christ which is a living organism let's be clear there when i was a part of that i i i can remember being in certain conventions and conferences and when a particular prophet or someone would come down you would have i mean hundreds of people coming to see the prophet because they want a word from god they want a word from the man of god they want a prophecy right and that always got me because i'm like but you have a bible you sure you want a word from god or you want a word from this man now i'm not saying that the man cannot bring a word of god listen what i'm saying here i'm saying to you why don't you have that enthusiasm when it's time to pick up your bible why when you say why can't i wait to get home i used to be like actually i can't wait to get home because i will read that solomon fella i will read about the 700 wives i will read about the wealth that he had i want this elijah fella who when he died and the the soldier who fell in his grave and and became alive and i i am excited to go and read about that why why are you not like that why when the prophet come and you you you go and buy your your best to go there with four billion dollars and one bag is safe because you will give all the seed to the prophet why you don't have that same enthusiasm and it's time to go and read your bible because if according to you you want to hear from god you need a word from god about this marriage you need a word of god about your promotion you need a word of god about your children and you need a word of god about this man you want to marry this woman you want to marry why don't you pick up your ba what is the bible not the word of god don't get mad at me get mad with the scriptures all right so that's why i tell you i left that man all that garbage i leave in the bag that i some assaulting for nobody yes i love to hear teachers i love teachers i hook on no prophecy that they are real don't get me wrong prophecies are real but what i'm saying to you what gets me excited is the word of god let me just in a nutshell to me you give me that word buddy lucky i don't need to hear from this dude because god is going to speak to me clearly directly you see a prophet a teacher and so on they just mediators you know you won't go to the direct source go to the bible let me bring you guys so look here let's go back here now verse 10 says but god had revealed these things that he has already prepared for us he's revealing them through your spirit so that's we come back with the dream now all right a lot of people have seen their wives and husband in their dreams you know see god is revealing what heirs have not heard and eyes have not seen nor has it been conceived and they had that one day you're going to marry this person radio you don't know that but god says i'm going to reveal it by my spirit though but in order for you to really get it clearly you have to be connected to me 24 7. you have to be meditating on my word day and night then shall you be successful then shall you have uh be prosperous and have good success meaning in every area of your life you have to have that relationship you just get the relationship just can't be when you want something oh god i need i need twenty dollars right now oh jesus lord turn it around lord oh lord let some touch somebody ah jesus bring the money to me and as soon as you get that money i don't want nothing to do jesus two days later you broke jesus lord oh lord i know i've been to you in the last four million years but i need you now jesus no it shouldn't be like that your relationship with god should be consistent consistent in the sense that god is my eternal source i love kevin i love my apostle i love my pastor but they can never come before my god that's the attitude i want you to take that's the attitude you should have okay now people who are idol worshipers of these people they will take what i say interested and say oh he's turning people from god we're not talking about them we're trying to bring the right balance to you as a believer so he says he's going to reveal this thing by his spirit for the spirit the spirit that's a capitalist the spirit of god searching all things yeah the deep things of god verse 11 of first corinthians two for what man knoweth the things sorry for what man know the things of a man save or accept the spirit of man which is in him even so the things of god know it no man but the spirit of god so what he's saying he's only reiterating what he said earlier what whatever god got for you he's going to reveal it through his spirit okay whatever he before you met that husband before when i told you about my promotion of my job before i got that promotion i didn't even know in fact they didn't even have no openings for no promotion yet i was having the dreams of me being promoted on my job i was a courier at fedex but i'm still at fedex but i'm having dreams but i'm dressed in suits and ties and having meetings with with ceos and supervisors and bosses and so on and i was confused this don't make no sense but of course this is promotion so what god is doing it through my dream he's revealing what that what i have not seen i love this but no one has told me i didn't see this i had no knowledge my no no way in the world you could tell me i was gonna get that kind of promotion i would have never believed you but god says i'm gonna reveal it to you through my spirit then i have friends who are excellent in the prophetic call me kevin had a dream with you last night buddy i don't know what's going on with you i don't know what god doing but i i see you still at vedic's you're not a curry anymore i see you wearing suits i don't know if you can be the boss because most of them is going to become the boss and i was like no i can't have me but anyway things unfold and just how they saw it in the spiritual realm the way i saw it in spiritual is exactly the way that the panned out so i'm saying to you that many of you right now who begging and pleading with god for stuff god already showed you know but you don't read the word you don't saturate yourself but you know you don't put yourself in a position to hear the true word of god you like routine and tradition and garbage so therefore jesus said hey very clear those who subscribe to tradition then the word of god will be of no effect to you and you need that to reveal the mysteries to you that you already have you need the word of god so he goes on to say here verse 12. now we have received i love this now we have received not the spirit of the world this is key we have not received we have not received the spirit of the world but the spirit which is of god so they're clearly i always tell you this the spiritual realm they're two forces so god is saying as a believer who now has the mystery the spirit that is upon you to to to expose to reveal to give you the insight is not the spirit of the world so you should not be taking things of the world and mixing it with the things of god no no no that's why he said you cannot serve two masters pick whom you're going to serve and this part of this teaching is key now where we're about to go before we end this and go directly into the symbols this is key because with dream interpretation there are only two sources it's going to come from and this scripture is initiating that let's read it again verse 12 of first corinthians 2. now we we whose this we we the believers of jesus christ be the righteous the upright the just now we have received not we have received not the spirit of the world we have not received god did not give us worldly wisdom god did not give us fleshly stuff no we gotta upgrade now now we have received not the spirit of the world instead instead the spirit which is of god listen listen carefully that we uh might know the things that uh what is that word again freely freely no seed here that we may know the things that are freely given to us of god i love y'all reading this i will be all reading i hope you're taking these notes down you know write these scriptures down go over them and i'm done with you he said he did not i did not give you this begging seed spirit i did not give you this this merchandising spirit that did not come from me because i told you whatever i'm going to do with you whatever i'm going to read i'm going to reveal it through my spirit to you now again where it's a dream prophecy and there's no way i see any sub-clause and the one who's gonna i'm gonna reveal it to you is gonna charge you for it i don't i didn't see that i didn't read that now maybe it's in your bible and you know what my stance is on that right if it's in your bible you need to burn that bible and get it out of your possession i am reading here verse 12 a first corinthians 2 is a very powerful and informative passage of scripture to these crooks who always charge and you see it for everything in your life okay every one of them should read this it says now we have received now let's look at that good there are no parenthesis there's no sub-clauses there there's no nothing paragraph six refer to voice nine that says you're gonna receive but you gotta pay something no i didn't read that there i am reading now we we the believers have received not the spirit of the world but the spirit which is of god why is god giving us the spirit of him and discounting the spirit of the world because he don't want you to do it like the world very simple very simple very simple i said you there's nothing wrong with giving a preacher if you want bless a preacher if you want bless a church or whatever there is absolutely nothing wrong with that what is wrong is when the preacher the apostle the prophet is the whoever is teaching the free word of god and demanding to to you that if you want the word to be activated if you want god to do what he say he promised in this word then you have to activate it by giving a seed the devil is a liar the devil is a liar the devil is a liar yesterday i was uh called to to come pray for a person business establishment and my wife and i went down there with some olive oil we prayed come to get an agreement did our thing annoying the place and let god do what he intended to do with this person with their business and by faith we believe that'll be done and the person that we did with shared a story with us that when they were literally originally doing uh their business not this time but in another location they had asked a particular pastor to come and pray for the police and so they had to do and the pastor said that now they will have to give a seed yeah you'll have to give a seed because i prayed so the person gave them some funds and the pastor told them that's not sufficient and when when the person told me that listen to me i don't think y'all could ever imagine how angry i become when i hear stuff like that and that's why i preach on it so much see here is why it angers me and why it means so much to me because there are people who are just coming into the fate who are not as advanced as you and i and when they see stuff like that and things don't pan out after they gave their money see you're still reverting to the things of the world the world say you want this you want well you got to pay for it god says i'm going to reveal it to my spirit so it's difficult for them to have faith in god and rely on the spirit of god then the the example said of the preacher is telling them oh no you got to pay for it oh you want me to come and pray for your mom who's dying from cancer um what stages is she stage four okay stage four although where's my tariff here stage four this ain't looking good stage four can cost you two thousand dollars uh that's for consultation okay now if you need me to come to the hospital and actually put my hand on your mummy i give you a prophetic discount i don't know but let's see say no no no no you should run away from a place like that you should call the police for them casino prophets exactly that's exactly where they are and i keep saying i can never stop beating them in the ground because it is polluting the system of our lord and savior jesus christ the system is faith the system is listen i don't i'm not depending on you to give me no money i'm not depending on you too god is responsible for meeting my needs where did he pick you to do it or he picked someone in timbuktu to do it but i'm not depending that if you call me the minister you call me to pray for your place you tell me come pray for your child and i must come there with an invoice oh man you should be flogged it's this is it's this god says i did not give you the spirit of the world why do you think he said it here in verse 11 of first corinthians 2 he says i've given you my spirit the spirit of god and whatever i reveal to you i'm going to do it spiritually anyway let me calm down because these people just just peel me right off all right so verse 12 says now we have received not the spirit of the world but the spirit which is of god that we might know the things which are freely given to us by god which thinks also we speak not in the words listen which man's wisdom teach it like sowing seed for god to do miracles but which the holy spirit teach it and how is he doing this comparing spiritual things with spiritual things but that make perfect sense why because in the earlier earlier part of this chapter god says listen eyes have not seen ears have not heard nor has it entered into the hearts of man the things that i've prepared for you already however though i'm going to reveal it to you via my spirit so he says to know this would is of me compare spiritual things with spiritual things so what that mean my word is spiritual so whatever is coming at you then you look at my word as a benchmark to see if what if what is coming at you is lining up with my word verse 14 verse 14 of first corinthians 2 says but but the natural man the ungenerated man the the cinnamon or the colonel man the one who is charging you every time he you need him to pray for you you need him to to come and anoint something he come in with an invoice voice he needs you to sign this voice he needs you to be a covenant pardon and all this garbage all this witchcraft he do it that's who he is in verse 14 but the natural man received not the things of the spirit of god he isn't interested in them receiving other things of the spirit of god for they are foolishness now look here you know what he's saying now you make me ride all the way down here i don't use this my time that's my gas and these corn and my foot right now hurt me with these tight uh snake skin shoes you gotta come up with something okay i hate to break it to you that way but i can need some seat up in here okay oh my god gotta punish these boots so he says but the natural man received not the things of the spirit of god for the for they are foolishness don't tell me younger people see it he said if you ain't gonna pay seed for this blessing i just put here that's nonsense god says because he's natural that's why it's nonsense to him he have no faith that i god will bless him but the natural man received not the things of the spirit of god for they are foolishness unto him neither can he know them why because they are spiritually deserved so what is the scripture saying that man nothing that he's doing is spiritual what he's doing is a form of godliness what he's doing as a performance but all of the godly frills on it but from the core have everything to do with him and how much he could get out of this deal okay so with that said we can look at these last two scriptures okay these last two scriptures all right so i said to you in sorry in first corinthians chapter two how the bible says here that god is going to reveal things to us through his spirit and of course we're dealing with uh dream symbols here so what god is revealing to us the symbols and so on which is the mystery he's going to now expose or bring clarity to them but it's going to be done spiritually and for that to happen it we have to become acquainted uh and attach to the word of god devour it because so so that the interpretation will just flow with us we don't have to be scratching our head the holy spirit can speak clearly why because the word of god is in us because our spirit mind is being fed it's not malnourished so when the dream come whether it's our own dream or somebody come to us with a dream or we would have overheard a dream the revelation i'm telling you i i live what i'm telling you right now the revelation are going to just come the words are going to just come it's just like a prophet when a prophet could look at a true prophet let me be clear there a prophet a true prophet could look at a person and say the lord is saying x y z and the person who doesn't know the prophet and the prophet don't know them well the prophet said like how would he know that because the spirit of god the same spirit the holy spirit that gives the gifts the spirit is speaking through this man right now i don't need to know nothing about you the spirit does so the spirit will use me or whomever to speak to you this is the word of god so with that said it brings us to this point in this teaching dream interpretation it only has two sources it's either coming from the kingdom of god or the kingdom of darkness very clear how are we going to know it's from the kingdom of god let me go right back to the same chapter i just came from first corinthians chapter 2 where it says but god had revealed the things that we have not seen unheard or have in our heart that god has already prepared for us because that's what the dreams are all about i told you this in my last teaching uh yesterday two days ago i said to you very clearly i said listen two reasons for the dream one to establish covenants in the dream or if not to show you give you peel back the curtains of the spiritual world and let you see the events are already prepared either by the kingdom of darkness or the kingdom of light so you're getting a peak a sneak peak of what is already pending is seeking agreement in most cases not all to make you agree to manifest its will in the earth and the earth okay so two sources this is why you need to know kevin the source of interpretation does not come from me or anyone who claimed to be a dream interpreter no the source if it's from if it's of god comes from god if they're dealing with evil powers it's coming from the kingdom of darkness so the kingdom of darkness have their familiar spirits and their uh uh what they call themselves says and so on to interpret omens and dreams and so on so there's only two places they're gonna come but we're gonna prove that right now okay so let's go to genesis chapter 40 and let's look at verse uh verse eight genesis chapter four they're gonna quickly run to this because i really want to get to these symbols genesis chapter 40 and let's look at verse eight listen to what verse eight says all right all right and this is where the remember when j when our joseph was thrown into prison right and he met these two guys one was the baker and one was the alma barrel and both of them had dreams and he relayed the dream to them one of them would have died the other one would live that was the end result of the dream right so uh a couple what do you mean the story is not going to pick up from there so genesis chapter 40 verse it says and they said unto him we have dream well actually this is a story about these two guys we have dreamed a dream this is the butler and this is the the baker pharaoh's butler pharaoh's baker they offended pharaoh which was the king of israel and he cast them into prison so all of them are in prison with joseph at this time so they were told but joseph went to them asked him what their problem was they said they had these these two horrific dreams so verse 8 of genesis 40 says and they said unto him the two guys butler baker said to joseph we have dreamed a dream and there is no interpreter of it so listen joseph's response and joseph said unto them who's the name the butler and the baker do not is questioning them do not interpretation belonging to god you see that right so you see what i said to you he said i've been telling you all along right see yes i'm a dream interpreter i do that that's a part of many gifts that i have but the source of the interpretation don't come from me i'm just a vessel and if the spirit of god decided to descend on me to reveal it to you then that's what i do because there are many times people come to me to interpret dream and i don't know what they're talking about i don't know and i would tell them that and i'm not going to lie to them i am getting nothing here i don't know the spirit the spirit of the lord is there's nothing unless you make something up which i will not do but there's nothing coming from me so joseph tell them now hey don't get mixed up don't get confused here yes i do interpret dream but let's be clear don't all dreams come from god meaning that the godly ones of course so he says here and joseph said unto them do not interpretation belonging to god then he said tell me them i pray you but he preempt everything by being clear to them don't when i reveal these dreams you don't set up no shrine and put joseph on it and come bow and kiss my pinky finger and worship joseph because he gave you no no no no no no no that's where a lot of preachers go wrong with their gifts shut these people down don't let these people become attached to you by the buttocks and believe that they cannot exist without you that's idolatry shut that down don't try it out i will interpret one or two dreams for you but don't cut me every minute like oh god no no no oh god you get from rania go read your bible like i had to do to activate what i have to try that so watch this now let's look at another one let's go to the next chapter 41. this is the one with pharaoh now so we're going to read genesis 41 verses 15 to verse 16. listen to this and pharaoh said unto joseph so joseph has now been summonsed because the one of the guys who survived of the two men who had offended pharaoh the bottle and the baker i don't remember which one that lived it's all whoever know could put it in the feed there but anyway the one that lived heard these dreams that pharaoh had so he said hey pharaoh listen i know this dude okay i know it's two years now i promised him that hey look here if you hook me up i can let you tell no but him but anyway he this dude is in derby dreams so pharaoh went and called summons joseph they cleaned them up and brought him before pharaoh so this is where we now take it from verse 15 of genesis 41. and joseph answered pharaoh sorry verse 15 and pharaoh said unto joseph i have dreamed a dream and there is none that can interpret it and i have heard say of thee that thou callest understand a dream to interpret it watch out joseph is going to respond to him in verse 16 of genesis 41 and joseph answered pharaoh saying is it not in me sorry it is not in me god shall give pharaoh the answer of peace i listen i to me that is the epitome of humility listen anybody who knows me anybody who who friends with me will tell you i detest arrogant people i i there are many invitations i turned down because the preacher was arrogant i cannot take it i cannot personally believe that that they're the gospel like that they're the gift i i i wherever i see there is a lack of humility this is a place i need to be making my exit i can't take it so here it is in both instances all right he's making them known do not worship me do i'm about to reveal some stuff to you but i want you to be clear here this is not coming from me it's coming out of me but within me the spirit of the living god is speaking this is using me to speak this this this i i'm not going from here i'm not going to call myself the super dream interp the dream interpreter i'm not going to call myself boss interpreter master interpreter interpreter of all the nation's garbage that's arrogance that's that's pompous that's that's a person who was self-absorbed and kevin i can't deal with that but i can tell you my many many situations i walk away from because i cannot take a person who don't have a hint of humility get on here i don't hear you no more so he says let me be clear mr pharaoh i know you run everything up in here but you don't run this part of what's going on here god run the show here now whatever god release in me if he decide to do it then let it be but i can tell you now i i ain't making god so in both cases with the pharaoh and with the two guys who had the dream uh joseph made it very clear god is the one god and god alone is where dream interpretation or understanding comes from now whoever he uses whether it's a kevin whether it's a joseph or whoever let's be clear they are just vessels they're just vessels fulfilling what god wants to release via his spirit the spirit of interpretation to the person that you're revealing the dream to let's be super clear on that okay so with that said okay let's go to let's go to dreams from dream interpretation that comes from from from satan so let's go to daniel chapter 2 because i told you i promised you there were two sources right daniel chapter two and we're gonna read from verse one to verse eleven because they're two sources they're two that's two listen they're two opposing forces not three not four in the spiritual realm two the kingdom of darkness and the kingdom of light unfortunately the kingdom of darkness mimic the kingdom of light okay so whatever god does satan makes a a replica of it right so let's go to daniel chapter two we're gonna read from verse one to verse eleven so listen what it says and in the second year of the reign of nebuchadnezzar nebuchadnezzar dream dreamed dreams wherewith his spirit was troubled and his sleep break from him verse 2 of daniel 2. then the king commanded to call the magicians this is interesting the magicians and the astrologers and the sorceress and the chaldees now why is he calling them because they served idol they got information uh from uh the kingdom of darkness through their chance through their idols through their talisman through their charms and all these other things so clearly they weren't nebulous and his his spiritual informers did not serve the god of abraham it's very clear here in the scripture so watch this verse 2 says then the king commanded to call the magicians and the astrologers and the sorceress and the chaldeans for to show the king his dreams so they came and stood before the king so in so much words what do you see in the spirit sorcerer what do you see in the spirit uh magician and so on verse 3 says and the king said unto them i have dreamed a dream and my spirit was troubled to know the dream then spoke the childish to the king and sirec o king live forever tell thy servants the dream and we will show the interpretation so what are they saying tell us the dream so we could consult with the god small g and now they could give us what the interpretation mean now if that had happened two things would have happened either they were lying what they were going to say or the dream was of a satanic nature and now the kingdom of darkness giving the meaning to what is being revealed to pharaoh so this is why it's important to again be aligned with your scriptures not every dream is from god let's be clear now the bible says to us i think in second uh second corinthians 11 14 marvel not for even satan himself is able to masquerade or transform into an angel of light so that means he has the ability to show up in your dream and pray pretending to be an angel how would you know the difference if you're not aligned with the word of god and only would the prophet tell you so this is why it's important to know the word of god so watch what he says here next he says then spoke the child leads to the king of syria o king live forever tell thy servant the dream and we will show the interpretation verse 5. the king answered and said to the chaldeans the thing is gone from me if ye will not make known unto me the dream meaning tell me what i dream even though i don't remember it just do not play if he will not make known unto me the dream with the interpretation thereof you shall be cut in pieces and your houses shall be made a dunghill wow but if ye show the dream and the interpretation thereof you shall receive of me gifts and rewards and great honor therefore show me the dream and the interpretation thereof verse 7 of daniel 2 they answered the king and said let the king tell his servants the dream and we will show the interpretation of it the king answered and said i know of a certain that ye would gain the time because ye see the thing is gone from me but if ye will not make noon unto me the dream there is but one decree for you for ye have prepared for you for ye have prepared lying in corrupt words to speak before me till the time be changed therefore tell me the dream and i shall know that ye can show me the interpretation day of listen to verse 10 very carefully because we're going to seek a source now so verse 10 says the chaldeans answered the king and said listen carefully there is not a man upon the earth that can show the king's motto therefore there is no king lord no ruler that asks such things at any magician or astrologer or chaldean listen to verse 11. and it is a rare thing that the king required and there is none other that can show it before the king except listen the source except the gods that's what a small g so he says would you seeking because that's what they're dealing with the astrologers and the chaldees and the the magicians the only person who could the source where we can get this from because even they themselves are saying yeah we we are the chaldeans and we know witchcraft workers and so on but king i can be real with you all we are are tools that the devil using that's basically what they're saying because they're saying there's nobody the only the gods would notice only the demonic spiritual beings would know this dream that you had so they're confirming what i told you said your earlier that the two sources as it relates to dream interpretation their dreams from god and their dreams from the devil and wherever they're coming from for example if you accept that one the dream that came to you from a satanic background then it's more than like you could go to some suit saying so when i had this dream last night and you know they can give you all the revelation on it but that's not coming from god that's what i'm saying to you so you see why you got to be so careful so careful when you uh dealing with the worlds of dreams and so on and who you go to that for interpretation and the first thing you need to look at are these people i'm coming to bible base are they filled with the spirit of god they claim to be revealers of dreams and interpreters but this person seems so secular and someone they don't read their bible they don't go they don't they do nothing with god but they claim to be safe so all of that there are red flags to you because they could be giving you an interpretation and let's say it was a dream from god that is far it's it's total deception he says here uh there is no king this verse 10 lord or ruler that asking such things as any magician or astral or all chaldeans and it is a rare thing that the king required and there is none other that can show before the king except the gods whose dwelling is not with flesh for this course the king was angry and very fierce and commanded to destroy all the wise men of babylon right but anyway going back to this now this is powerful because let me show you another revelation in this and this is how you know the power with sponsors and support the astrologers the sorcerer and the magicians are limited so what the child dean said listen this is a very unusual thing that you're requesting because we have to know what the dream is so we could take it back to the spirits or the gods small g and they will in turn give us an interpretation but for us to know what you dream and then interpret it he said no human could do that really really now but daniel god could do it because daniel god if you read and i tell you take the time to read the entire story daniel god the god of abraham isaac and jacob will not only reveal the dream but give the interpretation of the dream okay with that said let's go now to daniel 2 and we're going to read from verse 26 to verse 28 then we can drop to verse 47. so let's go to daniel we still have daniel 2 so let's go to verse 26. so verse 26 says the king answered and said to daniel whose name was beltanja this is what daniel was called under the babylonian captivity by nebuchadnezzar he's called beltanja not daniel right he says are thou able to make noon unto me the dream which i have seen and the interpretation thereof listen to daniel does he sound like my boy joseph verse 27 of daniel 2 says daniel answered in the presence of the king and said the secret that's what he's talking about the mystery he said the secret i love this yeah boy i love this the secret which the king had demanded cannot the wise man the astrologers and the magicians and the soothsayer show unto the king i thought this was your right hand people i know this was your spiritual intelligence bank over here they can't do it so verse 8 verse 28 of daniel 2 says daniel says but there is a god in heaven that reveal its secrets i love it and make it known to the king nebuchadnezzar what shall be in the latter days thy dream and division of the head upon the bed are these then he goes into it so you see what he's saying he's telling you everything i've been preaching to you for years daniel is saying god could reveal it but listen what he's saying god is going to reveal this isn't this what i always tell you about dreams he's going to pull back the spiritual curtain to give you a peek in the spiritual world to see an excerpt of the things that are pending or like you say here the things that have to come so dreams are showing you because the spiritual world is where everything is originated where everything is manufactured that is where everything is created however to get here comes through they must come through covenant or what god has already ordained already so in any event it's showing you see the spiritual world is the real world this one you see here this is temporary this will all fade away this will all be for the fire the real world which every one of us will have to go back to at the end of our tenure on earth we are going back to the eternal world where we came from all right don't get hooked up on this earth here you ever you see people dying every day you have a tenure here once that up and you punch your card to clock out you clock out for eternity you're going back into the spiritual world so our lives our lives have there's been a a destiny set by god that if we obey the rules of his word we will fulfill our destiny we will complete our tenure and assignment here so as we move in life remember we read in in first corinthians two he says now eyes have not seen heirs have not heard nor has it entered into the hearts of men the things i have pending for you the things i have prepared for you but i god will reveal these things through my s through my spirit to you and in most cases i'm gonna reveal it symbolically i'm gonna give you the symbols why i'm not giving it to you like i'm giving a test that i never taught you to to prepare for no and when you accepted me i've given you the keys the mystery the the information to unravel the mystery that is now going to show you this is what's about to happen this person is going to come in your life this is the job i want you to go on this the person i want you to marry don't i'm showing you this person here who you in love with now you all have a relationship now but every time you have a dream there's something negative about this person they're cheating on you they're lying to you they're undermining you they're talking behind your back in the dream but in reality they're the most loving person ever eyes have not seen er i am showing you what you didn't know i'm revealing it to you through my spirit but if you don't have a relationship with my word on me it's gonna be difficult for you to understand it so what are you gonna do now you're gonna you're gonna move from the spirit of god back to the spirit of the world oh he cute he said he he was safe for two hours my god i could see the spirit on him the spirit of the see you and all lusts up here this this all here is you are literally signing a contract like i always tell you if you plan to marry this person whom god has been revealing to you do not marry them if you marry them before you go to the wedding tell the preacher when you bring the marriage registry bring the divorce paper at the same time because i get needle let me just cut through this chase and let me just sign off and i'll do this one time because both of them are going to happen but god is showing boy lucky i'm talking to somebody tonight you know god is showing you somebody need to hear me god what you see here is not what it is whether it's a home you're about to buy whether it's a car you about to purchase whether it's a person you're about to say i do to wreath go back to the source which is god and say god you have given me the mystery i know it has been given to me already lord make it clear to me is this the person i'm supposed to spend the rest of my life with is this the person you want me to be involved with father please remove anything from me that will make me try to negotiate trying to stick with a decision that's going to cause me all kinds of problems in the future talking to somebody i'm talking to you tonight buddy you don't gotta take my advice you're gonna take my advice run with it ask god god is this job for me is this home boy for me is this girl i love her she cute i love him he got bored legs and a round face and jerry curl i like all that but is this for me is this for me jesus because god if this isn't for me please kick this dude so far from here all right the police are going to give him a speeding ticket get him get her okay because what what you will be signing on to right now listen take god at his word amos three and seven he says kevin mary sue janice everyone listen to me i will not allow nothing in this world unless i can reveal it to you first how am i going to reveal it through my spirit i've been telling you all along cut this thing off this is going to bring heartache this is going to bring pain this is going to bring unnecessary damage that was never part of your destiny do not cover it with this do not go with this leave it alone but he's so cute jesus and and i could make him get safe oh how many times have jesus heard this run to the hills from whence come with your help cut it loose cut it whatever got you tied down sex bowl legs uh it's two eyebrows joining together all our superficial garbage run to the hills from it's coming to help because the invoice you are about to be recipient of at the end of this fruitless journey you can wish you'd listen to me today i'm talking to somebody you didn't come on this line you come on here for dreams here you come for drink you get a little bonus here tonight run to the hills romance come with your help run listen to mia i always tell my friends this when they come for consulting about relationship no human being who like you and they want a relationship with you it's going to come and tell you the truth nobody's going to say listen i'm a serial killer i'm a rapist i have hiv please not a lot of peace on this idea i got you know i got bipolar reaction to people you know i love to kill animals and cut off frogs nobody's gonna tell you that nobody if i want you to like me back i'm gonna tell you nice things and then i have to make up some stuff that's how people are they're going to make up stuff they're going to put on a facade well you know i love to dig they they ask you about you first so so what do you like oh i love church i love reading the bible and i love the book of john you love john i love john too what about matthew because i love matthew mark and luke you do yeah see everybody's gonna become what you want so who would be the best source to go to him god show me god reveal it to me and no matter how bad it is i need to see it because that's going to cause me to make my decision as to whether or not i'm going to go forward with this situation all right so 28 says but there is a god in heaven that revealeth secrets and make it known to the king of nebuchadnezzar to the king nebuchadnezzar what shall be in the latter days all right thy dream and the vision of the head upon the bed blah blah blah okay so let's just drop quickly to verse 47 and then we finish with all of this stuff so verse 47 says the king answered unto daniel and said of a truth in this your god is a god of gods okay he just come into this conclusion and a lord of kings and what else and a revealer of secrets saying thou could has revealed the secret i am talking to somebody right now i'm telling you you confuse this fella playing games with you this woman playing games she lying to you he is lying to you somebody's deceiving you in a business deal but you don't know but like daniel said in daniel chapter 2 verse 47 verse 47 where the king says your god is a reveal of secrets god show me the secret god reveal it to me right now all right so with that said we finished with the teaching part of it and like i have promised you there's a book i've had this book for years now in fact i have two of them so i'm going to show you this because this is the book i'm going to be reading from let me make sure you get it in my camera doctor joe i beau g i think that's how it's pronounced and it's a bible-based dictionary of prophetic symbols for every christian it's a very very good book right i i strongly suggest you go online let me let me get us in the camera here okay right there there right there here we go this one you have a good look at it let me bring it up there so you can see it good go on amazon you can order this book it's full with filled with symbols signs and biblical interpretation in terms of what the symbols mean i'm going to read a few from there tonight you have this here okay right up here right there and then i have another one by him there's another one here it's called illustrated dictionary of dream symbols by the same guy all right take a look at that right there you can go and order these right now on amazon i've had these for a long time and i used to have many other books but these two here i refer to quite a bit and have challenging dreams so i'm going to read i'm going to look at some symbols tonight i'm going to put them back up and i'm done with this so you can go back and i'm just going to show you something this is a very i really recommend this book because it gives you it gives a lot of symbols and it shows the symbolic actions and so on and again like i always say this isn't this isn't gospel when i say gospel just like if i interpret a dream for you and you give me some symbols those symbols aren't standard symbols meaning that this is going to work for everybody this is again where the holy spirit comes into play because he could give me some symbols that you gave me and somebody don't give me the same symbols but have a different meaning so would we use these things as as guides you know and allow the holy spirit to further educate us that's what you do you don't make him or me your god i keep saying this to you and i'm seeing it for a very good reason because people are quick oh i gotta go reach cam and i gotta go reach this guy no no no no you need to reach the holy spirit okay so let's look here now okay let's look at symbolic action all right now you have here one preparing for a bath okay now let's say you had a dream where you were preparing for bath or even taking a bath he has here this is a symbolic action it means contemplating how to rid oneself of surrounding evil practices same thing like i tell you if you had a dream about a house a house represent the life of a person and different parts of that house that the dream is specifically revealing then more revelation of the person's life is being revealed and i used the word that used the bathroom before a bathroom is a place where you cleanse so that could mean repentance that could mean deliverance that could mean uh starting over see when you break the symbols down again by the aid of the holy spirit now you right it's going to make sense now all right you have on here a bear what does a bear symbolize the bear as an animal danger wicked person or spirit uh vindictiveness evil something that is after what you possess why because what he's doing now is taking the characteristics of a bear in reality and now he's applying it to the dream that you had why am i dreaming about a bear why is this bear coming behind me now you take that you look at your real life who could this represent in my life so he what he's saying is he's doing nothing different than what i do all you're doing because the holy s some symbols that you get you wouldn't even know what i mean but the holy spirit will bring meaning to you all right he got in here now where you see here now uh bees okay bees that which makes offensive noise more noisy than effective a double-edged situation capable of going bad or producing sweetness stinging words or gossip now i've done teachings with but where i gave the uh the interpretation of bees when you see bees and yes gossip is one of the key or more general meaning of what the words uh what the representational symbol of a b is it also mean people that are busy body they're from one person to the next just a b just go from one tree to the next to to do the nectar whatever that's how a busy body person is totally moves from one person to the next i remember had a dream one time where i was uh uh walking on the road and these swarmer bees were coming after me and there was a truck right ahead of me going in a very slow place so i jump on the back of the truck and you know the little window that they have at the rear of the truck you can put across not all trucks and then i squeeze through there and i of course i didn't let nothing then like i look now so because there's no way in the world i can fetch that but in any event i was able to get in there and close it immediately and none came through well during this time i was at a particular place where they were gossiping against me and conspiring against me so you see where the dream was revealing what was going on through symbols okay let's look at another one bells ringing of bells bells he says call to attention or action to bring to alertness to say to say it loud public warnings okay again all symbols you could do this one you don't even need this book but get it though i i strongly suggest you get it because it's going to help you to interpret your own dreams and again the this is not the bible so it's not the gospels these things are subject to change based on the people who will be interpreting the dream for or even your own dreams so let's be very very clear about that all right let's look at another one belly that's this is weird because i just had a friend of mine's communist today and said that she had a dream where she saw a stomach just a flash of a stomach it was outside of a human not the belly it's not just the stomach how the stomach is in the the human body belly uh says feeding sorry feelings desire spiritual well-being uh sentiments okay now that's why i'm saying to you you can't take these things as gospel because it's how it fit your position now this may not suit your position okay what does this mean again holy spirit god the father you are the reveal of all secrets this gives me partial of an understanding but reveal the secret of the symbol that i'm seeing in the dream so you see what i'm teaching you not to depend on a human this guy is excellent don't get me wrong he's excellent but what i'm saying to you don't say well if he didn't say it it can't be what somebody else is saying no no no no i don't i don't ever want you to be like that all right a bicycle what if you had a bicycle in a dream you saw a bicycle it says a ministry depending on human on much human effort one man ministry a ministry which with much exposure may may be a good thing but could increase vulnerability limited capacity to influence many people at one time so if you're having a dream again he's saying with a bicycle industry in this case he's saying reflect on the ministry but i can also tell you reflect on your relationship you see what i'm saying to you now now what are you saying is correct but i'm saying don't limit it we already understand that the bicycle speaks of a single an individual and because this individual is responsible for the forward or backward motion of this thing to move it speaks of human strength and not the strain of god so the symbol is now revealing a principle that you could apply to any situation so don't look at this and say well he say the bike represents ministry so when every time you hear the word bike someone had a dream about it what i mean ministry well let's fight someone go to church so why are you further in there then so you said i'm saying so you're looking at the principle i said this to people all the time because people would say to me kevin uh you know you said some things and you you say all the time if it ain't in the bible blah blah blah yes i do say that if it isn't in the bible don't bring it to me i don't hear it well well marine spirits or so-and-so isn't in the bible well not necessarily when i say it's not in the bible this is what i'm saying to you either show it to me verbatim or show me the principle that it's based on you understand i'm saying to you now show me the principle see because for example you wouldn't find cameras in the bible you wouldn't find cell phones in the bible you wouldn't find computers in the bible so what do you look for now seen that those things you don't discard it right away you say what principle of the bible are you basing this on all right let me pull up an example here for you let me see i can find this 23 okay we i discuss all the time with you eating in a dream is never good because eating in this dream represent agreement if if you come to my home excuse me if you come to my home and you i say stay here for dinner and you sit and eat with me the ack the the symbol of that action represents agreement you agreed to have dinner with me that's a principle we're going to take that principle you're looking at the dream now why am i eating in a dream if you're eating in the dream what are you agreeing with who is offering you this food who which warlock has now uh what's the word now uh what they do now when they transfer from one place to the next what's the word only doesn't remember it now when they astral project into your dream as a beautiful lady they astral project or masquerade they sent a demon to masquerade as your deceased mother or masquerade as your boss or masquerade as a preacher but you don't know the rules you don't know the rules so you say oh that's that's master kevin oh my my man of god oh my preacher my teacher but kevin is with somebody that's not deidre kevin is kissing absolutely what do you do now so you see i'm telling you you you gotta if you don't know the principles either you're gonna be confused or it's gonna take you down a path that you didn't want to go in so let's go back to the food let's go to proverbs 23. because folks are saying well well you say eating in a dream is agreement that ain't in the bible yes it is in the bible and there's two places in the bible which i can show you right now the first one you already know genesis chapter three what did satan tell eve to to chew on because when she would have eaten that forbidden fruit which means a group god says if you eat of this fruit okay you shall surely die so the agreement is as long as i don't eat of the fruit i will not die but more importantly i am in agreement with god because i'm not eating it so if i go on what satan say and eat it eating this i am agreeing with satan's will so you see what i'm saying symbolically when we eat in a dream it represents covenant and represent agreement now let's look here at proverbs chapter 23 verse one okay when thou thousands to eat with a ruler consider diligently what is before thee okay and put a knife to thy throat if thou be a man given to appetite meaning you're so greedy that you don't care what they you don't know how they're trying to set you up they say put a knife to your throat that's you say to yourself no i ain't none of this that i've realized what the real deal is here right now watch this verse three says be not desirous of his dainties four listen because dainties mean meat peanut desires of his dainties for they are what deceitful meat they are not what they appear to be so if you eat it you're agreeing with the evil that's who am i talking today you are agreeing with the evil that is said and that's what the whole world of darkness and witchcraft is manipulation making things appear that they're not to entice you to participate in an evil where you're violating the laws of god to give that evil force the right to afflict you that's what it's all about so they're seeking agreements in the dream true manipulation because before all of this they could not afflict you with diseases they could not jump on you and do they won't do and that's why i love the bible because as a book of laws rules that no matter how powerful an evil spirit is it must submit to the laws of god so therefore as as bad as this evil force or these evil people what do they do they're projecting evil forces at you the evil forces job is to persuade you entice you deceive you but as long as you don't succumb to the deception they're powerless in your life so this is why i say to people when they come to me they say kevin witchcraft on me and hold on sweetie back up brother why why is witchcraft on you what did you violate what it is that you may be engaging in that you don't even know because it's the only way it could happen are you on the generational curse are you with someone who's cursed are you involved in things that are manufacturing curses such as tarot card reading uh witchcraft so one no careful none of that okay let's go a little deeper what about unforgiveness in your heart what about hate and anger what about you have it in for your mother sister uncle brother all of these things present a legal case for the devil to confront god and says yeah kevin doing this or not but look in his heart huh he didn't forgive daydream the other night when they were rowing he still got in he's trying to spite off i got a right to a flick him i got a right to to do sleep paralysis on him i got a right to inflict pain on him see the only right the enemy have in your life is the right that is whether you're aware or unaware that you gave through the violation of the laws of god it don't get simpler than that no it don't right so let's look at some more symbols here now boat boat he says here is a ministry that is capable of influencing many people depend on the type of boat then you have types of boat a rescue boat will represent intercessory ministry fishing boat ministry involvement evangelism soul saving mission all this makes sense number three a row boat he says exercise in the spiritual uh exercise in the spiritual realm to purse now what i would say there to add to this a row boat will also be similar to a bicycle a ministry that is that is powered by human strength and not uh in uh partnership with the spirit of the living god because remember the bible says that we are we are heirs with god and joining us with jesus christ so a robot or you want to buy something by yourself meaning that you're doing everything on your own okay so that's what i would add to what he already have here so you see where the holy spirit will now give you more to it that's why again i'm saying to you you can't limit it to just what you're reading again holy spirit i'm reading this book i i heard what kevin preached tonight but give me more insight it isn't that i don't believe kevin but i am looking to you as my source to give me even more because this isn't it isn't limited to this then okay you have here a speed boat speed boat represents acceleration acceleration phase is at hand the need for acceleration so remember we were talking about now we're talking about the symbolize what does both symbolize in the dream okay and so these are the differences he's giving so we have here body odor what does that symbolize unclean spirits he's correct uh after effect of fleshly actions uh-huh okay now the symbolic actions of body odor one repulsive body odor he say may indicate revelation of character defect that is unacceptable to others make sense two sweat that smells what does that symbolize may indicate action that will show efforts not of the holy spirit so you see here again you may say you may be there right now but that could also mean so and so and you're right meaning that the holy spirit is now giving you for wherever you are whatever type culture you're in whatever goes out in your particular uh country whatever that will be to you let's go back to joseph when joseph had the dreams what were the dreams symbols surrounding well the constellation of the sky the stars the moon the sun their farming had to do with the wheat so that's what i'm saying to you the dreams that you're going to get from from from god i'm talking about the devil now because the devil could throw them in there too but you will know he's trying to manipulate you dreams that you're going to get from god for the most part primarily those dreams as it relates to its symbols will be relative to your environment okay i could tell you dozens of dreams i've had about my job but i'm sure you had the same thing i can tell you even now in ministry i've told you this a million times before i got to where i am i had a myriad of dreams of me preaching teaching the word of god all over the world which is happening now so what i'm saying to you for the most part the dreams that god are going to because god is going to give you will be relative to your environment two things that you do on a daily basis your family life your job your church your uh whatever but what i want you to focus on is what does those things mean to you for example let's say you had a dream and you had a dream about your brother right and in the dream you will you will mad at him why am i mad at this guy he didn't do anything to me in real life what is it but the whole dream even though you see him in the dream he cannot see you in the dream what does he say well the first thing you should do what are the characteristics about my brother is he selfish is he mean is he kind see when you now begin to strip it and let's say he's a selfish person so god why are you revealing to him revealing him to me in the dream i already know he's salvation yes but he just symbolizes what i'm showing is in you you get it now right so the brother this is we know the brother is selfish already this you are we clear on that but god is showing you you you got some of this in you too you need to deal with this selfish spirit you got in you also so this is what you're doing you got to look just like in let's go back to joseph i think that is the most ideal example to use his second dream when he saw the sun the moon and the 11 stars his father interpreted it joseph didn't know the dream man at all his father said what do you mean because he said the son the more than 11 stars joseph that has said they were bowing to him so his father said what do you mean we're going to bow to you but that isn't what he said he said the son the more than 11 stars he didn't say pops mama and my brothers but the father was able to interpret what those things mean to him to them and their environment to mean the son meant the father the son that is the moon man the mother and the eleven sons men the eleven brothers and if they're borrowing to you joseph it shows that you are going to be great you are going to be elevated so to me i love dream interpretation to be honest with you i get excited sometimes i really get excited because there's so much revelation so much rich stuff in there for whomever the dream is for and it's giving a heads up or showing these things that's going to come to pass remember i spoke about what's his name the other night uh abraham okay and that's what i love about the spiritual world and i just hope you guys could get excited as i am about the spiritual world because that is where life is that that world listen i don't look forward to death right let me be real with you i i i don't wanna die no time soon or even later but i truly believe in my heart that death for the believer based on what i read in fact i have a teaching already done for this i'm gonna spring on you one day based on what i read in the bible all right the bible says in uh luke 16 when the poor man died it says that he was ushered into the bosom of abraham by the angels in isaiah 57 it says that when a saint of the lord dies uh read it it's a beautiful passage so death while it is finality and separating us from our loved ones we the believers go to a marvelous place and escorted to that place by the angelic host this is awesome i love that boy so while i am not anxious to die i am not afraid because i know i'm not a see those i remember when i wasn't a christian i was fearful very fearful of that i mean super faithful because i know where i was going if i had died but of course i don't have that way of thinking anymore because i am confident that i will be with the lord jesus christ on the day of my my my ten years ended here on this earth so the spirit world is what i'm getting at the spirit world yes there's a dark side but we're not interested not as believers of jesus christ what we are interested in is the the beauty the the the like the scripture says eyes have not seen heirs have not heard no has entered in the hearts of men the things that god has prepared for us so by faith i truly believe that no matter how i die while my body may be suffering whatever my spirit man is going to be extracted from the shell that i was held captive in for whatever amount of years i will live and literally there are angels to escort me i remember if you guys watched the movie uh with whoopi goldberg and uh the guy that died from cancer uh when in the movie this guy was married to uh what's her name anyway he had died right but his ghost used to come back which is nonsense but anyway i just used in this example it shows that the guy who had killed him had also died and it shows how these demons came from the ground and i guess took him to hell now that part is true so that part of true sorry it's just like that for the believer the it when you die us who are living may see a tragic accident a plane questions oh my god i hope they didn't have any pain i hope it was quick for them those things are run of it because from that point when you cease to exist anymore it's all spiritual no more of dealing with this flesh and the cares of this life you're going into the glory of god and that's i'm going to do that teaching very soon my patrick swayze thank you very much that's what i'm talking about but yeah let me get back to this thing here right because i get caught up in these things yeah so looking at more symbols here uh you have a symbol here for bleeding bleeding hurting to lose spiritually or verbal accuration or something that's traumatic then you have the if you're injured with much bleeding it can represent a situation that will drain the person of much spirituality two persistent bleeding is a situation that may cause uh repeated irritation and so continue to drain spirituality now all of that is true but also if you see yourself bleeding in a dream outside of a female menstruating it also means destruction because something would have had to happen to you to break your skin to cause the bleeding so there has to be some form of damage to your skin or whatever part of your body for that bleeding so so bleeding bleeding would be sorry the structure would be the prerequisite to bleeding so bleeding could also mean destruction again i'm only saying this because while everything he's saying here is true to these symbols it isn't limited to that so whatever the holy spirit gives you you run with that all right blind a person that is blind you dream that someone is blind it's a lack of understanding ignorance this is true not able to see into the spirit world this is true it's the same thing but if you dream about being in a dark place the dark place automatically represents ignorance there are no two ways about it darkness represents ignorance it also represents limitation or slowing down because if all of the powers the gold now i'd have to feel slowly feel my way around to figure where i'm at so darkness represents a slowing down of a process it represents ignorance it also represents evil all right so we have here what else we got here let me give you some more he got here binoculars i had a dream about that before too binoculars meaning looking ahead or can also represent i'm adding my piece now looking in the future all right but he have here looking ahead looking into the future yeah looking to the future okay prophetic ministry which is true you use a binoculars a telescope he doesn't have it here but i'll tell you this a telescope meaning that you have a person who has further insight because a binoculars will only take you so far a telescope as you can see will take you way into space and all this other stuff so if you're dreaming about a telescope uh you're dreaming about prophecy or something of the prophetic that is i mean really really deep far out there all right bird these are all symbols bird symbol of leader evil or good at different levels agent of authority now the symbolic actions they would represent as food or divine provision of food then you have first kings 4 23 i guess somebody elijah and the ravens excuse me number two he says as a symbol for escape into the freedom and safety number three as faithful observers of the season number four as an emblem of trust in the lord's provision all right uh and again ask the holy spirit you had a dream about birds last night let's say you had a dream about crows crows are normally associated with sorcery the occult but in this dream you saw these black crows black represents evil darkness ignorance all this other stuff but these words are just watching you they're not attacking you so how do we make sense of this well they're monitoring you because in the dream as you move their hands are moving and watching you but they're never coming at you that could be a snake that could be whatever creature or even human in the dream that's at a distance or you see a silhouette or a shadow of them but they're making no attempts these are monitoring spirits these are forces that has been projected in your dream and observing you spiritually they're not watching you physically spiritually so what does this mean now when i wake up now i now begin to pray against monitoring spirits i come against every spirit that has been assigned to my life and asks the lord to spiritually blind them or whatever the case may be so again the dream is revealing see that the spiritual world is the authentic world and while the dream may not make sense to you naturally believe me it is perfect sense spiritually because remember you have the secrets you've been given the mysteries of the kingdom you need to now look to the kingdom for your answers i'm not a human being and i'm not saying you can't ask me or send me an email i'm not saying that what i'm saying to you is in this ministry i encourage people to apply themselves i had to do it i'm no different from you i'm not greater than you we all have our own lanes and rules but i'm trying to train you to be super in your lane only you could do what you are called to do so i'm trying to get you to apply you stop depending that's how you get got where you are today you've been listening to people who've been charging you money to do things the bible gives you free counsellor all right a bottle what does a bottle symbolize it's a vessel a measure something related to the body as the container of anointing symbolic actions a bottle of clear water may be symbolic of the prophetic anointing a certain move of the holy spirit a bottle of dirty water beware of wrong or contaminated doctrine three drinking from a bottle of dirty water may be received from contaminated doctrine all right but it also could mean i'm gonna add to this again same thing as uh but i told you about the eating of the food see again the more this is why i teach on these things so much because i know you will never hear them in church and if you do you'll only hear the surface of it when it comes to witchcraft the purpose of witchcraft is to literally arrest or hijack the destiny of somebody else it is and that's why god was so god is so harsh on the punishment for such people because they're literally hindering the life of someone from its source spiritually okay and i don't have the time to go into description a lot but so when we come in now to witchcraft dreams i have a lot of videos on that please go and watch it whenever witchcraft attacks is projected at you i i promise you initially you're going to see them in the dream and all the dreams are coming one of the most common attacks of witchcraft and that is the initial part of witchcraft is to bring fear two things initially fear and confusion remember that so the first set of dreams you will have will always be initiating fear or confusion for example people who are under witchcraft attacks more than likely will always dream where their cars go missing in a dream they pulled up to a certain place in the dream and the car is missing or they will dream where uh dogs dogs are one of the most common dreams of witchcraft but in in this sense the the dogs in the dream but for the most part represent generational curses because the dogs represent evil spirits and generational curses the agents that enforce the curse on each family member will be represented by the dogs that's coming after them now some family members will be worse off on the curse than the others and if you were to listen to their dreams the one who was less cursed than the other the dogs that they dream about would be like puppies or stuff like that those who are greatly affected vicious dogs coming behind them rottweilers pit bulls but those people though if you pair more into their lives you will see why the attack is greater on them than the other person and that is it's going to be a hard situation this person is more vindictive they're more unforgiving they hold on to things and don't release they if someone heard them they carry that forever so this now provides the ground that satan and his cohorts were looking for all along to have the legal right god cannot stop him because this is god's law and people don't get that they feel that because they are christians oh god it's just going to protect me no god protects those who honor his word who follow his rules you can't expect god to protect you if you in full-fledged adulterous relationship fornicating lying cheating unforgiving oh god i just got done fornicating now yeah make sure those devils don't come on me no no no no no no so witchcraft dreams will always be uh the the fruit the protocols for that will always be fearful dreams you dream crazy people are mad men or you see in the dream like fellas with dreadlocks running after you strangers or dark shadows all of this represent witchcraft because the foot soldiers to the kingdom of darkness as it relates to uh running its course of witchcraft in a place of life will always be introduced by the spirit of fear and the spirit of confusion so you will always dream where you either you miss you you you can't your car went missing or your home your home has got like things that are very valuable to you which also means that you're about to suffer some major losses but the source of it is revealed in the dream it's happening through witchcraft powers meaning that someone is adjusting or your destiny in the spiritual realm unknowing to you and you are ignorant to all of this so you don't see the need i i was a victim so i know you don't see the need to resist it let's say somebody said in the spirit of poverty after you all right we can go back to this book in a little bit because i can tell you personal stuff that happened to me what are you going to see you're going to see the spirit of poverty but kevin how does the spirit of poverty look well look at the symbols in the dream you have in dreams where you're picking up pennies all the time or picking up silver coins not really pennies but silver coins but watch what's happening you're picking them up and another one appears but you're not storing them anywhere or you come across monies or someone walk up to you and give you a whole heap of money uh disorganized different denomination all of this represents poverty but why who was the source that gave it to you because when you accepted it my friend you agreed you're you're there's a covenant that you are forging in the spiritual realm by your dream that you are ignorant to and i promise you mark that night or that day you had that dream and you didn't challenge it or maybe you could go back in your mind now because i'm giving you the information and you will see from that day to now you've been catching eternal hell in your finances why it wasn't something that you did physically no the enemy uh followed the rule according to matthew 13 25 while man slept his enemy came and sowed tears among the wheat or he sowed curses among your blessings and the bible said he went his way in so much words he programmed you for failure while you're unconscious and he gone this way you're spiritually ignorant of these things so you wake up i had a dream last night with all these roaches roaches represent poverty uh you see yourself in tatted clothes and tarted shoes okay poverty rats rats in a dream think about where do you find rats in desolated places poverty-stricken places okay roaches all of these are symbols of poverty many of you have had them but you didn't know what they mean okay so you just dismiss them not knowing not knowing that these were all witchcraft related another common dream outside of i tell you the car is going missing which represents which craft attacks in your life where you see yourself flying in the dream not in an aircraft not in an airplane not in a helicopter but your human body is flying in the sky witchcraft kevin why are you calling this witchcraft okay let's look at the symbols let's look at a puppet you gotta pop it on the stick with the strings come from it so it's just like some you're flying but the truth is spiritual strings are attached to you where somebody else is pulling the strings to your life so if you see yourself flying in the dream that's a witchcraft someone have someone is ruling your life through sorcery listen i'm telling you what i think you know i telling you what happened to me i tell you what i know okay this my lane of ministry i know what i'm talking about i live what i'm telling you all right so when you see stuff like that happening now if you don't address these things right away they now become upgraded so you go from the dreams to now again this happened to me many others you go now to where you're hearing things in your home but only at night for the most part that's how it's gonna start initially at night time you hear stuff cracking in the roof you hear like almost like like pipes and stuff moving or like in the the later in fact between 12 a.m and 3 p.m is when you're gonna get some real activity super naturally or you see movement on the corner like like you saw somebody rush across here all spiritual being sent to torment you the question is though don't become fearful the question you should ask because this is how the principle works gave this thing the right to enter my domain what is going on in my life what is in this home that is giving it because it couldn't come here otherwise okay why isn't it happening to kevin why isn't it happening to your neighbor next door why you're the only person in the house who's experiencing these things something with you it doesn't mean you intentionally went out there and did something wrong no there are some rules some law you broke according to scriptures you're ignorant of it or even you're aware of it and as a result of it when you violate the laws of god i cannot say this enough you are automatically in covenant with the enemy according to uh deuteronomy chapter 28 deuteronomy 28 verses 15 if you do not hearken and listen and observe to do the laws of god then then listen then shall the crisis come it couldn't come before if i was doing his rules if i was if i am sowing seeds to some demon some fake preacher if i'm taking these fake anointed oils and sprays and receive you are coming in agreement with the devil so don't be surprised when things get worse and worse and worse and worse don't be surprised from the time you started going to this particular preacher prophet they draining you to every dollar that you have but telling you that god is going to bless you as long as you bless the man or woman of god you setting yourself up i i lived this before so i know okay i'm telling you another sign of of of of witchcraft attacks in the dream because i'm saying these two but i'm going to go back here again because these are more common all right sexual intercourse and deceased people they listen the views have been dreams of you having sex with people even if it's your husband or your wife okay trust me take take my word okay get up and and again let me be clear before i go let me put my disclaimer there if you are not a christian do not waste your time if you want the benefits of god then come on board god platform by following the protocol that he's put in place which is accepting his son jesus christ i told you that myriads of benefits and comes along with it but if you want to stay on the outside you want the benefits but you don't want to be a part of god that doesn't work that way i'm sorry that's not going to happen so if you see yourself having sex in a dream and especially if the sex is perverted where you as a heterosexual not just having sex with another but the same sex but in the dream like the the sexual parts of these people already uh i mean egregiously huge and and listen we talk in high level sorcery here see the characters or the animals that you see in the dream are literally evil spirits taking on the form of some of them that's what they really are in the spiritual realm so all they're seeking is a covenant how if if i could get kevin to have sex if i could could could bring in a spirit of masquerade as kevin deceased grammy and kev do did any interaction because any interaction mean that i'm convinced this is how but in fact this is a masquerading spirit like i say it could be a spirit of poverty a spirit of confusion or whatever but for the most part because it's imitating or masquerading as a family member more than likely it has to do with a generational curse so if grammy died from cancer or grammy died in poverty or grammy died from alzheimer's or mental illness and so on the spirit that mastered that in her life while she was alive is the same spirit that's trying to come on me so it's coming uh masquerading as hell so when i say oh grab me i miss you look so nice boom this isn't a dream but i have no this there's a covenant there's a covenant i don't realize her up i go tell everybody about dream but grammy last night oh my god she looks so i know she in heaven right now yeah she may be in heaven but you you can catch hell on right my brother if you don't shut that down so if you don't know the principles of what we're talking about here this would be out of foolishness to you all right so let's look at some more here let's look at some more here all right let's look at some more before i go into this i'm sorry i got here okay all right city what is the symbol of a city it says here the makeup of the person all that has been put it imputed in the person or people the city or what the city is known for group or church for example las vegas teacher and i just came from the las vegas will represent gambling los angeles represent hollywood or immorality paris represent love okay so you see here where the symbols what do you know the place to be as uh the bible says in in our proverbs 28 verse 3 i think it is either two or three and it says that for the transgressions or violations of a lan many are the prints thereof so what does that mean well what it means is that and i always use this example let's use uh excuse me chicago chicago is known for murder so the bible say those transgressions murder the prince remember i told you the prince of the principality is a position in which a prince holds so the prince the demonic principality or prince over chicago is the prince of myrtle a place that is known for homosexuality a place that is known for stealing the bible says where you see these dominant evils they are principalities over that place running that proverbs 28 verses two or verse three one of those one of those studios all right so like the gentleman is saying here what is this why am i dreaming about a certain city well let's go do our research what does this city mean what does it represent what are they known for just like some of you you would have had a dream and you have gotten a particular word in the dream my a friend of mine i was talking to the same friend and they were telling me how they had a dream and in the dream all they heard was the world what was the word federal that's it federal and they woke up what does that mean look up the word federal first of all huh and the federal just like uh uh you would use federalists in terms of the united states and the federal billing and federal law and so on what is it talking about well the word federal means i'm going to use america all of the 51 states are the federal they're federal but federal also means yeah we under one uh president or whatever but each of us have our own independent laws while we may have 51 states under one president biden well guess what new york may say we don't want to wear a mask we feel once you would have done a shot or whatever we don't have to win the mass but los angeles say we demand mass so you see federal mean that yeah we all under one federation but individually we still have our own laws for our particular states and so on so i'm saying what now she must say what does that mean to me is god saying federal because federal obviously doesn't mean nothing good as it relates to the things of god because you're saying yeah i'm under you god but i still got my own independent thing going on so you see you look up the meaning you look up the definition still asking the holy spirit give me spiritual insight and it's gonna come it's gonna come to you okay let's look at some more stuff here let's look at clock what does a clock symbolize clock represent timing timing is important in the situation time to do something is revealed may refer to bible passages running out of tests such as running out of time uh close what disclose means see hello scs and to close the door whatever to shut up to keep silent or to be hedged or walled up then he gives a scripture for the lord has poured out on you the spirit of deep sleep and has closed your eyes namely the prophets and he has covered your head namely the seers isaiah 29 verse 10. he has shut you up and that's why i like reading that's why i like this guy that's what attracted me to this book he have a lot of scriptures to support what he's saying and i would recommend any book you buy squadly book to help you make sure these people are biblically based man and i don't make up nothing either right okay i see time runs away on me so let me just give you a few more let me just give you a few more and let me out of here okay eyes what does i symbolize it symbolizes a seer an anointed seal c would also be a prophet to desire to eye something to lust lust of the eye to watch out or you're being watched so you see also like how he he showed well if it's a positive dream then these would be the positive representation of what that symbol would mean and if it's a negative dream you will see the negative part for example i remember i did an article on this before but i remember someone asking me about it they dreamt about a a lion right what does it mean well i need to know the entire context of the dream and try to remember as much as you could because we need to determine whether the dream is from god or from the enemy because a lion has a positive and a negative meaning from a biblical perspective jesus is known as the lion of judah right also uh uh not the lineup i said it right yeah i believe i said it right anyway then the scripture also says that satan uh behaves like a lie like a roaring lion never said he was one but like one so you have to look at the dream carefully to see where is this leaning for me to make applicable which symbol would i use to give me clarity of the message or the mystery i'm trying to unveil you okay so in essence what i'm saying to you guys you have to become acquainted with your bible like i cannot listen if you don't remember nothing else i told you tonight you have to become acquainted with your bible it's getting late so this is what i'm going to do for you i'm going to put this book up again i'm going to put this book up me put this down here this is the book right here all right the book is called let's let's move mine right here so you can see a little bit better okay here we go the book is called dr joe i b o j i e all right bible-based dictionary okay let me try that bible-based dictionary of prophetic symbols for every christian please get a copy of this book please i'm going to keep it up here a little bit longer okay so you should be able to see it now dr joe i b o j i e bible-based dictionary of prophetic symbols for every christian also he has illustration this is another book by an illustrated dictionary of dream symbols same guy dr dr joe wrong but you you you could figure it out okay so what are these two books man order these two books and this will assist you but do not allow this to become uh over your bible read that along with your bible let your bible god is gonna show you many symbols in the bible many and what i say to you all the time for those of you who want to uh really enhance your interpretation skills yes read the bible but for dreaming boy saturate yourself with the proverbs why the proverbs are saturated with metaphors similes all of these figures of speech are right there what this is going to do for you well psalms also but more so proverbs in fact most of the most of the poetic books of the bible which will be uh job psalms proverbs ecclesiastes the songs of solomon but primarily uh proverbs see when you read it uh it's really it's making the book of proverbs they call it uh parallel poetry where we'll give you something good then give you something bad in the same uh verse all right for example when we read just now where it says that something is an abomination under the lord but his secret is with the righteous so to show you the negative then it brings you to the positive right they call that uh parallel poetry but also have a lot of similes and a simile is where uh you are comparing something to something else for example you will say a person car the car is black you would say boy your car is as black as time it's only comparing it the car isn't out but it's making a comparison that's what a simile is all right a metaphor is where you almost using something to represent something else all right so what that does for you is it makes it easy for you to understand the dreams because just like i took you into matthew 13 tonight and i didn't get to finish it but i want you to finish it because jesus is now going to reveal what the symbols meant the soul that he said was sowing the sower was the preacher the seed that the soul was sowing was the word of god the different grounds that he was sowing the word of god to the ceiling were the hearts of men so the good ground the ground with thorns uh where the fowls came and devoured the seeds that were initially thrown on the ground the files represent the devil and and all when you read it it's showing you that these symbols that the writer started with he now explains in the latter part of that same chapter of matthew 13 showing you the comparison so a parable is very much like a dream a dream is giving you symbols that when you use the the gif of unveiling the mysteries that you've been eaten with as a believer of jesus christ but with the aid of the holy spirit it's going to make sense to you very simple okay so that is it for me tonight it's too late heavenly father i thank you for this over two thousand people almost online tonight and i thank you father god that they've heard your word me being the soul have sown you see it and it is my desire that everyone under the sound of my voice but develop an insatiable desire for the word of god just like me and i pray that god will give you double what he gave me in terms of having a hunger for the word of god i also pray that god will give you a vast and an articulate understanding that when you read the word of god you are able to to compare to so many other things not only in your life but the lives of others and at the same time you'll be able to unravel dreams that you would have had years ago that you don't even remember but as you begin to read the word of god the holy spirit bring those things to your memory and you'll be able to unravel it right down i pray for accuracy in your dream interpretation i also pray that you would put aside self and not try to make up something when god is giving you a revelation on it to impress somebody no i pray that you would never develop the spirit of arrogance the spirit of being pompous or self-centered or self-absorbed but to always be cognizant that you are just a vessel you are just a tool being used by the hand of the master it'll be in your best interest to humble yourself before god because he said for whom those who have more shall be given to so you should i pray that you will always be in a position like myself to always give of your gift freely with the intent that god is gonna reward you you're not looking for a reward for man because you could do something for somebody over here and bend your back and break it and they give you nothing but god already had in mind to bless you up the road okay with somebody else so your source should always be good that's why you don't ever hear me beg you for money and stuff because i don't depend on you i depend i thank everybody who has blessed me but my i depend on god what i am interested in and what my focus is is is doing my part of the job getting the word i do not want i don't want you to stand before our angry savior on the day of judgment only for you to see that you are more concerned about monies as opposed to winning souls for the kingdom and educating those souls once they would have come into the kingdom so god i pray that you'd advance and catapult these people to where they should have been in at this stage of their lives and that they would share this video go and repeat the video and listen and write down notes and lord speak to them through all of the teachings that i have here on facebook in jesus mighty name amen and amen so folks that is it for me i trust that you had a wonderful time i did okay and uh one of these days i just want us to go a little bit deeper with the symbols and i just wanted to get the teaching out first the day this morning earlier because when i went into the symbols it would make more sense now that's the route or the teaching anger that i decided to take okay so you guys have a wonderful wonderful night god bless you continue to pray for me and my family as we pray for you guys all right god bless you
Channel: Minister Kevin L A Ewing
Views: 53,359
Rating: 4.9367948 out of 5
Keywords: Dreams and Visions, Visions, Dreams, dream interpretation, meaning of dreams, kevin l a ewing dreams, minister kevin l a ewing dreams, kevin ewing dreams, biblical dream interpretation, dream symbols and their meaning, dreams by minister kevin l a ewing, dream symbols, understanding dreams and visions, recurring dreams, spiritual insight, common dream symbols, understanding dreams, christian dream interpretation, isaiah saldivar dreams and visions, common dream meanings
Id: CSHW40UN4w4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 150min 5sec (9005 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 29 2021
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