Dreams That Reveal Reality

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samsung and so on you can also download my app uh kevin l ewing ministries minister kevin ely ewing you can download the app and you can watch me live i have a lot of uh information on their site from watching me live all of you can take you directly to my my blog site and also of course youtube and facebook plus i have daily prayers there for those of you who are looking to some people tell me camera not even not a parade well that's no problem we have all those press saturated on that particular uh app so for android and uh the iphones you can download it and you will be up to date with all of our new information now today it was my intent to do a teaching on uh communion the spiritual implications of it and how the ark of it uh activate uh spiritual things so much so that of course will be taken unworthily it can bring on sickness death and so on and that was my original intent however that has since changed i'll probably follow up with that uh next week uh for those of you that have been following me you notice i haven't been doing much videos especially at home well the truth is i was taking a break i had to because i can assure you it becomes extremely overwhelming sometimes sometimes honestly i feel like i'm just losing it because you know by the time you're done with one call you've got so many other calls to deal with and you know people tend to lay all of their problems on you and i'm not complaining because i i totally get where they're coming from and i totally understand you finally meet someone who could relate to what others labeled you as crazy about and someone who could actually not just relate but show you scripturally how these things can and should be addressed so it was quite overwhelming for me dealing with all that stuff and last week was a part of it too i just had to take a break i just had to step back and just take a break and of course i'm back well refreshed so next week i'll be resuming my home videos also have a lot to catch up on such as the spirit of offense i have to do the part two that also have to do with the final teaching on exchanging destinies of course i'm gonna do the communion thing like i told you so all of those things i didn't forget them but it's just i was so overwhelmed that i didn't have time to to deal with them i want to thank god for all of my private sponsors locally and internationally we are very extremely grateful for your continued and committed support i am always overwhelmed by your generosity and your kindness towards this ministry i think one of the main things that fascinated me most about it is that you were never asked to do it you was led according to your heart just like the bible uh said and there was no coercion on my end or no forcing or not telling you to sow seeds and god will meet your needs and so on clearly you've heard the word it you identified with it and you moved according to the lord no pressure and you will never get no pressure and i said it over and over because that is the way it should be done no one should put a demand on you to tell you how much you should give them what the lord say give this and give that i think they're all lies and i will stay with that because i've been on doing the show almost two three years now and i never once asked for anyone to sow no seeds so the question is why is god prospering this show and without me having to ask and that's not bragging and that's not being egotistical the point in me raising this is that when you do what you claim god has called you to do then that same god is responsible for ensuring that all of the needs as it relates to that assignment uh is met so i would reiterate that as long as i have air in my system because like i said you know i i i've abandoned the uh organized church system where rules of men dominated the laws and the principles of god but of course when you follow those principles of god you will see that you would have to wait on the blessing around the corner you don't have to give nobody high five you have to do none of that god has already put people in place and everything in place for you to bless you in every area of your life if you follow his rules okay now when you don't follow his rules and you follow the rules of men and the trickery and the foolishness then you have to be waiting 60 and 70 years for that blessing around the corner i always ask where this corner is so i could at least go there and try to immediately halfway so with that said i want to thank every last one of you that has contributed by whether it's paypal whether you came into dove personally and whatever you did i want to thank you personally and i know that god is going to bless you for leading you to do that because you didn't have to do it and you could have also disobeyed the spirit of god that led you to do it so i i pray and join my faith with yours that not only will god multiply you and finances but more importantly that your spiritual wisdom knowledge and understanding will be enhanced beyond your imagination to see beyond this physical realm which is a distraction to what's pulling the strings in the invisible world which we know to be the spirit world i'm going to quickly go into uh once it's here because we have a very interesting topic to cover today and the reason this topic came up is because of a dream a dream that i had uh two nights ago well two mornings ago and it was something i was supposed to teach on a long time ago and i'm convinced that the lord gave me that dream to remind me that this year must be spoken on and in detail because there are a lot of people who are having such dreams and don't understand that it's very very complex very confusing simply because they're trying to correlate that particular dream which with reality and things that they see so we're going to go very very deep into the bible to extract this spiritual understanding of what we need for us to decipher what is being activated or deactivated spiritually ignorantly to us because of our lack of knowledge and unfortunately will now work against us so today's topic would be dreams that reveal reality what you see is not reality what you participate in with your five senses on this physical or natural realm is not reality this is the effects of reality there are forces behind what you see that are adamant particularly evil forces that they want to convince you to focus on this realm the physical realm because by you doing that you would have been fully distracted for them to facilitate their wickedness and i'm talking about evil spirits and those who who who work along with evil spirits to inflict pain and sorrow and tragedy and grief on the lives of others so hopefully after this teaching you'd have a clear clear understanding i want to give a shout out to my lovely wife uh oh madly although i go home i'm madly in love with her and i want to give her a shout out she's kind of busy day with school but i just want you to know that i love you baby and uh and i say that a lot not too bright you know because i know our culture we have a culture where men find it very difficult to and not all but the majority of them difficult to to be affectionate to their wives to to express their love to their wives to make it public and i i i never understood that i don't know maybe because i'm an affectionate person i don't know but i believe that love is an action word and that is something that should be displayed in action so for me i feel like having this platform should lead by example and expressing my love to my wife and thanking god for her and how much of an asset she is to me and and i would recommend to anybody to who's married of course or developing a relationship to consistently express that love okay holding hands kissing dating so whatever to show people you know we and i notice as people grow older and i'm talking about my beaming people now i don't know how it is in your country for example a lot of times when we go for dinner with our view or to public settings you will see the the man way on the other side with the boys and the girls over here and they all separated as a married couple or if you see them out in a particular function you know he is ahead of her she's behind him and you know i mean everybody got their own thing but i believe that when you you know claim to love each other you know the evidence of that should be evident okay and that shouldn't be something that is false and people would be amazed to see when you really and truly express your love to you that's who god has given you god has given you that that partner if it's the right partner that is let me be clear there god has given you that partner for you to enjoy not just to work out and pay bills and worrying about what could happen next and if covered can come to your house and all that no while you have the strength and the ability and the cognitive capacity to to relate to your partner then you should take advantage of that gift and expressing your love to her so again i want to say a shout out to my awesome wife deidre ewing who i am like i said madly in love with love expressing my love to her and i love loving her i don't want nobody else i want heart you know only okay let me let me leave that right there because i could go on forever with that and she know that it's gonna be any event man i'm speaking to you i'm not speaking to the ladies i'm speaking to the men love your wives like christ loved the church and gave us life for it and i'll give you a tip uh when we first got married i used to have concluded my prayer all the time i said lord teach me how to love my wife like you love the body of christ which is the church train me how to do that okay because maybe my way of doing it may not be what you want so show me how to do that and one of the things i kind of shame the express is but i can tell you there's any other this is a tip for you men one of the things is early in our relationship when we were bucking heads and we have made a vow never to go to bed angry at one another and that was something very difficult to do because you know you know you won't be the one to apologize or whatever the case may be but in actually sticking with that particular rule it made the relationship much easier to manage what i realized and then is that when you begin to strip that pride away and remove that foolish internal defense mechanism which is telling you well i ain't apologized for this no they gotta come to me first no that's the devil using your brain inside out okay so we break that so loving her like christ loved the church meaning that in spite of what she did what i did whoever did it voice or whoever was wrong you know you should still be able to express your love even when it isn't seemingly appropriate to do so because you seem to be at all to each other so when she make me mad i tell her off the bat i can love you like christ i love the church so you can do all the food you want you come around your senses i can still be ready so so that's just a little nugget for the fellas out there to uh to maintain that relationship so uh sponsors today is pick here beauty center pick your beauty center with the proprietor is marcia pickstock her number is 352-2220-352-2220 and she's located town center that's downtown and she specializes in hair care wraps and wrap sorry bonding short pixie haircut hair weaving ponytail sculptured styles and i guess whatever else you need to do you can just inquire while you're there and martial and our team will be happy to fix you up and to make you look appropriate for the viewing public okay so again the number is 352-2220 or you can reach out on mobile or cell phone which is 533-9326 entertainment dvd and snacks also located town center and their number is three five 352-6954-352 six nine five four where you they have an assortment of hot dogs and also parties such as beef and jerk parties curry chicken potty cheesy beef spinach vegetables you name it they also have dvd movies they have snacks and assorted on a rate of soft drinks so if you're downtown doing some shopping today you need to take a break especially with those kids please i admonish you to visit entertainment dvd and snacks again the number is three five two six nine five four in case you have difficulty locating them also located downtown is tico's fashion my main man mr gary hill and his awesome family would be more than happy to assist you with their uh men's casual wear short pants cargo pants long pants nice tropical shirts nice cool shirts whether you want to get it for your husband birthday your nephew your cousin third cousin ford cousin whatever cousin you want to get it for gary and his awesome family would be more than happy to assist you their number is three five two three three nine four three five two three three nine four and then they're located at the rear of the post office and diagonally across the street from scotia bank the number again is three five two three three nine four for all of you and casual will please visit tico's fashion men store simply the best for all of your multi-media needs video audio and especially for the churches out there because of covet that most of you have to do online streaming they'll simply the best have packages that they can assist you with to stream your services online or from wherever you want to have it stream from you can give mr clifford beau a call at 727-1502-727-1502 and he would be more than happy to assist you jm builders general construction company 352-2432 and they will be more than happy to assist you with any form of building needs that you may have okay you want to build a home you want to build a shack you want to build a driveway a wall you want to add a piece on refurbish whatever it is mr julian nixon and his lovely wife karen nixon will be more than happy to assist you with any of your building desires or dreams again you can give them a call at 352-2432 or you can reach them on their mobile at 533-2012 bahamas beach weddings my good friend gary cooper justice of the peace and also marriage officer if you're interested in and getting married gary will be more than happy to assist you in that area but also he does free consultation gary's number for the international viewers is area code two four two five three 533 1942 that's area code 242-533-1942 or you can reach him at his email address which is see gary 470 gmail.com obama's beach weddings also have a website and the name of that website is called bahamas beach weddings with an s dot biz biz so that's bahamas beach weddings dot biz and reverend cooper reverend cooper will be more than happy to consult with you to make the arrangements locally or internationally if you want to have him uh facilitate your wedding and he would be again more than happy to to do just that and finally we have here the hope magazine hope magazine which is also the brainchild uh behind this dismiss jillian curry williams who's also the brainchild behind the remelda rose collection all right she's a fashion designer who hails here from the bahamas and i love to brag about that but like i said she also have this magazine that i'm showing you in my camera right now called the hope magazine that is available on amazon that you can actually download to your kindle okay so if you visit amazon right now type in hope magazine and you could download it to your kindle you have quite a number of articles in there and a lot of her fashion stuff that she's doing and many other stuff in there i admonish you to get a copy of it i have an article in there also you'll see a lot of me in there in the coming editions so i strongly advise you to get a copy of that again thank you for the private sponsors there are many of you who choose not to be recognized i understand that i respect you but i just want to let you know publicly i thank you i truly truly thank you internationally and uh domestically for all of your contributions all of your assistance uh to assist me in what i'm doing here i am extremely grateful for what you're doing and many are benefiting from your continued support i'm always overwhelmed by the myriad of testimonies that i read on my different social media videos as well as the ones that you would email to me now with that said let's jump right into this teaching dreams that reveal reality now i'm in a teaching spirit today so i can be a little calm today and i'm gonna attempt it let me put it that way i'm gonna attempt to be a little calm because we are gonna be overwhelmed with information here so i would advise you now to get your bibles get a notepad or your electronic device because as usual we're going to give the appropriate scriptures to support what we're about to discuss here again the topic here is dreams that reveal reality now many of you have had dreams that has been extremely confusing to you confusing in the sense that for example you would dream about your current home that you're living in right now and let's say you have a beautiful room with a beautiful lawn and a beautiful driveway and all that other stuff however in the dream the home is dilapidated uh torn up i mean rickety you name it it looked nothing like how it looks in reality so one could wake up out of their sleep or whatever and be confused in that why would i dream about my house or anything that i know its current status intact or beautiful but the dream is revealing to me it being in a dilapidated state what is even more challenging is when the dream repeats itself now it may not be in the exact format that you had the original dream but you will always be driven by that particular place or environment in the different setting but the the the underlying tune of the dream is that the subject of the dream which would be the uh the home the business the property whatever is always in a dilapidated rickety dirty filthy uh looking environment what could this mean what is the saying to us so let us go through some scriptures to build a foundation here so as we begin to dissect this understanding we will walk away from this with our eyes spiritually widen so that now when we have such dreams we know how to navigate spiritually for future reference all right so let's go to first corinthians uh chapter two first corinthians chapter two and we're gonna read from verse 12 sorry second corinthians i think it is right let me be sure is it second let me edward let me look there first before i actually give you where is first or second corinthians and then we'll go from there good okay so this first corinthians first corinthians chapter 2 and we're gonna read from verse 12 to verse 15 and again we're building a spiritual foundation we're not just throwing riddles and rhymes over there and talking foolishness but we're looking for for spiritual content and context to achieve the spiritual understanding that god wants us to achieve and this is how we look beyond the physical now listen to this in first corinthians chapter 2 beginning at verse 12 it says now we have received not the spirit of the world this is the apostle paul in his letter to the church of the corinthian saints or believers of jesus christ and he's now giving them some spiritual insight beyond the regular teachings that they will have they were he was giving them meaning that he is now giving a more spiritual side of what they're involved with as it relates to the things of god jesus christ and so on all right basically the spiritual work so he says now we we the believers have received not the spirit of the world so right there he's telling us that there is a spirit outside of the spirit of god but she's referring to us the spirit of the world and this is what we were formally under prior to becoming uh followers of the lord jesus christ now we have received not the spirit of the world but the spirit listen to this now which is of god that we might know the things that are freely given to us by god so that is also saying to us that prior to taking on the spirit of god we were not capable of understanding the things of god now this is powerful because once you get a hold of this then you wouldn't engage in certain fruitless arguments with people who telling you there is no god and and uh you know crazy stuff like that uh i've well i wouldn't have the argument i had a lot of people when i was discussing the torii gate on another platform and they were saying you know oh what difference does it make the torah see because remember now they still have the spirit of the world on them so they're they're spiritually ignorant and blind to the things of god because they do not have the spirit of god upon them or in them now we have received not the spirit of the world but the spirit which is of god that we might know that we might know so the spirit of god is upon you says that we might know the things that are freely i love that word that are freely not merchandised that are freely given to us but but who is it given to us by it's given to us by god verse 13 of first corinthians 2 says which things also we speak not in the not in the words which man's wisdom teaching because my wisdom is limited okay so he says which things also we speak not in the words which man's wisdom teach it but which listen to this now the holy ghost teach it and this is the spirit of god that he referred to in verse 12 of first corinthians two okay but which the holy ghost is teaching us and how is the holy ghost teaching us comparing spiritual things with spiritual so those who are not spiritual when you talk about alters when you talk about witchcraft when you talk about voodoo when you talk about dreams and these things that is outside of their sphere because they are anchored to the physical things of this world they cannot comprehend where you're coming from hence they now come with their limited worldly knowledge and when they cannot be convinced by you of course they will hurl insults and and say you're stupid and everything is spiritual and everything is voodoo and everything is obey you you're not ego so he says the one who is being taught by the holy ghost which verse 12 says that is now the spirit of god upon him which has been replaced by the spirit of the world that this person formerly had he says the holy spirit when the holy spirit is teaching you he's going to compare spiritual things with that which is spiritual well the bible is spiritual so he that means he's going to always be referring to the scriptures to bring clarity to what he's trying to show you spiritually verse 14 says this is powerful but the natural manner who's the natural man but we go back to verse 12 he basically said who the natural man was and that is the one who is still accompanied and saturated by the spirit of this world and do not have the spirit of god who is going to show us uh things freely so they don't have that so the bible says in verse 14 of first corinthians 2 but the natural man listen receive not the things of the spirit of god he is not going to understand that if you call yourself a christian nation but you have idols and deities and shrines and altars of other religion on the prop the the whatever god has given you a land property whatever the natural man who lacks spiritual understanding who's comparing natural things with natural things is totally blind and ignorant and i'm not saying this in a demeaning way ignorance and he don't know she don't know so they're gonna fight and argue on what they've been taught by man and things that are limited to the physical receive not the things of the spirit of god for they are what they are foolishness unto him neither can he know them why because they are what spiritually designed so if he is on a constant natural of a constant natural mindset meaning that if it does not relate to his five senses it's rubbish to him so if you tell him the holy spirit lives in you you know what he can say look look at his fool if you tell him you the lord showed you a vision and you saw look at this nut case let's see if we need to get this poison to some asylum but do not get mad with them because they are speaking from where they're at and they not not that they want to they cannot venture beyond that if they choose to retain the spirit of the world and not give it up and take on the spirit of god which the scripture says that god now will begin to show or reveal things to us that were freely given by him so verse 14 says will the natural man receive not the things of the spirit of god for they are foolishness unto him neither can he know them why because they are spiritually discerned verse 15. but he that is spiritual he's talking about the man who is not natural now he's now taking on the banner of christ so now his training from his leaders pastors bishops apostles should be totally coming from the bible entirely because the bible which is spiritual is now not feeding his physical flesh like the world did through uh music and all these other things and pornography and all these other things no now he's being fed via the spirit which is the word of god so verse 15 says but he that is spiritual judging all things yet he himself is judge of no man now how is it possible because you hear all the time don't judge me and only god could judge me but that's not what i'm reading here it says in verse 15 of first corinthians 2 spiritual meaning that he who now sees beyond the physical he now come into the revelation that behind this bucking heads with my spouse behind this trouble on the job behind the sickness behind whatever his assessment isn't made by what he can relate to with his five senses he now understands that there is an invisible force of forces pulling the strings to what i see so the true believer of christ who is saturating themselves in the word of god when the holy spirit is teaching them that's what he said you know the holy spirit will teach you these things this person when they make their assessment when they make their judgment it's not from a surface level okay they're dealing with things beyond human comprehension or beyond the five senses that they're equipped to relate to the physical world but he that is spiritual he that is spiritual judges all things yet he himself with judge of no man they can't judge him because their judgment will be limited based on the physical things that they're trying to correlate now i'm going somewhere with this because remember what i said to you remember you're having these dreams and you dream about your sister your sister's beautiful and rosy in the natural but you keep having these dreams where she looked frail and ain't talking and dry up and broke why what what is the correlation here well i'm slowly taking you there by telling you what you're seeing in the dream is reality and this is what's going to pull the strings to which you call reality which is the physical world but in your hair when you wake up this don't make sense because my sister looked good in the natural so what you're saying is sickness you're seeing depression you're seeing challenges with this person way before it happened because that's what the spiritual world is all about it is revealing stuff that is already conceived that is already manufactured however like i've been telling in my teachings in order to facilitate the will of that deity in the spiritual realm upon this person that's being revealed to you in the dream then there must be a covenant there must be an agreement between the two so the lord is showing you who are spiritual and should be making your assessment not by what you see in the natural but you see this in the spirit so what you're going to do now you're going to not go to our girl i see you last night you look so sick in this dream my god no i'm gonna talk to this person i'm gonna go before the throne of god prayer fasting and shutting down the spirit of infirmity that has been revealed to me the spirit of the living god the holy spirit who's responsible for showing me all truth he's now revealing the truth to me but not spiritual if he am in and out then i'd be like just just rub the dream off only later for the things to manifest in this person like then you you can come right over the lord and show me that you know the lord your lord shall what you do what did you do in the lord show do you so let's go now to first corinthians chapter three first corinthians chapter three and we're going to read from verse 18 to verse 20. first corinthians chapter 3 and we're going to read from verse 18 to verse 2. now listen to what it says here let no man deceive himself this is paul still speaking to the church of corinth let no man deceive himself if any man among you seem it to be excuse me wise wise how in this world excuse me don't fool yourself listen what he's saying don't let your phd don't let your bachelor's don't let your associates don't let you been to yale or how what are you saying so much work don't think you're smarter than god let no man deceive himself if any man among you seem to be wise in this world listen what he's saying to you doctorate phd uh whatever you call yourself he says instead let him become a fool that he may be wise in so much words you don't mean to be stupid and and crazy what he's saying humble yourself be like a child who's willing to learn about the things of god but don't act like you could figure god out don't act like you can give a logical reason as to how the sun and the star could be suspended in the sky because you've come to the conclusion that god there's no god doing that come on man the big bang theory where were you see right there you sound like a fool because everything has an origins made something made this mic something to make this ipad i got my own someone made these some something made something so for you to come with a big bang theory your brain seems to be banging with your hair right now because it makes no sense at all so he's telling the people of corinth and based on how he would have placed this i have to conclude that these were learned people so he's saying now listen we've been delving into the things of god which is all spiritual so you're gonna have to put your human logic on the side you have to put your little phds and degrees on the side because where we're about to venture anger makes sense to you if you're still trying to correlate it with your limited intelligence he says let them deceive himself if any man among you seem to be wise in this world let him become a fool that he may be wise verse 19. listen carefully for the wisdom of this world listen the wisdom of this world is foolishness with god for it is written he taketh the wise in their own craftiness now this is powerful let me finish verse 20. it says and again the lord knoweth the thoughts of the wise that they are vain they are prideful they believe that they they know it all or they they're smarter than god and paul is telling the people listen in order to understand well i wouldn't say understand god but to have some scope of what you're dealing with once you take on the banner of christianity you you you need to know the basics and the basics is put your ego put your pride put your human intellect press it right on the side there okay because we're about to go into a realm where that cannot benefit you in fact that will cause more problems for you let's go now to romans chapter eight romans chapter eight and we're going to read from verse one to two then we can jump to verse five okay romans chapter eight beginning at verse one says there is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in christ jesus okay so he's talking about the believer now he says no matter how much people condemn you there is no condemnation if you're on christ or if you are a believer of christ but the qualifiers don't end there watch what he says next there is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in christ jesus okay i in christ but what else who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit so yeah as a believer no one could condemn you and it be justified that it's by god if you're pursuing the spirit of god but if you weave in in and out you will have one foot over here in the world and you think you've got one foot in the kingdom of god no no no you yes you will be condemned because he's laying the qualifiers or the view uh following the things of god which is the spirit of god which is his word he said no matter who come at you no matter what they say about you no matter what defamatory uh uh degrading remarks they make or they're judging you in whatever way he says don't you worry about that you keep following this because they don't understand that they are of the world they are that they have a natural mind and and connecting everything from a natural plane do not be distracted by those people first two says for the law of the spirit of life in christ jesus had made me free from the law of sin and death dropped to verse five for day that are after the flesh listen to this carefully now and the flesh here will also mean that days that those that are natural minded that again their assessment everything they assess is from a physical plane or standpoint never spiritual so verse five of roman eight says for they that are after the do mine or become concerned about the things of the flesh but they that are after the spirit they immerse themselves about spiritual things and that's what the show is all about because as a believer of jesus christ and this is key and this is what aggravates me if you are a believer of jesus christ whether you're a pastor or you're just a new convert when you decide to follow jesus christ what you are saying is that i want to know more about the invisible world that's what you're saying because what you're signing on to you cannot see jesus you cannot see god you cannot see the devil you cannot see angels and the things you're about to read in this bible is gonna really take you off your rockers if you haven't made up your mind to see things from a spiritual standpoint for example the first thing you're going to be introduced to is this jesus fellow and this group is saying that he he was hung on a cross he died he was buried and not only is he resurrected but he's now seated at the right hand of god no no no naturally that don't make no sense he is also claiming that through his death burial and resurrection he has made provisions for you and i to not go to watch this now a christ-less hell after i'm dead whoa whoa whoa whoa are you saying that i'm still living after i'm dead now back up kevin you're crazy no when you decide to take on christianity these are the things that you should be hearing in your ears on a 24 7. so you see what i was saying to my other teachers if you're at a church and all they're teaching about is car and house and marriage and i see you getting a promotion over the spiritual things that is fueling those things then you're in a backward church because as a new convert or as a believer of jesus christ we are commanded to walk after the spirit so that we will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh a couple of scripture says that uh we must walk by faith and not by sight in other words walk according to the laws and the rules and the ordinances of god why because now your spiritual eyes are going to be open and you're not going to be limited to the things that restricted you or distracted you or anchored you to a place where you fussing you rowing you cussing like you just can't get out of the flesh why because you keep seeing things from a physical standpoint the bible says i think it's in uh i think is my i mean proverbs 16 25 somewhere anyway i know it's in proverbs 16. and listen but listen what this rule says it says he that handles a motto wisely shall find the good thereof or he will discover something beneficial in the end from from dealing with that matter for example he gets into an uh of confrontation with somebody and they cuss in him they coming up on his face but he sees saying spiritually so you know what he did even though he didn't do anything wrong so i'm sorry please forgive me he's paralyzing this person because this person is trying to incite him to come rebuttal cuss me back so i'll have a reason to punch you down but this guy sees the end from the beginning so what does he do now he changes his normal course of action but why is he doing this because spiritually he's been trained to look beyond where he's physically at and he's physically being tempted and tried to draw him back in a fleshly um mindset position to do something that he will regret leader so the believers of jesus christ and this is what dreams and visions and all these things are about it is to get you to look beyond where you are you will forever be petty you will always be offended you will always have the spirit offense you will always have all of these negative things the the reason for this or that is the evidence that yes you might have accepted jesus christ but you have yet to modify your deeds of the flesh and this is why you find yourself every time somebody make you mad you fire in the math word huh like nobody business even though you will save at least 3.5 billion years now why am i so because you have yet to renew your mind you have yet to modify the members of the flesh such as your tongue what else so it goes on to say in verse five for they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh and we can read all the way to verse eight but they that are after the spirit the things of the spirit for to be carnally minded is death but to be spiritually minded is life and peace now isn't that interesting because you see a lot of christians dying at a young age covered whatever else taken about cancer and you'll be like man but these are people of god but listen to what he said this is a principle he says because the carnal mind sorry for six for to be cuddly minded is death if you're always thinking from a fleshly perspective and behaving in such a manner yes you are a believer but he's saying that your time here will be limited for to be carnally minded as dead but to be spiritually minded is life and peace so the one who is always forgiving he's operating in the laws of god the one who was praying not against his enemies but for his enemies the one who was following the loot the rules the principles folks listen to me and listen to me well the more you follow the rules of god the more you will begin to see things spiritually the more you will make your assessment from a spiritual standpoint people who know you for years to be quick to jump they'll be like what's going on with kevin how come susie don't act that way no more because now they're seeing things spiritually and making spiritual assessments before they were hard-headed impatient and deal it foolishly but now they see the end from the beginning just like their creator they see it in the spirit they know if i take this route i know i go into jail today but i don't know i need me to accept my losses let me let me turn the other cheek like the scriptures say the more i participate in the law the more i begin to see things from a spiritual perspective and now act in that manner for seven says of corinthian for romans eight he says because the carnal mind or the fleshly mind or the natural mind okay is enmity against god or opposition for it listen to this excuse me carefully for it is not subject to the laws of god neither indeed can it be christians you are wasting your time trying to explain to somebody who is hell bent on their limited wisdom okay when you tell them about and again i'm going to use the torii gate well i tell you from the last teaching we had which represent demonic stuff see they don't know that and not only because they don't know they should just shut up but no what they're going to do is in order to defame and to deface your beliefs and religion which you are basically the scriptures even though they know nothing of it their job now is to change the narrative and to attack you see this is what a flat mind does yeah man you you all will talk foolishness man with this spiritual thing man come on let's be real man you talking fool come on the torii gate this big red thing you're bored with a big belly what buddha can do to me okay come buddha come jump on me again his or her understanding of spiritual things is i wouldn't even say limited they have none so therefore what they spew from that point is from a fleshly perspective and the seasoned believer should never be engaging in such things that's why the bible says in in the book of colossians do not let no holy day or the sabbath days do not argue genealogy he said don't do it because anybody would engage in stuff like that is coming from a fleshly platform and trust me when you join them they're going to pull you down to their level and beat you with experience because they're experts in an area so you resist that you you walk away from that you you you don't participate in that he says because the carnal mind is enmity against god for it is not subject to the law of god neither indeed can be verse 8 of romans 8 so then they that are in the flesh listen to this carefully listen to this carefully they that are in the flesh can not please god god is not pleased when you are going against his commandments why because the essence of you going against his commandments is you're trying to split or satisfy your flesh or even the flesh of others oh you don't got to do all the scriptures man i mean come on man you could yeah you don't gotta twist in adam two taken away from the word of god man is trying to redefine the scriptures to satisfy their lusts for their fleshly desires i am the king of this throne i am the bishop the apostle or whatever i is and because i'm in charge i'm gonna do some tweaking of the scriptures i can say this again i gotta make women bishops even though the bible say that's not the way it's supposed to be god say him who's doing it who's doing or whoever they are the bible says let me read this again so they that are in the flesh cannot please god so my brother if you call yourself if you believe by defying the word of god if you believe by adding to or taking away from the divine orchestrated word of the living god that god has etched in time and eternity and you a mere mortal believe you could jump your retired self on the scene and change the word of god you beyond stupid you'll be on ignorance you to me i fear you to to to to to mess around the the the laws of god and to become so high-minded that you could change it who gives you that authority my god man you you you need to be ripped let's read from verse 13 to voice 15 verse 13 of roman 8 says for if you live after the flesh preacher you shall die but if you through the spirit do modify the word modified means to change to alter okay spirit do modify the deeds of the body you shall live stop changing the word of god stop teaching people that they could do it your way and not god's way verse 14 of romans 8 says for as many as are led by the spirit of god they are the sons of god for you have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear but you have received the spirit of adoption whereby you cry alberfado so again we're building this foundation i'm i'm this may seem irrelevant now but when we get to where we go and you can see that it's make perfect sense god wants everyone that subscribed to jesus christ to begin the process of seeing beyond this physical realm and i ain't talking about no hocus pocus saying following the scriptures the more you obey the word of god the more you follow the word of god the more you are going to see things in every area of your life clearly and how the holy spirit is going to instruct you how to deal with it there's this scripture god gave me when i when i initially became a christian back in 96 and everywhere i go i told you the story before the scripture was popping up when i was watching tbn or the whatever christian program or i'm listening to someone preach uh psalms 32 verse 8 came to me all the time i will instruct you and teach you and show you in the way in which you should go i will watch over you with my eyes verse 9 says do not be like the mule whom you got to put a bridle in its mouth and pull it into the direction you wanted to go he said don't be like that but the only way you could be like that is when you come against the word of god when you refuse to follow the exact thing that he tell you or told you to do now the spirit from god is really the holy spirit and it is this spirit that is teaching us in our walk with god particularly as it relates to fulfilling the destiny that he has enabled us with we wouldn't know how to do that outside of the holy spirit so let's go to uh john chapter 16. let's go to john chapter 16 and we're going to see here exactly the role of the holy spirit and why it's important that we should know it so that we will know how to listen to what he say not what somebody else is twisting so john chapter 16 beginning at verse 5 you can read from verse 5 to verse 13. jesus is speaking now he says but now i go my way to him that sent me he's going back to his father and none of you asked me where is where do i go but because i have said these things unto you sorrow had filled your heart nevertheless i tell you the truth it is expedient for you that i go away okay for if i go not away listen to this carefully if i go not away the comforter which we know to be the holy spirit will not come unto you but if i depart i will send him unto you verse 8 of john 16. and when he is come uh-huh he who is he the holy spirit that's the spirit of god that we spoke about in in first corinthians but he will reproof or correct the world of sin and of righteousness and of judgment of sin because they believe not on me of righteousness because i go to my father and you see me no more of judgment because the prince of this world is judged i have yet many things to say unto you but you cannot bear them now listen to verse 13 carefully of john 16. how be it or however when he who is he the comforter who's the comforter the holy spirit when he the spirit of truth now i want you to underline that phrase right there because when we go back to first corinthians chapter two and it and it speaks to us about we are no longer under the spirit of this world but the spirit which is of god this is whom he is talking about okay so he says when he the spirit of truth which is the comfort of the holy spirit is come listen listen primarily he will do what guide you into all truth now why am i pounding on you because i want to take you into the dream part of it now see the holy spirit that's why i tell you man if you still in this fleshly state as a believer then i see why your life ain't going away because you cannot understand the things of god if your relationship with the spirit of god which is the comfort of the holy spirit spirit of truth has been disconnected because his job is to show you not some truth but all the truth but how is he going to do this he's going to reveal it to you from the spiritual world listen when you had the dream and in the dream that beautiful home you bought that before you bought it before you bought it you look on the outside it's beautiful the real estate agent take you on the inside you love that nice wood floor you love those spanish tiles you love that granite counter but why every night you keep dreaming inside this place is filthy disarray disorganized why are you dreaming the roof is rotten why are you dreaming the yard is growing up high with grass and and and thistles and and all this why are you dreaming this because the spirit of truth is showing you that the curse on this place whatever is on this property is dominating it don't mind the outside don't mind the outside the spirit of truth remember what he says you when you really make the assessments it's going to be from a spiritual perspective how is he going to teach me holy spirit are you going to teach me by comparing spiritual things with spiritual things boy i hope you all listen to me i hope you all listen some of y'all somebody must be crying right now man boy are you here that's exactly what happened to me but you see when you lack knowledge when you don't know you're gonna always make your assessment by this beautiful awesome exterior not knowing the spiritual implications that come along with it okay verse 13 of john 8 16 sorry john 16 verse 8 verse 13 how be it when he the spirit of truth is come he will guide you into what some truth know all truth for he shall not speak of himself but whatsoever he shall hear that shall he speak and he will show you things to come so god says to the holy spirit holy spirit tell kevin i see him looking at that property right there do not let him purchase that the holy spirit revealing the dream why every time i dream about this property it look like a black lake with black water but in reality i love the place i could see my house there i could see a two-story i could see the cars and i can envision all of this the holy spirit come back again with the same dream repeating the different scenarios but the the core or the underlying tone is always the same but because i lack spiritual knowledge because this is what i want i am now activating a law that is now going to work against me what is that law mr ewing proverbs 16-25 what does it say there is a way that may seem right to me but the scripture is prophesying that the end of my way i will receive destruction and in some cases even death i'm talking to somebody today get to know the scriptures get to know the word of god find yourself in the church but it's preaching the unadulterated word of god i cannot put enough emphasis on that you have in this day and time that we live in we have to be on the people who is adamant about giving you the scriptures giving you the word of god not no fancy garbage talk which can guide you on this natural realm and then you pass in everything that god has ordained for you because your focus on something that's gonna crumble before your eyes because it was never of god it was a distraction to lead you on a road to dismiss everything god originally had for you i've been that road so i could tell you from experience the bible is clear romans chapter 12 verses 1 verse verses 1 and 2. be transformed by the renewing of your mind how are you gonna do that through the scriptures through the scriptures you're gonna do it let's turn there let's go to romans let's go to romans uh chapter 12. and we're going to read verse 1 and verse 2. romans chapter 12 verse 1 and verse 2. listen to what it says here now i beseech you therefore that is paul talking to the church of rome i beseech you therefore brethren listen by the mercies of god he basically plead with them that you present your body's living sacrifice holy acceptable unto god this is what he says this ain't nothing difficult to do he's saying he says which is your reasonable service now this is a protocol now watch the next step in this protocol so verse two of rumors says and be not conformed okay to this world why is this because remember we read in first corinthians chapter 2 he said he talked about the spirit of this world and the spirit of god don't be conformed do not be moral or shapen into this world anymore you are now a believer of christ which means that you should be accompanied with the spirit of the lord living in you the bible says that the spirit that once raised jesus christ from the desire in you so he says in order to completely shake the spirit of the world off of you he says do not conform do not be placed in the mall of the way that the world do things so he says be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing the word renew means to repair the word renew means to to to fix so basically he's saying to me prior to coming on to on board of of of jesus christ and having the spirit of the lord the holy spirit with me he says i was i was damaged my mind wise why because i lived on a fleshly or natural plane and my assessments were made from there he says but in order to get the true uh the the the the goodness that god has to offer you the the promises of god and all of these things he claim in this bible you first have to renew your mind and the initial way to do that after you've accepted jesus unhinge yourself from the things of this world now i don't know let me be clear because i know some people get crazy i'm saying the woman gotta walk around these long dress down by the ankle and cover up their face and and don't fix their hair and don't put in your weave and don't wear makeup iron at all that's superficial garbage i see people that write me on the title ministering what you think about bear and weave the same thing you think about it okay if you wanna wear your weave if you wear makeup i listen to me i ain't on that level what i am on as once you allow the holy spirit to teach you he's going to be the one to tell you whether you should not kevin so i don't don't come to me that garbage because i don't put up with that food i ain't listening to that nonsense my job is to take you in the scriptures not to convince you what the scriptures say the holy spirit brings conviction i point you i am not condemning you i am not judging you this is what the lord says now that on you now so all of this uh if you wear weave the marine kingdom will put you in the headlock and all of this i i i don't know about that is there a marine kingdom yes there is are there evil spirits yes there is because if you can go that route that means you join them even the clothes the clothes that you wear are susceptible to the same reef wearing makeup everything so i put up with that stuff you could go argue with someone else on that kevin on that and be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing or the repairing of your mind okay why that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of god so you're telling me mr paul that i as a believer of jesus christ cannot prove or decipher what is the will of god for my life if i have not renewed my mind from the world system yes sir very simple very very simple we don't need no committee we don't need no board of directors to figure this out so as you can see in order to understand the things of god you've got to understand as he said in first corinthians 2 you need now that you come from the world system and the spirit of the world isn't advising you anymore you're not taking on taking on the new advisor which is the excuse me the spirit of god the holy spirit is going to begin teaching you and he told you how by comparing spiritual things with things that are spiritual that's what he said then he comes in he said now for that to happen the basis have to be you must now renew your mind but how do i renew my mind to to decipher what is of god for me or how to look beyond this physical well i do that by immersing myself and taking on the word of god why because i'm now adhering to a new set of laws and rules and principles and i say new new compared to the all ones that you subscribe to that was leading you on the road to destruction so if you say pray for your enemies if he say turn next cheek there are no clauses there you can't come and say well you owe you so you telling me if someone waking witchcraft on me you trying to tell me i should pray for them i ain't trying to tell you nothing the bible told you that so go tell god you don't want to do what he got to to do what he tell you to do and you can do it your own way and the scriptures are very clear what will happen to you so don't bring that garbage to the camera because i ain't putting up with that i got too many people waiting to be taught since to be running some cycle around with you trying to put in your own sub clauses to to facilitate your evil it's not going to happen if he tell if johnny could do it and mary could do it then you should be doing it too if it's the laws of god so in order for you to know the will of god you have to have your mind renewed in the things of god all right second corinthians chapter 4 verse 18. ii corinthians chapter 4 verse 18. oh but now we're coming home now you're coming home now now why are we coming home now i gave you that foundation to show you how you prepare yourself to receive of the teacher whom christ has sent us which is his holy spirit he says listen it's expedient for you that i go but i'm gonna leave you comfortless i'm going to send someone who's going to teach you who's going and this primary goal is to do into all truth so don't be shocking now paul again back with the church of corinth in second corinthians 4 18. listen what paul is telling these people he says while we look not at the things which are saying he's talking about this mic in front of me he's talking about this ipad in my hand everything that my physical senses could relate to paul is telling the spiritual believers of christ because that's what you are at from this point forward your focus your formal focus or should have been your form of focus should not be set on the things that are physical he said while we look not at the things which are seen but or instead are the things which are not seen poorness again reiterating reconfirming that reality is not in what we see the physical things of this world the disagreement with others whatever it is that is the root that is not the core that is not the reality these are the tentacles of the reality he proved that by saying while we look not at the things which are seen but are the things which are not seen for the things which are seen are temporal and anything that's temporal is a destruction why because it's clearly indicating that it's not there forever so if you focus on your supervisor if every day you come home to your husband your family and you say supervisor role is no good that woman is too wicked she know i supposed to get it from every day you sing in this song and use the question use the believer nobody is teaching you look beyond supervisor role look and judge supervisor role from a spiritual perspective how am i doing that i see supervisor role is petty i see supervisor role as an oppressor but when i'm picking these things or i'm picking out the spirits that's ruling her that's dominating her life to affect me this spirit is hoping that foolish me will look and forget the spiritual world and just look at supervisor role now when i do that the spirit got all two of us now operating in its will then i should have said anger complaint but supervisor rule father in the name of jesus i see that spirit of pride on sister role i see that spirit of of of of pettiness and offense but god i also see in me a spirit of anger i also see in me a spirit of get back and all these other things father i'm asking you to spiritually intervene i'm making my assessment from things which are spiritual and not the physical by talking to somebody today so paul is telling the church of corinth get your mind get your focus on the unseen world because that's where everything is manufactured that's where everything is being conceived it's produced or burst in this physical plane so you're getting the after effect of what was already conceived so what role over here is displaying is what has already been conceived and achieved in the spiritual realm and now it's being uh mass manufactured through your cooperation by accepting it and not dealing with the spirit it's being produced in this level to distract you from the things of god to fight on a physical level now what paul is telling these people is very clear and that is they are two worlds there is the world that we clearly can see and relate to with our five senses and there is a spiritual world but i'm going to give you another scripture that he's going to go beyond the two worlds and tell you and he's going to say to you that two of these world worlds have two different types of inhabitants so let's go to first corinthians 15 first corinthians 15 i'm going to read verse 44 the latter part of it we're actually going to read the whole thing first corinthians 15 verse 44 says uh it is sony natural body it is a spiritual body listen to part b of the 44th verse of first corinthians 15. paul speaking to the church of corinth listen to the spiritual nugget paul said there is a natural body which is us and there is a spiritual body well when we define the word spiritual we're speaking of something that we cannot see something that is not visible to the naked eye so right now there are angels in the studio with me as well as maybe where you are well kevin how you figure that well scripture not my opinion psalms 91 verses 11 and 12. for he was he which is god has given is who angels will charge over me and you the believers to keep us in all our ways that if we as much as dash offered against a stone these same angels will gather us in their arm right psalms 34 7. what does it say the angel singular of the lord encamp or surround those that fear the lord and deliver them can i see them no why because paul just told you why they are spiritual beings you cannot see them unless god wants you to see them of course i'm bringing you to a point we can get to the dream i'm bringing you to a point now because i trying to get you to understand not because you don't see the devil you don't see god you don't see heaven you don't see hell you don't see angels you don't see demons not because you don't see them all you say i don't believe in god i'm an atheist that does not change the rules god doesn't have an exemption in his word or clause that if kevin say he don't believe in me then the spiritual world will not be a reality to him only to those that believe this is why i couldn't wrap my head around when i hear pastors say witchcraft only real if you believe it you sound like the devil to me because where can i find that in the scripture when the scripture speaks so much about sorcery and witchcraft so you're telling me it was only real to those people then i don't get it so anyway paul is saying here they're two bodies there's a spiritual and there's the physical so we're showing you now there is a body that you cannot see in the spiritual realm demons angels so on and so forth and then the doors that you do see such as you and i now let's drop now here to job chapter 33. you can come home now job chapter 33 i love this i love this and we're going to read from verse 14 all the way to verse 18. and i want you to listen carefully i've already laid the foundation now we're about to jump job 33 verse 14 and anyway i i spoke to somebody recently and they told me because i see dreams in the old testament i'm about to show you their dreams in fact the new testament and matthew chapter one or two starts off with dreams with david not david where joseph had the the visitation from the angels in the dream and the wise man had the visitation from god in the dream and telling them instructions what they ought to do naturally to avoid trouble naturally so when your leader see let me tell you all again stop listening to these people and when i say stop listening i mean if what they're saying is going against the laws of god you need to call them out you explain this to me then because i it's a man i won't know more about god i want to i want to be right i want to be on the day of judgment i don't want to be a part of that group who i lord lord lord haven't i done so and so only for him to tell me get from around me because he never was listening to what i tell you he listened to this poison tell you over here so i don't need nobody popping no garbage in my head i need to know what the scripture is saying to me job 33 verse 14 for god speak it once ye twice yet man perceive or understands not so he's talking about in his physical natural state he's talking to this man you are on the way to work and god is speaking to you you turn on your radio and this man is preaching and the very thing that he's preaching on is the very thing that you're upset about he's preaching about forgiveness how he must forgive people no matter what they did to us why not so much about them but because god said while you're praying forgive others so that your heavenly father will forgive you so the condition of god forgiving me i must con forgive my fellow man so this man i'm driving home i mean to work upset with my wife refuse to entertain forgiveness because i need to show her look you don't do these things to me i can be petty and i can talk to you and i can do all this stuff and the devil just working my mind over i turn on the radio and this one is preaching well the bible is saying here in job 33 this is god speaking to you just like god is speaking through me to speak to you right now he says god don't do this once and twice in the fleshly realm listen he says for god speak it once yes even twice yet this man is still not getting it so what does god do let's look at verse 15 of job 33 god now comes to him in the spiritual realm and how does he do that mr ewing via his dreams verse 14 shows the physical attempts that god did to garner the attention of this man or to say what you're doing is wrong it is not my rules it is not my laws in his rage and anger he turns off the radio and don't want to hear it probably goes in this office flick on the tv and probably come on the debian and another man preaching the exact sabbath he turned that off so god catch him when he isn't distracted by physical things in his sleep so verse 15 says in a dream and a vision of the night when deep sleep followed upon men uh-huh and slumbering upon the bed listen then he was he god open the ears of men and see their instructions let me open the ears are you physically going in prat no he's talking about his spiritual hearing his spiritual understanding so coming in the dream and showing him okay remember don't do not buy this property huh they're selling it for a deal for a reason they can't live there they just won't get this off their hand but all i can see is this nice beautiful 5 10 15 acre huh all i can see is my nice spread on there my nice car and motorbiking and drone all over the place that's all i'm seeing and the devil just fueling me listen to that voice over there man look at this man think about it you could you could do this and do that god come in a vision all of this is spiritual and he's showing you kevin this property now i'm looking at the property again in the dream it's another dream i have and the property all dig up with holes all over the place bottles all over the place why am i dreaming these things then i had another dream and in the dream i could see these would appear to be humans and all i could see is all of them sitting together and doing some kind of worship ceremony and i see these creatures coming from the sky but in every dream every thing is pointing to this property god is speaking to you kevin the holy spirit is speaking to you kevin he's his job is to guide you kevin the belief of jesus christ into all truth but kevin because you have not renewed your mind before because you have not subscribed fully to the things of god by immersing yourself in the word of god and being around sound teachers and preachers you now comparing it with physical things so you know what you're going to do just what god said the things of god would be f the things are going to be foolishness to man and the stupid dream so you go buy the property and everything that could go bad in your life as it released any everything to do with that property you build there you can't finish it the bank they won't give you the rest of the law or everything in the world happening but you can't say you didn't see it no you couldn't see it spiritually because you were so focused on what you wanted physically the bible says in proverbs chapter 19 verse 21 he says there are many devices or ideas in a man's heart but only the counsel of god shall prevail did you say god is this your counsel that i poisoned this place was this a part of your plan for my life before the foundation of the world according to ephesians 1 verses 3 and 4 no you didn't do that because you were so overcome by the physical aspect of what you wanted that you dismiss god altogether by talking to somebody so it says to to seal the instructions of men verse 17 says that he which is the man may withdraw sorry that he which is god may will draw a man from his purpose and hide pride from him see that he too pridefully won't go back to the people and say listen give me my down payment back i don't want this place no more because see that biggest self up make it look like he could buy the same need to go to no bike he could pay for this cash but god came to you in a dream say boy let this dream be a one of you leave this alone okay i can give you these scriptures you could look at i'm gonna just briefly uh condense them because i will go into some dreams to correlate with this teaching and two of the dreams are going to be personal from me what i experience personally okay so second king six you should know the second king six chapter second kings chapter six verses 15 to 17 where again the scriptures are revealing to us a spiritual world and this is the story about elijah and his servant uh hazy or gehesia some people pronounce it and they were in the city of dothan you all noticed my favorite scripture and the entire syrian army had surrounded the city of dothan to take the life of elijah and his servant the young man the servant came out early that morning and many look he saw the entire host of the syrian army out there he was so frightened he ran back inside and he said the last master he's talking to elijah now he says behold the syrian army is out there elijah very cool very collective no high blood pressure no nothing in fact he was 82 years old at the time but the reason why he is this way is because he is seeing beyond the physical so you see how deceptive the physical is physical what this guy is focused on got him in disarray got him talking on his head doing things he would never do foolish stuff but elijah saw something spiritual that that secured his confidence that god got this so he says a master the syrian army is out there what should we do elijah looked at him and elijah said son i want you to hear me hear me good okay he said there are more that are with us than those that are with them now you've heard me tell this story over and over elijah is saying while you and i party number one i hear and the syrian army which is party number two there are some invisible beings spiritual bodies that are also present on each side that you cannot see but i'm telling you young man that those that are on our side which are the angelicos outnumber not only the syrian physical army but the spiritual forces that are also influencing them at this point the young man is totally confused wondering if elijah had a couple drinks a couple red stripes or collects a couple budweiser what you talking about elijah elijah understood this so the bible said the lord the elijah grabbed his head and put his hand and prayed and listened to what he prayed about which we could correlate with the scripture that we just spoke about in uh job chapter 33 remember it says that god speak to him in visions and dreams and open up his air to seal his instruction to keep man from the pitting to keep him from pride so elijah now praying now this is in second kings 6 15-17 so elijah says lord open his eyes so that he may see i remember the boy just finished telling elijah what he physically saw all right but that was in all that was out there and now what he's about to see now that his spiritual eyes are open just like the spiritual as being opened in job chapter 33. he goes back outside he still sees the syrian army but amazingly he also sees uh horses and chariots with fire surrounding the hills around the syrian army did they just appear when he went back outside no they were always there however because he was on this physical plane and saw things from a physical perspective he was limited to what the other opportunities was available to him to them as it relates to coming against the syrian army because in his physical mind it's only me and elijah elijah's 82. so really is only me so elijah said no boy there's more go look again and he saw the invisible angelic hosts waiting to do war by the command of elijah people i am telling you there is a spiritual world there is a world that you cannot see and the bible speaks repeatedly about it every scripture points to it and again this is why i tell you when you in a place where you're only talking about pay tie sorry pace give seed and and god can bless you as garbage you need to get into the spiritual realm through the word of god how do we do that by following the rules of god so the way we're back outside now this isn't the first time this happened write down this next scripture in our second chronicles 32 versus seven to eight remember uh hezekiah the assyrian army came against him the king being sennacherib and they outnumbered i mean israel whatever there was no match there the same thing hezekiah told his soldiers he says he says be encouraged don't be dismayed be solid in your stance for there are more that are with us than are with them so if leaders would subscribe to the teachings of the scriptures and allowing their eyes to be opened spiritually by the holy spirit they will be able to see well in advance what's coming up against them excuse me they wouldn't be caught off guard they wouldn't be afraid they wouldn't be worried because like the bible says if god be for us who can be against us but how we can know before us if we just based on it but i didn't see him he's still in the flesh he's still natural but when i read the rules and the principles of god and apply them based on what i now commit to as it relates to the bible i have nothing to worry about nothing at all all right then of course here i have uh second kings three and five where god visited solomon in the dream and also genesis 15 where god uh spoke to to moses and so on now with that said my teaching itself is finished i just want to give you that foundation and i want to give you some personal personal experiences that i had and all of this was a part of me getting to where i am today in my ministry this is how i all started out being bombarded with uh people who was deep into witchcraft i associated myself with having no idea excuse me what they were dealing with being totally ignorant to the spiritual world i wasn't a christian then and in one part of this story i'm going to tell you why i did become a christian and begin to see things for what they were but anyway i can take it from the point where i had become a christian this was like in 1996. so let's fast forward let's say uh 2000 anyway in the 2000s let me put a deal i had bought this this four plex this was in 2005. i bought this four plex through the bike in cabrillo beach a four plex got a super super deal on it uh i think hurricane matthew and jean i destroyed it and i was able to negotiate with the guy and get it for under a hundred thousand dollars so i was able to get enough monies to repair it and brought it back up to i mean a livable place almost like brand new renovated take off the roof change out all the rocks she do all of that stuff right i'm happy about this happy about my new building i'm finally uh a landlord something i always wanted to be at my own place and i'm thinking this can be for my retirement but my kids through college i'll have some residual income all this other stuff anyway during that time again i was a christian but nowhere now advancing knowledge like i am now as it relates to the spiritual world of course i was going to you know regular church doing the regular stuff so a seat or whatever whatever right didn't get no real spiritual food i used to have dreams just about every night about this four plex and none of the dreams were good the first dream i had the very first dream because i live right next door to the fallplex the first dream i had i was inside apartment number one and in fact i had walked from my home over because it looked like some renovations were being done on the place and that was strange because in reality my place was not was already renovated i'd already had everything fix up and all this other stuff so i went into apartment number one i could look in the ceiling and i could see all of the beams and the truss and all this other stuff i think that there was no ceiling there and i was like how could this be gonna have brand new ceiling there so i get inside the kitchen in the pocket number i heard this car pull up outside there's a limousine a gray one heavily tinted this big dark lady jumped out of the vehicle now the reality is the big dark lady resembled someone that i know very well the lady came inside and immediately she went to the stove and she took out some pots and stuff and she started cooking and she started telling me oh you know she's a woman of god and she loves jesus just like me and and she just will fix something for me to eat so i'm sitting standing and i'm looking at this woman you didn't say good evening i don't know you how you get in my place what dream ended have other dreams and every other dream i was having the after i got my tenants the dreams that i was having i was dreaming about tenants in my place but they were never the tenants in real life and in each dream except for the first one that i told you the setting was always dark inside the apartments were filthy dirty and would appear to be tenants weren't tenant let me give an example one dream i had i i'm coming out of my yard to go over by the apartments and again it's dilapidated the grass is high which is nowhere nowhere how it looked in reality it was a beautiful four blacks remember i just got it renovated so i saw out of the last apartment these four midgets came out of the apartment and each had an animal head with a human body so one had like a horse head one had like a goat head a pig head and so on and they're pointing at me and round basically telling me to get off the property but no words were coming out of their mouth and they were angry they were putting down and they came in just pointing around and like the more they row the more they're coming close to me and i would walk back and they were basically racing me off the property the next stream i have i'm dreaming where the back part of this apartment complex is a swampy area dirty and i could see the bottles in the filth all through this place and it's all my property but this pool of dirty water is only reserved to the back part of my property and i saw this huge python i couldn't see the head but i would see one part of the body would come out of the water and go back under and start to make this big circle where it almost started like a little whirlwind i had another dream in this dream i'm standing again at my home which i could see my apartment next door and this lady who i know very well pulls up to one of the apartments and she went there to a lady whom i also know but they could not see me in the dream so i left my apartment so i came over to see what was going on and the front door was open and again the setting was dark but i could see it's nighttime so when i got to the door i heard this voice like internally and my head said to me do not go in but put your hand in and wave your hand so when i did that i could literally feel the the weight of the darkness literally and the best description i could give us if you're in a car driving at a high rate of speed and you put your hand on the window how to breathe force your hand back well that's how it was but it was like a wait i could have barely moved my hand because of the darkness of the weight the weight of the darkness sorry then i heard because i couldn't see these people anymore i couldn't see them pitch black and i begin to hear these like congo drums like you know like an african ritual beat it started very very very low very low i'm still standing at the door and it began to it went fast fast fast almost like a like a mesmerizing enchanting like stuff well guess what the next day all four of the apartments flooded when i called the plumber plumber came he snaked the whole uh plumbing system to see if there was any obstruction he re there was nothing obstructing it he pulled up the septic tank to see if it was an obstruction or was flowing over the the thing was wasn't fully flooding over there was no obstruction the plumber said brother kevin i've never seen a lettuce in my life end of the month i had a washer onto this four plex commercial wash and dry in there right that bill used to be no more than about fifty sixty dollars per month from i had that dream my bill shoot to six to seven hundred dollars every month so much so i could call the power company to come check this meter supplement right here the water bill that i paid for the entire unit was usually because the water and garbage came together and i would normally pay like 120 when the units are full the four units that went from twenty to seven to eight hundred dollars every month i see something something right here then the dreams begin to increase and they became more evil more wicked now i'm showing you this is what ignorance does to you because had i known what i knew today i would have prayed against these evil forces of witchcraft i would come against because the faces that i saw in that dream repeatedly in those dreams were very familiar to me and they were enemies to me i couldn't tell nobody those who i did tell about who i thought was spiritual oh you know sometimes your mind you think about people again again when you spiritually ignorant trust trust me satan is gonna direct you in the pathway of ignorant people and the purpose of that is to keep you in this frustrating cycle because you cannot figure out you're doing everything right you you pray and you're doing this no one is teaching you how to cancel dreams no one ever told me about dealing with the spirit of this is what this represent and this is what this symbolized no one none of that and the church i was going to at the time you know the only time you were praying for us is towards the building fund and pray that god with this and that but never nothing to edify or build you spiritually and all of this i take note of in hindsight things got worse when i say got worse um all of a sudden i had a roach infestation now remember i used to have this thing this place sprayed every like two to three months it didn't need to be sprayed i just did it you know just in case i got people living there and i don't want no rodents or whatever had it sprayed roach infestation people now leaving the apartment i got a mortgage at the bank at fourteen hundred dollars every month that's aside from the water that i pay the garbage all this other stuff electricity bill for the uh and that's what i was talking about with the washington is the electricity bill that went from sixty to seventy dollars to almost six seven hundred dollars all this so what i can't pay the bank no more but this is the part that got me nobody would rent i the place was in my opinion because it was newly renovated the best four plex should have the corner i lowered the rent all the way to three hundred dollars people would come oh i love this place some would even leave down payment only to come back for their money but again while i'm confused the dreams are coming the dreams are coming and it's always like there are other people that own my apartment complex and not me now what is the dream showing me based on everything i've taught you so far well like i said to you there is a spiritual world and there's the physical world when you get caught up on the physical world and try to figure out spiritual things from a physical standpoint you will always find yourself going around in circles what the holy spirit was showing and teaching me because he's going to compare spiritual things with spiritual jeans just like i showed you in the scriptures but i couldn't see it because no church was teaching me this no one was showing me this so what was i doing now i now was looking at physical things to correlate what was happening but the holy spirit will show me home boy there are spirits assigned to this property that this property will never prosper that you will never ever achieve whatever it is that you designed to do or wanted to do but it will never happen so guess what happened in the end i lost the property the bank came bought up the place changed the locks i had no say at all i sat home confused i served god i pay tithe i doing everything right so what happened i so see it i do this what what's up me right here proverbs 11 9b what does it say through knowledge shall the just be delivered not see it so not being tied i knew none of this so because of my lack of spiritual knowledge and understanding the principles rules the ordinance and this is why i talked to you about it so much because i lacked that i had nothing to fight with the only that was fight but i know jesus okay i don't do this sin i don't do that i don't smoke i don't drink like like that can stop spirits from coming if you're open to it by not knowing the rules and nobody was teaching so i didn't know it so i lost that i lost another piece of property i had over but everything i was losing but i was seeing the people who was doing it i see the craftiness that they were doing i see all the hocus pocus in the dream but i didn't know you rebuke him i didn't see it i got a few more minutes i would share another dream with you which caused me to bring up the same teaching remember i told you when i opened up this teaching today i had a dream two mornings ago and in the dream i dreamt about some people that i know where the owner of their father died okay and the father left the property to them but indirectly to them so of course they had to be a probate and all this other stuff that was almost four years ago there's been no forward movement on the home no courts no nothing children trying to figure out what's the hold up and buncher array blah blah blah the place has literally become dilapidated the roof is oh i mean the place that when he originally died was a place was in good shape it's basically a ghetto now in a in an awesome area however this that i had god made it very clear to me what was going on there watch this two mornings ago just before i woke up i had this dream where i was walking on the road to where this home was but in the dream i wasn't going to this hall i was going someplace else what caught my attention in the dream was that the entire property was sealed by this bob wire makeshift fence surrounding the entire property but the way that the barbed wire and these other little uh stuff that was on it was like razor sharp bob white like if you try any way to get in or even to put your hand through it will slice you and right at the entrance i saw like a little security booth which was weird because this is a nice uh residential area with a security builder but the security boot was on the inside where everything was fenced off so what garnered my attention there was that the display glass that was in front of the security boat i could see the actual door i can see the actual door open right i can see the door open at the back of the security boat so i walk up there and this gentleman came up now he wasn't in human form it was like a tall dark shadow and i could not see the hair part just like from the chest down but it was very tall and i said i said you need to close the door for somebody come in there and it said nothing to me and walk away i am now transported into the house how i don't know and in the house the floor is filthy with feces and dirt and liquids and i saw these two men who seemed to be under some kind like they were slaves and they were shoveling the dirt and just transporting it to one part of the house to the next but never taking it out of dogs immediately when i woke up it was like something was just sitting next to my head and internally giving me the revelation of all of what i saw and here is what i got and it only could have been from the spirit of the living law of the of the living god here's what i got what i saw again was from a spiritual plane the reality is the house even though it's dilapidated in real life it looked worse in the dream what the lord was showing me was the spiritual state of that property that what they did to that property those who do not want who was left for to have is that they have cursed the property and the children or whoever else have who supposed to have the right to it will never get the right the property will never be sold it will literally rot there but this is what i want you to get you will know none of this unless you see it from the spiritual side so people pass in there oh my god how they can let us see this nice place run down like this oh my god boy need to tell you something when you when you leave your things but you're not he's sure you can do no no you don't know the spiritual implicators here so what they did to that property they assigned a spirited that's the spirit that i saw that was guarding the place to ensure that anyone who have any desire to come there to inquire to purchase that place they will be turned off by that spirit it is no different from a woman who have a spirit of anti-marriage or not men will date her men will like her but never maria just pick up for no reason in the world and go marry somebody else they had no round no fuss no nothing with you so what the dream is showing that what you're being exposed to in that dream even though this place that you see does not correlate with what you do see in fact you see a beautiful home in the natural but you see this cursed dilapidated runner god is showing you that curses are levied on this place god is showing you that those that are fighting you as it relates to this place isn't fighting you from a spiritual level they're fighting you from a spiritual level and if you are not around sound teaching like this to point these things out to you you will forever be going from church to search so and seed after seed doing every song and dance they're telling you to do but according to the sh which is not my opinion 11 verse 9b through knowledge shall the just be delivered i lost everything i had no idea the powers that was working against me there were persons that i spoke to and explained my situation to them they basically brushed me off come on kevin you you that i ain't no man you oh come on man god is more powerful man there's no greater power than the power of god kevin come on yeah witchcraft real and stuff but kevin come on believe in god i was believing in god i give you all my time i give you all my offer and i every time you bring preachers over i give them everything i had because you've convinced me that by paying god off somehow god can circumvent his rules and work it out for me sisters and brothers i'm here to tell you it is only when i divorce myself from those erroneous teachings and truly get into prayer and fasting like i teach you so so adamantly when i truly begin to rehearse the scriptures and follow exactly what the scriptures tell me to do that's when i saw the breakthrough that's the bank that already tell me oh boy let me tell you something now when we sell this place you better pray to god be selling for what we want because if we sell it under which you owe us we gonna sell it and plus you gotta finish pay off the balance i say lord please send someone who would just take care the whole thing lord help me lord i was over a hundred and something thousands and dead but still like a big donkey so and see so and see so unseen nowhere in the bible is telling you that the bible says through knowledge shall you be delivered you dummy why are you not applying the knowledge that god gave you you listen to these jokers do what the bible say why are you holding man higher than god god say do it this way huh the only person benefiting from your seed is this clown over here who got you like a fool went on my 40 day fast i always just tell you this that was the game changer 40 day fast break that spirit of poverty somebody came and bought the place write that bill right off of me i had nothing to pay them people back every ting turn around so don't tell me god ain't real and i ain't guess what when i divorce myself from those things and stop giving these stupid seed and foolishness that's when life turned around for me and what did that prove to me in all of it it proved exactly what jesus said in matthew 15 from verse one to voice six when he told the pharisees the church leaders he said you are and you're talking fool but i must wash my hand before i eat and how you regard your rules and and regulations of men and dismiss the things of god guess what he says he says because of your tradition because of the things you've implemented over the word of god now the word of god is of no effect in this place and that what was happening to me i allowed them to make me put my confidence and seed sowing i allowed them to make me all the preacher man preacher man said god say this is what thousand uh uh uh seven god says two hundred and seven dollars two hundred and seven dollars so two hundred seven a payment two hundred and seventy two and some extra lord turn around for me jesus turn it around two thousand eight come i hear the lord say 208 or or for those who want a special i think it's 2 000 eight dollars oh lord i ain't got one night but i can see where the scrap of 2008 that time i'm buying my grocery at uh freeport power waiting all day money that i order am i in a right now but like a fool i run in here to circumvent all the rules to believe that i could pay god off and i failed on every end to the point i sat in my car on xanadu beach and weep like a woman because i could not understand father where did i go wrong what am i doing wrong i live and write to the best of my ability i pray day in and day out i doing the 12 midnight prayer the six o'clock prayer father i i doing all this stuff it's before i started fasting all this just praying it was only when i divorced myself from those synagogues that i had nothing to do with god and follow the word and now you see why so adamant about it when i start following the word of god when i commit myself and when i used to make the prayer i think god this your one night i was in my bed i was in my bed so depressed my bad so quite cry big man like me crying because i trying to figure out lord how how i can pay my son's school fee how am i gonna meet the mortgage here lord lord are getting ready i don't i done two months in a race and a power bill huh they should have done turned me off i used to get scared when i see the power truck come to the corner because i know he coming for me but he had like a donkey giving tithe give an offering given this seed i speaking to someone today if you want to see a change in your life neglect the false foolishness of men and follow the scriptures commit yourself to the word of god put your confidence when i did that 40 day fast i did because i couldn't take it no more 40 days fast i ain't put a piece of food to my mouth because i had enough there got to be a way this guy if i can commit to this then i can do whatever it takes 40 day fast they laugh at me on the job all my colleagues said boy you got hedges i'm rodrigo i wasn't checking for them i fast i pray i fast i pray say lord please not only break this off me i don't want to follow my children lord please god turn this around for me nobody know what i was going through they was watching me like this with dude losing a lot of good cancer stopped me i lost 25 pounds during that time but i didn't care what they were saying every night and the dreams would come and the dreams became more intense and life became more intense bill's car popped out of nowhere people like oh i don't even remember that's why i tell you it's going to get worse before better all that is telling you the evidence of the vigorous fight going on in the spiritual realm on your behalf just like daniel while he taught nothing was happening in those 20 days of fasting he didn't know the principalities and messenger angels walked in the heavens on his behalf and that's what i'm telling you today god is showing you through your dreams and visions god is revealing it to you but if you decide to continue on that part of living this form of godliness trust me you will die broke you will die miserable your children will take on the baton of poverty and confusion and that curse will go on forever why because just like jesus said and jesus said it is because of your tradition the word of god is of no effect heavenly father in the name of your son jesus christ i thank you for giving me the ability to articulate your word that even a child can understand that i speak to everyone under the sound of my voice that could relate to this teaching today who've been suffering in their home on their property on their job or whatever their health but they saw these things in the dream but couldn't bring it all together it is my prayer and i believe it has happened lord that this teaching has literally infiltrated their understanding and bring the pieces together and now they know what to focus on and what to attack what to do and what not to do to shred themselves off one of those anchors that anchored them to a place of failure they were more committed to a church system and policy as it was as opposed to the word of the living god i pray father god like you've done for me that you give them their desire excuse me you give them the the desire and the the endurance to endure whatever fast not necessarily a 45 for them but if they choose to do whatever fast that you would give the the wherewithal to not only endure it father god but to put their focus on you to put your their focus on the word of god and just like you did for me just like you promised you promised in your word in joule 2 and 25 that you restore unto us the years that the cankerworm the locus and the palmer worm has eaten away you said that and you've done it for me you've restored me in every area of my life not because i followed a policy in church not because i followed some amended redefined laws of god no because i committed to the laws of god in spite of the opposition in spite of the naysayers in spite of those who poke fingers now look at me today because i commit to you father put the desire in them for them to hunger after your word your word declares a deed and hunger and thirst after righteousness shall be filled or shall be satisfied i pray right now father god because your word also says according to prophecy 11 verse 31 and it says the righteous shall be recompensed father i'm speaking to that single mother that that that that young man that struggling could barely take care of his family barely take care of his kids who have a mediocre job and don't know how he get here why he's here but yet he's serving you father i pray that this teaching open up his spiritual eyes i pray that the teaching open up these people spiritualized that are watching me via social media and that they would see that there are two worlds there's a spiritual world and there's a physical world and according to the scriptures that i gave them today their focus must be on the unseen world father i pray to the angels of the lord and camper on the bottom just like your word says your word declares father god in the book of hebrews chapter 1 verses 13 and 14 he said to which of these angels had i said at any point city had my right hand while i make your enemies your footstool none of them instead he said are they not all ministering or serving spirits sent forth to minister unto those who are heirs to salvation father i join my fate with those who are heirs to salvation right now who are listening to me by whatever means possible and i pray father god that you would break the back of poverty break the back of confusion break the back that has anchored them to a place of utter failure in spite of what you've put in place for them before the foundation of the world father open their spiritual eyes i pray just like elijah prayed over his servant yes you are excited you are uh going through whatever because you're looking at the physical but father just like you prayed elijah prayed over his servant gazi he said lord open his eyes so that he may see father cause them to look beyond this natural cause them to look beyond this limited view of the physical realm and to look at the spiritual realm that is pulling the strings and causing them not to go forward causing them to be in a circle all the time causing them to be mad and frustrated because they can achieve when they know they are capable of achieving more but my prayer is that their commitment their commitment their commitment is to the word of god your word is clear father god and you said in your word you said according to proverbs 3 verses 5 and 6 the the law of divine direction you said that we must trust in the lord thy god with all our heart and lean not on our own understanding but in all not some but in all our ways we must acknowledge god jehovah elohim jehovah el shaddai over sydney jehovah jireh we are going to honor and serve you because your word says that you will honor those honor you god father forgive us forgive us for putting men above you forgive us for putting policies above you was for redefining your word for us for putting in our clauses to satisfy our flesh father forgive us father your word it says that a broken heart and a contrite spirit you will not despise your word declares if we confess our sins that you are full and just to forgive us of our sins and to cleanse us of all unrighteousness father i repent on the behalf of myself and those who have defied you or those of us who walked and complete and total utter ignorance because you were committed to systems that had absolutely zero to do with you therefore father god we see this prayer according to your word of god in isaiah 2 11 2 where we now receive and we accept from you lord the spirit of wisdom the spirit of knowledge the spirit of understanding counsel and might father we receive according to ephesians 1 verse 17 not only the spirit of knowledge but the spirit of revelation revealed to us what is on this property what is in this home what is going on with our children what is the spiritual root behind the physical disappointments that we're viewing so i pray right now that you would empower your people that this word that came straight from the throne room of god will invigorate them and give them the confidence and boldness that they need to rise up with the word of the living god putting their trust in the word of god and and putting a demand on the word of god that says according to hebrews 11 verse 35 and it's a cast away our confidence our belief in you lord for it is this confidence that shall work for us a great recompense of reward so father we bless you father we honor you father we praise you and we ask these things and we believe that this day it is all done in the matchless and in the mighty name of our lord and savior jesus christ amen and amen well folks that's it for me i had a wonderful time and i look forward to seeing you next week as we continue with our spiritual insight teaching
Channel: Minister Kevin L A Ewing
Views: 66,710
Rating: 4.8851676 out of 5
Keywords: bible study, bible study live, bible study with me, christian youtuber, christianity, deliverance, divine revelation, dreams, dreams that reveal reality, evil spirits, interpretation of dreams, kevin l a ewing, masquerading spirits, minister kevin l a ewing dreams, revelation, spiritual, spiritual awakening, spiritual growth, spiritual insight, spiritual warfare, spiritual warfare prayer, spirituality, what does the bible say about spiritual warfare, wisdom, witchcraft
Id: ke5DdBMA2p0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 55sec (7375 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 14 2020
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