Dream Symbols Of Witchcraft Pt.2

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okay all right we are live finally all right folks good night to everybody we had a little late start here i apologize for that uh as usual circumstances beyond my control so uh to make up for that i'm going to jump right into it once again i want to welcome everybody back uh that would have tuned in from last night and for the first timers uh welcome for the first time as i strongly suggest that you uh review part one of this particular teaching so that you'll have a a better understanding of where we are going tonight hello deandre i see you so where we are going tonight uh tonight is going to be very very interesting because i did all of the groundwork last night so like i would have promised you last night we're going to just jump right into the actual symbols i gave you some homework last night where i said to you that i wanted you to read leviticus 18 and leviticus 20. and the purpose of that was so that you would have a understanding of one of the well not all of them but most of the sexual laws are in scripture and i wanted you to read that because i wanted you to to see when one is having intercourse in a dream whoever it's with then there are certain penalties that comes along with it because like i would have said last night having sex in the dream there's a covenant that you're engaging in it's symbolic of making an agreement the question here is who and what are you making this agreement with well whomever that masquerading spirit is that's whom you're making the agreement with that spirit would have come to you and again let me just be clear here a masquerading spirit and a familiar spirit they're all one and the same it's just interchangeableness but they're all the same all right the idea is to uh mislead and to deceive the dreamer to play on the dreamers lust to get the dreamer to engage with them in the dream all in an effort to seal a covenant because the covenant is what is necessary to facilitate their desires in our world outside of that covenant the most a spirit can do to you is entice you or lure you to cooperate with it again to achieve the covenant that's it so the more you understand about witchcraft and the rules of it which coincides with scripture the better you are in dealing with it because most people when they hear voodoo witchcraft sorcery santeria they become fearful they walk out their door one morning and they see some bottle there or some doll with pins in it or whatever any minute immediately they begin to to trip and guess what they call first they call the same fellow who they say they don't believe in the trough right but they call the same guy right here so they call kevin i i see these two dolls in my door and one out on a little red dress and blah blah blah well all that jumping up and down and church why you stop now this would be a good time to jump right so the idea here is to give you an understanding of how these things work and especially when it comes to dreams because for the most part going are the days where somebody come on your property and bury something or put something underneath your windowsills or throw graveyard dust in your yard these are archaic ways of releasing evil forces on somebody for the most part and the witches and warlocks listening to me right now would confirm this for the most part they're gonna come at you in the dream in the dream room which is the spirit world to plant their seeds last night our base scripture was matthew 13 verse 25. where we were standing on the principle of that parable that jesus spoke about when he said he was giving us a revelation as it relates to how the enemy comes at us and he says while man slept his enemy came and sowed tears among the weak these are all just symbols speaking to a greater reality so he says while you are asleep physically your spirit man which never sleeps is engaging in the unseen world or the mother world or the parent world to this world right and for people who are ignorant to the rules of the spiritual realm then they are more than likely to become a victim to to that particular world all right so it says wild man slept his enemy came and saw tears among the wheat all the blessings are already exist in your life every human being has been blessed because of abraham okay god says through you abraham all families of the earth will be blessed all right so the bible is saying that the enemy now comes in which is satan and his crew and now begin to plant seeds or curses among the blessing so he's about to pollute it all right this is just a principle that we're operating on so the person who is not aware or cognizant of what has happened spiritually during their dream then they wake up not having any knowledge of cancelling this dream or challenging this dream or rebuking this dream now for those of you who are just coming in this may all sound you know crazy hocus pocus well it will sound that way to you if you don't read your bible and someone to teach you the understanding of it just to side track just a little bit here i'd like to refer to genesis 15 when god appeared to abraham a second time reiterating to him the from the first time how he was going to be the father of many nations many families will be blessed as a result of his existence and his seed would be blah blah blah and coming down to verse 18 of genesis 15 it says and god made a covenant with abraham now this is an amazing covenant because this covenant only required the existence and obedience of abraham okay it wasn't like a bilateral covenant we had two sides saying what they will do for a great for a common goal so god says i'm gonna make you he says he he went into a deep sleep and while he's sleeping god began to show the spirit of abraham not physically abraham the spirit of abraham what was already settled in the spiritual world as it relates to his tenure so god says now see you look over here look here look way down there in the years ahead that's you and these are going to be your children and and sarah that i have kids and this and that he's showing these things what has already happened spiritually and this is the point of trying to nail to you last night what god showed abraham in genesis 15 concerning the life of abraham wasn't just a plan on piece of paper no no no no this is what has already occurred however through the covenant these things will now manifest in the earth at a set time for those of you who've been following me i did a teaching call uh there's a set time for your deliverance and the background of that particular teaching came right from that also that there are many of you right now who probably saying boy i probably will never own my own home i'm 45 i'm in my 50s now you know i wonder if i'll ever get past this particular sickness or will i ever be promoted would life be better for me well let me be clear with you right now just like abraham your life according to god's plan has already been laid out it is literally laid out in the spiritual realm waiting just waiting for it to be manifested here the key or the catch to all of this gotta say this does not require seed sowing does not require special offering does not require the the only thing that is required just like god told abraham was your obedience all i need you to do is exactly what i tell you to do to follow my rules and my principles and my ordinance and when i tell you to go to a you don't go to b you go with a if i tell you go to c d and e that is where you go you don't take a shortcut you don't let somebody tell you they got a better way to go no i i told you the story before when i accepted jesus christ back in 1996 uh sorry may 17 to be exact and the following weeks after that i remember every time that i would literally turn on my television to the christian stations i don't whoever the preacher was somewhere somehow that preachers could include in their sermon psalms 32 8. if i open my bible it turned to psalms 32 verse 8. if i go to church somewhere somehow i'm going to hear psalms 32 verse 8. now what is this the this is god's original rules to kevin and what were those rules he said i will teach you and show you in the way in which you should go kevin i god will watch over you with my eyes okay then verse 9 says do not be like the mule in whom you have to put a bit or bridle in their mouths and pull them in the direction that they need to go and so in other words she says don't be stubborn and cause me have to force you in a certain direction or enforce you in the sense that pressure is gonna have to be applied to get you to turn this way because god will never go against our will so that scripture resonated to me throughout the years through the matter of fact just two weeks ago i was i don't know i was watching tv or reading something and i came across the scripture so every so often he'll remind me and all of you the same thing with you two there's something that god spoke to you uh in his word you know in the bible there are three scriptures that says that the just shall live by fate one is in i think corinthians the other one is in romans and the other one is in hebrew but in habakkuk while the other three is saying that the just shall live by fate or the jesus lived by the word of god but then in habakkuk it is worded a little bit different this is the fourth time it's used and it says that the judge shall live by his fate now what does that mean what that simply mean is what i just told you about me yes we are commanded to live by the word of god which is faith we are command the just shall live by faith the just the righteous the upright they are all synonymous with being gods people who have accepted god so the the other three scripture says that now you righteous uh generally must live by the word of god but then there's a word that god specifically spoke to you and this is where habakkuk coming habakkuk says that the just it didn't say that just shall live by faith the judge shall live by his faith what does that mean what did god specifically say to you kevin to you mary to you deandre to you sonia yes he said a lot of things in his word the bible but there's something that stood out in that bible there's a word in there that is literally going to be the the the the what they call that thing that but boats coming the lighthouse to your life my word was psalms 32 verse 8. so no matter what jam i get in in life no matter how opposition come up against me this is the word to kevin kevin i will instruct you i will teach you i will show you in the way in which you should go so whatever i come up against okay god remember what you said to me what does he say remind me of my word now not that he forgot his word you know this is for me i say okay god you need you need what i need to do now i'm on a roadblock i'm going to cross section here which part do i take because you promise me you will instruct me you will teach me you will show me in the way in which i should go i'm not being stubborn i am open for what you got to say so the just shall live by his faith means what that you should live by what god said specifically to you what did he say specifically to you i'm mentioning this too because you have a lot of people who claim to hear from god now god told them something personally for them but now they come and make it a general statement the holy s i saw a lady the other day on youtube she said that the lord spoke to her and told her that every woman that breed her here will go to hell what the scripture kidnap he might tell you that all right because you better have some issues with braids or whatever we don't know but don't take your personal word from god and hold it up as a label for everybody else so this is why again the scripture says the just shall live by his faith i can't remember what description of bach it is i think it's habakkuk two something somewhere around there's only three chapters i think in the background so you should be able to google it and find it so what has god said to you specifically all right and that is going to become your your measuring stick your guard post as you journey on your journey in which god has said as it relates to your destiny so like i said we dealt with dreams we dealt with sorry we dealt with sexual dreams we dealt with uh dreaming of the dead and we both know that these dreams are always representative for the most part of when either witchcraft attacks are being projected at your life or you're currently bound by sorcery and the dreams are going to be quite frequent because it is all a part of the plan to torment the victim to have them to they would have relentless dream and another thing too most of the dreams the environment of the dream will be dark and there's a reason for this because like i would have mentioned in some of my other teachings darkness or blackness represents ignorance represents evil all right they're always going to be scary dreams right so i'm going to go right into the third one tonight and the third one that i have here is my pen here is being chased right here being chased in a dream most folks that are bound by sorcery are being challenged by witchcraft they would have these dreams where they're running from someone or an animal or some creature or some monster now in all of these symbols that i'm giving you as it relates to dreams or symbols dream symbols of witchcraft it will all depends on the level of sorcery being projected at you that will determine the frequency in terms how these dreams will come if someone is constantly at the altar for you the satanic altis with your personal items and doing rituals and so on and sprinkling stuff on you then the dreams are going to be relentless because the dreams are being shaded by the spirits of the altar whenever you make a sacrifice in this life in terms of spirituality you go on a fast or you consecrate yourself to god and go to a particular place in your home on the beach somewhere before god then i can assure you you better prepare for the relentless dreams that are going to come especially if you're trying to unseat devils in your life such as the devil of poverty the devil of of backwardness the spirit and curses of whatever you see because these forces prior to your fasting or prior to your revelation or prior to your knowledge they were never challenged before so when you now incorporate a fast in in ridding yourself of them because this is like the atomic bomb in the spiritual realm against the kingdom of darkness then trust me the sexual dreams are going to be relentless the dreaming of the dead the eating in the dream but every dream will represent covenant why because clearly the fasting in and of itself the evidence of the success of your fast will be achieved while you're even fasting because the dreams are going to show the relentless attack against you but why would they be attacking you if they already have a hole on you well they don't have a hole on you anymore and the attack is the reason why they're trying to regain or to reinstate or to recapture the territory spiritual territory that they would have lost when you executed your fast see most people believe that the evidence of a fire says okay i had the fast now i'm not broke anymore oh i don't have those crazy stuff happen to me no more no because even after the fast you will have sexual dreams after the fast you love dead people coming after you but that doesn't mean that your fast wasn't successful no that's just the evidence that jafas was successful and these things are trying to reinstate itself they're trying to come out and the scripture that'll be based on that principle is uh matthew 12 43-45 unless in fact let's turn it there because i really want you to grab a hold of these spiritual nuggets and principle that's going on in your everyday life and particularly your dream that is clear evidence of this consistent spiritual warfare that you're in all right so let's quickly go here and i want you to turn there also to matthew chapter 12. i'm going to read from verse 43 to 45 very quickly okay now this is jesus speaking and jesus is giving this very powerful revelation as it relates to spiritual warfare he says in matthew 12 43 he says when an unclean spirit is is gone out of a man or is cast out of a human being okay it says he whose is he he is the unclean spirit the evil spirit the masquerading spirit the familiar spirit however they label themselves from the kingdom of darkness once the spirit has been removed whether it's by uh self-deliverance which happened with me or with others there were people who prayed and cast the devil out no matter how it was evicted scripture is about to give us some spiritual rules as it relates to the evil spirit verse 43 says of matthew 12 when the unclean spirit is gone out of a man he he which is the evil spirit walk it through dry places now this is powerful because this is a awesome revelation so the spirit that has come out of this person clearly according to scriptures can walk so it isn't like it's some blob that just drained itself out of this person no this is an invisible entity an actual spirit that some way somehow had the ability to inhabit the internal parts of this person physical body and reside there this is interesting reside there with their human spirit now isn't that powerful so it says that this spirit when it's cast out walks into dry places seeking rest another piece of evidence that evil spirits become tired this is why you are asked to rebuke to plead the blood of jesus and to use the name of jesus when you're casting these things out and that's why i poke fun at those who run over nonsense in terms of casting out demons fire fire poof poof out out where is the biblical evidence to give us the power behind those words there is none however every initial bow every tongue shall confess to whom the name of jesus christ so i'm extremely skeptical when i watch these so-called deliverance ministers uh showing off themselves and patrolling jesus out of the window altogether they begin to tap you on your forehead tap you in your chest and do all this stuff and the person moving like this that that's this a hollywood movie what is this this has nothing to do again what i'm teaching you with the spiritual protocol that you need to follow to get the success that jesus guarantee you if you follow these rules and this is what i want us to bring come back to so he says here when the unclean spirit is going out of a man the spirit walks into dry places seeking rest and finds none okay verse 44 says of matthew 12 then he whose is he the evil spirit who was cast out of the man then he says to himself the spirit talking to himself so the scripture is giving us some forensic evidence here that this spirit is an intelligent being with thinking capacity to reason so it's saying to yourself i cannot find another human host to possess or inhabit so why don't i go back to my former house housc you would see it here he says here and this is the king james version then the spirit said i will return unto my house so you see here the word house is symbolic it's being symbolically used to represent the life of somebody okay let me calm down a little bit now come a little bit so clearly the scripture is not referring that the spirit was in a physical dwelling home no it was dwelling in a human being okay but the spirit is referring to it see when you say my house it speaks of ownership so the scripture is indirectly saying to you that this spirit is now claiming that i own kevin oh i used to come out of so let me see if i could go back there to see if i could i could let me try my key again to see if i could get back inside so he says in verse 44 then he mr spirit said i will return into my house from mance i came out and when he has come when the spirit returned back to kevin all right he find it empty swept and garnished so empty mean that there's no more filth there or no more uh nothing there to give that spirit the legal right to re-enter so this is where the dream comes in now the spirit doesn't end he's still attempting so you will now have dreams where some ex-lover showed up in the dream and you guys having sex or you hug in your deceased loved ones or whatever represent agreement because the spirit is masquerading as those people and it's masquerading as those who are you're familiar with and those two more likely you were intimate with why because more than likely you would trust this familiar face oh that's kevin that's johnny next thing you two added not realizing that this act is symbolic of coming in the covenant would would look like johnny it's the same spirit masquerading as johnny but because you and johnny hook up you just gave that spirit the right to re-enter so this is why i say to you when you wake up out of that dream father i cancel i break the covenant that will give any spirit any right to re-enter my life you may say well kevin i don't remember my dreams no problem at all father i don't remember my dream and the ones that i did remember i don't understand it but if any part of that dream had to do with any covenant that will work against me i reject and renounce it right now i divorce myself from every evil spirit that felt it had the right to re-enter my life through my cooperation in fact i'll take it a step further because you are engaging let's say you're married and this happened to you you're married you were delivered from whatever but you're married but the dream was where you was having sex with an ex-girlfriend or an ex-boyfriend not only do you rebuke the dream but you preempt the rebuking stage with repentance why because you violated the laws of god you fornicated but kevin i found a kid with nobody i didn't have no real human what did we talk about last night the intent what did jesus say jesus says listen it was said of all that of a man physically engaged with a married woman or whatever he committed adultery he said but i say to you if a man lusts after her in his will in his heart so if i'm dreaming with these thoughts of my ex-girlfriend and i'm married to deidre and the dreamers were having intercourse with her no i didn't physically engage in sexual intercourse with her no i didn't but according to the amended law which jesus said i don't need to physically engage the mere fact that i sat and lost in my heart dreamt of whatever is equivalent to engaging physically see your course may get no lawyers here now all right okay i'm just trying to get you to understand how you function in the spiritual realm and and how you are the best advantage when you have the uh appropriate knowledge to deal with it why because like my favorite scripture says prophecy 11 verse 9 be through knowledge what i'm giving you right now shall the just be what delivered how were you going to be delivered through this knowledge that you're acquiring right now and making it applicable of course so he says he the spirit comes there and it's the the the deliverance and all that junk is already out so the spirit sees that the place is is it says that when he returns to his house he finds it empty swept and garnished it's clean so what it means is that this guy or this person is maintaining their deliverance that is just going to get very deep now so that means they're reading their bible they're praying and they're doing their their regular stuff you know listening to praise and worship music and really trying to do the right thing by uh casting down all imagination and and bringing into captivity any thought that exalts itself above the name of the lord and so on and so forth staying away from fornication they're trying they're slipping up here and there but immediately when they slip up you know there's a clause in the scripture that says if we confess our sins we are he's faithful in jeff so they're following the rules the problem with this person as you are about to see is that while they're maintaining their deliverance of salvation listen carefully they're not upgrading it now kev what do you mean by that well simply this to maintain means to do the standard i must pray to god i must commune with him i must worship him i must refrain from evil and if i do fall get back up repent move on that's maintaining to upgrade means now i need to add to this and what is that fasting if i am not incorporating the discipline of fasting in my christian walk then i now still become susceptible even though i have jesus even though i'm maintaining my salvation why don't kevin that sounds a little confusing well not really because what you're about to see here is that not every spirit is on the same rank and jesus said himself in matthew 17 verse 21 when uh this gentleman had brought to his disciples his son who had a deaf and dumb spirit and the disciples couldn't cast the the devil out they brought the man brought his son to jesus says look here i've been to your disciples these two okay they don't know what they're doing please help me long story short jesus christ to develop the disciples was kind of confused and they said well jesus how come you were able to do it and jesus said to them because you know they didn't fast why jesus was on the earth jesus said this kind and the word kindness speaks of this this rank this level this uh breed of demonic power will only be removed or cast out how through prayer prayer alone no and fasting so so much more jesus says there are some spirits that will not respond to prayer only hence right now you've probably been praying for something for years and years and years and years okay kevin i don't pray and i don't do this and i i i don't forgive these people in my life and i heard you when you said that you got to make sure your heart clean you don't forgive and i did all of that kevin and blah blah blah are you fasting well again when i know but that piece that right and that's where your problem is see there's a difference between the maintenance of salvation and the upgrade of salvation the upgrading is where we must incorporate fasting so to conclude this here verse 45 says after this guy the spirit tried to get back in and he couldn't so what does he do then go with he who's he the evil spirit and take it with himself seven other spirits listen very carefully more more wicked than himself so that sound like this kind to me this kind will only come out through prayer and fasting that's what it sounds like to me this is not my this is not this was not the type of devil that inhabited me earlier in so much words this fellow went and get some reinforcement somehow he read an upgrade so that i mean you got to upgrade so you see these evil spirits are intelligent beings on a consistent basis they have nothing else to do okay they don't get up in the morning and go down to starbucks and have a cup of coffee and say you know what let me give kevin some time to you know wash his face and you know gargle out a little bit and then we can check him around 12. no their sole purpose is to oppress man to manipulate man to keep mine off his destiny to pull him away from anything that has to do with god's will for his life that's their sole purpose where the christian falls short is that because the christian took a break he believes that the spirits are taking a break also and this is where his error begins okay so it doesn't happen it does not and it will not happen that way so going back now with that principle right there going back to being chase in the dream now remember these principles that i'm giving you here symbols i'm giving you sorry they're all about identifying witchcraft anytime someone is chasing you in a dream anytime dogs are coming after you in a dream any kind of animals let me be clear these are evil spirits these are the evil forces assigned to your life the soul purpose is to oppress you the sole purpose is is to stagnate you to limit you to delay you to hinder you that you will never fulfill the will of god though some of you right now you got evil spirits chasing you down and hunting you so that you will never meet the right person to marry you will always be frustrated always be depressed always be angry and hateful and frust and unhappy in your life but that's not you because the reality was if god could show up and remove every spirit of your life you have the opportunity to be you but it's difficult when these spirits attempt in your life when your spirit man is to coerce you to conform to their evil will so being chased in the dream the chase and the dream being some of you are being fought in your dream when you're literally having fist fight with strangers or animals or creatures again it is your spirit man because remember your physical body is asleep your spirit man fighting with evil entities they're fighting while you're fighting to to to to to protect yourself they are fighting for your destiny you may say well kevin okay i hear in you what what hall is fighting for i mean what what what is this all about you still missing the the basis of what we why we discussing this the dream is the spiritual world you in the dream is literally your spirit and soul the the whatever's chasing you fighting you they're the evil spirits against you they understand only you to dream again get this yet you know they understand if i could delay kevin in this spiritual realm if i could defeat him in this spiritual realm if i could shoot at him with a gun in the spiritual realm stab him in the spiritual realm throwing rocks at him in the spiritual realm remember that is where everything is conceived if you do not challenge us through prayer through fasting if you don't come against us with the word of god then by default you're in agreement and you will watch these things played in your physical life why because the spiritual world is the parent world to our world these spirits are totally equipped that look at whatever is conceived achieve and won on that end but no resistance will be one on this end wherever there's a loss on that end there'll be a loss on this end people will say to me kevin boy i dream last night i had a bunch of money by like you know i was spending i was born and i was all up in the stores buying all kind of stuff if you're spending and your money in the spiritual realm you're going to lose it in the physical realm see you've got to get a hold of how these things work if you don't understand you could just run around with false concepts and applying the rules in an erroneous way so again wherever you see you're being chased by animals or people or you see yourself uh i mentioned this that i walking on water many people who attacked by witchcraft a lot of these dreams and anything to do with water like i would have tell you it speaks of the marine spirits branch of witchcraft all that simply means that the way that the spirits are called up through this branch of witchcraft it always have to do with water either they go down by the the seaside by the river by the lake or porn or you know what let me take it from a different angle occultic or called churches under the guise of churches of god or or places where christ whatever if you've ever visited a church in your life or been a part of a church and one of the rituals that they do in that church is when you come there they would evil demand that you wear a certain color more than likely will be red or white or and i want you to hear me they are asking you when you come there they want to wash your feet in a in this basin of water now we're not talking about what jesus did with washing of the feet no no no this happens all the time there now here is what you don't know behind that first of all the church has nothing to do with our lord save jesus christ this have nothing to do with god period nothing what they do though and this is what witchcraft was all about it is deceptive it puts up a a facade a masquerade and give the impression that this is of god now anyone that came to that church and participate in any ritual now most people say well i don't want make them feel bad and don't participate you don't make them feel bad you better kick them down because what they're about to unleash in your release in your life spiritually you you you will you will regret you didn't kick them from around you so when you came then they sat you down they see they said you know either they will wash your feet or they will tell you dip your feet in the water right now of course they can come with some hocus pocus oh uh you know uh you know jesus washed the feet of his disciples this got none to do jesus and disciple this to make you believe or something whatever now when you do that you are participating in a ritual where you are being initiated to either the physical or the invisible altars that they have there now they will either be visible but they have them in the front of the pulpit thing or they may be hidden in that church and you don't even know so when you allow them to like you put your foot in water they wash your feet now again let me be clear i'm not talking about the real church of god that do the washing of the feet i'm not that is nothing to do with this i'm talking about satanic rituals impersonating such things well the water again shows that they're dealing with with water spirits the evidence of what i'm saying to you when you leave and you go home that night watch the dreams that are going to come now why because you already initiated you agreed you participated in this watch the dreams and the strange negative effects that's going to take place in your life but again you will never tie it back to that dream sorry to the event that happened there these churches the color red which is an occultic color for these occult churches and the deliverance minister whether it's a man or woman you see because they have to wear this or have this red either a cloth wearing a red hoodie wearing a red shirt shoot something why because the spirit that they have covenant with to perform fake miracles and so on this is the requirement that this spirit because every altar has its own requirement this is the requirement that is uh required by the spirit in order to perform these fake miracles and fake prophecies and so on but you see those who go there who are prophecy hungry they don't know none of this okay they have no knowledge of these things so they go there and they be a part of these little foolish acts another side of these jokey uh witchcraft havens these dead of devils right their prophecy you would hear foolishness like okay whose number is 246509802 what would that have to do with anything or there's somebody who lives near a beach i see you near a beach whenever you see these because what's what's happening here you will hear so much fleshly or or or stuff that appeal to your senses you wouldn't hear no scriptures you ain't gonna hear no god you ain't hear no you listen you hear nothing but know jesus you watch now watch out the castle devils watch out these have these big conversations with the devil say yes who are you okay what's your uncle last name and all this foolishness no kind of comfort is that you will never hear in the name of jesus christ of nazareth i plead the blood of jesus i bind your powers you can never hear that never never hear that in fact if you say it in there they'll they can rush you over there because jesus or the bible considers a den of devils under the guise of god under the the masquerade or the banner of of the things of god and many of you listened to me or participated participated in these things before so these are the things you need to be careful of and that's why you have to study you have to read the bible and know the rules and the principles and what you are getting involved with because here is you come to this place for relief they only compound in your problem but you don't notice because you all you know all you know is the regular stuff now how do they seal your fate in these places you already done the rituals and all of this other stuff what is what do how do they seal it well they encourage you to pay the spirits look kevin no man what you mean peter spirit you're talking full now uh-uh you talking fool because you don't know pay the spirits now is you are initiated unknowingly through the feet washing through the pouring on whatever they did to you so now the spirits have to be paid now the truth is given spirits money no spirit is going to walk down to and saying look here you see i know you're going to see me but you see my money and i need to buy this no all paying the spirits really is just symbolic and that is to seal the agreement so they will say there's a blessing on the way for you there's a breakthrough but i see where they're fighting you on your job and god is saying to release this this blessing and god is saying this this blessing that's coming is gonna wipe out your debt and you'll be debt-free god says to release this to to break the power of the enemy on your life you need to sow a seed of eczema now this is how they're cohersing you to give the seed now for the most part you see now put the seed now wherever they telling you to put that seed that is the altar not every altar is visible let me be clear with you they may say put it over on the ground rest everyone who's coming to bring the seed put it right here why are you picking this water right here so here it is you're bringing up you want they already got your tire but you don't notice so they say bring this x amount of seed and they come then they they put the money there and they have no idea they went to a place for relief and like yeah they they bite off far more than what they could shoot excuse me now some of you are listening to me right now you know just what i'm talking about watch the dreams watch the dreams watch the dreams many churches are headed by warlocks and witches and people don't know they don't know many people i i listen you know i'm a counselor i constant people all over the world how many times have i heard stories i remember one lady four years ago told me about this church she went to america she's from america she went to her friend invited her to the church and herself and a couple other ladies were called up for the past or apostle over to to minister to them so he's walking down to each one of them in prophecy when he got to her and he said i want you so ha you know thinking this all god she's interpreting this what do you mean is that god want me to surrender him now she wasn't in a backslidden state but she wasn't what she was supposed to be where she was supposed to be in the things of god so her interpretation was so he stood in front of her he said you i will have you he went down to the other folks finished him off and he came back to her again he said i will have you so she went back to her seat on the rest she said when she got home that night you know got cleaned up in the bed she dreamt about this pastel and in the dream they didn't have sex in the dream but he was doing stuff that the pastor shouldn't be doing especially to a a person or whatever she thought nothing of it the next night she had to dream about this guy again but not only was she dreaming about him the more she dreamt about him the more she had these desires for this man about a week or two later he now begins to have intercourse with her in the dream remember there's a dream now and the more this is happening the more she's overwhelmed by this man now she has no idea this man is a warlock she would learn this later and now he's projecting himself now i know you guys missed it so let's go back to where he was saying i want you but watch what she's doing at the time what she's agreeing why she's agreeing because she's interpreting what he's really saying is the lord want me so she's surrendering her agreement to this man who wasn't talking about no lord so that is where he got his foothold in her life spiritually to project to astral project in her dreams to the point she said we'd end up but it became physical she had a i don't know it was a year year and a half long affair with this married preacher married preacher and she would have discovered that this man was a warlock through his own admission so you see again i cannot put enough emphasis on the importance of dreams it is your spiritual intelligence revealing to you things you would never know under normal circumstances but in your mind when you see it in the dream you say no man this person wouldn't do this no no no no this is the devil in some cases it could be the devil some cases god yes it is the devil but you and when i say the devil you might say this the devil trying to mislead you not in all cases this is truly the devil under the guise of a man or woman of god so you have to and i say to people all the time because i do it all the time when back in the day when i used to be invited to different services and so on because i had so much witchcraft attacks against i should say lord i go into this place tonight i'm going to the church father if this is of you then i come in agreement if this pastor and what's going on in this place if it is of you then i come in agreement with your will for what you're going to do there if this man or woman or whoever is going to be tonight is not of you and they're into shady stuff father i divorce myself even now even when i got to those places and i see the guy or whoever going around prophesying i begin to cover father cover myself with the whole arm of god like you said so that we would be able to stand against the wiles of the devil father even if this person called me up and what they are saying is not true it is not it is false and it's not of you father god i pray that my hedge according to job one and ten will deflect any curse levied upon me anything that is trying to initiate me i shut it down in the realm of the spirit even now see you could only say and do those things when you have knowledge of the spiritual world but if you come there desperate broke you can't make ends meet you're hungry to hear a prophet word you're hungry to give a seed having no idea that you about to compound your problem that you originally came there with you knew none of this i'm helping y'all like helping you out tonight i'm helping you all so this is why any dream where you're being chased in the dream any dream it's a dream uh for the most part have to do with sorcery witchcraft attacks being levied at you or you're currently uh being challenged uh by sorcery the fourth one is i told you about this before flying in a dream and when i say flying not by helicopter not by an airplane not in some kind of device or machine that will take a human being in flight whenever you see yourself as a human being just flying in the air that is witchcraft and i explained it to you the last time i spoke to you sorry the two three nights ago flying in the dream this is what i want you to envision envision a puppet a puppet you have like this wooden thing with strings hanging from it that is attached to the puppet and as you move it in fact if you are distance away from it and you don't see the strings it looks like the puppet is just suspended in the air not realizing that the strings is holding it so in the world of witchcraft flying in the dream is symbolic of somebody else pulling the strings to your life so you know air flying but the truth is there's an evil power that has you under their control when i was being attacked by a witchcraft by a specific group of people and i remember used to have those dreams all the time listen i would say every night but at least twice out of the week i would always see myself in the air flying in fact i remember having a dream where uh i was literally teaching others how to fly in the dream i remember i was basically naked but had a towel around me and these people were running on this they were running and where i was standing was a springboard so when they hit the springboard i would literally hold them in their belly by their legs and then let them go in the air now i don't i don't know if you guys ever heard the term blind witch or blind witchcraft right now i don't want to go into all that tonight right and i probably will reserve another time for that but it's basically in essence what it means is that where somebody could use your spirit spiritually in the spiritual world to do their bidding in their evil that's what they call you a blind witch now when you wake up from this you notice you feel tired even though you had more than eight hours rest all through the day the way you feel weak why because they had your spirit working over time they would also use your image to appear in somebody else's room because all of this they're using you in the spiritual realm they will bring your face or your image and somebody else's dream to manipulate them but a lot of that was happening to me and again i didn't understand these things at the time when all of this witchcraft attack was on my life but i would always have these streams when i'm flying and that's when i was in the thick of it because everything i was trying to do at that time it was a block block block block block now some of you would say to me right now well kevin i hear you man and boy you making some sense you really opened up my eyes to some stuff but kevin i know but nobody working no witchcraft for me and i agree with you so the reality is it is not just limited to it being personally projected at you if there are family members in your bloodline that are involved in witchcraft or secret societies if there was some boyfriend girlfriend or a person you was married to that was a witch warlock or practicing sorcery if you at some point ignorantly involve yourself in tarot card reading horoscopes or going to these witch doctors to read the future or certain things they give you a drink and so on all of these things open the spiritual door see you're not going to see when the spirit come you know no but you will feel the effects from it initially in your dreams so no one has to be coming at you personally but the things that you would have engaged in because all the spiritual world want is an agreement that one that nuts from you once they got the agreement who did god give the keys to this r2 mankind what is the only way that these spirits could afflict mankind through agreements but it don't have to necessarily be through the individual that's being afflicted spiritual law remember let's i can give you two examples right now the book of joshua the jericho place jericho city god told them listen when this wall is knocked down do not take anything in there at least you become curse or at least evil spirits are going to be levied upon your life and bring misfortune that's what the curse is okay this was he said and he says if you touch it least you become cursed and you invite a curse over all israel but of course aiken after the war collapsed akin one of the members of the children of israel took some stuff out of the jericho place without the rest of israel knowing he hated now even though he hid it even though nobody saw him doing what he did we don't need someone to see you do evil to activate the curse in your life no the curse is activated when god say do not do but you did and what did i say to you whenever you go against the laws of god you are automatically in covenant with satan that this isn't nothing to discuss anymore and i keep giving you the scripture to prove it deuteronomy 28 if you choose not to observe my laws and my commandments then shall the curses come upon you so this is nothing to debate this isn't nothing to have a board of directors to figure the way forward you are when you do the will of god you are automatically in covenant with god when you go against the laws of god you are by default in covenant with satan so that's all the loophole that he need again if you don't know the spiritual rules if you don't know these laws if you don't know this principle you will spend the rest of your life living a form of godliness broke frustrated trying to figure out why everybody's getting it except you because you're in a place going around in circle and circulating cycles where only one person is being is prospering while on your expense and you're spiritually ignorant to these laws that if you put into place that you could advance your life very very simple and one thing i almost forgot going back to uh the dreams of people chasing you i was trying my best not to forget this going back to these occult church and these occult prophet and prophetess i really want you to hear me on this here because i have dealt with so many people who in doing deliverance with them this spirit had to have been had to we had to stay with the spirit first there was a lot of people uh well i don't want to give the exact yeah because some people know what i'm talking about but in any event let me be more uh let me be more anonymous anyway anytime you encounter a deliverance minister and this is how you're gonna know this person is a witch or a warlock right remember i told you if it's a church and they want to want you to dip your foot in some water or wash your feet again let me be clear washing feet in the house of god where everybody's participating based on what jesus did and i think that's in matthew 5 somewhere that's we're not talking about that we're talking about an actual ritual that the participants are not aware of okay that's one form another form is where they will take you they say they want to do a deliverance so you're going to see a lot of their services excuse me it's going to be by bodies of water a lot of it a lot of the times they're going to say you need to go to the sea or we need to go to the sea to deliver you right so the the ideas and this is what the victims don't know they're going to try to get as much people as possible to come or a certain group of people selected few now why are they doing this well this so-called prophet or prophetess is actually a agent of the devil and they would have made agreements with uh altis in that body of water and the deal is for them to attain more power from the spirits then the exchanges they have quotas in terms of souls they will bring to this altar so one of the things they would say to you during the deliverance to get you going i see somebody got witchcraft on you i see where the enemy is trying to tie up your finances and tie up your destiny glory be to god hallelujah jesus but god is saying right now he's about to break that today god said this is the last day for this now you being anxious to be set free you're going to believe this i was one of them that's why i could tell you i could be so clear on this with you i was one of them so you'd be like well god i don't care how you do jesus i don't care what i got to do lord so they would say okay they will tell you whole hands now watch the ritual but you don't realize this they will tell everyone go right to the shoreline and for the most part this will be during the night okay and they will now step back and pretend as if they're going off in tongues but it's not tongues it is tongue sorry but it's demonic tongues communicating with the spirits or the altars of the water that they're at now you don't know that this is where they come regularly to communicate with these spirits now all of this is under the guise that this is a god thing so while you're holding hands and they're going off blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah because they're waiting to hear from that spirit now once they hear from that spirit because prior to all of this they would have told you now before you come out here tonight i need you to bring something of your person i need you to bring your underwear your sweater or whatever and you're going to be very specific ensure that there's something that is not washed it is something that you would have worn previously that you did not wash as yet now you gotta you gotta follow what's happening here remember your sweat is your dna which is in your clothing so this is what they're going to use now because they're going to tell you when she when he or she already go off in these fake tongues this demonic stuff they're going to come back now and tell you whatever it is that they tell you to bring they're going to say now throw it in the water but here's how they're going to do it god is saying that this is symbolic of when you throw this in the water he is breaking the curse of your life he's breaking the thing of poverty he's breaking sickness and disease lies all lies what they're doing to you through that communication that you don't know nobody would say what she was saying or what he was saying when you throw that in there this represents you whatever you said that is no different than when they bring your photos to the altar it is no different when they bring your used underwear fingernail clipping you're here this is no different this is just a more elaborate thing they do here so they say throw it now right now walk and they will go of god it's gonna blah blah blah now they're using the word god while you're assuming they mean the god of abraham no no no their god their altar now why am i telling you this again some of you gonna agree with me watch the dreams that's gonna come from this you see the altars this is so powerful the the altars the altars are going to produce the dream because the dream is now where the spirit that did not have the right before to enter your space spiritually have the right now and guess who gave it to them you but how did you do it you were manipulated in doing it so watch the same fake so-called prophet prophetess whatever they are right you've got to pay the spirits so what they say now you've got to sow a seed i hear god says that yes he's going to break it but to seal it to seal it i hear god says that you've got to sow your bare seed no all of this is a ritual all of this is a ceremony tying your life to that altar that person now is under not just the spell of the spirit that now has the control but also the spell of this person because that's a part of the deal that's a part of the ritual so that person every dollar they get they give to the so-called prophet prophetess in fact no matter what they got to do they'd be like i gotta go give my prophet or something i gotta get something for profit today says birthday i gotta go buy my whole space shuttle they're under a spell and don't even know their loyalty is is it is beyond abnormal they will throw their children their husband their wives their mothers under the bus to please the so-called prophet prophetess why kevin because they're under a spell galatians chapter three this is an example of it paul in fact let's turn it let's turn right there quickly galatian chapter three verse one listen to this o foolish galatian this is the people of god now this is paul speaking to them all foolish galatians who have be rich you who have placed a spell upon you why are you behaving in this way that you've never behaved before you saw jesus christ crucified where are you coming with this other doctrine so the mere fact that he used the term be rich which is a sorcery word that means somebody was in there who placed a spell on them he says oh foolish galatian who would be rich you that you should not obey the truth why are you challenging the word of god before whose eyes jesus christ has been evidently set forth crucified you watch jesus christ crucified on the cross you watch all of the physical events the abnormal events that took place why are you singing a different song now he told him why there was a spirit there was someone who came there cast a spirit we look at another one in uh the book of acts i can't remember that i think it's acts eight and it speaks of simon of samaria who the bible say had be which the entire city cast a spell on them suspended their will he is now controlling them the bible said he was calling him a great man of god fella never do no miracles no nothing but that's the way that he had them let me let me give you another scripture here let's look at uh let's look at uh let's look at second corinthians chapter four and we're gonna read from verse three to verse four okay all of these are rules and principles that is governing the behavior of these occurrences so let's look at second corinthians chapter four beginning at verse three but if our gospel or the good news of jesus christ be hid it is only hid it is hid to them that are lost so if you see one like me go to them on this palette say listen you are the witchcraft okay and that spirit is controlling you you are not able to do what you want to do in fact you only will do what they tell you to do the devil is a liar kevin in the name of jesus huff they don't want to hear me they will cast me you hear me why the bible is telling us why second corinthians 4 beginning at verse 3 but if our gospel or the good news of the lord be hid it is only hit to them that are lost listen to verse four in whom the god small g of this world had blinded the minds not the physical eye the minds of them so you telling them truth you showing them the scripture they deny it they reject it but my prophetess didn't tell me that i'm sorry sir my pastor my apostle excuse me excuse me my apostle didn't tell me so i don't know where you going with your doctrine mr kevin oh these let me have it i just trust me they just let me have it so they will tell me no no i don't see nothing you have to say because i hear you all the time on the radio manipulating scriptures all you talk about is all behind it to you right now you're just like rich oh they are trained to be this way so verse 4 of second corinthians 4 says in whom the god of this world had blinded the minds of them which believe not how was he able to blind their minds because they what believe not could he have blinded their minds if they did believe no scripture all eyes dealing with the scripture it says at whom the god of this world had blinded the minds of them which believed not least the light of the glorious gospel of christ whom is the image of god i love this here should shine unto them but it can't shine god light cannot shine it cannot penetrate them not because god light is weak because the light shining in them is depending on their belief of the lord jesus christ and these charlatans were successful in in captivating them spiritually binding them and blinding their minds that even when you tell them the truth they they tell you as a devil they're talking to somebody so what am i saying to you now before i get to my next symbol any one of you that have visited any of these people and they have given you something to eat drink or they told you to put something on your wrist or they said you the lord is saying or there was a a piece of cloth or something they told you to pin onto your clothing to your your belt waist anything anything like that if it is still in your possession burn it this is how we are advised according to scripture deuteronomy 7 verse 5 and it says that we must burn their altars and groves and high places this is how you deal with it why because these things are the points of contact this is what giving those devils the legal right to traffic in and out of your life legally to bring these evil dreams legally because you were given something of their possession to ensure that when they show up there is nothing to stop them from running their evil course in your life because you agreed at some point and the evidence of that is you have their paraphernalia i'm talking to somebody trying to help you try don't cuss me or i only trying to help you okay i'm only trying to help you all right so let's go to our next point number five dreaming of snakes um oh dreaming of snakes dreaming of snakes all right let me just pull up a scripture here i think it's in luke luke uh luke 10 i think it is okay okay i want you to to go to luke chapter 10 and let's look at verse 19 okay i want to bring a revelation here for you okay all right luke chapter 10 verse 19 says this is jesus speaking behold i give unto you power i give you power he's talking to those that believe and accepted him i've given you power to thread or to walk or listen he didn't say lizards he didn't say crocodiles he didn't say hyenas or lion i i try to bring a pointy to you now listen to what he said i have given you power and he's talking about spiritual power i have given you spiritual power to thread on serpents and scorpions now put a pin in it right there because see we need to make sense out of something that seems like nonsense is he saying kevin i am about to endow you with spiritual power and authority so that you could walk down the streets of grand bahama if you see a snake you just go dance on this hair dance on the snakehead that'll make no sense right no the snake and the scorpion are symbolic of not just evil deities but the highest ranking dem demonic powers in the spiritual realm that's the reason why he said that he says behold i've given you power to thread meaning that your foot shall be upon them not them on you and the power that christ has given you to shut down so as you see animals in the bible for the most part are symbolic right now in this case like i would have said scorp serp scorpions and and snakes uh the the top of the food chain now let's look at some lesser evil spirits but are still damaging in their work if we go to we can come right back here let's go to joel let's go to the book of joel chapter 2 and let's look at verse 26 okay let's look at verse 26 and what is it says now verse 25 joel chapter 2 joel j oel chapter 2 verse 25 listen what it says and i will restore to you this is god speaking now through his prophet joel i will restore to you or i will give you back the losses you have suffered over the years that the locusts had eaten the cankerworm the caterpillar the palmer worm when did these things happen because when the bank came and take my apartment complex i didn't see no worms in caterpillars when when when i lost this over here and all of these things happened to me what are you talking about again again these are just symbols all right and i i mentioned this to you before you see when the bible using such illustrations this is how you study a deeper you now go to google you go to the dictionary whatever and pull up each one of these locus because the key word is here is this is the key word i'll respond to you the years the locus has eaten the catapult and so on the way they were eating at you but it wasn't eating at you physically there's nothing on you that is evidence that there was a canker worm that a piece of my shirt there was a caterpillar that destroyed my lens no so when you look up in the dictionary you look up their eating habits and how they hunt and so on this is what the bible is saying i want you to let me just sit up here so you can get this when we go back to ephesians 1 again ephesians chapter 1 beginning at verse 3 and it says blessed be the lord our god who has already blessed us with what kevin what did he bless us with with all blessings in heavenly places no that's not true that's not what it said who had blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places right on the spiritual realm so let's say uh i'm gonna buy a home next two years from now that is already in a spiritual invisible state in the spiritual world when you're going to get married that's already in the spiritual world your children is already all that is already spiritually though just like god told abraham in genesis 15 from verse 7 to verse 18. he laid out what is going to happen with his future generation is going to be like so the bible now which is using these creatures or insects in this case according to joel 2 25 he says these cr these insects represents the spirits that's going to come to eat at your blessings oh i talking to somebody tonight i trying to help you i'm trying to show you that's why i keep telling you you're all about ronnie but send back credit center and you hold and hit me out for this physical person boy you working along with the very devil that's working against you because you're going against the laws of god uh paul said according to second corinthians 4 18 set not your eyes on the things that are seen yeah they took your house yeah they took your apartment yeah you got a divorce but that happened in the spiritual pride that happened physically if you knew this information you would have been attacking the spiritual world to secure what was already in place for you um boy this gets knocked and i didn't mean to go to this deep you know time is it okay we got some time some time nobody put on your school yeah because this only surprised me scratching right here this only cyphers okay be going a little bit deeper put on your school big yeah i'm not responsible for who don't make it back up okay so what we got here is that the locust the palmer worm the catapult they were eating away at the spiritual blessings that god had in place for you but kevin how could they do that how why would god allow that they can't do that no no no god didn't allow it you did it when you violated the laws of god you were giving them the right to do it that's why i keep telling you obey the law that's he listen what he said he says listen listen let's go back to deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 1. he said in fact let's turn let's turn in deuteronomy deuteronomy 28 verse 1 and it shall come to pass if thou shalt hearken diligently unto the voice of the lord thy god to observe and to do all his commandments which i command thee this day that the lord thy god will what is he going to do what is he going to do i'm going to set you on high if you listen to me if the if he set you on high the locus and the palmer woman they cannot come where he's going to set you but every time you violated the laws of god beginning at verse 15 what did he say but it shall come to pass if you do not hearken unto the voice of the lord thy god to observe to do all his commandment statues which i command you this day that all these curses all of these spirits spirits of poverty spirits of whatever shall come upon you but what i'm saying to you god didn't do people like to blame god you know i don't know why you cannot blame god when you know the law see when you know the laws you realize there was something that you did to introduce this to your life something you listen god isn't in heaven with a big snake waiting for someone to mess up to hit them over there you know what i always say to you incorporated in the law are penalties and rewards meaning that the laws are inherent built in the laws is blessings and curses built in the laws is rewards their penalties so you are making the decision what's going to come to you if i obey the law then i expect the blessings to come if i disobey it then i should also expect the curses to come because when i disobey the laws i am automatically in covenant with the devil when i obey the laws of god i am in covenant with the god jehovah elohim el shaddai so don't come talk mess around here but oh lord how much longer look like only the the synonymous prosper around here oh lord you work out all your life and you serve the lord and pay your tithe and offered oh jesus nothing good can happen you are a liar you try that check the laws you're violating the ones you don't speak about in church because you know in your church the only sins are the big ticket wants fornication adultery murder and it end right there oh sorry the ones that we do not see you commit they're not really sent only when you are exposing you shouldn't have been doing that kevin but long as we don't see it you got to go no i don't have to see it the pope don't have to see it the apostle the preacher don't have to see it because incorporated in the laws of god which are inherent are rewards and uh penalties so you determine whether you're going to follow them and you're securing a punishment at the end which will be levied upon you or you could do the laws of god and god will reward you the bible says in the book of isaiah one i think it is it says if you are willing and obedient you will lead of the good of the land that's what i'm reading so when people come talk mess to me but oh god oh lord i mean it's like don't like nothing if you you only saying that because you don't know the rules and you don't know that you are ignorantly violating the rules that is giving the forces of darkness the right see what you've been told that as long as you've got jesus you're all right in so much words because i'm safe i could go fornicate like cheat steal but because i said i'm safe god got me like god is going to be on the sideline okay when you a king but i can turn my head you play the guy and see that but if the devil come again just knock him off you lies lies there's no favoritism but god there's no like we say niall is there's no curry favor up in here if you do wrong scriptures are clear colossians 3 verse 25 i love it it says for whatever wrong a man does not the sinner amen meaning that anyone that's doing wrong it says that he shall not might receive of the wrong that he has done and god has no respect of poison get audio that garbage because you so see it you think you could do you won't do it okay then keep doing it so snakes in a dream represents enemies represents wickedness but one of the main things that i represent is witchcraft again now depending on the size of the snake will determine the level of sorcery either projected at you or is currently operating in your life if you uh dream of a python all right and that python let's say you dream about a python and that python is wrapped around you of course this is not good this is not good i don't because of pythons but also represent a spirit of of divination so the dream could also be showing that you you who think you have a gift of prophecy the reality is you have a gift of divination from the enemy so yeah you might dream about stuff or some things you might say oh i see such and such thing happening to you but the reality is you're getting that information from an evil power but of course because it came to pass people or you automatically think that this is something from god this is why you got to know the scriptures this is why it you you got to know what the bible say about these things if you see yourself because i've had these dreams before uh where i remember one time i had a dream well but actually i just uh uh came in from work uh and did you and i came at the same time actually man i was so tired i just crashed in the bed with my uh clothes and everything on and immediately i went into this dream and in the dream uh where our closet is located in our room the closet door was closed so the louvres in the closet i saw this huge python snake grey now it didn't they couldn't see that i was watching it and this how it was set up in the dream but i watching it look through the louvres of the closet and looking in my direction and all through the room with this like a stealth angry like look but for some reason it could not go any further then i had a dream couple months ago i shared this guy this dream with you guys and just to cut through the chase of the dream i dreamt how i was like in a stadium and anyway i ended up in this room that appeared to be the bedroom our bedroom in reality so when i was about to close the bedroom door i saw because out in the hallway it was kind of dark but the hallway wasn't like our home the hallway is like in the stadium and i saw this thing wiggling across the ceramic floors the tire floor all right like a snake when i look good it was a snake coming so i closed the door and deidre was sitting on the bed when i turned around i remember what i said but listen about and i'm not exaggerating about one million snakes came from underneath the bed that she was sitting on so i reached my hand for her she ran to my side but the thing was they didn't come to attack us they were so afraid of us so i remember opening the door and man i'm talking thousands thousands of snakes running running running out of this door in fact they were like almost piling up on each other trying to escape with such fail so to my immediate left right sorry left to my immediate left there was a box and this box when i looked down again thousands of snakes coming out but they're not trying to talk us in fact we couldn't even see our feet when it was all different colors i remember there was this huge uh yellow and white python and as he was going when i took the door and crushed his head and it opened his mouth and looked back at me like this it almost as if man i tried to get away you didn't have to do that and i just all just went out of there what does that dream mean kevin the bible says in the book of fact let's turn them let's go to see because i love to associate these things with the rules the bible says hey let's look to proverbs uh 28 and verse 1. this is what it says the wicked fleet when no man pursue it but the righteous are as bold as a lion there was no fear on my i was standing the doc my only concern was my wife and she was right next to me in the dream i mean she was right up on me and these things was just running it was almost scornful to see the amount of snakes coming out of this place the righteous listen sorry the wicked flea the wicked flee when no one pursue it no one was pursuing them no one was chasing them they were running and kevin righteous oh yeah bowlers are lying oh i love that dream yeah that was sweet yeah but again your dream is revealing to me kevin you know as long as you follow my rules whatever my my words say for you for following my rule and everybody else you will see me showing up in your life now what they saw in that dream how they perceived me and did you to be i don't know but whatever it was it struck a fear in them out of this world that listen they was almost they not almost they were climbing over one another to get out of there now when you dream about different color snakes all right now this goes even deeper let's say you had a dream about a red snake dreams of passion someone who was uh relentless and they pursue against you and trying to to to attack you you may have had these dreams before where i remember dreaming of a particular place uh an abandoned place somebody was showing me in it showing me inside of this place somebody like almost trying to get me to buy it but even from the out what appearance of this business thing i wouldn't buy nothing like this but again these are all evil spirits pretending to be real estate agents and so on well anyway before i went inside and i looked inside of the unkept grass there were different snakes coiled up and each one of them were looking at me but again in the dream they cannot come at me but they look so peaceful and such beautiful colors on them what is the dream saying to me every snake is evil let's be clear with that snake represent wickedness satan evil witchcraft that's clear now i don't care how friendly the snake is or how beautiful it is if a snake is beautiful in dream all that is representing that there is an enemy in your life and on the outside they seem to be so beautiful nice and charming but guess what a snake is a snake there's no two ways about it a snake is a snake and a snake is gonna do what snake does very simple so showing you do not let your guard down do not become fooled by the outward appearance right black snakes black snakes top of the line wicked wicked especially if you dreaming about snakes like venomous snakes that you're aware of uh the black mamba the the uh rattlesnakes like snakes as you aware are totally venomous or just talking about the the super super evil all right and most of these dreams are related to witchcraft well kevin how would you know which dreams are related to witchcraft as it relates to snakes as opposed to those that are adult the dreams when the dreams are frequent when you are weathers every night every other night every other week or multiple times in the month you're always dreaming about snakes witchcraft attacks and it's important to take note of the dream and again i always tell you if you're too tired or lazy to write down the dreams get a recording device whether it's your phone or whatever and as soon as you wake up turn that thing on record and start speaking into it and repeat because you you're more likely to remember everything about the dream at that point don't ever fool yourself and say boy i could never forget this this was a scary dream i can write it down in the morning the is going to erase that spiritual intelligence so that you will have nothing to forge your strategy with all the way forward because the whole purpose of the dream is to give you uh clarity of what's going on spiritually so you can be proactive and deal with it in prayer to prevent it from from happening so wherever you see snakes or scorpions this is the top of the level evil you need to to challenge them now i'm going to give you a story i remember a good good friend of mine had this this dream and in the dream uh he was well in reality he was dating this particular uh lady and uh the lady wanted marriage but he was confronted because he just wasn't settled in his spirit and there were certain things that was going on with the the family of this person that just didn't sit well with him from a uh for witchcraft perspective anyway one night he had this dream and in the dream he is in this unknown place but he is frozen like he's having sleep paralysis but he's fully conscious and the lady is next to him and the lady mother is next to him so he explained to me that he he's trying to move but he can't he's trying to talk but he can't and all of a sudden this huge cobra came out of the out of nowhere and all he could hear was clink clink it was all metal scales click click how does it move click click click click click so the snake came in front of him like this and it pulled back and opened and spread his back and immediately it was like this straight to hull and it says what do you want us to do and before he could have finished what he said this is the snake speaking now the lady next thing which is his pardon in real life says i want him to marry me said the snake looked at her like this and he came back again looked at him and it pulled back all of this isn't a dream he he cannot move and the snake says to her he is not one of us and it would be up to him to marry you he said kevin while all of this was happening in my mind i was saying in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus and he said when he finally broke out he shouted in the name of jesus he said wherever this place was because it was like a sealed place the entire place all the walls collapsed and this hurricane-like force came in and removed everybody else in there except him he woke up out of the dream what does this dream mean very clear obviously this person who usually wanted to be married but of course they didn't want to go about it the natural way because they weren't patient enough so they decided to visit an altar which is a snake altar okay those of you again who's have that's why i tell you snake [ __ ] represent witchcraft you keep dreaming about it the author that they're projecting these things from it's called a snake altar where they are using snakes at these altars to perform their rituals so spiritually they're sending them in your dream some of you are having dreams about alligators having dogs all of these are what is at these altars that they're now projecting in this form the spirit is coming in this particular form okay to do its damage uh in your life so this guy was having a series of crazy dreams and this only being one of many that he was having of course he decides to go on several fast several fasts because at one point he felt as if he had no more control and so much weird things will happen in his life but like i told him this kind will only come up through prayer and fasting so as he begin to engage every other week at least two or three times of money would go into fast and break that foolishness out of his life so of course that whatever was supposed to happen never materialized and also this evil in the dream this spirit that manifested as a snake made it clear he is not one of us meaning that i have no legal right to coerce him to marry you in the dream can you imagine that so again when you don't know the rules why can't i say this enough yeah when you don't know the rules when you don't know the rules you are going to pay daily you are going to pay daily all right let's look at this next one here okay but not this next let me let me elaborate somebody forget i wrote this over here when a snake bites you in a dream you were bitten by a snake in the dream this is very powerful please listen to me whenever a snake or any animal but we're using snake because they're more venomous more vicious in the dream now to understand the spiritual implication here you need to take it from the entirety from a spiritual perspective who do you represent in your dream you yeah but what really your spirit your spirit that's who what that that image that looked like kevin the dream that's kevin's spirit i'm dreaming about me now that's my spirit remember kevin physically is asleep so kevin's spirit that's what he's that's in the spiritual realm interacting with spiritual entities a snake in the dream is actually a spirit that took on the form of a snake right so in the dream the spirit bit me and put its fangs in my flesh pumped its venom some of you when you woke up you literally felt the bite you've been scratching it was really painful it was like it it really happened now what's really happening the steak didn't physically bite you because it wasn't a physical snake but it was something worse than a physical bite it was a spiritual snake that bit into your spirit and pumped that venom and polluted your spirit so if that is not challenged and cancelled guess what's gonna happen now you're gonna start having strange illnesses this is no different this is all which half a tattoo when you are someone inject you in the dream with a syringe you ever had those dreams yeah i've had one of them before oh i rebuked that viciously if someone just is no different what are they doing though they're polluting your human spirit the one that is active in the spiritual world but the hope that you don't challenge it with the hope that you don't rebuke it so now you're going to see strange stuff happening to you you notice that this hand that you were bitten on the leg begin to swell up swell egregiously you go to the doctor this guy run every test on you and he's even assuming that this could be blah blah blah but when he does the test they all come back negative it and he is left baffled this doesn't make no sense this makes no sense now why is this happening because this is what you call the spirit of infirmity that was released in your life spiritually when that snake or that dog or whatever would have bitten you kevin you're talking fool again see this is the same reason why i listen to you because you never stop not make sense well kevin will always back it up with scripture so this is spiritual sickness okay so let's go here now to luke chapter 13. let's go to luke chapter 13. so i believe i'm backing out of the scripture i ain't going to talk no fool to you because i want to be talking no fool to me okay now let's look at this scripture now let's look at luke chapter 13 and let's look at verse 10. okay now the emphasis here now we're talking about physical i'm not talking about you you some snake sorry some mosquito bit you and give you uh dengue fever no no this is nothing physical i'm showing you where sickness could be acquired in the spiritual realm via a dream okay now watch the principle that we're gonna base this on so luke 13 beginning at verse 10 and he which is jesus was teaching in one of the synagogues on the sabbath verse 11 of luke 13. and behold there was a woman which had a listen carefully which had a what a spirit of infirmity it didn't say she had a spirit sorry didn't just say she had infirmity which represents sickness or weakness no it was prefixed by a spirit so a spirit would be an entity that does not have this flesh not tangible the spirits in my room right now the spirits where you are where is the spirit of the god or the spirit of evil spirits so he says there was a woman while jesus was preaching in the temple in the synagogue that had a spirit of infirmity so to have a spirit of infirmity mean that you were not naturally sick true naturally means but true natural means there is a entity on you that's mimicking or that's manipulating your spirit to produce what is seemingly sickness but not necessarily sickness let's read further and he was teaching in one of the synagogues on the sabbath and jesus sorry and behold there was a woman which had a spirit this is key i like that a spirit of infirmity how long had she had this spirit on her body for 18 years but where was she again in the church they didn't recognize it how come how come it's a spiritual place this is what their whole religion is based on the things of the spirit how come they couldn't detect the spirit on this woman but that's a different story so she had a spirit of infirmity for 18 years and was bowed down and couldn't no wise lift up herself so what the spirit was doing to this woman this was the sickness or infirmity that it was causing her to have she was bent over keeled over severely that for 18 years she could not stand straight but according to the scripture not my opinion a spirit was doing this to her but the natural eyes looking at her oh my god this is horrible look at this lady man that must be very uncomfortable and unpleasant for her could it be uh what do you think is osteoporosis with you know the curvature of the spine and all this because that's what most people would have said it was some doctor medical doctor but that's what the scripture is saying the scripture prefixed it by there was a spirit on this lady that was contorting her body in such a way that to the natural eyes she really looked like she had some kind of sickness but jesus identified by jumping out of the blocks and saying she had a spirit of infirmity i love this story so verse 12 says and when jesus saw her he called her come here come on come here sweetie and said unto her listen now said unto her woman thou art loose from thine infirmity he called her but who or what is he really speaking to the spirit now watch us how do we know he's speaking to the spirit but even though he called the woman well in verse 13 it says and he laid his hands on her and immediately she was made straight and glorified god now prior to this up to that point for 18 years she was killed bent over jesus rebuked the spirit not the spine not the curvature of the back he spiritually discerned there was a an entity that no one in here could see and you can see why they couldn't see it that have you in this position so jesus under the authority of our lord and of god used his power and rid of that spirit now watch this verse 14. and the rulers of the synagogue now you're going to see why she was in a place called the house of god but because they were so attached to tradition she could not receive what was freely always in place for her so verse 14 says and the ruler of the synagogue or the priests or the pastor or the apostle whoever and the rule of the synagogue answered with indignation or anger because jesus had healed on the sabbath day so you see that again i don't listen i always tell you this you know whenever you go to any church and the sabbath day tithing and all of these things supersede the good news of jesus christ which is heal the sick help the poor and open the eyes of the blind and the death whenever the the doctrines and policy of that church outweigh being human to a fellow human run for your life run listen fall down on your lip running get out of there because as you would see here in this story for eight let's just say she was going to the church for 18 years and again i'm in no way saying all churches is like this i'm showing you principles here and what to look for and now that you see it run for 18 years now check this out at no point after watching this woman for 18 years you used to watch her come in this church used to watch up ben over given a title yeah oh jesus yeah right over here you don't think they should have been some assault and saying mighty god look at god we serve this man come up in here and lord god we give you glory none of that they now begin to look more and become more legalistic so they bible so they became angry who this dude think he has to rule up in here they ain't checking for her they they're not excited in fact it appeared as if they liked when she was in that position so they could tell her how blessed is around the corner so they they probably mad that they can't tell that no more they probably matter they can't say i see god getting ready to turn that thing around for you they're upset now because jesus healer on the sabbath day oh yeah this now watch this because we can prove further there was a devil on this woman so verse 14 of luke 13 says and the rulers of the synagogue answered with indignation uh-huh with indignation because that jesus had healed on the sabbath day and said unto the people there are six days in which men ought to work in them therefore come and be healed i'm not on the sabbath what are you doing you jesus guy what's wrong with you verse 15 the lord then answered him and said you hypocrite thou hypocrite do not each one of you on the sabbath lose his ox or his donkey from the stall and lead him away to war him or give him water verse 16 listen now because it's going to give us further evidence that there was a spirit of devil on this woman verse 16 of luke 13 says and ought not this woman being a daughter of abraham what does that mean being a daughter of abraham meaning that she was entitled to the promises of abraham but she wasn't getting the benefits of the promise that she was entitled to why because there was a devil honor there was a spirit on earth so he says and ought not this woman being a daughter of abraham listen who satan had bound low these 18 years be loose from the bound on the sabbath jesus is asking so we don't need to go any further the scriptures are unequivocally clear it's revealing and i cannot tell you this enough if you are in a legalistic church if you are in a church where the sabbath is there is this the final authority in that place or you can wear pants and if you wear pants you go into hell and if you wear weave you go the devil can kill you any place where you go and they are more interested in the cosmetics of christianity and christianity to them has nothing to do with your heart because you could be doing all the things they tell you to do but have for evil heart where christianity is to them and church doctrine to them is look here as long as we don't see you doing wickedness as far as we concern you righteous but the day we catch you doing something on the sabbath day or we see you drinking a glass of wine or we see your granny bear and pants and your wife here tied up with even lace and remy all you're going to hell don't come to the church no more because you all are uh evil people listen to me lord help me with these people tonight when i tell you run run till you fall down get back up again and if you leave piece of your lip on the floor leave it and grow back keep running trust me run because you will spend the rest of your life in that place living a form of godliness watch and when you watch from a distance everyone underspell nobody prospered but they've been brainwashed to believe your blessing is around the corner glory be to god i see god getting ready to turn around you've done 10 minutes for 30 years dude run kevin why you keep saying that because jesus said because of their tradition because of their culture because of their policy because of their way of doing it my word will never manifest in this place and i love that so i tell you i'd say that right now run i can't tell you run run like the police after you let me put it away okay run like somebody's behind you with a gun run run till you run straight into the arms of jesus trust me you can thank me later for this here you can call me one day you say kevin i thank god for you if i didn't run when you told me around i wouldn't know if that'll be today run run keep running run with your remy weave too tie that thing up and hold it just run okay run because i know you will let go that remy just run okay so here we are seeing very clearly that a person and a lot of this is in witchcraft where a person is afflicted by the spirit and that's the spirit that they projected at them they projected the spirit of witchcraft for them but it's a specific spirit so you don't just not just any spirit is going to come whenever they someone is working with traffic they have to be specific because that's the specific spirit that they need to call up and the practitioner which had been the voodoo guy would have to sandorita high priest he or she would know the rituals and what to do to call for that particular spirit so when they channel at you again the evidence of all of this you're going to begin to see in the dreams you're going to begin to see in a dream and they're coming to bite you if they're not trying to bite you someone trying to inject you in the dream if not you see someone shooting at you in a dream okay they're trying to shoot or you see arrows coming at you or someone parting rocks at you might tell you i had dreams where uh my a particular enemy throwing these big ballers and i'm running around and throwing these huge boulders at me and as i'm looking at missing them lad at me well i guess i knew the boulder hit something but it was like a a sphere an invisible sphere around me and immediately my mind went to uh job one and ten that hedge of protection around me because when it hit the sphere it went right back in direction to the person who it came from i didn't see it i woke up before i saw whether or not it hit them but i know it went in their direction right again god show me kevin i got you as long as you follow my laws as long as you do what i call you to do as long as you minister my word put your feelings your your your fears and stuff aside you want a journey where i got you i am going to protect you i'm going to guide you i'm going to teach you i'm going to lead you i didn't send you to for nobody to tell you they got to anoint you break some bottle olive oils over you you got to be under them for the next 55 million years and then they can release you into the garbage i called you i will teach you i will guide you i will direct you and i'm living it today right so clearly another thing i want to share with you before i go into my my uh next point but again we're dealing with witchcraft and these symbols some of you and you could probably could relate to this get a little real deep now again when you're dealing with witchcraft you're dealing with people projecting curses at you the curses really are spirits specific spirits mean a sign to someone's life of course none of this could work on you if you're living right if you're doing what god has called you to do sorry call you in terms of not necessarily fulfilling your your call but doing the laws of god that's sufficient no evil could touch you they cannot touch you there has to be a a a right for that to happen remember i gave you the story with the children of israel and balak and balaam bilak and bilim were sending witchcraft curses and altars they were setting up and projecting curses down in the valley to the children of israel and balaam who was called by balak to curse them he says listen i can't curse these people whom god is not christ okay and then he says i cannot curse them because god listen has found no iniquity in them so iniquity excuse me sin and transgression would mean that all three of those things mean you are violating the laws of god so balaam says god i cannot get the right to levy these curses because clearly these people are living right they're repenting they're doing the ceremonial laws everything they're supposed to do they're doing it as a result of that protection is automatic they don't have to in fact the children of israel down in the valley didn't even know that the media knights along with balak and bilam was up there coming to get an agreement calling on spirits from these altars to project them but they couldn't go and the scripture says that not only did god found no iniquity in them but it also goes on to say and no enchantment or spell casting can work against them but is this because they went to the obeah man and did a certain ritual or put salt in their home or rub mod their floor with turpentines or bury their children naval strings in the backyard and all this foolishness which is all witchcraft no they didn't all they did was follow the laws of god all they did was follow the rules the principles the ordinance of god and in doing that protection is automatic i live it i'm telling you so this again i cannot put enough emphasis when i say to people when you come to me you say kevin i feel they have me fixed kevin i feel somebody working roots on me kevin i believe they got a witchcraft what gave them the right what what right what were they able to secure to legally get these things to operate in your life what did you do that forged the covenant would remember what i said to be to to go against the laws of god is to automatically be in covenant with the devil so going back to the altars so they are their evil altars and again every altar has a different requirement some alters would have fruits on it and they could be anywhere by the sea in the forest even in a poison home they have cauldrons and so on so the spirits might want plates of food with grits and rice and they put it there many times when you go to the cemeteries to visit your loved one graves to clean it up and you know just probably spend some time they're not communicating with them and if you look around at some other graves you will see like a plate there or you'll see like a bottle of beer or soda or pepsi some of them you will see like pennies on the grave what what does this mean kevin it's all witchcraft but the truth is the reason why they're there is that someone came to the graveyard to hire a spirit so the deal is they would come to the graveyard stand at the gate the entrance and they would be given a certain ritual to perform to see if the spirits will allow them in because they were already told to go to a specific grave so when they go to that specific grave they were trying to have to find the head or the feet of that grave and what they would do because they would have all of this in advance they would bring a plate of food they would bring a bottle of liquor they would probably bring a cigar all right they would do a ritual there right now this could happen in the graveyard or any place so they will take that cigar and begin to light it smoke it and then blow it over the altar now whoever they're projecting this curse at i don't care where they are in the world they will all of a sudden begin to smell a cigar smell or if it says a cigarette or cigarette smell so they're sitting in their home watching tv scooby doo whatever and they smell and only them will be able to smell it because the curse is only projected at them they're like this don't make no sense some of you wouldn't smell that what you would do is they will send a foul spirit at you what is a foul spirit when all of a sudden in your home you smell this stink nasty sulphur like smell and they send that spirit to torment your mind because nobody else in the womb could smell it so you say honey you smell let's smell what baby i don't smell that huh so you call pookie them pokey come here man pookie you pokey come ready smell you smell something right here no so everybody look at me mommy daddy something wrong with you wait you walk out in the kitchen you're walking in the garage and you smell this thing is all new like i don't know what now that's another way that they do it and that's one of many ways that they do it the next way is where they will project this foul spirit to your private mostly with women in their private areas so this spirit now that's coming on them will make their vagina smell like rotten eggs the problem here is only them could smell it so it is it's it's manip that's what witchcraft is manipulating tormenting you to send you out of your mind to make you spend your resources so that person will go to doctor after doctor after doctor after doctor tell the doctor say to them don't come in no more please there is nothing wrong with you it's all in your head the truth is the same way the spirit of infirmity was on the woman and nobody could see it that same spirit was on that woman but this spirit is a foul order spirit and it only so she would be in public places and anybody somebody could pass it and say hi and just wipe the nose just doing regular stuff they believe that this person smells it also am i talking to somebody tonight i'm helping you tonight okay i try to help you you need to call somebody you're going through these things because they need to be listening to this all right go on other days we play in church you hear me because a lot of people in churches wake up let me be clear with you right now they claim to be into god but they can't wait on god they practice in witchcraft that's why there's so much negative things happening in their lives we're being a good day tonight all right let me go to the night so they're tormented tormented whenever they step foot out of their home the scent becomes it's increasing but only them could smell it because the the fix the witchcraft the manipulation spiritually was only set for them they're in the home at nighttime in their bed nothing just moving in their stink smell voice 10 times worse than a skunk i'm not talking to one whoever on the private part i'm talking about this one this thing that it's just for the home now because they would only smell it in the home then more than likely they have it buried on the property they have something buried on the property that is giving that spirit the right to legally media but what unless that is dug up and burnt it won't happen anymore so that's that sulfur stink scent will always be for them to tell breakthrough come and tell some man or woman of god who designed that in the spirit they ain't got to dig it up they just go go to war and even say god make the ground regurgitate whatever was planted in there but anyway all y'all you all stay right there you all know how real these things are right so let's go to our next one okay the next one is dreams of you being in a casket all witchcraft symbols in your dream you're you're in a casket or your dream always got you in a cemetery and for the most part where you're sleeping on the grave on someone's grave you always have these dreams where you're either on the grave or you're in the graveyard you're in a casket what does this represent a spirit of death that's what they're sending at you so what would follow with these dreams what other dreams would be associated with this you will always have people shooting at you in a dream either shooting at you or running you down with knives and stuff to stab you or you'll see rocks coming at you they're trying to terminate your life spiritually remember these are all spiritual things these are happening this isn't your physical person fighting in the dream this is your spirit man whatever they do to that spirit man in the dream you don't counteract it it's gonna pan out it's gonna pan out in the in the natural realm i don't know if you remember this guy in in america when the uh the cops were killing all those black people in america there was this guy who died in ferguson this young guy i remember his name but they showed the video where he was actually running from the police he had no gun or anything in the police shot him and he just collapsed dropped right there but i read an article where he would have told one of his relatives he had a dream and in this dream he saw i don't know i don't i don't truly remember if it said he was he said he was in a casket but any event they were a whole he moved police and and uh there's like a funeral procession but it was his funeral it was definitely his funeral but i don't remember if he said he was in a casket i can't remember the guy named i know the killing took place in some city called ferguson in america i remember the actual state but this guy was shot this young black guy and i read that article was such interesting [ __ ] i had posted on my facebook and give some showing people the reality of the dream so he saw his death he saw in the spiritual realm where he had died just like jesus jesus was jesus physical death was the second that because the bible says he would slay before the foundation of the world it already happened spiritually and would pound out physically this guy no different he saw himself he saw the funeral procession he saw i believe i could start to be corrected he saw himself in the casket he told his uncle i think the stream two weeks later he was a dead man the spiritual world is the mother of the parent world to our physical world everything happens in that world prior to it taking place here all right so it's very very important to to know these things okay okay so dream over these caskets you bring in a cast all of this represent uh death not only does it represent that uh there's a scripture i can't remember this one i believe it's in isaiah isaiah 49 i believe it is or 25 and 49 49 20 here's what it says you could google it it talks about how these evil men make these covenants with death okay so in a dream you could see where a person will sacrifice you going deep now will sacrifice you again a lot of these happen in these so-called houses of the lord but they are not houses of the lord because these people are strictly in the witchcraft so what they would do is bring somebody in under as their spiritual son or their spiritual daughter now remember this isn't like a genuine baptist church or a genuine pentecostal or a genuine assemblies of god no this would be a church that stands alone they call themselves prophetic fire whatever but again immediately when you go there you will know something in your right so in this particular church you will see where the head of this church will be known as the spiritual father and everybody address him or her spiritual father and his wife a spiritual mother and they call everybody their spiritual sons and daughters now this performance here came from an occultic background in fact the gentleman that wrote the book uh church mafia he wrote another book called spiritual father boy you all need to read that yeah i can do a teaching on that also y'all really need to read that book because it show you where when you engrafted into your cult the ones that engrafted you are your spiritual fathers you become their spiritual sons and daughters and you are the one that that power is going to be passed on to those evil powers that they are quite over the years to carry on the battle and so on and so forth so when the church now come with the spiritual father and spiritual son and you stuff like oh paul said that timon he was a spiritual son paul never said penalty with spiritual son he said he was like a son to him or he called him a son but never spiritually christians put spiritual before them all right to make it sound i guess christianity but a lot of these things you have people who came from a cultic background came into the church and insert these things from their background the ignorant christians took the baton of it and now further it calling everybody's spiritual sons and spiritual fathers so anyway these evil men and evil women who practice this they will now get these so-called spiritual sons because the whole idea is to make them submit to them they're very heavy on submission discipleship sonship like that's a doctrine that that's a that's literally an idol they worship that so you have to give them the utmost respect now so what you're doing subtly is surrendering their your will to them because they have you be rich so when you start to have these dreams about you being in a casket why am i always having these dreams when i see my pastor like me in the graveyard he digging a grave or he doing something rich or whatever why what is he doing he's making a covenant with death what do you mean by kevin they're going to these graveyard altars with your belongings and striking a deal with the spirit and they're saying if you allow me to live this long sorry the exchange can be where you will have to bring someone to them not physically let's say i was a spiritual sunday this spiritual father tom i'm a part of his church so i think in this nice spiritual father i worship him whatever he want to wash his car go grab his groceries get his dry cleaning i worship him more than i worship god this is how you know this is not godly stuff i have no idea that my spiritual father tom is undermining me he's up in age but he want to live long so he's making a contract a spiritual contract with death spirit of death so i'm having these dreams now but i see him all the time myself in the graveyard he's never looking at me he's never talking but he's always digging something it's like he's preparing something the spirit is telling him now we will give another 10 15 20 years but you have to bring us someone that you love hey we got spiritual kevin over here my spiritual son so the exchanges we're gonna bring kevin uh personal stuff here i'm gonna do the ritual we'll be handing kevin over but you may say kevin you don't have the legal right you have your own will no no no the day i submitted myself to him i surrendered my will to him so he have a right now to use my destiny as an exchange for his so what happens after this now i become mysteriously sick yeah because what's happening now my veil my destiny belong to that altar and that alter is pulling the strings this is no different than when you mothers give birth and you are told to take the after birth and bury it and you're told by doing this you're going to protect this shot the same principle that stands on the reality is you were being misled because this whole ritual came from a background of sorcery when you do that under the guise that your child is going to be protected the reality is you're surrendering the child to this particular altar it's no different than especially the caribbean people y'all know a lot of what i'm talking about the child of asthma listen what they're doing they take the child outside to a particular tree they get a nail right over the child head and they bomb the nail in the tree over the childhood and somehow they're supposed to remove the asthma because this is what they were told true tradition in omens not knowing again you are tying the destiny of this child you'll remember uh when you were younger you will never realize this was a ritual when you were younger and you had the hiccups right you had the hiccups and what did grammy them do well i'm gonna get a brown piece of paper tear it off from somewhere put some saliva on and do it sticking it on your forehead how's that supposed to swab the cup again now what grammy didn't know where did that come from where did the origin of that come from these are all omens which you are told not to practice in the book of deuteronomy i trying to help someone tonight so what has happened over the years a lot of these guys you see get slaughtered on the streets through gang drug dealing and children who had such a promising future like they going haywire that's not happening by accident a lot of these children never had a fighting chance because ignorantly their parents or grandparents tied up their destiny's true tradition witchcraft tradition that they're not aware of and the child will succeed for a certain period in their life but spiritually their lives are programmed to a certain point but it will go downhill and never come back i talking to someone tonight i try to help you tonight i try to help you tonight if you have done those things to your children if you have performed any type of ritual any type of tradition go before god on the fast repent to god okay ask god to break the covenant that was made between that child and that altar that you ignorantly did and to release your children to their destiny that's why the child can't learn that's why it's so difficult for them to comprehend that's why they could never start something and finish it they get all enthusiastic about starting it but they can't finish it they start all over again or jump to another project that's why they're from relationship to relationship that's why they have three four five six seven baby daddies you think that you think that was their plan do you think they said on career day in school uh mary what you wanna be i wanna be a doctor uh tom what you wanna be i wanna be a pilot cookie what you wanna be i want to be several women baby daddy that's right you really believe that was his or her goal during career day in school no no no no no no no but the day that parent through their ignorance that guardian that grandparent through their ignorance followed some ritual some tradition that has nothing to do with god the day they did that they surrendered the destiny of that child to that evil altar listen it is it is expected for the child to be disobedient rude some of the signs of that child will in the early stages of their child's life as a child as a baby that child will wake up through the night but piercing screams as if it's seeing something and will not calm down until you actually get up and hold the child and you gotta walk around and shake it till you go back to sleep but the minute you try to put that child back in that crib again start balling wide because the spirit from the altars that you surrendered the umbilical cord to is pulling the strength to that child life as that child began to grow you could literally watch the rebellion in that child to the point when that child was to do something with another child and the parents said yes childhood my child you said pookie say say sorry right now pokey if you don't say sorry about rip your little tail right up right now and you spanking pokey and he defying and you're saying lord how could a child be so defiant the spirits from the altar is controlling the destiny of that child i don't know why talking to tonight but whoever you are i can say this you right now you know just what i'm talking about you know what you did you could fix it go before the god of abraham and repent to god for surrendering the destiny for altering the ignorantly you did it because you were told that this was to protect the child you were told that nobody could do nothing against your child that's what you were told but you didn't know this was all sorcery manipulation those who told you i didn't even know but remember this is not coming from god when did god say in the bible bury the umbilical cord so the child would be protected when did god say when the child is screaming and crying and i get a black string and put it around the child rest where did you see that where did the in the scripture could what what verse what chapter could be looking to save a child of asthma take it outside to a particular tree and nail a nail over their head put it into the tree and the child won't have a husband no more i'm talking to you tonight you have placed your children under curses those of you are dealing with caribbean people african people black people white people do it too but more so black people when a particular relative had died in the family and you're at the grave site and there's a newborn baby in the family now what do you do before they lower that casket or even when they lower the casket one family member stand on the left side of the casket another family sat on the right side what did they do they take that young baby and they begin to pass it to and fro pass it to and fro and what did they tell you that will do they said to you that they would that this ritual will stop the spirit of this deceased loved one from coming back to haunt the living family members garbage hogwash foolishness you again when you follow that ritual you have surrendered the destiny of the child to the evil alters that child is going to be tormented that child is going to see evil spirits apparition they're going to appear as if the child is talking to his mummy i saw a man standing up here sometimes you will walk in the child room the child is having a full conversation with something in the chair that you cannot see why are these things happening when you decided ignorantly to surrender the destiny of this child through that ritual uh in in whatever they ask you to do i try to help you am i trying to help you i try and help you so the the the child is going to see in jamaica they call it spirit they can see duffy's spirit okay and obama says so you can see spirit yeah they did they see it the child is going to smell odors but not staying called as sweet smelling odors all of this is torment from the spirit the child is going to be very very promiscuous even as a little child the child is trying to touch mummy and daddy private parts where did this child get this from nobody in your watch pornography or have any filth in there because there's a spirit influencing that child that you brought in by talking to somebody i talking to somebody i see we had 2 11. i have to cut this and do part three okay the only reason why this go on longer because i have to add in these details all right i can stop right there because i am led to prayer right now i want to pray for everyone we can be continuous tomorrow i want to pray i am just let to pray for those of you who have participated in these things ignorantly unknowingly those of you have sacrificed your children there are some of you on this line right now who are guilty of sacrificing your children the children the child didn't die the child is still living but the child has mentally lost it the child is walking the streets eating all of the garbage stripping off their clothes in public places and everybody's saying oh my god look at tom chan look at mary child and everybody looking at the mary and thomas the victims who would do this to their child they did it but they didn't realize what they were doing when they went to these people to remove this fix to remove this if they didn't go to god they went to these people and they were manipulated and it caused the child's destiny they lost their mind heavenly father i'm coming to you tonight on the unction of your holy spirit for a selected group tonight those who have participated in sorcery whether ignorantly or knowingly those who have surrendered the will of their children the destiny of their children rather ignorantly or knowingly to evil altars father by the unctioning of your holy spirit i am asking you lord i am asking you lord to break the evil covenants in fact i come in agreement with those who are sincere tonight who want to see their children and their own lives uh redirected to your original will before they went in and violated your laws excuse me to cause them to be in the mess that they're in tonight i pray for that mother i pray for that father i pray for that daughter that son that nephew that niece i pray father god for that grandparent whomever they are that has tied themselves to these evils to invite evil spirits to their lives to pull the strings of either themselves or that of their family members father release the child mind right now father break the invisible cords remove the shackles the chains father break the anchors that has anchored them to a place spiritually that is causing them not to go forward physically i pray father god for some family members who have sold the destinies to some daughters and sons that is causing them not to be married not to connect with the right mate your word declares father god that it is not you said that the entire creations was good except that a man should not be alone father i pray for that woman tonight i pray for that man tonight who was have difficulty in settling down with the right person who was failed in every area of their relationship there's been this pattern where every time they meet someone it starts off excellent everything goes good then all of a sudden the person pick up and leave for no reason and don't speak to them anymore i break the covenant that is causing that to happen even now in the name of jesus father let it be dissolved by holy ghost fire let whatever contract whatever agreement whatever has been done in the past whatever that's been done by parents or even strangers to cause this negative pattern to run its course in his life father let it be dissolved right now in the name of jesus i prayed now father god for that person right now that is walking the street father god that child that adult father god that is walking the street that is sleeping under bridges that is sleeping in bushes and and the state that they were in this was never the destiny that you've called them to father we beseech your throne father you said that because of the death burial and resurrection of jesus christ you father god has removed all hurdles out of the way where we can now come boldly before your throne and make a request known to you i call upon the god of abraham the god of isaac to bring to a permanent end the backwardness of that child the backwardness of that adult the backwardness of that parent the backwardness of that person that person who is going in the opposite direction of their destiny as a result of the rituals as a result of the spells as a result of the enchantment as a result of the parents the guardians or whomever else seeking remedies and solution from satanic evil alters father silence that altar in the name of jesus father we pray that an altar be not only overthrown in the realm of the spirit but be consumed by the power of our lord and savior jesus christ we pray that you will loose them into their destiny cattle pulled them to where they should have been at this point in their lives father your word declares according to uh second timothy 1 7 that you do not give us a spirit of fear but of love and power soundness of mind restore them their mind restore them to peace father bring to an end the communication of the devils that are consistently speaking to them bring to an end father god the whatever is going on with them physically spiritually financially in every area of their lives father we are begging you we are asking you we are interceding for them right now we are standing in the gap father those of us who are saying those of us who do know you those of us who know that europe there is no power greater than the power of our lord and savior jesus christ and we are asking you we're coming together standing on matthew 18 and verse 19 that says wherever two or more of us touching anything honestly shall ask of your father in your name it shall be done for us i join my fate with everyone under the sound of my voice everyone watching me right now i join my fate with your fate right now coming before god assisting you but repenting for what you have done repenting for putting your hand to evil repenting for altering the destiny of your children altering the destinies of strangers or friends of enemies or whoever whatever you have done sorcery wise witchcraft wise santoria wise whatever witchcraft doctor or sanguma you went to whomever you went to other than the god of abraham other than the god of isaac other than the god of jacob god has placed a clause in his word according to first john 1 9 that if we confess our sins that he is faithful and just to forgive us of them and to cleanse us of all unrighteousness so again father i join my faith with theirs tonight repenting along with them of whatever they would have done and your word declares father god that a broken heart and a contrite spirit you would not despise i pray that this will be the night this will be the night father god where all chords is going to be dissolved all shackles every one that has been held back everyone that has been delayed everyone that has been frustrated everyone that has been fighting depression everyone that has been fighting anxiety attacks everyone that finds it so difficult to go forward father god that that that lady that young girl who was constantly in tears because she's at an age where she have all of the academics but can not go forward in life cannot get the right job that she went to school and study for can not marry the right person or to move everyone is moving except you mom but this is the night the lord will release you god will release you as long as you believe that he is god god will release you as long as you commit to the laws the rules the principles and undo the shackles of tradition from your life tradition from the church tradition from ancestors and now commit yourself to the word of the living god god will catapult you to where you should have been at this stage of your life god says he will make up for the years that the kangaroo the cannibal and the locals and the palmer warmers eaten away father god your word declares according to uh proverbs 11 31 it says that the righteous shall be recompensed in the earth so much more the sin and the wicked your word declares that hebrews 10 uh verse 35 it says that that we must not cast away our confidence or our belief in you for it is this confidence and belief that shall work for us a great recompense of reward god says according to the book of ephesians 3 and 20 he says he will do exceedingly and abundantly and above all that we could ever ask or think according to the power of the word of god that is operating in us father god i pray for that person right now because of the sorcery in their lives they are consumed by fear they are consumed by anxiety father god they don't the lord just just to ask someone a question they break out of nervousness they they begin to overthink father bring it to an end even now in the name of jesus there's someone who has an interview tomorrow and you are beyond nervous this is not normal it is a spirit and that spirit came as a result of your ancestors the spirit isn't just with you the people your lineage is filled with fear and it came as a result of the family members delving in sorcery i pray for a spirit of peace your word declares that great peace out there that love thy lord nothing shall offend them your word declares that you will keep them in perfect peace as long as their mind has stayed upon thee your word declares father god lord that there's only you that can give that peace that passes all understanding i pray for that one father god who's been fighting for years who have been begging you lord all i need is favor from you that's it just favor lord father give them their heart desire according to your word i pray for that couple that have been married but has produced no children why because there's a spirit of barrenness that has been introduced to that bloodline but the word of god says according to uh proverbs 18 verse 22 and it says that he that finds a wife finds a good thing and shall obtain favor from the lord lord let this couple activate the favor right now so the mere fact that because you're married to that woman you need to exercise the favor that comes along with that marriage and call upon the lord and remind him of his word he said to remind him of his word he says that he will show you great and mighty things that you know not father would i pray for that union right now these unions that has not produced as yet as of tonight their destinies has been changed because because of their belief not in kevin but in the word of the living god father you will now cause them to produce like never before and not just that lord every resource possible will be afforded them in fact you will exceed their greatest expectation according to ephesians 3 ephesians 3 and 20. father but i thank you right now i pray for the parents that are responsible for the tragedies in these people's lives lord i pray that you convict their hearts to truly cry out to you i pray that they will truly repent i pray father god that even the peoples whose lives they have ended because of the sorcery that they have practiced over the years i pray right now father god that they would stop will not stop but they would pray and really surrender it to you so that you could stop the generational curses that are now following as a result of what they do to end the lives of their future generation as a result of what they did your word declares that god is not mocked for whatsoever man so with that shall he reap very clear so i pray father god that they will look beyond their current state that seems as if hey i did that in the past i don't have to worry about that anymore but that is not what the law says the law is very clear like i said earlier in colossians 3 and 25 and it says whatever wrong a man does whatever the wrong shall be returned unto him why because god has no respect of person he don't care who you are what you call yourself if you have planted evil seeds you will reap evil seeds but because of the death burial and resurrection of our lord and savior jesus christ he god has put a clause in his word that if we confess we have to confess it confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us of it unto cleanses of all unrighteousness it's the word of god father we thank you for your word we thank you for your word right now lord we pray for favor favor over everyone over under the sound of my voice those who are now uh are preparing to purchase new homes those who are planning on starting new careers father your word is very clear to them and i'm speaking to you people tonight god says to lean not on your own understanding but in all your ways acknowledge him then he shall direct your power do not allow your your zest and zeal for what you want to override the will of god for your life bring it before god father god i won this job father god this is to correct everyone i want to marry this woman i want to marry this man this is the home that i want but god if this is not what was in your plan for me then i don't want it instead father direct me for what you had in place in the spiritual realm before the foundation of the only things that i want the only things that i want the bible says in uh proverbs 16 verse 25 there's a way unto man that may seem or appear to be right it will always have the right frills on the side and look right taste right feel right but the scripture prophesied that at the end of what seems right to us will end in destruction therefore father god we stand according to proverbs 19 21 and it says that there are many there are many devices or there are many ideas in a man's heart but only your concert shall prevail in other words lord whatever is from my life that you have consoled yourself on before the foundation of the world let that and that alone manifest in my life father if there is anything planted in my life that is not of you your word declares your word say you will pluck up what you did not plant in my life father remove every dead seed father every one that we have sowed seed to every ministry every pastor every apostle that were pretending to be of god that were lying and said that you said to give this and we did it because we were desperate and we wanted to change forgive us lord forgive us for never consulting you first father any religious institution that we were a part of whose core was a cult but we didn't notice and we've given our time we've if we came into to covenant partnership with them having no ideas that we were being initiated to the evil altars father again we exercise first john 1 9 which simply says to solve this matter if we confess our sins you o lord are not only faithful and just to forgive us of the sins that we are confessing but the second portion of this law says and you will now cleanse us of all unrighteousness something we didn't ask for we asked father we we lied we cheated we steal we we commit adultery we fornicate we we confess tonight because we want the blessing that comes when we confess we need you to expunge we need you to expunge the sin this iniquity this transgression in order for us to go forward so there's no being shy here there's no being shame here we have messed up whatever you have done confess it right now whatever no matter how egregious if you were part of an abortion you lied to get ahead whatever you did if you want change in your life then you must initiate it by repenting and asking god to forgive you and giving you the spiritual strength to not go that way anymore i'm talking to somebody tonight father everyone understand of my voice i outfit the believers of jesus christ that this is for i outfit them with the whole arm of god their helmet of salvation their breastplate of righteousness their shield of faith their sword which is the living word of god their belt of truth and their short their shoes show me the preparation of the peace of the gospel i invoke psalms 91 verses 11 and 12 in their lives which says that for you o lord have given your angels charge over them to keep them in all their ways that have saved much has dashed their foot against the stone these same angels will gather them in their arms your word declares i love it so much according to hebrews 1 verses 13 and 14 to which of the angels have i said at any point set out my right hand while i make your enemies your footstool none of them is headed to instead you said these angels are all ministering spirits send forth to minister to those who are heirs to salvation father we thank you for your word father we bless you for your word right now we give you glory for your word father your word declares according to psalms 34 7 and it says that the angel single of the lord encamped around about those that fear him we thank you lord your word declares according to psalms 34 verse 19 and it says that many are the afflictions of the righteous but you o lord shall deliver us out of them all you said to remind you of your word we should incorporate your word and our prayers to you remind you not that you forgot your word but it is your word that you respond to your angels respond to the word of god psalms 103 verse 20 says oh how excellent are the angels in their strength who hearken unto the commandments and the voice of his word every time we decree and declare the word of god we are not only employing but deploying the angels of the lord we do not have no right to command the angels of the of the lord to do nothing no scripture tell us we could command an angel and tell an angel what the scripture advises us is when we speak the word of god that is what the angels respond to and they act upon the word of god that we speak not our words we cannot say angel go down to kevin house and do what no no they don't move they're going to move and we say it's great to see that it's in us that he is in the world if god be for us who or what can be against us the bible says no weapon form against us shall prosper and every and any tongue that has risen up against us in judgment we must condemn it according to scripture this is what scripture is saying father your word declares according to psalms 5 12 and it says that you will bless the righteous and with favor shall you encompass us as with a shield we pray for our children right now according to uh proverbs chapter 11 verse 21 and it says that doha and join in hand the wicked shall not go unpunished but the seed of the righteous shall be delivered i love it psalms 112 verses 1 and 3 which says uh praise he the lord and blessed is the man that feared the lord and delighted greatly in his commandments his seed shall be mighty upon thee his children that is and the generation of the upright shall be blessed wealth and riches shall be in his house and his righteousness shall endure forever father we thank you for your word we give you glory for your word we believe the word of god because when we decreed the word of god the angelic host must respond to the word of god i thank you father god that through these teachings through these declarations we are deploying we are deploying no weapon father i everyone under the sound of my voice i pray father god that you would place a hedge of protection around all that concerns them the bible says i think it's in psalms 138 verse 8 and it says that the lord will perfect or complete all that concerns us heavenly father be bless you right now we own you right now your word declares according to proverbs 3 verses 3 and 4 it says that we must not forsake mercy towards others and to always be truthful and then so shall we find favor and good understanding before god and man father i pray for good understanding if if if you prefix understanding but good it also means that there is bad understanding father anywhere in our lives where we've acquired bad understanding erase it right now remove it right now cleanse our hearts right now father every form or remnant or residue of hate bitterness unforgiveness the inability to release others who have egregiously unintentionally done us wrong give us the ability give us the ability to forgive those people it is important because you said in your word in the book of mark you said while praying we must forgive others so that our heavenly father can forgive us it is a protocol and a requirement that if we want to be forgiven then we must extend that forgiveness to other people father you are just god meaning that there are things that we would have done to other people excuse me but in our self-righteousness we dismiss that and only could see what others have done for us forgive us for being hypocrites lord forgive us for being hypocrites because based on your law in us not forgiving others every time we cried out no matter how much we scream lucas up ourselves you never forgive us why because we never follow the protocol of forgiving others forgive us lord who wanted self-vengeance who wanted to take your role where you said vengeance belonged to you but we wanted to execute it we felt justified that hey a witchcraft person did this or somebody so we exact evil some of us as believers went to the extent to go to witchcraft practitioners to put a spell on others you said in your word that we should not render evil for evil you said in your word that we ought to bless those that curse us and to pray for those that despitefully use us and say all man of things against us you put a promise in your word and you say it according to genesis 12 verse 3 he said abraham listen here whoever curse you abraham i god will curse them whoever blesses you ever abraham i god will bless them father you did not only give that promise to abraham according to galatians 3 you said that we who often who've accepted jesus christ also become heirs to the promises of abraham so we don't have to send crisis to nobody whoever curse us according to that promise in genesis 12 13 you will curse them our portfolio is not to send curses back to people our portfolio is to forgive your portfolio is to exactly revenge so father forgive us for for trying to be god and executing judgment on others forgive us for being such hypocrites that while we have a whole beam in our eye we're able to see the speck in others before we sweep before our door we bring bringing judgment to the doors of others forgive us for being so vile evil and wicked forgive us for being so deceitful and self-righteous forgive us for being so hypocritical in our judgment towards others when we're doing the exact same that thing that they're doing but we're not exposed yet so we feel justified in condemning them your word declares in romans 8 verses 1 it says let there therefore be no condemnation for those who are in christ jesus so father we thank you tonight father we bless you tonight father we give you glory tonight release your people tonight release them lord pull up the anchors that has kept them in one place spiritually that has caused them not to go forward physically again lord catapult them fling them toss them into their destiny you said that you will make up for the years that has been eaten away for them from them your word declares father god in proverbs 6 verses 30 to 31 and it says that if the thief be found and we have discovered him tonight if the thief be found you you've given us this authority we must demand of the thief not you you didn't say we must tell you to demand of him you said if the thief has been discovered in our lives you've been discovered in our marriages he's been discovered in our finances he's been discovered in our mental state he's been discovered in our health he's he's been discovered and stealing our destinies through whomever and whatever according to your law proverbs 6 32 31 if the thief be found we the believers of jesus christ must demand of the thief to return what he has stolen at minimum sevenfold to us father right now i join my fate once again with every believer of jesus christ that is listening to me right now i bind my fate to theirs right now lord and we come to you and as one in unity exercising the authority that you've given us and we speak now to the kingdom of darkness and its treasury where all of us blessings has been stolen and command them not only to release the original blessing but according to your word at a minimum of seven times of what he originally stole this is the word of god your word says father god your word cannot return unto you void but it must accomplish what it was sent out to do you've said that your heaven and earth shall pass away but not one spec title of your word shall not be fulfilled you've said that you've placed your word above your name your word declares in proverbs 30 verse 5 that every word of god is pure and that you o lord are a shield unto those that put their trust in you oh i feel i'm already a father i thank you for those that put their trust in you not a preacher not kevin the teacher not whomever their commitment is to the lord jesus christ their commitment is to the invisible god jesus said blessed are those that do not see him but yet still believe father we thank you right now father we bless you right now we give you glory right now we thank you for these revelations we thank you for these teachings you said in your word according to deuteronomy 29 verse 29 then it says that the secret things belong to the lord our god but those things that are revealed belong to us and our children so that we may be able to do the laws of god i thank you for the mysteries that you are you're revealing we already had it because your word declares in matthew 13 verse 11 9 samaria it says that for it is given unto us the believers of jesus christ the mysteries of the kingdom of the living god god i give you glory i give you one i give you praises and magnify and glorify your name right now i bless your name i magnify the name of jesus christ father we thank you father we bless you father we honor you father we praise you and we seal this prayer according to your word that whatsoever things we desire when we pray we must believe that we have received it and we shall have it in the name of our lord and savior jesus christ amen amen amen boy loving this here i love my bell folks we can go into part three tomorrow okay we still got a couple more to cover all right and of course they're taking a little long because you know your boy long winded i just gotta explain everything because i need you to leave with an understanding but i pray that everyone that agreed with our prayers tonight i can assure you you if you were sincere you are going to see the hand of god there's one request i want to ask of you for everyone that has believed in that prayer that has believed that those prayers were for them i am speaking to those who believe that god this is you speaking to me i was supposed to be on this line here's what i want you to do ask god lord lead me to somebody to bless i want to make a sacrifice in my life i won't give it to kevin or no preacher nobody no no no god lead me to someone who really needed whether it's money whether it's clothing whether it's my time whatever god tell you to do let that be your sacrifice god is very very very much adamant about what we do to our brothers uh jesus was asked they said lord what is the greatest commandment he said that you love the lord thy god with all your heart all your mind and all your soul and the second commandment is love your neighbor as yourself i want you to listen to me i'm not shooting this off of my head i'm speaking as the spirit of the lord leave me right now ask god now or even me come off the line lord i believe the prayer that kevin and i agreed to tonight that concerns myself my children releasing me from evil covenants breaking generational curses releasing me into my destiny and releasing me into my the person that you've called me to be with as a lifelong partner whatever it is and my sacrifice lord is that i'm going to invest in the life of someone that you lead me to i don't want to give to someone who could help me i want to give to someone who cannot help me and that is what i want you to do all right so that's it for me tomorrow i'm going to be back it's a holiday here in the bahamas tomorrow but nevertheless i'll be back home at nine o'clock again so we could wrap up hopefully on this teaching i love you guys continue to pray for me as you would know i am always uh well they challenged me but to be totally honest with you they don't ever prosper but continue to keep me in prayer and uh pray that god will continue giving me the wisdom knowledge the understanding and the humility to to always endow me with that so i will always be readily available to teach his people all right so god bless you guys i love you and you have a wonderful evening
Channel: Minister Kevin L A Ewing
Views: 53,141
Rating: 4.9032578 out of 5
Keywords: Dreams, visions, kevin l a ewing dreams, minister kevin l a ewing dreams, spiritual warfare, dreaming of snakes, dreaming of the dead, dreaming of dead people, evil dreams, biblical dream interpretation, revelation, interesting facts about dreams, understanding dreams and visions, what does the bible say about spiritual warfare, what does the bible say about dreams, understanding dreams, isaiah saldivar dreams and visions, isaiah saldivar confronting the demons in your dreams
Id: FxlCcnuLbWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 163min 17sec (9797 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 01 2021
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