Dream Lab - September 18, 2018

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all right well I believe we're just about ready to start here let me fix some things on my system so I can see those of you who may join us online and we should be streaming on Facebook at this point looks like we are and in addition to that we've got a few folks here live and we will see how we do we are in a different room tonight so we're we had to reset a lot of stuff I'm expecting a few more folks to get here for our live portion of things but we're gonna start anyway and run from there and we'll see some more folks beginning to come in because I know our live stream folks are starting to show up online a few at a time here now so let's see if I can find hello Kathy brown in Honduras glad to have you with us tonight and if you I'm assuming with you there you are going to be able to help us with some of the dreams of folks post streams online as you usually do so if you're if you can do that please do we'll try and take one or two of them here live tonight we've got a method we're going to try if it doesn't work we'll do a few from maybe from the stream but if you can help us they'll be great too with that said I really don't have to have yes Thank You Kathy I really don't have to have our stream up here on the screen right now so I'm going to temporarily find a way if I can to blank that and we'll fix it back later well that oh well we'll make it work you guys just ignore all the stuff up here those of you here life so I let's pray and get started because it has been a fun and exciting and interesting day and I'm not really close to you guys up here but it is closer I guess maybe than when I'm in the sanctuary so that works good but it puts us in the right spot for the videos and for the television screen up here those screens so let's pray and let's get started father we thank you for the time we have together we ask you to open your eyes to see our to hear our hearts to understand that we would drove together as we learn and study and prepare to hear you through our study and through the dreams we dream we thank you for it in Jesus name Amen amen all right let me give everybody a bit of a heads up on a couple of things of where we are and what's happening we did not meet for dream lab in August if you're watching online you know we did I think online in July and then we didn't meet nagas because the middle of the summer so many people had conflicts this will just for everybody's sake those watching online who watch it by video for those of you here this would be our last dream lab for this year mainly because November December just crazy times of the year and I would be out of the country and not certain of internet access so I let me know we're gonna we're going to do a scheduled lab for October because of me being in Europe and if we make it work we'll announce it online and if it doesn't work then it doesn't work so we won't be expecting it but the only thing is that we may be online for October and then we'll pick back up in January February ish with some more dream labs so I don't recognize you guys first time for you guys okay awesome cool well let me just give you a heads up Kathy knows what's working Kathy hear Kathy online knows what's working those of you here online many of you seen this before but I'll just give you a heads up about where we're going tonight we're taking a few minutes beginning here in just a few minutes with some teaching just a little bit of a discussion of some things to do with dreams and some questions and answers related to dreams probably our first 15 20 maybe even 30 minutes will do with introduction and those things and then we'll jump into interpreting dreams we've got a small group here on site at least at the moment so if everybody has a dream we'll probably get to everybody the good news is you guys are all here first so if you've got dreams we will interpret all yours first because you're the first ones here then we'll work with our folks online and try and pull as many of them in as we can looks like maybe we also have or yeah our is online with us as well so those of you who are watching Kathy Brown and art Hernandez both work with us in dream interpretation Kathy's in Honduras and art is in Hawaii and the two of them if they pop online or help you with a dream you can trust them there's some of our moderators for our website as well so you can work with them if they if they help you out with something you know you can have confidence in that for those of you who are watching online we will do our best to get to one or two dreams online if we can we got a couple of things that seem to be working if not we'll just read them and work with them from there and try and do it and we'll just go with what we got tonight but let's kick off with just talking about dreams for a minute do a real quick since we got several first-time folks here in person and I see a few names I don't recognize showing up online as well let me just hit the highlight of why dreams are significant and then we'll jump into our discussion or not we're going to talk about is the if this were a dream what would it mean is our topic that's a new feature we just added to the my dream choice website and it has to do with things we see our photographs we see our images we catch and how dreams enter how metaphors or symbols interconnect and it changes the meaning of a symbol from its base meaning or what it might be just taken out of context of what it is when we see it in context that's what we're going to be talking about tonight but let me just hit a highlight here real quick first as well which is dreams are a powerful powerful tool their way God speaks to us all over the world people recognize that except in America in the Western world we get all bent out of shape because somehow another the whole psychic world a New Age world the misuse of dream interpretation in the psychological community through Freud and Jung and some of those methods has kind of set us in a mode where we're not very comfortable with dreams in the Western world but throughout history even biblical history dreams have been a monumental way that God speaks to his people so one of the things we believe is that I was at I was at a event some of you guys may be actually online tonight who were at the event with the event with us in Minnesota two weekends ago we were at the Pagan Pride Festival in Minneapolis Minnesota set up a booth and we were doing dream interpretation and tattoo reading we'll come back to that topic in a minute when we talk about if this were a dream what would it mean but we were doing those things out there and and it was amazing to me how much the non-christian world accepted the idea of dreams and dream interpretation and the Christian world I'm always amazed every time we do that the Christian world thinks it's just strange and weird but the people who are not believers the people are not born again or longing for something spiritual and dreams are something they can relate to spiritual but not being too religious and therefore they're very open to it and so it's not only a means of the way God speaks to us but it's the means of the way God speaks to all people and opens the door free not only encouragement for us as believers but evangelism and so one of the things I've noticed is that when we talk about dreams a lot of the world sees dreams as coming from the inside of us they're they're a psychological response to our day to our experiences or things of that nature and if we see dreams only in that way then we're going to see them the way Freud and Jung and others saw dreams and we're gonna have to be applying psychological principles to try and sort out what our inner man or our psyche is saying and if that's the case it's very difficult for me to know what your dream means because I'm not you right but if as we were telling folks at the Pagan Pride Festival this weekend a couple weekends ago if what we're doing is finding that the dream originates from outside of the person and is a gift to them from their creator and I happen to know the one who gives the gift then just like he tells you your dream he could tell me what it means and it changes the whole world of dream interpretation and it puts it into a spiritual context that the world is hungry for and then we as the church ought to be able to start bringing the barrier down and say this is the way we can relate to the war world and share the gospel with them in a unique way but it's also a way we can hear from our father now when we when we do that the symbolism of dreams become significant but it carries over beyond just our dream life and that's our topic for tonight one of the things I get asked all the time and it's the reason I wanted to cover it tonight is this the symbol might I may see a symbols in my dream but what happens when I see a series of numbers over and over again or one particular image just keeps showing up or I keep constantly being drawn to a red car on the interstate or I keep seeing the same bird flying up to my window at my house or whatever the case may be can those images also be God speaking to us and the answer to that is yes we can interpret the imagery in the world around us in the same way we interpret dreams now here's the key don't get so caught up in every single thing we see being a direct message from God that we can't think for ourselves and we can't have relational communication with them if we get hung up on everything I see is a message from God it actually is worse for us than if we believe nothing we see is from God because then we get so consumed we can't have a natural and normal relationship with the Father if we use it in balance and we say I saw this or this picture stood out to me or that billboard spoke to me are the words on the side of that truck said something to me and that's a part of the way God speaks to us rather than the only way he speaks to us then it can be tremendously valuable and so what we want to ponder for just a moment is what happens when we see those images how do we handle that fact that I see the number 11:11 over and over again or I saw that red bird that came to the window and picked on the window every day for the last three weeks maybe it was just the bird seeing its reflection in the window and fighting for its territory but maybe it was the Lord so we want to treat those things we see if this were a dream what I'm looking at what does it mean we want to treat it in the same way we treat a dream that is our first statement is God what are you saying it's not let me jump to trying to figure it out it's not let me jump to trying to get to my dream dictionary and find out what every metaphor means in a dictionary format but it's Holy Spirit what are you saying and what is that supposed to mean for me because if we're not listening to his voice there it's probably even more dangerous than not listening to his voice in the midst of a dream at least with a dream we know he's trying to talk to us and if we're trying to figure out it out in our own strength at least we have the idea that we're seeking an answer from him but if we just look out in the world and see something that catches our attention and just decide he spoke that pulls it back into the realm of of me making a decision God was trying to say something rather than listening to what he is wanting to say so with those caveats when we look at things around us for example the numbers on a clock a car tag in front of us a description on the side of a semi-truck a billboard a particular animal that's doing something unusual a particular particular scene or symbol or image that stands out to us in a unique way we feel that prompting of the Holy Spirit saying this is important we want to begin the same way we start looking at a dream we may not have an entire dream but as most of you know who've watched many of these labs or you've been to the labs before we can start with a single symbol within the dream and if we get an understanding of that symbol then it helps us to unlock the other symbols in the dream and begin to understand what Holy Spirit is saying same concept with things we see with our natural eyes we take the individual symbol the individual metaphor the individual image and we first say holy spirit what are you saying what's the importance of that symbol and when we get it we may not have an additional dream to look at to say how to put it in context and hear what he's saying but it triggers for us to listen with our spiritual ear to his still small voice at that point so now we know he's talking to us about whatever the topic is and it makes us more open to hear what he's saying spirit the spirits whispering in her ear then we might have been if he hadn't started with that picture that visual that drew our attention our capture our attention now if we're going to apply understanding individual images the Lord may present to us that we see around us where the draws our attention to we're going to have to be willing to also say I need to pay attention to those symbols in the same way I would in a dream and that is by saying by looking at it and saying what is the quality characteristic or nature of that symbol that Holy Spirit chose to draw my attention to it for and then the next thing we have to do is look at the context in which we find it because one of the things we've talked about in the past is context changes the meaning of a symbol some of you remember early on we were doing Tremont labs we would from time to time put photographs up on the screen that had unique pictures and images and say okay for example we've just we've just begun on the my dream stories website the mobile versions it's not working correct yet but the desktop version it is we've put up a thing called if this were a dream our feature and you can go in and throw a picture up there or something and get and we'll pick some of them to talk about but I've got a couple of example pictures up there and one of them is an image we've used in the past which is a person riding in a boat with an outboard motor but the entire boat is shaped and formed like a guitar so when we look at an image like that we've got multiple symbolism in it we've got a boat which is a means of transportation and some of you know that when we talk about means of transportation cars planes boats submarines helicopters airplanes etc when we talk about means of transportation there the method by which the vehicle by which we get from one place to another therefore they tend to represent our ministry are calling our purpose that gets us from A to point B in our spiritual journey so if we're just looking at a boat we now have this mindset that this is probably about a ministry or a calling but it's not just a boat it's a boat that looks like a guitar and a guitar has nothing to do with a ministry or calling it has to do with things like worship musical skills and talents gift mixes and we could probably think of a dozen other things at my guitar might represent it has six strings therefore it can relate to man six is the number of man or our human nature our human qualities we could keep going on with the different things so what happens when we now we don't just have a simple symbol a boat but we have a complex symbol a boat that's also a guitar a compound symbol if you want to use it in terms of English language a compound word you know it's two words put together so now we have two symbols put together well now we look at it we may say okay so it's probably a Ministry of some style something to do with our life or ministry that relates to a gift talent or skill related to music or maybe it just happens to be that God is calling the person into a ministry that we use their human characteristics and qualities to draw others into a place of worship so all we did is combine the possible meanings of the boat and the possible meanings of the guitar and now we're said Holy Spirit put your hand on how those two go together and show us what it means and that is what context is about when we're looking at compound or complex symbols with our natural eye if we can take that principle and now back it up to dreams you understand the picture of context within a dream that's why it's very difficult for somebody to come to me and say what does the butterfly mean what does a caterpillar mean what does a cat mean what does a bobsled mean because there's no context so we don't know how Holy Spirit was utilizing that particular symbol in the context the dream as a whole and all we can do is generally say the Holy Spirit can occasionally just give you exactly what you need to answer a person but typically all we can do is say it could mean these things and give a set of ideas or our possible meanings and then Holy Spirit either prompts you this is the one or the person who's getting the answer that this is the one so what I want you to get out of this tonight is the idea that God can speak to you through dreams at night dreams that we see in our spirit that we often would call visions things that we see with our eyes open but they may still be metaphorical and dreams that are built out of life around us they're all means by which God speaks to us so we can take these principles that we've been talking about January to September in dream lab we can take all these principles all the different blog entries on the website all the different things you're hearing people teach and talk about dream interpretation and we can use them not just to become better understanding our dreams but to become more capable of hearing God period and that's what it's really about it's not just about learning to interpret dreams it's not just about you coming to an event like this and getting a dream interpreted it's really about learning to be close to the Father to be close to the spirit hear his voice and let the relational line of communication be enhanced by our dream life or our ability to identify what God speaks to us now we take that one more step further and we can then still apply that to what some people would call prophecy or the way we hear God when we have a word of encouragement or prophecy for someone else doesn't just have to be a dream so for example now I take the idea that dreams have taught us there are symbols and metaphors that God will use to say like a picture a thousand words a picture's worth a thousand words right so he can use a metaphor a symbol to tell me more than just a single word that I may have heard in my spirit or my natural ear and I get that out of the moving picture of the dream being a whole volume of things he may be speaking I can pull out of that and recognize that God is a God of pictures he speaks with a picture language in fact early on the Hebrew Lane language the written form of the Hebrew language was not letters it was pictographs it was pictures that represented words and so guys just those who came in late I can't get that turned off so just ignore it so because we want to try and use the screen after a while so if you're watching online you were just wondering what's he waving at over there because you don't see the screen at all so oh thank you he did that wonderful good deal thank you so I finally turned the screen off he was playing these cars running across the screen for the Apple screensaver thing okay where was in the Hebrew language started off as pictographs Oh God has always been a God who speaks through pictures and imagery through symbolism we now know that we can take and recognize that he may speak to us for the symbolism around us he draws our attention unusually to a particular object item picture car whatever then we've been talking about but what about now taking that and sentence just like he can use a dream to speak to me my dream speaks to me he can also give me a dream that has something for me to say to you we remember we talked about those as intrinsic and extrinsic dreams an intrinsic dream is all about me an extrinsic dream is for something I'm to pray for or speak into for someone or something else so now we take that same principle and we can bring it into the world out of our sleeping dreams and into the world of our waking observations and we can say many times I hear this from people I'm not a prophetic person I don't have a revelatory gift I don't hear God the way you do particularly when we see others encouraging people with a prophetic word for example you know I just feel like the Lord wants me to pray for you because you've been going through something your family or you've been something simple like that even so we get in the place where a lot of people say I don't hear God like that yes we do do you dream you hear God that way which means you can still here in your wake and you're dealing with the world around you so one of the ways I hear the Lord prophetically is he'll draw my attention to something someone's wearing something they're carrying a place they're standing they'll maybe look like somebody else I know and I pay attention when my spirit is drawn to those things and when I pay attention to those things then the Lord speaks to me through those things so for example tell me your name right here in the front Lesly okay so for example as I've been talking I'm just looking across the guys sitting here in person and you guys don't see lastly but let's see has these big hoop gold looking earrings in and I look go from here I assume they're a gold because are they silver so now that's important because the Lord draws my attention to her earrings and they look from here the way the lights hit him like they're gold but she says they're silver so now I have a compound image a compound metaphor and if Holy Spirit was actually drawing my attention to it then to interpret that picture go silver earrings that appear to be gold from a distance I would interpret it just like a dream and I have a prophetic work for you so if I interpret it like a dream then that would say very simply the Lord is about to redeem some things with the way you had had difficulty in hearing him in the past he's about to take you through a refining refining process that's gonna allow you to hear him with greater clarity and give you greater confidence in what he's saying to you in the days ahead so now then does that make any sense okay so Leslie says that makes sense so that's a prophetic word that literally is nothing other than the Lord drawing attention to a particular picture that's just like a dream and now I have the ability to walk in a prophetic gifting and I'll be honest with you guys some of you watching online life or in Kathy who are part of our program to help us with moderating things know they've heard my story before I absolutely thought I had no prophetic gift whatsoever I was one of those people who is totally convinced I don't hear from God I didn't dream and I don't hear from him prophetically my wife is prophetic I was around a lot of people who were revelatory gifted and I just thought I don't hear him at all until I learned that principle I thought I've been hearing him over and over and over again for years and now I hear just his voice but it started for me with him showing me pictures showing me symbols drawing attention to something as simple as earrings or the color of a shirt and and you could have on gold or silver earrings and it mean absolutely nothing what's the difference that Holy Spirit drew attention to it not me that's what the difference is and when I learned to distinguish that it was just another part of dream interpretation process I won't get into tonight all of the how I got into dream interpretation because we won't have time to do any dreams if I do that but that's that I want you to get this idea the whole reason for raising this topic tonight is so that you would get to a place of beginning to recognize every person God created every one of us both these children who have returned to him through faith in Christ and his children who are wandering in sin and could care less and have no knowledge there they're just out there like the pagan pride folks that we dealt with a couple of weekends ago no matter who they are we were created to hear him we were created to be able to recognize his voice and therefore we were created as revelatory people and I want if we get one thing out of all we've done with these dream labs over the last year it would be that we would become a people who trust that we can hear even if we don't always completely understand what we hear that it's okay to be in process of learning but let's not say let's stop saying I don't hear and start saying Holy Spirit I need help with understanding what I hear would it be through dreams prophecy or whatever other method then it comes so that's my two cents worth of conversational teaching for tonight Starlin so we're going to stop there for just a minute we're going to move to some some dreams and do some dreams in just a minute but let me just address some questions that people have what I want to do for right now is say this I don't want you here or online I don't want you to jump to dreams right now this for a moment we're just gonna talk about questions about dreams or about the topic and I just saw one question online that I'll hit really quick Hope Meadows says what does it mean if I keep seeing 1 1 1 3 3 3 & 5 5 5 I have 4 years and have never understood why well when it comes to repetitive repetitive numbers there's a couple of things you can be aware of with it frequently people will see repetitive numbers on digital clocks I'm always waking up at 3:33 a.m. or every time I look at my watch it happens to be 11:11 or things like that we'll also see that God just draws numbers to every car tag I see begins with five five five or every telephone number I notice is a five five five number it just stands out this is the Lord using something we call our reticular activating system a reticular activating system is it's what filters out the things we don't need to pay attention to and draws our attention to the things we do it's a scientific term it's a medical term I'm not just you know that's not the spiritual that's actually how our brain works so if you've ever noticed the easy way to explain how the reticular activating system works is this if you've ever noticed if you go to buy car and you want to buy car and you want to color that everybody else doesn't have so you decide okay I don't see very many lime-green cars okay I hardly ever sell and there's a great little Volkswagen or whatever that's lime green I'm gonna buy that one slam my car stand out in the parking lot I'll be able to find it you buy the car and for the next month all you see is lime green cars why because you trained your mind to focus on lime green because it's what you wanted and now you notice all the other ones that are out there okay that's your reticular activating system at work another way it works is even more amazing and you can do this experiment look up online and find how you did a little experiment to look through a pinhole and see the blood vessels that cross the cornea of your eye did you know that you're constantly looking through a series of threads that are little tiny blood vessels that go across the corner of your eye and blot out part of your vision you notice any of them now you don't because your reticular activating system works so well that you've trained all your life not to see those blood vessels even though we're talking about it right now you still don't see them you have to actually trick your mind into looking at them and cause it to focus closer in or your eyes will never focus that close that's how well your reticular activating system works the key reason for it is to allow us to focus on what God's focusing on and ignore what he's ignoring that's the heart of the reticular activating system but when that thing kicks in it can be God saying pay attention to this it's part of the way Holy Spirit draws our attention so when we see repetitive numbers over and over and over again 1 1 1 3 3 3 5 5 5 we want to look at several different things particularly when they're on a digital clock you'll have a colon between them that's a key wonderful way to say God maybe giving you a scripture verse to look up okay then all you got to hear from him switch book okay so 3 3 3 and you're always waking up at 3:30 3:00 in the morning you might want to look up Jeremiah 33:3 that might be the passage that God is speaking to you it could be another one it could be 333 somewhere else but it might look for that scripture see what resonates in your spirit same thing with other times like you know 12:01 or 1:23 or whatever find that passage in scripture and see does it resonate some than it addresses something you're dealing with when we just seem repetitive numbers over and over again and they're drawn to them we have to then begin to say okay what's the meaning behind those numbers if it if it's not a scripture reference there are sort of more solid meanings to numbers and there are a lot of other symbols because God uses numbers in fact in the Hebrew language again and in the Greek language for example every letter has a corresponding number that's why we know things like the number of his name for the beast was 666 it relates to the numerical value of the numbers not how many letters are in the name and stuff like that but but every letter has a numerical value so God has always used numbers in a unique way and there are several things that numbers will often be frequently represented for example the number five very frequently represents grace so if you're seeing five five five over and over again the word may be saying to you what you're going through is gonna be okay there's grace for you there's triple grace there's double grace there's whatever way you want to look at it the number eleven is a number for revelation of prophecy if you're seeing 11s all the time it may be that God is saying listen to me because I want to speak to you the number 12 represents a papist the Apostolic or government it may may be saying something about the Lord has something he wants you to take control over or to deal with the number of one often represents God the number three represents the Trinity and number thirty-three actually represents completion of ministry the time when Christ was finished with his ministry so you can look up with a little more confidence sort of dictionary meanings of numbers but be sure you're looking at a spiritual meaning not a secular name or a lot numr numerological meaning you don't wanna go to numerology you just you own a couple of spiritual meanings and that will often give you a hint hope what those numbers are speaking to you in some fashion so that's one question anybody else have a question here we'll come back to Kayla's here in just a second if you guys won't let me forget if I'll back there if you won't let me forget not Josh I'll come back to Kevin you guys have a question just about what we've talked about or something else just to do with dreams I'll let you think for a second and we're gonna jump the dreams in a minute but we'll come to Kayla's question Kayla's question the next one I saw here does every dream have a meaning or just the ones I feel like have a prophetic meaning every dream has a meaning with some very limited exceptions the limited exceptions would be dreams that fall into categories that we would call something like chemical dreams that would be dreams that are caused by chemical deficiencies or abundance in your body alcohol drugs medications chemical imbalances that a result in a psychiatric disorder of some kind or even hormonal differences related to pregnancy or you may have had some real weird dreams lately you never know pregnancy are various sicknesses or diseases can cause kind of strange strings that don't necessarily have direct meaning even those dreams can speak to something significant but they're harder to see the meaning in them the other thing would be dreams that we would call pizza dreams that is dreams that come out of a physical reaction to something with our body not necessarily very chemicals but maybe it might be the pizza you had for dinner last night you hear people talk about I had a crazy dream but I had pizza for dinner there are certain things that can cause us to shift into a mindset and then soulish dreams and it's dreams that come out of our own desires again all of the drinks can be interpreted but they don't necessarily have as clear meaning as dreams that we we consider to be the lord speaking or even now here's one I will mention to you we know that dreams come from three sources God our enemy in our soul all three dreams can be sources can be interpreted but dark drains are drains from our enemy they tend to have to be flipped turned around because they tend to be messages about how the enemy wants to destroy us and they tend to relate to what God actually then wants to do because they reveal the enemy's plans to stop something God wants so even those dreams can be interpreted so does every dream have meaning I would say err on the side of saying yes every dream has meaning and then be open to the Holy Spirit saying don't worry about it it's okay so so those that's a great way to to to understand that most dreams can be interpreted and have some some meaning the other thing I see here is just a symbol question I'll hit it then we'll take if there's anybody else here live and then we'll start doing some dreams a simple question about baseball and baseball bat what do those mean again I just remind you of this that that question let's see Lisa Hara Lisa that question just reminds you in case you weren't online when we said it earlier taking a symbol out of context is going to make it very difficult to give you a spiritual meaning that is directly related to why you're asking but we want to look with every symbol this gives us a good illustration - what are the characteristics qualities and nature of the symbol and see what Holy Spirit highlights so when we come to a baseball and baseball bat we know a couple of things it could have to do with kind of that almost that patriotic good old American feeling of patriotism or commitment to something baseball is America's pastime so it can have to do with things that we get consumed with that may be more entertaining than they are a value okay it can have to do with hand-eye coordination the ability to connect what you're doing with what you're seeing because if you know anything about baseball that's a big part of batting of hitting the ball with the bat his hand-eye coordination now keep in mind when you take a natural meaning like that you want to also look at their spiritual application so it could have to do with are you doing what God is showing you to do so can I action versus sight what I'm seeing God show me am i acting on things like that another thing it could have to do would have to do with things like was there anything unusual - the symbol was a wooden bat was an aluminum bat an aluminum bat is not natural a wooden bat is natural so one is man might they're both man-made but one is man-made from man-made materials the other is man made from natural materials so it could have to do with how well are you hitting the mark and are you using something that's coming out of your own soul or are you using something that God created to put into practice in the way you're capable of doing it different things like that and you could go on and on and on with just looking at the different possible characteristics qualities and the nature of that symbol and then wait on Holy Spirit aside this one all right anybody else here have a question yes okay yeah question the question is about colors and dreams a lot of your dreams tend to be in evening or a darker setting but you've had dark drains as in negative type dreams and you can tell the difference in the two here's something you want to understand we talk to people about the idea that color dreams are from God muted or black and white muted color or black and white dreams are from the enemy that is an absolutely 100% accurate but we don't always recognize whether they were color or muted because our mind plays tricks on us and we don't remember for you you can say I've had really dark dreams and I then had these dreams that are darker but I know they're good that's you being able to discern by your spirit this was not a black and white dream in May the colors might not have been as bright as the room around me but they were there your spirit man is telling you there's a distinction this dream had life or this dream had color in it so you don't want to get hung up on how much color did you see you don't want to get hung up on how much the time of day was because that will affect things you have dreams and the twilight time where everything is taking place early morning late afternoon or early evening then you end up in a setting where there natural shadows they're naturally colors or duller if you ever get up and take a walk early early as the Sun is coming up or you're out in the woods as the Sun is going down I'm a hunter so I love being out in the woods and I love watching how the colors of the forest change as the day progresses it's totally different at 4:30 a.m. when the sun's not even up and you're just getting a little bit of the hint of it over the horizon that it is noon when it's directly overhead but there's just as much color there both times it's what my eyes are perceiving and that's really what you're asking about well you want to trust your spirit man first as to the nature of the dream and not get hung up on color if we could feel confident that we always knew whether a dream was in color or black and white when we woke up like that then we could always be sure whether it was from God or the enemy but the Lord is not gonna let us get that confident he doesn't unless do anything that creates a formula because then we trust ourself instead of trusting him so there's always going to be that little little need for discernment to listen to his voice and sounds like you're already doing that you're recognizing the difference in the levels of color to help you to stern we're the dream came from that make sense okay good any other questions here yes [Music] yeah interestingly enough dreams with images that relate to other religions would be very similar to drains where people are wearing clothing that is related to other cultures and it typically will mean you have an intercessory call to that people group not a hundred percent answer but that's going to be a very simple very common type of answer to that question so I have a lot of drains for example that have images related to Islam there's probably a missions / intercessory calling that relates to dealing with people of that faith that could be as extreme as the need to go and minister in Islamic cultures or as simple as praying for people around you who may be walking in the deception of Islam and there's no way without more detail and even then typically the Lord will if it's an extreme call like sell everything you have and move to Pakistan okay you're gonna get more confirmation than a dream seriously there's what we would call a scale a scale of what's it called art Kathy wonder you guys type it in there what's that scale anyway how we weigh out the significance of the revelation we get and and a face-to-face encounter in the throne room with God is that one extreme of that scale if we're taken to the throne room of our Father and he tells us with an audible voice to do something we better do it right then with no other confirmation if we just have an impression that I might should think about something then we need more things to build up for the weight to tip over to action so we need additional confirmation so that scale helps us that helps us to to get a feel for how much confirmation do I get and dreams tend to fall if you think of a fulcrum unlike a seesaw and you put the weight all on the one end that's sticking up in the air and it drops that's thrown in encounter if you put weight on in you have to pile on weight after waiter to weight to tip it up that's things like dreams impressions feelings stuff like that even sometimes prophetic words so we need more of it to grow confident in responding to it and the Lord uses that for us so if you're having dreams to see how does it apply what do I do with it what's its specific meaning you're now gonna want to look at what other things are going on around me what other types of confirmation are telling me is this a prayer assignment is this a missions calling or is this perhaps a warning type dream where I'm supposed to respond in some way to protect or preserve something or some sort of prophetic dream that's getting me prepared for something that may be about to occur and so that that will come with confirmation in other ways I'll also mention here too that sometimes we just get dreams to let us know God speaks to us that's that's it if we get just enough we see that you say you see a religious symbol in the next day there's a big news story and they put that symbol up on TV maybe God was just said hey you hear me and that's a valid way he speaks to us I'll never forget I was in law school back in the 80s and had a dream and I was actually fell asleep in the law library studying I think for the bar exam and and I had a dream and I saw these three tanks traveling down the road in a line and they got to a certain point and they turned and then with parallel out into a field and over a hill and through a hedge Bush heads broke and I'm thinking what in the world what is that what does that mean that night on the news show that Israel had invaded Gaza I think and the picture they showed about what was going on in Israel was three tanks going down the road and they turn and go into a field and over a hill and through a hedgerow exactly what I saw in my dream so what was that forward that was kind of a I'm talking you know you can hear me because that was feel back today but I don't think I heard anything from God so so sometimes that's what it is so you look for those type things as well in the midst of that and he'll give you confirmation for the rest of it so what other questions all right we're gonna jump to a few dreams and as we're doing that who's got a dream I had Cathy and the three of you got guys three of you guys I call everybody guys sorry three ladies back here on the back that were the first ones here I told y'all give y'all first any of you guys have a dream you want to try and get interpreted while you're checking I want to answer a question online because I promise these guys they would be first is there a difference between in meaning between being in middle school versus high school middle school speaks to the idea of you're in transition you're moving from one level to another high school tends to speak to an idea that you're coming into a place of greater maturity ready for higher learning because you're getting ready to go to college but again look at the difference the differences you'd find in your in your community with your children whatever what changed for you even between middle school high school what was going on in middle school that wasn't going on in high school or vice versa were you dealing something during the time frame of middle school that was different from high school so what was what kind of season your life does it speak to all those kind of things will be what you were looking for those differences so any of you guys got one are you being you want to think for a minute let me move on oh it looks you've got a dream somebody's trying to figure out who's going to go first that's okay it's better when you remember him anyway come on up here up here yep because everybody online is gonna want to hear you too so so you can actually sort of turn so the camera back there and then people online see you as opposed to to just make when I was like four okay um I don't actually know how I remember it because I don't remember things from like yesterday so I remember to actually member telling it to my mom and obviously I was like four so I didn't think a whole lot about it I was like whatever you know um but it was it just seems kind of self-explanatory but I just like to share it with people cuz it definitely was the most powerful dream I've had in my whole life which I have a lot of dreams that feel very heavy most of the time but I was in China and obviously I dreamed of this as if I was an adult in the scenario sure and my family was there with me and we like this big giant like wooden wall I don't know it was kind of dingy like falling apart and we were up there and we were gonna be hanged in my dream kind of scared me when I was four and there were also all of these little like tiny little baby sheep who were in like a cage and like we were gonna die and so obviously that was kinda scary but I was more concerned about all the little the little animals that were like locked up and like setting them free and I don't I don't know it was really weird but I definitely still think about it all the time and like obviously I've had more dreams related to China and Chinese people and the language and why not but I don't know yeah no that's a great that's a great thing so you have the dream you're four years old when you have it but you're sort of more of an adult in the drain and you're in China and buy this wooden wall is that what you said okay buy this wooden wall it's kind of dingy there's all these little sheep there they're captive and you're about to be hanged but you're more concerned about getting the sheep free than you are about what's gonna happen to you guys don't does scare you when you're four I understand okay oh cool so I won't make you stand here while we talk about it so if you're new to dream lab then then what we do is we get a dream we'll give an interpretation of the dream you probably don't need as much interpretation of that one but I'll help confirm some things maybe but and then we're gonna talk about it to look at what we learn out of that dream and that's a great learning dream that's some amazing things to talk about anything basically the bottom line the dream is about some form of calling either directly to the people of China and since you mentioned that you've had more dreams about China and Chinese people it probably relates to a Chinese calling of some kind but it could relate potentially simply to persecuted people's called a prayer or to a pastoral compassion for persecuted people's groups the captive sheep speaking to that idea I would tend to think it probably has to do with a calling either through intercession or missions into the Chinese culture not necessarily to China though that is certainly a possibility from the drain okay so that's the core of the dream and that's not hard to get truthfully that's a great dream because two things one how are you now do you mind me asking you're 17 so that's 13 years ago and you recall the Train clearly that's powerful because dreams tend to be written in disappearing ink if you don't write a dream down when you get up they tend to disappear like that and so when you can remember a dream as clear as you just gave that dream for 13 years it says it's significant the second thing is that that dream is a fairly simple dream to understand it's got very clear imagery but think about it it's imagery a four-year-old could get and honestly all our dreams are that way we make them more complicated the older we get and so that's that's four year old imagery it's simple sheep represent what even as four years old you probably knew sheep represent God's people you know the culture you're in for whatever reasons whether the look of the place you know you're in a Chinese culture pretty simple your compassion is more for them than it is for your own well-being and so you have a simple drain no greater love hath any man than you lay down his life for a friend that's the core meaning of the dream would it be an intercession or mission function or whatever it is that's the core simple meaning and a four-year-old can get that love and caring for others that they not be harmed even over what you yourself received is more important than anything and it's the gift that Jesus gave us okay very simple core meaning of the drink however as you grow older and you have other dreams the understanding of what is God saying begins to grow and build and all of it traces back to for when you had no way to make it up for yourself there's no possible way you say I made that up myself at four years old therefore no matter what other dreams you have you've got that relate back to it you've got a constant reminder that this is from God it's not from my own desires it's not from my own thoughts it's not from what I want and you may get dreams and I would bet you probably have had dreams that it would be easy to jump into a place and say well I'm alright I'm fascinated with that now or I just have those dreams over and over again now or I don't know that that means anything to me now or things like that but you're always going to go back to the four-year-old drink when you had no control of that dream at all and it's going to give confidence to what you have from that own that relates to that topic great great dream all right good thank you for that that's a good teaching dream as well so all right what else we got I know we had one here come on thank you and just so folks know Brandon you are awesome the scale are the the when I was talking out about the weight and stuff the clarity versus cost principle the greater clarity you get throwing them experience with God the more it costs to disobey the less the clarity dream impression feeling the more time you have to figure out exactly what God was saying Thank You Brandon appreciate that okay okay her saying that she had this one when she was four made me think of one that I've had that's troubled me for years okay I was laying in my bed and it was a scarecrow for the bed it was black I mean black is a dungeon and the Scarecrow touched me okay and then I woke up I mean it horrified me okay okay so basically you what age were you maybe 19 okay 19 years old you and your dream it's very dark in feel and in a lighting color rotgut and it's the Scarecrow that touches you and it wakes you up terrified yeah okay so great you don't have to stand there if you don't want to so hmm this is a this is a great somebody asked earlier maybe I just went into it so I did ask this every dream have meaning right and we talked about that soul dreams can be hard chemical trains body dreams they can be kind of difficult to interpret but every dream has an interpretation and the place we would think most frequently is that dark dreams or what we would often call that would be a night terror or a nightmare our tendency is to say those dreams aren't from God therefore they can't have meaning okay what we mentioned it briefly but let me just lay out the principle what's important to understand is when the enemy seeks to terrify us are just so fear he's probably trying to stop something God wants to do okay we should never be truly afraid when the enemy attacks us because it's an almost a guarantee that God is about to move on our behalf okay it changes your whole perspective how the enemy operates if you see things from that way if instead of saying oh look what an attack I'm under we Seguin to say I'm under attack what's God about to do it changes our perspective even as a child if we don't get that because we're often not talked to understand things that way and the truth is we don't teach our children very well at all to experience spiritual things so we don't know what to do with nightmares and night terrors because they're just dark and they sow fear and then we try and say well it's not real or you don't have to worry about that or whatever and and we actually are teaching our kids not to engage in spiritual realms the one I love is the child who says there's a monster under my bed and we tell the kid it's all their imagination what if it was a demon what if they have a gift of seeing the spiritual realm and we're and yes the enemy is going to throw things out of the sea to try and destroy that gift so we just shut down their spiritual eyes by saying it's all imagination wouldn't it be better to say tomorrow night if you see that again look around the room and see where the angel is it's come to run it or run it off what if that was our response instead of you just imagine that or you made it up okay similar thing with our nightmares our night terrors particularly for younger age brackets they mark attacks against our destiny and purpose and if we don't have the resources and the teaching even as young people to respond to them they can shut us down so one number one that dream tells you you had a gift to dream from childhood and if I had to guess this is not prophetic this is just experiential I would say the odds are probably strong that you relatively shut down for a season in your life your dream life you either didn't pay attention or you didn't know what to do with your dreams for a season in your life if you had many of those dreams it's a guarantee but even a few that are remembered that long tend to say you probably went through a season when you shut down your dream life because they're designed to do exactly that they're the dream the interpretation of the dream is is designed to be exactly what it says a scarecrow it's designed to be something that has no life but sews fear into you so that you'll not walk in the life your call to you that's the bottom line okay so it's to shut down your gifts and calls and so what that says to you is that from childhood God had a purpose for you that will not be lost and that there is life in you that will not be taken it probably speaks to natural physical things where the enemies tried to kill you and to spiritual things where the enemies tried to destroy you that the Lord is not going to let him touch you in that way but you are gonna overcome and even though you want the season of maybe not knowing that what it meant it's always now something that just like your dream will always look back and strengthen other things for the future that dream though given by the enemy a dark dream will always cause you to say God what have you gotten stored if all the way back to nine years old the enemy wanted to destroy what I have what are you about to do so it's a great dream and that is where we flip a dream we take it from the enemy's purpose to kill steal and destroy and turn it into why did God let you have it because God is either sovereign or he's not you did not have that dream because God was one day just not in control and the enemy snuck it in didn't happen if you have a dart drink you have a nightmare not carry any of those things God is sovereign and I know this rubs people the wrong way sometimes but nothing happens to you that he doesn't allow we ask the question why do bad things happen to good people God has a purpose in everything he does not waste resources if something bad happens to us it's because he sees the end from the beginning and he knows what it will draw out of us to give us life and value in the future now we can choose not to respond to it and therefore the enemy wins that's not God doing that that's us responding wrongly but if we understand how God operates then nothing bad happens night terrors included that doesn't have a purpose to draw out of us something good the Word of God says behold all things work together for good to those who love the Lord's are called according to his purpose that last part tells us it's how we respond that counts if I respond out of my love for the Lord and my calling for His purposes it's going to be good it doesn't mean the event the circumstance what I'm facing is good but it's going to end good because all things work together for good for those who are called who loved the Lord and called according to his purpose it's a great dream good deal let's see looks like I've got Cathy and some of them taking good work with these online we'll come back to some of them in a minute who else here's got a drink somebody else here we got one we wanted to come on see now you're not afraid you've seen it happen I don't mean afraid you just debate yo who was going first I understand ah tell me your name my name is Hannah look you are very smart Hannah cuz you just take the microphone off and hold it so it's perfect stay sort of over this way so we keep um the camera you can even see yourself back there on the back part that awesome yeah okay so tell CJ so I have recurring dreams they're not the exact same but there's a common denominator to all them and the one that I've been having is about a wedding so when these dreams start I'm in a wedding dress I'm at the venue my hair's done my makeups on the venue's decorated the guests are there and I realize who I'm marrying and I realized I don't want to marry them it's always like a friend or someone I know from the past someone I would never marry and I'm faced with this like oh my gosh why did I let it get this far before I decided that I didn't want to do this because it's about time to start and I have to go and now I have to go out there and reject this person and tell the guests and all the money's wasted and that basically is in essence the dream and it keeps coming and it's always different people that I know okay all right so the common element is the wedding different people different sort of circumstances but the commonality is the way so in the dream and tell me your name again real quick I'm sorry Hannah okay thank you so Hannah the common element there is you're in the wedding dress the wedding's about to begin and you always recognize or realize that this is not a person you want to marry someone from your past someone just different different reasons but not someone you want to remarried and you question yourself why not let it go so far because now there's waste of time there's wasted resources etc alright a couple of things we're going to mention before we actually give interpretation to the dream repetitive dreams versus dreams we have twice if you read scripture Joseph has a conversation with Pharaoh in which he says when a dream occurs twice it's established Daniel talks about the same thing if I remember right that a dream twice is established a thing is established so when we see in the place we see it most clearly is not in an identical dream but in an identical interpretation and that is the seven fat cows seven lean cows versus the dream of seven fat heads of wheat and seven scrawny heads of wheat so the interpretation of both drinks is the same and Joseph said it's established there's famine coming you can't do anything about it it's going to occur that's a dream we dream twice okay however when people we get people all nervous because they'll have dreamed a series of dreams like this and what tends to happen is for somebody to dream something like that and think oh my goodness I'm gonna get out there one day because that's established now I'm gonna get out there one day and be standing there about to get married and realize I married the wrong person and I'm gonna have to deal with all this one day not what it means just if that gives any peace not what it means okay but there's the tendency because we always hear this thing that Joseph says to Pharaoh that well it must be established it's going to happen a dream that is repetitive multiple times over and over again agir this more one of those knock-knock I'm talking you're not getting everything I'm saying now that's not a bad statement we tend to think oh somebody says you're not getting everything I'm getting being gotten owned - no no that is what I've got to say it's important I want you to get every bit of it that's what it boils down to it so what that dream is about and we'll come back to how we get there but what that dream is about is there are things in your life that you've made covenant with that you need to let go of early rather than later because the cost of stepping or breaking that covenant later is going to be much high than if you do it now so so probably relates to things that you can habits that can be changed and things that you can walk away from early on in a much easier way that's the Lord saying pay attention to these things because it'll be so much easier to fulfill your calling your destiny okay your life purpose or partner it's so much easier to fulfill that covenant with me if you haven't made covenants that were that weren't the best for you now I want to be clear on something because everybody online and all over the world has just heard that dream so I want to be clear on something that dream does not say you're doing bad things you know it doesn't say there's something wrong with you what it says is we all have things that we covenant with habits and patterns in our life that we enter into agreement with that hinder our purpose and the Lord is saying to you your calling is of such a nature that breaking that pattern later is going to cost so much more watch for it now and don't let it begin to develop within you so that's a powerful powerful dream about the purpose and calling you have now if you want to say what are some of those things I need to deal with that's when you start looking at context who are the people what do they represent to you what characters or qualities do they represent what's their personality like what does their name mean and you'll begin to see a pattern among all those different people who it's been with well this person is an angry person oh that person's name means bitterness or this person or whatever it may be and you'll begin to see some of the places and if you'll look why does God give us dreams because oftentimes he just told us something we wouldn't listen to him okay so he gives us a dream and by the time we've worked out the interpretation we're so anxious to know what it means that we believe what he says okay so so I'm gonna pick something that doesn't by the spirit I don't mean just looking at you naturally I'm gonna pick something that by the spirit doesn't like it applies to you just so that make this easier let's just say that the one thing you find in common is that all of these people who you you have to reject at the altar or angry people they're just bitter angry people then what you would know then is that dream is saying to me if I'm not careful I'm going to make a covenant with my anger and I'm gonna become a better person and fixing it later is gonna be harder than fixing it now so I don't think that's what it is but I use that as an example so you can now look at the people the names the characteristics or qualities what do they have in common because there'll be something in common in all likelihood are a series of things that relate to one another that speak to an area in your life that the Lord is wanting to deal with don't take well do take that as correction it is correction it's that kind of correction that empowers you to be who you're created to be which is the way we should see correction correction is awesome you know God disciplines those he loves because he has a purpose and a calling and discipline in a dream at that level is phenomenal because what it says is God cares enough for you never to get to the point it has to be real natural discipline he's going to deal with it now and that is huge it speaks to the level of calling and destiny in your life so it's an extremely encouraging and positive dream and you want to keep that in mind because otherwise it can be hard to look at what is it I need to fix so I want to be sure you understand that there's a positive dream so good and anybody else because there's probably other people out there typically what we find is we share dreams in this setting and other people who either watch the videos later or they're watching live or experiencing similar kind of things and we want to make sure that you guys all pay attention to why dreams that we feel could be challenging or have challenging interpretations are actually extremely valuable and positive so all right good let's see what else have we got anybody else here got one you want to share we want to work on oh we've got a real calm night got one okay that's fine no problem when you're ready when you're ready do you got one you got a drink yeah yeah come here and speak in the mic because that way I don't have to repeat what you're saying so I had two random words given to me early this year about two completely different people who didn't know each other who randomly had said that I I had different gifts that I hadn't a lot and because I do worship worship is kind of my thing so I thought it had to do with like worship ministry and things like that and so then when I started coming I actually have randomly had people come up to me one person text me and one person in person and then and then one of my siblings who asked me if God told them if God had told me what their dream if I could interpret it and all I think it's been for now but especially the two people that were more acquaintances friends that I wasn't related to where they were crying and it was the Holy Spirit like it was completely and I remember I got nervous when they first told me both times when they first told me the whole dream I got nervous like all the pressure of I don't know if this is God you know I'm gonna tell you what I think or what I feel and I'm hearing it at first I'm like I don't know I don't know but as soon as I guess obeyed and open my mouth and try you know it's like I started to get exactly the flow of what it meant and so anyway I was just gonna add that so recently I don't know if that's something that is a permanent gifts aren't be able to help with but I just got I always grown up always had dreams for myself that I kind of got when I woke up and felt like I'm supposed to tell somebody here or do or what meant to me but I never looked at people around me or asked and so anyway I just gonna say that that's been something cool for me early this year to hear those people say that and then have people go out of their way to come to me you know to ask me and then kind of stepping out on faith to try and hear the Lord I could hear as soon as I I guess obeyed in that way and it's been it's been something that they they needed and I felt really honored that the Holy Spirit used me to do that so that's cool tell me your name again Jordan how are you Jordan 20/20 now think about this folks for you guys watching because I know none of you need this kind of encouragement here but for you guys watching Jordans twenty and I know some of you who are watching are in your 30s 40s and 50s and you still won't try now you've been challenged just sayin okay cuz here's the deal I love what you say it what did it hurt if you got it wrong if you can say I'm trying I don't really know what I'm doing let me try but then it has impact that's amazing Holy Spirit moved but if you got it wrong they just say now that didn't really help and they move on because you said I'm trying you didn't say thus says the Lord God of Israel you didn't it didn't come out that way it came out natural and simple and just opened the Holy Spirit and that's so powerful thank you so much for sharing that and that really should be an encouragement to all of us to just try if you are a dreamer you're called to be an interpreter bottom line if nothing more than your own dreams the God did not create dreams for other people to always interpret even people like Daniel and Joseph who are the most famous dream interpreters of history encouraged others to learn to interpret their own dreams okay they didn't say just come to me and get it from me then wanted people to go to God and get it from God that was the point so if you are a dreamer you're called to be an interpreter and can I say this we're all dreamers 100% everybody watching is a dreamer how do I know because if your breathing your if you don't dream scientifically medical science says if you cease to dream you cease to live because it's a natural part of the way God created us and if we're not dreaming our bodies are dying that's a medical fact not spiritual that's not religious that's a medical fact so if you're a dreamer you're also called to be an interpreter oh my goodness Kathy and aren't you guys keep up because I cannot for the life of me pay attention to all of these the dreams that are coming up here on the screen so I'm gonna let you guys work and by the way if you're watching online and you're making comments on Facebook or YouTube myself Kathy and art do tend to go back and try and help interpret those after the live stream is over but please don't add comments if you are watching recorded because we can't go back and do all of those go to the website instead unless your dream my dream stories com you can list them up at the top and the minibar it's called forum and you can list them on the forum for dreams to be interpreted we can work on them there but don't just keep adding if you're watching this by recording if you're watching it live and you you comment with a dream an art or Kathy or myself or one of the other moderators is not able to get to it on the Facebook page there is no guarantee we come back to them after the live stream is over but sometimes we do there's no guarantee if we don't get to them afterwards they copy it and paste it and throw it on the website because that's a place where we can get to them it may take us a little while lately I've been running about 30 days on dreams sometimes a little more to get an answer to you but it's a place we will get to it as opposed to posting it on the Facebook page just a little piece of information all right we're gonna come to you and then you'll be ready by the end ok come on Kathy this is short just because I know you like that and this is from my childhood and I do understand part of it it's a scary kind of dream somebody bad is chasing me and I'm running and I'm flying but I can I'm this far above their reach mm-hmm I'm barely getting away from them barely and so I'm terrorized the whole thing is a big terror dot and when you say you're flying you don't mean like you're just moving fast you're literally flying right great two of the most common dreams people have combined into one dreams of being chased and dreams of flying okay both of those are in the top 20 dreams that people have that we see frequently when let me give you the this one's easy but we want to apply how it applies directly here and you should be able to see it pretty simply dreams of being chased it means we're either being pursued by God and not giving in probably not with the feelings of terror that's probably not the meaning okay it can be if the terror is a godly fear of the Lord kind of thing but that's not how I heard it in your voice okay all right so the other possible meaning is the enemy is pursuing us for our destruction it's more of a nightmare kind of thing there's something pursuing us to tear us down okay dreams of fly most common meaning almost 100% how many of you guys here have had a flying dream before okay if you haven't had one the more you learn about hearing the Lord the more likely you will be to have one why because they have a tendency to speak of revelatory callings and of the ability of moving things of the Spirit okay you you can have a revelatory calling and you can move in things of the Spirit without having a flying dream well when you have a flying dream it seems to say pay attention because you have a calling to move up in the things of the Spirit so now we have a combination of the two being chased and flying to get away but barely getting away so what does that mean that says the enemy has pursued your calling in your destiny but the Lord has always kept you just one step ahead it may not always feel like you're safe but he has always kept you out of the enemy's reach so that you can move in your destiny and that's that was a dream as a child which says this is a promise for you for your life and its continued it's a promise for you for your life you may not always feel safe but I'm keeping you just out of the enemy's race he's never gonna stop what you're called to so very good so that again is a picture of context looking at now not just one symbol but the two general symbols to help us see that all right come on up while you're coming I've got art and Cathy on online the you're asking the questions about how to see the full comments of the people if you're hearing this one of the challenges with the Facebook live stream is it's very difficult to get the whole comments to come up if you can pop out of the fullscreen view and go to just the comment section it may cut your video video off for a moment but when you pull the just the comments up it'll allow that more to open up in full when you're in the video mode it will sometimes not give you the whole comment even when you click the more so that's just one thing to try it may be helpful to you come on it's not a pregnancy dream right it's not a pregnancy dream the other difference in what is yeah let me just say cuz I'm gonna pick on you cuz because you're you're the camera is just high enough everybody out there can tell how we know you're pregnant but it's not it's yet oh my goodness and you're here or not okay so it's not a question I'm not I'm taking a risk and saying you're pregnant right so let me say this real quick pregnancy dreams are pretty amazed for a couple reasons it can be difficult to figure out which is pregnancy and which is the Lord but pregnancy dreams have this cool ability to intermingle your child's dreams and your dreams and create a connection before they're ever born so if you'll watch for those that clearly fall into that category it'll give you little snippets or ways to create connection or things that will give you insight down the road when the child gets here so it's really cool all right and actually by the way that's a spiritual application of medical principle again science tells us that the dreams intermingle but the way they do that the testing with brain waves and stuff science says they intermingle and so we know then that what the Lord is doing is giving you a shared connection so okay so okay in my dream I'm in like an O or operating room setting and I'm a nurse and this there's a child that's probably like eight or nine who needs brain surgery and also like surgery on his stomach and apparently he just had a lot of disabilities and I think he was blind and stuff like that and the neurosurgeon came in and was like this is such a waste that there's no reason to do this this song and help anything and me and some other people kind of just like kept prepping him like no you're gonna do it like we're gonna give him a chance so that seemed kind of ended and then I'm sitting now we're like in a big city it's almost like I'm on this incredibly high ladder and there's someone sitting beside me I don't know who they I couldn't even know what they look like who they are just know there's someone next to me I mean it's like so high in the sky and I'm looking down and I'm like watching the surgery happen and now it's open outside and there's kind of like a crowd watching and so I'm witnessing and the neurosurgeon is taking his time and very detailed and meticulous and then at one point he just like light some of it on fire and I was like what's going on and then another part he like scoop some of the kids brain out and sorry scoot some of it out and starts eating it and then tries to like offer it to the crowd and they're all like Oh like it's almost there like repulse of it but they're still watching it almost kind of reminded me of like like gladiator games you know it's like they're killing each other Brie everybody wants to watch it so it's like everyone was really grossed out but they were all really into it and so everyone's like no I'm not gonna eat it but they were still kind of like interested so then he kind of takes it and like blends it and puts it on bread and then like the crowd will eat it that way and so anyway I'm just up top like I'm like watching this all happen like a maze I cannot believe this is going on and at that point he kind of finishes up and now I'm down with the child who is now almost like a baby boy and I see there is I know it's like his brother and his dad and they're just holding him and the baby's completely fine and I remember thinking like I'm so glad we gave him a chance because the baby turned out being completely fun no that's give your eyes so you're an orient hold on for a minute because I lost a little piece something there where they're in the middle and I know when I do that it's I know when i zoom out and lose it because I got caught in something you were saying and I was rolling with that and missed for the drink so you're you're you're an RN in your dream and you're there in the operating room prepping this young child young boy who has several different kinds of problems there's some blindness there's a brain issue there's a stomach issue and there's a number of different things the neurologist or the neurosurgeon comes in and he is thinking it's a waste of time to do the surgery and you and some others that are just insisting no it's not a waste and continue the prep and you're going to sort of make sure the surgery takes place and then I lost you for just a second he started the surgery four more people are watching so you're on the ladder watching and he begins to perform the surgery and ultimately the next big step in this is he starts scooping out the brains listen lots on fire and then he's so-so so the scooping and out eating and offering to people nobody will take it but they're still fascinated then he puts it on bread hands it out and people are willing to take the next thing is you're down and you're the parents and there may be a sibling or the father and maybe a sibling is there and the boy down of a small child okay glad we gave him the chance okay I interesting drink so I won't make you stand here but I may have some questions so right this is a great dream that speaks to something that is important for us to understand interpreting dreams Jesus spirit Holy Spirit father they have no problem with using imagery that freaks us out I mean eating brains is not particularly the type of imagery we would call a positive dream okay but Holy Spirit doesn't have trouble using something for its symbolism even when it clashes with our mindset we know that to be true from a scriptural reference and that is Jesus makes a statement unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood you have no partner and most of the people who are following him walked off and left he had no problem offending their sensibilities in order to expose their heart and so that dream is actually about perseverance in calling and it has to do with offending sensibilities around you to expose the heart of what is going on and so that dream is actually a call to purpose and destiny to see people to see people receive their healing and their freedom their deliverance their sight their their ability to - their ability to retain fluid I mean food and be strengthened their ability to process things they receive all these different issues relate to different debilitating conditions that kept this young man from maturing okay and as the RN that dream is saying what's it about about you you're still central to the dream even though the primary focus seems to be on the doctor this stream is about you persevering in effect the doctor is the great physician and it doesn't make sense that he would be because what he's doing offends our sensibilities but it's about where you persevere through difficult challenging circumstances will you hold on to what you see purpose in when the way God responds to it doesn't look like or will you petition him when it doesn't even seem like he's listening it's that it's that call like Moses when he says oh no you're not gonna kill everybody you know he argues with God was never gonna kill everybody but he wanted Moses to step out on that stand of faith God remembered his covenant he didn't have either reminded by Moses it was about Moses being strengthened in his calling that he had to remind God of his covenant so that's really what this dream is about reminding God it is covering a standing firm for the healing of those around you that they would walk in the maturity of their calling and seeing them for who they are their life their life as they are end so they can be reconceived are reborn into who they are called to be in the arms of their father and and the the spiritual community around them and then the other image in that that's weird is the offence in eating the brains but then when it's placed on bread when it's given with the bread of life when it's given in a way that says but this is what Jesus is doing this is how he's moving then we can consume then we can receive it once we see him in the midst of the difficulty so for you it's to say standing firm when you're calling in your purpose until you can see Jesus in the midst of it and then others around you will be able to receive what's presented as well but you stood firm through the whole thing you've been above the situation that's an intercessory or a prayer type of calling you've been above the situation able to see the picture from a different angle from everyone else and and so that whole thing is about persevering and calling to see people walk in their destiny in their call and their their purpose even when it's a challenging process they walk through so make sense and you're gonna find that in your walk in your purpose and your calling you're gonna find that tension between it doesn't seem like it fits but I can feel holy spirit in it and that's really important to your calling the ability to honor the Lord when it doesn't flow in the way that makes sense I was listening to a CD by John Paul Jackson he was one of my spiritual fathers and I was going through some of the tapes when he was here years ago for some meetings and he was preaching on the topic called the six signs arising warrior and I remember it just really stood out to me the second or the third sign was the rising warrior knows that they have a call that God is going to fulfill in their life that's cool that's right and then he said but I thought oh that's not really the side we have knowing it's fine for you I mean this was the side but they're confident it won't happen the way they thought it would that's a rising warrior one who not only knows their calling but they know the way God's going to fulfill it is probably not the way they expected it to happen and that's I'm reminded of that with that drain a lot of your calling is probably not going to come to pass in a way that seems simple and well perceived you know well fall out but it's going to be worth it so really good all right we're just about to the end of our time I'm gonna ask art Hernandez I assume you're still on there and so I'm going to try and do something here a little unique and different because I happen to know that art is getting ready if you'll pop me back on here is getting ready to engage in some things some outreach things in Hawaii and I just want to see if we can connect with him in such a way if he's paying attention to let's see there we go okay if we can connect with him in such a way to let him share with you what they've got going on so or if you're watching or listening I'm calling you I hope you're watching a line and not in the middle of interpreting somebody when you answer your pictures gonna be on the screen we're trying there he is okay and you're here with everybody else art so I know you have something coming up and we're gonna try and get this where everybody can hear but you've got something upcoming up there on the island of Kauai that we would like for everybody to be able to join you in prayer with and so I'm gonna get you if you will just to share what you guys I've been over there with art for some things they've been doing they've got something new coming up here we got a bad connection on your video but I think we can still hear you so how about sharing with everybody what you've got coming up later this month so they can be praying about it yes you go ahead okay at the end of the month on the 28th 29th and 30th we're doing a powwow we've rented a booth to enter to dream interpret here on the island of Kauai II this will be our second year the the powwow is a really unique place to minister because the the people who are coming there are so open to the spirits so you get to really do godly dreams that are being given to individuals so there but you're good so what do you okay what kind of people are you gonna have showing up there most mostly New Agers and non-believers and they are so open to getting their dreams interpreted because they have a curiosity of what they what their dreams mean people wait in line to get their dreams and once their dream is interpreted they love staining the booth because of the peace of God they're just hang on for a minute but I'm gonna tell people a little bit more art and care caryl have been on the island of Kauai for quite some time and you could say oh my goodness they're suffering missionaries on the island of Kauai and the answer is that's very very true we think of being in comfortable vacation type environments as being a great place to minister but what you'll find is these guys are in a place where the work they're having to do is breaking terribly hard ground places where people have very fixed mindsets and much of Asia comes to Hawaii for their resort or vacation times so you get a lot of Eastern religious mindsets and new-age mindsets and the ground becomes very hard so it's mid-afternoon here on Kauai they are in is it Lihue is that where you guys are I think it is and art and Carroll have been there would you please join us in praying for them this month as a lihue yes this month as they take this concept this model of dream interpretation and begin to minister on the island we've had a chance do a couple of county fairs with them and they have an amazing mid ministry there across denominational Cross Church but they have a microcosm of the Christian culture there so they get opposition and a concentrated form from all the people who think that this is weird and crazy mainly the church okay but they also have the opportunity to open the eyes of people who've been hurt and wounded by the church and this is their next touch from Holy Spirit to draw them back to knowing that God loves them and cares about them so I just wanted to I'm sorry I didn't prep you for this but I just wanted you guys to to share what you were doing so all the folks online and here in person could be praying for you later this month I don't get to be there with you this year I'm gonna miss that so I figured we better get some prayer going for you amen amen bless you miss Carole tell mango we said hello going to dream interpreting is an outrageous way to witness and share the gospel and using a non religious way the people outside of the church are very interested in their dreams they just need an avenue to get revelation of understanding of their dreams instead of information yeah that's a great point or thank you very much because art does a great job of this art and Carol and and it's great at doing exactly what he said giving revelation instead of information to the people around them tell Carol we love her we love you tell mango hello hey miss Carol hello ha and is that mango back there there's mango back there in the background so yes okay you got to meet mango [Music] okay she's done so bless you guys thank you for letting me put you on the spot all right talk to you soon all right I just felt like that was important because what they're about to do is significant we often go over and join them and help in that outreach and some of the outreach as they do we don't get to be there this year and so I just felt like it was significant to to just hear and share anytime you have opportunity to pour prayer into something that you're trying to learn it brings a return that seats on the ground your prayers for what they're doing so seed into the ground for you to walk in your calling to understand hear and recognize what God is saying in dreams so when you when you want to see God do something in you five people who are doing what you want and instead of saying I wish I could do what they do start praying for them to be fruitful so praying for God to moving them to increase their gift pour out not with the intention of getting back but because you truly want to see the kingdom advance through what they're called to and when you do it with that attitude you'll see the return come back forth so it's great all right that's about all of our time those of you watching online those of you here in person please keep art and caroling prayers for that you also get to meet one of the folks who's been answering dreams for you next time around Kathy brown will give you warning and we'll try out ahead of time to see if a South American our Central American connection will be sufficient for video and next time we get to do this we'll pull you own as well so people can meet you I thought I might better not put you on the spot that way and I also know you were having some internet trouble earlier but Kathy Browns another one of our moderators who helps us out a couple of things housekeeping tips we want to get to before we let you go one is if you're watching online we always receive an offering at the end of our class here there's a basket on the table in the back if you want to give you can make checks out to patria patr ia that's our ministry it is tax-deductible if you do that if you're watching online you can go to patria men patr IA mi n comm or to my dream stories comm and both of those have donate button's you can click those and give a line that helps us cover cost and for the most part what we get from that goes to take care of our volunteers who help us with sound and video and make all the things in the background work so that i can just simply do what i do up here and we can get through this so it's a great blessing to us to be able to bless them so we encourage you to sow into those lives as well next thing i want to just sort of speak to is that we won't be doing more live dream labs this month i mean this year it doesn't mean we won't have any more i'm just not going to have scheduled labs between 9 the end of the year we'll put something online pop out and just be there and available to you we'll do what we can with online stuff and interactions whether it be by video like that or just through comments and context but we will be doing some more it just won't be live in person type stuff between now and the end of the year and beginning next year we'll be doing more live labs they may not be here the church here this is where those of you don't know this is right pastored for years 17 years I pastored here but as we move down into patria which is a association or family of ministries around the world that we oversee the church here is led by pastor Jason Hooper amazing great guy and they are growing gangbusters here so it gets harder and harder to coordinate time and timing for our little dream labs in the midst of all that's happening in this place so we may be moving around a little bit just keep in mind that could happen as we get into next year as well and we really are excited about seeing what God is doing here it's always good to be in a place where growth is happening to such a point you're trying figure out how to coordinate things isn't it that's always cool so we're excited about that and we'll see what the Lord opens the doors for with it and keep all that in your prayers too if you will both for us and for the growth ear because Kingsway has been amazing this is our home church and they have been so amazing to provide the facility for us to keep doing this and so keep them in your prayers and for our blessings for them if this has been a blessing to you then keep them in prayers for all that God is doing with Kingsway as well next thing is if you'll join us in prayer we're always doing missions type stuff a few years ago we did dream interpretation and training in Hong Kong we've done that in Ireland we've done it in Kenya we've done it in Honduras we've done it in Canada we've done it in well literally all over places all over the world but this October we will be in Europe for three weeks and part of that my wife and I 30th anniversary and we get a week off but like so our anniversaries in December but we get a week off so we're going to take our anniversary there and part of it will be doing things in England with some of our patria family and then to Slovakia in the Bratislava Slovakia and we'll be a week there with an amazing family Aaron and Marta McCauley Aaron and Marta if you guys happen to be on tonight we can't wait to see you guys and we're going to be doing some different training and teaching including dreams into the Catholic community of Slovakia very excited about that it's a place we've never been before I don't even know a lot about it so keep us in your prayers if you will that will have the wisdom of the Lord to release what's needed there and that the Lord will just open the right doors and pour out his spirit in the realm of all things that he intends to do we're not going to be you know we're going to be hung up on just dream interpretation and stuff but we want to give away all that God has planned and so keep us in your prayers we will that's the reason we won't be doing dream lab in October and so we really would appreciate that your prayers beyond that I want to thank you for joining us if you got questions go online from here we since we're off for about three months my dream stories calm it has forums that's where you submit dreams for interpretation and general drink questions and questions on symbols there's three different interactive forums there myself or Hernandez my wife Kathy Brown in Honduras and a couple of others have little crowns or stars that say their moderators but we also encourage you to practice practice interpreting dreams you can go out there it takes us right now about 30 days to get to a dream that's posted on the website you can go and you can do this two ways you can read the dreams on the website and you can write down on your own what you think that interpretation is or you can actually post it because that gives you a chance to see if I frequently now have seen people post interpretations and when I get there to interpret I'm saying great job little off here this this meant that but otherwise you got the dream right and it's such an encouragement if you can't bring yourself to do it all along write it down and then wait for that dream to be interpreted and you can check yourself against the interpretation so it's a great tool to learn about interpreting dreams and also at times to be able to bless others with the interpretation you have because everybody uses different language and you never know when the way I say something of what I say about an interpretation may be correct but the way you say it may have more of a blessing that's really true it's sometimes it's not what we say about how we say it that's important and so God uses each of us differently you can go out there and we also do our blog it's been a little behind lately but you'll find dream lessons posted about once a month we're doing a series right now on lucid dreaming that's what the blog entries our own we also are doing dream symbols on Mondays and just listing some of the characteristics and qualities and ideas of what the symbols may mean and we're just getting ready to start we're filming this week a series symbol meanings by video so it'll turn into a vlog instead of a blog over the next few weeks for our symbols and that'll be fun because we get to interact a little more with showing the things we're talking about and stuff like that so watch for that change the other new thing on the website if you weren't here when we first started off is we have a new feature called if this were a dream and that is for those weird compound dream symbols the the the guitar boat or the burning tree or things like that just combine symbols and how do they interact and how do you draw out meaning from multiple symbols in one image and I didn't share this earlier but what you should find there from a desktop from a mobile device it should be working next week but from a desktop you should be able to come click submit my photo or submit a photo and you can take a image from the internet that just struck you a picture you take whatever something that's a unique multi-part symbol post it and will pick from among those randomly will pick some random intervals post the picture for everybody and give a possible interpretation of those compound symbols just gives us another way of looking at symbols and talking about things as a learning tool but we need your help to pick the fun funny unique strange whatever images that we can then talk about the stranger they are the more likely we'll end up picking them because they're more complicated and complex they are the more we can teach out of them so that should be starting as we start getting some civils in there's a couple of examples up now but that door is there for you as well and our last thing tonight one more prayer request is we have an awful lot of folks from the Carolinas who watch and/or with us for these dream labs and you guys know they've just been through Florence and we want to as the hurricane through there we want to keep them lifted up in prayer we also have a huge number of folks who watch life some of them very early in the morning but watch live or by recording from Hong Kong and Hong Kong just went through macaque or something a typhoon just a hurricane that blows the other direction largest on record highest alert they've ever had a huge impact on the islands of Hong Kong and so we have folks who are part of our dream labs from both of those places affected by major storms and we were just asking to really keep them in prayer Hong Kong and the Philippines in that region and then the Carolinas and all that's been affected there and just be praying for those folks that God would give them give them the strength to walk through the recovery from those storms with that we're going to pray we're going to bless your offering we're gonna bless those folks we've talked about and we're gonna release you so father in the name of Jesus we thank you for those who give and even for those who don't we thank you for them thank you for what's given that it would advance your kingdom and we ask that you would bless it and return to the hands of the sower more seed to be sown father we ask for art and Carroll that you do an amazing work in them at the powwow as they set up the booth administer to those who are coming from Eastern religions and New Age and Buddhists and all sorts of other mindsets and they would be able to open their eyes to the Spirit of God and reveal him to them we thank you for those in the Carolinas and Hongkong that have come through the storms so father we we bless them all the folks in those regions that we love and that are part of these labs and different parts of our ministries we just ask that you would strengthen them to overcome to press through the things that they have been facing and you would cause them to be able to be light in the midst of darkness even where powers out and things that their light would shine and people would see Jesus in them and through them father we bless you for the time we've had tonight we thank you for all we've done for all you've done and for the opportunity we've had to learn and grow together in Jesus name Amen amen blessings thank you guys for being
Channel: Michael B French
Views: 428
Rating: 4.6363635 out of 5
Id: oU2Txp-mRkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 23sec (6923 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 18 2018
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