Dream Symbols Bicycle

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hey everybody welcome to dream stories train symbols these are our video entries that are going to talk about symbols and what they may mean in your dreams so today we're gonna talk about bicycles so I've got an example of a bicycle here and we want to spend some time talking about it today now generally when we look at a bicycle one of the things we want to remember up front is that it's a means of transportation this bicycle has a lot of individual characteristics but it remains a particular mode of transportation and when we talk about modes of transportation we're talking about something that gets us from one place to another and that in many many cases relates to our life or to a ministry calling or purpose in our life that's the thing that gets us where God wants us to be so that's the general broad idea that comes behind any mode of transportation when we talk about a bicycle in particular you're gonna notice that a bicycle is something that is powered by human effort there is a person on this bicycle moving the pedals by the use of their own physical muscles that gives us the impression that how we're getting from one place to another in this particular context is done with a lot of effort on the part of the individual riding the bicycle now another thing we understand about a bicycle and we can ask ourself a question with this particular symbol is why this and not that so in other words why the bicycle and not a 747 this is an Earthbound vehicle it's not gonna move to great heights and it's gonna be limited in some of the places it can reach but it's still gonna get the rider to where they need to go so we would then say this might be a ministry that has limited reach requires a lot of human effort but is going to accomplish the task that God has given this individual to do with this specific symbol we've got a couple of things we could look at this is a handmade bicycle that's wire frame with plant fiber wrapped around the wires to give it it's a it's of context or it's a it's covering and in this case what this says is there's a lot of natural elements to this bicycle it's been made by man if we were using this specific bicycle in a dream we might begin to think wait a minute this bicycle has a lot more limitations it's not sturdy and strong like a full-scale manufactured bicycle might be the spokes might Bend a little easier it's also however carrying a load on the back so that bicycle has given us the idea that this ministry not only gets the person where they need to go but they're able to carry resources with them to the destination they're called to all of these things are changed not just by the specific characteristics qualities and nature of this bicycle but also by the context of the specific dream you find it in those are some great ideas and resources for you but always remember ask Holy Spirit what are you saying to me in this specific dream you
Channel: Michael B French
Views: 2,748
Rating: 4.5652175 out of 5
Keywords: Dream, Dream Stories, Symbols, Dream Symbols
Id: Tq20XB9QuXY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 33sec (213 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2019
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