Dead Man Week 1

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good morning everybody good morning pastor travis and dr priscilla here and we want to say thank you so much for joining us right here at city church it is a great day to be in gospel amen be in god's presence and we are so excited that you guys decided to join us right here this morning i am stoked about what god is going to do today i am too this is so exciting and did you know that the genesis flood and the red sea closing are both linked to water baptism well today dr foster is going to kick off a new series entitled dead man yes that's right dead man throughout this series we're going to discover the freedom and blessing that comes with water baptism we're going to explore how nothing is too dead that god can't resurrect and we're going to understand what happens after we die what a blessing so you don't want to miss one installment of this new series and i can't wait to hear all about it yeah i am super excited to get started with this next series and we are excited that you guys decided to join us for this first installment of this ride it is going to just be awesome we want to say thank you for joining us your friends and your family members they need to hear this message too about the life-giving power of our god so if you guys would do us a favor so everybody can hear this message just uh click the share button just below the video there and click the like button as well that way all of your friends your family members can see what's going on right here at city church and they can be uplifted and encouraged and uh give their life to the lord yeah today as well god is gonna be doing something awesome here at city church and in your life today i believe that but we're about to start service so go ahead and make sure that you're ready grab your bible grab a notebook and let's just go right into god's presence today we'll be back in a bit enjoy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good morning good morning city church [Music] you all ready to praise y'all ready to come into his presence father we just come before you this morning we want to tell you that we love you lord we long to see your glory we long lord to experience you so this morning lord we come before you with humble hearts [Music] we humble ourselves before you lord we repent lord with a repentant heart lord we say forgive us in repentance and rest is our salvation quietness and trust is our strength because you long to be gracious to us not just every once in a while but every day you long to be gracious so lord today we humble ourselves before you today in the name of jesus we call upon the blood of jesus over this place and over every heart over every soul here today in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus the name that demons tremble when they hear it they tremble so today in the name of jesus we rebuke every evil every vile spirit every fearful spirit every spirit of infirmity in the name of jesus the lord rebuke you [Applause] this place in the name of jesus lord right now we lose the spirit of peace lord we lose the spirit of healing of joy of hope of restoration lord today of salvation of that blind and us being open today lord of the dead men coming to life being born again so lord today we thank you we honor you we love you come holy spirit come and change us come lord let us be raptured in your presence this morning rapture a sword today in your presence [Music] how worthy is the lamb who was slain holy holy [Music] to sing a new song to him who sits on heaven's mercy [Music] [Music] is with all creations praise to the king of kings you are my everything and i will adore you clothing rainbows [Music] [Music] me is [Music] is [Applause] [Music] holy holy holy is [Music] and i will adore him you know [Music] [Music] filled with wonder oh struck wonder at the mention of your name jesus your name is power living water oh [Music] [Music] me [Music] is with all creation i sing praise to the king of kings [Music] [Music] say oh me can we just lift our hands and adore him with the worship on our lips [Music] come on the angels cry holy holy holy can we just join the angels today can we just cry holy holy oh again say holy holy holy holy holy holy [Music] is kings you are my everything and i will adore you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you unravel me with a melody and you surround me with the song of deliverance from my enemies till all my fears are gone can y'all just help me sing it right here i'm no longer [Music] i am a child of god i need y'all to declare an open house come on no longer i am [Music] love has called me into your family declaring me [Music] come on declare it all across this house [Music] come on you rescued me so i can stand and say i [Music] so am could walk right through our tears [Music] i i am all my people that are free in this house come on clap your hands for the savior the one that broke the chains come on lift your hands lift your voices lift your so i could walk right through it my fears are drowning perfect lord come on say you rescue me you rescued me so i can stand and sing i am a child of god i said again you split the season you split the sea so i could walk right through when y'all sound good sing to them [Music] i am i am [Music] all the children of god in the house we're no longer orphans [Music] but we are citizens and children of the kingdom now this last time we sing this song i want your neighbor to hear you singing it with meaning and i need you to declare it because some of you are in here that has chains on you came inside of this building with chains on you but i declare decree before you leave you'll be no longer slaves [Music] you split the sea so i could walk right right through come on that's it come on my fears when you rescue me you rescued me so i could stand and sing i am a child of god [Music] [Applause] [Music] don't clap your hands with jesus [Music] say i was very baby [Music] who could carry that kind of weight it was [Music] i was breathing but not alive [Music] it was [Music] [Music] is [Music] into your glorious day [Music] [Music] is come on oh your glorious day glorious [Music] come on clap your hands real big right here come on that's it that's it come on [Music] if your neighbor is not clapping buzz a little bit come on here we go [Music] when i was broken [Music] i ran out of [Music] into your glorious day clap your hands [Music] come on [Music] [Music] come on one last time clap your hands with jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] the dead in christ will rise first and we that are alive and remain will be caught up to be with them for ever and ever welcome everybody welcome to a series we're kicking off today titled dead man thank you so much for being here having a big hand of love to everyone joining us online right now god bless you thank you for being with us today man it's an exciting day to serve the lord isn't it we serve a great big god he is mighty he is with us and today we kick off this series titled dead man now i'm curious just kind of a show of hands how many of you have ever seen the movie the sixth sense raise your hand if you've seen the movie on yeah okay now for those of you that didn't raise your hand i'm sorry um i've got to spoil the movie but in my defense it is a 23 year old movie okay i mean like i've got insurance agents that are younger than that you know what i'm saying so like if you haven't seen it by now you know i don't know what to tell you all right and don't be like come on pastor i was gonna go watch it tonight oh yeah where was you gonna like this after your sears run and your jcpenney run you were gonna like swing into blockbuster and grab the vhs now if you're under 25 you're like literally i didn't understand a single word in that sentence what is a sears is that like a frappuccino do you drink it i mean like blockbuster is it oh that's that's a minecraft uh series isn't it i get it i get it okay back to success all right so here's the thing spoiler alert he's dead the entire time okay there it is now and that was the biggest shock to all of us i mean i think most of us when we were watching it we were kind of like you know we just thought that the guy's wife didn't talk to him for like a year right we're watching him like i know what this guy's going through you know this is a movie about the silent treatment this is uh this is rough i i feel his pain but he was dead the entire time and that is not too different than millions and millions of people the the million plus people that are walking around the 901 this morning that is no different than them they are just as clueless to the fact that they are dead the entire time you say what are you talking about pastor well today we're going to talk about burying the dead man burying the dead man you may ask oh how do i deal with my dead sin nature that's that's the dead man we're talking about burying our sin nature our dead sin nature you say well how do i how do i bury that we bury it through water baptism water baptism is god's way for new believers to have a funeral for the old sin nature second corinthians chapter 5 verses uh verse number 17 says it like this therefore if anyone is in christ he is a new creation old things have what everybody shout those words passed away let's try that again old things have passed away and behold all things have become what new all things have become new so what makes you in christ what what element what aspect makes you in christ you are in christ write it down if you're taking notes today you're in christ when you are saved by the blood of the lamb listen to me your occasional jesus facebook post does not save you your jesus is my homeboy t-shirt will not save you and listen as crazy of a time as we live in as much violence and with with the pandemic going on as much as you have got to have your family and everything that's going on right here at city church in church in discipleship in youth in kids as much as you've got to have that even your church attendance will not save you the only thing that will save you is the pure spotless blood of the lamb of god applied to the soul of the repentant that's the only thing that will save you but if you are in christ you're a new creature a new creation 100 new you need to understand you're a brand new creation you're not a better version of what you were this is not fixer-upper this is not pimp my ride this is jesus spotless blood coming in contact with a hell-bound soul causing a new creation that does not have to live under the curse of sin and death i wish i had somebody that was grateful for that new creation that happens inside of us so god has to separate our old sin nature our cursed nature from the new creation so that judgment can fall listen to me on our sin nature our sin nature still has to be judged and the choice is yours you can either be judged with your sin nature or you can bury it and become a new creation in christ but your sin nature my sin nature will be judged and so in the old testament very interestingly the greatest way that god in his wrath dealt with sin was to bury sin to judge sin in a watery grave think about it genesis the flood genesis chapter 6 god destroyed everything on earth with the exception of what was inside of the ark you may remember from our study a few months ago that the ark was covered in tar the hebrew word for tar is the exact same hebrew word for atonement and so everything that was not covered in the atonement was judged write this down if you're taking notes the judgment fell on everything that was not covered by the atonement everything outside of that covenant died it was buried in a watery grave that's not the only watery grave in the old testament you see when pharaoh's armies were caught in the middle of the red sea the bible says god twisted the wheels of the chariots and released a wall of judgment that fell down upon the enemies of god first corinthians chapter 10 verses 1 and 2 says this for i do not want you to be ignorant about the fact my brothers and sisters that our ancestors were all under the cloud and that they all passed through the sea they were all baptized into moses in the cloud and into the sea let me break it down like bobby for you real quick the cloud is indicative of being baptized in the holy spirit the sea is indicative of being baptized in water and so there is a direct link to water judgment in the old testament and deliverance in the new testament baptism in water is so important because it is the act of obedience that allows god's wrath and judgment to fall on our sin nature so that it can be judged every one of us have a sin nature that we got from our father adam you have a sin nature i have a sin nature because of the original sin the curse of sin is communicable through the blood and that's why every person that's been born has been born into sin with that old sin cursed nature just take a look at the book of romans chapter 6 verse number 23 it says for the wages of sin is death but the gift of god is eternal life through jesus christ our lord hebrews chapter 9 verse number 22 it says without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sin what i'm saying to you is that blood was the problem and the solution our blood is contaminated because of the sin of our forefather and it's because of the second adam oh y'all to get happy now it's because of the second adam that we can be free and live a whole life in jesus name the blood was the problem and the blood was the solution that's why jesus had to be born of a virgin if jesus had joseph the carpenter's blood in him he would have had that same adamic nature that same adam nature in him but he was not born of the blood of joseph the carpenter he was conceived by the power of the holy spirit in a in a miraculous conception that only took place in the mind of god he had holy blood pumping through his veins so when his blood was poured out as a once and for all sacrifice and when it's applied to the heart of the repentant it creates a new creation that is never before existed because that's the power of the blood of jesus [Music] you are new in him but the old nature is not dealt with listen to me until it's buried in a watery grave take a look at romans chapter six verses three through four it says or have you forgotten that when you were joined with jesus christ in baptism we joined him in his what say it out loud everybody shout death [Applause] verse 4 for we died and were buried with christ by baptism we joined him there it is again in his death we joined him in his death and he was raised to life by the power of god so our old sin nature that we inherited from adam is buried through baptism that old sin nature goes down into the watery grave and you emerge from that watery grave from that place of judgment that disposition of judgment where the wrath of god is being poured out on our old sin nature so it does not have to be poured out on us you emerge from that water new free whole redeemed chosen someone with purpose peter draws a very distinct line from the water of noah to the water of baptism take a look at it first peter chapter number three verse number 18. it says that christ suffered our sins once once for all time he never sinned but he died for sinners to bring you safely home to god he suffered a physical death but he was raised to life in the spirit verse 19 so when he preached to the spirit so then he went and preached to the spirits in prison verse 19 is talking about from the moment that jesus cried uh out his last words it is finished he laid his life down from that moment until sunday morning when he came to in the tomb he was preaching in hell jesus did not go to hell to suffer he had the keys come on y'all to help me to death to hell and to the grave he went down there according to first peter to preach to the damned to preach to those who have been held captive by satan's lies for millennia who'd been suffering verse 20 says for those who disobeyed god long ago when god waited patiently while noah was building his boat only eight people were saved from drowning in that terrible flood but that water somebody say that water what water are we talking about the water of the flood that water peter said is a picture of baptism which now saves you not by removing dirt from your body but as a response to god from a clean conscience it is effective because of the resurrection of jesus christ [Music] [Applause] [Music] praise god we go down in the watery grave our sin cursed nature is buried how many of you know you can only bury something that's dead our sin curse nature is buried in that water and we come out a new creation alive in god alive in christ when you are baptized your sin nature is just as dead as everyone who suffered in the flood of noah i'm going to say that again because i really want you to get your mind your faith wrapped around that when you go down into that water your sin nature is just as dead as everything that was wiped out in the flood everything it's that dead the waters which destroyed all the evil in noah's day symbolically destroy our sin cursed nature and christ leads us out of that watery grave into new life as we come out of the watery grave we're coming into new life in jesus once you are in christ and you are baptized your old sin nature has passed away that's a term we use for people that are dead passed away see some of you have never had a funeral for your cursed sin nature and today's the day [Applause] we're going to bury that old sinful nature in a watery grave and you're going to emerge new fresh called chosen blessed in jesus name now you may ask okay pastor if my old sin nature has passed away and i am dead to sin then why do i still struggle with temptation the phrase dead to sin comes to us from the book of romans chapter 6 verse number 11. let's take a look at it it says in the same way count yourselves everybody shout count yourselves count yourselves dead to sin but alive to god in christ let me put it to you like this um every now and then i play this sport um i call it ball chasing some people call it golf you know whatever um and uh i'm not really good right i mean i don't i don't really have a lot of time to do it i actually live on a golf course but i've never played there and um but some friends invited me out so i i went and then i did this thing it's called a four-man scramble that's the kind of golf i like because i am terrible and let me explain the rules to you basically you always take the best shot all right and so what you want you really want is four good guys what my team got is three good guys and me all right and so i love this because like you know i would hit it and then it would kill a squirrel like over here the hole is that way this was a tournament that was in honor of a a very prominent minister that had passed away that year and um and so his daughter was traveling around uh the golf course bringing balls with his like face on it which was i don't know that was a little anyway i'm like do i hit it i don't know and so um she she pulled up like right at the moment that i'm teeing off and i'm like oh boy i hope she doesn't film this because this is not going to be good and sure enough i hit that ball and it was gone all the way over here over the trees and like never to be seen before and i saw her and i was like you have no idea how much i needed these balls right now and so i mean i'm just telling you i'm terrible at golf right um i normally shoot in about the 80s if it gets any hotter than that i don't even like to go but but but here's the thing about scramble this is what i want you to see with scramble you don't count every time you slice the ball every time you land in a bunker every time you go out of bounds you only count the best ball that's kind of like my relationship with god that's how i see it because you know like i'm playing life with god right and i get up there and there's all this pressure and i i hit a ball and it's supposed to go this way and it goes like that it went behind me i'm like how does it go behind me right and and god's just like hey it's okay drop next to me drop next to me and and as i navigate life and as you navigate life what are you doing you are counting yourself not based upon all of the mistakes that you've made all of the penalties that you've made all the times that you went out of bounds you're counting yourself with the one you are playing who has already won the game i wish i had somebody who is grateful for god's mulligans come on the apostle paul wrote to the roman church count yourselves see at the end of that tournament i didn't tally up all of my mistakes and all the times that i messed up no no we kept one score it was the best ball all the way through y'all i ended up good i mean i'm telling you what like i wanted to post it but then i think everybody would know yeah he was playing with four yeah that's how that works when we mess up if we're walking with the father he says drop next to me but i lost my ball you don't understand what i did drop next to me let's keep going what the enemy wants you to do is to say to yourself i'm disqualified to keep playing this game i'm just going to quit can i tell you that is the the biggest slide that you must overcome if you can overcome that lie that the devil is trying to tell you throw in the towel give it all up i can tell you can walk in victory you because you will count yourself as dead to sin even when you make mistakes [Music] on a scale of judas to jesus we've all gone judas on jesus god is saying drop a ball next to me let's keep playing let's keep playing i want you to hear the words of the apostle paul you know there are some people that i really don't want to stand behind on the judgment day are you following me the apostle paul would be one like i don't know what his last name is i hope it's not foster [Laughter] can i just imagine you know you're standing and this is paul you know preach the gospel to the known world this is some of the things that he went through it's found in second corinthians chapter 11 verse 24. five different times jewish leaders gave me 39 lashes this is a public beating just outside of the synagogue where they strip him down and beat him with a whip sometimes the whips had metal in it five times three times beaten with rods once i was stoned now if you're new to the bible this stone has a slightly different you know it's it's not like cheech and chong snoop dogg willie nelson it's a different all together just understand this is rocks being thrown at your face until you pass out right so it's a different thing um once i was stoned some of you are like oh i have paul beat that's not it's just different it's not three times i was shipwrecked i've worked hard and long enduring sleepless nights i've been hungry and thirsty often have gone without food i've shivered in the cold without enough clothing to keep me warm and the list goes on and on and how many know i would not want to be standing behind paul on judgment day i'm like god can you do that privately because uh you know i don't match that i don't stand up for that but that same paul that was beheaded for the gospel of jesus christ this was his struggle daily with sin take a look at romans chapter 7 verse 15. he said i don't really understand myself for i want to do what is right but i don't do it instead i do what i hate i love god's law with all of my heart but there is another power within me that is at war with my what can i tell you that your sin struggle is not spiritual as much as it is mental because this is if you read the bible this is what the bible tells us the bible says that we need to allow the mind of christ to be in us the bible says we need to wash our mind with the water of the word and so god gives us instructions on how to take care of this thing so that sin does not have a grasp on our soul he said it's at war with my mind he said this power makes me a slave to sin that is still in me look at verse 24. a wretched man that i am who will deliver me from this body of death paul speaking to the romans made a reference to the body of death the body of death was a particular type of death sentence only done by the romans where they would take a dead body and strap the dead body to a living body they would strap it at the wrist at the arms at the neck at the torso at the waist at the legs and the living person would have to drag around that old dead body and in roman law once the government has made that sentence no one had the power to remove that dead body no one had the authority to remove that dead body and they would walk around with that dead body watch this until the death in the dead body took over the life in the living body and it killed him it was a miserable way to die so he said the body of death all the romans knew what he was talking about paul poses a question who will deliver me from this body of death who has the power to deliver me from this body of death who has the authority to deliver me from this body of death and he answers that question in verse number 25 he says i thank god through jesus christ my lord it is through jesus that every yoke is destroyed that every bondage is broken it is through jesus that we are made free from that body of death [Applause] so what what do we do when we fall you come to jesus you understand who jesus is he's not a bully in the sky with a club if he if he were if that was his disposition we'd all been dead there would be a greasy spot where i am right now that's not who he is that's not how he rolls you have never been loved like you're loved by god you have never been loved like you've been loved by him what do you do when you fall you plead the blood of jesus christ you get accountability and you realize that it has been dealt with it has been dealt with the old dead body has been buried and now you can you can walk out in victory in jesus name baptism it separates the body of death and punishes it in the watery grave so that god doesn't have to punish you right now i want to put out a challenge and a charge if you've not been baptized i don't care your position in the church i don't care if you're a pastor i don't care i don't care how old you are if you've never been baptized now is the time this moment today is the moment you may say i i didn't come prepared listen god knew what we're gonna be talking about we've got a free shirt and a towel it's better to go home a little wet than a lot disobedient how many of you know that i want to challenge you obey what the holy spirit is doing and saying in this moment today is the day now some of you i know because i've heard it before people are like you know god and i we have an understanding you know he knows i love him and all that stuff i don't really have to do this to those who were in that place let me just precious let me just tell you from the bottom of my heart jesus was baptized and if you think that you're better than jesus then maybe we should worship you instead of him but i don't think you are and i'm never going to worship anybody but jesus so i think it's time to submit to the holy spirit to submit to the word of god bury that that old nature and that watery grave come out new and alive in jesus christ come on let's give the lord some praise in this place so i want everybody to stand we're going to sing this song and if if you're if you know that's you i want you to move from the balcony from the lower floor come this way they're going to assist you they're going to get you shirts and towels and get you lined up we're going to about i'm going to be baptizing and pastor pedro is going to be baptizing and we're just going to have a great celebration as we bury some things that need to be buried as we say goodbye as we as we celebrate the passing away of that old sin nature so that we can walk our life in victory so that we can walk our life free from that body of death draped over us [Music] so when they start this song up i want you to move into places begin to move down here get into place move now and god is going to meet you in this place come on let's worship the lord give the lord some praise in this place [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] it was and friday's disappointing this sunday's empty tune but since when has impossible to ever stop [Music] this is open the grave i'm coming out i'm gonna live again [Music] [Music] i believe there's another miracle here in this room is [Music] come on [Music] [Music] and restore [Music] if there's anything that [Music] [Music] doing better [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] i'm gonna live gonna [Music] gonna live again every day get to the middle of the tank and then lay down everybody you can say remain standing pastor pedro is going to baptize tell us about him it is a blessing to be here adrian has confessed jesus as a savior [Applause] and his parents jessica and jesus have been with us since day one and so it is a great family he's been serving some of you have seen us at the door every sunday uh greeting and so we're gonna baptize him today thank you jesus [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] my god is [Music] this is sabrina this is sabrina come on let's give the lord some praise for what god is doing in sabrina's life sabrina because of your confession of faith as jesus christ as your lord and savior i now baptize you in the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit oh god is able to save and deliver [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] well hey there everybody hello hello travis and dr priscilla back once again and we want to say how much we appreciate you guys joining us for this next series dead man our prayer is that god has been with you blessing you and you've been uplifted remembering what christ has done for us amen on the cross and through his resurrection amen what a wonderful word that no matter what it looks like or feels like in the natural because the enemy is going to try to remind you of your past and try to make you believe you're disqualified what the word says is that we have the victory and god will resurrect the things that look like they're dead so we just claim that in jesus name oh how amazing yeah we're so grateful for the gift that god has given us amen and we want to say thank you guys for being a gift to this church and joining us city church online if it's your first time joining us or maybe you like some information about our church here in cordova we would love to get to know you guys so to do that pretty easy we ask that you would just text the word city vip text that to the number 9400 we'll send you a link fill out a little information and then we will send you some information in return about some of the awesome things that god is doing right here at city church that you guys might be interested in so once again that word is city vip you text that to the number 9400 we would love the opportunity to connect with you guys just a little bit better yes and we are always always grateful to have you join us from uh your many uh places that that you connect with us from and just know that you are city church extended and with that said we are so excited to welcome new members to city church and just know that uh if you're thinking about joining city church well stay tuned because coming soon will be an online platform in order for you to do so but we are always happy to have you and if the holy spirit uh puts it on your heart to connect and partner with us because we're not just in cordova but all over the world so therefore we can partner together so that the word can go forth well that takes a seed planet in the earth uh you know and so therefore you can help in that way and here's some ways that you can do that we have our app and you can go to your app store and look for city church and look for cordova and then you'll be guided there secondly you can go to our website at click on the giving tab and you're able to be guided there then thirdly you can text the word city to the number eight eight three six four four four eight three and follow the instructions lastly you can mail a check made out to city church 28200 macon road here in cordova tennessee 38018 as always it is a blessing to have each and every one of you sincerely to join us yes amen it is a blessing like you were just saying to have everybody joining us and for those of you who partner with us financially because of your support where we are able to support amen over 40 missionaries all around the world because of your obedience to sow into this ministry if god is leading you to do so because of that obedience god is touching the lives and hearts of many many people all around the world your giving is making a difference so we want to say thank you so much for joining us and for sowing into the ministry here if god is leading to do so um until next week we want to say how much we appreciate you guys and how much we love you guys and next week we've got a very special guest joining us dave reaver so if you haven't heard his story it is going to be awesome you are not going to want to miss the testimony of his life that he is going to be sharing next week so be sure to be here or be there online and join us for dave river next week until then we want to say just how much we love and appreciate you guys and we'll see you then bye-bye god bless you hello friends at city church i'm alan martin along with my wife joanne we've been assembly gun foreign missionaries for 32 years over 20 of those were in ecuador then came the day that the assemblies of god leadership tapped me on the shoulder and asked me if i would take over what is the faculty telugia you can see the emblem here it means the faculty of theology it's the graduate level bible seminary for all of spanish-speaking latin america we have centers all the way from argentina through south america central america and even into cuba god has allowed us in this position to mentor the top leaders in the assemblies of god in all of latin america we have over 650 pastors many of them national superintendents district superintendents district leadership secretary treasurer many of them the bible school directors in all of latin america it's been incredible and and for over 25 years you have been a part thank you we couldn't do it without folks like yourself churches like yourself we greet you and wish the very best for city church god bless you amen [Music]
Channel: City Church Memphis
Views: 5,109
Rating: 4.5555553 out of 5
Id: 0W7rv1lZ4YA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 5sec (4325 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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