Behind the Scenes Dream Stories Podcast Dec 2019

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[Music] [Music] yes and you're cool with are your whip cream is melting what are we talking about put your headphones on I just don't want to be loud we're Christmas special and you rid me our filming this one you didn't you didn't tell me we were already feeling okay I'm about to start filming I don't remember that well I'm gonna tell you this but the cat licked your whipped cream I'm kidding see that's what she did can I show you the video I poured the other one out of course I would not do that to you all right so what are we talking about how do we know when God is in the dreams or something's represented God metaphorically I wish you had warned me we were filming I'm sorry okay are you taking your legs mm-hmm all right so we're talking about God in her dream versus dreaming about God mm-hmm so like visitations first his dreams related to go um that was a request awesome I have this is episode number 40 oh that's cool [Music] I'm still dressed up from having gone to that that's my point I'm sitting here in ragtag outfit and you're all in your suit well I went to a country club thing with okay sorry all right you ready mm-hmm I've got too many different controllers today because we're not using an SD card reason the computer you open up okay all right three two [Music] hey we're live in the studio today as opposed to being not live in the studio with our gingerbread cookies yes gingerbread man I wanted it to be Christmas yeah I wanted it to be Christmassy special I know we're not supposed to date these but it is Christmas yes it is and and you know this is a special episode it's our 40th episode mm-hmm and we are behind the scenes yes we are I did not know that you didn't but you do now you that's how I feel about you right well I didn't fix my hair but hey I can only go up from here it's true so we're talking about dreams and we're going to talk about the basically when God shows up in a train when our Creator shows up and there's a visitation from a spiritual being versus when we just dream about something about something I like about God or about the Lord is that right or when something represents God like another person that's true that's true it's very good hey it's Christmas time so one of the things we can mention is that there are visitations that happen in dreams or are spiritual beings that actually show up as opposed to just metaphorically be there that's what happens when it talks about in the Gospel accounts of Jesus birth the Christmas story you'll hear that jokes both Joseph and Mary had Dre we're angels actually showed up and talked to them in the trains they weren't metaphorical they were actually they're extreme yep so that's the that's just making it Christmassy yeah I like it okay so what's also important about forty number forty the number forty is often related to completing a season in the wilderness Wow because for example in the Bible in the Old Testament they spent 40 years wandering in the wilderness dealing with the things they had done wrong before they had a fresh start or new beginning to step into the Promised Land in the New Testament you've got forty days that Jesus spent in the wilderness in preparation are going into ministry was there another forty their property is is there another one no it's not forty easy no it's not forty forty years know like the time on the water I can't I don't remember that's good it may have been but it's it's that forty is completing a wilderness I love it yeah it's excellent down to just a torso man you are you are so let's talk about dreams have you ever had a dream we're let's first talk about metaphors of God metaphors of our creative metaphors of spiritual being showing up and dreams what let's do that first do God in a dream okay I think I think working backwards will be good because when God's in the dream we know he's in the dream so let's talk about this do the obvious first to me well I'll give you an example like I had a dream one time to me it's one of my most powerful dreams if you hear what smacking it's because we're eating our little gingerbread man from Bratislava yeah so the dream oh my goodness I was flying it was nighttime and I was flying over the city when I said I was flying it was my body was laid out like a like I'm an airplane you know flying through the air and I can just I can turn I can maneuver I just lean a little bit to the right I'm turning you know it was so magical it was just such an amazing feeling and while I'm flying I can hear God giving me instructions and he's telling me things and I knew that as he was telling me these things it was beautiful revelation it was almost like they were commands from him and I could hear his voice it was so strong and so powerful and I was saying this yes yes Lord and he would tell me something else and I'm flying and I'm saying yes Lord yes and he would tell me something out something yes Lord yes I know that's it you know how you have a dream and God seal this is that Scripture he seals things in the night season we don't catch oh yeah we don't always know what it is that he's telling us so maybe you've had other things like that we're gonna stay on the god topic but you know I've had dreams where I've had a song and I would be singing the song and the dream and I'm like oh my goodness this is gonna be beautiful and I wake up and I cannot recall and I'll have the tune the words and everything in the dream you come out and you know that's sealed same thing was true for this one but the beautiful thing was I felt like I had so much power as I was flying through the air not to say me myself oh I was empower 'full but I knew I had this amazing ability to do things and I knew God was behind me and he was speaking to me the whole time so that was God in my dream it wasn't someone representing God or sending a message from God like an angel would do it was God himself it was amazing that's neat yes now well that but that was just his voice he didn't show up physically right I have not I've never seen God in a dream have you no I've never seen Jesus in a dream I've never seen God in a dream nope I do know some people who have who talked about having seen for example Jesus show up in their dream and talk to them or tell them something or welcome them somewhere things like that but I haven't had that interesting it is but I think it's really cool because it doesn't mean it was any less God inserting himself into the drain because it was only his voice rather than his image him actually showing up yes physically pictured there right most of the times when spiritual beings are in my dreams it's angels yeah and they've actually shown up in my dreams right actually interacted with them and they were supernatural beings present in the dream just like say Joseph and Mary and experienced in the gospel stories and the account of the Christmas story but I've had you know we talked about one of my dreams the dream where the angel cut my tongue out mm-hmm in another episode and for those who didn't hear that episode basically it was I was having some trouble communicating or speaking and this woman shows up in a brightly colored robe brightly as in bright not as in colourful but a bright robe like white carrying a sword and with long blonde hair and seeing that then it's interesting she never said a word to me not one single word but you you do what she wanted she wanted me to stick my tongue out and when she did when I did you know hmm stick your tongue out she grabbed my tongue and pulled it out a little bit and cut it off and then did that a second time and that was you were in bed beside me that night we have a cat we do joining the show we don't normally have a cat let me take care of her okay well I'll take care of her and you you talk about what happened that night while I was dreaming do you remember no because it was a busy person oh you're talking right there so what happened you thought you had these supernatural experiences that knowing that you were asleep was strange noise coming from your body I'm not exactly sound it then I thought what in the world I didn't know what has happened I know if you had a demon I don't know what was going on and then um a few minutes later same thing happen and it was like rhythmic you know there was this thing going on now you tell your side well there were two two times the angel had pulled my tongue out and cut it off and as far as I'm concerned that was the moments when I was you said almost like Nigel's coming out of your throat what that's what I was yeah and what's cool about that is that was confirming there was something literally going on right wasn't just a metaphor right there was a physical response to what was taking place in the dream yeah affirming that that would be what we would call a visitation and a drain in my case in your case you heard it right you heard your creators voice yes literally not just it wasn't metaphorical no it was in my case I actually basically had an angel present supernaturally spiritually doing something to me mm-hmm in cooperation with me is probably a better statement right in the dream and that what you heard that night actually brought affirmation that it was a real encounter I didn't know you could have encounters with spiritual beings and dreams at that point in time remember if you remember we got up the next morning and shared that dream with John Paul Jackson and he said you know he said well you just had an encounter with a spiritual being last night when we were talking about those kind of experiences right and I didn't I said but that was a dream you said no that was a dream with a visitation inside of it right very different from just a metaphor similar to my experience with the Pope that had passed away yeah we experienced where there was an interaction with a spiritual encounter of yeah absolutely it really is neat and it brings us to this place of recognition of something and that is that dreams break the barrier between the natural world and the spiritual world between the natural world and the supernatural world that they don't fit into either they're not just physiological things going on in our brain they're not just mental images that are being processed while we sleep by as a random response to to stimuli right they are they are physically taking but there is a response from us isn't there there is a response from us there's basically taking place in this realm in this natural world but they're also crossing the boundary into the supernatural or the spiritual world and so sometimes there's interaction between those beings which exist in the spiritual realm only so to speak and we as being to speak and we say that we're really only separated by dimensions which can just be a thin thin layer yeah I'm here our loved ones who have gone on before who are part of our what we believe our saints of God there with the Lord there but they're also just on the other side of this end veil that we don't quite understand but there can be interaction but you from that veil to this veil and I know there's a lot of people go that's weird but it's scriptural it is it really is there's a lot of interaction in Scripture between spiritual beings or beings who Saints we would call the most who come before us Jesus has an interaction with Moses and Elijah when he is resurrected there's the story of the Saints of old walking in the streets of Jerusalem Samuel interacts with Saul in the Old Covenant there's a lot of interaction there that's not demonic or evil but it's also misunderstood yeah by most people of the Christian faith that's misunderstood and yet dreams create a connection to those things that we can accept more readily that we've had an actual experience because we kind of push it off in the metaphor even when it's not right and it really is important I love the question that was asked for us and this by the way should be an encouragement to you that we do take up the topics people ask questions yeah the question that was asked was how do I know when it's God in my dream or what's the difference between God being in my dream and dreams just being about God and that's really it you're crossing that spiritual dimension that barrier in your dream life and you're stepping into an interaction with the heavenly that question even makes me think even deeper like I don't know if I've had a lot of dreams about God like about who he is and what he is about and now I do have dreams about where I know he's active in my life for example I knew when I was flying that he was with me that he had empowered me to do this and that he was teaching me a higher level of things so I'm aware of his presence and his interaction in my life he through a dream many times but I can't say that I've had I'm trying to think if I had a dream about God and who he is and maybe well to me when I think about dreams with God in the dream versus a dream sort of about about him I don't think of it like is it about telling me about his nature his characteristics I think about dreams regard shows up in the dream versus a dream where it's about him the metaphor is a picture of him do you have an example well I think dreams a lot of times people will have trains with their father their natural parent their father show up in the dream and talk to them or tell them something and that's a metaphor of God right I'm sorry I guess I was confused because it was about God so that's not that kind of well and I'm thinking of that too but I'm this is kind of the intermediate step the drain that still God's showing up but it's not him present mm-hmm it's him represented by the metaphor sure and there's a lot of different metaphors that can represent God sometimes our pastors represent God sometimes it will be a father figure sometimes it could be our boss at work things like that so there's a number of different types of images that could could represent God in that stuff yeah and I mean sometimes look we don't know God could come in any form he chooses he it's just when you're interpreting the dream you have to look at the context of the dream what's being said in the dream what message is God giving you in the dream and that could be a cloud right you could it could be it could be a burning bush it could be a lion absolutely sure even waters I want to say I've heard some people say waters like the water speaking you know speaking of Bush speaking yeah you know we could talk about things like things that represent the Spirit of God as opposed to the Father nature of God you're going to see things like rivers wind those things won't and clouds even would often represent or be metaphorical pictures of your Creator nature I think the interesting thing you're mentioning and I hadn't really thought about it this way even from the question until you raised it is when a dream is not doesn't have God in it but it's actually revealing something about him and as just as we were talking about this I was pondering that thought and I think you would talk about dreams we talk about healing dreams and we talked about correction type dreams I think a lot of times those reveal God's heart particularly when their emotional healing and mental type healing or correction dreams that's saying you're responding to a person this way but you should be responding to him that way okay those would be revealing his nature his character so for example if you remember you had a dream that we talked about a few episodes back where someone was coming to you and they kept coming to you and they they were just a little bit it was a little bit frustrating yeah and you would turn your back to the right time they came you realized you were turning them aside I had conviction in the dream like I felt convicted and so that was a dream about God's nature or about God's character it was a dream that really spoke into how would he respond in this type situation right he didn't show up in it there wasn't a metaphor metaphorical picture of him in it right but it did reveal something about the way he would handle the situation or his his nature and his character and I think you could even take it a step further or not further but just another you know way of looking at it is God showing up actively and then revealing himself after the dream for example like when my friend whose mother had been in the nursing home had been in the hospital I dreamed that my mother came up put her arms around me my mother was has passed away I didn't know who it was who had wrapped their arms around me but it was very comforting but the dream was that I had and I shared this many episodes back but he my friend was my friend from high school I've known him for years and he actually works in the city that we live in now and I seen him periodically and and I in the dream he is standing there with his mother and she's sitting there in a wheelchair and he was frustrated with her you know just a lot of things going on and I was saying to him you know I appreciate what you have right now I know that you don't realize it but you know she's not gonna be here much longer this is me telling him this in the dream and then then then I feel this loving presence wrap itself around me and I just feel these arms just wrapping and then I reached and grabbed whoever it was and I looked and it was my mother my mother passed away in 12 2012 so that's what seven years ago oh my goodness Michael it was as if she were there with me I was hanging this experience with her but it was God inspired it was me kind of uttering a prophetic utterance to my friend now when I woke up from that dream I was thinking hmm should I call him and tell him that maybe he didn't have that much wronger with his mother I didn't wish I wish I had of now later I talked to him a few weeks later and I found out his mother had passed away now I did not know mm-hmm she passed away when I was having the dream probably that day or that weekend and I had no idea it was still comforting the timing was just off a little bit because you could have contacted him quicker it was still a comforting thing to be able to share with him and I think the interesting thing for you and it helps us because if we deal with spiritual beings showing up in our dream mm-hmm what's what what happens when a spiritual being God Himself our creator himself his spirit Jesus angelic demonic what happens when these things actually show up in our dreams or someone who has past own shows up there's a way to distinguish with this is a good thing or a bad thing mm-hmm because if we have demonic things show up in our dreams or things that are that we would think to be more associated with sort of necromancy and talking to the dead and that kind of stuff we don't really want to encourage an acceptance of that tree that's right so how do you know the difference in those that raises another question for us in this same topic and in your experience there is a great illustration of that it was designed to bring comfort to another person yeah but it also was designed to bring a comfort to you and it pointed you to God it pointed in his loving character to his loving nature it didn't detract from or distract from right who God is and that made it an acceptable godly spirit-led type of dream as opposed to more of a dark dream where it was more demonic in its nature or more negative in its nature of being showing up only God knew that his mom was gonna be taken home right there was no only God could inspire that that utterance out of me and what I was doing is I was looking at the wheelchair and I was thinking if he only knew that his mom only had a few days left or a few weeks left on the earth how would he respond her I'm not saying he was responding mean to her I'm just saying would he even go further and be even more compassionate more because I was thinking in that dream man I wish I'd known I was gonna lose my mom I would so do something a little different you know yeah so anyway it was like God was using a less and I had already learned and so it was like God in my dream however he creates us to be able to have these dreams was saying to me Lisa you learned a valuable lesson having lost your mom suddenly now you can share the same lesson with your friend now after it had passed and I got to talk to him it did bring him comfort because he said when was the stream when did you have it and we began to narrow it down I told him he was like you know what that's just encouraging to me to know that it was mom God knew that my mom was gonna go home and you know so it's it worked out in the end but my point is only God knew those things in that dream and he gave me so that's God showing up in my dream it is it's God showing up in your dream but it's not him showing up directly in your dream it's him revealing himself and his character and his nature revealing to you something about him right through another supernatural encounter right it's really cool now we've raced something I think we ought to hit before we run out of time and that is if God and angels and the Spirit of God you know our Creator shut can show up in a dream if dream can be about them then we can also have the dark side of the spiritual realm short but you could have demonic things or evil things show up in a dream and we want to be in a situation where we understand how do we handle those type situations as well yeah we've both had experiences where there were dark forces yeah or demonic things show up in dreams and you get to deal with that yeah you've had you've had some you're looking at me like you're waiting on me it's hey he's yeah well you had some fun experiences where you saw it last like fun they weren't fun experiences really saw that and I I can remember one of those were you all right I was the one who heard that okay you heard that one with me but maybe I did sound like crazy I don't know it was hard for you to vocalize because you had a demonic presence mm-hmm wasn't necessarily visible but a demonic presence something that I felt you felt he was talking to you similar to the way you sound or God yeah you were hearing something that was from darkness it was a sense of foreboding mm-hmm a sense of loss a sense of fear that I had no control I was bagging free for someone to wake me up because I knew I was in that trapped dream yeah I couldn't move those paralyzed but I similarly I've had a couple one where the enemy I mean I could see the demonic presence it was awful looking and he had his arm stretcher I mean he said I have you now you belong to me you are mine that was one time then I had that one the other I'm thinking about was I was standing on a railroad track and there was a train coming towards us it was like a steam locomotive and I can remember I was trying so hard to move because I knew it's gonna kill me I knew it's gonna disintegrate me you know it and when it got and it was coming so powerfully and so fast and I was trying to scream and I was trying to get get get up and wake up and when the train got up to me it was a toy training when I looked down it was at my feet so it was like that was pretty powerful too and those are things that remind us we carry Authority in our dream life so we have demonic things dark things and let me just say this I don't care whether you're listening to this as a Christian or a non-christian you know we respect all the different people who listen to this podcast this has been a little more spiritual from you as a Christian a little more directly spiritual today but that's that's who we are and we're not gonna hide that we want you to be comfortable but let me tell you with your Christian or a non-christian if you have those dark encounters with dark spiritual beings with the demonic world with things of darkness as a Christian take authority over in the name of Jesus call on Jesus he will stop it yeah and if you're not a Christian and you're listening to this call on Jesus no it can't let him reveal himself to you cry out to God yeah that way because that may be the very purpose of the dream is about not from the the enemy's perspective from God's perspective and allowing you to experience it may be the opportunity you have for him to introduce himself to you yeah and you know as you go to bed tonight or the next night whenever you go to bed next time allow yourself to have time to be at peace and ask your Creator God to reveal himself to you in your dream don't go to bed thinking about today's problems or anything like that go to bed at peace read some Psalms something that brings you comfort and peace yeah absolutely well it looks like we're pretty much out of time we're right there at the end of our time so let me just remind everybody a couple of things thanks for joining us today we really appreciate it we're very grateful a lot of you have begun to comment on the podcast leave us posts you know comments to comment or leave us reviews on iTunes and Google Play in places like that huge encouragement it's a real blessing and it helps expand the horizon of our audience that are open up to a new audience of people we're a growing podcast right now and we really do appreciate your support your support by encouraging us asking questions leaving comments your support and praying for us and your support for the answer that helps us cover the cost of this podcast you can kitten drop out to our website at my dream stories calm or our Facebook page just look up dream stories podcast like and share like and share you've got opportunities there to give if you'd like to give and support what we're doing and make comments and review it's a great help to us and just if you didn't know this already if you learn at the very beginning of the podcast this is a behind-the-scenes episode as well and the post of the video of the behind the scenes will be up on YouTube later it likes to be up before the podcast airs so it'll be up by the time the podcast airs and we'll provide a link to that on our Facebook page on the training stories podcast a page on Facebook but it'll also be available if you search YouTube for Michael B French that's our YouTube channel so you'll be able to find it there as well and we just appreciate it very much yeah and you know it's coming to the end of the years December so I don't mind putting in an extra plug for if you do want to support us financially that would be a huge blessing to us we're in we're in a studio right now that's in our home we are looking at expanding that and moving this studio to another location so any support like that that you just feel led is that if something we've said has been helpful to you or you just have a heart that you want to give your in donations and country and you don't want to get all the contributions and drink stories or text about yes yeah so there's more about that on our website as well Michael where people can give if they want to do your in giving it's true it's true well with that said we've run out of time so we'll say what we always say at the end of our podcast I will but you go ahead okay well until next time keep dreaming alright I'm Connie we did good I guess we did we'll find out well we did but God told us to do we did let's turn off the okay [Music]
Channel: Michael B French
Views: 144
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Dream, Dream Stories, Behind the Scenes, Podcast
Id: PSqo5IKq48s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 23sec (2123 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 20 2019
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