Dream Lab June 2015 Switching Cars

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you who has a dream that they'd like for us to interpret a alright come on up thank you very much this dream they're actually a very quick dream and then another three-part dream but they are connected the first dream happened in October of 2014 and it was purely auditory I've never had a dream where I didn't have vivid imagery it was all sound but I was asleep and I knew I was asleep and I heard a thunder roll but this Thunder became supernatural because it rolled and rolled and rolled and got louder and louder and the window started to shake and I thought is there really a sound in the real world that I need to wake up is this a warning and I woke up and the room was perfectly quiet but something told me to look at my clock it was the stroke of midnight and I checked with norm who was up and he said there was no sound there was nothing that could have triggered it in April of this year I dreamed that I was in my hometown and I was driving a vehicle under a railroad underpass and I got so drowsy and I was fighting to stay awake I knew it was dangerous if I went to sleep but the car I finally did fall asleep for a minute the car spun out and went on a grassy knoll beside the railroad track and I damaged the back fender I woke up I looked at the clock it was the stroke of midnight but I immediately went back to sleep and that dream continued I was able to drive the car and I went to my job and at this particular job I was a an assistant of a psychiatrist and he said we're going to do in a little experiment we're gonna have somebody who has an appointment to come in to a haircut parlor and we're going to tell him after the haircut it looks terrible I'm going to see what he does so there were three barbers they're cutting hair this man came in he was a business executive they cut his hair I thought it looked great but people started coming up to him after the barber stepped out and said that looks terrible how can you go to your meeting looking like that and everybody left but me and this man the man was freaking out so I didn't know how to cut hair but I picked up the tools and I told him to sit down I got him calmed down and I did a little work and he thought it looked great and he was happy and so he left I got him calmed down then a woman came in and needed a ride and I said we'll come to my new car I didn't know I had a new car but we walked outside and there was this red sports car and we got in it only there was no driver we got in the backseat the dashboard glowed red it was shiny and beautiful and that car took off at warp speed and got us to our destination immediately and I woke up okay now let me repeat this back to make sure I'm getting all the pieces and and you guys try to remember and picture the dream as we're going back through it so that it'll be easier for you to remember so the first was a few years ago you you have a completely was in October 2014 2014 not quite a year ago so just a few months ago okay so the first stream no pictures whatsoever all you hear is thunder and it just keeps on getting louder and longer and longer and you think to yourself I wonder if I need to wake up is there something in the natural and you wake up when you wake up there's nothing going on in the natural you look at the clock and it's midnight now you ask your husband and he verifies that there was no natural sound that that was going on that this was completely an experience he had while you're sleeping then just recently you had another dream and in this dream you are driving a car down a road and you're going to go under an underpass and you're starting to get drowsy and you're very concerned you don't want to fall asleep but then you fall asleep and as you fall asleep the car spins out of control and ends up on a grassy knoll next to a railroad track and nothing really in the car was her except for the back bumper you wake up it's midnight again you go back to sleep and you continue that dream and now you're you're overhearing people in a barber shop and they're talking about how they're gonna do kind of like this test or this this thing that they want to do where they're gonna cut somebody's hair and then everybody's gonna tell him that it looks terrible just to see how he responds and so this businessman comes in he looks very nice dressed as a businessman he sits down and one of the three barbers that are there begins to cut his hair and you're sitting there and you see the haircut and it seems like it looks nice but as the barber leaves people start coming up to this man and telling him how bad his hair looks they're they're concerned about his business meeting how could he go to a meeting looking like that and as they do everybody kind of leaves and it's just left with you and him and this man is very concerned over his haircut that he thinks is bad even though it's not and so you decide that you're gonna pick up some of the tools even though you don't know how to cut hair in the natural and you're gonna help him out a little bit and so you pick up the tools and and you you kind of just do a little bit and he's now happy with his haircut and so he goes and that's that piece then a woman comes in and she's talking about how she needs to get to an appointment or to something if she needed a ride she needed a ride to get someplace and so you offer well I can give you a ride in my new car and it's almost surprising as you say that because you didn't know that you had a new car but you have a new car and so you go outside to the new car there's this beautiful red sports car and you both get in and as you're getting in and it's just a very nice-looking car that the dash is almost glowing red it's it's very nice and as you get it started it just takes off and you're immediately there because it moves so fast and that's where the dream is two things about the second part actually worked for a psychiatrist at this and they had three barbers but the psychiatrists that I work for so I worked there set up the experiment with the man this okay one about the red sports car is there was no driver we both got in the backseat and this car drove itself okay that's very helpful okay so now in the dream you worked for a psychiatrist in real life do you work for I work an ophthalmology eye clinic okay work for a second so not for a psychiatrist okay very helpful thank you very much okay nice long dream we have some fun with this so what I want you to do is what we're gonna get into groups in just a second and you're gonna come up with an interpretation of the dream but what we're gonna do is we're gonna suggest that the people that are watching online if if you take a moment to pause the video what we're gonna have you do is find a title for the stream and you're gonna write down the focus right down the sub focuses and the details and then come up with an interpretation of the dream and once you have your interpretation go ahead and start the video again and you'll hear what some of us have gotten as far as what this dream means alright so did you figure it out a couple of you awesome so let's start out with I'm gonna diagram this real quick and then I have a couple of you come up and and share what you got on the dreams okay so let me choose a good color let's see what orange looks like now a couple of your titles for the dream what did you guys title this one let's the Thunder roll anybody else rough rolling thunder a rolling thunder okay so everybody got stuck on the Thunder midnight okay overall overall okay so looking at the overall and including the the dream what would you title the the dream switching cars let's let's go with that that's good switching cars now who or what is our focus the dreamer and our sub focuses so one of the things that we're gonna want to do is because she started to dream woke up and then finish the dream so we're going to kind of have the first part before she woke up as one scene and then the second part is the second scene and so it makes it easier on the diagram is if you kind of have each of the scenes on different sides of your diagram so we're gonna start with the first scene which is her driving her car down the road so what's our sub focus there got the car as a sub focus now couple details of the car the original car now that's that's the second car alright so she's sleeping right soon and then she falls asleep now is it important that she goes under and underpass it's not really gonna change the meaning of this this dream on this one but we have two other pieces one that's a little bit more important one that's a little bit less important so spins out of control so I'm just going to write spins and we'll remember that that means out of control and then it came to stop on the edge of the road on this side of the road on the grassy knoll that was between the the road in the the railroad track and so I'm going to put stop and we'll remember because again it's really the fact that it's not on Road rather than the fact that it's a grassy knoll or the fact that it's next to a railroad track that has meaning in this I mean now our second scene what are our sub focuses in the second scene okay and let's put hair cut and we'll put a bunch of details around hair cut and this is the guy that the businessman that gets this haircut now let's get our other sub focus before we get details what's our other sub focus that red car now details about the haircut so kind of important it's this test right because the whole thing is hey we're going to try this out you know psychologists we're gonna see how this guy responds if we tell him that this haircut looks really bad so that you have that whole test that's going on you have his response what was his response yeah he was freaked out so I'm gonna write concern because it's a lot easier than trying to write up and anything else important in this she helps right she helps even though she doesn't completely know what she's doing she comes in and helps to alleviate the concern Hey now about this car red what no driver and how am I going to put this and one other important piece it's very fast anything else essential to being the drink the glowing of the dashboard will kind of include that in the fact that it's red and that it's really fast so the fact that the dashboard is glowing it's just this car is really special okay all right now let's get a couple of you to come up and share what you've got for an interpretation who wants to go first okay what we believed was that the first scene was about some of her history and she's been hurt in the past which leads into scene two to where she realizes there's other people that have also been hurt and I had this feeling it might have actually been by the church that they've been lied to and that she has a ministry that's beginning that she's gonna be using the tools at hand to minister to these people and when it takes off it's she's gonna be with other people cuz she's not driving and when it takes off it is going to take off really fast and so basically she's going to be ministering to her people Wow very good very good thank you yeah now a couple things to point out about that you notice he didn't hit every single one of the details but he hate he hit the main plot of the whole dream and gave the dreamer what they need to know to explain the whole thing very good anybody else want to take a stab okay Carmen Paulo are you okay hi we believe Paulo that God is awakening you to your calling that it's a new day in your life in the past you may have been out of alignment and underwear but God has brought you to a place of growth and safety you are not going to play mind games with people but you're going to help bring wisdom to them and because of your humility and the fact that you've been willing to take the back seat you're going to be used supernaturally to help bring people and the church to a supernatural place by the power of the Holy Spirit very good very good so now both both of those interpretations extremely good one little piece that's kind of helpful in in this is you I always look for patterns when I'm looking at dreams because dreams help interpret themselves and so we got the idea that there's there's a ministry that she's going to be doing to help people get places but there's a key in both of these pieces as to what that ministry is what does hair often represent wisdom what does read often represent wisdom wisdom and wisdom there's a key that her wisdom gift because she's seen how people have been hurt because of not being given the right wisdom right it's not that they didn't have the right wisdom but how people responded to it the mind games that cause people to doubt the wisdom that they had but the power of wisdom is gonna get people to their destiny quickly is that cool okay any questions about this dream pieces of this dream okay you got it you got to come on up and be on the mic start all over Paula the dream he had in October where you heard that Thunder and woke at midnight kind of what we were because we looked at that as dream one and then we were gonna move on to dream two which is the one we've interpreted here but what I just kind of had a sense about that dream was the Lord's voice just an awakening you to have vision cuz the windows were shaking in the dream that his voice in your life he's just showing you his voices speaking to waking you to this vision of your calling and to me the midnight that midnight hour is is the hour of intimacy where the Lord's awakening you to deeper place with him that's just kind of the sense on the first dream that adds okay that's good thank you very helpful tying the two of them together any other questions okay you you
Channel: Life Empowerment
Views: 9,131
Rating: 4.9000001 out of 5
Keywords: John Paul Jackson, Dream Interpretation, John E. Thomas, Streams Ministries, Prophecy, Life Empowerment
Id: EyGm36j-_Cs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 45sec (1185 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 27 2016
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