SnakeBite | Dream Lab

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey guys welcome to the dream lab thanks for joining us we are excited to see what kind of dreams people have had today so we're going to be doing a few of the episodes you'll be watching over the next couple months all in one filming so we're gonna have some some fun times and we hope that you'll enjoy this oh well as well our first dream is Alicia Alicia once you come on up okay so I dream me and my husband were at a zoo and we saw this enclosure it was a concrete enclosure and we knew the zookeeper was about to feed an animal we wasn't sure what it was but when he opened it we saw it was a bunch of snakes and so while we were standing there once he opened the enclosure at the snake a snake flew out and it came directly at me and bit me on my thumb we knew immediately that the snake was poisonous and I had to get to a doctor and someone told me that my aunt Glenda was going to take me to a doctor and I have 40 minutes to get there my aunt never showed up and so my husband took me to the doctor the doctor gave me the anti-venom and I could feel my thumb throbbing when she gave me the anti-venom it stopped dropping we left and as I was walking my thumb began to have spasms and when I looked down at my thumb I thought I'm transformed into the snake and then it disappeared am i back to normal okay very good all right so let's see if we if I can remember this one so you and your husband are going to a zoo to walk around and look at things you go to an enclosure and they're about ready to feed what's in the enclosure you don't know what's in the enclosure but when the zookeeper opens up the door to begin feeding you see all these snakes one of the snakes flies out of the enclosure and bites you on your thumb now you were pointing towards your left thumb was it your left thumb or do you remember it was that it was on on the left okay and you you know that it's a it's a venomous snake and so there's poison you've got to get that taken care of somebody says that your aunt Linda went Glenda your aunt Linda is coming to take you to hospital you've only got 40 minutes to get there she doesn't show up to take you to the hospital so your husband takes you to the hospital you get to the hospital the doctor gives you the anti-venom and the throbbing that you've been experiencing and the thumb goes away you leave um as you leave and what was the sensation you felt in your thumb it was like spasms like mm okay so you can feel your thumb spasming and when you look down at it the thumb turns into the snake and then back into your thumb and that's when the dream ends all right very good thank you so much so what you're gonna do is here in a second pause the video I want you to come up with a title what what's the title of this dream what are the focus what's your sub focus is what are your details and then work out your interpretation once you have a chance to work out the interpretation go ahead and start the video again and we'll let you know what we got here in the lab hey guys welcome back to the lab let's go through this dream and see what it means so what did you guys come up with for a title for this one snick snake bites the snake pit just baby snake bitten this snake bite because it's easier the shorter the word the easier it is the less likelihood of me doing a misspelling I think I could spell bitten but just in case what is our focus the dreamer yes and our sub focuses and one more sub focus right oops and what are our details and the zoo I mean we but the zoo where you put the zoo off of the snake or the dreamer see when you're thinking snake you sprite ness instead of a Z um but I'm gonna put it off the snake what else hi the bite yes okay anything else pending Glinda the ants that didn't get there to get her to the hospital and let me see him and try to put this in here 40 minutes min if we never figure out who the zookeeper is probably won't change anything that would be like a sub detail actually I'll do this here because leaving room and then we have lots of options I'm just gonna put dr. and we'll remember the anti-venom got to the hospital got the anti-venom get if you put too many things on your diagram it just becomes confusing the point of the diagram is to simplify the drain make it as easy as possible for you to understand it's not to make sure you have every piece of the dream so you don't forget anything it is to clarify the dream so the doctor would be a detail and I'm just going to put spasm and we'll remember the whole thing of the spasm and then it turns back into this it turns into the serpent then goes back to the the the thumb hi what's the dreamer is the dreamer literal or is the dreamer metaphorical literal yeah it's about the dreamer okay snake lies deception okay right yeah it's more of a toxic like something that gets into the system that affects the system Glenda we're going to represent holiness so the name of the name means holiness now did holiness not show up to help her with the bite it could be about natural family right looking for family to help but they're not able to help very good yeah so we kind of touched on the bite but when you get bit by a snake it means you're affected or hurt by the deception or the lie so if you're just see the snake you're recognizing that it's there but it may or may not have affected you in any way but once you get bit it's actually affected you it's hurt you so I'm just gonna write hurt there why the thumb what's the thumb talking about if some could talk about apostolic no guess remember in the advanced workshop no and actually in the understanding dreams and visions course we talk about the the five fingers representing the five different aspects of grace ministries or the fivefold ministry the apostolic the prophetic the evangelistic the pastoral and the teacher so the Apostolic not necessary because sometimes we use the word apostolic and we have this very particular box that we put that in so another the key aspect of apostolic is authority so the thumb can also represent your authority Authority or leadership okay now curiosity if the doctors Jesus the cure that Jesus gives isn't effective in general a doctor could possibly mean Jesus because the Lord is our healer hexose 1533 but it also could just talk about healing in general so there was there was a level of healing that was received right so the doctor I think in this one it may be not necessarily Jesus but definitely represents healing now the healing would be the healing that that God is giving because that's the only way you're going to get healed from a deception is by truth so if you could put put Jesus in there but I think it's more specifically about healing the question would be why in the dream did they actually have the spasm versus having the thought or the sense that they needed to look at it or in the dream they're looking at their thumb to make sure that nothing further is there because if the dream if they were looking at their thumb to make sure there was nothing further that was there then you would think that they needed to keep watch on it but the dream doesn't say anything about keeping an eye on it it just says that there is a muscle spasm and that the thumb turned into a snake and affected so what would a muscle spasm represent when your muscle spasms it's an involuntary movement something that happens that feels out of control right it's an action taking that feels like you don't have control over it right the stimulus is in the system but it feels like boy where did that come from I didn't mean to do that I didn't mean to say that I didn't mean to think that once you get your whole interpretation then you need to take a look at the interpretation all right now where is this in the dream where is this in the dream well it's not in the dream but it kind of points to that well okay then pull that piece out of the interpretation at it as commentary afterwards if you feel it's necessary if you feel like there's there's something from the Lord on it because it can be it could be very key to understanding but you don't want to say that that is part of the interpretation unless it's in the dream itself that makes sense okay so what about the forty minutes forty represents the forty years in the wilderness it's the season it's the full journey if it doesn't get taken care of in this season it can be life-threatening has to be taken care of before the season is out could it be a generation because forty could also represent a generation it could be but there's nothing else in the dream that would point to that way they were they were at a zoo they weren't at the family home they didn't find it in the basement of their home or their parents home or in the yard it was at a zoo which is nothing to do with the family it's it's an outside place that they went and visited it's not a place that they lived so that's where the like got he was was given access if you will at the zoo right so that's why it was important that that that it's a zoo because the thing about a zoo is you have you have animals some dangerous some not dangerous but they're protected and you're protected and there's a clear separation for them but the separation was taken down the zookeeper opened it up because they were trying to feed the deception yeah it wasn't obvious that it was a deception at first but people are trying to feed the deception and because of that opening it's had the ability to affect the dreamer so let's get a couple people come up and share what they got as an interpretation for the dreamer everybody's pointing at each other you go talk you go talk but we will get a couple volunteers or we'll get a couple valid tolls one of the well Alicia and I think the main point in this dream is that when you're in a life-or-death situation don't depend on our klenda beyond that I feel like what this and I have to thank my group because it was the group my group all together that that really came together and had great insight into this dream I feel like that we we understand that you're a believer and so I would say this differently to an unbeliever but since you're a believer we feel like that there was in your life or could be a situation where there is a lie that impacts your life and that there is an urgency to deal with that and not put it off because there could be ongoing effects if it's put off but looking at aunt Glinda actually might indicate natural help or natural resources that don't come through for you but your husband which we feel like it's symbolic of the Lord Jesus has the anti-venom he has the truth to counteract the lie so that it does not have an ongoing effect as you apply the anti-venom you'll you may notice that there are some some after-effects or some things that are not totally dealt with and so you but you'll see it for what it is and then as you continue to apply the anti-venom or continue to work the truth into your life then this this lie will be dealt with and be cut off and we feel like this may be when we think about the the categories of Dreams that John Paul gave us we feel like this might be in the category of a warning or a heads-up dream to let you know well that's good it's good [Applause] yeah one more so what I would say to you today Alisha is that the Lord has shown you something incredible that you have something on the inside of you that is so incredible and as you're walking in the power and authority of your destiny there will be things that come against you that will fly at you you didn't expect it it might have been covered up before but as as we go through the world and even when we enter into chaotic situations that there are individuals who will expose and that ends up being very helpful to us it might be damaging to you at first if I you might feel pain it might affect you internally but God will always send his people to help you and you'll have a discernment of who's going to help and who's not going to help and I really believe that in this time it's this short season of figuring out and discerning what needs to be done and getting to that fast enough so that it can be redeemed that is at your fingertips and the Lord is always going to be faithful to pull you out of the situations that we get into that we didn't foresee he will give you the grace to cover it and the preservation preservation know to endure it perseverance perseverance - to endure it but also the triumph so that you walk in victory as you walk out of there because you did walk out of there got what you needed and then when you saw it right on your hand then you have the ability to the go to the next step and say I'm not going to be part of this anymore yeah so one of the things that we talked about a we've taught this in the dream interpretation intensive and couple other places is is a timing of a dream when you have a cliffhanger on a dream it's usually a clue to the timing and this one ends with that's a snake and dream ends like cliffhanger says that they're probably at that place right now so they've gone through most of this and they're just now realizing it and so thinking about it that way using the the principles what you guys got I'm just gonna put a different timing under the same same idea on YouTube went into a situation that was rather chaotic and it had nothing to do with your actions but people that were in a place of authority opened you guys up to an attack and it specifically affected you and affected your leadership call but the God has given you and you've gone through healing you recognize how urgent it was to deal with that you weren't able to get the help where you first looked for it but you were able to get the help that you needed and and you've dealt with that to an extent but you're starting to realize some some things some involuntary actions that are happening and realizing that there's still a little bit more of that deception that needs to be dealt with for the fullness of freedom that you're looking for does that make sense to you yeah yeah and see how that that timing piece draws it in just a little bit so look for it especially when you have those cliffhangers because it's a warning dream right there's this this happened and this is where you're at right now this is still that same thing that this is what the root of that involuntary action is you're realizing that there's a lie but this dream now told you where did it start where did this begin which lets you know how to deal with it now again now we're bringing in the wisdom that's outside of the dream but here's the prince we know it's been dealt with at one level but there's another level to deal with it and the dream shows exactly the route of these involuntary actions that she's starting to recognize realize way to say where is this coming from there's a lie there and that's the key that that's one of beautiful things about dream interpretation is it forces you to confront your strongholds if you're afraid of telling someone you're going through something right now you will change a dream to be about the past or the future but you won't say that you're going through this right now if you're afraid of telling somebody that they have an issue you will change the issue into an encouragement and you won't be honest or if you think that God's not going to encourage anybody that he's always going to be pointing out what's what needs to be fixed because he just wants you better than where you are right now then all you're gonna be able to see is that you're not gonna be able to understand a dream that is saying man right on you get you're doing great I'm so proud of you right now but you you'll end up your strongholds will cause you to not be able to see the interpretation clearly and it's a beautiful thing about dream interpretation and and and I I've grown so much in recognizing how my thought patterns affected what I thought I was hearing from God through dream interpretation and mainly through that process of constantly bringing Oh where's this in the dream where is this in the dream well that's not actually in the dream okay well I can't have it as part of the man but that's not comfortable but I've had to deal with that because I was gonna have integrity with the dream itself and not make myself feel better or look better or sound nicer or or any of those things just letting the dream be the dream and so absolute honesty with yourself and absolute honesty with the dream will it'll actually cause the dreams will give you an opportunity for sanctification and you'll grow in your ability to hear God better if you if you hold that discipline hey guys thanks for joining us on the lab hope you got something out of that and hope you learned some cool principles about dream interpretation we'll see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: Streams Ministries
Views: 2,040
Rating: 4.9622641 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 54sec (1314 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 22 2020
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