Biblical Dream Interpretation: Vehicles in Dreams

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good Friday afternoon please share as you come in today hello everyone welcome so glad to have you on today good to be here today and to share with you on today it's been a while hi I know it's good to have you all the first time I believe I'm catching you on with these Carlton good to see you how'd you come in please fair thank you please take the hearts thanks for showing love for you to join blessings blessing please share as you come in please share thanks for all the love I appreciate the love of the hearts thank you welcome to today's dream in biblical dream interpretation session so please share share today is going to be a rather still one but I believe it's something that most people experience in their dreams so I want to talk about it today so as you command please share thank you thanks thank you hello everyone thank you thank you thank you thanks for sharing I appreciate it I'll be talking about a recent dream that came into the website little step through to talk about the focus and the sub focus and just walk through some biblical nipping out methodology that can help you unlock the mysteries of your dreams especially when it comes to vehicles how many of you have ever had a dream you're riding a bike on an airplane one water jet ski or in the boat how many of you had that experience in your dream because that's what I want to talk about today so unleash the revelatory gifts of dreams today unlocking the mysteries of dreams so I appreciate everyone coming in you were driving Regina good to sheikah what were you doing in your dreams I appreciate the interaction so let me just start it this would be real quick won't take very long to walk through this particular dream so let me read to you in the nature of the dream I had a dream I was on a cruise ship traveling at a faster pace than most do more so of a speed of a jet ski so we really never encounter in real time real life you were riding a bike that's the sign of a personal ministry whenever you're riding a bike alone that's a sign of personal ministry but she's on a cruise ship in a cruise ship is moving at pace of a jet ski so we know that's not literal because there's no way that we have cruise ships moving at the pace of jet skis on the water so this is not a literal dream or literal interpretation so she goes on to say as I was noticing the beautiful scenery of mountains and hills covered in greenery and waterfalls from before the Spirit of the Lord told me to sit back and enjoy while once I relaxed the ship started accelerating at a higher elevation so she found herself hey Terry is good to have you on she found herself Haidee she found herself starting to elevate but remember she's on a cruise ship but she starts to elevate immediately I started saying how can a ship travel in the air well as I looked up I saw a roller coaster tracks and over my head and I asked again how is it ship on roller coaster tracks hi dad it's good to have you on the Spirit of the Lord again said keep looking up as I looked up I saw more tracks overhead we finally came to an elevated height as there was a drop-off I was able to see more clearly the scenery from a wider standpoint bless you dad apostille peru's that's my spiritual father it's good to have you on today but to my surprise again we kept going higher so she's going through all of these dimensions of ascension but remember she's on a cruise ship as she's going through these elevations and she's gaining more clarity and scope as the higher that she is sins okay not once did the elevation drop to her Lord dimension next I was on a charter bus and I wondered why I left the cruise ship since there are many rooms on board my day was great d thanks for next I was on the charter bus and I wonder why I left the cruise ship there where there were many rooms on board at the end of the ride of the charter bus is stopped and I had to transport my luggage to my surprise I was giving luggage from an overhead compartment as I was getting off the airplane so we have a situation where she actually goes through four different dynamics or experiences with vehicle transportation first she starts out on a cruise ship then she discovers as she starts to ass in she experienced the realm of the tracks of the roller coaster then she finds herself transitioning from the roller coaster to the charter bus okay and from the charter bus to retrieving her things out of an overhead compartment in an airplane and so the the focus of the dream is hurt you always know the focus of the dream because if you remove the focus of the dream the whole dream seems to fall apart and lose its the context how you doing renew they're so good to see you as you guys come in please do share I appreciate you sharing and and just have a blessed Friday I really appreciate you guys spending time with me today to walk through vehicles in the dream so let's talk about the cruise ship because typically when you're talking about ships they're either representative of a large church or ministry or this could be her life and had and in the expanse of her influence this could be her had a tremendous influence either in her career or in her church but I get it from the context of the dream you can tell that this dream is about her personal life but it could be about how she's matriculating from one phase to transition to a new phase in her ministry life okay so the dream speaks about her cruising through life situations at an accelerated pace and this could be her ministry where she's feeling like it's on cruise control or her life is on cruise control but the Lord has her at an accelerated pace she's paced a lot faster than normal than what she's accustomed to and what she's used to so the overall context of the dream the Lord is really speaking about momentum in her life and in her ministry this has to do with momentum vehicles are multi transportation to get you to your destiny so whenever you're experiencing just like I believe one of the young ladies that were posted to the board earlier she says she's seen herself riding a bike well that has to do with her personal life that has to do with a personal ministry or something of that content so but when you're talking about Lordships but you have to keep in mind cruise ship so that gives the interpretation more context where the Lord is letting her know that all those she's at a place where she has all of this great influence you're welcome from the clip welcome for the clarity where she has this large influence and there's a lot of remember she was talking about rooms she left his place where there were plenty of places for her to discover giftings for her to be able to give expression to her ministry and being to access new dimensions of her giftings and things of that nature so she wanted to know why did I move from this vast place of God to bring you until in Laurens place and they could have many wounds you know many opportunities many doors for you to go through to access to get you to your destiny but God was letting her know that the cruise ship the roller coaster the charter bus and the airplane are all vehicles that he was utilizing to navigate her through life changes so she can reach her destiny did you get that so he was using he was using those symbols in the dream the cruise ship the roller coaster the charter bus and then finally the airplane as he was utilizing each one of those vehicles as a phase in transitional phase in her life and ministry to navigate her to her destiny okay now one phase she was speeding up when she was on this in this cruise ship the Lord had her at an accelerated pace in her life and her development and her availability to be able to give impact to ministries that she may be associated with or affiliated with but the Lord wanted her to come to the next phase where it was going to be a transformative phase where she was going to come to the roller coaster and the Lord wanted her to know although this may be a thrilling phase of your experience I need you to stay on track did you get that although she was going from cruising to the roller coaster because you think about roller coaster rides they are jarring they can be unstable but it's a fixed track okay that's the thing about roller coasters you go up and you go down so it's the web is the ebb and flows of life the Lord is Trent is teaching her the ebbs and the flows of life and how to scale on track when you hit a high then when you hit the low and although this may be a very thrilling experience when you think about roller coasters I'm at the I can't do rollercoasters anymore my stomach can't take it who maybe 30 maybe 20 so years ago but I can't take a rollercoaster this phase of my life but the Lord was letting her know she's going from crews from cruising at an accelerated momentum to a phase where it would be thrilling but she's gonna have to learn to adjust to ABS and flows otherwise don't during that transformative season of her life doing that training of our season and it could be that the ministry goes through Ed's and flows of some aspect of her life starts to go through the ebbs and flows and you're still going at a great momentum and an accelerated rate but with roller coasters you have to keep in mind there may be low points of depression there may be high points when the Holy Ghost is really used to our finance you've had some great financial breakthrough with things of that lot of that nature but when you are a servant and you're called to fivefold ministry which I believe she is I just discerned that she is that the Lord trains us and take us through transitions to train our hands to train us for ministry to train us for our destiny and I believe that would be one of the transformative experiences that she would have in her life and in her ministry then she goes from she remained very flexible as she transitioned from the cruise ship to the roller coaster to the charter bus to the airplane you you just picked up and she remain flexible because she didn't do a lot of cause she didn't do any complaining when she started to go from vehicle to vehicle okay she questioned why did some things change but she never complained about them about the different modes of transportation so she remained flexible throughout the dream which means she quickly learned to Gate three transition did you get that she quickly adjusted to transition a lot of us don't handle transition and curveballs or curves in our life that was something suddenly changes it throws us off kilter and we don't know how to recover but the dream was telling her she's good at managing transition and change isn't that a good point we all want to be good at transitioning through tight through change times and seasons of change okay so she navigated through change and she got better you remember at the beginning of the dream where the cruise ship was actually elevating her this was this was the Lord's way of letting her know that during this season this season she was going to go through us a consistent progression and promotion and elevation and then doing that season because remember she had this view of like mountains these terrains and things like that that she even got clarity and she got more of a global perspective on things so the Lord was letting her know that he was giving her a precise accuracy and being able to work out details of her vision because she had everything seemed to come into into greater clarity for her as she elevated as she ascended and that's what she needs when she's going through all of these transitional moments you want to be able to gain clarity of your vision because when you gain clarity of your vision it gives you this precision in how you move and how you matriculate and you find yourself not wasting time because vision has given you clarity those things that don't fit you don't spend your wheel with things that don't matter or won't be a compliment to where you're trying to go and what you're trying to do in life and so that was good that God kept kept taking her to higher ground and her clarity got greater and keener as the as she began to a sin in the Lord and this is the Lord's way of telling her that as she ascended she got greater insight it could be word knowledge word wisdom all those things those revelatory gifting started to work in her life because things came into view and came into focus for her and that she can see beyond the norm and a lot of us when we're visionaries we need to see beyond the horizon like God did Abraham he brought him out of the tent he brought him out of this place of confinement and told him look up into the sky look up how many stars do you see and they were innumerable God said such as that that you've been held I'm going to give you your your lineage you will not be able to count your lineage so he was comparing all the stars to what he was about to give Abraham and ever hadn't had to have a vision forward so that it can lock him into believing God and letting that be counted unto him as righteousness but it wasn't until he saw it that he was able to move in it so God gave him a different perspective on the promise that he was about to walk in so sometimes either let us get a clearer vision or a clearer perspective so let's move on to the next thing so she doesn't set the steady ascension through all of these changes then she comes to this chartered bus buses always remind me of teaching seasons and to bloody you if you think about it you have the cruise ship that was born at the speed of a jet then you have the rollercoaster which I believe most rollercoasters those 60 miles per hour are better so but then she gets on a charter bus which slows down her momentum a little bit which told me that the Lord had carved out something as specifically to train her in in this particular season that this particular [Music] phase of her destiny will make sure that she gets equipped and trained in certain aspects ministry of her calling that were going to be essential to the next season of her life that when things picked up even faster and I told her this that would be a season that God was stretcher stretched her faith and that God would would actually have her to reach the little further in her faith and it won't be a season where the enemy is hindering her this is the Lord Himself that's chartered this particular season of training for her that he's given he's carved out a specific allotment of time and he's given special courses in this specific in this particular season of her training in this transition it would be about training for her and it would be about her learning some new things she was on a bus and buses reminds us going to places that but specifically can be taking us to institutions of learning or to some group group of us gathering together to go to some event or something of that nature but in the context of this dream I believe the Lord was working on her patience and there's some things that she had to learn and be trained for so he'll slow her down just a little bit so that she can pass the courses in this particular season so she goes from the from the bus and then she starts gather her things when the bus comes to a stop when the season of training comes to an end she finds herself gathering things out of the overhead compartment remember of the airplane now all of this time the Lord was letting her know when she was reaching for the things out of the overhead compartment in the airplane your luggage is a sign that you were prepared this whole entire journey that she's been on for one video go through one transition after the other after one change I fed the other the Lord was letting her know that she was walking through every season prepared for the change and so this was God letting her know that she was prepared for change the dream of - her to stay ready for change and transition because God had some elevation and some promotion that he was about to bring her to bring her through - and through but she had to be ready for quick change she had to be ready and prepared for quick transitions and she had to be more than willing to be able to survive the jarring and and in some of the unexpected lows and then be able to celebrate the highs and so this is really about perspective and attitude as the Lord is taking her on her journey to get to her destiny and a lot of times we don't enjoy the journey because we're trying to get to the end goal of the destiny if you recall at the beginning of this dream when she was on the cruise ship she talked about in Joey the Lord told her to enjoy the ride don't be walking in anxiety about where you're going next what God is gonna do with your next the Lord told her in each phase in each transition through each change I need you to enjoy the journey there's much to be said about enjoying the journey that you are walking on with Holy Spirit your this journey alone you learn to commune with Holy Spirit and as you can see a lot of things were a tune in her life because of her relationship with Holy Spirit she came into greater clarity her giftings were sharpened she started to see with greater clarity she starts to see further than she had ever seen before God didn't want her to miss the little things the little um promotions the little elevations the small changes that were taking place in her life because she was trying to get to this end goal God want us to celebrate the small accomplishments along the way that when your prophetic gift is actor is operating with more precision you need to celebrate that moment you may not be given word of knowledge where you're calling out somebody's address or whatnot but if God is showing you things that are impacting and changing your life you should celebrate those small accomplishments and those small small steps that you're taking that's elevating your gift of operating operation in the spirit that would later have a greater impact on ministry and churches that you serve so that's what the Lord was telling her so to wrap this up for the church I wasn't gonna be long she wasn't barking upon a journey of transformation did you get that all of her life is about God transforming us into the image of Christ we should never lose sight of that we would do a lot of things and accomplish a lot of things for the Lord but ultimately we want to be made into the image of Jesus so God designed certain journeys certain transitions certain changes in our life that are to foster transformation in our lives so that we look more like Jesus the in goal and the destiny for us all is that we transform into the very image of Belov son Jesus and listen to this the journey of transformation and the Lord wanted her to do this too she would keep things together and she'd go through these seasons of change in transitions so God wanted her to know that although I'm gonna walk you through these different seasons it's going to look like the ministry's changing its gonna look like life situations are changing but he told her you keep it together you're prepared for this I've built you for this you are made for this every transitional moment I bring you to you are made for and so that's my encouragement to you today that every place that God brings you to of change and transformation you are made for it and that the ultimate end goal is that you be made into the image of Christ so enjoy the journey don't be full of anxiety don't be full of doubt fear and unbelief trust in Him with all of your heart and lean not to your own understanding and all of their ways of you acknowledge him he will direct your path god bless you have a great Friday
Channel: Jay Renee
Views: 2,421
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Prophetess Lisa James, Lisa James, vehicles, vehicles in dreams, dream symbols, dream interpretation, dreams, biblical dream interpretation
Id: 3hCEqQqNtIY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 44sec (1544 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 28 2019
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