Doug Addison 1:11 Session 1

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so I'm gonna have y'all stand stretch and welcome Doug Addison up to the platform we're gonna we're gonna start off pretty much even being Brendan over here Krista and he met Krista a few years ago and he has now worked for Krista the entire time I'm she works for me but sometimes it's the other way actually I dunno it's actually both ways but she'll give ideas and then he'll do it and she'll implement it and it's like a match made in heaven of what he needed she had that gifting and which is really awesome so you know you never know and she's she lives in Florida she's a virtual employee she's you know phenomenal very dedicated because I know that there's a period of time at my house that I don't talk to her cuz she's working for Doug Addison because she's been staying with me you may be seated and and then we're just gonna do this and then I'm gonna leavin and when you're done with this not to do anything bad but just you can kind of throw it over there and we'll just take care of it at that point and but what I want to what I want to do is to those of you that are here those of you that are watching to introduce you number one my friend Doug Addison who I love and we met I don't know how many ten ten years ago or something like that and maybe eight but we have had an absolutely incredible time revelation I'm one of his I'm gonna say personal prayer partners you've got intercessors but then you've got somebody that you can turn to I call it bring in the big bucks so to speak call it 11 o'clock at night that's right and anywhere in the world I'll take his call as long as I'm awake because I have my phone up when I'm sleeping and we'll pray together and we'll stand together and there's been some many rounds of touches of death in our time of knowing each other and this is the best I've ever seen him health-wise and I am so incredibly excited amen and so we have blankets we have purple ones that say miracles happen okay we also have some blue ones that say miracle it's a baby ones too and I what I did is I took one of these and I wrapped myself in it round-the-clock nighttime bed everything and I just wanted any ounce of anointing to go from this to go to California as a point of contact for my friend to be healed now not Doug Edison the speaker my friend and so he he got this and and what he did is he wrapped himself in it kind of like a prayer shawl yeah and I'm gonna let you take over from here yeah thank you so much thanks for doing this and and I am totally healed now total there was reports that I would get healed and then it would come back did he'll come back get around Joan get he'll get around todd Bentley get healed and come back but then the Lord gave me deeper revelation and into that and it was a prophetic word I was living out and I did get a hit pretty hard I just call it affliction I didn't tell people because during the entire process of about five years I didn't miss a beat on anything I never missed a daily prophetic I never missed our webcast I never missed anything thanks to my team it's here and as well as the Lord and in the midst of that I was down for four years but the Lord increased us four times literally four times on the internet four times financially four times with followers four times with favor and in the midst of that God blessed us amazingly the understanding of my affliction I couldn't understand it but then I started working through some some things the doctors I want to tell you if the doctors don't know what it is it's a demon you know pretty much [Applause] the running blood tests or doing things I went everywhere tell you John trying to get healed and I knew had a demonic you know some root to that and and I had to work through some things in which I'm gonna unpack a little bit more later and tonight by the way about how to get healed but that just to finish this testimony is that I really didn't understand it but I knew that I was living something out so that others would be able to walk through the healing much faster the case of Huntington's disease my my ministry started just a few weeks after I got healed of Huntington's all the symptoms in 2001 we we started in like connection Huntington's is a terrible disease get took out my mom my aunt my two uncles my brothers sister they're all in heaven wiped out a huge huge part of my family and that wounded my heart my soul got wounded and that's where the enemy was attacking me in that area and that's part of why my affliction hit me is that unhealed soul wounds where that gives the doorway to the enemy and so I had to walk through that even though the Lord the Lord was healing me of of these things Huntington's was my first documented healing but then it started looking like everyone thought I had it again my whole family everyone thought I had it again I was manifesting things that looked like it but I was standing in faith that I didn't and so just two years ago or last year they they they put put me and Linda as well in a study at the UCLA Medical Center because I'm I'm gonna be sixty years old in less than three months thank God and usually normally in fact based on my family based on my CAG count based on all that stuff medically there's no remission for this disease there's nothing that's it's like Parkinson's on steroids and it usually hits into the 30s and 40s 50s is kind of weird and 60s like my mom who was an amazing evangelist went to heaven way before her time and you all went right around the 60s I'm just saying that I'm turning 60 and they just said it was an anomaly which is medical for miracle up until now they've never been able to document my miracle I've never see me on TV I filled out all kinds of forms for years I'd fill out those forms you know to be on CB and TB and all the B ends and the they would never be able to document that miracle well now we're moving towards being able to the Lord did tell me that there's a day coming when my DNA will change I had such a radical healing encounter that I went back and got retested a second time and they laughed at me because they said no one's DNA has ever changed that's when the Lord said I'm gonna tell you when to get tested again but I tell you your DNA is gonna change and so this weird whatever it was that hit me it looked like Lyme disease I had multiple chemical sensitivity so bad I was exiled from my house basic I became allergic to my wife my car my house I was allergic to my clothes and I couldn't wear my clothes back in 2016 and I was finally driven from my house and and like many people with MC the multiple chemical sensitivity or environmental illness many people go to Arizona because it's a dry climate plus the most anointed people I know live there so Patricia King Katie Souza helped me their ministries plus my assistant April stepped up and I mean I just had nowhere to go Joan was praying for me they got me the prayer blanket they everything started coming together and then I had a breakthrough on the chemicals the chemical sensitivity and it was a broken heart it was it was from you you could actually come to a place if you get a broken heart of wounded heart you can come to a place where we're AK and the enemy can give you access you through the wounded are also the number one killer according to the CDC the Centers for Disease Control is heart attacks did you know this is that that Jesus even said about the end times in Matthew 24 he said that it will become so bad men's hearts will fail them that we're in this time right now I was living out a prophetic word that I'm gonna release today this about not just the wounded heart but in the access of the enemy but a bigger way bigger plan that's been exposed on how to get healed how to get set free financially and how to step into your destiny and so my chemical sensitivity got once I got that revelation got my heart healed within 30 days I was back home I was wearing my clothes you know I was just I just came back but then my immune system crash for another year I was walking around with blankets on like this I was walking around with piles of coats limited California my immune system had crashed then the Lord gave me the healing strategy for that as well and at February 14th of 2018 I got healed of all of that I stepped out and into full healing that I've stepped it in by the way a few just a few days later after that happened after the healing happened all of a sudden everything came back online Lou Engel contact me I'd never talked to him before it contacted me and said that there was a there was one of his intercessors had a dream that myself that me Lou Engel and Keith Ferrante three prophets from the West Coast we're all speaking as one voice over the revival that was going to start in California move around the world so we went out and called a 50-day fast and I couldn't fast this shirt makes me look fat but I couldn't fathom from negativity and that's what I'm calling people to so we went out did that and so in other words what I'm saying is the Lord's releasing revelation right now he's there there's things that we don't understand that we've put in a box we put God's so heavy in a box and he we've labeled that box well I actually saw the box labeled the rapture and the rapture understanding of waiting to get out of here and not doing the work has then killed the killed the harvest now I believe there's a second coming of Jesus but he he said hey listen that's what he kept telling me he says there's a billion people on the list that need to come a billion need to come a billion so harvest see your prophet Bob Jones now in heaven he gave his entire life that's what he had the billion so harvest he met a face-to-face encounter said it would happen and he went back to heaven on February 14th 2014 and it didn't happen because the church wouldn't step up to do the work I'm saying that as not in judgment I'm saying that as the Lord told me he said too many Christians have been praying the prayer of Jabez and I'm answering that prayer which is to expand me bless me and no pain please you can't no it doesn't work that way there's nothing in the Bible that I can find that was no pain no pain no gain note really and so it was too many people I'm not judging by the way I'm not judging the book it was a great revelation but too many people didn't want to suffer for what we need to go through and when God began to call me into these new areas of ministry I've been suffering I tell you I've suffered not just physically I've suffered emotionally financially because the Lord began to call me to these outcasts he called me to interpret tattoos I don't even have a tattoo I don't even want a tattoo but I became the tattoo prophet because a billion people have tattoos I read that and I thought oh they might be part of the billion so harvest a billion people have tats I began to prophesy over tattoos I'm not promoting tattoos I'm just saying the Lord said when they look up the fields are ripe for harvest look up the fields are ripe I begin to prophesy when I begin to do that the former executive producer of American Idol actually pitched his show called the tattoo prophet for me and was about to go but then I ended up hitting the wall getting the affliction but that's still going to come I tell you it's still gonna come I begin doing outreaches in the New Age back when it was it was not considered proper to do now it's kind of normal we a bunch of us we're doing it way before when it wasn't that we took a lot of a whipping for remember actually remember the Bible Belt yeah they pulled it out on me all right I've been beat with that thing bless their hearts though that's what you say I still love everybody I became the prophet of love in the middle of being hated and then in 2013 the Lord said I'm gonna call you into something he says you want to do it you ever say yes before you read it I'm sure he's gonna come with money and everything I had three visitations in 2013 and he called me to a group of outcasts he says I'm calling you to the Ezekiel 34 the Ezekiel 34 weak sheep that have been pushed out by the fact shepherds in the mean sheep bless their hearts right that year look at the Super Bowl scorns that year Lord stop I'm gonna prophesy to the entire world and show the entire world my daily prophetic word on on the day of the Superbowl February 2013 which was the Sanford forty-niners with and the Baltimore Ravens in I think it was in uh no it was in Orlando I know Superdome in New Orleans and the the power went out for 34 minutes in the third quarter three for the lights only half the lights went out which was significant the ending score of the game was 34 to 19 which is the exact number of Ezekiel 34 verses 1 through 19 there's a whole series I mean I can't even begin even last year the Lord says I'm gonna do it again in the playoffs sorry to hear that soon that Houston lost in the midst of this he's up I'd do it again he did it last year in the in the playoffs three of the four scores three four had 34 or totaled 34 sad to hear that Houston lost to the Patriots but someone's got to be a patriot fan in the room just anyway I'm just sayin now listen the Lord speaking all the time he's speaking all the time most of us miss it in the midst of this my ministry has changed on if you remember I used to do a lot of secular music having fun and doing stuff anyone remember that I don't do that anymore the Lord shifted everything over me and when he called me into this what he said he said I want to call you into something new that no one's doing while I've been doing that for years no this is even newer and when he did it he said it's gonna there's a price tag on it and I saw the price tag and it said total death but before I saw the price tag he gave me 50 days behind a veil of heaven in 2017 right after Passover right after in between Pentecost I had 50 days of heavenly encounter he said I'm gonna give you 50 days of encounters and it was kind of like baiting me oh my goodness were they wild I have so much I had to dictator because I want you to update the the software on your computer get a new headset because I'm gonna it's gonna be so detailed you're gonna dictate these things and so well even to this day I mean I I can't even I can't even deal with the level of revelation that came with these it would have been like a book is fifty thousand words I look back and just those encounters was two hundred fifty thousand words and an angel was there with me because it he would know who's I I don't really do that well in grammar and that's why I have a writing team and Christa the entirety you know I have that going on but when I dictated it I dictated it with with proper grammar and open quote cap I would say a close quote comma period so that it was ready it was except for some proofing it was ready for for publication print yeah and I don't like I do that right now I don't do that anymore after the angel left was a graph it must been my grandma because it was a grammar angel my grandma's praying for me of pray in heaven but however she was from Alabama I'm not sure but anyway I'm kidding not not about that she's my granny was from Alabama I'm not kidding about that serious business but anyway I'm just saying God's doing something new totally new alright my ministries did like connection my wife's here Linda and also Krista and dareth who works were sir Darren's is our CFO and she lives in Texas she lives outside of Houston and Christa is our she was our online operations manager now she's the Lord said that you know in a heavenly encounters didn't what I want you you can't find I've been we were trying to hire this marketing internet marketing person it wouldn't come they wouldn't come come and the horses because you already have them Crist is one of them myself the Lord has given me a strategy of understanding the strategy to reach the Internet Bob Jones called me up years ago in 2007 he had a dream that I was hacking the Lord gave me a silver hacksaw to get out of prison then to cut into the wires that connected computers and frustrate the plan of the enemies and bring the glory of God and this is the Internet we didn't not back down from the internet do not be afraid be wise don't be afraid uh-uh that's where the revival is we're in a time as such as the time such as this and anyway I've been running around for a number of years teaching people how to hear the voice of God how to how to experience the supernatural and also discover your destiny in the midst of that process and anyone get the daily prophetic words thank you been doing them for I don't know how many years forgot and it's probably it's what really has gone around the world to me you know as a prophet it's the smallest revelation I mean it's honestly it's so it's very small it's the mustard seed and it surprised me because it's the smallest revelation that made the biggest tree in our ministry and we can go all over the world now and people follow us and know because of the daily prophetic words and it's also an outreach tool because people who don't even go to church can then get those words the Lord told me to write them in a way that are not it's non-religious and it offends Christian religious people at times because they say what is hora you know or scuppers no it's Jalisco we need an alternative I mean I spend time I'm in the word and I bring it back and Twitter only has a few characters on it that's why I can't exegete the passages for you anyway before I get into this message which it's it was just came this morning actually the the the the strategy you need financially and your breakthrough just came to me this morning at 4 a.m. and let me get up the right document here last year I release a lot of Revelation I'm not boasting I'm just saying I release a lot I feel bad for my team sometimes because I'm a revelatory machine ever since this these things begin to happen in my life and I started to have the heavenly encounters I started everything shifted I always wait one thought Jesus was gonna walk in the room I always thought it would be like my spiritual father's Bob Jones John Paul Jackson I always thought it was gonna be like like that I had been waiting I felt less than and then one day the Lord said would you come to me and stop waiting for me to come to you and once I did that I read I just my eyes got open to these doors in heaven and revelation 4:1 says come up here and I will show you what is yet to come a door was standing open and so I begin to worship the Lord and I just went up there I just rose above my own stuff and I began to get revelation very similar to how I was doing it before just had a little more impact very everything was the same it was kind of like sometimes in my mind's eye I wouldn't call it definitely I wouldn't call it imagination sometimes it was in my mind's eye sometimes it was real sometimes I'd smell fragrances in my room but I've always been that way ever since I was a kid but as a seer I'm a very strong seer and what seers do the week we frustrate teachers and pastors that's what our job is our job is to seat hey did you know there's a tree coming out of your head and I saw the numbers five nine nine on the tree you know what that means then we go later and look it up in the Bible that's what I see her I would always see things and then go look it up in the Bible with that all changed two years ago or what I start having the encounters in heaven the Lord said I'm going to do something with you and it's going to be in the Bible so I had to get I didn't even have I mean I had a Bible from years ago I've been electronic for a number of years he's not once you get your Bible out the one I use for years I was out preaching for years with prophetic evangelism doing outreaches and this battling Bible that I've had got blood on it even that I began to open up the Bible he would show me I would hear in the passage or I would just open it and be there and I begin to have interactive visions it would be just like anything else like if you you know you would they would go away if you want to think about it I started doubting and and the Lord got out of me about that and I started having these interactive visions in the word so it started in the word then I would see as opposed to what I used to do was see and look in the word what I'm trying to say right now is God is changing the way he's speaking to you he's shifting things right now he has to this has to happen were stale we're at a stalemate revival is overdue revival was actually the next move of God was supposed to happen in 2005 the Lord spoke to me years ago there's been 11 10 11 year interval you can go back to 1906 Azusa Street revival if you go up 11 years Amy simple Macpherson 2017 you go back 11 years there's a movement happening on campuses another 11 years back in the 1800's it was Mariah would were that her keep going forward from 1906 Azusa 11 11 11 11 by the way nice number 11 11 11 falls on 1950 the healing movement a a Allan Oral Roberts cleaning out hospitals another 11 years 61 wasn't the start of it but it was the highs of the charismatic renewal where the Holy Spirit was no longer with the character the Pentecostals was now with the Presbyterians the Baptist everyone was getting filled with the Holy Spirit so we have Bab de Coastal's praise be Maddux they had no theology for it but it was the Holy Spirit moving amazing move of God eleven years later 1972 Jesus people movement last known true revival in the in the North American come up another 11 years 1983 peter Wagner John Wimber got together and at fuller seminary and they started releasing the kingdom's understanding and it became the third wave charismatic movement where what we do right now is really based on what happened with those two the vineyard Christian fellowships launched out of that things became naturally supernatural you come up eleven years after that 1994 Toronto blessing people laughed and laughed and laughed went up to Toronto and laughed their guts out I met my wife during that time we laughed and laughed oh I'm so great oh I love it so 11 years plus 1994 2005 nothing happened we come up another 11 years 2006 when was that 11 years from that 2016 what should have been the next move by the way would have been a next move right after the the 2015 was the everyone thought it was gonna be the second coming and it was it was something but it wasn't the second coming it was in a sense the Lord wanted to come again in revival but the prophets and the people the teachers were picking it up as the second coming of Christ we think is a rapture but he kept saying no I am gonna come again but I want to come in revival first but my people have to be out there and be ready to be able to move but if you get angry at the people he wants to reach just saying I'm not going there just saying anyway bless us Jesus anyway so I've been preparing people for a revival for a number of years and I thought it was gonna happen sooner some of my books earlier my prophetic forecasts I thought it was gonna happen earlier we've been on a two-year delay and it is happening folks there's some underground movements happening and I'm telling you right now the Lord is about to move he's already moving in underground places and just have an open heart you ready to be stretched that's that's 2019 it's the year of being stretched whoo here we go Lord Jesus sound like my grandma yeah last year I asked the Lord which was my most my most powerful prophetic word because I release a bunch I do one a month the first Wednesday of every month I do a webcast called spear connection and it's a free webcast then I do the podcast after that to help bring it you know bring it to the world and then we do a course on it even and we just keep it like we'll just keep it rolling it's out on elijahlist that's out there moving and I release so much stuff that I can't even keep up with it so I asked the Lord which one last year for 2018 and he said July 2018 was your most powerful prophetic word but people didn't get it and I looked and it was it was the three quart attack revelation it was the understanding about why we're having violence in the streets why is everyone gone crazy what's going on and why the weather patterns are strange and what can we do about it I asked the Lord I had an encounter with him last year in late June and then in July I released this that the Lord showed me it was because when three things come together like Ecclesiastes 4:12 though one may be overpowered two can defend themselves a cord of three strands is not quickly broken now listen if you're sick and you're sitting at home you're overpowered the first thing I did when I got when 2013 when I hit the wall really bad first thing I did is get at least three I had three people on a texting texting prayer thing on the phone every day for several months because of this strategy here one can be overpowered two can defend themselves I don't buy you but I want to do more than defending myself you need to get three or more people as part of this has been part of my healing is getting as many people as possible through the internet you could do it these days I don't care how they doesn't have to be anointed people it doesn't say anointed people do it I'm just saying if you're sick if you need a financial breakthrough you need to get three or more people together and get and push for your breakthrough and begin to decree some verses and things like that so the Lord gave me this thing about the three cords strand right I knew this in my life been doing it for years then the Lord said to me he said you know that Satan imitates me because he says I created everything the Lord said Satan can't create a thing his name is not Marah Marah is something from nothing that's a Hebrew word bara that's that when God said let there be light that was that power that came when he breathed life that was bara when Ezekiel 37 came that was brah that's a Hebrew word for bara he said that is not Satan he can't create a thing he imitates we see it with Jesus battling with him in the wilderness Jesus knew I mean Satan knew Scripture and so he'll try to use it against you that's what he's doing today people are lacking wisdom they lack understanding they lack how to know the difference between God your and the enemy and by the way before I forget I've got a I've got a free webcast a free online training because I want you to know the difference between god yourself and the enemy this is my specialty and so just Doug Addison dot-com /what is it got - no no I keep saying got - no it's a how ditto thank you I say got it but you need to change it - got to that I keep saying kinda no God oh no it's how to know and it's a free webcast 45 minutes I did this specifically to help people to grab hold of this how to learn to discern because the biggest fear and I'm going to talk about fear here the biggest fear that I see is people getting afraid of missing God so bad they don't do anything they don't say anything or being afraid of being deceived so they don't say anything Hebrews 5:14 will take care of that you need it on your refrigerator but solid food is for the mature who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil I have to say that again by constant use of what your ability to hear God so if you practice hearing God as much as you do your sport your hobby or or whatever it is or cooking if what if you practice hearing God that's what I do I go work out I might not look like much but spiritually I'm buff I've got five fold abs because I've taken Hebrews 5:14 seriously there's not a day goes by that I don't go to the spiritual gym with my gift Mike my spiritual gift happens to be prophecy dreams doesn't matter it whatever you focus on the Lord he's given you everything you need we all have the same amount of tools in our in our apron or to about whatever we all have in the same every one of us do you have access to everything it's the Holy Spirit you might have a gift more than another Joe might do healing more than I would do prophecy but we can all heal we can all prophesy we can all reach out we can all have the gift of hospitality that's a challenge in my house but we work on it so you need to practice when I said this years ago when I started practicing here in God in my church they thought it was a heresy they said you can't do that that's like fortune-telling that is such a that's such a lie why wouldn't I mean why in the world wouldn't God want you to be able to hear his voice right is that true yes you need to practice hearing God that's why I do the things I do on on the internet I release prophetic words like if I'm not hearing God you know why I actually started the daily prophetic words years ago I was in a drought and 2012 I need to hear the Lord 2011 2012 I need to hear the Lord I could hear him you know for the bigger things but I need to really get a breakthrough so I knew that whatever you sow therefore you shall reap whatever you sow therefore you shall reap that's why if you're sowing grumbling complaining you're reaping a bad day you closed the heavens with grumbling and complaining yes you do you will you'll close off the heavens that's why I encourage people to go on a negative thought and talk fast first thing you do in my school of ministry is you go on a fast yeah with negative talk and negative thoughts step away from negativity you have to because it clouds the heavens and that's how I would say the secret to me being able to hear the Lord his judgments are gone and I repent quick repent quickly keep a short account and as you do that it will clear up it will open up second one thing is to is to not love not judge the second is to practice hearing God or whatever you need to do give away what you don't have right the Lord's gonna do a breakthrough for you so I just fast forwarded you to last June July when I got this word about the three cords strand of the enemy and I noticed something my healing actually came when I got a revelation of of first John 4:18 my healing of chemical sensitivity and everything else came when I got the revelation of first John 4:18 and everything was based around that and it was the fact that it actually says that you know perfect love perfect love is what we want to move into jesus said that the greatest commandment is love yet it seems to be today that it dropped out of our Bibles or at least on our Facebook pages some people bless their hearts so first John 4:18 is that there is no fear in love but perfect love drives out fear or casts out fear because fear has to do with punishment or torment and the he who fears has not been made perfect in love once I realize this perfect love cast out fear the spirit of fear can bring tormentors into your life that's what it says tormentors can come in tormentors of doubt depends on how much the door opens today people are living in fear fear is not an emotion it's a demonic force it's a power at a principality beer is something you do not want in your life fear is a basis for all illnesses once I realize that I realized but 2016 when I was exiled with chemical sensitivity I got the revelation that it was that the tormentors of fear of my broken past had come in and been assigned to me and I'm not gonna argue whether they were in me or what I don't care I was sick I'm just saying many people are suffering today because they lack love and they've let fear get in and tormentors got a son so I had to I tell you once I got that revelation and I called someone up I said I need a so-so appointment you know that's a it's like a inner healing I needed one and I hadn't really done I done all kinds of other things I really didn't hadn't done one but the Lord says I want you to call this one person and I mean I'm like I want it now I'm I'm so sick I want it now I was calling these ministries they said well you got to travel we gotta go do this I said I can't I can't even wear my own clothes I had to put on new clothes everyday and and have someone donate him I had to buy new what Walmart sweats this was the joke of God that I had to go to Walmart everyday buy sweats at a t-shirt like a like a redneck teach anyway I'm kind of designer so I had to humble myself I couldn't wear him over one day I was walking through this and when I realized I needed to get healed of those things I had someone get on the phone with me the next day at 6:00 a.m. I said they got and they they opened up something in my heart I didn't know was there I had never knew I wept so hard over the past where I'd let the Tormentor see he gave me a strategy show me how to do it on myself you know and how to keep get the healing within 30 days back home healed and that's what I went to the Huntington's yeah I wouldn't got the Huntington's exam I had never gotten exam but my family wanted to make sure what honey I think is you sure don't look crazy then you know because they thought it was Huntington so we went to the UCLA Medical Center right when I got home and got the exam and to neural neurologist came in and said you don't have onions that was something else demons but that was that was the spirit of fear in the tormentors that made it look like a disease made it look like Lyme disease made a look I might have been you know that your body can respond to it you can be chemically depressed but you could be physically healed you know what I'm saying I'm not saying get off a medicine or anything like that I'm just saying that God's doing something new so I got this revelation here and for me the Lord said look at that it was a three cord attack of the enemy fear right one of them that's the biggest one torment can assign tormentors and lack of peace lack of love which is hatred so the three quart attack fear torment hatred so when I broke those apart cast out the attack I got healed I didn't realize this at the time but it was a 3-quart attack that was my first encounter with this three-chord attack that in my prophetic word back to my most powerful prophetic word it was last year had to do with the three things causing violence and and hate and even the weather patterns the lord said it was fear spirit of fear hatred and judgments and if christians come into agreement with it were to agree together it be done that's a spiritual principle it's supposed to be with God but if you agree with Satan it will be done it still works the power of agreement you need to get out of agreement with negative words with fear get out of agreement with those things and in this case the United States and around the world we are now under a covering of fear hatred and judgments that's causing violence in the streets and even the weather patterns to change but I've got documented proof in my own prayer life and my own healing and body that if you go the opposite way of these things everything shifts and I begin to pray over these things I broke these three things and it might still rule over your area but it doesn't have to rule over you you can open the heavens over you and you do what I've been talking about it get a step away from judgment step away from those things yeah the presence is getting strong in here because the heavens are now opening and they're gonna open here in just in the next five minutes the heavens are gonna be open over you because we're gonna do something that's gonna open them it's going repentance so right now I just want it's not really hard to do the thing you always say what you do is repent renounce and break so we you want to repent you want to make sure that you don't have anything in common even generational I do a really quick I call it the quick release prayer if it works then you don't have to go back if it if it doesn't work then go back and figure something out the quick release prayer Lord for instance fear lord I repent and renounce fear all the way back to Adam generationally right now in my life or my generation Elijah and I break its power Lord I repent renounce and break hatred Lord I repent renounce and break judgments in Jesus name now there's a three right those are the three now we break its attack all three together we break its attack in Jesus name I got this revelation last year and I saw another three strand cord that was causing it was actually that one of that's an old old test some of them I've actually found right right in the Bible they're listed the new and the Old Testament which by the way some people say yeah but why are you talking about these curses isn't aren't we under the blood of Jesus and and I'm saying yeah if it works for you then great if it's not working which I'm seeing there's people sick everywhere dying there's there's there's all this stuff going on the enemies over attacking us if it's not working then yeah I actually believe in the finished work of the cross I also believe that if it ain't working then you need to find something that will get that attack off you right you understand this so the Lord showed me three things cuz I was working with my good friend Katie Susan you know Katie and I had a dream in 2011 before I met Katie and I had a dream in 2011 I was living in Los Angeles which we weren't I was living in a big city and I saw the city and I I was in I was in jail I needed help and in the dream a woman Linda and I were saying this woman who was in prison is going to come and help me well it turns out it was Katie Katie Katie's ministry stepped up and and when I was sick Joan called me and said I think it's Legion you need to get older Katie remember that and that was a time when I realized Legion was coming against me and Katie had a message on this and I walked through that part of my deliverance was dealing with this level of demons I used to I used to joke about you know I used to be in darkness I came out of the occult years ago I used to joke because I didn't focus on demons anymore I got out of deliverance I was helping people get into the light and I used to say you know why do you want me to come into your city and tell you what demons are over your city why don't I tell you what God's doing that was my joke I don't say that anymore because now God has put me at a place where I could see and remove the demonic forces over cities and people and I had to walk through what I'm telling you right now I knew something was up and he kept every time I'd say Lord why am i under such fierce attack even after I got healed I've been under fierce attack in LA he said I don't want you to move away I want you to break through and I was under fierce attack even til last week hey I was under fierce attack then he kept my Bible which is opens prophetically kept opening to Ezekiel 24 24 it says Ezekiel was a sign to the people whatever would happen to Ezekiel would be the prophetic word I know that's me I'm a signs prophet everything all the words you read i've lived them i go somewhere they picked me up at the airport they drive you know it's gonna be a prophetic word whatever happens gonna be a prophetic word yes it will so they're driving 50 miles the wrong way not here but this other place and I'm just saying they lose my bag all kinds of weird things happen when your assigns prophet and I knew that I was living out something big and it's this three-chord attack the 3-quart attack that I was driving out demons I tell you even Joan was driving out the demons people were driving out the demons but they were coming back because they had a hidden three-chord attack over me that had legal access they were hidden they had legal acts each one of those had either a generational tie but they had a an Ecclesiastes 4:12 agreement legalized with some type of violation that I didn't recognize and the Lord just showed me this over the last couple of weeks in fact the 3-quart attack strategy is why we're not why we're getting our butts kicked right now is because there's these three I saw a like domes of them over some cities most of them are three Principality they're not really popular they're different things I don't know I don't really know what exactly they are but I know that that the Lord is moving like I just got back from San Diego and right before I left I did a Facebook live video on the curse of ephraim and ephraim was was actually the one of the ephraim had to do with losing your right of birth because joseph had two children Manasseh and Ephraim Manasseh was supposed to receive is it who was the oldest I can't remember all of a sudden anyone remember Manasseh was the oldest yeah that's right Manasseh was the oldest and just like with with Esau and Jacob his father was his grandfather just like with that it was a generational curse of losing the inheritance and so I'm doing a webcast with so what I already know it was and I get hijacked by the Lord in December I get hijacked by the Lord and he says did you know that there is a million people suffering from the Hosea 13 12 and 13 curse of Ephraim miscarriages and stillbirths and loss of inheritance and so I did a Facebook live on it and I've been praying over people to break that curse of Ephraim miscarriages you know your spiritual you almost birth that's what it says you almost get there and then it goes you almost get there so I show up in San Diego last week to a place I've been going to for a long time and they've been in financial ruin this church has been in financial ruin I've sown I've sown my thousand into him as it you know I'd even from the front said I'm not gonna take an offering I'm gonna give an offering and break this thing I did that twice and it never broke because it came back on the third time third three strand cord got revealed it was a curse of Moab gerrae jeremiah 28 which is money valuing money it was a curse of the Cedars of Lebanon Jeremiah 47 that's where you rise above God the area someone did they got prideful they rose above God and the curse of Ephraim all together so we broke the three strand Accord this was over San Diego last week we broke that we repented renounce we broke broke its attack and things are shifting they are I'm telling you things are shifting right now I broke all these things over myself and all of a sudden I came home well were told me to leave that conference early last week it was with Jeremy Nelson and Miranda and Nelson and he told me to leave it on I want you to be home and Sunday last Sunday more I want you to be home because I'm about to visit you and he shared it he visited me with the three strand Accord attacks that are already in the Bible I saw them and I had to break them over myself they're already there three or more three demons that came together three princes three powers that came together there right there over finances over a book of her Bible we were in a time right now God's gonna open the books over you and we're gonna break this right now because I asked him when I got here so now they got you up to speed now that we're gonna do the work won't take along because I show up last night as a signs prophet means I didn't get any sleep but I I've never felt more energetic I've never felt more power I tell you the Lord is moving right now so when I get here the Lord says there's three things that need to be repented from see if we repent the only way we could get those things open over San Diego is to repent for having anything in common with money issues you know or the raising above God or or the the the still verse we had to repent of those things then the heavens open oh my goodness the court of heaven opened that's what's gonna happen tonight because we're gonna repent right now and when I got here the Lord said there's three things that are holding things back and that's the sin of envy the boastful tongue and my masonic curses those are the three over this area the sin of envy boastful this boasting and a Masonic curse of Jake and and Boas which I didn't understand I don't know it was in the Bible my Bible opened to each of these passages and demonic forces manifested and I said I take these three things so right now here's what we're gonna do Lord we repent we renounce and break every form generationally of envy we repent renounce and break generationally the in any form of ours or anybody else of having boastful lips Lord we repent renounce and breaks the sin of the Masonic temples our own or any generational curses in Jesus name alright now here's the second layer there's always layers the second layer was that there was three of the kings that that without having to I haven't even unpacked this stuff yet oh I know it's it's I know stuff that Katie Souza taught me on and I haven't even unpacked the level of this but the three there's always three evil kings over this area is and it's a curse of bailiffs the king of the amorite s-- and he had he was actually causing he was one of the Giants he was king of the amorite he was one of the ones that later on you'll see that's where Legion came from he came out of that land of Legion he also came out of the land where where Goliath was and they come in and control but this particular force that I battled with this morning was a taskmaster taskmaster of religion taskmaster of money taskmaster that was one the second one was the curse of Moab which is finances and the third one was the cursed of amon and amon and Moab were brothers and they were lot Lots daughters had incest with him and Amon and Moab were born and so even Moses said cursed is the Emma rights and the Moabites they will not enter into the temple a curse can come on these things I don't understand all I know is when I remove it in my own life it worked and I came here and they showed up at my hotel this morning woke me up but I didn't get it I didn't get attacked by them but they were there it was uncomfortable but I had to do it I had to deal with it so what we want to do then Lord we want to repent for the taskmaster we repent right now for that Bayless the curse of Bayless of anything relationally or our own of the taskmaster Lord we repent generationally are our own sin for the curse of Amon Fire seeking things besides the Lord this forty well that's what it was because he brought Moloch in which is false fire King Amon brought Moloch is falsify that's stinking false remedies going other places for your financial healing for your physical healing then the third one is the curse of Moab over finances because you valued it says in Jeremiah 48 you valued money over the Lord so Lord we repent renounce and break the curse of Moab over our finances all the way back to Adam in Jesus name now we separate here's how you know you separate those three out we separate them out Moab Amon and and Bayless and we break that attack and the tack was this is it was disaster the attack was disaster financial disaster storms we break it now we break everything now every assignment now subs gonna happen here the Lord told me do this before the end something's gonna happen then I'm taken into an encounter this morning after I dealt with business I always take it into an encounter the Lord said my Bible open to the storm and of course I know the storm that was here hurricane Harvey and he said then suddenly I was taken into this encounter and my Bible opens to the the passage in Daniel about seventy sevens about seventy weeks and the the angel Gabriel came into my encounter didn't come into my room but came into my encounter and begin to talk about the seventy weeks and the and and I didn't realize this this is in Daniel 9:24 that as of January 28th was 70 weeks ago with hurricane Harvey and the Lord said that he's now bringing about the repayment of the storm now I'm not gonna say this lightly because you always have to work to do some we just did some work right now this is some work to break this and what Gabriel said is about the 77 s in Daniel 9:24 seventy sevens which are weeks decreed to your people the holy city there's there's several things that the Lord will do in a 70 week period I have 70 week periods all the time I'm a times and seasons prophet I do the math all the time and in this he can do these things he can finish transgressions he can put an end to sin he can atone for your wickedness he can bring an everlasting righteousness he can seal up prophecies and visions and he can anoint the holy place that's what happens over the 70 weeks and he said to me what I'm doing over these 70 weeks and right now I am doing revealing the hidden prophecies he's unsealing what was veiled and now the sin is actually it really the sin that happened is atone for under Jesus of the blood of Jesus but because of those three demonic forces over your area it drew in it drew in disaster then even it's a curse that will allow you to settle into the land it won't allow you to get you ever get there anyone see that you have false first verse anyone am I talking to the right group it doesn't matter if you live here or not this is for everybody you can break this off of yourself we're just did the job right now now the heavens are actually open so Lord we pray right now for the release of the sealed visions and prophecies and without getting into all the details for me right at December 28th to the 30th I started having encounters with the the court of heaven was something I've never seen in my life I interact in the court of heaven all the time but what happened is a Daniel 9 one court case opened and that's where the Ancient of Days court that's Daniel 7 is the Ancient of Days it's like the Supreme Court it says the holy people were being defeated until the Ancient of Days held court against the enemy and the righteous the righteous sub people began to possess the land this is going on right now there's a Daniel 7 21 court happening over you right now the Lord is gonna do something I tell you by the end of this day tonight we're gonna go into it more all afternoon because you just set yourself free whether you're part of this area or not you just got set free all afternoon the Lord's gonna start speaking to you because Gabriel came to my encounter and said the purpose for 70 weeks was to reveal hidden revelation and now all the hidden revelation about your call about why you've been walking through this stuff it is now being open the books in heaven are being open so Lord open it up right now open it now there it goes the heavens are open and right now for the purpose of the books of Revelation to be opened part of the prophetic word I had for this year is that the books of heaven are open and I got that word before this encounter before the what I was just talking about because what the Lord just said Gabriel came in my encounter this morning and said that Houston in this area and other other cities if you're you can claim this by faith but this he said that the purpose of the 70 weeks after that disaster was to remove the source of the disaster which was that threefold group was also to get you to freed up from it you've walked through this time now the books of Revelation are gonna open your book of life is opening let it come Lord Jesus Stan I'll get into more of it tonight and we'll go into the more the prophetic word as well for the 2019 the Lord showed me some things that are gonna the for for really powerful things maybe five by about finances a five-step strategy for finances but we had to get rid of this stuff here first alright thank you everybody
Channel: Joan Hunter
Views: 19,760
Rating: 4.8461537 out of 5
Keywords: Joan Hunter, Doug Addison, Healing
Id: X1E5KPqvx5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 33sec (3933 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 17 2019
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