Dream Interpretation Session 12/8/2018

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I show Wow another exciting week not exciting week to get even further with these dreams interpretation giving you a more deeper insight into the world of dreams and the messages that those dreams are trying to convey to us now for those of you that were listening last week I said to you that today or this weekend we're gonna deal with the Collins we're gonna be calling and as you can see people are calling in already as you would have heard sorry people are calling in already because they want to get some messages with their their what these dreams are saying to them now I have a very simple rules as it relates to this particular show and that is you're gonna limit each call to one dream okay interpretation so don't call and try to smother 600 dreams on me all right I'm gonna be very kind in sitting I'm only gonna answer one and the reason for that as you would know is that we're very much pressed for time we have two hours and you know some dreams could be very very detail in its interpretation which will take more time so I would prefer that we limit it to one dream secondly I would prefer if we be as brief as we possibly could with the dreams all right so we don't have to go into the full details get those things that stand out to you or stood out to you the most and so that we can begin to to to go from there I will also appreciate for those of you who have had our testimonies who have testimonies as it relates to the series in terms of when you went on the fast and and the dreams that came along and the spiritual inside and the messages such as God in a dream because I know I've gotten a lot of emails where people were able to interpret their own dreams and they were able to knock up on the divine revelation that came into those dreams so very quickly let me just go through my sponsors here simply the best for all your video and multimedia needs simply the best if you want to record our weddings funerals office parties special events these are people that you wanna have a conversation with miss mistress Clifford bow at three five one six five one nine and that's simply the best three five one six five one ninth all your video and audio needs then we have je and buildest general construction company fall of your building needs renovation especially coming towards the the Christmas holidays and everybody wants to do a little makeover on their home or on a little piece whatever the case may be then je and build this general construction company and you would want to speak to mr. Julien or Karen Nixon and you can contact them at three five two two four three two three five two two four three two or five three three two zero six four five three three two zero six four then we have my people who always ensure that I look properly whenever I come on this our live on Facebook and that's Tico's fashion Tico's fashions men's store and they're located on Kent Street which is at the rear of the post office in Grand Bahama and also across the street from the bank of nova scotia Scotiabank this is the place that you can get all of your men wear B it clothing in terms of shirts and as you can see the shirts and I will I get all of them from Chico's fashion you can get nice pants cargo pants nice casual pants what have you take a look man especially this Christmas time you really want to look good these are the people that you really want to get in contact with then we have entertainment DVD and snack they're located downtown and numbers that you can reach them out as three five two six nine five four three five two six nine five four four all your delicious treats such as hot dogs or a variety of parties such as beef patty jerk patty curry chicken patty cheese cheesy beef patty spinach and vegetable patties also if you want to they have an array of DVD movies and of course other snacks such as you know the chips and so on the sodas the drinks the Gatorade all of that stuff I always recommend the beef but the beef hotdog sorry which is extremely good I love it so these are the people that sponsor me I would really appreciate that you sponsor those that sponsor me because they're responsible for me being on the air for two hours for two hours every week this is no no cheap thing that we do here this is very expensive to have me on for two hours and these people believe in what they're hearing and they want us to get into an interest so they support me on a regular basis and I also look forward to more sponsors to come on board so that we can reach even further so so far we've been dealing with this series on dreams and we've been dealing with how our dreams are giving us a preview or excerpt of the things in the unseen world at a spiritual world that's dictating the things in our physical world we went into total detail over the course of the weeks whereby that nothing from the spiritual realm that be the things of God or the things of the enemy can happen in this particular world outside of a covenant a covenant is an agreement between the spirit world and the physical world hence in the earlier days before Jesus Christ coming to earth and being crucified mankind reached God through altars but altars a place where spirits or deities meet with humans or mankind to forge agreements and sealing those agreements via sacrifice this is why in the Old Testament whenever they're going to approach God for whatever reason or even worship Him they would sacrifice a lamb on a particular alter whatever and at this point according to the rules of the altar God now visit that altar if it's an altar from God which we will find in Exodus chapter 20 verse 24 God says of you Iraq an altar unto me I will visit that altar Korra's a spirits or do you not the same physical God and then he says I will bring with me blessing we also learned from that that every Auto where it's an altar is for God an altar is for evil purposes there is a spirit behind that altar in first Kings chapter 13 beginning at verse 1 they there was a certain profit from Bethel that came to prophesy to Jeroboam who was then the king of Israel but he was a wicked king that saw an idol gods and it says that when the prophet got there the Prophet began to speak not to Jeroboam but the altar that Jeroboam was serving at that time with burnt incense so when you read the story it would appear as if he's talking to Jeroboam but the truth is he's talking to this the stone with all of these particular things on it where Jeroboam was making his sacrifices and so on and the Prophet began to prophesy to the altar so in reality would look like he's going out of his hair he's talking to this stone structure but the truth is like I said earlier there is always a spirit behind the altar even though you cannot see it it is there same way when you say the Holy Spirit spoke to you or whatever the case may be you didn't see a holy smert but you know you believe by faith that he's there and he's the one instructing you at all truth so on and so forth so we went even deeper and we begin to highlights common dreams dreams that indicate indicate witchcraft dreams that indicate poverty and so on and so forth and we were giving common examples you're given common examples particularly this but the dreams that indicate sorcery if you're having dreams when you see someone fighting you in the dream any time you see someone fighting you in a dream it means that someone is fighting you spiritually they're not coming at you physically in real life and cussing you out or trying to cause problem no they're sitting back very quiet and family probably one of your close friends they're probably jealous of you because this is normally the root cause of these events at any event and what they're doing is that they're going to evil altars and putting paraphernalia of yourself there because your photo pictures or here or whatever personal thing and now they're beginning to consult with the spirits behind an altar to conjure up specific evil forces to attack you primarily in your spiritual life so this is why all of a sudden you starting to feel so sleepy and confused and frustrated and and so on these things never happened before but now you begin to see them so that means someone is fighting you spiritually if you see dreams where you're walking barefoot or you wearing raggedy clothes in the dream or you see a dream where you're having a rat infestation or a lot of roaches be it big or small or whatever all of these things now are symbolic this is key symbolic and it's pointing to a particular spirit in this case a spirit of poverty again we're using biblical foundation or rules to now come to these particular revelation when we go back to the book of Genesis and we look in Genesis chapter 35 it speaks of two dreams where Joseph had the first dream he said that he was in the field with his brothers and they were binding the wheat that they got and after they would get up so much weed they would put a string around and tie it up and just lay it on the ground there and he said in this dream after they did that him and his eleven brothers they said that his wheat stood a wreck while his brother's wheat that were tired of bow to him of course his brothers who were gifted this is so awesome they are gifted with the gift of interpretation but don't even realize it because of their disdain and hate for their brother so you see here and I gotta take this intermission right here weird GEMA see you could become so jealous of somebody else give somebody else talent that you overlooked yours so his brothers caught up and they said what do you mean that we are going to bow before you are you gonna be above us your your mind but he never said that no he never did instead the dream was showing excerpts and that's what it does of the future is showing excerpt of what has already been done spiritually this has already happened in the spiritual realm even though he might have been 17 or 13 or whatever age he was at that time his like the dream was now showing future events of what Joseph would become and how his brothers and those would be subject to him he got a second dream and in this dream he said he saw the Sun and moon and the Eleven stars in the heavens bowing to him his father heard this and his father said Joseph nalakuvara nothing in a rude behind what do you mean myself and your mother and your brothers are going to be serving you again Joseph never said this but this family who was gifted would not just the dream having the dreams but the revelation that comes along with it as it relates to the symbols they were quick to understand so the father says what do you mean that myself and your mother and your brothers gonna bow to you Joseph never said this however the father understand the symbols of the dream and this is we talked about last week that depending on which side of the world or which culture you live or whatever your dreams and the symbol status will be relative to your environment be it used normally dream about your job or your family or whatever the case may be it's giving you these symbols because they're relative to your environment so in this particular dream the greater light which represent the Sun represent Joseph's father the lesser light which was the moon represent the mother and the eleven stars represented his eleven brothers so as you can see the symbols of the dream once we understand it and once we were able to interpret that symbol now we're able to bring the message of the dream together and now we begin the process of the interpretation of what the messages that God is saying here so again the second dream is bringing bringing confirmation to the original dream that Joseph had which was clearly speaking I love this so much to his destiny that no matter what happened my friend you will be great you will advance above your peers and these haters who hate you now they will live to see where God will put you in a place above them and they will now have to serve you so this is why for me as a dream interpreter I get so excited when I hear about dreams and people want to share their dreams with me and I take pleasure as the Holy Spirit leads and I'm these particular revelation now today I'm gonna give two scriptures that I want you to write down and then we're gonna go to the phone lines in Joel chapter twin - sorry Joel chapter 2 I want you to write these two scriptures down Joel chapter 2 in verse 28 which is an Old Testament scripture and then you have Acts chapter 2 verse 17 so this particular scripture that I'm about to read to you speaks of the old and the New Testament and really what it means and this is the reason why I'm giving it to you from both spectrums is that they the dreams are still relevant today because you know you've got those haters on you or well you can't really go on to the Old Testament because that's the OL or dusty Old Covenant and I always say to them then if you discard the old covenant in which you're saying to me that all of those laws in the Old Testament you should not sleep with your sister you should not commit adultery you should not murder so we're gonna use our argument that the Old Testament so that mean were able to do it now the New Testament that we could kill it might and rape and all that stuff that so thing before you speak please when anybody in here today now going back to this year in the Old Testament and in the new listen to what it says this is Jo Jo al not joke but Joel j OE l chapter 2 and verse 28 and acts 2 and verse 17 and it says and it shall come to pass in the last days saith the Lord I love this you see I will pour out my spirit capital s meaning that this isn't any spirit but this is the spirit from the Living God and why is he going to do this he said would have poured my spirit upon not some but all flesh I love it because you know why I love it because it is not limiting or was not limited to the believer he says I'm going to even speak to the unbeliever via his dreams and visions so he says in the last days I'm gonna pour my spirit upon all flesh and your sons and your daughters pérot shall prophesy and your young men shall see visions they're not losing their mind no they're gonna have a greater relationship with the spiritual realm because that is what these scriptures are saying he says and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy and your young men shall see visions and your old men shall see or have dreams I love this I love this listen whether you believe it or not we are in the last days and listen more than ever more than any other time through history I mean the dreamers are coming forth like crazy the prophets those that have sit right there on their porch and the sky opened up to them only like in the days of Daniel and they begin to see things in the spiritual world that people sitting right next to them cannot see mighty god I love this and that's why I'm saying - you're there today yet and to give you are not safe forge a relationship with the Lord thy God so he can begin to speak to your spirit and give you accurate information as it relates to pending things in the spiritual world because everything that were was gonna ever or that will ever take place in this earth past present and future has already happened as it relates to the spiritual world and time I love this time is like a conveyor belt taking us to the next event of what has already been the ordained and declared in the realm of the Spirit I'm gonna give you this last example to be going straight into the phone lines I use it all the time as it relates to Genesis chapter 15 it says God and Abraham having this conversation and he's telling he's reiterating the promises that he gave him in Genesis chapter 12 he says I'm gonna make you agreed I'm gonna make your name great you're gonna be a blessing and he says that you will have your seed will be like the stars of the sky and the sand of the sea and Abram said God listen man I had enough for you I had enough for you you're making me these promises I really did keel over and die I have no children how are these things going to happen at my age I'm 100 Sarika barely walk and see what churn you talking about God God says okay you got a you got a belief problem so we gonna fix this right now he says now set up an altar for me and he gave him specific animals to get and make sacrifices and the Bible says that a deep sleep hello fell upon father Abram I love this why why I love this so much because from this point forward everything that's about to be said God is not communicating this to the physical Abram no physical Abram his body his shell his uniform that houses the real him which is a spirit that uniform is asleep unconscious to the physical events of this world but the spirit of Abraham mighty gone in love this the spirit of Abraham is now in a discourse with the creator of the universe the all-seeing all-knowing omnipresent God has an audience with father Abraham and he's about to reveal the things that has already occurred in the realm of the Spirit that will not happen till years later even after father Abraham is off the scene and he says Abraham and I want you to hear me very well he's talking to the spirit of Abraham in the dream and he says Abraham your seed is going to be like the stars of the sky the Sun of the sea but they will go into bondage for 400 years but when the evil of the AMA rights have reached a certain level I will send my deliverer to deliver my people and they will be delivered with a mighty hand now even though Abraham the physical Abraham will not be around to see these things God is revealing through the dream what is coming in the future hence another biblical principle our dreams are revealing or giving excerpts of future events or the underlying problems of this mystery that's going on in our physical lives why everybody in our family I be 40 or 50 why everybody before they're 30 they're diagnosed with diabetes so the dreams now coming along and you're constantly dreaming about your former school you're constantly seeing yourself taking exams in your dreams Edie and not passing the exam or you're never ever able to complete it or just on your boat to complete it you wake up or the dream or you're always dreaming about your deceased grandparents or their home what is this dream showing me generational choices are an effect in my bloodline now that I'm being given this revelatory insight I must now precisely go after it in prayer and break the ancestral and the generational our altars that were raised in the past that are facilitating this evil in the life of not just myself but also my family members so with that said you'll wrap it up right now and now we're gonna go so we can rebuke so those of you out there on Facebook line those of you are there on the video we need to start with you can this nasty devil because they're people who are trying to call in and they will call and their dreams will be interpreted interpreted they will be will get spiritual in sight so again make your calls brief make that dream brief because we have a lot of people to get to the daystate way according from which country which city whatever and then let's go into the revelation knowledge as the Holy Spirit leads carefully and interpreted no dream Kevin is just a conduit and the Holy Spirit use him to bring insight to your dream so let's take our first call hello caller this is the Kevin Ellie Ewing spiritual insights show please state your name and we're calling from hello so as you can see here this devil is trying to fight but guess what while they're getting that sorted on let's just add some more revelation inside going back to those dreams again man if you're having those dreams again we are constantly seeing yourself flying in the dream where you see yourself swimming in the dream or in a dream you always see something dirty filthy water then of course these will be dreams of sorcery so let's try to slide again hello this is the Kelly Union side show can you state your name and with your colleague from please so when you're having dreams of the spirit of poverty if you see yourself as someone has given you strange money or stranger walks up to you and put a hold water money in your hand and that money is filled with different currencies or that money is all dirty looking for all of that as someone who's putting the purse on your finances and again these things aren't just hello alright guys you'll continue to try to call in and I hope I know you guys are doing your debris so we just kind of wait to see online some want to cooperate listen I believe in the Almighty God man and it says that absolutely no weapon that has been formed against us shall prosper every tongue that has risen up against I silenced every witch every warlock every spiritual entity that is opposing the will and the work of God in this studio today I disabled your powers I command every evil altar to be turned upside down and brought a disgrace no power is greater than the power of the Living God greater is he that is in us than he that is in the world hello hi can you hear me hello yes go right ahead okay fine I can value-- but for some reason you can hear me let's try something else if you can hear me at all just go ahead with the question okay well nevertheless listen you're not gonna let this Palestine so you prayer warriors out there man listen we need to start really petitioning the throne room of God to break these evil barriers I'm not shocked at all that this is happening because like I said you you were in for a real treat today we were really and we will get into the meat of this today through the divine revelation that God wants to unveil to his people all through the Old Testament then Paul ever you know we needed his discourse he would always say I will not have you ignorant and why because he realized with the lack of knowledge you are prune ripe and ready for failure why because the scripture says to us in Isaiah four and six it says that my people perish why because of a lack of knowledge in Isaiah chapter five verse 13 it says that my people are gone into captivity why because they lack knowledge so what is the common denominator here a lack of spiritual insight a lack of the rules the laws the principles and the precepts of God that is later on his word and he wants us to follow these rules he want us to adhere to these rules and when we are here to these rules then God will then perform that which he has promised so I'm saying to you out there your life is not going to go any further if you are lacking the necessary knowledge that was specifically put in place to slingshot the catapult you to your next destiny oh I love this you are talking to someone right now who was at the bottom of the pit who was at the back of the line who was incarcerated spiritually why because not only did he lack knowledge but he was an environment that were conducive in fostering ignorance but all I thank God for His Holy Spirit I thank God for his knowledge that he has set me free from these forces that kept me back like see me still ain't up yet but nevertheless I don't want you to be good and that's why I'm here every Saturday doing my best to saturate your spirit not your physical man no no not him at all because the Bible says that the the the the physical man or the fleshy man he find the things of God as foolishness to him so I'm not speaking to your physical reasoning limited understanding of the spiritual world I'm speaking to your spirit and this is why God dealt with Abraham from a spiritual level as opposed to allowing him to be physically awake and being distracted all right so it's imperative is very imperative that we get an understanding of spiritual things how they operate and we now begin to operate by those particular rules now I know you hear these phones ringing but for some reason when we press the lines they would not the calls would not come true now I don't say this to you last week but why are we getting these lines sorted out I will just run through this with you briefly and I wanted to cover recognizing ancestral and generational curses in our dream as I've been saying to you as far as the spiritual laws are concerned I gave you a law last week and even the week before as to how is it that Satan has the right to invade our dreams and pollute the spiritual order of our lives would be intent that we agree so that the manifestation of what he has done spiritually could now manifest physically well according to Matthew 13 and verse 25 the scripture clearly states and dictates it says but wild man slept while you are asleep it says his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat in layman's term the enemy came and polluted your spiritual blessings with curses tears would be the curses and the wheat would be the blessings so at the end of the day the enemy realized that in order to to to frustrate Kevin in order to to bring divorce or hardship or trouble on the job or whatever he says I'm gonna deal with him on a spiritual level more so because more than likely they're ignorant of that so you wake up from a dream you say man I had this crazy dream last night man like my my home is infested with cockroaches man oh man I was so awesome so sorry awful so disgusting and you walk away from that so by default now you're given the enemy you basically come in and agreement cuz you didn't challenge it and here's why it's a default the Bible says and you can correct me if I'm wrong in James I think for verse 7 somewhere it says that but if we resist the devil then he will flee so therefore if this spiritual Lord dictates that if I put challenge if I challenge the enemy in my dream or even outside of my dream he have to leave there's no option here because the law says so so to the contrary or the opposite end of the spectrum if we do not rebuke our drew these negative dreams if we do not come against it and disassociate ourselves from these evil authors projecting these evil spirits on us then these spirits according to the law have every right to remain so when I say to you if you don't challenge the dream while you're in the dream or when you would have awakened from the dream and begin to rebuke and cancel that dream then you will begin to see the manifestation of what you saw in the realm of the spirit now begins to manifest in your life this is why I also promote that every Christian I don't care what level of Christianity you're on your greatest goal in your Christian walk is learning about the spiritual world learning the rules the regulation the principles because that's what the Bible is all about God and His infinite wisdom has made it so pleasurable for us in that he embedded his laws and his rule in the lives of an Abraham and Ezekiel Hosea and Jonah and all of these biblical stories they're not just stories to entertain you as you begin to read them you're going to see the rules and the laws of God when people obeyed them the plan of God unveiling their lives when people disobeyed them then all hell broke loose in their lives so at the end of the day God warned us to adhere to his laws God want us to adhere to his rules and that's what life is all about life in every area being on your job being in your marriage being with your health everything is governed by a law everything is governed by a rule and when you dismiss and ignore these things then the adverse consequences now begin to run its course so what I'm talking about here as it relates to biblical rules and laws most people want a limited limit that to the five books of the Bible no no no no when I'm talking about the rules and the laws of God I am talking about the entire Bible from Genesis all the way to Revelation now yes I would agree that there are some after the New Covenant Jesus Christ there's some things that we don't use anymore in the Old Testament such as having the sacrifices with lambs and so on Jesus Christ became the ultimate sacrifice but still the laws of thou should not kill thou shalt not commit fornication and adultery and so on those things still exist they still exist so at the end of the day we need to become cognizant or aware of the biblical laws the biblical rules when we begin to operate on that level then our Christian walk is gonna make so much sense now no longer will you subscribe to know God and give you double for your trouble there's a shift in the atmosphere turn around seven times in PIN slap enable and this can happen no no you want internet no more because you know what I'm listening to brother Kevin this fella keep pushing us to the Bible this fellas consistently trying to get us to listen to the Word of God and follow God rules and agree with God laws and covenant and what's the manifestation of what God promised come to pass so that is the key all right so this is what we have to cry o to ally this for give me the laws of God give me the rules of God don't give me no riddles don't give me no quick fix plan don't give me no sore seed for this need or no know if my life is going to change spiritually and physically eventually it's going to come as a result of what we did in the spiritual world did we challenge it did we fight it what has happened so I think we get some action here now okay three five two eleven eleven three five two one one one one will be the line that you will call in because the other lines are giving us a problem so for the international viewers its area code two four two three five two one one one one so international viewers you can stop calling the line that I had posted there that that's that's being very rude to us so you got a call area code two for two that's 1 2 4 2 3 5 2 1 1 1 1 that's 3 5 so air equal to 4 2 3 5 2 1 1 1 1 okay hello okay beautiful be in business now well I'll tell you this that's that's in a sense a good thing because whenever you find yourself especially when you become more knowledgeable about the spiritual one of the things of God or you're gauging and fasting and so on it is common that you do not remember you and the reason for that is that that is evidence that you're being fought heavily in the spiritual realm it is also evidence that the enemy because remember the scripture says in Hosea 4:6 it says that we perish because of a lack of knowledge so the enemy is now trying to activate this law by keeping the knowledge from you by erasing your dreams or not allowing you to recall your dreams but in a case like that like I say to people all the time when you pray that's not really when you pray but before you go to bed at night when you wake up in the morning always always particularly before you go to bed at night always pray the whole armour of God you don't have to call them off piece by piece such as the helmet of salvation if you don't recall it but you pray the whole arm of God and you pray that the Holy Spirit will bring to your remembrance whatever it is that he needs you to know that what have transpired in that dream secondly what I also recommend which really should be number one when you wake up from a dream and you do not recall that dream but you know you had a dream in fact your whole feeling after the dream is just so incoherent immediately when you pray father whatever I dreamt last night or whatever I dreamt when I just woke up if what I dreamt was of you then I come an agreement with your plans for my life because I know your plans towards me are good not evil and to give me an expected end however if what I would have dreamt is not of you then any covenant I would have forged in that dream unknowingly I disassociate myself from it I cancel it I rebuke it I command any evil alter any evil voice any evil declaration or any acknowledgement of agreeing to any evil covenant I renounce it in the name of Jesus see when you do that you're shutting down whatever it is that the enemy has conjured in the spiritual realm with the hope of getting the dreamer to agree so that his evil could be manifested but guess what just like I quoted those two scriptures just now in our Joel chapter 2 verse 28 and Acts chapter 2 verse 17 God says in the last days he is pouring out his spirit my friend and he's clearly doing it with you and he says you the sons and daughters will prophesy and your old men will dream dreams so my advice to you especially this is for everybody and I'm gonna be doing a lot of teaching on this also coming in the next couple of weeks before we go into the next year and that is you need to schedule a fast before going into 2019 you have to I did an intense and vigorous teaching in 2017 December on fasting I have all of this on YouTube and the testimonies including myself has been incredulous so please invest in doing a fast before you go into the new year and if I may suggest also ask God to fill you with his spirit of Revelation his spirit of knowledge and his spirit [Music] [Music] right well that's what the dream that's what your dream is revealing and that's my but the first thing we first dream that you just gave me in terms of you being in a cage and these black men around you in a cave right right well where is a cave where is a key anywhere where you seem to be limited in your movement it speaks out what is known as a spiritual cage so that mean even though physically you don't have any handcuffs on you or you're not in physical incarceration you aren't the worst type of incarceration that is spiritual so the whole idea here is to limit you physically in life so it says to me now there are a group of witches or warlocks that's fighting your destiny that's trying to contain or cage from a spiritual perspective all of what God has called you to be and called you to do the aqua you saw with it was about to look like he's about to be a ritual of homosexuality all of these are the rituals that are required from that particular altar to project this specific curse on your life so here is what you need to do now that the dreamers reveal that the dream is very specific specific in what you need to do you have to come against witchcraft and evil covenants this is why the dream is keep coming at you night tonight even though you're rebuking it so what this also tell me is that somewhere in your family lines someone someway somehow has engaged in some level of sorcery now why am I saying this because the scripture says to us this is the law behind it according to proverbs 26 and 2 it says a curse cannot come after a person outside of their being a cause for it so the enemy is trying to really initiate you into this world of sorcery for oppression then you now begin to pray asking God to forgive according to Leviticus 26 verses 40 to 41 descends the iniquities and the transgressions of your ancestors and to destroy spiritually all covenants made on the altars that they would have performed but then or even currently what you're doing is attacking the spiritual root of what's coming after you because anything outside of that is like I always use this analogy is like pulling the leaves off of a tree and expecting that entire tree to die it's never and will never happen so you have to break the Covenant ask or to destroy every evil covenant whereas something you did knowingly or unknowingly in terms of the supernatural world where is mummy daddy uncle honey it doesn't matter husband wife whoever did it and you're connected to them whether by blood or marriage you are automatically a part of that so you have to break that spiritually in order for you to go forward physically in your life all right good god bless you alright so folks as you can see there we have to look at these dreams in detail in order to get a understanding of what it is that God is saying to us because the information that's being revealed is entirely spiritual and this is information you will never know under normal circumstances so it's imperative that we get a hold of these these things and kind of pause again hello [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ok tell me this this leader really exists in reality for you right right ok and this is Atiya Church you said right now in reality does this person show you any kind of [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay here's what the situation is let's go back to the purpose of the dream the purpose of the dream is to a show you excerpts of things that's pending in this virtual run for your life or even to show you the root causes of things from a spiritual perspective that's pulling the strings to the physical stuff in your life now this person that you're constantly dreaming about another key here because whatever dream is repeating itself in terms of its contents or person then the dream is now bringing confirmation so there's nothing to guess anymore there's nothing to say well oh I don't think this poison will do this to me once you find two or more dreams about the same person you're not dealing with a familiar spirit you're not dealing with a masquerading spirit the dream is literally pointing to and showing you things about this person that even if you had your doubts in the natural the dream is showing you look here this is the nature of this poison who they are have you now what this dream is pointing to you is not confronting or fighting this poison physically this is key now the dream is showing you now that you need to go and prayer and fight in the spiritual realm the reason for this too is because you need the Holy Spirit to direct you how now after prayer in consultation with the Lord the Holy Spirit how do I go about this physically because most people who would give me a dream similar to yours even though they had to dream everything about their interpretation is physical or I need to go confront this poison I need to put them on the side and show them how I feel I need to show them I'm not a pullover and they're not gonna take nothing no no no no no you now begin to go and prayer and I asked a lot of this anything that this covering is keeping from you that you come in agreement with what his plans are for this point and even the future of your life that all will come to fruition unhindered which means now not even your head or your covering can behold it from you however your approach is from a spiritual perspective and changing things in the spiritual realm will automatically change things in the natural realm so the gist of your dream is that you do not take a physical approach you your strategies your everything now is from a spiritual perspective calling on every blessing that God has ordained for this period of your life from every area of your life be it from your ministry be it from your job be it from your family that you put a demand on the spiritual stuff that God has already put in place for you before the foundation of the world the scripture says to us and this is for you in our Ephesians chapter one verses three and it says blessed be the Lord our God who has already blessed us with not some but all spiritual blessing now all you speak about your job we speak about your ministry speak about your health speak about you everything is God has already put in place now unfortunately there are some leaders even though you're under there covering whatever they have they always battle with this competitive or jealous spirit and to be honest with you it's pretty normal now because I see it so much but knowing this though you do not take an attitude with them you do not bash them you don't come out after them you go on your knees and you consult the Almighty God and ask him God just like how he hardened the heart of Pharaoh well you are score to deal with their heart and to you all right so that's my advice to you right now here's the key all of this while you may be getting all of these prophecies and have people say Kevin I'm just tired of the prophecy I'm tired of what God is going to do and I don't see anything or I would see a portion of it and like the whole thing collapse the first thing you need to do is go back to the laws and what is that I don't care how much you love a particular prophet or prophet is the Bible not Kevin the Bible says to test the spirit would the spirit why because the person who could be quote unquote prophesy to you that prophecy doesn't necessarily mean as a prophecy from God that's key and you could be receiving a demonic prophecy that are speaking of gangster destiny or the blessing that God has already put in your life before the foundation of the world so here's what you do with that said I strongly suggest you go on a fast between a 1 and a 2 day files and here's what you're praying for specifically first of all asking God to destroy every evil prophecy spoken over your life you now must reject repent a godfather i repaired of anything that i've received that was not a view anything that i've received not testing it with your spirit i repent of it and i pray that every evil covenant that i would have become a part of unknowingly because i received those evil prophecies i disassociate myself from it i reject myself from those covenants now lord realign me with your original plan for my life and put me on that course and slingshot me to where i should have been at this point of my life not just what my perspective mate but anything else that the enemy has stolen from me with that you're gonna add proverbs chapter 6 verses 30 to 31 which clearly states to us it says that if the thief be found or we discovered where the enemy has been stealing in our lives the Bible says that we now must demand of that thief to return to us at minimum Sevenfold of everything that he is stolen from us so you got that right as a child of the Living God to go there and make your position clear in the spiritual realm Armour with the word of the Living God all right you're welcome so folks as you were here and we got to stick with the laws of the Living God hello this is the Kevin Ellie Ewing spiritual insight show can you state your name and we're calling from please hello yes can you state your name and we are calling from please calling from Houston go right ahead go ahead making them listening right and you said in these dreams that she's having is a like a recurring dream where you're attacking your wife in the dream right right from what she said right now for the most part when we hear such a dream again because we are so conditioned to the physical aspect of this world the first thing we do is we look at the dream physically and hence it starts the confusion or the misinterpretation of the dream remember the dream in and of itself is spiritual and for the most part is symbolic when those symbols are converted then we get the true message of what the dream is trying to convey to us now to see yourself or for your wife to see in the spiritual realm where you're attacking her that is speaking of the spirit of confusion why is this the scripture says right the Bible says in I think is Genesis chapter 2 verse 18 or whatever that speaks about a man leaving his mother and father and cleaving to his wife and they both become what one flesh so in any dream you're having with your spouse and there's no symbols of unity but always bickering fighting or whatever then it shows that there is a spirit being revealed to from the spiritual realm of confusion now if these dreams are not challenged here's what's gonna happen you're gonna find a lot of petty arguments or some arguments that you have or some difference I said you have when you walk away from it you said yourself that made no sense at all wouldn't we be arguing about what you don't know is that the spirits that has been given the right because the dream wasn't challenged is now pulling the strings in your Union so my advice to you and your wife is to come together in prayer in agreement and waging war against the spirit of confusion the spirit of division the spirit of discord because the ultimate goal of this if it's not nip now and as it begins to grow is seeking to bring permanent separation which is eventually you see the part of this this becomes even more compelling I was speaking on a level hoping that you guys haven't arrived at this point is that so clearly this has been going on for a while because if you're now put it to like here here is my suggestion for you you being the head of the home you being the male figure home you being the husband my advice to you and because it's so in such a mature State my advice to you you have to go on a fast you have to but before you go on that fast here's what you must do you must retrieve scriptures every scripture that deals with the Union in terms of husband and wife unity the scriptures such as God it's not the author of confusion all of these scriptures I need you to write down as much as you could possibly find why is this now because the Scriptures are the laws and the rules that dictate to the spiritual and the physical world these scriptures you want to now include in your prayer as it relates for you relates to you fighting for your marriage but in this case you're fighting for your marriage from its core which is the spiritual level because spiritually the Covenant of this marriage has been challenged as a result of what's being privy to the dream from the dreams so you have to go on a fast you you don't have to let your wife know you don't to let anyone know go on this fast you commune with God and you begin to remind god of this word and you must now begin to destroy the covenants of confusion division divorce discord that is clearly stretching itself out into your marriage spiritually that is causing the tentacles of what's happening now physically so that's imperative that you take it from that approach all right okay you're welcome so folks we have to be cognizant of the spiritual world and that's what this is all about spiritual warfare is just that about the spiritual world jerking yourself around in church and fallen on the ground and lunar life stuff like that a lot we need spiritual insight hello I need you to turn your your thing down for me please yes I just I just need to turn on your volume falling just a little bit and just state your name and we are calling from please okay so I'm doing it from Trinidad [Music] [Music] [Music] so did you did you take a hold of it or what what did you do the Jew did you pick it up did you what will happen in the dream I think we got cut off hello I guess you call back all right couldn't I guess she scared me you can give me a call back as I couldn't okay hello pretty good could you say two new movie recording fun please so this home that Eunice is yo but you're not familiar with this place at all no that's not good at all any time you have a dream where you're in a place on environment and you're not familiar with that environment it speaks of confusion but primarily also it speaks about your destiny so what it's really saying is that where you are in your life right now it's almost as if you don't know where you're headed or you're you're confused as to what you're supposed to do next with your life anytime and I want you to hear me well on this anytime you have a dream anytime you have a dream will you find yourself in an unknown place or an unfamiliar place or even if you're in a vehicle and you're driving but you don't know your destination or someone is driving you and you don't know that person where they're taking you it's pollution of your destiny immediately when you get up out of that dream if you haven't done it in the dream you need to cancel a dream break every evil covenant that's trying to divert your destiny and your destiny here would be what go ahead spiritually intended for your life before even placed you here on this in this birth people who have such dreams and they don't challenge it you know what normally happens to them if they're not married then admiring the wrong points in the end of : connect him with the wrong people with the wrong jobs why because their destiny was polluted from the dream the spiritual world they never challenged it so therefore what they didn't challenge in the dream by default but now manifests in the natural why is this again if we resist the devil he will flee so therefore the door resistors fell in our dreams then exactly what he has intended in the spiritual realm we didn't challenge it and now begins to manifest now I don't know what plans are on the horizon for you but whatever they are I beg you I beg you get on your knees even after bigger of this call and begin to ask or to destroy every covenant of confusion and hijacking of your destiny that was performed in the spiritual realm to that dream you need to shut that down immediately all right and I need you to do that as soon a speaker of this so as you come off this phone you need to deal with that okay okay thank you all right no problem yeah folks mind any drain I don't care what you say my dream how nice it may be you need to address that if it's in a place that is unknown hello can you state your name and Mia calling from please [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and God really through a situation and I could see things for things went fine again it is time for me to go to India in December and first thing would happen is I lost my job in the organizing and despite these you know all this work which is scattered around it my mother not till now trying to pull all the pieces together and she to still organize you know this whole big ritual I can see is against us coming back together well this was a long dream enough because I have right and that I will give you right now that that dream speaks volumes number one the dream is showing you that because remember industry missing a lot of rituals perform alright and as a result of those rituals it is to initiate you particularly on your husband to the altars that they serve now the only thing I don't like about this dream is when you and I'm sure you saw the air already when you took of the flowers and put it on your head that you must cancel and rebuked right away because remember anything you take in that dream particularly from a ritual perspective you're now a part of the altar that they're serving they're literally you're agreeing through the symbol of receiving which is an agreement to be surrendered to their evil altars because you're seeing all of this in the dream forget all of the Colorado here's what you focus on because you see that they're resourcing supernatural powers to come against you and you're your family you you have to you have to go on a fast and people will hear me recommend this all the time and the reason why I'm recommending this is because the level of evil that you're dealing with your regular prayer will not work your regular rebuking will not work you're regularly saying I disassociate myself from the altar that that on its own will not work excuse me jesus said in matthew 17 verse 21 in fact that whole chapter there was a young man who had a deaf and a dumb spirit it it caused the boy not to speak so an invisible entity was preventing a young man from not physically speaking an invisible entity was preventing this young man from not hearing what could cause that to happen so jesus said in this particular instance dealing with this level of evil that could cause such a thing in the night so you have to confront it with not just prayer but you have to engage fasting so in your case you have to engage fasting now another thing you need to look at your in-laws coming against your marriage or trying to bring division between you and your husband they are violating your holy matrimony when you when when you got married you made a covenant you made a physical and a spiritual covenant the Covenant you made with man the spiritual company made with God so therefore you have all right this is your legal right in the spiritual realm when you go before God that these people are coming because God is a God that honor covenants so you have a right to beseech the truth of God and asking him to shut down anything that's coming against the covenant between you and your spouse and to restore unto you according to this word in Joel chapter 2 verse 25 where he said that he will restore unto you the years that the cankerworm the caterpillar locust on the pom-pom is eaten away these insects represents evil forces that has been eating away at your spiritual covenant and marriage so you now have to go into the spiritual realm with the Word of God and shutting down the altars that's coming against you but you have to add a fast with it it's a must but right now even as we speak they are fighting you in the spiritual realm because it's now to that time of the year again when you guys get together and they're trying to shut it down I think you mentioned earlier before I let you go I don't know if he was saying it was a dream but it stalled that person was saying I thought it was a dream right okay good [Music] [Music] you know I had my husband and my son [Music] [Music] suggest to you and you're far away from each other my husband my husband and you know what you have to understand is that that's the way that they have him you see remember now because he is clearly with their whatever they have him that way a part of curse a part of the spell is to blind the eyes of those who are under the spell now they begin to reprogram him spiritually where he would be more closer than than you he will side more with them that he would side with you but that's a spirit of division that they have placed between you if the Lord can open your eyes virtually that you see your marriage what you will see is a wedge between the Union and this is why I said to you earlier you have a right to go before the throne room of God because this is your marriage this is your holy matrimony this is where you guys made a covenant and no other one should be able to come and violate the covenant so you all you have is spiritual right what I wanted to share with you before I let you go this told a guy who you saw whatever that isn't the one that they consult with in terms of a human that is the spirit behind the altar that they serve so right so this is why it's imperative listen to me the level that these people are on they are not novice let me make that clear to you however that's nothing to be afraid of here is why you need to now structure like I said your prayers the description says I think is in first or second Kings chapter 6 verse 13 14 where Elijah told his servant after servant came to me says Elisha the entire physical Syrian army is outside reading to get us and Elisha said to him he said my son even though there's a host of demo'd there physically they are more that are with us now he's talking about spiritual representatives angels that are with him or them as people of God I'm giving you the scripture because when you pray you must think on that level father just like how you did it for Elijah and his servant I am convinced that there are more spiritual entities from the kingdom of light on my side than any demonic evil witchcraft forces coming against me therefore I enable my spiritual health to now go forward and do with those spiritually that's opposing my marriage finally father God I don't take vengeance on my in-laws or those who are fighting me because that is your portion of the deal you said that vengeance belong to you so therefore I surrender them to your vengeance so what you're doing now is you're taking yourself away from the the part that you would play in terms of being better being angry or whatever let God deal with that you just prayed to cover your husband asked or to unload his mind remove the spiritual scales of his eyes and caused him to see what they were disabling in his spiritual and physical view all right but I gotta go because I have watercolours on the line okay thank you well the fasting to me I normally recommend people to seek the Holy Spirit I would recommend it normally a three day fast and again it must be laced with scriptures as it relates to your Union as relates to your company with your husband and also getting scriptures like I said about Elijah and also Psalms 91 verses 11 and 12 their goddess community and just charge over us what you're really doing is enabling your spiritual help and now you begin to speak the Word of God that now they have to act upon according to Psalms 103 and verse 20 all right okay you're welcome god bless you too so yeah folks man we got a call on our Spurgeon old man those scriptures in the Bible for the scripture say hello this is Minister Ewing can you state your name and we are calling from please know how you write it [Music] katelyn before you go any further I just wanted to take one dream because we have a whole heap of people on the line so just one pick the most important dream for me to interpret please I know it's tough but okay great now the first dream we saw someone perming you're here now the scripture says that a woman's here is how glory that mean is Hana so if you see someone planning your hair combing your hair firming you're here particularly if you don't know the person then that someone is trying to bring shame disgrace or dishonor to your life you need to rebuke that cancel it deal with it right away the second dream that you had with the tornadoes and you see in coming your way and you're preparing what does a tornado represent in real life well it's the same thing as a hurricane a tsunami whenever it touches down to wherever it was that there was order it's not bringing this auto after a tornado the cars are flipped over the the electricity is down things that run smoothly prior to it's now been totally out of whack so and you saying this now is showing you there is some major trouble coming towards you however though in the dream you're preparing now in the dream you're preparing to survive not us that's good but what you should be doing is trying to shut it down altogether so what you need to do again is you need to pray against the dream in terms of the tornado which represents mass confusion and so on and asking God to destroy whatever the enemy are spending against your life now in this dream when this tornado was coming you were the only person that you can recall in the dream at this point or seeing the tornados coming or they were other people there but you know whatever preparing right right right now what what is also I'm getting here with this dream is that and it's so amazing that you would be the only one appearing everybody's running what that also means is that you must now pray ask God to now amplify your gift of discernment now what that mean is that even in the natural way of doing things what's your gift of discernment enabled you are able to sense things spiritually that others around you are ignorant to you follow me right and that is key and that's what the dream is also pointing to that whether it's in the workplace whether it's with family members awareness with a particular friend there sometimes is something saying to you something isn't right here but you shrug it off because of your relationship with the person this is why you have to say our Lord you know help me to see or to observe be on my 5s in fact let me shut down my five senses and let my spirit of discernment begin to reveal to me things I would never know under normal circumstances or that can be picked up with my five senses this is key because if you see this tsunami whatever tornado coming and you're the only one preparing while everybody is scurrying for cover it means now that you there's something in you there's a gift in you that you need to enable in the natural - now see be only everybody else is saying the Bible says in Daniel chapter 10 that when Daniel was on this fast he saw this man and similitude or looking like a human but he made it very clear in the scripture he says nobody else saw what he saw so in your case the dream is showing you also that you you are gifted you have the spirit of discernment you now need to enable it father in Abel Mike your father caused me to rely more on your spirit as opposed to the physical things around me open up my spiritual eyes and ears in Abel my spiritual understanding so that when I make my assessment is made from a spiritual perspective why because that is the origin of all things make sense beautiful you're welcome all right you have folks we got to enable our our gift of design we have to thank you for calling the Kevin under you in spiritual insights show can you state your name will be according from please Boyet a beaming voice great educator Oh shake it ok ok ok well I can straighten you under it now on this one boy that's a dream oh yeah oh yeah yeah yeah yeah first of all let me make this fair why do you want giving me this dream my mind went straight to job job chapter 1 verse 10 my god look at the confirmation yeah but job chapter 1 verse 10 says it speaks about a hedge of protection that God had around job this was so powerful because this is when Satan said to God he says the only reason why job is obeying you because Satan I was about to reveal something to the reader there's a spiritual insight that we no one knew before and he sent a god the only reason why job is obeying you is because you have a hedge around him so clearly this hedge is not visible this is a spiritual hedge that what does a hedge - it's just like a fence it keeps something from the outside from coming in so your dream starting off by saying yeah these Troy before I kind of jumped ahead myself you were looking through the window looking through the window of a dream speaks of seeing things ahead of time are you seeing things as it relates to the future all right now these trolls are coming true it's throwing stuff in people's yeah which are curses but these are only symbols revealing a grid of message in of the spiritual realm however when they go to my friend's yard the most they could do is just brown the most they could do is just bend up their face you know why because she have a hedge of protection around her home around her family but in the dream is now giving us greater revelation in that they're going to the source or to their home or where they have been dispatched from so again your dream is bringing more confirmation to this neighbor of yours and what they deliver [Music] we track the gate and I thought that's very camp on my walkway I put in the position where he wanted to he was looking you know make when they see something that they want to go after but they and that's quite right wow wow man let me pray with you before you go Heavenly Father I thank you for the life of shakeela Dean and her family father I reinforced that spiritual hedge of protection that you've already placed there now Lord I pray your angelic hosts according to Psalms 91 verses 11 and 12 where you've promised her that you have given your angels charge over her to keep her not in sum of all these but all of our ways that if they as much as - therefore the gangs of stone it is these same angels that would protect them guide them hold them up I also pray father God just like in the time of Elisha and his servant when Elisha with a spiritual eyes saw in the spiritual realm that the angelic host that aided him outnumbered the evil forces that aided his enemy let that same scenario run its course in the life of shaquita Dean and let every spiritual empowerment from the kingdom of light not only subdue the spiritual forces and evil coming of gangster but to bring them to utter shame in the name of Jesus I also pray father God according to your word in Hebrews chapter 1 verses 13 to 14 where you said to which of these angels have you said at any point sit here at my right hand while I make your enemies your footstool none of them instead your word declares that these angelic hosts are all ministering or serving spirits sent forth specifically to the heirs of salvation your servant here Shekinah Dean as the heir of salvation she is entitled to the spiritual protection from the minister of defense of the kingdom of light father I come an agreement with her fate right now the standing on your word and asking you to dispatch the spiritual reinforcements to shut down every evil arrow every evil rock every evil voice every evil sacrifice every evil altar operating a gangster that's projecting whatever father let it become rubble and let those evil stuff become stepping stones to catapult to fling - to castle into her destiny and that no weapon that has been formed the gangster on her family shall prosper and every tongue that has risen up against them in judgment I come in agreement with her and we condemn it in the name of Jesus the Christ now Lord every opportunity every blessing that has been withheld that has been delayed that has been denied let it burst forth in this month of December like never before let every opportunity that they have missed let it revisit them at minimum Sevenfold reinstate restore them everything father God let favor come from the north the West the East under salt and all points in between for your word declares father Gordon sounds 5 verse 12 that you promised you will bless the righteous and with favor shall you encompass them as a shield let favor be their portion in this mode of December let the month of December be a springboard that will catapult them in the 2019 only to usher them into every good thing that you have predestined for them before the foundation of the world in the matchless and in the mighty name of Jesus Christ amen and a men my friend all I could tell you right now is you better be in a state of expectancy God is going to catapult you in your family but for that happen and I want you to hear me today you will see your enemies crumble not because you want them to crumble but because God has had enough of them all right you welcome the air folks man that's what I always say to your mommy and you pray real effective prayers and cooperating the Word of God you notice every time I pray I'm putting the Word of God in your eye [Music] [Music] [Music] when I grab the knife I was going at the guy now in the dream the guy looked like someone I've met before I don't know if I really know the guy but it came in two dreamers if I knew him the knife like I was going to charge at him but then immediately I woke up from the dream and I just started to pray and cancel the dream right boy this is a very very interesting dream first of all the dream starts off here in this hotel slash apartment hotel just like an airport represents transition you're not gonna be there forever you just need to connect to your next destination however in this case in this place where you were let's call the hotel and your brother was there now this is this this does not become scary because the transition here now speaks of his demise so what that mean now is what you saw there the gentleman there this represents a spirit of death as it relates to your brother but this is what is also pointing out to me you know citizen many of my teachings if you have any family member that has been diagnosed with cancer cancer is a curse but this curse comes about as some form of covenant being made at even alters I made it clear in my teachings on the mystery of witchcraft in Deuteronomy chapter 28 and verse 14 where God through Moses told the children of Israel that you must not go to the left or to the right and you must serve no other gods as was 14 but if you serve them from verse 15 all the way to verse 67 begins to show the curses that comes along with them now in verse 21 or somewhere around there a part of the curses one of the curses he speaks about the boils of Egypt and M Roth's EMR ODS in that word M rods speaks of tumors that cannot be healed some translation would call it hemorrhoids but the real meaning for it tumors that cannot be here it speaks of cancer that's what cancer is tumors that cannot be healed so therefore when cancer begins to manifest in a person's life and particularly if other members are also diagnosed with it we don't pray against infirmity as the Chiefs meridia we don't pray against sickness because now we know the history as to how to come about on the family we now come against the altars of sorcery because from those altars were projected divorce and cancers and barrenness and so on so what you need to do now again dealing with this type of level of evil you have to now begin to intercede for your brother stand in the gap for your brother you have to fast for your brother but you're gonna pray against the altars and the covenants wherever is true the family or it may be some money was involved with that practice these things and because of this connection that would have brought that on him but whatever the case is you're gonna ask God to destroy the evil covenants that's in abling this evil on the life of your brother a B you're gonna come against every spirit of death that is clearly being projected in this dream and trying to shut down the life of your brother all right you're welcome all right so folks I know these things are bringing penny insight and just hearing other people's situation you realize that you're not the only person that's going through this and this is why the scripture says to us in proverbs chapter 11 verse 9 B it says that hey we parents sorry it says that rule knowledge shall go just be delivered so the only thing that's separating between you and your deliverance healing miracle okay we were standing in line going to call it would be any young we had the sander line go to the class go in the classroom because one day would come every Friday and Thursday because about the Word of God but he went into the classroom he didn't wait other guys that was running and hi I remember as I knew him I remember him from now with the present to the right boy this this is a very very interesting dream and a lot of components to it but right but is everything surrounding util everything in this dream is surrounding you now you are you hit the nail right on the head when you said him being an all black and like I always said if you dream about a person if it's a male dressed in all black in the dream it's a warlock if it's a you know don't worry still a warlock know what I'm good in like if it's a if it's a woman dressed in all black she there would be a witch now remember what I said also when a dream is recurring is bringing confirmation whenever you having a dream over and over again this this the dream is as real as it gets and it is bringing confirmation now here is what I believe what's happening here now people would say to me all the time Kevin I don't know why people would try to work with your milks witchcraft for voodoo when I don't have nothing I don't do nobody nothing as if this is the qualifiers for people to come after you what people need to understand is that because we're dealing with the spiritual world here and the spiritual world has to Kingdom which is the kingdom of light and is this the kingdom of darkness however both kingdom have the same goal and what is that goal to win souls to their kingdom so coming back to this warlock now which is clearly being revealed to you and you may say why is this poison we shown over my dream but the idea is to forge covenants with you because guess what happens in the dream it takes you back to where you from technique is not only that it takes you back to the school your school days would this is represent well a part of the crisis is to begin the process of stagnation delay and cause you to be in a position where you live beyond what you qualify to do hence we saw yourself on this dirty mattress so it's like putting you in a place or in a position spiritually that is poor dilapidated nasty to bring about the manifestation of that physically what you need to do again here is any covenant that's being forged to surrender you to his altar you need to ask what to destroy but here's what I also get based on the voice that you were told I believe that you when you begin to take this advice and I'm telling you now to fight them in the spiritual realm which you will then God is going to reveal to this man that there was a God hide in this Muslim God and this is why you caught that voice in the dream look what is gonna expose you to the Muslim kingdom whatever the case may be on a Muslim world because he's going to use you that's why I said the whole dream surrounds you he's going to use you to show them that in spite of your whatever the God of Abraham is the ultimate sovereign God but that's the reason why you're seeing the dream is happening over this is the reason why you've seen so much components of the dream you are called to do this God as an able do spiritually to show this man who clearly believes in his deity God is going to use you you mark my words you mark this day God is going to use you to reveal to this man in a dream in just how he's visiting you in these dreams and think you're ignorant all of this God is going to use you to show him that the God of Abraham the god of Isaac is the [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you're calling no I understand you quite but I'll tell you this before I let you go there listen to me there's a major column on your life and your calling isn't limited to your nation or to your little circle when I see a little circle I mean is that what you're familiar with yet the God of Abraham has call you to an international ministry and it it's beyond just the english-speaking people that you know he is gonna connect you with people whether it be with the translators that you need or whatever whatever the resources that I needed to facilitate the plan of God for your life which is international I promise you you will be probably will meet one day and you tell me how it all unfold and that's what these dreams are showing you it's beyond your wildest imagination however oh the the core the core of what you call to do is intense spiritual warfare God didn't call you to a surface ministry is innocent Ministry of God is gonna bless you listen no no no no no the insight that you've been exposed to now is just scratching the surface of what you're about to learn later because God is gonna open your eyes he's gonna open your understanding to a different level of spiritual warfare because where he's taking you just like how you believing your God and Jesus Christ these guys are dedicated they are committed to their beliefs so it's gonna take a person that is well skilled spiritually which is what you're going through now and you would encounter more of in terms of your spiritual training so that when he place you on the platform to speak to these people and I want you to get me your voice is gonna command their attention it's kind of literally it's gonna literally stop them in your in their trucks and give air to what you were saying let me pray for lord I thank you for this lady right now and I thank you for what you're revealing as it relates to her life father I pray that everything that you have ordained for her life from the day she was born until the day you take her home to glory it is my prayer father that no devil no demon no evil force will prevent delay hinder or even stagnate that which you have called her to do I call upon her spiritual help that will now manifest into her physical health and the Holy Spirit which will guide us into all truth as it relates to her destiny father God wherever she is derailed in the past that has taken now on a longer route to the promised land father realign heart to her spiritual destiny to the places and the people that you have called her to interact with to fulfill your purpose and your plan on this earth I now outfit her with the whole armor of God I now outfit her with the spirit of wisdom the spirit of knowledge and the spirit of understanding solely to facilitate that what you have ordained for her to do in this earth every person father God that you have placed her in their midst to speak into their lives let us speak with an incredible anointing let us speak from her spirit the spirit that you have trained the spirited you of conditioned the spirit as you have anointed to pierce the stubborn hearts of doors that will resist but through your Holy Spirit and through her obedience that will become the union that will penetrate a me stubborn conscience that she will ever come up against let your favor let your grace let your mercy and let your angelic host protect through the course of her journey as she fulfilled everything that you have called her fulfill in this life in the matchless name of Jesus Christ amen and amen welcome thank you very much you're welcome all right hallelujah man listen I am just so enjoying this people are being set free through the knowledge of the Living God hi this is Minister Ewing can you stay tuned even be a calling from please [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay now here's my question field because you say you've been watching my stuff my assumption is that a lot of dreams you rebuke and cancel right okay now here's why I ask you dad whenever a person begins to tap into these revelations and actually follow the biblical instructions that I give them like I said in all my teachings the dreams now become more complex because the person isn't on that novice level anymore so the activities in the dream from whatever's from the demonic spirits re they now begin to make the dream more complicated so the person won't be able to really figure out what the dream is and they have a hard time trying to challenge the dream now going back to your dream the dream seems like such a good dream this person gives you the money and guess what happens next you go to your pastor and what happens next you don't want to take this money for yourself you want to actually bless the ministry so they can do what they need to do that sounds so beautiful and so nice but here is the arrow here is the big red flag in the dream who gave you this money see that's the key so so when we break the dream down right right see that's a problem because if we don't know where the money came from then we don't know what evil entity gave you the money because one my symbol we don't need to know where the money came from because she gave it to the pastor and obviously she got a good heart she didn't even keep them for self yeah that's beautiful and this is where the the deception comes in the dream why because if you don't know where the money came from remember when you accepted the money in the dream that represents agreement you agreed that's a covenant the question is now what covenant is being forged because if it comes from an evil entity and more than likely it did because you don't know you didn't see the person then it's now not only you accepted it but you're not bringing a curse on your finances but where is it starting from the spiritual realm so in a case like that where one becomes confused or they don't have any media interpretation of what's happening excuse me immediately going to prayer father if this dream is of you if this is our view if everything about this dream is of you then I come an agreement with your plans for my life if this is a subtle deceptive dream then I curse it in the name of Jesus every covenant by me receiving that money I renounce it whatever demonic deceptive plan that the enemy has instituted through deception in my dream i nullify it i disassociate i reject it in the name of jesus the bible says to us in Genesis 3 and it starts off by saying that the serpent was the most subtle beasts of the field and that word subtle means to basically not show your true identity or to come off of something nice when your intentions are evil so my point here is receiving that money seems to be nice there seems to be nothing wrong with it at all but the very act of the accepting of it forges a covenant in the spiritual and what are the rules in order for the things of the spiritual realm good or bad that you've seen in the spiritual realm to manifest in this natural realm yeah there's no ifs ands or buts here there has to be an agreement between the human and the spirit in this case you did not see what the spirit was so more than likely 99% that it was an evil spirit using the good parts of this dream such as the posture such as you give him the money to make the entire dream look like a good dream my advice to you you need to reject that dream you need to read curse break that curse break that at front I pray with you right now that the Covenant that was established in that dream as a result of you accepting that money father just like how you rain down fire from heaven in the days of Elijah brain down spiritual fire and brimstone to destroy the altars and which this dream was projected from to bring financial disaster to your servant father overthrow it and release this woman into her destiny as it relates to the financial resources that you have already prepared for hock your word declares unto hot according to psalm 115 verse 14 it says that you will increase her more and more your word declares in Ephesians 3 and 20 that you want to do exceedingly and abundantly and above all that she could ever ask or think according to the word that works in her therefore I joined my faith with her standing on your word praying right now father God that you will inject her spiritually in this mode of December with the spiritual financial resources from you only and that will now come to manifestation and fruition in her natural life and that she will never be depleted of the resources that she need to carry on her journey in living every evil spirit of poverty every evil spirit of lack every evil spirit of not enough and just enough every evil spirit of stagnation delay and setback father led then become participants of your eternal fire and release into her life every resource that she needs to fulfill that but you have called her to do in the matchless and the mighty name of Jesus Christ amen and a men so we don't shut that baby Dan alright so thank you for calling you take care right all right so yeah folks we gotta shut this baby stand in the smart so that it won't take shape in the natural yes this is the hello hi how are you I'm pretty good [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well what I think is what I teach and that is you are seeing excerpts excerpts from the spiritual world God is revealing to you in a dream only for him to confirm to you what is about to take place when you went on YouTube and you saw the confirmation so your dream is just another clear example of you seeing things well in advance before they happen and what it also do does is encourage not just you but those who are listening right now not to take your dreams likely but to really seek the spiritual revelation that is revealing and making those necessary preparations or whatever it is that you have to do to facilitate what's coming or how to counteract or to even shut it down in the realm of the Spirit unfortunately when people have such dreams and it take place and then it will come later oh you know the Holy Spirit showed me that before and I'm most people I'm gonna believe you because they're gonna be like okay well how come you come and now after the event so with you coming back to you now you say how you you're always dreaming and I want you to know that you have been called to the ministry of the prophetic now mostly when people hear that they believe that oh I'm gonna be on the pulpit and telling people this I see they see in the future no the prophetic represent where you prophesy verbally to people it represents dreams it represents visions discernment all of that falls under prophecy seeing things in advance being the mouthpiece of God as it relates to the events that will transpire on this earth the scripture also says to us in Amos chapter 3 verse 7 and God made clay says listen I will not do or evil allow anything to transpire in this site whether it's from the kingdom of darkness or the kingdom of light unless he gives a heads-up or reveal his secret or the mystery to his servants the prophets voice whose the prophets again those who are in the the arena of dreams vision discernment and so on in numbers chapter 12 verse 6 God now begin to identify who these prophets are and the scripture says if there be a prophet among you God says I will reveal myself in visions and I will speak to these prophets who I'm going to share my secrets with as a release of what spending for a night in a dream so if you're listening to me right now including the caller if you are a person who's having consistent dreams from the time you know yourself I mean night after night Oh every other night off or you're sometimes you're sitting down and you're literally seeing things that no one else could see and I've had many people that I start with on this level and they says Melissa Kevin please please don't think I'm crazy please because most people write me off as being crazy there are times they could be sitting down having a cup of coffee I can be on my computer and it's almost as if my bedroom walls open up and I begin to see things and I said them I believe every word you say why because the Bible give myriad of references as it relates to it so a vision is where one is completely awake but they see things but nobody else sees a dream is where one is asleep the physical body but the spiritual man is interacting with the spiritual world so I've said all of that to tell you this my friend and all of these gifted people are calling me today you you God has called you to the arena of the prophetic however in your capacity he speaks to you in dreams and based on what you just said to me earlier how it was basically confirmed to the YouTube video the Lord is training you now to be sensitive to the gift that he's given you because this gift is destined to save the lives of millions of people if you do not act upon your gift and begin to really explore it then the things that God is going to show you but because you didn't knock upon it a lot of people are going to lose their lives innocently because of what you didn't do okay [Music] you know throughout my life I never knew you know I know I see stuff I have seen stuff and I know that you know I've had a lot of dreams that I just can't understand you know and one other one are you a part of a church right see and people like you I mean unfortunately people like yourself go overlooked in churches because if I wouldn't go to it but nevertheless here's what I want to say to you see people like yourself become the GPS for that church as it relates to the spiritual realm while God would show things to the pasta and the leader more than likely the confirmation will come to the CEO of that church or the prophet or the one like you who have dreams and visions you will because remember God promised you know he said he didn't say in description let's listen to what the scripture says Amos 3 and 7 he did not say in that scripture I will not allow nothing to happen in this earth unless I reveal it to the pastor voice I will not have allowed nothing to a paranoid unless I reveal it to the Apostle or I reveal it to his majesty or whatever I did not read that and you will not read that God made it it clear the revelation that I'm going to send about our pending events I am going to reveal it to a specific group not the Apostle not the pasta when I say not reveal it they don't become the primary person see go to it's going to be the Prophet and I just gave you the scripture which identified this prophet the one who's being saturated with dreams and visions God says I will reveal and speak in the dreams and in division to the Prophet so any church that is operating and does not have a prophet in or someone like a mole because if you all true Israel there was some prophet in Israel that spoke as it relates to coming events or what God was going to do so it's imperative that you pray ask God to put you in a church or somewhere where that gift could be utilized because you sittin in the pews and all of these visions and mysteries and revelations coming to you and there's no one to reveal a to in terms of the the leadership that respect your gift and which could train you in that gift there's gonna be a problem so this is what you do for now you need to begin to really get into the Word of God and here is why the Word of God which is the spiritual food for your spiritual gift just like how physical food gives your body nourishment and energy so the spiritual food which is the Word of God satisfy your spirit mind now you may not be placed in the forefront right away but don't worry about that what you're doing in the meanwhile is you're fortifying your spiritual base which is your spiritual mind which house your spiritual gift get into the Word of God get into discipline of fasting and praying put aside those things in your life that is distracting you from the things of God I'm gonna end with this because of your gift just like myself many other destinies are attached to your gift that's key many as you can hear many people were calling Thank You Minister Kevin you've really opened my eyes you've really caused me to see things from with it see I play that link for this period of their lives to take them to the next level and this is the same thing with you so the more you sit back remember time is ticking away time is ticking away and when it comes for your turn to be removed from this earth and enter into eternity remember what I'm telling you now you've got to stand before a god and you're going to have to give an account to him and he's gonna say I gave you the gift of prophetic I gave you dreams and vision now let's see how you have done while you had your 10 year honored I had you to deliver thousands of souls over here and bring revelation and insight into show earthquakes and so on and you did absolutely nothing about it so with that in mind I really want you to take that to heart and really begin to work on your gift by getting into the Word of God okay god bless you all right I'm going to take one two more calls two more calls and that will be it for us so right now hi this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] right Wow you say you're from Louisiana right oh yeah yeah that speaks volumes right there because Louisiana there's a very strong hole of witchcraft over Louisiana and the woman that you saw in the dream is the spirit that someone is using to come against you what appear to be pills in the dream was actually the sacrifices they were making at their altar to pay the spirit to mislead you to challenge you and you said in the dream she was becoming agitated and she said that she wasted your time and you also said that she started to call off these numbers they were curses against your life in the spiritual realm mm-hmm yeah so somebody right no no I know I heard you what I'm saying to you the woman represents the spirit that's fighting in the spiritual realm the person that is giving her the pill is the person in real life in the natural who is now making sacrifices or how much at this altar to enable the spirit to challenge you right so there's someone that's coming against you but they're coming against you in the spiritual realm they're fighting you through some sorcery so the spirit is obviously becoming impatient because remember everything that the spirit or a woman is showing you it is not what you're looking for remember now saucer is all about deception sorcery is all about magic tricks and then that's what's happening here so I don't know who what is there someone that's fighting your neuroma of this spirit now here is the beautiful part of the dream though you accept it absolutely nothing that she was offering you so that's good so you can remember now always remember I don't care how good or bad your dream is the key component in that dream is to see how the coven is trying to be established and in the dream even though you've made it clear what you were looking for they offering you something or she was offering you something that you did not want but you never accepted it but even in the case that I do still rebuke and challenge the dream but now that you have more details about the dream when you pray now you pray specifically against the altars of witchcraft because that's what's coming up again sure it now we're covenants are made to project-specific spirits that you let me just take it a step further how did you accept it whatever she was giving you in the dream then whatever the curses that they have conjured up would have taken effect in your life now they could have been the things that they were offering you even though it seemed like regular stuff it could represent poverty sickness disease confusion backwardness so again once you accept it in the dream then you're accepting what appear to be a these or whatever but the truth is you're accepting a curse in the dream and that's all they wanted to secure that covenant to now begin to facilitate the even in your life all right [Music] wow that's powerful number one we look at the entirety of the dream and everything surrounding a house a house of a dream is symbolic of a person's life one of the biblical references our example of that is found in Matthew chapter 12 verses 43 to 45 when Jesus said that when an evil spirit leaves a person's life it goes into Dry places seeking respite it finds none then the spirit says to itself in Matthew is this let me go back to my H o us so the house here the symbol represents our in life because as your home in the dream it's speaking about your life so the stream now is showing that there are cracks or their openings in your life for evil spirits to enter there's certain things that you're probably engaging in or part of either knowingly or unknowingly that's giving evil spirits the right into your life the crack dog the busted windows all of these are points of entry for evil spirits now to challenge you but now the dream are showing you what you need to do so you now begin to repent on a consistent basis when I say that every time because remember their sins that we commit that we probably not even aware of so he said it's a father girl if there's anything that I've done against your laws your rules your principles or violated any of your Commandments in this day I repent of it I ask your forgiveness of it as a result of doing that according to the first John 1 and 9 it says that if we confess our sins that God is not only faithful and just if they give us to forgive us of that sin in particular but he chosen a bonus he says and now guess what I'm gonna cleanse you of one unrighteousness by doing this the enemy have no legal right to invade your life so the dream God is just showing you listen listen sweetie you need to take a review of your life and you need to be there may be certain areas that you're engaging in some breaking of God's on breach of God's law you need to revisit it you need to deal with that because you don't want the enemy to have a foot hole in your life all right you're welcome god bless you okay one more call folks and we're out of here there you go I know everybody was open able to make this last call right minister Kevin L a Ewing can you state your name and where you're calling from please [Music] yeah okay one of my members turn me on to you when they do how can I get right okay before I interpret the dream here's what you do I've just created a new email because the other ones are very much overwhelmed and you can send me an email reference the show and put your phone number in there I'll give you a call and the email is my full name which is Kevin Laue at hotmail.com right now the first stream which your brother's wife just take me thread one more time again [Music] right now she didn't give you no food you didn't eat anything right no okay and in the second dream you said you saw like these people in the water do you remember what where the place was that you saw this now let me take it from the top one number one that wasn't your brother wife in the dream and in fact it was a masquerading spirit and that's why I asked you first if they gave you any food they didn't so what I'd mean is that you're gonna have a similar dream again what this bird is trying to do is to get you comfortable with it because I could promise you the next stage is to feed you in the dream or to give you some item in the dream for right now it's really just feeling you out but I promise you you can tell me about it you will have a dream again we are some way somehow they're trying to give you something to consume or you picking some kind of sorry they giving you some kind of fruit or something of that nature the second dream kind of solidified that for me because the men that you saw in the water there it all represent marine spirits water spirits and if you don't know anything about iock strongly suggest you google it and the marina water spirits is the the largest part of the kingdom of darkness when it comes to sorcery that type of witchcraft was well known of course because everybody on this page you can find some kind of body of water man it's a lake the ocean whatever and what you saw in that particular dream where evil spirits trying to get you to agree to come there based on those two dreams are known I can safely say that one of two things are going on here again there's either some type of sorcery going on in your family or has happened in your family and these Spurs are trying to initiate you to that altar the reason for this is because and one of the reasons to identifier to prove this you look at your family and now you look for negative patterns in that family for example I say you see joblessness or nobody could get past a certain point in life or anything negative well what is trying to happen in the dream is to bring you on board with that curse but in order for that to happen they need you to agree spiritually once that take place for example you see yourself eating in the dream or or somebody telling you to sign a particular document in a dream or you're following the advice of some deceased loved one or friend all of that will now point to the covenants trying to be forged - now facilitate this negative pattern that's happening to everybody else in real life in your family so the excuse me the brother's wife and all of that all of that is is destruction all of that is to make you comfortable and that's one of the things about these foul spirits operating from the kingdom of darkness remember that's what voodoo and witchcraft and magic is all about it's deception tricks all of that to engage the dreamer with the sole intent of forging a covenant because that's the key thing to forge a covenant so that they could begin to implement their evil in the dreamers life just before I give that you gorgeous I just have to expand on this just a little bit the Bible says to us in several passages but one that comes to mind right now which is our Exodus chapter 20 verse 5 where God says that you know we serve any other God other than him he says he will visit the iniquities of our forefathers or our ancestors or the wickedness that they did in working sorcery upon the media children and all the way to Detroit for generation however you will find scriptures in Jeremiah and also Ezekiel which says do not let the proverb be said where the fathers ate sour grapes and the children teeth are placed on edge but every man will die for his own sin now most people when they hear that here's how they interpret that they're saying that generational curses don't exist anymore because the Bible clearly states that if mummy or daddy did wrong then the children anger pay for but that's not what it's saying what Jeremiah in Ezekiel is basically saying is giving now a more detailed comprehensive view of Exodus chapter 20 verse 5 Exodus chapter 20 verse 5 makes a blanket statement and it says that if the ancestors to evil or work witchcraft or whatever that the children all the way to Detroit in 4 generation would pay for it what Jeremiah and Exodus jeremiah sorry and Ezekiel is saying is now defining it it's saying yes that won't happen but it will only happen to those that violate the laws of God only those who insist on resisting God's law they will now receive of the ancestral curse but if my mummy and daddy or grandparents used to Waco be in witchcraft but I surrender my life to God and I following the laws of God then that course cannot come upon me so the scripture is saying now the only way this curse will become available to the family members if they now carry on but resisting the laws of God and practicing these nonsense and it's a another evil that the ancestors did will now fall on those who insist on rejecting the laws of the Living God this is why the Bible also says in the book of Proverbs it says that he that resists the law it says even his prayer shall be an abomination unto the Lord so we need to look at these things in in its right context I suppose the conjuring I found an interpretation and misleading people all right so I want you to send that email to me at Kevin Laue at hotmail com put your number in their reference list because I have a lot of evil writing me reference the show and then I'll give you a corner we could follow up from there okay okay all right okay folks that's it for me today I am sure that you have learned quite a bit as usual I'm always excited and sharing the knowledge that God has blessed me with in Revelation freely of no charge to you because it's more important to me that you get the revelation of anything else because that is what's going to make your life different so next week I will not be here I told you that before my eldest boy Kevin Ewing jr. would be graduating from Barry University with his bachelor's degree of finance I love that doing so much and it's such a joy because I've seen all of this over four years ago in a dream when I didn't have no money to put him through college I didn't have any resources no government scholarships and loans and I prayed to God asking God what am I to do what's going to I was so free and I want him to go to college I want him to have a better life I want him to enjoy his life I know he needed to start and I said to you God visited me well a number of time and a dream about it but two dreams in particular stood up to me the first dream God showed me where he was actually going to begin going to school and the second dream that God showed me it showed me my son graduating from college and this was over four years ago he's completing his four years now he's gonna graduate next week in on Saturday we gone over to be a part of that and I let me tell you why I am elated that he is graduating yes that's beautiful but guess what my greatest my greatest joy here is what I teach you that the spirit world is where everything has already happened and what God does and this is why I love him so much he says mind you over your worrying let me shut you down a little bit let me give you a glimpse of what's in the future for you as it relates to this thing that you were in a boat so stop your worrying because I don't fix this for you all the resources and everything is in place for you I don't have two pennies to rub together I made my son final payment of $15,000 for him too this is last time and I didn't have to beg for it I didn't have to borrow it but I'm showing you that all of this was done in the spiritual realm the according to the Scriptures before the foundation of the world so I'm saying to someone right now you may not be where you want to be you may say you don't have the resources when you look at what you want to accomplish but talk to God he is the one who know the end from the beginning he knows that God just like our buddy Kevin and everybody was saying show me in the spiritual world what it is that you have for me what is this that however you figured this thing out for me to make and figured myself and bring confirmation for me in the natural so that I would be sure that what you showed me was from you and this is what you intend to do with my life father I thank you for everyone that is tuned in even for those who didn't have the opportunity to call in father I release your Holy Spirit over them right now your spirit of understanding your spirit of wisdom your spirit of knowledge I come against every spirit of fear anxiety attack panic attack everything that has disabled them in their lives from not leaping to where you have called call them to be at this point in their lives I pray right now that you will visit them like how you visit Abraham like how you visit Isaac like how you visit Ezekiel and Joseph and all of these other people where you demonstrate this awesome ability to pair in to the spiritual world god I pray that these people develop a super confidence in your word and remove themselves from the superficial way of living as far as Christianity is concerned and delve into the deeper things of you let your way let your purpose let your plan permeate their lives unhindered remove the spiritual clutter remove the sorcery remove the evil word spoken against them break the evil covenants destroy the evil altars overthrow the negative words father in the name of Jesus Christ send your fire from the heavens in the realm of the Spirit and consume the ancestral and generational and bloodline curses that are shackled them to a place of defeat I prayed now Lord but that person will do suffering from cancers or whatever form of terminal diseases that they don't know but came about as a result of generational crisis let the power of the Living God consume the root of it so that everything else I was attached to it will die simultaneously father we thank you for this session and we printed everyone here would have left with an understanding to take your word and I would make it practical and that they will get the God intended result that you have planned before the foundation of the world so I thank you once again and I'll join you week after next when I'm back with you in Jesus name Amen and amen
Channel: Minister Kevin L A Ewing
Views: 64,002
Rating: 4.7533836 out of 5
Keywords: Dreams, Dream Interpretation, Spiritual Warfare, Dream Warefare, Dream World, Spiritual Insight, Kevin L A Ewing
Id: ojeGHhNBnfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 159min 32sec (9572 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 08 2018
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