Dreaming of items either stolen or going missing in yor dreams

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good afternoon Facebook is a pleasure once again to to be with you to come here to do this teaching I posted it earlier but I would be doing this in also short notice but uh based on how my day is going I just had to squeeze this in prior to me continue the rest of my because I know I would have the opportunity to undo it today we are going to be doing a teaching on dreams again but this teaching is going to be about items that just comes up missing in your dream or stuff being stolen in your dream or for example I get you know people sending me emails or whatever saying to me that Kevin I had a dream last night and I dreamt that I uh I drove my car to a certain place I went into this certain place and by the time I came back out of the place the car was missing or I lost my jewelry in the Dorian now before I get into that there are two things I just want to get out there prior to the teaching number one tomorrow I will be doing a teaching tomorrow and that's going to be like lead on an afternoon outpost that probably later on tonight and the teaching it you trust me you do not want to miss this teaching you don't and because the reason why I don't want to miss this teaching is because it has a lot to do with you going into next year and as a teaching in fact the teaching is about destroying evil covenants prior to the entry of next year now and I'm just going to do a brief brief opening of this before I get into my teaching today a lot of us have made a new year's resolution or I'm going to lose weight or and I'm going to spend more time with God I'm going to do more fasting and but it by even mid-january you find yourself reverting to the things that you formerly did totally for thinking what you had planned to do what a lot of people to understand is that if you're not dealing with the root of what you want to do in terms of a new thing from a spiritual perspective then whatever efforts you plan to execute that bit is going failure so my teaching tomorrow is where I'm going to take you into us establishing or researching in our family history mummy daddy granny great-grandma uncle uncle and law grand uncle what is it that they were committed to secretly that we have no idea of but the implications of what they did has tied us spiritually and has caused us now to remain on a path that even though opportunities and stuff may come our way for some crazy reason we can't participate in them so my teaching tomorrow on destroying covenants before we go into next year 2017 is basically about Exodus chapter 20 verses 2 to 5 and this is so powerful this is so important to note what that scripture is saying God says listen I am a jealous God you must serve no other God and if you do serve any other God listen what he says he's going to do he says I'm going to visit the iniquity not Satan I God I'm going to cause this curse to come upon you he says I will visit the iniquities of your ancestors on your third and for generation from your current children to the third and fourth generation so basically what this is saying is that and we're going to get into this tomorrow when somebody in your family decide to go to the witch doctor decide to go to obey people when they can read on God and say mark forget God let me go see what will be a man got to say about this I can give you a small piece I can finish this in and going on teaching when they decide to do that you know they're doing and I want you to hear me they are taking with them for generations to the witchdoctor with them okay but how did you come to that read the scripture the scripture says that when you decide to serve another god another Idol God says I which is caught will visit your iniquities of the ancestors what you do now what when you mentor a witch I got not the devil see the devil don't put a curse on you God puts the curse on you the devil gotta care you know God says I will visit that iniquity on your children which is now and up to the third and four generation so make put that in your head when you decide to go to all their people and I don't care again what you go there for where do you go read a quote unquote take a fix offer you or you going to fix someone that's irrelevant the bottom line is you go into the devil you go into Idol gods and the scripture clearly states you are carrying with you for generations children away even born yet who can pay the penalty for the decision you make in right now so I want you to think about that think about that hard we're going to get into this deep tomorrow because you're gonna see where even many of you watching me are literally spiritually tied to evil covenants that your ancestors you're my upon me daddy you're your granny all of those people who were participating in those things either openly or secretly how tied your destiny down your destiny is anchored because there are spiritual limitations and restrictions that have yet to be broken meaning now that even though you are a Christian even though you save and quote/unquote feel but the Holy Ghost be real be real with me how much of you accomplished since you become a Christian is that to say you're not a Christian oh I believe you are questioned I believe you are filled with the Holy Ghost but I also know that there are rules there are laws and there are precepts of the Bible that preaches teachers ministers Bishop His grace his pop you ever ignore and as a result of them ignoring it there are many people sitting in the pews today frustrated and they're saying if Christ died for me that how come I still feel I can't go ahead how come I feel like no relationship can record from me why I still divorce after divorce and everybody rejecting me because nobody break the covenants that's your wicked mind potty I'm doing your grandparents Tammany I need a move like uber and foolishness nobody ever broke that break it and as a result of that God honors that and in order for him to move in to deal with your mother that have to be broken now Kevin you mean I wouldn't go if I died I would ever go to hell no no you save you met the qualifications with the Bible prescribed however your quality of life in this or it is predicated on the principles the rules the regulations the commands and the precept of the Word of God and I don't care how much they preach prosperity you I don't care how much they twist blessing to you you will never participate in those blessings you will never live the quantity of life the Bible prescribed if you consistently and determine in your mind not to adhere to the rules and the regulations so tune in tomorrow I'm going to post the time later on where you are going to give the time and remember we're dealing with discovering and breaking evil covenants that were established I'm going to tell you what to look for I'm going to tell you the signs I'm going to tell you certain things that our ancestors did to us in our home and stuff that not at the older we understand that these things really weren't of God and these are the things that has tied us up okay so tomorrow we can deal with that the second thing I want to do before we get it is teaching anyone who knows me I am avid reader I love to study I think my wife is get tired may be an absolute in the night because I'm always researching and I always share the information that I have I don't ask you for no love or friend no love seed know whatever scene because I am one of you who still believe that the Bible carries all of the rules and regulation and if you obey them you go get your healing you will be delivered you will be broken of the curses that's upon your life without having to send a thousand dollar seed and $100 see am i discounting this no I think that churches so many churches need money order to perpetuate whatever they're doing there but I do not believe that monies will heal you but anybody else another story this book I want you guys to really get a copy of it's called deliverance from demonic covenants and curses by Reverend James a Solomon this book comes highly recommended by me I've ordered a few for many people send them away I've recommended at them I get it please hear this again this is the copy it's called deliverance from demonic covenants and curses this is a powerful book this book is going to open your spiritual eyes and facking a stop you from bland church and gear real when you decide to get rid with the things of God and what I mean by real and let me qualify that statement I mean where you actually read the Word of God where you actually read with the anticipation that God will give you revelation just like I is given me to the extent that not only will it free you but you are now in a position to disburse this revelation to free others how much longer how much longer you can go to the same church over and over how much know you can sit under the same pastor over the world and you're sitting there because everybody loved the pasta what about the Word of God making the quality of your life better am I saying that your pastor no I'm saying fall in love with the Word of God not a poison not a building not a place fall in love with God word get into that and watch the exchange for you so none of those two things are out the way because I'm not going to be long I'm going to be very brief and again as usual when you see me bring on these teachings about dreams it is as a result of the influx of email on that particular topic all right now I've posted something this morning on my Facebook page certain dreams that you could look out for to indicate demonic activities in your life so you can well my page and you cannot take a look at that excuse me now today when I said I couldn't be honest today we're gonna deal with dreaming of items either being stolen going missing or just plain not being able to locate it in your dream before we get into the core of that the first thing we need to do is look at spiritual principles I know you probably gettin tired and be saying this he always talking about spiritual laws spiritual principles that's what they need to become with me attention but doesn t need to be talking about the preacher who ever preached in you that they need to put emphasis on that you know why because in everything that exists there is a law there is a principle that governs it what does a principle in a lot do it creates a structure it sets boundaries it completely so that when one kind of step outside of it there is something in terms of a penalty to bring them back in line it's more importantly go to create order so principles when you decide to go according to a principle then the principles or the laws will protect you say let everybody do their thing you ever been on a job and everybody doing anything they violating the rules and because they get nobody figure they can keep doing it but you let out a poison stick to the rules now while you're laughing at that other poison and making a mockery of them not if when trouble they come guess who's going to happen the rules and the principles and the policies that that company had in place that that one individual decide to stick to but the rest of them went contrarian today I would think you think they can let go who you think is going to be penalized the ones that did not follow the laws in the principles now let's take that scenario let's bring it back to Christianity let's bring it back to the things of the Spirit the spirit world as well as our physical world is governed is ruled is dominated by the laws of God now for the most part when I say that people just think 10 commandments no no no no no no your Bible your Bible your Bible is the laws of God and this is why again I saturate my teachings with the scriptures because the reality is I'm giving you policies I'm giving you rules and principles and precepts and commands and protocols that if followed then just like that scripture promise you will read the benefits of what God has promised why because he says his word his law his principle can not return unto Him void but it must accomplish what I was sent out to do having said that back to the dream here is you had a dream and in this dream you dreamt like I said earlier you were driving to a certain place and when you got to that place and you park your vehicle you went inside and by the time you came back your vehicle was missing in the dream you now become frantic where is your carpool maybe because you have some valuable stuff for it maybe it's only tying you up and in most cases you will wake up out of the dream being very fearful trust me there's a reason behind that let's go to another scenario you had another dream and in this dream where your house youth is in reality your house was in there in the dream the entire place is gone no formation form no foundation nothing is like your house never existed then what this is me well you had a dream and you had some kids and you came home you rest your keys down it's time to go back oh but the keys are gone what does these dreams mean well again let's look at the principle the first one I want us to look at is Ephesians 6 and 12 and I know all of you know it Ephesians 6 and 12 is a spiritual law there's no two ways about it and it clearly dictates on States that we and over here mean the believers of Jesus Christ it says we do not wrestle we do not make physical contact with flesh and blood we don't we don't fight them instead we the believers of Jesus Christ Christians we wrestle against a demonic invisible hierarchy where Satan is the chief principalities powers rulers of the darkness of this world and spiritual wickedness in high places they are all invisible you don't see them they're right there with you some of them some of them are right here with me the lesser ones of course the principality rules the the skies and so on that principle now is saying to us as it relates to understanding our dreams that would we see in our dreams while being symbolic it speaks of a greater spiritual implication you follow me so therefore in our dreams our dreams are revealing to us excerpts or pieces of the spiritual realm for the most part as it relates to our lives so now in the dream you saw your car missing and your car as it relates the things that you will purchase through the course of your life like a home or piece of property or your car is a very valuable commodity so the dream from a spiritual perspective is now indicating if your car's gone missing that you are about to lose something very valuable in your life and that's what the dream is showing now if Kevin I didn't seem to look you need to seem to develop you know why you don't need to see you took the car because you know already should I know already let's back to the spiritual laws John 10 intent boobers John 10 and 10 says it says but the faithful is that if Satan but the thief only come the only way is going to show up in your life is the what to kill to steal - steal to steal a little and to what to destroy so if something is being destroyed in your name if something is being stolen from you and your dream you don't need to see who do it and even if you saw who is doing it that person that thing is representative of demonic powers so the dream and remember before I don't jump here myself you know what the law of the spiritual and the primary love this program says that nothing happens in our earthly physical realm unless it was conceived in the spiritual realm that's how it works so the dream now becomes your spiritual monitor and the Lord is allowing you to see a lucky I see see this was Satan is trying to do to you and you're sleeping now remember your physical body is asleep but the spirit man which never sleep is now having a clear view of what's going on in the realm of the Spirit against you so when I say in my articles now you need to cancel that what are you doing you are not destroying the plans of the enemy in the spiritual realm by another law what's that next law proverbs 18:21 what does it say death and life is in the power of your tongue and day that love it what is it meaning the death or the life that they speak shall eat the fruit of what they've been speaking so once you jump into that dream I just had this dream I lost my car father God in the name of Jesus Christ I saw the thief in the dream and I come against Satan and all of his agents beat them visible or invisible that's concocting a plan to steal from me in the realm of the Spirit I cancel it it cannot manifest because I have not agreed to it I read jacket in the name of Jesus so they fail again they fail again why did they fail again question are you now you understand you're not sitting back anymore and getting work left right and center and then when something major going on in your life you're trying to further oh Jesus where you was Lord when you can come true for me learn unlearn let that would beat me Lord no in order to tell you go to my word stop going to church just sit down and to be entertain and you only open your Bible in the posse tell you open it go and study it for yourself understand the rules and the laws so now the thief has been discovered so the scripture where I'm this next scripture because this this is now where you go make that thief free up now watch what it says proverbs chapter 6 problem chapter 6 verses 32 31 powerful scripture a very very valuable tool to aid you in the court of spiritual law and here's what it says it says sort of the thief steal to satisfy himself bla bla bla but for students what I want you to get verse 31 says that if the thief be found what is now you the believer can now demand of that thief look read the scripture to return unto you 7 full of we originally stolen from you so guess what I catch this fella in my dream he stole my car the car went missing on my home where it used to be in real life in the dream it's gone or I I lost my good evidence you must curse the dream you must break the evil covenants that they're trying to establish with you in the dream to manifest it in the natural but don't stop there let's go for some more laws when we can now get a return on even its attempt and trying to steal from us so we go down to pro chapter 6 verses 32 31 which clearly states that if the shafe be found he was found he was discovered in the dream the scripture says he must return 7 full of what he has and even that of his household I like that piece because you know the house were part of it me there many people whom he is stolen from who's probably even going on dying you know it's a single the scripture says are you could get that to come free all about here these are spiritual laws did not just scriptures to tell a story in a titanium look at them as laws the story about Moses Abraham Jacob Isaac Ezekiel they're not stories they entertain you embedded in the lives of these people are the laws and the principles and the rules of God that if you have any kind of sense you would study it and begin to apply make it applicable to your lives and stop sitting in a church to be entertained with loud screams and noises you ain't get nothing and your life ingore no ill you must understand the law you must know let's look at another scripture let's look at 2nd Corinthians because we've been getting all the laws for you to understand these dreams 2nd Corinthians chapter 4 and verse 18 all right and a fact I want you to go there because I want to read it primarily because I don't want you think I'm making this stuff up 2nd Corinthians chapter 4 and we're going to read verse 18 and it's a law because you know the Apostle Paul was very much verse in spiritual warfare okay here we go [Music] second Queen in chapter 4 verse 18 and this is porn now the Apostle Paul speaking to the Church of Corinth and he is about to release some spiritual insight he's about to release something that was once a mystery a secret a guarded prized secret he's about to and revelation only means that be able to unveil something that was always there okay so second Corinthians chapter 4 verse 18 says while we whose the week that's brother talking about the believers of Jesus Christ he's talking to the Christian Church of Corinth so we need to be super send us another thing when you read in scripture who is speaking who are they speaking to what are they speaking about where's the essence of it because in all of that there is a law there is a rule there's a principle there's a protocol and we're partisan in all of these teachings that listen if you follow it you have to advance your spiritual eyes will become enlightened where you now recognize the spiritual restrictions that will on your life you could break it now and now push to the next level while we look not at the things which are seen you talk about the physical stuff now but at the things which and how can I look at things that are not seeing Kevin that don't make any sense here it makes sense because he's talking about things that are spiritual remember Jesus you say have you seen him before the way spiritual what about God you seen angels before did you see the devil no the spiritual so we say focus on the unseen world now why is he saying this let's finish reading living your baptizing it why we look not at the things which are seen but at the things which are not seen for the things which are seen which are physical or what their temporal the things which are seeing your refrigerator car house even people paul saying that they all have a assigned time and limitations on the face of this earth they're not permanent he says but at the things which are not seen for the things which are seen are temporal what should see sense next but but the things which are not seeing the spiritual realm our eternal what is the word eternal mean for ever so I don't have to be a Harvard graduate in fact I have to finish high school to understand that if the unseen world is eternal and this physical world is temporal I mean it is clear to me that the parent world would be the unseen world and that the unseen world or the spirit world is the parent world to our world in fact our world was birthed from that world and I have expended so many of my teachings therefore in order for us to change things here in the realm of the spirit where things are temporal we must now seek the solutions we must now see the spiritual laws from the unseen world to alter to change to delete things in this world thus back to the dream you've had the dream of something went missing your wallet meant the same which is very very serious because you wanted not speaks of your finances speaks of things that you make transactions with everything your credit cards and so on so the dream is not showing again from a spiritual perspective that they are invisible for systemic forces are now being assigned to you to bring havoc in your finances now if you did not challenge them in your dream or when you woke up you didn't rebuke the dream then the reality is your silence now takes consent or gifts consent so now you get up and you move up with your regular life but you mark the day and you man the dream and from that point forward watch how things are going to go haywire in your finances why because those evil spirits and the only reason why they showed up is to seek your approval to seek your agreement and it's always going to be in a covert way of manipulatively we're not even realizing that you're giving your agreement to this particular thing now you wake up and you weeks go by and all of a sudden the bank calling you saying that there's a payment to payments they cannot find on your mortgage and they want to begin foreclosure or the children's school call and said they're looking over your child payment and you haven't Benton and the time you know this gonna make no sense you've got the receipts when we got all this stuff why does happen and go back to your dream go back to the dream because it was the dream that you give the spiritual consent via your inability to reboot the dream to challenge the dream so the forces the demonic forces remember Ephesians 6 and 12 we do not wrestle against flesh and blood so the invisible forces behind the scenes of what is physical is now influencing and now attacking your financial areas to make life difficult for you someone called me one time ago they told me they had a dream where their home was on fire the entire house now usually if there's a fire in the home a depending on what part of the home is going on the fire then fire which always represents confusion in a bad dream in a good dream it means purification things being stripped away to bring the reality of what the call that thing is but in this case the entire home is on fire so confusion doesn't apply to this one because the entire home is on fire that means they're going to lose the entire home now the person who knows what's happening to I knew nothing I knew absolutely nothing about a mortgage or whatever so I said to them I said based on this dream and if this dream isn't challenged I said you are about to lose something of extreme great value and not only that it's going to be very difficult for you to replace I say you have to create against this dream in fact I said the person they recommend that you go on a fast at least a one to two day fires coming against the thief and to destroy his plans that he has concocted or conceived in the spiritual realm and that they never ever come in this room the president came to me first of all they came to me under great suspicion because they didn't believe in no treatment they say those things don't exist but he says he just come to here you know so again I don't barge in nobody because I'm not running you down to force you to believe me that's up to you just like that a gospel was presented to me and I choose to believe and I choose the following a that's me so that if you don't believe that's you anyway this gentleman very very arrogant Germany surround Chiefs maybe really to man and I aim I think you know your stuff but I can look I can deal with it a year and a half later the bank took us all a year and a half later the bank took his for giving us up Matt's us of mills he was five years short of paying off his mortgage now the joke on chief now whose chief you see this is what happens when you think you know it all this is what happens when you think you know more than God this is what happens when you ignore the laws not look at you you homeless you almost 60 I'm not poking fun at you what I'm saying to you how'd you listen how'd you listen at you what did you come to me for what did you enter Let Me Entertain You for because now because you refused to far and he's a question you know sinner is a Christian Bible pound and foot stump and Christian know what happened here would spiritual law took place in his life that caused such a travesty frame well let's go back to the law you know I love the law Hosea 4:6 backward all the time but I can be real I don't call all of it because I love the part that says my people perish for lack of knowledge but watch what it says next it says that because you rejected my knowledge I have stopped me from being priests priests but watch what he says myths and I have also rejected your children now you may see Kevin I don't see the correlation here's the correlation remember - the guy rejected the interpretation that I gave him about a year and a half later he lost his home in fact people already bought to be living in it now so you can't get about but don't end there no listen what the scripture says remember he rejected the knowledge that I gave him which was scriptural description that I says that because of that it doesn't limit that this the penalty of violating this law it's not limited to you the scripture says God not saying you know God says now I will reject your children oh so here you don't lose the house you got a child in college and the other one just graduate from school and there's a penalty that has been levied upon them because of you mr. daddy mr. know-it-all because of you you will again start off you don't lose the hopes because of your lack of knowledge but now let's look a little further according to Hosea 4:6 your children is about to be forgotten by God [Music] oh yeah grated I didn't make it up read description it is a law it is a principle where do you like it or not who cares I don't matter it is a blow it should allow don't go or how you feel the Lord oh say well well when your Lord Kevin and lose too much now you can't beat him no no no don't look like that it's a law listen when you walk or when you run the red light I'm sure some of you probably are policemen what everyone here where you run the red light and you go before a court now seeing this happen before a person will say Your Honor I'm guilty explanation what you give to an explanation okay let's look at the law let's see if there's a sub clause in this law that says that once a person plead guilty nice explanation they can go free the northern accommodate you and whatever circumstances may be surrounding you know the laws of God isn't oh they trying to accommodate you the laws of God is trying to protect you the laws of God is trying to preserve you but you have to apply the law you have to follow the protocol you have to implement what is being said to you to have to that's the only way that it works so my friend will the guy who I knew your president you know he doesn't have his home today in all those years he put into that mortgage has been wiped great from underneath him he can't blame God he could never blame God because just like many of you God gave you a dream or a dream you've had and the Lord is showing you in a symbolic manner what is spending for your life be it for you or against you you and turn to the side excuse me that God want to give you a little movie to see every night you know it's a dream revealing deeper spiritual implications now how you deal with it is up to you it's up to you so these teachings that I give here is to really help pull you up to a greater spiritual level gossiped where you are right now you should be further but you're not further because they are speaking rules that you inadvertently violating and don't even realize it again let's go back to the guy with the host okay he lost the house and now this is boilesen this real because I'm sure he's telling someone minder fella did tell me that I'm going to lose something of value is going to be very difficult to replace and I end up losing the house I saw the house being consumed by fly any break it down to me but it don't end there like I said earlier it doesn't end that that's only part of some punishments coming your way the next part of your your your your your lack of knowledge or your rejection of the knowledge according to 0 4 & 6 your children now is unprotected they're unprotected because you decide to reject them it court says because you have rejected knowledge I have rejected you from being creation have rejected your children but I suddenly need to go to goddess Accord listen I can't take that now you can look me but not mature they're going to do this put us a lot on care you feel about it so now look at those dreams carefully what does this dream mean father getting the interpretation send someone my way to bring some sense out of this dream I need to know is this something against me should I put but like I say all the time even if you don't understand your dream and more than likely you would have forgotten your dream simple parabola father I know I drank something last night I don't understand it or I don't recall it but in any event if my dream was from you and in regards to your plans for my life then I literally bind myself to what you want to do for my life because according to your word Jeremiah 29:11 says that your thoughts towards me I'm good not evil and they give me an expected and so therefore I trust whatever is that you want to do for me so I bind myself God what if that the contents of whatever my dream was was you trying to give me a view of what you want to do or what spending in the realm for me in terms of a good way then I come in a group and I give you authority to work in my life however if my dream was of a demonic nature if I would have been suddenly had covenants establishing the dream true demonic manipulation then I reject I renounce I curse and I give no agreement month if I sign some document in the dream or if I was writing something on orders or I was following instructions of some deceased relative or loved one or friend I reject I renounce Satan you have no legal right to operate in my life in fact I cancel every plan plot scheme and ploy in the realm of the spirit but I will never affect my life and by extension in life of my children family and radio that's the safer you will need to be no bishop or Cardinal simple prayer life and that is where in the power of the tongue so you declare it in atmosphere and you see the word of God the spiritual realm must submit to you don't negotiate god word when god word is uttered in the realm of the spirit the demons and angels in Saluki Oh Lord Nabi can circumvent this way no no no they got a phone a nine no but he says my word shall not come back to me an accomplished it must fulfill what I said it ought to do so you need to prophesy the prophesy literally means so to speak what God says take the scriptures and speak it in the realm of the Spirit so when you have such a dream then you now go back to the scriptures the scripture says and Deuteronomy 28 he says you are the head and not the tail above only and not beneath he says not only will the blessings come upon you but they will overtake you so now you lay claim Satan I see what you try to do now why are you getting my seven fold together let me put some more scriptures on you see that's how you need to come at this brother now when you see those things begin to happen let you begin to now like a lot of you are learning now a lot of you are understanding that you know that my dreams are not just dreams and I need to rebuke them and I just might get the emails on them all the time but here's what I always say and this is how you know you're growing spiritually it's kind of a double-edged sword double-edged sword whenever you begin to rebuke your dreams and you now begin to challenge your dreams and you can see if I haven't started already your dreams are now going to become more complex more manipulative more sunny so what does this mean the familiar spirits that are assigned to you because remember I told you those familiar spirits do they record they watch you they know everything about you so they're now gonna have a console against you how can we get Kevin okay he understand you could rebuke us he understand that you could show up scripture said knock our plants down so one might say you know we could do he loved his mother but let's just say my mom wasn't a life God for me let's just say that was the case so he will now send the deceased person in a dream who you love hey Kevin mummy okay you don't have to worry because of your love for your parent or your loved one automatically you're going to be attracted towards this Pacifica's you're happy to see them and they're always going to look good in the dream now how you will notice affirmation well first of all because they're deceased as autumn I got is a familiar spirit but for the most part they look nice in the dream but they're not going to say much and for the most part you're never going to get a perfect view of their face it's always going to be like down or blurry or whatever but they'll have the form of the deceased loved one all of this is to reel you in all of the system because any communication without disease poison you are forging a covenant because whatever that familiar spirit of masquerading spirit represent who is pretending to be a loved one once you live contact with them kiss hug front of the instructions whatever then in the realm of the Spirit you are giving the legal right for this evil spirit to run its course in your life it's a simpler style so now you must know how to pray and I always say this all the time again I read it as it is going to be long you must pray the scriptures you must get you must become like me I love the word of god I love scrunch oh I love it I cannot stand I cannot take this and do it screaming a woman screaming Sheldon carry on and they have yet to for the scripture give me my keys give me my Bible I'm over there I don't hear it I came here for a spirit food what is spirit food mr. Ewing the Word of God but whatever just like all I'm giving it a word now I am literally feeding you I'm feeding your spirit man a lot of you are physically full but spiritually hungry why because you do not read the Word of God you do not expose yourself to sound teaching to sound revelations to really build your spirit man this is why when you have the dream you normally cooperate with the forces against you somebody feed you in the dream you eaten McDonald's or whatever a lot of these are wicked dreams you see a deceased loved one and your mommy puppy but uh-oh come let me see you why because you are spiritually weak like a guarantee the more you put in the Word of God in you in the dream the Spirit of God which is the Holy Spirit was aiding you in that room but tell you right away hey no no no oh yeah my dad so who does this in the dream you begin to now launch an attack so again I get any idea those of you've had those dreams where things going missing in the dream like I told you about to lose something depending on how great that item is in the dream being a house or car piece of property or you see other people living on the property that means these are evil spirits working in the spiritual realm and influencing people to somehow someway remove these things from you the people that are going to do it they have no knowledge of the day themselves are being manipulated so what happens after that all of a sudden there's an attack against you like I say that financial or lending institutions that you've had covenants and agreements with they're now coming against you that's another thing people are understand do you know that when you go to markets or bike or whatever you get a mortgage and you know you in a covenant right you know when you sign those papers and say that you can pay this amount this amount of months you you are literally signing a covenant of DBT did you know that and do you also know that the me up the right to just do you rate it I bet you tomorrow right well you would need to know that you get the see because Stanley will get this book right here okay deliverance from demonic covenants and crisis in this guy I love it Reverend James E Solomon is going to give you an in-depth understanding of the power of covenants and how a lot of those covenants have our lives limited today curse those dreams listen Kirsten you lost a pound a dream your car but mash up in the dream your car was destroyed your car was stolen remember James or John 10 and 10 what is the spiritual law saying the Bible says that the thief which is Satan he comes only but to kill to steal and to destroy if you see these three things being performed in your dream know for sure the spiritual application to show you that the force behind that whether you see it or not is the devil now that we've understand that the devil is the one behind our stealing of the home property whatever in the dream now we shoot over there for our spiritual law our spiritual weapon which is proverbs chapter 6 verses 30 to 31 and the scripture is correct it said if the thief which is Satan be found be discovered we have identify him now we have the right through the laws of God to now make a demand on that leaf Satan I catch you but guess what I got something for you and you begin to demand you must not return unto me according to the law not me according to the Word of God that you must submit to you must return unto me 7 full of what you have taken away from me then we gave them another scripture 2nd Corinthians 4:18 they says that we must not focus on the things that we see not become miss Merrow fooled by that instead we must focus on the things that we don't see which is the unseen world this is where our dreams come in our dreams are spiritual they are real but it's giving us a preview or excerpt of the things that's operating against us or for us and though the whole bottom line of both parties in the the spirit meaning the kingdom of light and the kingdom of darkness is seeking the agreement of the human being to now orchestrate or to facilitate the efforts of what has been conceived in the spiritual realm in our world we understood this from my last teaching when the scripture clearly says in the book of Genesis which literally means beginning Genesis chapter 1 verses 26 and verse 28 where man was given Dominion man in this flesh with the spirit on the inside spirit soul and body spirits don't have that so God says I've given my Dominion and authority over this here under things here so therefore in order for a spirit to come and do it this is why Asperges cannot jump on you and possess you this is why I spirit cannot just pick you up and lick you on the ground some human being must have invited that spirit however they choose to do it now the spirit have the right to run its course throughout the earth whether they sending them at you or whatever the case may be but you've got to be afraid of that because you've got the Word of God that even those spirits must submit to but the only problem is you must know the Word of God so let me pray with you Father God everyone listening to me and under the sound of my voice that is presently watching this video live and we'll see this view this video in the future every dream that they have had in the past where stuff was stolen from them the stuff went missing or stuff just couldn't be found in the dream father I speak to those spiritual robbers I speak to the thief which is Satan I speak to his human and invisible agents and I curse them from the very root and I pray Lord that you send in a Bushman among them let them fight each other let them come against each other now father God I pray that you'd release from the Treasury of Satan everything that he had stolen from these people I released father bore according to Isaiah 45 where God said to Isaiah that when Cyrus come along he will release to him the treasures of Darkness the secret things have been hidden by the enemy that they will be released so every one of you that have had things taken from you and is now the vote of the evil one has now been been held in a spiritual cage I command a padlock of that cage of that cell of that whatever is that he has hid your stuff to be released in the realm of the Spirit and I speak it by proverb 6 32 31 that the thief must now return unto you 7 times that which he had originally taken according to the Word of God Satan and your demonic course you have no more Saviour because now we coming at you with the law and God was the supreme judge response to his law he said remind me of my word and father we are reminding you of your word today and your word says if the thief be found and we discovered him in this teaching may discover him in our dreams stealing our car stealing our homes our children or whatever it is that went missing in your life in the dream father I pray even though even the but I just gave you an example of who losses whom I pray for him right now by the word of proverbs 6 32 31 and I print that brother would be restored I pray that he would have seven times greater that he originally had in the name of Jesus Christ father your word says in proverbs chapter 30 verse 5 it says that every word of God is pure and you O Lord are she unto those that put their trust in you your word declares father 1 Isaiah 54 and 17 an absolutely no weapon that has been formed against us shall prosper every term in the realm of the Spirit speaking against our destiny making and concocting plans against us father we send fire against it right now consume them in the name of Jesus every physical enemy that is relentless in coming after us by the influence of evil powers father God made their way slippery in the name of Jesus that they will never come at us in the mighty name of Jesus Christ I now release upon this people father cord the anointing to break the yoke of bondage they are going to break Yoga witchcraft a morning to break the yoke of ignorance and that they would develop a person and a holder for the things of you I seen this prayer with as a Isaiah 11 verse 2 and I release upon them via that scripture lieth at law that your Lord will give them a spirit of wisdom a spirit of knowledge a spirit of understanding my unconcerned and that the days of ignorance the days of being spiritually blinded the days of walking and groping through the dark is over nor let your light come forth and let them see the revelations that you've always had available in your word I speak it i decree it I declare it and I call it forward from the realm of the Spirit to our physical realm I come an agreement with God plan for your life according to roger my eight twenty nine and eleven i bind all of us you and me to that scripture that the plants does super-duper great cons of God will manifest in our lives and that all of the club will be removed and that God will realign a slingshot and catapult us to where we should have been at this point in our lives and at the same time with having us restored Sevenfold based on our honoring of the Word of God 7 for the devil what might but he shall he must bring the 7 full blessing based on the original blessing he stole from us that is law that is Scripture that is not to be negotiated discuss we don't need more board or no prophet o the word i prophesy in your life program 6 verses 32 31 I speak it at the Bible said we decree a thing it shall be established that's the law so I decree and I declare proverbs 6 32 31 in your life Satan I command you send your Joker's and forget that father your word declares according to Hebrews chapter 1 verses 14 he says to which of the Angels have I said at any point sit here at my right hand while they make your enemies your footstool none of them he said instead then use the day these angels are all ministering spirits watches now sent forth meaning to us the believers of Jesus Christ to those who are heirs to salvation so the word Minister means to serve so the scripture says that when you accepted Jesus Christ you became an heir to salvation and accompany with that you've been added with ministering spirits now what do we do now father God in the name of Jesus according to Psalms 91 verses 11 and 12 where you said Lord that you have given these same angels these same ministering spirits charge or command over us to keep us in all our ways that we as much as - our foot against a stone they shall gather us up your declares father board and sounds 103 verse 20 it says all how excellent other angels in their strength hooha come on listen to the commands and the Word of God so that means that the Angels already respond to the Word of God this Bible so now what am I going to do angels of the Lord I got some work for you to do and the word says that no weapon form against me so the spiritual law now put a demand on the angels of the Lord to go forward and do what disable any weapon that is being form against me so I'm asking these angels according to the Word of God I now give them a command I don't see them but I know that they're here and I give you the command according to proverbs 6 and 31 and it says that of the thief be found he must return unto the owner thereof angels of the Lord according to the Word of God I command you to go forward and make sure the devil and his jokers carry out the law according to proverbs 632 31 I speak it I decree I declare I am confident that in the realm of the spirit there is a war going on to carry out that which I have declared according to the edik according to the laws of God I speak and I decree I declare I seal this prayer with this word which says that whatsoever things we desire when we pray we must believe and I believe and I believe in for you to I'm coming I'm agreeing with you and I believe that whatsoever things we desire can be prayed this gives me that we shall have it I am totally convinced of that so father what we see in this prayer by the precious blood of Jesus Christ by the works of the Cross what Jesus has done has now given us access to carry on this way may believe your word and I believe from this day forward if you believe this prayer if you receive this teaching if you take the consent of God and which I've given you the day and you need to sit back and watch the invisible hand of God operate in your life join me tomorrow I'll be posting what time I'm going to be on tomorrow we have our fabulous teaching tomorrow with dealing with cabinets how are we gonna break discover and break those covenants so that next year whatever you have plan to do in this year for next year you will accomplish it and even beyond your expectation you have a good evening may God bless you and your family
Channel: Minister Kevin L A Ewing
Views: 118,307
Rating: 4.8061857 out of 5
Keywords: Items going missing in your dreams, Dreams, Evil dreams, Religion, Chrstianity
Id: GKCqK3qBjJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 34sec (3334 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 28 2016
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