Min Kevin L A Ewing Session 6&7 Spiritual Warfare and Dreams

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Deuteronomy 29 and verse 29 and this morning actually had two sections one way I was dealing with understanding the dreams at your dream and the other section I was gonna deal with spiritual warfare in your dreams and then I was gonna go into the question and answer period okay so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna combine both of those messages and just label it a spiritual warfare in your dreams all right to make it easier for you and me so in Genesis sorry Deuteronomy chapter 29 verse 29 Amen when you have it good now let me find mines now listen to this very carefully Deuteronomy 29 and 29 says the secret things belong unto the Lord our God but those things which are reveal and he's speaking about Revelation now there's certain things that God has kept as his secrets that you and I will never know where did God come from you never know those things but that's not our business he said the secret things belong to the Lord our God but those things which are revealed belong unto us and our children for ever but this is the piece that I want you to focus on that we may do all the words of the law let me break the down field that scripture is saying to us that outside of the revelation of God there are certain scriptures you won't understand and be able to do so will leave you in a state of confusion so the Bible is saying that God is going to all have already release certain mysteries or secrets or revelation so what is revelation revelation is mysteries that are being uncovered they were always there it's just like I remember some time ago this was a long time ago I used to keep some pocket change in my suit pockets in my closet and for some reason I forgot about it so one day I was getting some of my stuff to take to the Salvation Army and I was just checking it randomly to see if anything was in there not necessarily money but buttons and so on and I came on this hundred dollar bill yeah so it was always there now it's being revealed to me so it's the same thing with Revelation revelation is already here and you must now ask God to peel back whatever is covering this information that you need to unlock the mysteries of your life the problem with this is is that most people that are committed to Christianity or religion somehow and to this what I'm about to say is a mystery to me they dismiss the spiritual world and I just don't understand how that that's like bread or peanut butter no but it makes no sense because the basis of what you believe as it relates to God Jesus the devil and angels and heaven and hell these things are in an invisible realm so for you to dismiss witchcraft and Santeria and all beer and voodoo and stuff like that well then what is it that you really believe because these are the forces that's challenging your faith in God and things that God has already put in position for you like I said last night before the foundation of the world so the scripture that we used last night which was Ephesians 1 verses 3 and 4 that says blessed be the Lord our God who has already passed since blessed us were all not some but Oh listen to the prefix but all spiritual blessings meaning that they're not physical in its raw or original thing your husband your wife your children your future jobs everything that that pertains to your life from the day you were born till the day you will die the blessings to advance you in its original state it is spiritual and it is located in the spiritual realm so this is why knowing this information like I said to you last night when we pray to God and we all will do this because I used to do it or father give me a nice wife father give me a good job father give me favor no no no no no no no no no no because when you spray that way you could be diverting from the original plan of God for your life so what do I do father whatever you have console yourself on concerning me before the foundation of the world let that and that only come to pass in my life the Bible says write this down proverbs chapter 19 verse 21 and it says many other devices in the heart of a man many ideas and aspirations many intentions he has but I love this piece Part B it says but only the counsel of God shall prevail so we take that now the Word of God and we make a prayer of it father let your concern let you is it your console I should be on this job is it your console I should be with this person is it your console that I should be in this take this country is it your console that my life should be the way that it is right now now why am I telling you this why am i jumping over the blocks with this because like what any manufacturer whatever is that they have manufactured they give you a manual to go along with it and it is only when we operate by that manual we will get peak performance of whatever that device or whatever is is but we as human beings decide to go contrary to the laws of God and as a result of that we work forever find ourselves bucking into post time after time we find ourselves in this cycle of defeat and failure all because you're doing it without God right description out proverbs 16 verse 25 and what does it say very clear it says I'm trying to bring it to my mind now it says that there's a way unto us that may seem or appear to be right but it now and I love the Bible this is why because the Bible is now going to prophesy the end from the beginning he said this relationship to you right now this see him good she's pretty she got 66 million degrees everybody like her but you have the opportunity to be with her this looks so right right now but the scriptures saying basically but if this is not what God intended for your life he said the end of what is seemingly so nice for you now it's gonna bring you sorrow in the end so this is when we begin to unhinge ourselves from our own opinions and ideologies because that is what has placed us in these adverse conditions that most of us say and right now and I used to be one of them my wife will tell you but this she claims that I liked bright women but nevertheless I thought it was right for me I thought this is the hole I used to ride a motorcycle I was like okay you know what if I could put this nice bright lady in the back of my motorcycle and just cruise around town everybody's gonna think I'm cool but the sorrow that they brought me but again that was not happening by mistake let's go back to the rules there is a way care that seems right to you but at the end of your way you are guaranteed destruction and some translations say even death it's a rule as a law it's a principle there are people in relationships right now no matter how terrible they're being treated but they have convinced themselves this is what I want and they always just to find this guy blacking up the eye every night but he only beat me because he loves me I mean come on think about it you think you'll really punch on to my eyes or if he didn't love me you got a point so we convinced ourselves that if we go contrary to the rules and to the laws of God we think we're smarter than God and that's where the problem is whenever you try to do something outside of the will of God what you're basically saying to God as your your own God and you will fail on every level make no mistake about that all right so that scripture sentence and I just gave you Deuteronomy 29 verse 29 and since that the secret things or the mysterious things belonging to the Lord our God but those things which are revealed belonging to us and our children and it says why in the second part of that it says so that so that we will be able to do the laws of God so we have to ask God in our prayers for either God revealed the mystery why is it that I excuse me can't keep a relationship why is it that every time I go on a job where I meet someone at the end of the everything goes fine in the beginning but as time began to play itself out they just detest me hate me they say all kind of mean things why can't I maintain relationships why I said that I feel so insecure why do I suffer from depression why why father reveal the mystery to me we've what is it that I'm missing and and God have been limiting the mystery to be something physical revealed to me the spiritual nature of what's keeping me in this particular position so now that we've gotten there I want us to go to Daniel chapter 10 and I'm going to give you the scriptures and I'm going to read so so that you will look at it in your own spare time so we're gonna read from Daniel chapter 10 from verses 1 to verse 3 and then we're gonna jump from verse 7 to verse 14 and then we're gonna jump again from verse 22 verse 21 so I'll repeat that Daniel chapter 10 we're gonna read from verse 1 to verse 3 and then we're gonna go from verse 7 to verse 14 and then from verse 22 verse 21 I'm just trying to pull up my Bible here okay here we go okay Daniel chapter ten from verse 1 to verse 3 it says in the third year of Cyrus king of Persia a thing was revealing to Daniel whose name was called Belshazzar and the thing was true but the time appointed was long and he being Daniel understood the thing and an understanding of the vision verse 2 in those days I Daniel was mourning three full weeks I ain't no Pleasant bread neither came flesh nor wine in my mouth neither did I anoint myself at all till three whole weeks were fulfilled so he is on a fashion for three weeks not eating he's not drinking none of them verse seven and I Daniel alone saw the vision mm-hmm for the men that were with me saw not the vision so like I said to you last night a vision is where you are fully conscious and you and I've had this happen before see things right before you or distance off or even hear things that those around you cannot see or cannot hear all right so Daniel is saying now he saw in this particular vision this person I guess he says and I Daniel saw the vision for the men that were with me saw not division but a great quaking fell upon them so that they fled to hide themselves therefore I was left alone and saw the great vision and three and there remained no strain in me for my calmness was turned in me into corruption and I retained no strength yet heard I the voice of his words and when I heard the voice of his words then was I in deep sleep on my face and my face towards the ground verse ten and behold a hand touched me which set me upon my knees and upon the palms my hand and he said unto me I Daniel a man greatly beloved understand the words that I speak unto thee and stand upright for unto thee am I now sent and when he had spoken this word unto me I stood trembling then said he unto me now let's stop right here because I got a clear up some stuff here Daniel is not talking to a human okay let's be clear Daniel is talking to a spirit particularly an angel this is not a human being he's talking to and I have to differentiate these things as we go into the scripture because the purpose of me giving you this right now I'm going to show you how things operate in the spiritual world that you have no knowledge of for or against your life and this particular scripture is going to show you in fact Daniel is gonna be the only human in this story every other human in this story of spiritual beings all right now way that I left off okay let's go to verse I guess I was at verse let's go 15 and when he had spoken on such words unto me I set my face towards the ground and I became dumb and behold one like the similitude of the Son of Man no I made the right one 12 right yeah okay tensley unto me fear not Daniel for from the first day that thou did a said thine heart to understand and to chasten thyself before thy God thy words were heard and I am come for thy words that this was powerful now that's verse 12 right let me make sure I remember that now what would with this Ange and this is the angel Gabriel what the angel Gabriel who does not have flesh but have the similitude of the likeness of a human he's saying Daniel from the first day you started your 21-day fast God heard you that many of you are like that you're fasting you're praying you're believing God for a job or pardon or whatever and you feel God isn't hearing you so description I was giving us the background stuff that goes on in the spiritual world that we are not privy to so the angel is saying to him listen from the first day you started fasting before God not only did God hear you but God sent me Gabriel with the message for you now as we began to get into the scripture we're gonna be introduced to another spiritual being that's gonna challenge the original spiritual being that came from God that's watch this now verse 13 before sorry but the sustainer Gabriel speaking to Daniel but the prince of the kingdom of Persia now let's be clear this is not a human there is in fact a prince of the the kingdom of Persia a male but that's not what we're discussing here this is the actual principality that rules over the Persian Empire let me be clear again a principality is not a person a principality is a position that a prince holds or sits in that particular office so the the kingdom of demonic powers as recorded in Ephesians 6 and verse 12 it starts off we got Satan then we have principalities powers rulers of the darkness of this world and spiritual wickedness in high places that's the high rocky of the kingdom of darkness so when the angel Gabriel who is just a messenger angel all right he's now coming from day one but the word of the God is coming from the third heaven which is the paradise of God he now gots to go through the second heaven which description clearly tells us is where Satan and his demonic forces reside he is now hindered by the prints that rule over the Persian Empire this prince was the one who orchestrated all of the evil in this Empire but he is not visible to the human beings so Gabriel said that I was with hell or delayed this is powerful I love this so these two spiritual beings is being delayed but now a third spiritual being is about to be introduced to the story let's read it let's go back to verse 13 but the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one in twenty days or 21 days but lo Michael one of the chief princess came to help me and I remained there with the king of Persia so this is what's happening now Gabriel angel the messenger angel is coming with the information or the revelation for Daniel and the kingdom of darkness understands the power of Revelation to a human being particularly if they make it practical and as a result of him coming down the Prince of Persia the one who rules this sisters territories they no no no no no all along we was oppressed and Daniel in his school because he didn't have this information so you come here we got him in the headlock and put our foot on it he go nowhere but the Bible says that a that Michael one of the Prince of the icon of the kingdom of defense on in heaven the kingdom of Defense the leader showed up now and grab this Prince what you think you do and you lose this man let him go I love this story because what I love about it is this the only human here is Daniel but we are seeing through the vision here how all of the spiritual warfare is going on and we have no knowledge of it why am I saying this because for the most part when we don't see what we want we foolishly judge God I'm making sense he says here verse 13 again but the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one in twenty days but lo Michael one of the chief Prince's came to help me and I remain there with the king of Persia now this is Gabriel speaking now because at this time Michael got the Prince of Persia in the headlock in the second heaven so Gabriel says now I am come verse 14 to make the understand what shall befall thy people I like that phrase because it takes us back to last night remember what I told you God isn't getting ready to do anything what God had to do was done before the foundation of the world in fact all you're seeing is the plan of God coming to pass but because of our lack of spiritual understanding when we see all the wars and the murders and our particular countries and corrupt governments we feel the world is out of control no no no no you don't think that God all-knowing God knew all of this would have happened but he always had a plan in place so Gabriel the messenger angel just like in the case of Abraham last night when God began to tell him what was going to happen yes even after he was off the scene so this angel now is coming to tell or make him privy or reveal to him what was already in place for you my brother and this is how you need to be thinking as you journey through life as you commit to your God God has not failed you God has not left you and I don't care what tragedy took place in your life don't allow the enemy to take that opportunity to make you foolishly judge God now I am come to make the understand what shall befall the people in the latter days for yet the vision is for many days orwe in the future these things are gonna happen and when he had spoken such words unto me I set my face towards the ground and I became dumb and behold one of one like the similitude of the son of man touch my lips then I opened my mouth and speak and said unto him that stood before me oh my lord by the vision sorrows are turned upon me and I have retained no strength let's go straight to verse 20 then said he now this is interesting now because Gabriel at this point had already released a Daniel everything God wanted him to know and this is so powerful because it's all talking about spiritual stuff Gabriel saying to him now not had already told you what I had to say I now have to go back but watch what he says next I have to now go back to fight meaning now that he isn't gonna just slide from the first heaven for example would be as far as we could see in the sky but beyond that he says when I get through that second heaven I'm gonna be challenged again but again all of what is happening here is spiritual you don't see this none of this you see and this was what bothers me about preachers man because they they talk as if these things are not real they don't have a preach about this they don't bring this up so you this is why you become so accustomed by what you physically see that again you you become confused write the scripture down second Corinthians chapter four verse eighteen the Apostle Paul who became so mesmerized by this revelation listen what he said he said set not your eyes on the things that are seen for the things that are seen are temporal they're subject to change but he says instead set your eyes on the things that you cannot see what can I not see but upon the spiritual world but watch what he says next for those things are eternal this is why your scripture says to you write this down Galatians chapter five I think verse 16 and that admonishes us to walk in the spirit walk in the Word of God why it takes your attention off of the things that you see and places you on the cutting edge of what's about to come so that's why I don't need to you know preacher talking no mess to me I see a car I see I see property papers I see you getting married soon I see you getting on my face talk no master me no man I don't need you to preach me happy you know why let me tell you why and I took this so serious I came to the grand conclusion that after all of the troubles in this life all of the good times all of the beautiful marriage having children seeing grandchildren all of this I got to stand before my Saviour and I have to give an account for what he has given me when I stand before him he says come here Kevin celebrate their Gabrielle you run that DVD player on what his life should have been like and Michael you run the DVD player or what his life was like on the earth Kevin I have called you as a teacher to educate to inform to advance my people through the knowledge that have blessed you it but instead Kevin you rob them and stare Kevin you beg them for money and stare Kevin you use my name and tell them if they show this and give this and give that that I can do this for them and it's never in my word and because of it mr. Ewing thousands of souls went to a Chrysler cell because of your greed that's why I hate it so much so after all of the glitz and glamor all of the ups and downs in life when they lay you in the ground Six Feet Under you will rise one day and you'll have to stand before God and you better have a good report so that's how I look at it and that's what keep me committed to the cause that I'm on I don't need your money I don't need want to pay me I don't need no matter so no seed and I'm not saying that isn't right I'm not saying you shouldn't do that to people but I'm saying to you when somebody make that priority when somebody say so a season you can get saved so I see you can be healed so see you can get a husband that is witchcraft only the Santeria witch doctors and so on you go to to pay for the spirits to wait for you but the scripture says obey my word and I will bless you according to Deuteronomy 28 verses 1 to 3 said well bless you you're going on and bless you in your coming in he said the food of your body will be blessed you'll be blessing about why is he doing all as he's have you hearken diligently unto my word okay me I could pay God it could be the obeah man the Santeria doctor no so that's why I get so angry about that it was a time I was in a church in some guy start big right I left my staying here for no and again don't get me wrong people you the church need funds to do they have to do I'm not because people always quote me wrong I'm not saying do not give to the church what I'm saying to you that is not salvation that should not be priority in terms of you preach more about that then you preach about your eternal soul that's the point I'm making you so like I was saying so in verse 20 of Daniel 10 it says then said he or then said the angel Gabriel knowest thou wherefore I come unto you and now will I return to fight with the Prince of Persia so that at this point obviously Michael already led the Prince of Persia loose this wasn't even about his way he says and when I am gone this is powerful and when I am gone for lo the Prince of Greece shall come so here is what I want you to see in this scenario and this is what I want you to see as you fast in any one of you to watch my videos you know I put emphasis on the fast that is the game changer that is the atomic bomb in the spiritual realm to the believer you are see changes in your life but I can tell you this now things will get worse before they get better you know why because you are challenging spirits that never had a challenge before so when you introduce fasting and people do this all the time they call me okay they get I say refer them straight to my video that video call after the fast straight after the fast cuz hell if you think some are similar relish story is gonna take place after this you can forget that no you are challenging spirits that were assigned to your life to ensure that you never ever meet any of what God had put in place for your life and now that you gonna mess around with this fast all help them break loose why because you are unseating Devils so they go fight for their territory that's like someone come at the house right now you don't pay the mortgage on this place you tore it for this place and they just come down okay mr. Ewing come here what you don't care I'll save you are you will fight you off some choice um some choice words and probably put them in the headlock or even in the hospital but it's the same thing in the spiritual world they were signed to your lineage they did it to your great-grandma your great-great grandma way back and now they're starting the whole cycle ensuring that you now leave this earth as a failure never ever proceeding or going forward in life so the Bible is saying here that Daniel while he was doing the 21-day fast look at the trouble he caused in the spiritual realm that he didn't know what's happening he didn't know the forces that God had or they're combining the evil forces that were always challenging him but now through his prayer and fasting unbeknown to him he has now recruit spiritual reinforcement so what nothing's heating up now because in that same scripture verse 20 he says listen I gotta go now but let me tell you how serious this is Michael puts such a beating on the Prince of Persia that he had to call the prince that was ruling over Greece to come and help him this real and that's just what happening to you right now there's some of you who live in in communities or in families that there's such an evil strong all based on covenants that the ancestors have made and you're wondering why is life so hard for you and everybody has seemed to be just gliding through life you know why because you don't know the agreements the allegiance the covenants that they have made in secrecy with evil alters with them in demonic powers making pacts with them tying the entire family for failure so the evidence of this this is how you see spiritual warfare now manifested in the natural realm you now see a pattern of failure in that family everybody in the family have diabetes everyone have cancer every who am married my for 15 minutes and divorce right after that you watch it watch it take a look at your family look at your family then you got some of them you know they so Chimel all right I don't want to be married I don't know your less preferred marriage you know you can't get married no what I want them to do with you have to do with those before you the things that they did the things that they put in place has now secured your destiny and these are the things nobody is preaching about so this is why people become frustrated with church I'm doing what you tell me to do I spin around seven times I gave my neighbor high five I pimp slap my neighbor I did all of that and nothing is happening for me you know why because you're dealing with things from a physical perspective and whenever you do it as a believer then you are losing automatically and you're working a lot you i co-conspirator to your own demise so he says when i leave the guy who was ruling over greece the prince who ruled that principality he has been summits know to come over here to persia because this daniel fellow been praying have been causing trouble now I use this story because I needed you see the magnitude of which you're involved with when you decide to enter spiritual warfare remember let's go back to the story he went on a 21-day fast and whenever you go on the fast the spiritual world is going to be open up to you primarily in dreams some would actually see visions like Daniel but for the majority of you it will begin in your dreams and whatever spiritual plagues are on you or primarily your bloodline you will now begin to see the symbols of it in the dream so you're not having dreams like you watching some movie every night these are all of the evidence being produced to you and what are the dreams itself the dreams are self while your physical body is asleep your spirit your soul remember your soul is your mind you will your intellect your spiritual life force these wild this physical body that gives you the legal right to be here as as sleep your spirit and soul - man it's now entering into the spirit world via the dream because the dream or the vision is taking you into the spiritual realm why because it is the parent world - this physical world that's why the scripture says shall a man gain the whole world and loses one soul would she what you trying to gain this none of this you can carry with you I worked part-time in a funeral home for about ten years and I have yet to see somebody taking their car or whom a diamond in the grave but they fought for all their lives so the scripture says what will it profit you to be so caught up on the physical stuff that will eventually fade away and lose so no no so the scriptures are clear Daniel is showing us this story that God allowed this record of history that God has allowed God is trying to show us who are living today don't be caught up on the physical stuff and entrench yourself gouge on the Word of God gouge on the rules of God the laws and the principles of the spiritual world that you will only find in the scriptures this is what you need to know this is your manual to life this is what's going to make the things that's going on your life which are a mystery to you this is going to unveil the mystery yes I told my story many times I came from a family of divorce everybody divorce mommy brother me the bunny rabbit cat all him all I'm divorced everybody [Laughter] you think we volunteered for that you think when we went to the altar and gave our vows what do you take this one oh yeah I take her to be my wedded wife and by 2010 like a divorce yeah no no your mark for it because of covenants remember the story in Joshua chapter 6 and verse 7 when they were given instructions to cause the Jericho walls to collapse well after he gave them the instructions how to go about it and all it really is is coming in a covenant of God the instructions that he gave them once they agree to it then God was now going to do what they were not capable of doing but God gave them a stern warning he said I will listen to me carefully now listen to me carefully he said when these walls collapse do not touch anything and Jericho lease you become a curse that's what he said to them then he says next then by extension through what you are doing the entire issue will become curse so it shows you that your family bloodline can be polluted and defile by your disobedience especially as a head person in the family so the Bible says that Windus window walls collapse it says that akin when and took stuff and he hid it under his tip his wife didn't know his children didn't nobody knew but what he did automatically brought a curse on him but before we go dia that word a curse I cannot remember the actual Hebrew word but the Hebrew meaning for that word occurs a CCU rscd which is the same as curse it means something or someone that has marked for destruction so he had no idea that when he was taking those things in the spiritual realm there was an X now placed on him there was an external place on his wife there was an extra place on his children because he didn't understand the spiritual implication that came along with his disobedience but that was at all as the results of that the Bible says when the wall had collapsed they were well confident now because they now have to go and fight the other city by the name of AI which was a fraction of the size of Jericho so Joshua said well how much people be needed the fellows the captain Mary I need much said couple analyst fellows my I'm gonna take this big group board we don't need much and I said that when they went to fight them the people of AI beat them to a pulp and I think about 300 of them died so Joshua goes back to God angry God you said to us in Joshua chapter 1 you said that no nation would be able to withstand us you said that wherever the soul of our feet shall tread that have you given unto us yes a liar because they whooping us you know what God said to him and that's the part I want you to get God's sake get up now watch what he says next remember only a can tuck her right he says Israel have sinned against me I didn't go order the Bible I didn't write it but I'm showing you the spiritual implication when a member of your family put their hands to something they should have no dealings wit everybody become guilty it doesn't mean you can go to hell no you still accept Jesus Christ but the quality of your life will diminish greatly he said Israel have sinned against me and let me tell you how powerful this curse was on the people of God see this is what I want you to see this is what I want you see I get a lot of emails Kevin I love your ministry I think you're a good teacher you know you just invigorate me but I just can't get past this part will you keep talking about recurse and you know we are under grace and grace under us and Christ become a curse for us but you just read this scripture that these are the Israel of the people of God that I change them you are still the people of God but you could violate rules that will put you under a curse even though you are a child of God meaning now if you die you will go to heaven if you repent it and so on but the quality of your life has been diminished because you are in violation of the word of God some of them so argued me but I don't care what you say to me minister possibly of you call yourself I am NOT under curse I'm a child of God a child of God I say okay we can solve this right now cuz I tired of his nonsense I say what is a curse I say it's cancer curse of course mr. Ewing okay this diabetes occurs why you ask so many silly questions of cortico it cannot be blessings but you're under grace right well how come you still have diabetes if what you were saying to me is correct and you're not under the curse because you accepted Jesus Christ why as diabetes became a blessing now since you became curse I can't make me understand this what am I really saying though there's more to this than what it's just spelt out there and I don't have the time to get into the details of that right now but you have to look at things beyond what I say beyond grab other scriptures to bring the revelation to unlock the mystery of that because according to what the scripture is saying you are not under custody more so you know what should have happened today you got saved if you was in poverty you should be six million dollars should be on your account right now the day you got saved whatever disease you are you should be healing right now the day you got say whatever negativity that was happened in your life that is labeled as a curse you should have none of them right put anyone in here right now put your hand up right now the day you accepted Jesus Christ you had no more problems I'm not making a mockery of the scriptures I'm telling you remember I just told you this now that's why I start with that scripture Deuteronomy 29 verse 29 it says the secret things belong to the Lord our God but those things that I revealed belong to us and our children so that we may do the law or read the scriptures now you said yourself God give me a revelation what does it mean and if Christ died for me and you said that curses anything that hangs upon a tree well how come I so going through this I didn't come to teach that today when I came here to teach you today to show you the spiritual warfare in our dreams and in our vision and the nightmares that you were having on a consistent basis especially if you are a person who are deep into praying and reading your Bible you're gonna be the one who's gonna be greatly affected by it because what you don't realize that as you begin to study the scriptures and declare the Word of God you are literally fighting in the spiritual realm not only that the more you begin to understand your dreams the more complex your dreams are gonna become because see what happened now the enemy realized whoa whoa whoa whoa sister Mary just coming into some knowledge and the whole idea of the kingdom of darkness is to keep you ignorant of the devices and this is why the Apostle Paul repeatedly said in the scriptures for we are not ignorant of Satan and his devices so would you have to be able to look at this now why is it now before before I started all as fasting or gave my life to God and begin to pray at midnight or whatever I wasn't having all this problem but now all of a sudden watch this now and this is the main attack on spiritual warfare dreams once you begin to get into the Word of God your dreams are immediately erased when you're weak you can't retain nothing but watch what happens that sin has shown you the spiritual attack against your life as you walk throughout the day or you're driving or you at work something trigger off a new piece of the dream and you be like oh man I think just looking at this computer I remember there was a computer in my dream I know is more than a dream at that very moment you don't try to remember the dream because it isn't about the dream anymore at this point it's about spiritual warfare you are being fought in the spiritual realm father everything that is challenging the spiritual intelligence that you are trying to download to me I bind that spirit of forgetfulness I bind that spirit of confusion I bind that spirit as trying to keep me away from the information that I need to free me from the bondage that I've found myself in this ain't no game that's real so we have to understand what's happening so it's normal for a person who's under heavy spiritual attack not to recall their dreams so this is what I advise them to do every night before you go to bed and every morning when you get up particularly when you go to bed at night because what happened to most of you what you've been doing is that you've been going in spiritual warfare as it relates to your dreams unarmored it's almost like when the Americans send the soldiers to Iraq they send them there to fight and in bikini and in Bermuda shorts this is what you do when you don't cover yourself with the whole arm of God before going to bed and what is the arm of God is the arm of God is something I can pick up from Walmart or Target no it's a spiritual suit so why do you get it on you pray it on father is of this is a knife region chapter 6 father I prayer it not a spiritual armor my helmet of salvation my breastplate of righteousness my shield of faith to quench the fiery darts of the enemy my belt of truth my sword which is the word of the Living God and my shoes shut with the preparation of the gospel so in the spiritual realm my spirit man has the whole arm on so I gonna sleep now I waiting for y'all you come come to come in the dream I got something for you earlier but what we've been doing we just been going to sleep and then you have these terrible nightmares you have the sleep paralysis people in Ireland call it being high Gore or ridden by a witch but really this is evil demonic forces doing their best to torment you two purposes primarily like I told you last night they want to force covenants or or they want to reinitiate you over covenants that you would have broken in the fast and didn't even know this is why when you honor fasts and this has happened to me too when your honor fast you will have some of the most vile dreams ever because this is where the vicious fight is taking place just like in the case of Daniel so here you are on the fast and you have in the most nastiest sexual dreams ever you say what I don't even think about this stuff we're not interested what you think interested be interested in the spiritual implications of which is being revealed to you in the dream the scriptures say got to go back to the law now it says that how can two walk together except they won't agree Amos three verse three right the scripture says I think it's in 2nd Corinthians lore 1st Corinthians chapter 6 4 6 or 16 somewhere right there it says and if a man joins himself with a harlot them two shall become one flesh that's what it says right so therefore if you are asleep your physical body is asleep like I told you about that Abraham and the other guy last night you're asleep so your spirit man accompanied by your soul is in the spiritual realm seeing all of these things so if you find yourself being intimate what that denotes or symbolize is an agreement so whatever that spirit represent remember you on the fast whatever and you praying against the spirit of poverty father I break the spirit of poverty I come against the spirit of not enough just enough I command it to be broken from my ancestors I repent of the sins the iniquities and the transgression of my ancestors who would have caused all of this to happen boom and all of a sudden you get a sexual dream why because it was broken and the Spirit is coming back to reinforce or to reconnect with you say no game I keep telling you that this is not a game and this is what you're depleted of in your churches you need to hear this information wet dreams by young boys what you think happened if you were to do a survey on the wet dreams coming from the particular young men and viewers to do a history check in their families I can assure you more than 95% of them come from a lineage of sorcery now why is this Kevin because what the Spirit is trying to do is to initiate them to the altar but they're doing it through the dream but you better Kevin how could that be I mean come on Kevin it isn't like they're physically having sex with them I agree with you so by saying that now I wanted to go back to a chapter I wasn't able to conclude but I can use this right now Genesis chapter 20 Genesis chapter 20 I'm gonna read from verse 1 okay an Abram journeyed from thence towards the south country and dwelt between Kadesh and Shur and surgery and Quran and Abram said to Sarah his wife she is my sister and Bimala king of Graz sent and took Sarah but God came to Abimelech anyone right so God isn't physically talking to the body of Abimelech right Abimelech is asleep so if God if someone is in a dream state they cannot be conscious they are asleep Abimelech is on his bed sleeping with another man's wife next to him even though he has his own wife watch this now but God came to Abimelech in a dream by night and said to Abimelech so the Spirit of God God is a spirit is speaking to the spirit of Abimelech while Abimelech the physical body is asleep in his bed so God says behold thou art but a dead man for the woman which thou hast taken for she is a nutter man's wife so god judging him right now well watch what he's gonna say now listen to this first of all but Abimelech had not come near her and he said Lord will Dow slay also a righteous man now he wasn't righteous per se but he's deeming himself as righteous because he didn't physically engage in the acronym no good anyway so he says in verse 5 said he unto me or Abram said unto me she is my sister and she even said herself he is my brother listen to him now and in the integrity of my heart an innocence of my hands have I not done this integrity you got another man why flee in any way what integrity have a different meaning now II so what integrity is he talking about watch what happens next now verse six and God said unto Him in a dream same dream yea I know that doubt that is this in the integrity of that heart for I also would held from thee sinning against me so what he's saying to Abimelech you had nothing to do with this i suspended your desire from touch of really i was saving your life well bring this baby home to me bring this baby home for you because all of us was in save all our life and all of us was unfaithful to our partners remember i time and you had plans to go see somebody else in the tire was flat hello-hello and you cuss and carry on and say that devil fighting you not knowing god save and you're done behind from death same thing here same principle got all your point fume and cologne all dawn up huh gettin all dressed for hell and no even know verse six and God said unto Him in a dream yeah I know that that thou do this is an integrity of that heart why also with hell the from sinning against me therefore suffer or allow I the not to touch up verse seven now therefore restore the man his wife for he is a prophet and he shall pray for thee and thou shall live so therefore a sentence of death was already levied on his life as a result of the action he took by having the man of God wife in his bed this is the spiritual implications that you don't know of watch this now so he says here in verse let's go to verse eight therefore Abimelech rose early in the morning and called all his servant and told all these things in their air and the men were so afraid then a biblical Abraham and said unto Him what has that done unto us and what have I offended thee that thou has brought on me and on my kingdom a great sin thou has done thou hast done these unto me that ought not be done and Abimelech said unto Abram what sorest thou that thou has done this thing and Abram said because I thought surely the fear of God is not in this place and they will slay me for my wife's sake and yet indeed she is my sister she is the daughter of my father and not the daughter of my mother and she became my wife and it came to pass when God caused me to wonder from my father's house that I said unto her this is thy kindness which thou shalt show unto me at every place where we shall come say of me he is my brother and a biblical sheep oxen and men servants women servants and gave them unto Abraham and restored his source restore him Sarah his wife and Abimelech said behold my land is before thee dwell where it please thee and unto Sarah and unto Sarah but let's drop straight to verse 17 that's what I want you to see so Abram listeners now prayed unto God and God healed Abimelech and his wife Abimelech wife why Sarah in Abimelech bed if he got a wife already but we haven't got a tell but what I trying to show you here what's the revelation the scripture says after Abram prayed God healed him he wasn't sick before he got there but he brought on sickness when he was violating the Mount of God wife but the story didn't end because as you read the rest of the story it says now the women of that town were able to bear children so they also became barren as a result of what was happening here why am I telling you this I'm telling because I want you to become focus on the laws the rules and the principles of the Scriptures because it is through those rules laws principles ordinance that you now get the revelation of why you are where you are why you can't go forward who could your ancestors would have sexually fooled with that were people of God that has brought barrenness in your bloodline you think God had nothing else to do him in Moses when they were writing do not sleep with your father's wife and so on and if you do this you will be barren or if you do this you'll be put to death no it is showing you the spiritual implication that's gonna come as a result of your action so why is it that in this dream like I told you last night why are these evil spirits trying to get me to do acts that I don't normally do in real life forget all of that you look at the Bible and see what penalty that the acts will bring when you read Deuteronomy chapter 27 it speaks about all of these egregious sinful acts and each one of them says if you do this then this one should be put to death so you have no idea that the spirit the masquerading spirit in this dream is trying to get you to violate this law to introduce the spirit of death to your life this is why I say to you when you wake up from a dream whether you understood the dream whether you were confused by the dream father god I know I had a dream last night oh I had a dream but I don't understand it if this dream was of you then I come an agreement whatever you want to do with my life if that dream was not of you I reject it I renounce it I denounce it I disassociate myself but any agreement that would have taken place in that dream we are fighting the covenants that the spirits are trying to forge with us to facilitate their will in our lives why is this Kevin this what makes sense to me when I can make it make sense to you right now the Bible is clear that's why you have to know the law you have to know the rules you after lot of principles the Bible is unequivocally clear it says write this down Genesis chapter 1 verses 26 and verse 28 Genesis chapter 1 verse 26 in verse 28 and Psalms chapter 8 verse 4 to verse 6 so that's Genesis chapter 1 verse 26 and verse 28 and then you're gonna read and then you're gonna write Sam's eight verses four or six and the common denominator and all three of these particular scriptures it specifically says to us who God gave Dominion and authority to when he had completed creating this earth it is clear he said he's given the Dominion to mankind that is a spirit soul and body triune that's you and I know where will you read from Genesis to Revelation where God gave spirits authority in the earth not like a knock you off your socks right now not even himself it's a rule it's a law as a principle this is why every time something went down in the Bible God consulted with an Abraham he consulted when Isaac he consulted with Moses he consulted why because he's following his rules in order to manifest who he has already put in place in the spiritual room there has to be an agreement between the spirit and the human read any scripture why didn't he just come there and kick down Jericho wall why didn't he just come there and pimp-slap Pharaoh and grab his people and go why didn't he do these things why he didn't do it because he would have been violating his law because it's a law because it's a principle it works in the the negative side and the positive side so the demonic world need your cooperation need your agreement unfortunately the way that they come about it or go is covert hence these manipulative dreams sexual dreams dreaming of the decease when you should have no so but look at what is being violated if God says that when a person dies according to Ecclesiastes 9 verses 5 & 6 then why I'm sorry but a person died they have no more portion under the Sun he says you ought to not be engaging in Nuuk romancey to run in chapter 18 verse 11 which means you should have no dealings with the dead so why are you having dreams about your deceased relatives or friends don't tell me because granny pretty because what you're saying to me forget God law I stick it on who look like Grandma to me in the dream and at that moment you are under the curse of whatever is that will come as a result of you doing that you need to look at the law what does the law say the spirits are looking for covenants and agreements with you it is the only really could violate your life it's the only way they could continue the negative pattern in your life and do you the same way they did to your uncle your cousin your Grammy your for cousin your great Grammy whomever all of them live in the same defeated life because they were ignorant to these rules and they succumb to the manipulative things of the enemy as a result of that they are paying the price for it today why everybody in our family all the women have children for different men and none of them are married why is it that the men in our family before they reached the age of 50 all of them died why I said that the men in our family none of them could own a home but the women are educated but none of them can own a mine these things aren't happening because they could happen there are spiritual covenants in place and that's screwed up there according to do nothing about it God can't come and stop him no he would be violating his rules he put rules there we now have to act the revelation to break it and the scripture tells us how write this down Leviticus I think it's 16 is it 16 Leviticus 16 verses 42 41 I believe that's what it is it says that you must now confess and repent of the iniquities and transgressions and sins of your forefathers and ancestors so we said we even get to you yet you need to deal with the nonsense they did in the past okay when they said evil on other people's lives when they went and make our commitment and do blood sacrifice and this is why you see nobody when a particular family lives beyond 50 whatever you see tragic deaths in that family especially especially egregious acts as Merlyn most of them I know a family in the Bahamas that the males in there when they die they die viciously gunshot wounds to the head starve to death how is that possible that is possible when they're people of the family made blood sacrifices so the demonic spirits that they made the agreement with will demand a blood sacrifice every year so what this is mean now let's go back to akin again when they became a part of the accursed thing each one of them and that family were mark in the realm of the Spirit where a certain date attached to them where they will exist no more on this planet and unfortunately because they don't know cuz somebody can come right near and recognize the Christ I begin to break that thing right apart but for the most part they wouldn't know they wouldn't know and that's what I want you to see today look beyond the physical look beyond your little world where you don't have a job look beyond your little world where you wish things were better Manderson that's that's trivial that's trivial what you need to focus on is the origin how did this begin how did this happen feeding in a dream eating in the dream very common one of the worst shrooms you could ever have outside of having dreams sexual intercourse and dreaming about decease whatever you see yourself eating in the dream or someone feeding you in a dream and it's totally demonic completely proverbs chapter 23 I'm gonna wrap up right here because I want to go into the question and answer period I have a lot to cover but I know you have a lot to ask me proverbs chapter 23 and listen to verse 1 it says when thou sittest to eat with a ruler consider diligently what is before thee and put a knife to my throat if thou be a man given to appetite be not desirous of us dainty's for they are what deceitful meat while in the dream this may look like a nice piece of Kentucky or a piece of Popeye or whatever you see there it is there is deceitful meat would appear to be good food it's a demonic concoction but what is what is being done here the Spirit is trying to get you to agree the spirit is trying to get you to partake of it the minute you partake of it the covenant has been forged and because you ate that in the dream mark that day because your health condition will begin to decline from that day forward there was a church that I was invited to back home and a Sunday morning service that he asked me to minister my Minister Minister on dreams they liked it so much that they tell me please come back the next day they don't have church on Monday but come back the next day we want you to speak more on it I went back there spoke about it there was a the churches is partially well the majority of demurred are Jamaicans and they liked when they come because they like the about the dream story about two months later one of the ladies that were there she had a dream an industry her deceased grandfather came to her didn't say a word to her took his hand and rested right here on her hip and he left remember she was present in the Syrian teachings where I give details especially about remember the disease about two weeks after that dream she was doing some cleaning in a house and she had a small two-step thing where she was reaching to dust and she fell and she I think break her thigh bone listen to these events now now where we live in Grand Bahama they did not have the medical facilities to deal with all so it's customary that they were taking you to the capital which is Nassau where they have the equipment and so on the doctor who deals so that was on vacation for two weeks and he's known about who deals with it so she's home at this broken thighbone so by the time they get in there now and trying to fix up they realize she has born cancer this woman helped me just begin to decline but again all of this began after the dream with the the grandfather well sorry to say she's deceased now dreams are showing you the things pending or against your life in the spiritual realm in fact there was an incident in America there was this guy I think he was shot I think was Michael Brown or the guy with a police shot was his name Michael Brown right I read an article in fact I posted on my Facebook page where Michael Brown had a dream and in this dream he saw himself in a casket with all of these police vehicles and orders that the spiritual world was showing him and revealing to him buddy this coming for you but when you lock knowledge you will perish dismissing it you're hurting me you could sum all this up to garbage you could say this this crazy Caribbean boy is give him some Rohde and let him get over here no no what I'm saying to you you're not dismissing me you're dismissing the manual for your life and you will pay as a result of it the dreams are revealing it to you so in closing you and again I get so much so much to cover I want to read off some of the worst dreams that you could ever have but I want to be clear not all dreams are bad a lot of dreams are good but your spiritual life will determine the type of dreams that you have if you always having nightmares sexual dream to remember the dead honest wicked stuff that mean there's serious opposition in your life but I can guarantee you this though it's not happening because it could happen there's something very valuable about you the Saudis forces job is to ensure that you never fulfill the will of God that is upon your life and that's why you're being fought so much that none to die pretty you are handsome you are kind under duty education and have everything to do with the investment that God has in your life and as a result of that these forces are trying to shut you down from the origin which is the spiritual world because once you're tied there that's it for you so some of the worst dreams that you can have being shot or stabbed or injected with syringes in a dream all of this stick notes the spirit of death so if these things happen and you don't reject it rebuke it remember whatever happens in the dream the idea is to forge an agreement so if the dreamer does not challenge the dream by rebuking it or purring a gang set or even fighting it in the dream then they're coming in agreement with it all right having sex in a dream even it's which your husband or wife rebuke it because the spirits are masquerading spirits pretending to be your husband or your wife I don't need no dream to to to to remind me of intercourse at my part now I know how to do that so my thing is it's a deceptive dream eating or drinking in a dream especially drinking dirty water somebody trying to shut you down in your health creatures or crazy folks chasing you in a dream these are demonic forces masquerading spirits especially many people have heard who had dreams these guys would have to be like dreadlocks coming after him but you can't see their face these are mad spirits the minute they grab ahold of you in your dream you don't challenge it they're gonna have major bouts with depression major bouts of anxiety and panic attacks or know where you'll be sitting in a crime place or on a plane and you feel as if they're playing and go around or you've crossed refer back another sign I should give you this to where you find yourself if you go to different areas in real life and it also speaks about your spirit of discernment and when you go there you feel claustrophobic even though the area is big you go anyplace else you don't feel this then it tells you that place where you are saturated with witchcraft because whenever the spirit of witchcraft is it is a company with the spirit of fear why because fear which is not a feeling like the dictionary says the true definition of fear you will find in second Timothy 1 and 7 and it says that God did not give us a spirit of fear so fears are what spirit now according to Webster I said relates to the emotion or whatever what they really mean to say is that the evidence of that spirit will now begin to raise your adrenaline level would fail so the feeling of fear is the evidence that the spirit affairs present so whatever so what do you do now you now begin to pray rebuke or come against the spirit of fear don't ever confess a lie so scared I feel like you're dead stop making negative confessions the Bible says it's a rule if you decree a thing what's gonna happen it'll be established scripture rules laws principles being bitten by a dog snake or any type of animals in a dream all of these are demonic dreams you see certain birds and your dream especially if you recognize them you want to know whether or not that dream is real then you go back to the Old Testament and you look at the lesser the unclean and you look at the list of the clean birds and you see which aerial fall under and you know exactly what coming up against your life there people who say to me all the time Kevin I've had this dream and an angel came to me and not these big wings and and it spoke these these particular words to me I say yeah show me any scripture in the Bible where the angel got wings and it was a female angel Kevin show me any Scripture in the Bible anywhere in the Word of God where addressed an angel as a female sure to me you see the deception see that's what I'm showing it with the kingdom of darkness it preys on your ignorance because all you saying is I saw an angel and they just say John 3:16 for God so loved the world and they would have to tell you that it now advise you to do something evil it's not of God they have nothing to do with God so this is why you need to know the rules you know that you need to know the Scriptures so that you will be aware of the devil's device non progress anti progress every time you have a dream you see yourself where you used to live and your former apartments and the further back it goes it speaks or in a significant of a spirit that is causing you not to go forward or you will have a dream where you see yourself as a child or teenager why you already passed that stage so wherever that dream is taking you particularly in an area that you have accomplished already then that is denoting backwardness in your life delay setback babies very common dream people said to me ah Kevin had this this dream last night like this person just come to me and this cute cute baby they put my arm oh my god it was so cute Kevin a cute what does a baby represent a baby represents burdens your expenses increases every when a baby comes into your life it's a negative three minutes when a baby comes in life think about the things that you have to now alter unchanged in your life particularly you got to buy more food you're gonna find daycare everything goes up so guess what happens now you see the person coming okay look cute little cutie cutie look what should you do you're agreeing to take the burden you're agreeing to take the burden in the spiritual realm there's agreement between you not slurred so what you describe for now mark that day again and watch all of a sudden your car breaking down every minute the man come then say listen I know your retinas $2,500 we decided to throw another 500 on there because the expenses so on but all of this is happening because you agreed to the spirit giving it the right to now inflate everything in your life a burden to you or a jacket if you don't understand it very simple father this was of you did I agree if it's not of you God I shutting this baby down right now all right finding yourself in strange environments in a dream speaks of confusion you had a dream and you're in a place where you don't know where it's confusion you try to figure out what's going on you see yourself driving that could be a good and a bad dream but the good part about it if you see yourself in the driver's seat well no matter what the situation is you're in control but if you see somebody driving and you're in the passenger seat or any other C that means you're being dictated to and now you need to take note of who's in the driver's seat because it means that this poison is controlled in your life I remember there was a time and a lady came to meet Emma she had this dream and in the jury my mother-in-law's in the driver's seat she was sitting behind a mother-in-law and her husband was next to her and her mother was in this red sport car and she's speeding and traffic and all kind of stuff so you say Kevin what this is me is not a good dream first of all it shows that your mother's in charge of the marriage and the positions in the marriage there misplace your husband should be in the driver's seat so that mean that you and your MA dictates to him there's no order Dale red mark represents passion how speeding in and out meaning that she is not only taking charge of this relationship but she's dominant Jezebel it's only how they are knowing and while I'm telling it as I'm just talking not looking at I when I look she was in a pool of Tears and she said everything you're saying to me in fact my mother's ruining my marriage the dream is gonna make it clear for you so you have to look at these things what do they mean when we talk about a house what are we talking about for the most part we're talking about a person's life the Bible says write this down in Matthew chapter 12 verses 43 to 45 Jesus gave this example he says I've been an evil spirits cast out of a man it goes into Dry places seeking rest but finds none so listen what the Spirit says now the evil spirit says let me go back to my house Hou SC which was the human Hou SC that once housed it so the Scriptures using the symbol of a house as a person so if you dream it about a house don't just look at the house we already know what that means let's look at the different parts of the house that you're in for example you had a dream and you're in your home but you're in your bedroom and you're sitting or lying in your bed and you're depressing the dream what does this mean Kevin well if the house represents you your life then the room which represent a part a private part of your life you invite everybody in your room a people come do so let's go to my room no that's off-limits so the dream is revealing that there's the private areas of your life where there's a lot of sadness or hurt and but really it's a spirit and that's what it's pointing at to so you need to deal with that spirit if you dream about the living room whatever those areas mean to you and what you know they mean to be then it's now not only showing you about your life but it's now zoning in on the specific areas of your life trees also represent people in a dream samms one verse one sums one verse 3 I think it is and he shall be like a what planted by the rivers of water that shall bring forth his fruit in his season you dreamin about these trees now that we know what they mean now let's see the rest of the dream so we can now bring the message or a revelation together because it's now downloading spiritual information so that we could now do precise spiritual warfare after waking from a dream you feel an invisible force holding you down it's called sleep paralysis it means that the spirits from the alters that your ancestors once participated in are now coming to visit you just like when Abraham made a covenant with the Spirit of the Living God the spirit of the Living God now begin to visit a I mean Jacob and Isaac and the rest of his family members because the spirit is now tied to it people who are part of the Freemasonry if they want to be real with you they will tell you they are visited by spirits the most common sign is that they would hear footsteps walking in the aisle we are in their home they will hear pots and pans moving and either everybody else is asleep or nobody else's home except them they have these strange occurrences they will also abuse if you look at the history of their lives and their families you will see the most common sickness in their families as cancers why because when they made the pledges with their deities Baphomet or whatever else or the great the Great Architect the god of doing whatever they didn't label it as you are I told you the scripture last night in ass I think the second Corinthians 10 verses 20 to 21 it says when we make sacrifices we're making them unto devils so when you are inviting these curses of cancers and diabetes and sickness but you don't notice a virtual implication so when your family members fall ill you just think it's just a natural thing that happens when you have no idea you had the right to shut all of that down my people perish because of a lack of knowledge accepting gifts from strangers in a dream reject it immediately you don't know the person you don't know what a gift represent signing documents in a dream you could be sat in the way your life in the spiritual realm you don't even know is these things possible Kevin yes they are first Kings chapter 3 I think it has Russia's one two three and four verse five to verse eighteen it speaks about Solomon he was just inaugurated as the third king of Israel after his father David and the Bible says that he did a thousand burnt offerings and that night he lived in Gideon at that time it says that the Lord came to him in a dream and he said Solomon what would you have me to do for you I'm sorry I said you were good to use good to me daddy you did all these nice things all I want from you is wisdom knowledge and understanding to rule your people and God says because you have not asked for your your enemies life you did not ask for long life or wealth and riches watch what he says next behold I have already watched this word giving it unto you the word given speaks of past tense it only confirms what I've been telling you all along according get ready to learn for you already happen he's already given us this or at least a long time so what am i showing you what principal i'ma showing you can someone receive something in a dream that will become naturally manifested will you just read it you just read it so you got to be careful what you're taking in the game especially if it's coming from your enemy how could you be enemies with me in reality but friends with me in my dream the devil is a liar so you need to be cognizant but there's only way that this can happen is you must know the rules I need to know the rules so a lot of times you have spiritual transfer in a dream people who will realize this you'll remember this guy by the name of Joseph and Joseph had two sons I think Manasseh and Ephraim correct me if I'm wrong here and remember Joseph had a father by the name of Jacob who refused to do the custom of giving the eldest son Reuben the blessing you remember right so the Bible says that he getting ready to die so he walked his way down to his second to the last son which was Joseph and he says I come to bring the blessing so Manasseh is sitting here on the right Ephraim him and according to Jewish whatever the eldest child would get the blessing right the scripture says that Jacob began to cross his hand so the blessing that was supposed to go to Manasseh guess was going to now Ephraim so don't tell me is not possible and if you still don't believe me you remember Jacob and Esau and who was supposed to get the blessing the allness which is who Esau did he get it no again I'm showing you a generational curse and the lineage of Abraham hello because guess what it didn't end here let's go back a little further Abraham had a son before Isaac his name was Ishmael and according to Jewish rules the oldest child get the blessing did Ishmael get the blessing no who got it Isaac so even though he was a man of God and call to do great works his Linnaeus was not protected of generational curses because when you're ignorant turret watch what happens the curse just takes its time and walk through the family mm-hmm while everybody in church screaming how to new you the church say yeah take a hold of cancer yeah okay let's go over here oh poverty for you you cancer praise the Lord my poverty right now okay let's go over here oh the evangelists how I've been waiting on you coming here hold on to the spirit of lusts to make sure you take care of those in the church okay you're gonna just stand right here and watch the plants come together because all of you are ignorant to spiritual rules you like the jumping up and down and dancing and somersaults and on the chandelier keep doing that but don't you ever look at these rules because the day you look at them and actually make them applicable you're gonna shut my whole show down I have the radio
Channel: Minister Kevin L A Ewing
Views: 37,070
Rating: 4.9189401 out of 5
Keywords: Dreams, Dream Warfare
Id: Rwhsct8Z1Os
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 30sec (5370 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 21 2020
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