Dream Element - Left & Right

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we're often being asked about different elements in dreams and what they might mean one that comes up is the right and the left the the right side and the left side maybe it's the right side of the body and the left side of the body or turning right or turning left or looking right and looking left what does right and left mean now this is one of those interesting things because there's some biblical principles and then there's some understanding that we've got just from interpreting so many dreams over the years that we see a pattern as to what it means then the biblical principle is is this idea of the right hand or the right talking about ability or power so you get the idea of Jesus sitting at the right hand of the Father which is talking about Authority or a place a position of power you get I believe it's in Isaiah where God says is not my right hand or my right arm able to save so it's talking about ability is talking about power to accomplish something so things to the right often talk about ability or power or the faith to do something now on the left side I can't think of a biblical principle that tells us the right from the left but on the left side we've seen the pattern where it often means what you're born to do or what you're destined to do now the one kind of piece that might make sense this biblically but I do believe that it's it's a little bit of a stretch but I can see it is when Jacob crossed his hands for ephraim and manasseh and he put his left hand on the Younger which was born first and his right hand on the old on the on the excuse me on the older he put his left hand and on the younger he put his right hand to give them the blessing the right hand being the birthright but the left hand going on the younger so that there's some things is that about the birthright what you're born to do born first but you need to faith to accomplish it I can see that I wouldn't settle that that's a good biblical precedent but it gives you an idea to think about but some dream elements it's not because we can find them in Scripture because not every dream element is found in Scripture you're not gonna find a car in Scripture there's just certain things that you're not going to see and yet God can still use those and when you find a pattern maybe you're interpreting dreams and you keep on seeing a particular thing and God keeps on saying well it means this and it means this and it means this it can give you a pattern and that's where we get the idea that left is more destiny what you're born to do right I think we've got a pretty good biblical precedent for saying its ability in its faith so when you see maybe you're driving in a car and you need to turn right or you need to turn left that might be a piece of what that means or if your body like maybe your right arm is really strong but your left arm is weak and you don't really um it's not what you're destined to do but you have the ability to or the other way around maybe you're destined to do something but you don't quite have the faith for it yet you can see those kinds of things and dreams so pay attention to that and then there's always the caveat well usually that's what it means but it can also mean this right maybe it's just the right thing to do it's the correct it's the righteous it's the proper thing to do it's the right thing to do so pay attention to those word plays as well because God loves work flows well that's another interesting [Music] you
Channel: Streams Ministries
Views: 6,828
Rating: 4.9835391 out of 5
Id: YM5Uk6NH-6w
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Length: 4min 9sec (249 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 17 2020
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