Dream Element - Weather

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[Music] hereis dreams were often asked about different dream elements and what they might mean in your dreams one of them that comes up is weather systems so they think about different types of weather and let's go through a couple of the common ones rain what about rain now rain can have a couple different means thinking about the the scripture idea it says that so for yourselves righteousness reap faithful love until the Lord comes and rains righteousness upon you and so rain can talk about refreshing it can talk about righteousness it can talk about what God's plan is God's God's thing it could be talking about the rain of the Spirit the the presence of God being released the refreshing rains but rain can also have a negative meaning so the context of the dream is important how much light was in the dream was it bright was it beautiful or was it dark was it an intimidating was it a refreshing rain where your head is up and you're just enjoying it or were you trying to escape it and run away from it that can help you understand because it can also talk about a negative spiritual atmosphere being released could be talking about the rain of wickedness it could be talking about a dirty rain or defiling rain but there would be it would be a darker kind of a color it would be like that feeling of that that comes with that type of rain how about wind same idea when it could be the wind of adversity the east wind that came and brought judgment or it could be the wind of the Spirit the rushing mighty wind when the Holy Spirit begins to blow and begins to release things it could be the winds of revival so what what's what's what's going on is there as a strong wind that's compelling you forward and when you get compelled forward do you end up in a good place or do you end up in a bad place could it be God moving things in the spirit to get you somewhere could it be the enemy trying to move you into something that's not good so context what's that feeling what are the emotions that are going on in the dream is there the sense of intimidation is there the sense of fear those things are all important understanding it what about storms or tornadoes tornadoes is a common one tornadoes can also be good or they can be bad Ezekiel sees a tornado he sees this wind whirling that comes towards him and as it gets closer it's actually the very throne room of God there's such a swirl of activity of spiritual activity but it looked like the wind was whirling it was light that was whirling and in all of this activity and so what's going on with the tornado or the whirlwind that you're seeing is is it a good thing is it as a positive thing it is it shifting things or is it destroying things if it's destroying things if it's dark then it's probably not the good wind it's probably a negative wind a whirlwind that's light and full of color that could be a very positive thing I remember a dream that I had and in the dream I was with some of the other streams teachers this is when I was still a streams teacher and John Paul was well it was overseeing the teachers and I was with some of the streams teachers we just got done with a course and this whirlwind came and the whirlwind had pieces of meat like raw red meat and it had pieces of fruit different types of fruit that was swirling and it was just talking about how God was releasing all this spiritual activity that was going to be releasing the meat of the word and the fruit of the spirit into people's lives it was that was a beautiful positive thing but then you have the dreams where the tornados coming and you've got a run and you're trying to get away from it and there's all this intimidation and fear that's the enemy that's bringing a swirl of activity that destroys that messes things up so context so though those are different ideas of storms so when you see a storm think about what that might mean and how that might affect what's going on what's the context what's the emotions that are going on because that will help you understand what is happening through that dream so whether that's an interesting dream on [Music] you
Channel: Streams Ministries
Views: 5,033
Rating: 4.939394 out of 5
Keywords: dream, dream meaning, dream interpretation, dream element, weather in dreams, weather meaning, weather symbolism
Id: N0ngYkWqiEY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 57sec (297 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 23 2019
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