Draupadi With 5 Husbands! | S∊xual Interaction With Multiple Partners! | Marriage |Sadhguru |Adiyogi

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a sexual interaction is something where a huge amount of memory is taken from one to the other you can observe people they will have pleasure they will giggle all the time but you look at them there is no joy in them there's no ease you look at dti's life how much volatility how much pain how much suffering she went through in her lie because today psychiatrists are analyzing these things and saying that is because they have not been sufficiently touched by their mothers and parents at an early age when they grow up they're desperately Longing To Touch Somebody all the time people come to me and say s Guru can you bless my daughter can you bless me son first thing I ask is How old if they're over 21 I said when I was into lot of sad I would have somewhere between 5 to seven showers a day and all sadhus sasis those who are on spiritual path wash their clothes with red Earth generally the course of life is considered to be approximately 84 years or 1,8 cycles of the Moon sguru my next question for you is uh why can't one husband be with multiple women and one woman or a wife can be with multiple husband in today's society among consenting adults and uh what impact do these uh people have when they're involved in such relationships see body is the front end for every other creature on this planet the only reason this creature is dominating this planet is not because we have the best body you're not comparable to an elephant or a tiger or anything for that matter you're not even as good as a buffalo yes in terms of strength and physical progress you are not where comparable this is dominant because of its intelligence this is dominant because of its Consciousness but right now we are creating a world where your biology is the front end of your life these things were done at a certain time when the social situations were such or men were married to many more I mean more than one woman this was mainly because men died more often than women today both men and women are outside both may get K that's different but at that time largely women stayed home because she was continuously pregnant from the age of 14 to 4550 she's almost all the time either she's pregnant or she has a young child this is how life used to be so because of that she stayed home and she took care of the property and the Agriculture and stuff man went out to do business or for war or something else he went out so men always died more often so generally in most Societies in the past the number of men was much less than the number of women always this has been the state all across the world so naturally when so many women were there they needed care and they needed support in the society and those days a woman could not exist by herself she unless she's protected by a male partner it would be very difficult for her to Exist by herself because would be exploited in so many different ways so always they attached themselves so naturally a man ended up having two three women because the population ratio was like that but now largely it's leveled out if that becomes a social Norm then how do you decide somebody has whatever multiple wives and how do you decide somebody has no wife this will become a social you know Collision it will become it'll become lot of problems in the society because we may act civilized I'm I'm very particular I'm very clear about saying we act civilized but when when we are denied basic things that we need all our civilization evaporates and we will behave behave like animals yes or no so when fundamentals are denied people will go flashing so that's not going to work in today's world and above all the woman's condition will become very bad if you're asking this question in a more existential way well see this this is a certain framework of not just of bone and muscle and flesh there is a certain energy framework only because of that it takes in a certain form see if you eat mangoes every day and let's say a cow eats mangoes every day at some point will you or the cow get confused whether you are a cow or a human being or will the cow get confused such a thing never happens because there is a clearcut inner framework to which flesh and blood is added but there is a framework an evolutionary memory framework is there it never gets broken isn't it so in this framework how strong you keep this framework how inte how much Integrity is there to this energy framework will determine many things about your life many aspects of your life especially if you want to raise this life to another level of function it's very important you maintain this Integrity this is why irrespective of which religion which spiritual process if people want to raise them till to a certain point first thing they will talk about is becoming mon or brahmacharis or sasis because the idea is to create such a level of Integrity that this is a whole life by itself that it doesn't lean on anything else for support either for physical well-being or emotional well-being or psychological companionship it doesn't lean on anything it stands by itself because you want to take it somewhere else if you want normal function these things are not necessary now you want to become a rocket which breaks through a certain dimension of space now you need to be in a different level of force and integrity otherwise it'll crack up so you don't want to open your body to anything and especially opening to multiple partners has its own negativity in that context how much pain and you look at dti's life how much volatility how much pain how much suffering she went through in her life and how much pain and suffering she caused because of her anger and jealousy and whatever else so these things happen for variety of reasons you can't blame everything on that one aspect but that aspect also has a a say in these aspects because you're opening up your uh memory body your energ energetic body which is essentially ruled by memory to variety of memories this will cause a whole lot of turmoil within the system which could affect that life and many other lives so dti's life is in a way a sample for that it's not an absolute this is not an absolute but this has an influence runanubandha means the physical memory that you carry within you this can happen because of blood relationship this can also happen due to sexual relationships that body has a certain memory it's not appropriate to say genetic memory run is not like genetic factors being transmitted from parent to child not on that level there is a physical memory of remembering where you came from not necessarily in terms of tone of your skin shape of your nose how you're built your race not that it is just that if you just as much as hold somebody's hand you will develop runanubandha this is why in India if you come people will do like this they don't want to do that we will love you like this and there are many things they won't give certain substances nobody will give salt to you or will receive salt from you if you try to give them salt you'll say keep it here they don't want to take it from your hands the till or the sesame seeds they won't take take it from you certain types of soils nobody will receive it from you if you want to give soil to somebody any kind of soil there are rituals where soil is given always you keep it down I'll pick it from there never take it from somebody's hands because you will develop runanubandha because the culture is constantly conscious of not building bondage to keep the bondage of life to the minimal extent only only to the extent it's necessary because you're working towards your Liberation because of that this awareness and these sensitivities have come so the body remembers any kind of intimacy not only with another physical body any kind of intimacy even with any physical substance it remembers certain types of substances are more capable of doing this certain other types are less so for this we here in the temple they're doing Kash have you been through it anybody the fire fire wash that is if you're not getting cleaned with a regular shower we burning you out so word is a way of burning various types of phys physical memories that we have picked up not necessarily because of relationships just by contact just by coming in touch with so many things people situations atmospheres so many things this body picks up memory physical memory Beyond a certain point that what you pick up will cause a certain level of confusion confusion not here this confusion is a different thing that is something you have earned but physical confusion if the body is confused it can't come to ease it is many of you have noticed this certain days your body seems to be confused have you noticed this wherever you sit somehow another day you sit down so we created various systems to cleanse one thing is fire wash air wash really of course the water wash every day when you know when I was in my a period of time when I was into lot of sad I would have somewhere between 5 to seven showers a day because your system becomes so sensitive you sat on this cushion now you're conscious what this cushion is doing to you so you want to wash at least just water running over your body 5 to seven days seven times a day this is not like calculated I must do it five times or seven times whenever you feel like it most yogis have shower at least twice a day minimum usually it's a dip in the river just at least once you dip in flowing water so that you wash clean and during the shift of southern hemisphere to northern hemisphere which is right now and again from north to south in J June July these times the winds are strong in tropical country or at least in India in the Indian subcontinent the winds are strong so there are simple processes where you must go and stand in the wind so that you get a wind wash proper air wash you will see it'll do wonders to you you try this when there is a strong Breeze just wear something loose and just simply stand there for half an hour being conscious of this with your eyes closed both this way and from the back you get enough Breeze flowing over you you come back into your house and you feel like so much lighter and better you don't know this probably all the sasis all the sadhus and sasis always use very fine uh seed uh mud red Earth to color their clothes it's it's uh entire asham is painted like this because it's just soil we used okay soil with a certain what a certain adhesive sticks like paint and all buildings in the asham were painted like this and all sadhus sasis those who are on spiritual path wash their clothes with red Earth filtered Earth with that they wash so that's why that color that's how it's come so either you must wash separately or every time you must coat it with some soil material so that the runanubandha the only runanubandha that you hold is with the Earth not with people around you not with things around you just with the planet that is okay because if you wear clothes because the word soil here is used differently if you wear soiled clothes n not like that dipped in red Earth if you wear these clothes in some way it is a reminder for the body as to where it comes from and where it will go so those who are on the spiritual path always use clothes which have been dipped in filtered red Earth you won't see it it won't it doesn't feel like it but actually the very color actually the white clothes turn into mud color because it's been constantly washed with filtered Earth so washing runanubandha is uh one way of doing it is you have a mudbath so existentially when physical memory overlaps upon itself it will cause a physical level of confusion which will bring a certain level of discomfort lack of exuberance lack of involvement with anything that you become a veteran when you're living you must be a veteran of life after you're done with it before you're done with it you shouldn't become a veteran isn't it but that will happen to you that means in some way because of overlapping memory you become less alive to everything around you that's what we concerned about that you're becoming less alive sguru how can a person stay committed to someone in a relationship is it natural to love someone and yet be sexually attracted to others what should be the proper course of action that should follow or how does one handle this see uh there is a psychological Integrity there is emotional Integrity but there is a biological Integrity also Integrity does not mean morality integrity means you create a situation where it works best for you so when we say integrity suppose I say there is a certain Integrity to my body this means it's strong and resistant to a whole lot of things isn't it it doesn't mean I'm morally stuck in something so I'm talking about I want you to understand the word integrity in that context we are talking about integrity in terms of strength of this life so if that is the thing is it true do you remember how your great great great great great grandmother 10 Generations ago look like do you remember no but her nose is sitting on your face yes or no body remembers isn't it body remembers your forefathers a million years ago yes or no so what calling as my body is a heap of memory isn't it so memory or no see now from Nepal you came to shilong you eat a lot of this uh meal Life Food your features won't change because your body remembers what is your genetics no matter what or you start eating let's say cow's food or dogs food your body will not get confused and become a dog or a cow because there is evolutionary memory in this do what you want it never gets confused isn't it you start thinking I'm a dog and start barking like one still the body won't change yes or no mentally you can but body has such a deep rooted memory so this entire body what you have is essentially a certain Integrity of memory if that loses that memory Integrity then you will see it will become vulnerable to so many things now the nature of the body is such that anything that you touch with a certain level of involvement will naturally absorb that memory not mentally physically it'll absorb that memory me traditionally in this culture we call this runan you heard of such a word runan what this means is physical memory that you gather why people you know you will see this with people let's say in their home they will go and sit in one place this will usually the older people you will see they want to go and sit in the same place place they wants it in another place have you noticed this even your dog he comes if he wants to sit here he'll smell this he'll smell that he'll smell that he'll smell that and after much searching he will settle down in that particular place next time you chase him somewhere he comes he goes and sits in the same place because there is memory today there is forensic equipment where you're sitting here right now you went away after 2 3 8 hours if they come not with a dog a dog can easily do it but with forensic equipment we come here and just check this chair and we know it was you who were sitting here not somebody else so there is memory wherever you sit stand whatever you touch there is memory and transaction happening all the time well you come from Nepal in India also it's very much there in South is very strongly there North maybe it's become weakened we people never give salt to another person do you know this here also if somebody gives you salt you say please keep it there because there are certain materials which transmit memory much better than others salt sesame seeds lemons like this if you give traditional people they'll say keep it there I will take it because they don't want to develop runan with you now in India if you see older generation of people if you try to shake their hands they'll do do like this because they don't want to get runanubandha with you because the idea is to keep the Integrity of your body's memory in such a way that it doesn't become vulnerable to other things that you become a very integrated life if you want to nurture yourself to be a certain person ility then you have to maintain the memory Integrity this is what runanubandha means you keep your physical memory to the minimum a sexual interaction is something where a huge amount of memory is taken from one to the other so always not in this Society everywhere else forever people saw the advantage of keeping that memory to the minimal if you if you make that memory very complex you will see to be be at ease will become very difficult after some time there will be pleasure but there will be no joy in your life you can you can observe people don't go by what I'm saying you can observe people they will have pleasure they will giggle all the time but you look at them there is no joy in them there's no ease because the ease will go away with excessive memory this is not only with sexuality there are many other things that you do like this right now you see this very much in the western societies wherever I go especially in America people will sguru where is my hug I it must be with you why is it with me it is not like at a certain moment when you feel close to somebody you hug them it's like all the time you have to touch people because sud psychiatrists are analyzing these things and saying that is because they' have not been sufficiently touched by their mothers and parents at an early age when they grow up they're desperately Longing To Touch Somebody all the time all these things have a serious impact on one's life how much physical contact when the child is born this will determine how much physical contact they will long for later on and the memory of what an infant picks up from the mother at that time because till a child becomes 4 and a half years of age in many ways energy wise it's not a separate life it's still attached to the mother's body actually if by Nature if people go till then they must be drinking the mother's milk and connected up to 4 and a half years that's how naturally it was so the energy doesn't mature at that time more and more memory that you come get from the mother is better and better to strengthen this but once the child begins to to move out and becomes an individual life is organizing itself people come to me and say sguru can you bless my daughter can you bless my son first thing I ask is How old if they say 15 16 18 all right if they're over 21 I said no because me blessing you blessing will not go to your child you may still think emotionally that's my child but as far as life is concerned it's become fully separate generally the course of life is considered to be approximately 84 years or 1,8 cycles of the Moon the cycles of the Moon and our body is very directly connected only because our mother's bodies were in sync with the cycles of the Moon we are born otherwise we wouldn't be born isn't it hello so a full life is considered 1,8 cycles of the Moon which will approximate ately considered as 83 to 84 years so if one crosses 84 it's considered a full life in this the first quarter is the only time when it is connected to parent age after that the child must move because energy wise you cannot connect those two lives anymore so that is when the longing if you have not created enough Integrity within yourself the longing for another body multiplies even though the hormonal face may be higher between 15 to 20 the longing to bind and bond with somebody increases after 21 years of age because unknowingly you have you're like a satellite who fell off the man mother you come off the motherboard now you want to attach to something unless you find some Integrity this is why between 12 and 18 one must do lot of sad to strengthen the body so that you don't desperately bind yourself to something or somebody you must consciously if you wish to take a partner it must be a conscious process if it's a compulsive process then you will pay the price for it this is not a question of morality it is not that this is sin that is sin the question is what is your priority in your life if your priority is to make this life rise to a higher possibility then you must be conscious if you want to somehow live and go it's [Applause] okay thank you Satur I'm sorry if I discouraged you just answered my question Satur thank you so much for that India historically has one of the lowest divorce rates in the world particularly when compared to the Western countries there are several factors that contribute to this phenomenon cultural and social norms Indian Society places a strong emphasis on family unity and Harmony marriage is often viewed not just as a union between two individuals but as a bond between families divorce may be perceived as a failure not only of the couple but also of their families to maintain Harmony and resolve conflicts there is a societal expectation for individuals to prioritize the well-being of their families over personal desires or grievances this can lead couples to purer through challenges and seek reconciliation rather than resorting to divorce arranged marriages arranged marriages where families play a significant role in selecting partners are still common in India particularly in Rural and conservative communities in such marriages compatibility and shared values are often assessed before the union which may contribute to the longevity of the relationship couples in arranged marriage may feel a sense of Duty and obligation to their families leading them to work through differences and strive to maintain the marriage despite difficulties legal framework India's legal system imposes certain barriers to divorce particularly under Hindu law divorce proceedings can be lengthy complex and expensive involving legal grounds and requirements that must be met before a divorce can be granted the legal process for divorce often includes Provisions for meditation and Reconciliation encouraging couples to explore Alternatives before resorting to divorce this process can act as a determent for couples seeking to resolve their marriages economic dependence economic factors play a significant role in in marriage stability particularly for women in many parts of India women may be economically dependent on their husband or their marital families lacking Financial Independence or opportunities for employment fear of financial insecurity and social stigma associated with divorce May deter women from leaving unhappy marriages economic dependence can thus serve as a barrier to divorce compelling couples to stay together despite difficulties religious beliefs religious values and teachings in India often emphasize the sanctity and per of marriage divorce is generally discouraged except in cases of extreme necessity such as abuse or infidelity couples may feel a moral and religious obligation to uphold the sanctity of marriage even in the face of challenges religious beliefs can provide a sense of guidance and support reinforcing the commitment to maintaining the marital bond together these cultural social legal economic and religious factors contribute to India's low divorce rate by fostering a societal environment that prioritizes marital stability family unity and Reconciliation however it's essential to recognize that this landscape is evolving particularly in urban areas where attitudes towards marriage and divorce are shifting with changing social norms increased education and economic independence [Music]
Channel: Adiyogi
Views: 32,463
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adiyogi, sadhguru, isha, sadhguru on sexuality, sadhguru on marriage, sexuality sadhguru, sadhguru about marriage, marriage sadhguru, sadhguru talk on marriage, sadhguru sexuality, sadhguru sex and meditation, multiple partner sadhguru, sadhguru about sex education, sadhguru sex, sex sadhguru, sadhguru on memory, sex, sex partners, sexual body memory sadhguru, sadhguru draupadi, sadhguru multiple partners, sadhguru sex with multiple partners
Id: eC_lWZw61GY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 4sec (1804 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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