When Your Parents Die You Should Be Around! | Rebirth | Occult | Death | Sadhguru |Adiyogi

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if we just check somebody's energy we know whether they have had children or not you go to an local astrologer for 25 rupees he will tell you how many children you have whether they surviving or not surviving even what their names are when you die you want your child around you they said son because practically it was only possible for the son to be around daughter would be somewhere else you have a little space occupied by the quality of that being but they don't have that little space occupied Within by you because that little space if it becomes Pleasant that being will experience pleasantness till that being finds another body till then you can influence once it finds another body you have nothing to do with it I don't know if I should say this because if I say this you may start imagining all kind kinds of things Wherever You focus your mind there there will be some twitching if you want right now you experiment hold your little finger like this and focus at the tip of this little finger you will see within a minute's time there will be twitching if I hold my hand above my brahmarandra even up to 4 ft above if you hold it you will see a clear feeling in your hand if you have a newborn baby in your home you would see a certain part of the skull is not formed have you noticed this so the child has to be handled gently that part is just skin there is no bone so this part in the yogic termin terminology is refer to as brahmarandra rra means a passage like a small hole or a tunnel or a passage so this is known as brahmarandra so this is the space in the body through which life descends into the fetus because life has descended into the fetus and life keeps its options open whether this body is capable of sustaining it or not it keeps the options open that much awareness is there in the life process so it keeps that trap door open till the last minute it wants to keep it open just in case it finds the body unsuitable for its existence it will live and it does not want to leave from any other passage in the body it wants to leave the way it came a good guest always comes through the front door and goes out through the front door if he comes through the front door and goes out through the back back door that means your house is swept clean so he wants to go out to the same door so he keeps it open till the last minute he wants to keep his choices there are any number of probably if there are doctors or Obstetricians you would know the any number of cases where by all medical parameters the fetus is healthy everything is fine but uh for some reason a still birth happens simply because a life within is still choosing if it finds a wrong kind of body is happening life has its own kic and the fetus has the karma of the parents so it is made its Choice it is 90% of the time it is correct or more it is correct sometimes it is conscious that it could make a wrong choice so this is the reason why during pregnancy so many precautions were taken to create a different kind of atmosphere around a woman who is pregnant we are giving that up now a woman goes to work she sits in the cinema she goes all over the place such a thing is not maintained anymore this was done just hoping something better than who both of you are comes into your womb you know what I'm saying you are husband and wife you are of a certain quality you want your child to be a half a higher quality than who you are not just like you someone better than you should come into your room so that for that sake even a husband was not allowed to see a woman Beyond a certain stage of pregnancy because she is to be kept in a certain state of comfort and well-being with a certain type of thought with a certain type of Atmosphere Trying to please her system in all ways right kind of incense right kind of sounds right kind of mantras right kind of food everything so that her body is in a state that it welcomes the right kind of being maybe in today's world it is all these things are out of question so if a being enters into this particular fetus and finds it unsuitable as it evolves to become a baby then it leaves that is why one door is kept open so this is the brahmarandra so so what I say is not intended to hurt you it's a little technical I want you to look at it that way because I can sit here and speak a few words of Solace but that will not be a solution for you you'll only feel good for today and tomorrow morning it'll be the same again I want you to listen to this carefully if any of our children die before their four years of age you will see people will work themselves into pain actually there is no pain when they say there's no pain there is emotional pain there is no wrenching things happening within you people think this is because it's only a few years that's not true you can get attached in a day it doesn't take four years this is simply because that life is not full-fledged yet even the governments in the world consider if if you have to take the IMR rate infant infant mortality rate you take below 4 years because it is has been a common thing till recently now that the medical interference is little too much otherwise a lot of children would die before their four years of age without any ailment lot of them simply like that because life is unestablished not fully established when it's an infant when your child is an infant that is when your contact with the child is Big Time by the time he for he or she is for they start running around they're not with you you can't hold them they want to be all over the place they want to see the world but before 4 years of age there's so much with you in spite of that physically being connected to them is not so strong because they are not physically connected to their own body very strongly so the same has not happened within you very strongly this is something that most people will say no no no when my child was 3 months I was so attached I know those things that's why I said this a little bit technical only if you're willing to observe life very carefully you will know this emotionally if you look at it on the first day of the child being born you were very much attached even before it's being born you're attached isn't it physiologically your connection with the child increas Ines in a dramatic way after the child crosses somewhere between 40 to 48 months at that time your physiological connection with the child becomes much more immense and it is happening in your body something is happening in your body which most people don't decipher they experience something happening with them before 4 years after 4 years child is a problem where is it going where is it school admission this one that one you know because of other engagements they miss this experience otherwise at that time something Clicks in because that being and that body clicked in in approximately 40 to 48 months after its birth when that clicks in you come to a certain ease because it becomes a part of you you don't have to consciously hold it and natural holding is happening if a child dies young before 4 years they will be disappointed emotionally disturbed but not grief stricken this is not because of duration at all this is because still that being has not connected with that body and you must understand you only a provider of the body you cannot create a being it is is not in human hands to create a being you only provide it a body you facilitate a [Music] body so only when that being really clicks [Music] on to the body that you provided something clicks on within you and occupies a certain space it occupies a certain space within your own system if we just check somebody's energy we know whether they have had children or not you go to any local astrologer for 25 rupees he will tell you how many children you have whether they're surviving or not surviving even what their names are for 25 rupees I'm telling that's half a dollar they'll give you a brief synopsis of your children their characteristics their names everything because it occupies a certain space within you and if you're willing to observe it is very much there now this connection this physiological connection is very strong till the child becomes 2 1 after 21 it starts dissipating once again this is a beautiful natural system of caring for The Offspring bringing it up and also being capable of releasing it when you have to if somebody comes to me and says bless my children I'll ask how old are they if they're below 21 we really bless them if they're over we banter with them joke with them and send them because it's no use it's no use blessing you for your children if they are over 21 years of age we will have to bless them they're individuals by themselves if they're below 21 years you can bless a mother or a father and have a deep impact on the child but if they're over 21 you they have to come by themselves blessing the mother blessing the father is of no consequence or great significance it's only emotional significance this should not happen to anybody but it happens nobody should die before their children die it's always best we die before our children die that's how it should be the natural order of life sometimes it does happen it is happening to somebody or the other every day most people believe it'll never happen to them it's not so it can happen to anybody now that it's happened to us it is best before it happened we could have done anything to save that life once it's happened it's time to look it's time to look deeper within yourself and understand what this whole process is how profound it is at the same time how binding it is and how liberating it can be in India people desperately want to have a son the reason why they want to have a son is today the social situations have changed the technological and travel capabilities of people have changed otherwise when they come off age the girl gets married and goes to somebody else's house if you die she may not be able to come because she has to walk she need not be in America if she's in Salem she won't come walking 200 km by the time she comes your creation will be over so we want a sun because the sun lives here in today's world it's irrelevant but I want you to understand a thousand years ago this was very relevant if she was living 50 km away she wouldn't come in time she has her own children her own husband her own family she can't just drop and walk away and alone she can't walk away everything would be forested and somebody has to escort her down so it wouldn't happen that's why the 12th day was arranged for the daughters to come when you die you want your child around you they said son because practically it was only possible for the son to be around daughter would be somewhere else the reason why a child should be around is there are methods to make use of that little pocket within you a little empty space within you which is occupied by that being whom you refer to as my child and if he does the right things he can liberate you it's for this those people who live completely unaware and they don't do anything about themselves they're depending upon their children to liberate them and that became a whole tradition by itself vas is known for this people come either with their aged parents who want to die in Kashi or they have just died with the ashes and whatever else they come because they somewhere understand they could liberate them but today the very few people who know how to do these things properly so it is it has become a m ritual so what I'm trying to tell you is once you bear a child a certain space of Who You Are is occupied by that by that being whom you refer to as your child because you only provided a body for this being because generally people's interaction with each other is only either physical or mental or emotional and it never goes beyond that we believe that's everything about that person but when a person dies or when a person sheds his or her body all that is gone the mental structure is gone emotions had gone body is for sure gone so everything that you knew as mind is gone and that being that you have always held as your child is as much a stranger to you as just about anybody now at the same time after someone is dead if they happen to be our parents we do certain things if they happen to be our children we do nothing because you have a little space occupied by the quality of that being but they don't have that little space occupied Within by [Music] you you cannot occupy the future generation the future generation occupies a little space in the past but the past generation will not occupy and cannot occupy in the very nature of things in the future generation because of this as a child grows and becomes close to 21 you look at them they look like absolute strangers you can't believe did you bear them are they your children is this the same little baby that I brought up go and recognize what they're doing because you do not have an in them but they have an aboard in you so if you want to influence your children don't try to do too many things with them them you must be able to identify where this space is if you keep it in a certain way things will happen Okay this is a remote control that a parent has about the child so if you want to influence your child within the first 11 days that you have come kalaba Karma does definitely does something significant [Music] apart from that if you want to do anything your thoughts your emotions and your actions have no influence over your child who is no more but if you turn inward if your way of being becomes Pleasant it has a tremendous influence because that little space if it becomes Pleasant that being will experience Pleasant till that being finds another body till then you can influence once it finds another body you have nothing to do with it now somebody else claims this is my child and a whole new drama begins again this is not a right thing to tell someone who's lost their child just a week ago I'm sorry but that's how it is so one thing one thing that all of us need to understand is children only come through us they don't come from us it's a privilege that somebody chose to come through you that you could be a passage for another life we don't own it we can't claim rights over it it just come came through us it's a great privilege you must cherish that privilege and your daughter from the moment she was born to you and for some unfortunate reason whatever has happened till then in so many ways in so many many ways which one may not realize at that time but now if you look back in so many many many ways enrich your life isn't it you just have to cherish that and make the if you want to influence her you make this as pleasant as possible that's the only way you can influence her you cannot if if she was your mother you could influence her in other ways by doing karmas crias and things but with your child you cannot do that the only way you can make it Pleasant for that being is to making this being absolutely Pleasant because that little space that being occupied that quality and that Dimension is still connected till it finds another body once it finds another body then it's gone and even when you leave one day you can leave whichever way but if you leave through the brahmarandra it is the best way to leave if you leave consciously whichever part of the body it is fine but if you can leave from there it is the best way to leave so because there is lot of talk about this there are books which have been written about it one thing is there's a huge possibility that one an individual people may start imagining things on top of their head or between their forehead they keep imagining many things CU you need to understand this Wherever You focus your mind there there will be some sing if you want right now you experiment hold your little finger like this and focus at the tip of this little finger you will see within a minute's time there will be twitching any part of the body if you focus your mind some twitching you will notice so that is not to be mistaken as some other great process happening within you or of course there are physiological twitches and twists happening here and there once in a way happens s to you you're sleeping some part of the body little bit of twitch and this and that especially if you're very nervous it could happen to you quite often if you're at ease it may not happen if you're in a little bit of tension or stress it could happen to you in different parts so that is not to be mistaken either I don't know if I should say this because if I say this you may start imagining all kinds of things if you become meditative now that you are becoming as you do shamb I shouldn't say this it lead to all kinds of things because people have a very wild imagination I always avoid telling them anything which is not in their experience because they will start imagining all kinds of things anyway if you don't do this to yourself it's not necessary if I hold my hand above my brahmarandra even up to 4T above if you hold it you will see a clear feeling in your hand which is always in the form of like a something like an [Music] eight this will be always happening if you keep your energies in a certain way this can happen to every human being but it is happening within it doesn't extend itself Beyond because the final two chakras out of the 114 chakras that are there in the system two chakras are outside the body if Dimensions beyond the physical become a constant constantly active process some of you might have felt this in your shambavi for a few moments you feel something Beyond yourself has become active so if a dimension beyond your physicality becomes a continuously active process within you then after some time these two chakras which are dorment and outside the body become active if they become active there is a you got an antenna on your head you seen a police antenna you got an antenna on your head which is which is giving you a certain perspective of Life Experiences beyond the body often associated with near death experiences out of body experiences or other spiritual encounters are fascinating phenomena reported by individuals across cultures and periods here are few notable cases and types of experiences remote viewing refers to the purped ability to perceive distant or hidden targets using extra sensory perception or mind- to- mind communication some individuals claim to have developed the capacity to project their Consciousness to remote locations and describe what they see or sense there the US government's Target project conducted during the Cold War investigated the potential military applications of remote viewing although the project was eventually discontinued it generated significant interest in the phenomenon and spurred further research into its feasibility share death experiences SD occur when individuals who are present at the death bed of a loud one report shared or simultaneous mystical or spiritual experiences these can include seeing a bright light feeling a sense of peace or witnessing the departure of the dying person's soul or Consciousness SD challenge conventional Notions of individual Consciousness and suggest the possibility of interconnectedness or shared spiritual experiences during significant life events near deathlike experiences ndl some individuals report experiences similar to ND or obes without being in a life-threatening situation these near-death like experiences occur spontaneously or during periods of extreme stress trauma or meditation while ndle share common features with ndes they raise questions about the relationship between physiological factors and the subject to experience of Altered States Of Consciousness cultural variations experiences beyond the body can vary widely across different cultural and religious contexts for example in Hinduism practitioners May seek to attain states of samadi or Transcendence through yoga and meditation leading to experiences of Union with the Divine indigenous cultures often have their own traditions of journeying beyond the body such as shamanic practices involving Spirit travel Soul retrieval or communication with ancestral Spirits scientific challenges and implications investigating experiences beyond the body present numerous methodological challenges for scientists including the subjective nature of the phenomena the difficulty of replication and the potential influence of cultural and personal beliefs despite these challenges ongoing research in fields such as Neuroscience psychology and parapsychology seeks to eluate the underlying mechanisms and implications of these experiences for our understanding of Consciousness and reality integration and application many individuals who have led experiences beyond the body seek to integrate these insights into their daily lives and spiritual practices this may involve cultivating mindfulness compassion and a deeper appreciation for the interconnectedness of all beings some spiritual Traditions offer teachings and practices aimed to facilitating experiences of expanded Consciousness and spiritual awakening with the goal of promoting personal growth healing and the realization of one's true nature by exploring these additional dimensions and nuances we gain a more comprehens hensive understanding of the diverse range of experiences beyond the body and their implications for our understanding of Consciousness spirituality and the nature of reality [Music] [Music]
Channel: Adiyogi
Views: 61,589
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adiyogi, sadhguru, isha, sadhguru on life, sadhguru occult, sadhguru mysticism, sadhguru occult and mysticism, sadhguru about occult, sadhguru after life, sadhguru on birth, sadhguru death, sadhguru rebirth, rebirth sadhguru, deaths sadhguru, sadhguru talk on death, sadhguru about birth, sadhguru talk on rebirth, adiyogi rebirth, sadhguru about rebirth, rebirth sadhguru death, death sadhguru rebirth, rebirth by sadhguru, sadhguru on rebirth, rebirth, death, birth, occult
Id: 05Vz9yjtoQ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 59sec (1799 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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