DANGER!! | 7 Worst Years of Life How To Remove SADE SATI From Life And PROTECT | Sadhguru #sadhguru

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in Indian AST Indian Society we have this astrology first of all I love you respectfully and I mean it and I'm committed to it thank you so much this question bothers me in Indian AST Indian Society we have this astrology astrology says and when we believe Karma like I believe in karma I don't believe in astrology I will create my own life but it doesn't happen if I'm destined to come here to what is my karma like your relationship your parents your thing everything we want to sometime I think I'm sure everybody must be connecting to this because s is there but I am like no I'll do it [Laughter] [Applause] so I'm very confused all right thank you see uh all this time this is what I've been telling you see your misunderstanding the situations of life as life process itself you're misunderstanding the situations say life process say which situation is good situation which situation is bad situation there is no such thing people experience the same situations what is absolutely wonderful for one person in the same situation somebody else is suffering isn't it if there's physical pain suffering that's a different matter but that is hardly except in situations of war and famine unfortunately still such situations are there in the world but otherwise for the general population in the rest of the world uh nobody has stabbed you did anybody stab you you live in North India where where did you live where do you live Mumbai even in Mumbai they didn't stab you no see they they're just ignoring [Music] you so only thing something must have stabbed you is probably a musquito beyond that neither a criminal has stabbed you nor a rhinoceros has GED you no such thing has happened to you so I'm saying essentially physical pain is very small rest is all you're making it up in the head whatever mental pain that you create obviously manufactured by you whatever reasons you may give essentially it's you're making why would my intelligence cause pain to me because my own intelligence is turned against me it's as simple as that why would I do that if my two fingers right now pop up and start poking my eyeballs if you start doing it if the person's sitting next to you if she has some concern for you she'll Hold Your Hand don't do this don't do this if you don't listen she will call somebody and get you tied up to this column otherwise you will pull out your eyeballs nothing works will put you in sedation this is what the doctors do if that doesn't work then they'll amputate your hands cuz otherwise you're going to take your own life by doing this it's being done actually you know this when people go completely out of control in mental asels they're removing a part of the brain so that poof fused out yeah this called lobotomy you didn't have it done no okay I don't have oh already done already so so uh if your own two fingers start plucking your eyeballs definitely there's something wrong with you isn't it h so if your own thoughts and emotions start pricking you from inside definitely there's something wrong with you your only satisfaction is but sguru everybody is like this only that's how it is in the Asylum everybody's like that only only the doctor looks [Music] crazy this happened in a mental Asylum uh Bishop wanted to speak to the patients the the medical staff tried to discourage them see these people won't understand whatever religion you're talking they're in not in that conditions but she said no no no because it's my duty to save the souls so he went to a famous mental Asylum and started speaking crowd like this was sitting start doing that all of you come on do it h i can speak to you still so uh they were all in different conditions and nobody listening to a single word there just one person sitting here in the front row listening intently to every word and one hour a lot a Time the bishop spoke not one person in the crowd is listening only this one guy then the moment the talk was over quickly that guy stood up went to the doctor who was standing at the door whispered something in his ears and he left so Bishop was very interested to know what he had to say because nobody else was listening the only guy listening it looks like he has an opinion that he expressed to the doctor he would like to hear that it was a great sermon or a great talk or whatever then he went to the doctor and asked that guy was the only one who was listening to me what did he say to you he came and said something to you doctor said he asked why am I in and why is he [Music] out so now I believe in this I believe in that I like Karma I don't like astrology leave it h see how many things right now are making your life you do not even know see for example you're sitting here 11° latitude here there's a certain temperature and a certain air pressure everything you comfortably breathing blood pressure also okay for you you're all right if I take you up M Everest you won't be able to breathe what happened air pressure is not enough so if air pressure goes down you cannot live if the pressure goes up suppose you dived into the sea went 100 m you'll get crushed too much pressure you can't live so somehow this mother earth is holding you with the right pressure right amount of oxygen right amount of everything you managing your own kidney it's running by itself H eating properly eating properly doesn't manage the kidney it gives it more [Music] work you managing your kidney liver spleen heart anything brain you don't have I understand but rest rest are you managing it's happening by itself isn't it so I'm saying everything that needs to happen for this life is happening by itself what are you doing are you spinning the planet but many of you behaving like that as if you are spinning the planet every day only with your influence planet is spinning influences I'm asking it's spinning by itself everything is have everything that's vital for Life Is Happening by itself you just supposed to receive the Bounty of life and do something wonderful with this and then if possible do wonderful with as many things as possible this is all you can do isn't it for that what a mess astrology Karma this one that one just do something do something that's wonderful to this one and wonderful to everything around don't mess yourself up especially when you when you when you confess that you don't have a brain don't mess yourself up with all these things doesn't matter doesn't matter what's happening around you doesn't matter your family how it is doesn't matter what's happening with your work doesn't matter what's happening with the world you can keep this wonderful yes or no if people allow we'll make some wonderful things for them also if nobody allows just keep this one wonderful at some point you've been wonderful at least few moments always I don't believe come on then we will have to check then it'll all kinds of things will come out don't want sometimes you've been wonderful isn't it both to yourself and whoever was there so you are capable of being wonderful so this is one thing that you don't surrender in your life that wonderfulness make that a constant companion you're just wonderful other things what what what is possible we'll do what is not possible we don't do in our lives if we do not do what we cannot do it's not a problem if we do not do what we can do we are a disastrous life but if you are not feeling wonderful within yourself even what you can do you will not do that's a tragedy that's a tragedy humanity is suffering right now if you are feeling wonderful everything that you can do you will do what you cannot do anyway you cannot do what's the bother about that but if you don't do what you can do that's disastrous
Channel: Mystic Of World (Fan Channel)
Views: 16,521
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sadhguru latest, sadhguru, sadhguru 2020, sadhguru 2021, sadhguru speech, sadhguru new, sadhguru mystic of world, sadhguru jaggi vasudev, sadguru, sadhguru us
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 54sec (654 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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