Sadhguru Story Time - The Donkey Man

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this happened this is from folklore in Karnataka where it happened one day there was a guru a man came to him and uh at his doorstep I'm sorry he came and said oh master I have a son who is 20 years of age he's good for nothing he's a donkey and this donkey can you make a man out of him something out of him the guru laughed and said okay bring your donkey I will make a man out of him on the street Adobe was passing for those of you who are not from Indian origin adobi means a Washman in India traditionally Indian Washman always used a donkey as a as their pickup truck all their cargo or clothes were always transported on a donkey and he heard this wow this man is going to make a donkey into a human being and I don't have children this has been my only grows in my life I don't have a child I don't have a son and then as soon as the other man left the Doby came and knocked on the guru's door and said you have to do this he held on to his feet and he said you have to do this I have many donkeys you must make one of my donkeys into a man and I will have a son my life's dream will be fulfilled Guru said what is this how can I make your donkey into your man no no no I know you promise somebody I know you can do it you can't fool me now you have to do it many of you so so the guru tried to dissu him in so many ways but every day in the morning the DOI was at the guru's door you have to make one of my donkeys into your man I need a son please don't say no after a few weeks not able to bear this man's thing he said okay bring your donkey let's see what we can do so he went home and looked which is the most handsome donkey come on donkeys can be handsome too most of the time they are so he brought the best donkey and gave it to the guru and please when can I collect my my son he said it will take uh 90 days 90 days I thought you can do it in a day how long did your mother take 9 months 90 days is okay go so the guru's idea was 90 days means this guy may forget or lose his Focus something will happen many things can happen in 90 days so he took the donkey into his bar and on the dot on the 90th day the Doby was at his door with garlands ready the guru saw this and he didn't expect this he thought he had forgotten about this thing then he said what to do where is my son where is my son oh your son you know when I converted the donkey into a man he came out as a grownup man and he walked away to a village which is 3 days of walk from here and there he's become the head of the village this is the name of the village this is the name of the man immediately the Doby set forth 3 days walk doesn't matter he wants to find his son he got there inquired where is the head of the village somebody pointed out where he is he went there and he said oh my son how are you doing come on let's go home that man said what who who are you he said I know it it just happened like that you were a donkey said what you're calling me a donkey he said no my son you just you look like your grandfather you resemble you've seen this always whenever a child is born which is just like that like a tomato people say oh look at this it resembles me every father every mother doing it all the time grandparents of course so you you know you resemble your grandfather so much please let's go home that man said who is this fool take him out so people came thrashed him nicely and threw him out of the village so the Man became totally bitter and dejected he walked all the way back 3 days came to the guru and said that wretched son of mine he has no gratitude he was a donkey and I made him into a human being he has no gratitude it's best not to have children I really disappointed it is this so Guru said if you want I will again convert him into donkey you take your donkey home come after 3 days 3 days later he came he handed over the donkey and the man happily went home you must understand if you are a donkey we can't make you something else we can make you maybe little stronger donkey a more disciplined donkey maybe we can do little makeup decorate you a little bit that's about it but once you come as a human being there is no limit to what you can become do you want to explore this or do you want to do titbits with your life this is a choice that you have donkey donkey donkey donkey donkey
Channel: TehNoobDruid
Views: 11,170
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Id: qyjuDOmf7DY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 27sec (447 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2024
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