The Spiritual Battle For Our Humanity: Transhumanism, DNA, AI & Our Forgotten Past | Gregg Braden

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there's a battle playing out for our very humanness it sets the context for every event that is unfolding in our world there's something deep within each of us so powerful so precious that Nations will go to war with other nations to keep us distracted there is a movement to replace our bodies with synthetics chemicals and the blood sensors Under the Skin computer chips in the brain artificial intelligence it steals from us our ability to access this part of us we're about to give our humanness away to the technology before we even know what it means to be fully human and we are more than we've been led to believe so I want to be very clear evolution is a fact it breaks down when it comes to humans something happened scientists now know this but they don't know what to do with what they have found the way that it happened is that it's by crossing the traditional boundaries that we gain new wisdom that leads us beyond the boxes we owe it to ourselves to find out who we are and what it means to be human before we give it away forever but here's the beauty hey everyone welcome back to know thyself today we have the pleasure and honor and privilege to sit down with a five-time New York Times best-selling author a former geologist by degree and somebody who is an International Educator in human potential and social politics ICS and Science and he's one of the most prominent pivotal thought leaders I personally believe for giving context of where we're currently at right now um in terms of humanity where we come from where we're going and this conversation is going to be filled with Reflections on transhumanism uh the fight for our own Divinity and Humanity uh we're going to be exploring the possibility of where we came from ancient civilizations and much much more so Greg braen thank you so much for being here Andre I am so excited to be with you this first time we have worked together first time I've had the privilege of working with you this is completely unscripted I have no idea where we're going to go and that's what makes it so exciting and if I can say it's a very auspicious day the eclipse uh happened to my drive over and uh set the tone for everything we're going to do today so thank you for the invitation and my brother this is a dance I'm going to follow your lead yeah absolutely well let's follow the powerful energy of the solar eclipse today and uh you know I want to start off with this reflection and and hear your thoughts on what is this battle for our humanity and our humanness that is such an important reflection as the inevitable Advent and Rise of AGI and merging of Technology with human biology is upon us and is happening day by day now new things are unfolding uh I would love for you to set the context of what that battle is you know it's a perfect place to begin because truly it is the umbrella under which every every event Bar None in our lives and our world is unfolding there there's a battle it's an ancient battle some people would frame it as a battle between good and evil or light and dark originally perceived as good and evil ultimately light and dark are are simply energies until we give them the significance that we give to them but there isn't an ancient battle playing out it's not an obsolete battle it's playing out before our very eyes today and it sets the context for every event that is unfolding in our world and so this is a perfect place to begin we all know there's a battle for our thoughts that's obvious if you watch any network news uh we've got commentators trying to tell us what to think and how to think and how to perceive the events and in our lives most people know that there's a battle for our beliefs it's been playing out for a while in Main classrooms mainstream Textbooks For example how did the universe begin is it a conscious and intelligent beginning or is it an inner dead random process that that we're living in how did we begin and we'll talk about this are we the product of random mutations and lucky biology as U as we're led to believe there's something else going on there those things are important but they're all part of an even deeper battle there is a battle for our very humanness that is unfolding right now and that's the humanness is the vehicle that allows an even deeper experience Andre and that experience for any of our viewers that may wonder how relevant this conversation really is there's something deep within each of us that is so powerful so precious so sacred so beautiful that Nations will go to war with other nations to keep us distracted so that we don't know what this power is all about armies will defeat armies pandemics will be Unleashed we will see the collapse of societies we will see the collapse of financial systems all in an effort to keep us distracted from the sacredness of this power within us so I'm I'm going to use a word and then we'll Define it it is the power of human Divinity that is only possible through the biological body and this is one of the reasons there's such a move to replace our biology with synthetics and artificial intelligence so the word is is Divinity it is divine our divine nature now when I use that word in public audiences many people assume it has something to do with religion and I can see why because there are schools for Divinity where religion is is taught but if you look at the definition of divinity it it it's a deceptively simple definition and it simply says that dindi is the power within us to transcend perceived limitations and that's it so I can see where religion would be wrapped around that concept the the idea to transcend perceived limitations so I'm going to break this down just just a littleit but the idea of transcendence it means not just to survive but to become greater than to become more than whatever it is that that life brings to our doorstep the challenge that life brings to our doorstep so our ability to transcend perceived limitations they may not even be real they are the limitations that we have placed upon ourselves through our culture and our society through our textbooks through false science through our culture our uh again our religion but they may not even be real so our Divinity is the ability to become more than the worst challenges that life brings to our our doorstep the reason it is such a powerful force within us is because through our Divinity among the things we transcend is fear Divinity is what empowers us to transcend our own fears if we as individ idual and as a society are not kept in fear we are very very difficult to control because without the fear we have the freedom to love create innovate Express these are all features of of divinity I just want to give some examples of of what Divinity is all about because for for some people it's this this esoteric concept everyday Divinity we express it every day in our lives I had the opportunity uh 2016 went to the the Grammy music awards and they held them in New York that year my wife is a voting member in the the Grammys and she invited me and I said yes it's very kind of her it was very kind and um and I took advantage of the opportunity and and I met amazing people there and every opportunity I had I would ask the the musicians and the producers I would say when you wrote this amazing piece of music or when the the words for this song came through can you tell me where did they come from and every one of them Andre everyone to the tee gave me the same answer everyone said it did not come from me it came through me from somewhere else every one of them said they had to find a way to get out of the way to allow this deep inspiration to come through them that is a familiar facet of of divinity artists say the same thing if you talk to an artist you know who's done an amazing or sculpture uh or a poet I mean they say the same thing as a writer uh I have had this experience where I don't know what I'm going to write and I sit down and give myself the opportunity of either a blank piece of paper or now it's a a blank computer screen and become very empty so that I can become very full of whatever it is that's going to come through these are are expressions of of Divinity Divinity is a part of us our our Divinity is the part of us that's ancient it's Timeless it's ageless uh it is where our our creativity our intuition our imagination comes from and it's what sets us apart from every other form of life and as we get in deeper into the biology of how it works we can only access our Divinity through our bodies through the DNA antenna of our bodies and the cellular structure of our bodies there is a movement to replace our bodies the transhuman movement to replace our bodies with synthetics with chemicals in the blood sensors Under the Skin computer chips in the brain artificial intelligence and by virtue of doing so it steals from us our ability to access this part of us our Divinity so what we're seeing playing out in the world today with whether you're looking at Ukraine and Russia and the role of America or you're looking at the Middle East you're looking at Israel and the Palestinian uh tragedy that is the horrors that are are happening there and you look at everything happening all around that people tend to think these are isolated spontaneous events and people say to me wow you know isn't amazing all these things are happening right now they're happening now because the battle for our Divinity has intent ified to such a degree uh that these are the events that it takes to keep us from that inner Focus now I'm not saying that everyone every politician every leader of every nation certainly is aware of what I'm saying many of them are Pawns in this ancient Battle of Good and Evil of of light and dark they don't even know that they're ponds because they're so wrapped up in the bubble of the level that they are playing this this very dark game within but when you begin to step back and you look at the big picture uh the evidence supports the story and it's very clear that this this battle is playing out and the interesting thing to me when when you use the term battle it's probably no longer even a good word because in battle it implies conflict I believe that we now are at a point and our our lives and our Consciousness where we have the ability and the awareness to transcend this is our Divinity if you don't engage in the battle if you transcend the battle then that is how not win but Triumph we when we talk about winning and losing we're stuck in that old Paradigm we don't want to win or lose we want to Triumph to become more than and the way that we do this is so interesting to me is by living the best version of Our Lives living the best version of ourselves fully expressing perhaps for the first time in human history what it actually means to be human and Andre what the science is telling us is we don't even know what it means to be fully human because we've never express the depth and the breadth of our complete humanness so as we move through this time in history there are some that allow themselves to become engaged in the distraction and the diversions and others who are recognizing it's not that we discount what's happening and not that we say it's not important it's all important but there is uh a science there is a skill and there is an art to Rising above living becoming the best version of ourselves and in that way doing just what the definition of divinity says transcend our perceived limitations so I'd like to to say this to set the context everything we're seeing in our lives today even the things that so many my friends the social justice things that that are important and they're really wrapped up in uh for example in the United States the pronoun conversation what pronouns are we using the transgender conversation abortion conversation gay rights conversation all these are important but if you look closely at what's happening the races black against White Christian against Muslim um Jew against Muslim the rich against the poor these are all really important conversations that go right to the gut man they cut right to the core of our most Primal instincts and if we don't know how we are being engaged then we will respond on that Primal level they're important conversations they have been skillfully weaponized to divide us and keep us separate from one another to break the social bonds that have always kept families and communities and societies and Nations together there's an intentional effort to break those bonds and sadly it it appears to be working well to some degree because we're allowing it we're allowing ourselves to be played to be Pawns in this ancient game so the conversations are important and I don't want to diminish the significance of those conversations it's also important to recognize that the topics have been weaponized and rather than having conversations in kindness to become closer as brothers and sisters in the global family the differences that we used to celebrate as our strength have now become the differences that are being used being weaponized to divide us uh and keep us in our fear and it is Divinity that allows us to transcend that fear so when you think about this all of a sudden it becomes really clear why a dark power would want to keep us in that fear because we become powerless victims in that fear and as victims we need a savior and technology is now being touted as our savior we're being told that we are flawed as humans by virtue of our existence emotion is one of our flaws um the ability to the inability to to make clear logical decisions without having emotion empathy is considered to be a flaw by transhumanist sickness illness death is considered to be a flaw by transhumanists and we are programming our young people to believe that they are broken and flawed from the time of birth and that they are victims of something beyond their control and if you're a victim you need a savior and the Savior we're being told is technology computer chips in the brain artificial intelligence sensors Under the Skin AI that knows us better than we know ourselves and uh when you begin to understand the the big picture and I'm covering a lot of ground here intentionally because we'll tie into this when you begin to understand the big picture all of a sudden the power of human Divinity becomes something more than a casual academic peripheral conversation it's front and center for everything that's happening in our lives today and the beauty is you don't have to know that but you can simply live the best version of yourself and transcend the efforts to keep us small and separate and insignificant so does that make sense if I if I say it that way absolutely it's a long answer to a short question I think it's important to really set the stage because not everybody also understands to the degree in which this is currently transpiring in in society and this fight for our own humanity and with this transhuman movement and the exponential rise of various Technologies from food engineering to crisper technology Gene editing AI there's both incredible promise that these Technologies brings in and solving a lot of issues that um is incredible and yet at the same time you spoke to the part as we continue to merge technology in our human biology there's aspects of ourselves that we start to lose access to that start to atrophy within ourselves and so I'd love for you to set the stage two of because not everybody realizes where we're currently at in terms of this and uh and the and the dangers and the promise because there's both I mean just this past month we saw the first neuralink patient successfully be able to control computer mouse with his with his brain and you know is a quadriplegic and and there's incredible things for that as well you know this is part of a very old conversation I'm uh some of our listeners may be familiar with my works I'm not I'm I'm a scientist I'm a degreed uh Earth scientist my first degree and I worked in the corporations as a problem solver from 1979 until the the early 1990s and so I had the and I say this because I had the opportunity to work alongside brilliant scientists I mean physicists mathematicians Engineers just amazing amazing people and see amazing technology and that'll be important in our conversation here in just a moment but there was a part of this conversation that would typically happen around the coffee machine and the drinking fountain and in the break room where the scientists and the engineers would get together and and the conversation would typically go like this there was one group that always say because we can do these things because we've had the insight to develop these extraordinary Technologies that gives us the right to use them that gives us the right to implement them if if we were never meant to implement them we never would have figured it out and during the Cold War years when this was around weapons technology this is a very important conversation there's another school of thought another group of scientists say oh hold on you know not so fast just because we can doesn't mean we should just because we can do these things maybe we ought to reel it in a little bit and and think about the the moral implications or or what it means to to our values in in society that conversation has never been resolved it's an ongoing conversation right now so on it's like the gas and the brakes on on the one hand we are going full born exploring the deepest mysteries of of the universe and of life itself and now we have the ability as some people say to hack the physics of the universe and to hack the the biology of of human life or or all life and once you do that the proverbial Genie is out of the bottle you you're never going to go back once you you develop it you're never going to undevelop it probably not going to set it on the Shelf somewhere you're going to use it and implement it some way so the other piece of this is what I saw very quickly is technology isn't good or bad or right or wrong it's the thinking that underlies the society when the the Technologies being developed during World War II and the Cold War years we poured tremendous amounts of energy and human human power human intellect and money and technology and into pushing the boundaries of what we know and we discovered beautiful things like how to split the atom unfortunately it was within the context of wartime that that application was used for a weapon when we all know there's so many things that can come from that and the same is happening with with transhumanism There Are Places and you just mentioned one Elon Musk has a company uh called neural link and it's it's actually been around for a while and they are the first to develop the the computer chip it's not actually in the brain it's interesting it sits in a space above the brain and below the bone and there's a little space in there and uh there are 128 microfibers that go down into the neocortex and they pick up information they're sensors pick up information from the neurons bring it back to the chip and the chip then processes it and sends it through essentially a Bluetooth type technology to to the computer with no no wires that can be a beautiful thing for service men and women who have lost arms and legs and in the battlefields Halfway Around the World Afghanistan Iraq um to give a man or woman the ability to hold their babies in their arms once again with their Prosthetics or to brush their own teeth or comb their own hair or feed themselves but what a beautiful beautiful thing and and that's one of the good things that can come from all of this there are now proposals on the table uh governmental agencies proposing by the year 2030 that all newborns be implanted with a computer chip in the brain they say to give them the edge in business and in in technology and to be able to compete successfully in life and when I say this to a live audience I mean I can see people's eyes I say you know not my babies we we don't want this so there's there's a part of us this is the generation Andre it's it's not going to drag on forever we're at this pivotal point where the technology as at this stage where we are now making a decision and I'm fascinated by this because it's never happened before we now have the ability to make decisions that will not change so much the world around us but the world within us forever in ways that can never be reversed this goes all the way down to the genetic level and when we Define human through a very specific quality of DNA we now have on the table proposals for medications for um different kinds of medical applications that will forever change who we are genetically and we don't even know what that means we don't even know what it means to be human we're about to give our humanness away to the technology before we even know what it means to be fully human I personally I'm not saying it's right wrong good or bad I have my own my own personal feelings but my sense is we need we owe it to ourselves as a species to find out who we are and what it means to be human before we give it away forever but here's the beauty I think when we discover the Deep truth of what it means to be human and the power within the human cell and within our own Divinity we will feel less need and less drawn to bring that external technology into our bodies because we are the technology literally this is why I said what I said just a moment ago when I was in the industry and I I worked on a project called uh SDI Star Wars Defense Initiative it was back in the 1980s and even then we had the most amazing laser systems and radar systems and communication systems and computer systems and who knows you know where they are now they've come so much further but here's the thing as advanced as every one of them were I have never to this day I've never seen a technology developed outside of our bodies that doesn't mimic what we already do in some capacity within the cells and the systems of our bodies except we do it better we do it better and so that's a big statement let me let me just share what I mean by that let's take computer chips in the brain when I'm with a a live audience and a lot of young people come to our programs and they've been taught to worship the computers and the AI and computer chips are God I mean literally that's that's what they've been taught and when I say to a young person and I I have a really very honest conversation you know computer chips are fast absolutely they're fast efficient totally I mean I'm with you on that I was a senior computer systems designer for a company called Martin Marietta defense systems and I was with the computers day and night and they are impressive machines so I'm I'm not denigrating that in any way but here's the thing a computer chip will always be limited in its function by the physics of the stuff it's made of so the atoms of silicon for example the space between those atoms only allows information to travel so fast between that space and once that limit is reached it can't be scaled so that is the the upper limit that is the they've reached the capacity for that computer chip now you look at a human neuron and you say well what is the the upper limit on the human neuron and the answer is we don't know and here's the reason this is so beautiful because every time we think we reach the capacity of a neuron to hold or transmit information what happens is that neuron adapts and it morphs it shifts it changes to accommodate the greater capacity that we're asking it to do we don't know what the top end is because every time we reach it we exceed it that's part of our humanness and and when young people begin to understand that we don't have any chips that that can do anything to that degree and that's just one example I mean the immune system is is another example we probably have a whole conversation on on the immune system and what that means so the human body the average human body has about 50 trillion cells in the body give or take whatever average is every one of those cells is has an electrical potential it's about 07 volts per cell and you say well that's you know that's a pretty small potential and I agree but you do the math 50 trillion times 07 volts of electrical potential now you're talking about over three billion volts of electrical potential what would it mean if we could harness that and then apply that to our healing and to our intuition or to the Regeneration of the cells in our bodies but doesn't stop there because every every cell in our body it it functions as a transistor it functions as a resistor it functions as a capacitor it stores and releases information it is a photon generator we're sending light and light is information so we're sending light into the field around and we're receiving light from the sun and from other individuals we are Photon receivers every cell stores information it retrieves it just like we do on a chip and here young people love this there's a technology out there called blockchain technology that is the foundation for Bitcoin and law digital you know digital Finance where did the idea for blockchain come from blockchain technology and computers actually mimics the way that DNA stores information in the cells the information of the blockchain is immutable once it's there it's there forever it's transparent if you know how to read it anybody can read it uh it it can't be hacked it is secure and that's exactly why blockchain is so powerful with digital currencies that's the way we store information in in the human body and I could go on the point is all the technology in the world around us to some degree it's mimicking what we already do within our bodies except we do it better can I just share a short story absolutely about this 1990 I was um I was hiking through a remote area Northwestern New Mexico choco canion in preparation to lead a group I was doing a reconnaissance trip and I was hiking on a remote Trail and there was a a native Man by himself who was hiking in the opposite direction and he stopped and and we talked for a few moments and he began to tell me a story and the story is pertinent to this conversation he said a long time ago the people of the earth remembered who they were and they Liv much closer to the Earth they were much happier of course and he says something happened and even the elders don't know what it was but the people of the earth began to forget who they are but they so long for the Deep connection that they had between themselves and the forces of nature and the cosmos and the Earth under their feet they so long for that connection that they began to build in the world outside of them reminders of what that connection meant in the world inside of them and he said we live in that world today we long for that connection we miss ourselves our true potential and he said we'll keep building stuff will clutter our world with gadgets and machines and devices that continue to mimic and reflect back to us who we are until one day we wake up and we say oh my God that's us and then we will let the external technology go because we will have remembered to awaken our inner technology the world becomes more sophisticated because we've awakened yet it looks simpler because the external clutter goes away and that man remains a friend today in one of the pblos in Northern New Mexico but I think his story and from his perspective uh it gives us a deep Insight maybe into why we are where we are in the world today we we are reaching this convergence point we can all feel it it's like a rubber band it's just stretched so far something's going to give and in probably many different ways many things are are going to give because it's unsustainable but part of that is we're beginning to come back to ourselves and to understand who we are what our potential really is and that we we are more than the machines that we have built more than the AI more than the computer chips and so this is a decision now that we have to make is Society are we willing to give ourselves away to the efficiency and the speed of a computer chip at the expense of losing the power of human emotion of losing our ability to have empathy and sympathy and compassion for another being are we willing to trade those things in for efficiency and speed uh and that's a question we have to answer as a society and it's a question that the transhumanist would say yes in order to increase longevity potentially towards immortality enhance cognitive capacities that these things such as human emotion and a lot of these things that we're speaking to are worth giving up which is a is a scary thought I want you to dive if you will a little bit deeper into how our DNA is spiritually linked to us and how the these chips and and tinkering with the DNA in in many ways can lessen our connection to that in information Pathway to our divinity we're at this this dangerous place in technology where we know just enough to mess things up we we can edit and hack human DNA what we don't know Andre is we don't know the implications of what we're doing because Science And scientists have yet to fully understand what it means to be human and one of the places where I think this is coming to light quickest and this is how science will learn science eventually will have if science is to REM remain valid science has to come to terms with the fact that there is something beyond the human body uh that is not being accounted for in the scientific models I'll just say I um I grew up in Northern Missouri and when I started school I had the opportunity to see Albert Einstein's brain when he died they took his brain from his body and they preserved it in um University of Kansas and they thin sliced it to see what made his brain so different from everyone else what what set him apart from everyone else and what they found was it looked pretty much like anyone else's brain with one exception his brain had way more folds when you take all those folds and you stretch them out it means he had more surface area to his brain and that surface area is more neurons neurons we now know are essentially biological antenna we don't store memories in our brains we don't store memories of our loved ones and the neurons in our brain the neurons are the antenna that tune to a very specific Place a v vibratory space in the field that scientists now know connects all things 2012 the scientists that CERN the superconducting super collider in in Geneva Switzerland they announced yes there is a field that underlies all existence esoterically we had known that and talked about everybody said well yeah sure there's a field but the scientific Community didn't acknowledge that in 2012 that wasn't that long ago so there's a field and is a um a a subtle energy field and information is stored in that field our neurons are the antenna that tune to very specific places in that field DNA does the same thing so for example when we want to learn something new if you're trying to learn a foreign language or I'm I'm a musician you're a musician we're trying to learn a a piece of music you know and we're trying to mimic what somebody else does and the first few times you do it you go through the motions and it feels awkward or you're speaking the foreign language and you're saying syllables that just sound weird all of a sudden you wake up one morning man you're thinking in Spanish you know you're thinking in French or all of a sudden you wake up one morning and you're playing like Steve VI my hero on the guitar and people say well what happened in in that time well this is fascinating to me if you watch the timelapse photographs of neurons trying to connect neurons are very social cells they want to hook up and they're looking for another neuron to hook up with but doesn't happen instantly it takes about 72 hours about three days for the the dendrites to to connect and find others so here's what's actually happening it is the act the act of you or me or anyone watching this to learn something new to become something more to better ourselves to become something more in the next moment than we were in the last moment that drive that compulsion that we feel is the trigger it's the command for the neurons to find other neurons to create the antenna that Tunes to the place in the field that holds what we're asking ourselves to master does that make sense if I say it that way it's it's it's amazing to see this happen and and this is why a lot of young people today new new generations their parents will say man my kids you know they're having a hard time learning because things don't come quickly to them they want to learn right now and and what I say to them is stay with it and allow the process give them three days ask them to stay with it for three days and see if it doesn't get better and it does whether you're trying to learn math science art music a language whatever it is so this is important we need our biology to connect to the information in the field Divinity is part of that information our intuition our creativity what some people call your higher self when you're praying or when you're meditating what you're actually doing is your physiology what our ancestors called the temple this is the temple the vessel that holds the antenna we are communicating with that part that place in the field where many people have come for us and also communicating with that that place in the field this is why when you begin to replace the natural biology with synthetics there are no longer neurons there's no longer DNA and what that means is there's no longer antenna so we still May function in this physical world we have now been veiled I don't want to say it's completely lost but the access is veiled more difficult to to get to for our intuition our conscience that knows what's right and wrong and good and bad and the ability to communicate with other forms of life on subtle levels other dimensionalities on subtle levels the ability to to meditate and Elevate ourselves in those levels all of that Innovation creativity imagination all of that begins to atrophy if we don't use and this is the danger and the science is showing this if we don't use those parts of ourselves now so for example computer chips are put into the brain into the neocortex and they begin to replace mirror neurons and we'll talk about mirror neurons a little bit it's a class of neuron what the studies show really clearly is the new discoveries is that the human brain continues to produce neurons until the last breath we take on this planet we we used to be told when I was in college I was told you know you've got X number of neurons and every time you drink a beer you're going to lose a bun so that was The Leverage you know not not to have a beer or whatever it was you were you were doing now we know that's not true uh that we continue to produce them until the Last Breath of Life however and this is the caveat if a new neuron is produced and it is not engaged in a meaning way within uh about 14 days it will atrophy and die because it feels like it's not needed if we have ai virtual visors in our children that are entertaining them everything is being done for them so you got a three-year-old sitting on the floor in a living room after breakfast with a visor for hours watching extraordinary scenes and Vivid colors and sounds they would never see in the natural world but here's the thing it's all being done for them they're not engaging their imagination they're not engaging their creativity they're not engaging their problem solving skills all they're doing is being entertained and what happens is the brain cells that are not engaged begin to atrophy so now psychologists are publishing papers of young kids that are doing just this and they have cognitive impairment because motor everything from motor skills to language to socialization the visual cortex is thickening because that is the part of their brain that's being used uh when we fail to engage our Divinity in a meaningful way those parts of us begin to atrophy in one generation the Next Generation your body says oh you know we didn't use these maybe we don't need this anymore and it becomes an appendage of a skill that we used to have this is how you lose a species it's exactly how you lose a species because it's happening on the genetic level as well with reproduction um with uh immune response all of these kinds of things so the point is that it's through our natural biology that we have access to our Divinity or to our ability to transcend our perceived ceed limitations when our natural biology is replaced then those skills either begin to atrophy or we lose access altogether to to that field we're still alive we may no longer be human if we Define human through DNA and as Homo sapiens sapiens we may become something very different one of the directors of research at Google technology Ray KW is his name uh he's a futurist he's a Visionary he's been around for a very long time um and I'm just going to share his perspective and it's not out of disrespect for Ray kerswell because he's a technologist so he's just looking at the technology and what's possible what he says is by the year 2030 2035 we will no longer be pure human he said when you talk to another human we'll be talking and we will become some degree of hybrid between external technology artificial technology and and natural biology uh and he believes this is moving toward what he calls The Singularity The Singularity is where we become the technology that we have embraced within our bodies becomes so dominant that we now are part of the internet of all things that we are surveilled we are tracked are vitals are traced AI is determining uh our lifestyles what we can eat what we can purchase how we travel where we travel uh all of that he says between 2035 2045 is when he expects what he calls this Singularity to occur where that used to be an interesting scientific concept until um political Powers began to propose now the policies that are actually implementing these very things so we've seen this since the year 2019 right before the pandemic when the the world economic Forum the unelected officials of the think tank that has been around since 1971 they've always gotten together once a year and you know they sit back and and talk about what they think the world should be and I have no problem with that at all what happened in 19 2019 is that they signed a formal agreement with United Nations and the UN has a program called sdg 2030 sustainable development goals for 2030 17 goals they want to implement by the year 2030 that they believe make for a better world these are unelected officials you and I have no say and what they're proposing changes every facet of of Our Lives typically in a way that is about contraction and loss of Freedom rather than expansion and the gaining of freedom of expression of life so the UN has been trying to implement these these policies and they've had a slow start they're not where they would like to be because they're not popular the world economic Forum has had these ideas they don't know how to give them traction they signed a formal agreement in 2019 for the UN to use the sustainable development goals as the implementation arm of many of the world economic Forum ideas because they are so closely aligned uh and all of a sudden those abstract ideas that sound like a dystopian scientific future from a really bad movie uh are now showing up for votes on uh at the United Nations they're being proposed to the United States Congress through different forms of legislation state and federal levels and I think we need to be aware of these things it all comes down to this conversation that we're talking about about our humanness do these ideas do they give us freedom of imagination creativity and expansion of life and health and healing in the body or do they want to control contract confine uh and limit our expression of of all of those things and when we begin to see the answer to that we can see the thinking and and where this is going but I want to mention one may I mention one more thing no okay I'm just kidding go go ahead well we'll get right back to the show but first this episode is sponsored by better help how is your social battery right now feel feeling drained feeling charged we all have differing needs for how much time we need to spend alone versus around other people and I truly feel that the quality of our life is largely dictated by the quality of our relationships and all relationships with others are directly affected by the relationship we have with oursel first and foremost and so therapy can be a great mirror for your 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and had six Offspring but prematurely her body began to break down and she died at about 50% of the lifespan of her species and they thought well maybe this is a one-off maybe it's a fluke they've done a lot of experiments other sheep and now they they're doing this Bine um Cows as well same thing is happening their bodies prematurely break down and they succumb to really strange diseases that are not typical uh either for that species or for that age in in the species and they can't figure out why and they're saying okay we took a cell now here's another identical cell why wouldn't they live the identical life it's not the identical cell and this is this is where I think science is going to have to come to turn terms of this so at the risk of too much detail let me just go into a little bit of detail about how a clone actually works it's fascinating because what they they'll do is they'll they'll take the egg from one sheep for example and they will remove the DNA in the nucleus and put in the DNA of of another uh another sheep into that nucleus and allow it to grow here's what they don't tell you not all the DNA is in the nucleus some of the DNA is outside of the nucleus and there is a communication that happens between the DNA an energetic communication that that is established when they the term is enucleation when they take the the DNA out of that nucleus put in another form of of DNA into that nucleus they left the DNA outside of the nucleus now those two Realms of DNA are no longer in communication they can't and the the role that the external nucleus is playing to that internal nucleus of of of information sharing uh as a template for longevity that communication now is lost so that is at least part of the reason why the the premature breakdown is happening this leads into a realm that the scientific Community is does doesn't want to go there is that there's more than a chemical conversation going on it's an energetic conversation and it's that energetic conversation that gives us our humanness because our DNA is the antenna it's a vibratory antenna in communication with a part of us that is Ageless that is timeless uh it's the part of us that does all the things that that we've been talking about that allows us to have what some people consider Godlike skill s Godlike abilities because they are the kinds of abilities that we've always attributed to our are you know super people you know Wonder Woman and and Superman and things like that these the ability to to heal on demand uh to create resilience on demand to longevity enzymes or what some people call anti-aging enzymes on demand over 1,300 positive biochemical reactions is we have the ability to self-regulate On Demand in a way no other form of life can do that's part of our Divinity we begin to lose that when we give our humanness away to the technology uh to the AI to the computer chips chemicals in our blood Gene therapies to enhance immune response we're just on this this Edge we know enough how to implement it we do not know and have not taken the respons possibility to explore ultimately what the implications are and uh and we're going to have to come to terms with that as a society and is a civilization and it's going to happen in this generation it cannot last you know another five generations it's it's right now this is up for us and I'm very passionate about this because I believe that we're worth preserving there is something and we can get into this deeper there is something so precious and sacred about our humanness that has never been given to any other form of life that we know of today now there are many forms of life I'm sure throughout the cosmos and maybe it happened somewhere else but to the best of my knowledge we're it and we're all we've got and if we lose ourselves if we lose our humanness we'll never get it back and the cosmos will never know what it means for us to be fully human on this beautiful planet this beautiful world we live in and those that want to steal our humanness uh have a very different objective and very different ideas and um and I think it's it's important for us to recognize that this is happening in our lives right now not to be afraid of it by any means but to be aware and to celebrate our humanness and be aware when policies or people are asking that we allow them to lead us in our lives elected officials what do they stand for and look beyond the things that are being weaponized to divide us look Beyond those Primal look Beyond lgbq and look Beyond transhuman look Beyond abortion look Beyond you know these where are they coming from in terms of their humanity and that rather than a popularity contest and that is a very different way of thinking for a lot of people and I catch heat sometimes for saying that but if we don't say it now Andre we'll never be able to say it because within these next few years either through executive orders or through corporations that are running uh a lot of what we do and what we eat and how we live we are going to be pushed into the space where we are being invited or compelled to give our humanness away and I I know it's happening and I'm still impressed at how sexy the marketing is when I see the marketing and how they appeal to the young people with the images uh you know the videos and things like that young people that have never been taught to respect themselves and their bodies and how precious they really are who wouldn't go for it who wouldn't want a computer chip in the brain that allows you to do your gaming without a wire hooked up to your computer man who doesn't want that so I think our work has cut out for us and it sounds complex and for some people it sounds scary but I think it's very simple and and what it is is we we make it a point to inform our young people of how special they are how precious their lives are to be very aware of what they put into their bodies and what they put onto their bodies and to help them to understand uh that their uniqueness is cherished and wanted and needed in the world and can only happen through their natural abilities not the uniformity of of computer chips and and AI so I that was a long a long statement so I what do you think know it was wonderful thank you for just giving all that context and and all the nuance and tangents I think it it really helps us understand where we're at with it I don't think most of us including probably to many degrees Us in this conversation know to which degree uh how exponential this technolog is evolving far much faster than Regulatory Agencies would be able to do anything about it to many many degrees like once the genie is out of the bottle it's out of the bottle and we don't know what we don't know I think we can erroneously uh attribute malice to where ignorance would suffice you know there's that saying we we simply don't know what we're fully doing and I've heard you share many times how the more that we truly know who we are the less We Fear the change that is coming the issue is that so much of us we just don't we don't know who we are we don't know what the the real potential is within human biology the human spirit and I love how you reflect on the importance of of seeing the stories that we're telling ourselves about what is coming and so you opened up a lot of avenues and a lot of doors of where we're currently going with this exponential rise of Technology of doing it to a degree where we we might not understand the effects that it's having to our human Divinity and a lot of these aspects which people would see as superum that we have on demand within us and so I just want you to reflect if you will a little bit more about the story that we're telling ourselves about what is coming sure let me go back and just pick up a couple of things when and I agree 100% when you talk about the the people developing a technology now I used Ray kurile as as an example I've worked with a lot of these people I haven't worked with Ry but I've worked with people like this and they're techies and this is it and they're in their element what they've been given is permission to push the boundaries as far as they can uh and given the funding and the technology that allows them to open those doors now I have had conversations with him and I'd say well what does this mean for society what does it mean for a family what does it mean for for a human walking the Earth and here's what they'll tell me they'll say don't ask me that question that's above my pay grade say I'm not paid to think about the social implication I am paid to push the boundaries of this technology somebody else will figure that out well those techies now are running a lot of of the policies that we being asked to embrace with no thought of the social or the moral implications or the lasting implications without the recognition of just how delicate of a balance our genome really presents to us and once you tweak that genome in very very specific specific ways which we can now do with you mentioned it crisper Gene editing you can't unedit I you can and it's a big process that I don't think you can go back in in a species once you make those changes so so yeah I think a lot of it is the technology I'll just encapsulate this way the technology has developed faster than the morality of how we use it in in our lives or what it means in in our lives and I think it's a very fair statement to say with your permission now can we go into something really deep in esoteric are you okay if we do I don't know it's not really my Avenue for this podcast we we don't have to you don't want to I'd love to please let's let's continue deep diving well I think one of the reasons and this isn't new for Generations now since 1859 Charles Darwin put forth a theory that we called the theory of evolution in his book or Origin of Species uh was published in 1859 it was a different world in 1859 it before my time I I certainly don't remember that You're Timeless [Music] Greg but he I've got a really interesting story to tell about uh I I published a book a few years ago and I did a radio interview commuter traffic interview in New York City to promote this book and it was all the evidence that does not support evolution so the interviewer came on in the morning and man there was you know no good morning welcome Greg how a 6: a.m interview for me it was you know commuter traffic in in New York I live in the mountain states so it was 8 8 a. for them and the first thing he says he says what gives you the right to talk about Evolution and biology and I said I thought he was kidding I said excuse me and he says he says you're only only a geologist what gives you the right to talk about biology and to question Darwin's theory of evolution and then I knew he was he was serious and I said I said to him I said my brother do you know what the profession was of the man who developed the theory of evolution do you know what Charles Darwin's profession was and he said no and I said he was a geologist and the guy he came back he said okay let's go to break and they took a break and he never came back so that was the end of that that conversation the point is that Darwin uh where I think Darwin made the mistake was he took what he saw with one form of Life One species of birds in one location in the gagas islands in One Moment In Time 1853 and he took what he saw happening there and generalized it for all life at all places throughout all time including humans so I want to be very clear that uh as a geologist evolution is a fact I've seen it in the fossil record I have excavated those fossils uh when I was in school and I believe in the theory of evolution it breaks down when it comes to humans something happened to us that's not accounted for in our study of evolutionary biology it happened 200,000 years ago when the first anatomically modern humans is what they're now called a amh is the acronym anatomically modern humans when the first amh emerged on our planet uh we now have the ability to extract the DNA from fossilized remains of ancient forms of life including forms of life that we used to think were our ancestors and when you compare their DNA to ours now we know that we did not descend for example from Neanderthal we we may have some Neanderthal DNA some people do especially in northern Europe because we shared the Earth with them we walked the Earth with them they say we probably had Neanderthal boyfriends and girlfriends we we enter bred um I was a a program not long ago and I made that statement there's a woman in the front row and she said I still do I still have a NE fall boyfriend and then the guy next to her wasn't laughing at all so I I got to see the whole relationship Workshop you know happen right right before my eyes but the point is we did not descend from Neanderthal we shared the Earth with them if we walked the Earth with them we couldn't have descended from them and the same is true for these other archaic forms of life what the DNA is saying Andre and this is is a mindblower because we don't have to speculate about this piece when you compare our modern genome you take your blood or my blood and you compare that to the genome developed from the fossilized remains of our earliest ancestors we haven't changed we showed up 200,000 years ago we don't know where we came from we haven't changed since then now we have obviously changed in Consciousness we have evolved in the way we think but our biology has not changed we had all of the advanced neural network and all the ability to self-regulate and all the things that our Divinity was available to us two 200,000 years ago the way that it happened scientists now know this they don't know what to do with what they have found is that there were mutations in our DNA that cannot be accounted for under natural circumstan they don't happen in nature with the certain chromosomes yes for example one of the most profound is chromosome number two human chromosome 2 it's the second largest chromosome in the human body in in the cell um it has about 12200 genes in that chromosome genes are little segments of the DNA the chromosome is the long strands of DNA and then the the genes are the shorter segments of of the DNA one of those genes is called TBR number one tbr1 is responsible for our brain size we showed up 200,000 years ago we got a brain 50% larger than our nearest primate relative boom just like that we it didn't happen slowly gradually over a long period of time with with a a neocortex I know you've had my brother Joe dispens on before and he talks a lot about you know neuroscience and in the neocortex the mirror neurons that allow us uh the ability to Envision in our mind an image of what we want to happen in our bodies and then the mirror neuron feeding the brain and informing the body to produce the chemistry to match what we're seeing in our mirror neurons that happened 200,000 years ago now some other forms of life have to a lesser extent that but not like we have so human chromosome number two where did it come from well scientists now know it is the fusion of two existing chromosomes they're fused okay on on a typical chromosome and I know a lot of our viewers know this on the ends of the chromosomes are called t you hear about this a lot in um longevity space biohacking and and Longevity telares at the ends of the chromosomes that protect the DNA inside if this is a chromosome then on the ends of the chromosome are the telome that protect the vital DNA information in here because when the cell divides and the chromosome split that's a trauma to that chromosome and part of the chromosome does not make the split you don't want that to be the good stuff in here so nature gives us this buffer on the ends called the telr when when the split happens the part that doesn't make it is not that vital because it's it's on the ends well here's chromosome number two what we see is there's telome on the ends of the chromosome and there's telome right in the middle because it was originally two separate chromosomes that were fused so now you've got telr where they should never be in the middle of the chromosome that doesn't happen in nature but it didn't stop there because once that Fusion happened there was redundancy in the functions of the chromosomes so some of the chromosomes were turned off some of them were silenced some of them were removed some were added to stabilize this this can't happen in nature we didn't know what that meant until Gene editing occurred and it appears that a gene editing happened 200,000 years ago and if it was only chromosome 2 you could say maybe it's a fluke but it's not our ability as as a musician I've always had the question we share 98% of our DNA with a chimp for example 98% but chimps can't sing you know I've always wanted I mean you're never going to hear a chimp sing lead Zeppelin Stairway to Heaven and if you do let me know it definitely will yeah no it it can't happen and here's the reason because chromosomes seven when you look at primates for about 175 million years I think that number is accurate chromosome 7 was stable no changes 175 million years all of a sudden there was this little tweak of two genes that were switched around and when that switch happened it gave us the ability it connected our tongue and our brain and our mouth in a way that gave us the ability to have complex speech and and to sing guess when it happened this 200,000 years exactly 200,000 years ago and there are other things that happened as well these things they didn't happen slowly gradually over a long period of time and they typically don't happen in nature so we begin to see that there that the odds of this occurring are so small that scientists say it appears that there's been an intervention that's the word that they use we don't they don't say who or what but there's been some kind of an intervention and this leads to the Deep esoteric conversation that that I'd like to have if you're okay if if we do that yeah absolutely I love because the Precision the timing of this as you're speaking to points to something beyond the standard evolutionary model and I love that Fred hoil quote that you gave that I heard you share as an astrophysicist British British astrophysicist yeah yeah about a tornado he said the odds when he was asked a conference he was going through all the math and somebody in the audience said you know cut the math what are the odds and he said let me put it this way he said the odds of human DNA forming the way that it Formed to make us who we are today are the odds of a tornado sweeping through a junkyard and on the way out leaving a Boeing 747 behind and we all know that's probably not going toen so that was uh that was his way of saying and this is you know the scientific Community this is why they're stuck because there's a huge difference Andre between revealing new discoveries and new information and forcing those new discoveries to fit into a pre-existing model it's a huge difference between doing that and revealing new information and allowing the information to lead to the story that it tells there's a reluctance in the scientific Community traditionally to do the latter where the information and I'm going to go into this a little bit more deeply where that information is leading takes the scientific Community to a place that they are traditionally not equipped to deal with and so they prefer to avoid it they're not bad people I have friends in Academia and I've asked them the questions I say why can't you teach this to your students and they're the age I am I'm 70 so they've been teaching you know 40 45 years and what they say is you know uh we're going to let the next generation of professors deal with this problem we would have to change all of our class notes it it makes us look wrong as professionals to have to go back and and change the story and I I tell them I said no it actually validates the power of science because it shows that science is so relevant it's made to be updated as new information comes to light it's a living story it's not a static story so for me once I began to understand on a personal level that the mutations that give us are human cannot happen in nature of course that begs the question how how did it happen uh what a lot of people don't know my degrees is in geology I have studied and I'm an amateur archaeologist I don't have an advanced degree in archaeology but I've done a lot of archaeological work uh I'm a scholar I've done a lot of historic work ancient text ancient Traditions traveled to the places where the people still live that preserve many of these traditions and all of that led me to the question if we are the product of an intentional act that occurred 200,000 years ago where would we find the evidence of that act would it be left on on a temple wall in Peru that could crumble after a few thousand years would it be in the Middle East on you know on a scroll that could be burned or hidden or you know destroyed in some way and then I began to look at my artist friends and every one of my artist friends does the same thing when they create something they're proud of the last thing they do is they sign it they put their name on it and I said if we are the product of an intentional act it makes sense that who or what is responsible for us would have left a signature where would we find that and I was asking this question in the 80s and the 90s we didn't have the internet uh the internet early 90s we started having the internet didn't have computers like we do now so a lot of what happened was by hand my sense was it would be in the DNA of all life and and you say well how how could a message be written in the sticky gooey stuff inside of a cell because that's the way we're we're taught to think about about DNA well this is a big story and I'm not sure even where where to jump in but let me say this in 2007 Japanese scientists released a report showing that they had stored written information into the DNA of a bacteria and they chose this bacteria because it replicates quickly so they could look at hundreds of generations of bacteria and then take that 100th generation pull the DNA out and the information was still there they proved that DNA is a very efficient information storage medium that was in 2007 the question I had been asking is did this happen to us a long time ago and the way it took me 20 years of original research to to have the answer that satisfied me it became a book in 2004 called the god code was the name of the book and the bottom line is this if you take the chemical codes that make the DNA in our bodies they're made from elements that you find on the periodic table and every one of those elements has different ways to represent it it's got mathematic representations like veilance number and atomic weight and atomic mass those are all different numbers that represent the same element hydrogen for example and I began looking at that periodic table and wondering if that somehow would correlate to the ancient languages that have been left for us that tell us who we are so now shift gears just briefly there are four root or core alphabets that all alphabets are derived from thought to in one way or another they're originally six two of them have been lost the four that remain are Ancient cuniform Ancient Sanskrit uh Arabic still used today and Hebrew that's still used today those are the four root languages one of the great mysteries of linguistics I'm an amateur linguist is that every one of the ancient languages has always had numbers that represent the letters uh and the science of interchanging those numbers is called gatria and I want to just make a distinction this isn't numerology numerology is a loose derivative that doesn't follow the rules of gatria there are 32 rabinal rules that were laid down in the second century uh common era CE ad um they use CE now Common Era rather than before and after the the death of of Jesus 32 reinal rules and for gatria to be valid you've got to follow those rules so I said if the DNA of our bodies holds a language is it possible that the numbers could be the common link that would allow us to go from chemicals to letters in other words is it possible can I read the DNA in my body like I read the letters on page of a book and the answer is yes it took 20 years to figure that out and the information in our DNA is in layers and each layer has a different code the first layer is considered as the introduction just like you would have an introduction into the page of a book so now what we're doing Andre is we're we're think we're putting on an IT hat and rather than looking at biology 101 where you have a cell and in the cell you have a a a chromosome and the chromosomes are made of genes now we're looking at the cell as a library what if the cell is a library and every chromosome is a book and the genes are the paragraphs and the sentences in that book and that's exactly exactly what's happened it's a very different way of thinking and I'm I caught a lot of heat for it in the scientific Community once I started talking about this uh I lost credibility in in some circles and that's okay because it's by crossing the traditional boundaries that have separated our way of knowing in the past that we gain new wisdom that leads us beyond the boxes and so I wanted to go beyond the boxes so what I did by hand initially was I went through and took all the elements in our DNA it's primarily hydrogen nitrogen oxygen carbon this is what we are different amounts hydrogen nitrogen oxygen carbon I looked at all the numbers that represent those and made a list about that time uh computers became popular and the human genome was now available on the computer so I could take actually take DNA and and look at at you know what I'm actually dealing with here at the same time I went back into the ancient languages and I look for a number of the elements that would match the numbers of the ancient language so I'm looking at the periodic table correlating it to gatria and there's only one number that works took 20 years to figure it out uh and that is atomic mass the atomic mass of the elements of our DNA correlates to the letters of the ancient alphabets and here's the beautiful thing is the message that it reveals is exactly the same in all four it's the same in Arabic the same in Hebrew the same in CI form and the same in Sanskrit and probably other languages but those are the four core languages so when we make that substitution when you use that numeric link and literally into the DNA bases cytosine thomine guanine adenine when you you go into those bases and you make those substitutions it actually spells out the answer to probably the oldest question we've ever asked when we say who are we the translation of the first layer in the DNA the introduction of every cell in our body reads exactly the same and it literally this isn't a metaphor it literally reads the words God Eternal within the body God Eternal within the body and the name of God that's written in our DNA is exactly the same as it's written in the oldest spiritual and religious or most ancient and cherished spiritual Traditions that name is actually written into the DNA of our bodies so what we can say with absolute certainty is when we forget who we are when we think our differences are so great that separate us through the attempt to isolate us and break the social bonds and we no longer know who we are we need look no further than 50 trillion cells in the human body and the first layer of every every one of those cells that literally says God Eternal within the body doesn't say who God is where God came from and people have said to me the rabbis came down really hard on me and said we've tried to keep this secret what gives you the right to reveal it and I said because I'm not a rabbi and I said if we were ever going to reveal this to ourselves what better time than now when we're on the verge of destroying the very essence of the humanist that we love and cherish we're on the brink of War this was in the 80s and 90s right at the end of the Cold War Another War we were on the brink of what better time to reveal this than now and why wouldn't we want to tell ourselves that we are God Eternal within the body we're not some random process the result of of a random mutation slow gradual Evolution there's an intentional intervention and the signature to tell us about that intervention that literally says we are God Eternal within the body what does that mean what does it mean to live your life is God Eternal within the body and what I've found is when people discover this I I see this in live audiences I watch people's eyes and I feel I can feel the vibe in the room because now everyone has a challenge in their lives how does God Eternal within the body deal with this disease how does God Eternal within the body deal with the Betrayal of the trust and it's very different than how we're taught to to think of it as mere mortal humans is what somebody said to me once so that message is only possible because 200,000 years ago who or whatever intervened to give us our humanness left a message to tell us and it's only now when we arguably are on the brink of global war this is the year 2024 in the spring when the technology is being developed so quickly and we're being encouraged to give away our humans and literally replace our bodies with artificial substances and chips and and Ai and Gene therapies only now that that same technology comes full circle and says this is who you are maybe it wouldn't have meant the same thing if we' discovered it 50 years ago now when you go back and you look at our most ancient and cherished Traditions they've always said to us that our body is the temple that we are a temple and this gives new meaning to the temple because inside of a temple typically is something precious and sacred and within us is a message from who or whatever is responsible for us being here telling us that we are God Eternal within the body and I think our greatest Mastery what we're being asked to do is to preserve the temple that holds the message to not destroy the temple to not relinquish it to become a hybrid being where that message has little or no meaning any longer I don't know if that makes sense or not I think this is I don't talk about this a lot in interviews but I think this is where we are as a species right now thank you for sharing I think it's a really important Avenue to continue opening up because just to kind of recap where we're at when we when we spoke to this event that happened 200,000 years ago that we're not sure of what happened but it's one in 10 to the power of 600 I believe I heard you share were a can I clarify this what signed to say is that when the odds of something are occurring are 1 and 10 to the 400th power it's impossible to have the genetic Arrangement that we have they say is 1 and 10 to the 600th if 1 and 10 to the 400 is impossible 1 and 10 to the 600 means it's more than impossible that this is a flu Luke of nature or that it is uh a lucky accident it there's an intentionality Point 0000 42% is the odds of this happening purely by chance so we can say that there is some as a scientist I have to say this and I realize I'm crossing a lot of traditional boundaries to do this I have to say there's been an intervention now where this gets really interesting is as an amateur archaeologist every culture that I've ever studied now I have not studied every ancient culture every single one not one of our indigenous ancestors says that we are the product of long slow gradual mutations over a long period of time everyone from I I've LED groups into the highlands of central China and Tibet 12 monasteries two naries over over 26 days we did that until they closed the borders the bedwin in Egypt the the sadus in in Nepal the ketua in aboriginals in Peru the the aboriginals all through the American desert Southwest everyone has a creation story that says we are the product of a an intervention that we are much more we're not what we've been told we're so much more than we've been led to believe and that we are part of a global family we have a global family awaiting for us when we reach the point where we accept our humanness when we embrace the Deep truth of what it means to be human that's the gateway to the reunion with with a greater a greater family this is interesting because we now know that in recent times recent within the last couple of years there's a disclosure process that's trying to happen uh on a governmental level between us disclosure means something that it means to CNN you know or Fox News or MSNBC uh the reluctance to come forward with the the evidence that is being presented I think one of the reasons for that is because once it is actually admitted what we all suspect that we have that communication that we have technology uh from Beyond this world it opens the door to our origin and to the truth of our origin and to the power of our Divinity which is counter to the narrative Divinity is about expansion and freedom and localized living of health and healing what's being pushed on us right now is centralization control contraction and you don't hear so much in mainstream about taking care of the body it's it's here take this to fix the body that you've broken by living the life that we've given you eating the food that we've given you or what they call food uh so it's a very very different narrative so so everything we're talking about even goes down to to what's happening with uh with disclosure and it's all part of once that happens that speaks to our Divinity that speaks to the battle between good and evil that speaks to to the freedom of our humanness so it's not separate from I think it's a big part of it and that's why there's so much resistance to it right now in my opinion one man's opinion yeah so of course we're exploring things here that we're not you know we're examining some various different possibilities at something that is beyond apparently Beyond impossible to have occurred 200,000 years ago but somehow there's consilience around all these ancient sites and civilizations back to ancient Sumerians to the Egyptians um that have similarities in their creation story even going to that the book of the sephr yeter of the book of creation that gives this ancient uh Hebrew text that shares a kind of eyewitness moment of what happened for for that moment of Creation with the understanding that you know these are these are all possibilities what do you feel like could have happened actually 200,000 years ago what kind of intervention possibly would have occurred you know there's these depictions of these beings with elongated skulls um there's these various stories from different ancient wisdom Traditions that say various different things but there are are a lot of similarities and so um what what do you to the best of your ability and knowledge feel like uh could have actually happened well from a a scientific perspective I believe that a form of Gene editing happened where we were infused you go back to chromosone number two what I didn't say because it wasn't part of the topic in the moment chromosome number two is the the fusion of two preexisting chromosomes that were in primates here on Earth at that time they weren't humans so 200,000 years ago it appears that the most evolved species on Earth was selected and infused with genetic material from a higher more evolved species that we call gods and we are the product of that we have we have the muscle strength and we have the um the bodies the physicality and the sexuality of the forms of life that we're here on Earth infused with the DNA and now bear mind DNA is the antenna so we are attuned to information and a way of knowing and a way of being that's more than what was ever available and cannot be to those other primates because their DNA antenna is different they're they're tuned in to something very very different so we are already we are a hybrid of what our ancestors called human and God or animal and God and the product is human human is this is this hybrid and the you know depending on which text you you want to go to there are you know just full of the stories about how this happened from different you know different perspectives whether you call them the angels from the heavens or the gods from the heavens uh and you know all kinds of stories about that but they're very clear and these These are the books in the 4th Century the books that were left out of the Christian Canon uh are called Apocrypha and these are the books like The Book of Enoch is for example red wheel wiser is a publisher that has re-release the Book of Enoch and they asked me to write the forward uh for the the new release and and I did that and the Book of Enoch it's not an easy read um it's not a long book but it is a story from the prophet Enoch uh of exactly what we're talking about of the angels in the heavens uh who came to observe and protect actually were enamored and fell in love with uh with humans and that was the fall that was The Descent that was the fall from Heaven and began to to procreate with them and we we are the product of that so when we look at the big picture of of light and dark good and evil I mean it just goes so deep into all of this but that is playing out I think in our our lives right now I think whether I had the the opportunity in the 1990s before he died I toured with Zachariah sitchin and he wrote the the Chronicles the Earth Chronicles books and he talked about this extensively and I I want to be really clear I I think he was an amazing scholar I don't agree with all of his interpretation um from the the form text he believed that we we were created to be a slave species to do the work the mining of elements on this planet that were needed by other another race we may have been enslaved at some point in our past I don't think that's the reason that we're created this is a a very important distinction I don't think that's why we are as we are it may have happened to us by those we may have been slaved by those who have had power over us and there are stories about how that happened and and when that happened but this is a fundamental difference fundamental difference between sitan and I is he thought that's that was the purpose of our existence and I don't see the evidence for that at all I think we are we are so much more than that and is a a whole deep conversation about why we're created and and who we are and and what this creation really is all about but the the bottom line for me is that we now have the science that tells us uh that we are more than lucky biology yeah and I think that's important and now we know there's literally information coded into the DNA of our bodies you know what the scientific papers are now saying once Japanese scientists proved this 2007 now what they're saying is that DNA is a denser storage medium than flash drive that uh it takes no energy to hold the information once once it's it's imbued into the DNA and as long as one example of that life continues to live that message remains for thousands of years millions of years they're now storing the Library of Congress in the United States into the bacteria that is radiation resistant in the event we ever God forbid have a nuclear war and all of our information is wiped out if the bacteria survives and if we have one computer that is preserved that can pull it out we can start over again mean this is how how deep this information how deep this goes so I've heard you share about these 5,100 125 year cycles and five of them would be equated to the procession of the equinox and how Humanity might be in this cyclical time not linear time can you share about that I can and I'm happy to but I think I think the new discoveries are showing something even deeper than that and I'll just mention if you want to go there we can uh I think Beyond any reasonable doubt what the physics is showing is that we are in a virtual reality we're in a simulated experience or stepen Hawking before he died this was his last his last Quest he wanted to know if we are living in what he called a base reality is this the reality or are we a spin-off of of a base reality that's happening somewhere else as Nick Bostrom uh 2001 put together the first algorithm plugged in a lot of variables and and uh to determine what are the odds that this is a virtual reality and the bottom line is the odds are much greater than not that we are living in a simulated reality uh the physics our physics actually makes more sense there's not much to us we are pretty much when I say we're empty beings I don't mean that from a spiritual perspective but when you look at an Adam an Adam is mostly empty space and we are that's what we are a lot of empty space and in those atoms one of the amazing experiments that was done early in the 20th century it was called the double slit experiment I know many of our viewers are probably familiar with this what they found was that um a particle will behave differently when it's being observed and when it's not being observed if if it's not being observed it is a wave of energy when it's being observed it collapses into a particle of reality in the simulation Theory this is fascinating Andre because as a computer scientist I I know this when you're building a big simulation it takes so much memory in a computer to hold the entire simulation present when you're not using all the simulation so what happens if you got a computer game when your avatar opens the door to a room it's only only when they open the door to that room that the room appears because it would take so much memory to always have that room sitting there if nobody's using it that appears to be the way our world works this is what the double slit experiment was showing if if there nobody's looking it's pure energy and also just the Nobel Prize recently for local realism being proved false exactly yeah the Nobel Prize for this and and now uh well the whole point of the simulation Theory what's important for me and where it ties into the indigenous Traditions that you're talking about uh as a former computer scientist I'm not actively doing it now my my job was pattern recognition software as a senior computer systems designer during the Cold War years and one of the uh one of the amazing things that we found in terms of simulations is that they run on CY so you have a simulation and then what's happening in the simulation are subprograms that are running these cycles that reset themselves to keep the simulation going um it was about the the time of the end of the Cold War in the early 90s when the concept of fractal mathematics and the mandal BR set was an example of of the fractal mathematics really came into Vogue and the interesting thing if you bring up one of those fra you can go on you know you can Google it and it'll bring up a a little um you know a little model where it just keeps zooming in forever and ever and ever into the fractal the the way that works is that there is a very simple formula that is set up where the answer becomes the input for the next iteration and all you do is is you add you bump up maybe one you increment by one feed that back into the equation and now that's giving you a new image and you're doing it through a computer it keeps things going we appear to be living in something like that we know that nature as complex as it looks is actually very simple and it's based on just a few fundamental patterns that our ancestors called the platonic solids for example and all of nature is based on those platonic solids and the we know that our world is holographic that the whole is reflected in every every piece we know that it is entangled there was a Nobel Prize for entanglement that was was just awarded a couple of years ago and we know that it is fractal and what that means is there just a few patterns that are feeding into this equation this iterative equation on different scales so for example example you look at an atom an atom the old model of an atom was there's a nucleus and some electrons moving around it looks a whole lot like a solar system with uh a sun and some planets moving around it looks a whole lot like a galaxy with a black hole and and you know uh or universe and galaxies moving around it it's the same pattern just different scale and this is the way a simulation will work and this is the way our our world would work what our ancestors told us is every once in a while we go through what we would call a reset and I think that was the the 2012 phenomenon was identifying that in the Mayan calendar what makes this really interesting a lot of people don't know this is 2012 was not the reset 2012 marked the end of a cosmic relationship an alignment with the ecliptic of our solar system and the Sun and the Milky Way but you don't stop a cycle on the dime you don't stop it at noon you know on on December 21st there's a a buffer a window where you phase from one to another and there's a mathematical formula that tells you how long that window is for 2012 it's a 36 year long window 18 years before 2012 18 years after 2030 is is the end of that 2012 cycle it's when we we actually move into a new world now the Mayans told us they said uh you're not going to recognize your world you won't recognize yourself you won't recognize your your land any longer and everybody said ha you know and now it's hard to recognize our world our boundaries are changing our borders are changing our nations are changing and we're changing in 2030 happens to be the year that the UN has targeted for come hell or high water they want those sustainable development goals in that year why that year why why not 2035 you know or not why not 20 you know 2028 or 2029 they're on and World economic forum is targeted 2030 and so many people are looking at 2030 is something is incoming in the year 2030 and the powers that be are jockeying for position of control and power before that something occurs uh and I think the May calendar is giving us insight into what that is that we can expect as well as the Hindu Traditions we're definitely in the cuga and you know different phases of the kuga I was with the um some of the Native North American traditions as well the Hopey prophecy Rock uh shows us we have had two great shakings in our past they call the first and second world war there's a point on their Petroglyph timeline that we have now passed and in front of us lies a third great shaking and when I have asked the elders in the past I say that what does that mean what is the shaking does that mean a war and they said we don't know they said it it's a a shift um but we don't know for sure what that will mean when I'm in the Yucatan and I talk to the the Mayan elders and we look at the the Mayan calendar it shows four worlds before ours 5,000 year cycles and then the fifth world is that face right in the center each of those four worlds has a a Petroglyph that describes how that world ended so there was a world that ended in wind and one that ended in fire one that ended in ice and one that ended in a flood and I say okay the Petroglyph in the middle that face how's this world end and they said that is the Petroglyph for movement and I said what does that mean and they said we don't know I said are you talking about like does the earth move or is there a you know a shift in the land they said it could be a movement of Consciousness it could be a movement of people a migration it could be a movement of the earth we don't know we just know that that is the Petroglyph for movement they're very honest about that so those Traditions they're all pointing to sometime in our very near future as being uh some kind of an energetic reset and this is part of the bigger conversation if we are in a simulation it makes sense that every once in a while we would go through some kind of of a reset not the end just a change and I think what we're all learning is by being the best version of ourselves by accessing our Divinity celebrating our Divinity our imagination our creativity uh I use this word a lot the Deep truth of what it means to be human our healing our love our forgiveness all of those qualities by doing that we are prepared for that reset whenever it happens rather than being afraid of the reset and trying to defend against or some way there are scientists now that believe they can stop the reset uh they want to change there are proposals right now because we have the technology they want to change the orbit of our planet to shift our relationship to the sun and the center of the mky way so that we shift our relationship to time in my opinion there's some things we shouldn't mess with okay human genome is one of those and the orbit of Earth in space that's wild well it is wild but it's an example it's insane Andre it's it's like kids playing with toys they unlock just enough of the mystery to be able to tweak that mystery without thinking it through without thinking through what are the consequences is this a responsible thing to do is it moral thing to do do we have the right to do this and uh and this is where I I come the blows with some of my scientific friends because I I believe that there is a moral imperative to preserve our humanness and observe the planet to preserve the planet just because we can doesn't mean we should so the simulation conversation is very revealing into the ephemeral nature that is our reality and um I think it's very interesting and also like we just kind of briefly mention how these you know through their pene geological era the comment strike and the end of civilizations that have occurred previously uh the consilience between Sumerians ancient Egypt a lot of these Point towards this mother civilization and um civilizations that had much more advanced technology than many people in in the modern uh Academia world right now would like to explore um but I think it's really important because in many ways time and and this kind of humanities and this cyclical flow what is coming is also what we've experienced in the past in these ancient civilizations and so I just want to reflect a little bit more on these ancient Technologies and civilizations that could have existed that also point to what occurred a couple hundred thousand years ago and um and so what do you yeah what do you see as the as a strong possibility for these ancient mother civilizations Earth is not what we've been told and our past is not what we've been told and we are more than we've been led to believe and I think all that's being revealed right now I I think some of the most revealing evidence is not even on Earth it's on the moon uh and the moon itself there's a growing body of evidence suggests that the the Moon is an artificial body that was engineered uh I just did a um a video on this recently an interview and I mean it's fasting one of the things I mean it's so deep I'm not even sure where to begin here one of the first things that scientists noticed is we all know the Moon is covered in meteorites big ones small ones overlapping ones but they will not go below a certain depth they're hitting something that doesn't allow them to go below a certain depth uh in the 60s and then again in the 90s scientists did things that they weren't really supposed to do on the moon one of those is that they um they sent a missile in the 90s to the Moon to a crater a very specific crater in the moon there's a lot of controversy around what happened but when that Missile hit uh the seismic recorders picked up that the moon was ringing like a Bell for hours which is not what a solid Planet would do uh and there's the reports have been Declassified through freedom information you can find them find them on the Internet the um the samples that the astronauts brought back I had the opportunity to tour with Ed Mitchell in the 90s as well before he he passed was the founder of The Institute of noetic Sciences six-man to walk on the moon and we did go to the moon and he did walk on the moon uh I'm not sure we went at exactly the very first time exactly the way we said but we definitely have have been to the Moon one of the things that they found when they brought the soil samples back is that there are materials in those samples that are not formed in nature uh they're artificial materials metals that do not form in nature and there they are in in the soil the orbit of the moon is anomalous to any other moon to its planet in our solar system in the sense that it is offset just enough to create the tidal motion of the oceans that holds the Earth uh relatively stable and there are indigenous Traditions Andre this is fascinating that I don't know how deep you want to go into all this but they talk about the time deep as possible well there there are writings there are writings out there before they talk about the time before the moon existed and before the moon existed the tides were horrendous they were 400 foot tides that would come and wash over over the land and they do it on a rhythmic basis and it was a very unstable environment the the Moon is what stabilized that but it can only happen other other moons are aligned with the equators of their planets our moon is not aligned with our equator it's the only one that's not it is offset at just the right angle to stabilize the ocean what are the odds of that happening you know just by Chance the the number of of lunar circumferences between the Earth and the moon uh I didn't know we were going to talk about this I don't have the numbers exact right now but there's a very specific it's a geometric ratio of how many moons fit between the earth uh and the Moon and the moon and the sun I think it's 108 I don't I'm thinking it's 108 because it's tied into the Buddhist traditions and that's 108 is the beads on the uh on the Mala and I mean it just goes on and on there's so many factors that strongly suggest that the Moon is uh is engineered and as well as the two moons of of Mars uh dmos and and Phobos which are are smaller and not spherical but they also appear to be Hollow and engineered uh who was around engineering moons you know and how long ago could that have happened and I think all of this when we look at the as a geologist um okay I didn't know we're going to talk about this so we'll just do a a deep dive here um and I'll start at the center of the Galaxy every once in a while there is a [Music] burst of what's called a volley of cosmic energy that comes from the center of the Milky Way uh cosmic rays through through the through the solar system through the Galaxy including our solar system cosmic rays are usually no big deal like we're getting cosmic rays right now and because there's so much space between in our atoms those cosmic rays they pass right through us no big deal like we're we're getting them right now everybody is the center of our planet is so dense from the pressure of the planet and it is so hot that when those cosmic ray volleys when they hit the center of the earth they can't pass through and what they do is they end up heating up the core it's called perturbance Uh and the the core actually Heats and it shifts its location so when you look at the cross-section of the earth here's here's the core of the earth which is believed to be iron and nickel a solid iron nickel core now recently just within the last few months geologists believe that there's a core inside of that made of something even denser they don't know what it is so right now the core of the earth it's dense iron nickel that's the inner core the outer core is a molten core and the inner core kind of floats in that outer core and then beyond that we have the mantle it's about 1,800 miles thick and then beyond that we have the crust that we live on it's only about 36 mil thick the average depth of the Crest is about 36 miles so when those cosmic ray volleys come in they can't pass through the core what they do is they heat it up uh and it begins to change its rotation and where it is in the molten outer core that those ripples those pertubations are then translated into the mantle and the mantle begins to upwell into the crust in places where it hasn't in the past usually along fault lines where it's thin the crust is thin and and where it's weak so scientists now have and U I've got images of these you can see there are what are called mantle plumes where the mantle uh is is leaking this molten stuff uh and it's there's one big plume in the Pacific and one right under the Middle East underneath turkey and Pakistan and where the big earthquakes have happened and one right under in the Pacific where the earthquakes are are happening right now as well so here's where this gets interesting that cosmic ray volley happens about every 26,000 years and it takes about 26,000 years for the cosmic rays to travel from the center of our Milky Way to reach our planet 2012 was actually talking about the cosmic ray volley coming into the earth when this happens it heats the Earth from the inside and this causes the climate change it's very controversial humans are not causing the climate change we're contributing we have to because we're kicking stuff into the atmosphere but here's the thing the oceans are producing the CO2 that scientists are are measuring and let me just give you some ideas about 330 gigatons per year come from the ocean about 43 gigatons come from us and our cars I mean you can see the the magnitude and the oceans are actually warming from underneath if it were human cause CO2 the atmosphere would be warming the oceans from the top down that's not what's happening the Glaciers are melting Greenland's melting from underneath Antarctica is melting from underneath uh the scientists that know this it it's been politicized and it's hard to talk about it rather than creating a war against climate change that we didn't cause in my opinion what we need to do is fortify and there are things that we can do to mitigate that climate change we can bury our our power grids for example so they're not susceptible to the the cold or you know the hurricanes or whatever it is that that's happening but this this is something that um that we can expect over these next few years more earthquakes and we've seen more earthquakes magnitude six and above in the last 20 years at these plate Junctions so in the Middle East there's a it's a triple plate Junction three plates coming together right underneath turkey 7.8 magnet itude then they had one in Pakistan I think it was 2019 or 2020 it was 7 7.6 or something like that and it's almost once it happens on one side like in the Pacific you'll see it happen on the other side as well so the good news we're in California right now and we're on one of those plate Junctions the good news in California is that underneath the way our plates are coming together you typically don't get a big earthquake what you get is a continuous low Rumble you can't tell where one Stops Another one starts but they're all magnitude one to two maybe three so there's a a constant steady release of energy which is good rather than everything being quiet and building up and all of a sudden you know you don't want that so so we know that this happens about every 12,000 years 12,000 years ago uh it creates a lot of volcanic activity and every 12,000 years we have what is called a a super volcano uh we've got one that happened 12,000 years ago we've got one that happened 24,000 years ago you can you can go back and see and it's that super volcano that kicks up the sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere that actually brings about the cooling that we are going into to now Earth is actually going into a cooling and you notice they are not calling it global warming anymore they they drop that term because they know we're cooling they're just calling it climate change so we've seen a history of this this ties into what you're talking about ancient civilizations rise and fall and have been obliterated during the times that uh that we've gone through these big these big shifts some of them um have uh we're now finding them underneath massive mudslides for example there are satellite images showing on the west coast of the United States um the the river flows from the Rockies out into the Pacific for example and underneath that these massive mud flows they're finding archaeological remnants of advanced civilizations that people that want to talk about Antarctica is an example uh the ice covering antara right [Music] now when the Earth was warming the ice was melting allowing satellite penetration into the ice and what they found these weren't like primitive Huts these are massive complex archaeological structures if you go to Google Earth right now there's a big part of Antarctica that's pixelated out they won't let you see it I have images before they pixelated it and you can see in archaeology when you see a 90° angle nature doesn't carve 90° angles so wind it's called Uh aolan erosion fluvial erosion water erosion they never happen in 90° angles and what you see are massive 90° angles of huge complexes underneath the ice and some of them sticking up out of the ice big walls as well as four-sided pyramids uh two uh 2 kilm by 2 kmet by 2 kmers by 2 kmers the massive structures down there and the ice has been there 20,000 years so you say well either someone as a scientist you have to say this either someone built in the ice or those structures were there before the ice occurred and these that ice happened at two cycles ago 12,000 year Cycles ago so we are uh 12,000 to 13,000 is half of one of those cosmic ray volleys so you get the the incoming the lesser of the volley and then you get the full volley so when we look at the history of the earth what we are conditioned to do we go back 5,000 years and we're saying civilization began 5,000 years ago that's the most recent cycle uh of civilization and you can actually plot these out on a I've done this plot these out on a graph and you see the incin and the Aztec and the Maya and you know Rome and Greece and Egypt and and Samaria is where we say it began about 5,000 years ago and we're taught that's the history history of the world what's the history of that 5,000 year cycle now you go back and you look at the new discoveries go Beckley teepe 13,000 plus years before present um the Great Sphinx in Egypt is now being dated around 9 9 to 12,000 BP before present certainly the pyramid the watermarks on the pyramid are showing the erosion uh when the from when the ice melted that means the pyramids were there when the ice melted you know 12 12,000 years ago so there's a whole story that's beginning to to unfold that it goes back I think so much further than we've been led to believe now you look at the texts you look at the king's list for example ancient Sumeria and what you see it's really interesting Andre have you you familiar with the Kings I'm not it's an archaeological Remnant it's a Stella beautiful Stella uh it is in cun form and it lists the kings that have ruled and some of them were ruling for periods of thousands of years and then it lists the great flood clearly and then the rulers after began to rule only in in terms of decades or multiple decades now the interesting thing about the Kings list is that from the time of the flood forward every one of those rulers their names the length of time that they ruled is right on it's absolutely accurate the times before that archaeologists say well that's a story because nobody could nobody could live to 900 years old nobody could rule you know for for you know thousands of years nobody could live that long so they they don't accept what happened before that although they do accept because it's archaeologically proven what happened after that well when you compare that list and that's one archaeological example with what we see geologically now you're beginning to to tell the whole story is that there have been Advanced civilizations and if we were to believe the um the surian texts they were seeded from uh another world and they are the ones that are responsible for our our genetic intervention if if that's what you want to to call that and this is what siten was talking about and others have have talked about this as well so I think Antarctica is the big tell right now there's a lot of conversation around it it's really interesting because it was declared in the during the the Cold War neutral that no one could own Antarctica uh World War II Germany started building bases military bases than America did now China and you know a lot of countries have military bases Iran has recently claimed Antarctica as Iranian uh an Iranian continent and this just happened a couple of weeks ago and so you know I think but they won't let people down there if you try to go down as a reporter and go to the interior of the continent you're not allowed to to go into the continent what uh people I know that have been there what they say is once you go through the ice on the perimeter uh that's not what's happening on the inside it is it's desert 0% humidity I don't even know what that feels like uh no magnetic field there because of the way the magnetic poles you're in the place in between that be a really interesting uh experience to feel what our bodies because we're deeply attuned to magnetic fields what would it feel like to be in the absence of a magnetic field you couldn't take a you know your phone your computer things like that probably I don't think they would work there so you couldn't you couldn't do a u a FaceTime from from where that's happening so but I think the evidence suggests that these changes happen so quickly that whatever is in place is Frozen in time it's locked in time so for example in Siberia as a geologist we've seen this for years the woolly mammoths that are now um uh they're gone but there are and it's not just one or two they found a lot of them there they were like in the middle of a step and they were frozen or they still had grass in their mouth they hadn't even swallowed the grass and the temperature Dr so quickly uh that they were just Frozen in place and then covered over in in the glaciers that appeared to have happened in Antarctica it was a lush green tropical continent uh and until one of these shifts happened and when the shifts happened in the all of the geophysical parameters the magnetic poles wandering and and all of those things whatever was there is Frozen in place so presumably we may have the most intact of the most ancient of archaeological remnants of ancient [Music] civilizations uh from wherever they came from including their technology their propulsion systems their Craft um their agriculture everything preserved in the ice and I I think that is the controversy that's why they're they don't want want people down there are you familiar with the with gerief the philosopher gief okay we was talking about him last week when he uh so I won't go into the detail because you have to see last week's podcast who who was talking about it last Robert Gilbert Robert okay yeah um he talked about a place uh in the in the Middle East in the Far East actually a monastery um where he went to to learn what it is that he learned there are other monasteries um when after the crucifixion of Jesus the ases were persecuted and they fled to Four Corners of the earth they went into the highlands of central China where is now in Tibet uh they went into uh well into North America and there's evidence of the in the desert Southwest that's a whole conversation around that they went to Egypt and they went into a part of South America that is near the border of Bolivia and Peru it's a really heavily dense jungle and there are two monasteries one is an outer Monastery where if people are lucky enough to find it they'll be allowed to leave the inner Monastery the way they keep it secret is if anyone ever finds that Monastery they're invited to stay for the rest of their lives and not allowed to leave and that's how they keep it secret and the way to get to that Monastery is through um a native people in uh in the southern part of Peru and it's highly highly protected very protected down there right now so fascinating there's so much mystery about around Shambala around these ancient temples and sites and I hear I hear there's one in your basement is that true yeah that's out here uh so man we I mean there's a lot we just opened up there I think all of this ultimately and I'd love to try our best to kind of tie into where we started this conversation with all these Reflections about the possibilities of these ancient civilizations just point to me at least to how much we don't know how much the standard model has really closed off the potential of of these realities and reflects on the true nature of of Who We Are where we came from and that also points to where we are going and what we should protect within our own humanness that we were talking to earlier sure so help me kind of tie this back into where we started and then we're what we're going to do is soon take a break and we're going to do a second podcast which is going to come out the following week from when we're releasing this one and dive deeper into the human potential the intelligence of the heart and really unlocking that so so yeah I'm just gonna kind of throw back you know I think it we covered a lot of details for one big story same story and there's so many interesting avenues that we can pursue I think it's important not to get lost in that Pursuit not not to get lost in I'm sure for some people they're fascinated by Antarctica and they think that's the whole story but that's a piece the bigger story and I think what is important and the way I'd like to to close what we're doing now is that we are the story we're the prize we are the prize and I began saying this and now maybe it'll make even more sense there is a fundamental battle between good and evil that is playing out to to capture our Humanity because our humanity is the conduit to our Divinity ultimately it's a battle for our Divinity but divinity isn't something that you can touch and hold in your hand the human body the temple is so the battle that's unfolding has been unfolding through all of the civilizations that we've talked about in different ways uh different levels of power different levels of control different levels of fear different levels of transcending that fear not surviving but transcending that fear and it comes down to our humanness and our willingness to embrace just how rare how precious how special how sacred we are as a species and we're worth preserving in my opinion I think there's something amidst all the dysfunction and all the hurt and all the anger and all the suffering there's an Essence that I think is is worth preserving one of the things that psychologists have found is that we are actually a kind gentle and benevolent species and people look around and say what are you talking about there are three conditions where we will betray our truest nature our truest nature is kindness forgiveness I think we all sense that we're good we're a good species we're good people when we feel personally threatened we will lash out and betray our truest nature and hurt others when we feel that our families or our loved ones are threatened or when we feel that our way of life is threatened we will betray our truest nature and you look at all of the war all the hurt and the suffering in the world and they all fall into one of those three categories people either feel personally threatened their families or their way of life is being threatened the ases said this in a beautiful way maybe this is how we'll we'll close it they said the only difference between the angels in the heavens and the angels that walk this Earth is that the angels in the heavens remember that they're angels and what that invites us to consider is that we are literally we are the Angels walking this Earth and that we've gotten lost in our hurt and our suffering and it's through our Divinity that we transcend Triumph not win triumph over all of that but it all begins with honoring the gift of our bodies and I think that's the invitation that's up for all of us right now Greg you're such an incredible order Communicator of these ideas and really to be able to synthesize them to be able to explain in layman's terms what what's going on and there's so many Mysteries and avenues we can keep diving down I mean I could speak to you for 12 hours straight about all this and I'm sure we will in due time but that reflection is very potent that perhaps we are angels on Earth that have forgotten and we are on this process of remembering and I would love for this next conversation for people to tune into next week unveiling that process of remembering so thank you so much for diving with me in this conversation thank you for sharing the journey and allowing me I'm just realizing I spoke a lot more than you did so thank you for allowing long answer short questions and I look forward to our next I could listen to you all day so I'm happy with it and excited to keep diving deeper everyone who's tuning in thank you for tuning in and let us know how this episode uniquely impacted you I'm excited for next week you guys to tune in to the continuation of this dialogue between Greg and I thank you for coming on this journey until next time and keep 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Channel: André Duqum
Views: 956,613
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: know thyself, podcast, spirituality, personal growth, transformation, andre duqum, interviews, philosophy, meditation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 141min 25sec (8485 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2024
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