Secrets Of Yogis! | Sadhguru's Advice To Iceman! | Wim Hof | Yogic Powers | Mystic | Adiyogi

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autobiography of a yogi one notable event recounts SRI yukteswar materializing a small table from thin air during a sacred Ceremony this act was seen as a demonstration of Yogi Powers showcasing the ability to manipulate matter at will I sat I stood for hours in the eyes I hang by one finger in the mid winter uh in the air I run marathons barefoot outside and a climb uh the Himalayan Mountains in in shorts H all that I did now I want to go into the heat so 6 months later with a physiologist I went to the heat that means you are a Superman you are a Superman I'm just a man but you called me an elder brother so you must listen to me wh how are you yes I see you look we both have blue very blue blue both have a beard it's nice where are you uh I'm at Moab which is uh Southern Utah this place is known for you know all off-roading stuff they're doing but essentially these are natural uh sculptures of art of Rock incredible natural rock formations close by is the arch Arch uh National Reserve they're just next to that I think I was there two years ago oh is that so okay then beautiful the Red Rock country beautiful tell me wh what shall we do don't take me don't take me to the cold water let let us go to the uh to to the infinite Soul through the signs of the DNA and for us to Pioneer and open up and and see that we are now coming like the vdas the vdas from such a long time ago and now uh coming with these West measurement devices into uh the justification of what the vas already knew for 5,000 years ago they knew about the cell the atoms they knew about DNA the the building blocks of of Life they knew about our hereditary past about Enlightenment is to free the hereditary genetical past and now we have the measurements devices to show that I am doing the studies Guru I'm doing the studies and we both work on the same thing we want to make people light not heavy we want to make people light not dark so we come with signs like thean yoga K through the through the science through the knowledge we will Cast Away the darkness so that's what I do and then I use very simple techniques like H the breathing which in in the old it is it is a technique which keeps All of Us Alive breathing yeah that's naturally but it should not be shallow it should gone deeper and then learn to manipulate through the pranayam techniques I found through the cold the deep breathing I found the same principles and then and also in the the vas the breath is the the connection the bridge between the physical and the non-physical so now we can put our fingers on uh the through the science on non speculative ways to give people the best of themselves yes uh because uh it's a very brief life and if the best doesn't come out very quick then uh the best thing that happens to us is death unfortunately for a lot of people because they don't bring out the best in them they always find an excuse why they're not at their best you ask them why they're not at their best today weather is bad how can the weather be bad yeah the bad weather I don't know so I keep telling people I don't know what's bad weather it rains it must rain it snows it must now it is sunny it must be sunny what is bad weather I don't know what's bad weather because human beings uh find some excuse to see that they are not at their best which is the most unfortunate thing which we have been trying to change in many ways you know I must tell you this uh when when I was 25 years of age uh certain things exploded within me and I realized if I simply sit here without messing with my mind I naturally ecstatic every cell in my body is bursting with a with the chemistry of ecstasy then I thought who doesn't want it every human being wants it so the young fool that I was at that time you know we can call young people fools now because both of us are at this age you know so I was 25 I was 25 I sat down and made a plan at that that time the world's population was 5.6 billion people I thought in 2 and a half years time I'll make the entire world ecstatic but now you see 38 years I've been on 7 Days of the Week non-stop but still uh only I think we have touched about a billion people on the planet but that is still not my idea of humanity so it took some time for me to understand people are so invested in their misery and in their limitations that they have set for themselves else that even if you show them the best possibility they won't take a step they'll find an excuse why they're not taking that step you tell them why they're not joyful they will say pandemic before pandemic why they were not joyful because there was no pandemic like this they will go on exactly that that is the pandemic and it it is come coming to an end you see the economy is is crashing and that is the the weak point of us that is the green but one thing that happens with economy crashing you will have thicker ice slabs to go under yes yes and and the water will be transparent because there's less pollution yes yeah I heard last time last time you trying to break some record uh your cornea froze and anyway you couldn't see even the water was clear you could not see huh exactly exactly but now I now know I now I know I'm not a I'm not a seal I I'm not oh oh I'm not I am a human I don't I do not no longer need to go don't compete with the wildes do not compete with the wildes I have to tell you I'm honorary member BEC of the Polish wall russes they made me a Polish W Russ so I am a wall Russ I'm not messing with them and they they think it is an honor to take me on I say yes now great let's change the world together like wall russes changing the world how would we do that I mean the cold is like mother nature it looks like dark and cold and hostile and negative but a little bit taken of that cold makes people aware inside and deeper than the way they are able to think of an existence without thinking and that is like love love is like you don't think you just want to go to your love come on come on who's doing this to you wh come on who is doing this my wife is doing this every day he's loving me and my little kid is loving me and the world is loving me Yeah man so I I just found out you were 63 I'm 61 and I'm so vital I'm so vital I'm just at the beginning so 44 years ago I I began with this journey consciously and then 44 years later that is now I actually see it's such a little time span and and yet physic we are changing so I am working right now with the DNA researchers the best of them of the world to show that we are able to get into the DNA and change it that's that that's yes exciting we have uh certain uh yogic initiations and processes through which uh you know I'm telling you this is very hard for people to believe hours the very shape of one's face eyes voice Everything Changes because the genetic structure changes so dramatically in 24 hours time you can rewire your brain completely in 24 hours time if you're a willing subject it cannot be done to you by somebody if you are willing and if you're willing to work with it it is very much possible and some German doctor you know I don't usually subject myself to this because I feel it's quite Ric but some German doctor insisted on studying my blood and things and then he said sguru your cellular age is only 25 I said on that one thing you're right yeah okay so last year H I was in San Francisco in a laboratory setting as well and yes they found out uh that my uh stress uh the capacity to battle stress was like a a a a teenager and yeah okay nice that's bad man that is very bad 25 is a mature man teenager means what maybe you don't know but I know you say you're feeling like a 23y old because you're two years younger than me all right teenag I think when you were 21 I was like 19 so I'm talking about the same thing about and only we have two years difference we are like brothers you are my older brother I'm younger brother and that we are talking we finally meet so yeah I'm the big brother I'm the big brother so he must listen to me come to India experience some warmth you had enough of cold come on come to South India experience warm climate warm food I'll give you hot coffee that will enslave you you will will not leave the place once I once I make masala dosa and coffee for you you're not going to leave he man family is the best so whatever I found out with seven brothers and two sisters that my actual Family actually is those who love me who I love because I go for the love and that's my family and I think when I'm with you there we have a great into the bottom conversation we talk about everything we feel Ecstasy of life itself that is Ananda the Ananda principle yes when we feel that we feel that we are the master of the Mind what is the master of the Mind the one who is happy all the time who can turn on happiness yes what what would you like if you are the master of your mind 10 cars or happiness I choose happiness happiness a and Grace and gratitude and and being vital and I'm vital like a rabbit and I go everywhere no no no no rabbits simply reproduce like anything don't be whiter like a rabbit come on be whiter like a man I am I am I can't tell you I'm not a rabbit ah yeah good so I like that I like the tell me yeah beautiful rocks out here and I mean this is not the best formation if you move further a few miles away most incredible formations you said you've been here I'm sure uh anybody who sees this uh it remains in your minds it's almost like living people sitting there you know such a powerful experience to be there I think uh I I'm just guessing because of its color it must be very rich in iron or whatever but when I went there head to toe you know like uh I had goosebumps from head to toe just just seeing these rocks and being in his presence it was sun was setting it was almost getting dark but I think it is the magnetic forces working there I don't know whatever all I know is uh I don't look at things as magnetic force nuclear force electrical force this force that Force I just see everything as ingredients of life so in that sense tremendous amount of Life out there uh we going there today to explore a little more of that and uh tell us something about your uh what to say uh tell me something about the cold I like warm climates though yes and you know talking about rocks talking about rocks I've been climbing without gear rocks like that you say straight up straight up why because I could read the rocks and they when you read rocks you can uh read the safy you can do the mathematics the calculation that you go up and that you are challenging the body and your mind and when you go up and you are up you're completely in a a deep peace I must tell you this that you saying this I must tell you how I got into this whole yoga process I was uh around 11 12 years of age uh when we went to my ancestral home my grandfather's Place one of the sport for us you know all of us used to gather there all my cousin brothers sisters everybody almost 36 of us and uh for the young boys one of the sport was to jump into a well which is about 8 ft in diameter and in summers the water would be down 60 70 ft so when you jump you must jump properly otherwise your brains will become a smear on the rocks and uh when you climb up there is no any steps or no anything you just have to hold the rocks and climb the sheer pressure of that you know because you're hanging onto your fingertips my fingertips would bleed between the nails it would bleed simply because the pressure so one day we were doing this and I'm very proud that I'm good at it but a man who was over 70 years of age was standing there and watching without a word he went and jumped into the well I thought the old guys finished but he came up faster than me and I didn't like it so I asked him how he said come and do yoga so I followed him like a puppy so why I'm telling you the story is even if you do yoga for wrong reasons still it works I I'm sure you would have loved to meet this man because he lived to be 106 years of age and at the age of uh one3 or4 he he was speaking in a public engagement and he had a mild heart attack they took him to a hospital and put him in the first floor of a private hospital with you know like an ICU with all the tubes and needles and everything somewhere in the middle of the night he woke up in his entire life he's never been to a hospital so he just looked at this he pulled off everything from the first floor he jumped out of the window and escaped from the hospital 103 or four year old man wow you allowed to meet him he was quite a incredible human being the kind of Feats uh that he performed uh and then I went to him and learned some simple yoga and volunteered in his Organization for some time uh he was really an incredible man uh you're kind yeah because there was no there was no ice cold water he didn't go under that yeah but he would not have any any problem with that my my oldest participant right now and she is 98 years old she is doing the ice bathing as well and she loves it and it's not that you all the day are into an ice bath it's only a couple of minutes it makes you strong it activates the deepest of physiology and that's what I want to meet every day I say to every all the people you have to die once a day you have to go deeper than your experience allows you to be and if you do that your fear is gone and that that's it I have no fear of the ice but you know I'm from South India don't try to sell ice to me unless it's an ice cream I'll sell you the sun I'll tell you the sun yes but you know what sad Guru when I did a marathon and I'm no Runner I I did a marathon in the shorts beyond the polar Circle in mid January I did that without shoes yes and when I did it that after I so I did everything in the eyes I sat I stood for hours in the eyes I hang by one finger in the Mt winter uh in the air I run Marans barefoot outside and climb the Himalayan Mountains in in shorts H all that I did now I want to go into the heat so six months later with the physiologist I went to the heat of the Nam Namib Desert like the south of India into the Nami desert without drinking and I am no Runner just by the the Mind following the breath I run a marathon without drinking and uh they saw me losing 5.2 liter of water out of my body I felt great and I did it and that was in the heat that means you are a Superman you are a Superman I'm just a man but you called me an elder brother so you must listen to me okay yes I do I always I'm just an ordinary very extra more ordinary than other people so little extraordinary man not a Superman so the important thing is for us to realize that it's not about being super human but it's about realizing being human is such a super thing and that is what you are ex that is what you're exhibiting to the world it's fantastic what work you're doing but you must come to South India and eat our masala dosa and our bath and drink our coffee and you'll go crazy yes I I'm sure and you must listen to me because I'm your elder brother you called me elder brother now you must take my advice 2021 you must come down to South India and know all the joys of life not always holding like this and running and swimming and doing all this thank you thank you thank you sir you have enough records man you have enough records don't break anything more yes exactly not even the English proper break a leg I'm not going to do that but it's fantastic what you have done I truly appreciate your efforts and above all to include people into it not just being a Superman yourself but in into it and make it bring it down to their level so that they can also experience it that is the most vital part which you are doing it's wonderful and scientific documentation is happening that this is POS ible for every human being which is the most important thing because people are just crippling themselves crippling themselves in every possible way so releasing them than that crippling process is a great thing to do and I'm glad you're doing that we hope to meet you in South India and enslave you with South Indian food and coffee and da D yes I will I take you on on that thank you big brother thank you very much wonderful talking to you man thank you namaskar Wim Hoff often referred to as the Iceman is a Dutch extreme athlete known for his ability to withstand extreme cold temperatures he has developed a method called Wim Hof method which combines specific breathing techniques cold exposure and meditation the goal of this method is to improve physical and mental well-being key elements of the wiim Hof method include breathing techniques the method involves a specific type of deep and rhythmic breathing practice perform a series of controlled breaths followed by breath retention oxygen intake energy levels and improve body's ability to handle stress cold exposure Wim Hof Advocates exposing the body to cold temperatures through activities like ice BS and cold showers this is thought to enhance the cardiovascular system reduce inflammation and boost the immune response meditation and mindset mental focus and meditation play a crucial role in the wiim Hof method practitioners are encouraged Ed to cultivate a strong mindset leading to increased control over the autonomic nervous system and an ability to ensure challenging conditions Bim Hof gained International attention for his remarkable Feats such as climbing Mount Everest in shorts and breaking multiple World Records related to cold exposure while this method has gained popularity it's essential to approach it with caution and see guidance if attempting the techniques especially the cold exposure part here are five yogis associated with yogi Powers Swami Rama Swami Rama was a yogi and spiritual teacher who claimed to have mastered Yogi practices to such an extent that he could control various physiological functions consciously in the 1960s he participated in a series of experiments at the mininger foundation in Topeka canas under the supervision of Physicians and scientists during these experiments Swami Rama demonstrated an ability to voluntarily control his autonomic nervous system system this included slowing his heartbeat to an almost imperceptible rate and altering his body temperature the experiments were designed to investigate the Yogi's claimed ability to regulate physiological functions that are typically considered involuntary while the results of these experiments were intriguing they have been a subject of debate within the scientific community and not all researchers accepted them as conclusive evidence of Yogi Powers Maha aatar babai GI Maha Avatar Baba babaj is a legendary and mythical figure associated with the Kaa yoga tradition stories about Baba's extraordinary power include his ability to appear and disappear at will teleport to different locations and influence global events these stories are often found in spiritual texts and teachings rather than scientific documentation babaii is considered by many as an immortal Yogi who impart spiritual wisdom and guidance to sincere Seekers while the narratives about his powers are inspired they are deeply rooted in the Realms of Faith mythology and spiritual belief paramahansa Yogananda paramahansa Yogananda the founder of the self-realization fellowship described incidents involving his Guru SRI yukteswar giri in his seminal work autobiography of a yogi one notable event recounts SRI yukteswar materializing a small table from thin air during a sacred Ceremony this act was seen as a demonstration of Yogi powers showcasing the ability to manipulate matter at will however these stories are presented within the context of spiritual teachings and are not subjected to Scientific scrutiny yogananda's autobiography of a yogi has been influential in introducing Western audiences to the concepts of Yogi powers and the mystical experiences of Indian yogis Nim karoli Baba Maharaj G Nim karoli Baba affectionately known as Maharaj G was a Hindu Guru renowned for his miracles and teachings devotees and Witnesses have shared numerous stories about maharaji's apparent Yogi Powers among these anecdotes are instances of telepathic communication bilocation being in two places simultaneously and the materialization of objects Maharaj G's ability to seemingly transcend limitations of time and space has become a central theme in the devotional narratives surrounding him while these stories Inspire deep faith and devotion they are primarily anecdotal and lack scientific validation while these stories Inspire awe and devotion the scientific Community generally approaches such claims with skepticism due to the lack of empirical evidence and the challenges of subjectivity in spiritual experiences Yogi Powers as portrayed in these stories remain primarily within the realm of Faith traditions and the mystical dimensions of spiritual [Music] practice [Music]
Channel: Adiyogi
Views: 45,562
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Keywords: adiyogi, sadhguru, isha, sadhguru on yogic powers, sadhguru on iceman, sadhguru iceman, sadhguru about iceman, iceman sadhguru, sadhguru talk on iceman, sadhguru about wimhof, sadhguru wimhof, wimhof sadhguru, sadhguru talk on wimhof, adiyogi channel, adiyogi wimhof, sadhguru yogic powers, yogic powers sadhguru, sadhguru iceman wimof, sadhguru wimhof iceman, sadhguru advices iceman, sadhguru about icemam, wimhof, iceman, wimhof iceman sadhguru, wim hof sadhguru
Id: N8xXYP3uJOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 40sec (1660 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2024
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