Why Venomous Creatures Close To Shiva? | Venom | Naga | Scorpions | Sadhguru | Adiyogi

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if there is going to be an earthquake in California which is literally 12 hours away that means almost in the opposite side of the planet if there's going to be an earthquake in the next 2 days or 3 days this Cobra will start behaving in a certain way if You observe it carefully if you have mastered that observation sufficiently you can clearly tell that there is going to be uh an earthquake in approximately this kind of latitude there are people who can do that there are certain type of yogis who always carry these Mountain scorpions which are almost like 9 in Long uh in a box once in a wave they will decide when they will take a Sting from the Scorpion your whole neurological system will jangle it will go for 24 hours to 48 hours can I ask you two questions yes sir so you mentioned this instrument that permits us to access this uh whatever we call it Consciousness intelligence uh but you say it's it's for humans so what do you think about animals and how they perceive the world and then the second question is this terribly um challenging one if you say that um somehow and and you make the comparison with the bubble and and that there is no such thing as your Consciousness my Consciousness it could be an illusion so how do we somehow um deal with well what was there before you were born and what will there be when you're dead so these two are are still burning questions about animals and um the before and after this living see when it comes to animals an animal is programmed in such a way that largely its life is uh fixed around its survival process let's say uh for any creature for that matter their stomach is full their life is settled they just sit there happily but that's not the nature of the human being stomach is empty only one problem stomach is full 100 problems this is the nature of the human being because survival is not the end game for us only when survival is taken care of what is human kicks in till then we are also just one more creature when we are absolutely hungry and survival is in question we are like any other creature human beings fight like any other creatures when survival is in question only when those things are taken care of other dimensions of Being Human become a possibility so survival is not the end game for us it is the beginning for us it is a a of life but but for all other creatures survival is the end game for us but even among them certain creatures are far more capable of accessing or at least being sensitive I wouldn't say accessing they're little more sensitive to Consciousness wherever there is consciousness certain creatures behave in a certain way in India in the yogic culture in the Indian mysticism Everywhere You see there will be a cobra always simply because we have always seen where ever there is a little bit of you know access to Consciousness these creatures somehow sense it and they arrive what makes them uh sense it one thing I'm guessing this is not a certain science for me I'm just guessing because they are stoned death I think they're super alert and some other in some other sense they're very very alert this is a fact this is been uh checked by a few people see for example a cobra in Southern India it has no ears at all no hearing mechanism so it has got the whole body to the ground literally ear to the ground you know so if there is going to be an earthquake in California which is literally 12 hours away that means almost on the opposite side of the planet if there's going to be an earthquake in the next 2 days or 3 days this Cobra will start behaving in a certain way if You observe it carefully if you have mastered that observations of efficiently you can clearly tell that there is going to be uh an earthquake in approximately this kind of latitude there are people who can do that by simply observing the serpent how it behaves they say there is going to be this kind of movement in some part of the planet so because any littlest in even the minutest vibrations in the planet it is able to sense so because of this it has a certain uh aw Ness or rather sensitivity to certain vibrations probably when somebody accesses what we are referring to as Consciousness the other vibrations which are normally everybody's uh throwing out on a day-to-day basis their physical staff their psychological staff probably that becomes minimal lack of that reverberation is something that a cobra senses if you become very meditative well it won't happen in Belgium because there are no cobras there but if you are in India if you become very meditative you sit in a forest and become meditative cobras will gather in front of you they will come and sit there as if they're waiting for you this is my personal experience any number of times and this is this will be vouched for by any number of yogis in the tradition always because they're able to sense that lack of vibration in the person when the vibrations become very minimal or very fine somehow they drawn to that I feel feel uh for variety of reasons because in my experience I don't want to go into the detail now but in my experience all venomous creatures those which create Venom in their system all of them are are able to sense this probably you know uh I'm I'm just doing guess work here it's just uh guess work see some creature generates Venom within itself as a evolutionary process probably because in some way his uh physical features and things are such that without a deadly venom he wouldn't have survived he's constantly threatened so because he's feeling so threatened you it's also true in human beings those who feeling always threatened they will carry a lot of Venom within themselves so looking at human behavior I'm just guessing maybe in the evolutionary process because they don't have limbs let us say the snakes don't have limbs they don't have the same capabilities that other creatures have so they might have developed Venom over a period of time because otherwise they wouldn't have survived otherwise they wouldn't have got food to eat everything around them moves faster but still they manage to hunt and live only because of the Venom that they carry all venomous creatures I've noticed this with bees you know the honey bees the way they behave around me many many times I've noticed is very strange in the beginning when it happened I couldn't believe how these insects seem to be sensing something which nobody else you know human beings don't know most of the time but they're able to see it I generally noticed this with all venomous creatures because to generate that Venom there is some special process going on within them from what I hear from other scientists and uh you know people who are working in the field they are saying Venom is uh one of the most complex uh proteins that are produced on the planet and today for various neurological ailments the experiments are going on how Venom could be a solution in the future because you know in my personal experience consuming venom has done miracles to me in terms of rejuvenating my body and doing things with myself in so many different ways if you are I don't know if you and Bala are not aware of this there are certain type of yogis who always carry these Mountain scorpions which are almost like 9 in Long uh in a box once in a wave they will decide when they will take a Sting from the Scorpion your whole neurological system will jangle it will go for 24 hours to 48 hours it won't let you sleep it will just keep you up and between pain and pleasure there is very little distinction once the neurological system gets Tangled you know like jangled in a certain way you can make it into pain you can make it into pleasure consciously so they will cry they will laugh they will cry they will laugh they will go through this for whole 24 to 48 hours because they using the Venom to just uh shake up the whole neurological system so having said that somewhere certain creatures have little more access to these things they may not have access to Consciousness but where there is access to Consciousness they're able to sense that in my understanding or I would rather say my presumption is that that they able to mark out those creatures or those bodies who are least amount of reverberations in them where there is least amount of reverberation is like a little bit of a vacuum for them so they are drawn towards that and at the same time they will not harm that uh you know that kind of reverberation because they feel very passive like uh I don't know right now in the video as I was watching it there is a video where I'm holding a king cobra not by the head but in the body it is not a pet Cobra or something we've just caught it three 2 three days before that is being filmed there and king cobra if it bites you you have 6 to 8 minutes to live that's it it has enough Venom to kill an elephant but it will not bite it all depends if you show a little anxiety it will bite you if you are just absolutely calm it will not touch you because it's going by the Reverb that you generate so having said that this Consciousness as a dimension let's call it a dimension let's not call it as an experience of wakefulness and sleep different levels of wakefulness well even when you're awake not everybody is awake to the same extent isn't it suppose uh you teaching in a university right do you find all the students awake at to the same level when I teach when I teach yes hyper vigilance he actually uses that analogy in in his lectures he and he uses that analogy where he picks his participants in a lecture and he analyzes and tells them you're not this much awake and you are this much awake and alert to so no two human beings are awake to the same extent so this whole dimension if we change the terminology a little bit probably it will fall into a little better place of understanding maybe not entirely but little better that is right now when we talk about anesthesia or even coma for that matter they may be very similar uh I don't know medically how you differentiate between the two essentially bodily functions have dropped step by step in one person a certain number of uh functions might have dropped in another person it might have dropped further and I would take it further even what you call a death is just further drop in the bodily functions so whether it is death coma anesthesia in my understanding and my experience of things they are not very different it is just different levels of profoundness of the same thing when you become completely unawake that means you're dead you're a little bit awake means you're in coma you're a little more awake means you're under the influence of anesthesia little more awake means you just had a drink your experience but you have not yet died uh let's not go into that now uh we'll go into it some other day because uh you you are you in Brussels yes close to Brussels okay so unless unless you serve me French fries I'm not going to talk all those things to you right now I will offer you french fries and Belgium chocolate the evolution of of venomous adaptations in creatures like snakes represents a sophisticated arms race between predators and prey Venom is a poent cocktail of proteins and enzymes that can have a variety of effects on the victim ranging from paralysis to necrosis these toxins are often tailor to the specific needs of the species with some targeting the nervous system to induce paralysis While others attack the circulatory system causing internal breeding and organ failure the production and delivery of Venom require a complex interplay of an atomical structures biochemical processes and behavioral adaptations for example some snakes have evolved grooved fangs that allow Venom to flow down channels in the fangs and into praise tissues While others have developed hinged fangs that fold back when not in use reducing the risk of self envenomation the development of heat sensing organs in pit wipers represents an extraordinary example of convergent evolution where unrelated species evolve similar Triads in response to similar ecological pressures pit organs are high sensitive to infrared radiation allowing pit wipers to detect the body heat emitted by warm blooded prey such as rodents and birds even in complete darkness this ability gives speit wipers a significant advantage over their prey allowing them to hunt effectively in a wide range of environments from dense forests to arid deserts interestingly Recent research has revealed that the sensory neurons in pit organs are structurally similar for those found in retina of the eye suggesting that these organs May provide pit wipers with a rud M form of thermal vision jaw flexibility snakes exhibit an astonishing degree of jaw flexibility which is made possible by a combination of anatomical features and specialized musculature unlike mammals whose skulls are composed of several fused bones snakes have highly mobile skulls with numerous joints and flexible ligaments that allow them to stretch their mouths wide open additionally snakes possess a unique set of muscles called the intramandibular muscles which run along the length of the lower jaw and enable them to move each half of the jaw independently this remarkable flexibility allows snakes to engulf prey that are several times larger than their heads including mammals birds and even other snakes furthermore some species of snakes have developed specialized feeding behaviors such as constrictions in which they coil around their prey and exert pressure to suffocate it before swallowing it whole the folk tongue is a highly specialized sensory organ that plays a crucial role in the life of a snake unlike mammals which rely primarily on the sense of smell to detect odors snakes use their folk tongues to sample chemical cues from their environment when a snake flicks its tongue in and out its mouth it collects scent particles from the air or surfaces it comes into contact with these scent particles are then transferred to Von Nel organ A specialized structure located in the roof of the mouth where they are analyzed and interpreted by the snake's brain by combining information from both Fork tips snakes can determine the direction of the sent Source allowing them to track prey navigate their environment and communicate with other snakes Additionally the folk tongue serves as a highly sensitive chemo receptor capable of detecting subtle changes in the chemical composition of the environment such as the presence of feromon released by potential mides the shedding of skin or igis is a fundamental aspect of the life cycle of snakes and other reptiles unlike mammals which grow continuously throughout their lives reptiles grow in discrete stages with periods of rapid growth followed by periods of quison during the shedding process snakes secrete a thin layer of fluid between the old and new layers of skin which helps to loosen the old skin and facilitate its removal once the old skin has been shed the snake scales appear bright and glossy and the animal May exhibit increased activity and appetite and It prepares to enter a new phase of growth shedding is not only essential for accommodating growth but also for maintaining the health and vitality of the snake skin by shedding their old skin snakes can remove accumulated dirt parasites and pathogens reducing the risk of in infection and disease additionally shedding allows snakes to repair damage to their skin such as cuts and abrasions by replacing damaged tissue with healthy new skin overall shedding plays a vital role in the maintenance of the snake's integumentary system ensuring that it remains healthy flexible and functional throughout its life these extraordinary features exemplify the remarkable adaptations that snakes and other venomous creatures have evolved to survive and thrive in a wide range of environments through millions of years of evolution these animals have developed a diverse array of anatomical physiological and behavioral adaptations that enable them to exploit their ecological niche and maintain the status as apex predators in their respective ecosystems from their venom delivering fangs to their heat sensing organs and fog tongues each aspect of their biology reflects the incredible diversity and Ingenuity of the natural [Music] world [Music]
Channel: Adiyogi
Views: 4,851
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Keywords: adiyogi, sadhguru, isha, sadhguru on snakes, sadhguru snakes, sadhguru about snakes, sadhguru talk on snakes, snakes sadhguru, adiyogi snakes, sadhguru venom, sadhguru on venom, venom sadhguru, sadhguru about venom, sadhguru talk on venom, sadhguru naga, sadhguru on naga, sadhguru about naga, naga sadhguru, adiyogi naga, naga by sadhguru, adiyogi scorpions, sadhguru about scorpions, sadhguru shiva, shiva sadhguru, sadhguru on shiva, snakes by sadhguru
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 10sec (1090 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2024
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