Secret Powers Of Crows! | Cows | Dogs | Birds | Sadhguru | Adiyogi

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so in many societies birds are recognized as wise maybe specific birds in India crows crows are recognized as wise crows as Rec crows are recognized as Birds which are having ancestral wisdom in certain other cultures owls are recognized as wise because their sensation is very deep the feather is rooted into the body small things that are happening around physical things it notices it's because of this on certain trees it will not sit in the night Tamarind Tree is one of them as you know birds don't settle in the night on a Tamarind Tree for certain reasons by looking at where they build the nest at what height people know whether this year there is going to be a flood or not my grand a passed away this cow just came and stood in front of the house for about 6 [Music] days now uh see the problem is uh today you move into an apartment which is on your 10th floor and you far removed from the earth and you have no sense of how things work on the land we come from a pastoral culture where our wealth was always measured in terms of how many herds of cattle do you have you just look back at the time of Mahabharat and another thing they're always talking about herds of cattle how many cattle did you have this is the way weal why this was so is because we are a tropical country and we depend on monsoons when the rains fail those who had cows their children survived those who do not have cows their children died this is a simple wisdom that we came to so an an animal which gave us milk which saved our children's lives we treated it as sacred to our lives not only that cows did not live in a separate cattle farm somewhere they lived in our homes along with us so there was an intimate relationship so intimate I must tell you this one of [Music] my grand aunts who who had a cow all cows had names at one time okay this cow was called lakshi very dear to her at the age of 84 or 85 my grand a passed away this cow just came and stood in front of the house for about 6 days never ate anything drank anything and died right there after 6 days so that's the level of emotion that a cow is capable of I have personally seen when I was growing up my grandmother always showing a particular cow and keep telling me that you are drinking the milk of this cow this is your second mother they actually openly telling me suppose your mother dies they I'm just a 2-year-old kid these are days you never supposed to utter death the word death but those days because mothers could die so my grandmother tell me suppose your mother dies this is your mother she is the one who is nourishing you every day I'm told this so every day I'm supposed to go and at least touch her and play with her for a few minutes a day this was a part of our growing up so naturally there was a huge emotion towards the animal and I have personally seen that if you have develop a certain intimacy with a cow suppose you are going through some grief from some turmoil within yourself you need not be in the presence of the cow you are somewhere else the cow will shed tears for you so because it has human emotions we said killing a cow amounts to murder eating a cow amounts to cannibalism this is how it was seen in the past well we can't go back to that time anymore uh we uh we will go into the deepest oceans and at the bottom of the ocean what is there we'll pick it up and eat it up we we have learned how to exploit everything on the planet but in an agricultural Nation I want you to understand this if you don't know this sir already let me tell you this 25% of India is turning into a desert in the next 10 to 15 years time how desertification happens means it's just this in normal agricultural soil the minimum organic content that has to be there to call soil soil is 3 to 6% 3% is the most minimum but today in many states like Punjab harana Marat some parts of Tamil Nadu and kataka and Andra Pradesh the organic content has gone down to 05% that means in the next 3 to 5 years this will become sand if you remove the organic content from the soil soil will become sand if your soil becomes sand then we say your nation is a desert isn't it how is this going away I don't know young educated people should be thinking about these things for un unfortunately we not doing this see you take one acre of land if you take one acre of land if you grow let us say 2 tons of some crop what you have removed is 2 tons of top soil so if you want to put back organic content into the soil there are only two ways leaves from the trees and animal waste trees are already gone long time ago animals you want to eat it up how will you preserve the soil if our soil turns into a desert how are people going to live with 1.3 billion population very concentrated population if you do not put the leaves of the tree and the animal waste back into the land you will finish the nation a nation which has a 12-month cropping system and and which has agricultural history of 8 to 10,000 years longest agricultural history on the planet now if you take away the soil and turn it into sand is it a great thing you have to somehow preserve it at some point at some point in near future we have to come to this if you have 10 acres of land you must have this many trees and this many animals this will be become mandatory if it doesn't become mandatory there will be no soil left in the nation one thing that we can know from Birds probably better than any meteorological instruments [Music] is if we listen to them carefully we would know the meteorological conditions or the weather patterns very well many studies of observe this on the banks of Ganga and also NADA River certain Birds which Nest very close to the Water by looking at where they build the nest at what height people know whether this year there is going to be a flood or not I'm saying the birds build this Nest at least four months before monsoons but they will build the nest much lower if the rains are not going to be too heavy and there's not going to be any flood but if there is going to be a flood they will build it way higher up just by observing this traditionally people have always known this year it's going to flood this year it's not going to flood so obviously before any of the normal uh what our instruments can read in terms of meteorological conditions before water wapor temperature other things manifest already there are signs in nature which a bird is able to see probably among human beings one creature who pays maximum attention to meterological conditions is an aviator a farmer to some extent but much more an aviator because one who wants to fly is always watching out for the weather because that will decide whether you're going to fly or not whether you will fly all the way to another world are you going to land in this world a lot depends on the weather so birds being avens probably they have learned to pay attention to Nature in terms of meterological conditions like nobody body else there are many other aspects one knows about the migratory patterns of the birds very distinctly they know the weather patterns otherwise they cannot uh make this flight longdistance flights across continents maybe Oceano people that's why the Pirates had a parrot they didn't have a GPS So reading weather patterns and wind patterns one who has to fly today our flight is powered by very brutally powerful engines but if you were to power yourself just by your own Wing the wind patterns are Paramount significance if you don't know the wind there is no way to fly uh at a at an early age when I started wanting to fly hang gliders sitting and absorbing the wind for days on end before you actually fly uh I know how important the wind is whether it takes you up or slaps you down uh is a very very few people except aviators among humans understand the significance of wind how even subtle changes in the wind will determine what happens to you especially if you're doing flight without not powered flight unpowered Wing flight if you do you will see it's extremely important maybe kite Flyers would also notice to some extent but not to the same extent so if one wants to know WEA definitely listening to birds would be great maybe not all of them those who soar in the sky those who depend very much on Rising in the sky without flapping their wings all these birds have an enormous ability to know the weather patterns and the wind patterns [Music] in The evolutionary scale of things we recognize the yogic system recognizes three levels of development as very important within you these three for uh instead of calling them aspects let's call them these three stages of development or these three animals or lives which still are from an Ami to who you are right now the three animals still live within you in different ways and represent different aspect this is called as swana Kaka and Naga swana means a dog it is a mammal a mammal which is very good with its survival process for a long time uh people said that dog is the man's best friend these days you cannot say that because of various gender issues that why is a dog coming into our life but a dog is the best friend of a woman right now in large parts of the world yes I'm I'm just being nasty but dogs have acquired a different level of significance because a man used to pet a dog because it was good for his survival when he was Outdoors but a dog is being petted by wom right now because it is a Non-Stop love affair at least for 12 years 12 years is a a good term so uh dogs have moved from survival to providing emotional Comfort if you had a dog if you a hunter if you are living somewhere Outdoors a dog is very perceptive in terms of smell and hearing these are his qualities anything somewhere around he smells it out gets alert even the smallest noise his ears will go up like that and he years so he was always a very good support for a man and he was his best friend but now the ladies discovered he's the best love affair most enduring and unfailing love affair yes doesn't matter what you did in the morning and then went to office even if you kicked him around by the time you come in the evening he's waiting for you here but yeah so uh the quality of the dog is of breath and brain as far as yoga is concerned swana is connected with your breath and your brain it stimulates certain dimensions of your brain that your survival process is greatly enhanced you become smart no no do not miss understand intelligence as smart you become smart means to be smart you must have somebody little dimmer than you next to you only then you feel smart otherwise if you're by yourself there is no chance of feeling smart intelligence is a different aspect intelligence is a very inclusive process being smart is always in competition with something else being better than somebody so a dog is smart so this Dimension exists within us and by handling our breath in a certain way the swana aspect of you can be activated your brain the survival instincts in your brain can be horned can be sharpened that you will become smart in a given Society so this is the swana or the dog within you I know I'm not don't connect this to uh you know uh the social usage of these words in some societies if they say you are a dog uh that is supposed to be putting you down even even so in India unfortunately uh in some societies oh he's a dog is like a great thing in some societies oh dog very tasty different things I'm not talking about the social context how it's evolved but in yoga we recognize these three stages of evolution as significant landmarks within you even today so if you want to become survival smart you do aspects of yoga which will activate the swana in you your breath and your brain are very connected with this aspect the next is the kaka kaka does not mean just the crow because uh Crow is uh you know because of it's a democracy if all the birds vote Crow will win because their numbers used to be more not anymore they used to be more before the C cell phone towers came now their numbers have become very limited I don't think we have seen a crow anywhere around here in the last few years we have not seen a crow I not seen a crow in The Yoga Center at all so a crow used to be big in number in population so we represented all the bird life as a crow Kaka does not necessarily mean a crow it means a bird a bird is uh of a certain nature here it's uh you know the sense of smell and hearing is dominant in the swana or the dog in the bird the sense of seeing and Sensations are very significant sense of seeing is significant you know that the eagle that is flying up there very high up there nearly 2,000 ft sometimes but he's looking down a little mouse Moves In the Land here he just knows and he comes straight down for his dinner or his lunch so in terms of sight they're very sharp you know you want to have a bird's eye view if you want to get a grasp of the place so he has a vision which gives him a sense of what is what very clearly because he has a distance because of flight he has a distance because of the distance he gets to see things in a certain way which leads to certain wisdom so in many societies birds are recognized as wise maybe specific birds in India crows crows are recognized as wise crows has Rec crows are recognized as Birds which are having ancestral wisdom in certain other cultures owls are recognized as wise in India owl is considered to be stupid this is all cultural stuff uh different people perceive different ways but anyway once you have a bird's eye view of something you naturally become wise because you have a bigger picture which others who are crawling on the earth do not have so a bird is considered wise if one is seeking wisdom a larger wisdom of things of the world then you need to activate the Kaka within you and in terms of Sensations well this is something probably most people have not paid attention to a bird is covered with feather unless it's a dressed uh you know so uh let's say a little breeze Comes This Way gentle today it's strong but let's say a gentle breeze Comes This Way the feathers are not really uh live not really live it is alive but not the way the rest of the body is it's like your hair but through these feathers uh through this hair of the feather the feather is rooted in the body in such a way that it gives a very deep sense of sensation to the bird a bird is sleeping like this in the night if a snake starts moving up the tree just that moment will give him Sensations and many times I have watched this because I slept on the trees many days so I have seen this with eyes closed they'll just jump little bit like this this this this they go to the edge of the branch with eyes closed they're still sleeping those of you sleepwalking you know what I'm talking [Laughter] about because their sensation is very deep the feather is rooted into the body small things that are happening around physical things it notices it's because of this on certain trees it will not sit in the night Tamarind Tree is one of them as you know birds don't settle in the night on a Tamarind Tree for certain reasons because their sensation is very very sensitive and vision is very sharp so wisdom and sensitivity to physical things physical Sensations are very strong here are five lesser known facts about cross intelligence and problem solving abilities crows are renowned for their exceptional intelligence often compared to that of primates and dolphins they possess a remarkable ability to solve complex problems and adapt to new situations research has shown that crows can use tools a behavior once thought to be exclusive to humans and few other species they have been absorbed fashioning and using tools in the wild such as using sticks to extract insects from crevices or using cars to crack open the nuts in laboratory settings crows have demonstrated impressive cognitive skills including the ability to use analogical reasoning and to remember specific events and locations for extended periods social structure and communication crows exhibit complex social behaviors and live in tight night family groups called murderers or flocks Within These groups they form strong bonds and engage in Cooperative activities such as hunting nesting and defending territory communication among crows is sophisticated and multifaceted they use a wide range of vocalization including calls costs and CP to convey information to each other these vocalization can communicate danger food availability and other important messages within the group memory and recognition Crow possess excellent memories and are capable of recognizing individual humans and other animals they can remember specific faces and Associate them with past experiences such as encounters with Predators or sources of food Studies have shown that crows can hold grudges and remember individuals who have posted threat to them in the past they may even warn other members of their group about these perceived threats demonstrating a high level of social cognition adaptability and urbanization crows are highly adaptable birds that can thrive in a variety of environments from dense forest to urban areas they have successfully colonized many cities around the world taking advantage of human-made structures and food sources Urban environments offer cross abundant food opportunities including garbage crops and small animals they have become adaptt at navigating Urban Landscapes and have even been known to use traffic patterns to their advantage when foraging with food cultural significance and folklore crows have held cultural significance in various societies throughout history in some cultures they are symbols of death or bad Omens while in others they are reward for their intelligence and cunning crows appear in myths Legends and folklore from around the world often depicted as wise tricksters or Messengers between the human and spirit worlds their presence in cultural narratives reflects Humanity's fascination with these enigmatic and intelligent birds here are five lesser known facts about cows complex stomach structure cows have a unique digestive system consisting of four compartments in their stomach the rumin reticulum omasum and abomasum this complex structure allows them to efficiently digest fibrous plant materials through a process called rumination the rumin the largest compartment serves as a fermentation chamber where microbes break down cellulose from plant matter into nutrients that the cow can abs observe this enables cows to derive nutrition from grasses and other tough vegetation that humans cannot digest empathetic Behavior cows are capable of forming deep emotional bonds with other cows even with humans they display empathy towards her members especially during times of distress or when one of their companions is injured research has shown that cows exhibit behaviors such as grooming licking and nuzzling to comfort distressed individuals within their her they also demonstrate signs of stress when separated from familiar companions indicating a strong social connection vocal communication cows communicate with each other through a diverse range of vocalizations while they are often associated with the characteristic move sound cows produce various other vocalizations to convey different messages these vocalizations can indicate a cow's emotional state such as contentment agitation or distress maternal instincts and bonding cows are highly maternal animals displaying strong instincts to protect and nurture their CS mother cows from close bonds with their offspring exhibiting behaviors such as licking grooming and nursing to care for them CS in turn rely on their mothers for nourishment and during their early development the bond between a cow and her calf is profound and enduring often lasting throughout the C's life individual personalities contrary to popular belief cows are not interchangeable and actually possess distinct personalities and preferences some cows may be more outgoing and curious While others may be more reserved or cautious study Studies have shown that cows exhibit personality TRS such as boldness sociability and even playfulness these individual differences can influence their behavior interactions with their other cows and responses to environmental stimuli
Channel: Adiyogi
Views: 44,245
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Keywords: adiyogi, sadhguru, isha, secret powers of crows, sadhguru on crows, sadhguru on cows, sadhguru crows, sadhguru cows, sadhguru talk on crows, sadhguru talk on cows, sadhguru about birds, power of crows sadhguru, power of cows sadhguru, adiyogi channel, adiyogi crows, adiyogi cows, crows, cows, power of dogs sadhguru, sadhguru dogs, sadhguru about dogs, adiyogi dogs, sadhguru birds, sadhguru on birds, birds sadhguru, adiyogi birds
Id: m8mXIU0ro7Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 31sec (1711 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2024
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