Dragon's Dogma 2 - Ultimate Class Guide! Which Vocation Is The Best For You? (Dragon's Dogma 2 Tips)

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Dragon's Dogma 2 class system also known as vocations lets you choose between 10 different archetypes that Define how your character plays as you fight and explore the game's massive World from the starting vocations such as fire and Mage to the more complex roles like the Mystic spear hand there's lots to take into account When selecting a vocation for your character or for your pawns with both new and returning options from the original Dragon Dogma this guide will attempt to make your choice that much easier and answer the question which is the right vocation for you now at the start of the game Dragon's dma 2 lets you choose between four basic vocations with the remaining six being unlocked through more special means later on this includes fighter Mage thief and Archer each one of these fits a distinctive role from the traditional RPG play Styles and will have different strengths and weaknesses when it comes to combat let's get started with the fighter the fighter is a well-rounded option that can play both offensively and defensively for those who enjoy a heads-on melee approach the fire vocation excels in Clos range melee combat wielding a one-handed sword in one hand and the shield in the other Fighters can slice through enemy ranks and deliver powerful blows while also using their Shields to protect themselves and their allies in combat even though they can fit a more Frontline tank roll that doesn't mean that the fighter can't deal some serious damage in the previous Dragon's Dogma game Fighters using one-handed swords could deliver devastating blows using abilities such as as the sword aerial heavy attack or the dire Onslaught light combo chain building Shields natively also means that they get access to various blun attacks that can break through enemy defenses and even reflect blows back to their faces when performing perfect paries so learning enemy attack patterns and anticipating hits can make all the difference when following up with a perfect Shield block at the right moment from the gamep playay we had so far it seems Fighters will get many returning skills from the previous game but it's also possible it will include some new mechanics just like how many other vocations will as well however the biggest downside to the fighter is is rather limited attack range with flying enemies notoriously being the Fighter's biggest weakness in the previous game even though previously it used to have charge like attacks acting as Gap closers it's still needed to be in the enemy's face to truly be effective it's also not the most flashy archetype either so for those who want something with a bit more flare there are other options to choose from later on this brings us to the Mage being a longrange class building a staff the Mage can channel the power of magic to cast both offensive defensive and even support spells for its party Mages offer a multitude of ways in their approach to combat the more advanced and Powerful the magic is the longer the incantation time will be and as a mage you will experience the Strategic excitement of definitely executing your magic abilities what's great about Mages is their ability to cast different Elemental spells on the Fly such as ice spikes fireballs and even calling down the power of lightning making them a very adaptable class perhaps its biggest use comes from its ability to enchant their party members weapons with different Elemental bom providing additional damage effects for the fight ahead early on this source of extra damage can be of tremendous help when exploiting enemy weaknesses but in the previous game these enchantments could also change the way certain mage skills worked such as the focus shot gaining different effects depending on the Elemental Boone active now Mages used to also be the only healing vocation making them incredibly valuable to have in any party setup an ability it seems that they continue to retain in Dragon's dongma 2 now on the downside Mages can suffer from weak defenses against main enemies which is why positioning is the key to your survival and you generally want to stay back from the front lines anyway also having such a high skill flexibility early on can make it a potentially more complex vcation to master luckily pawns can also be designated Mages so if you don't want to bother with all of this you can just designate this to a pawn and choose a different class for your character this brings us to the thief the thief is your typical Nimble close-range melee assassin it's capable of attacking with deadly speed dealing rapid and consecutive strikes with daggers in both hands while exhibiting outstanding Mobility while the per hit damage might be lower compared to other vocations the thief more than makes up for it with its much higher attack speed thieves quickly step away after striking exploiting openings to cling onto enemies and inflicting heavy damage this ability to swiftly moving in and out of enemy range makes them a difficult Target to pin down if played properly a core mechanic of this vocation is its ability to grab onto foes clinging on them and then giving them the upper hand against single Target boss Encounters in fact in the previous game Strider equivalent excelled in single Target scenario though it did suff U from a lack of proper AOE so in Dragon's Dogma 2 the thief also seems to exhibit some of these very interesting abilities plus a bunch of Nu on this includes a very strong Counterattack that can be pulled off when reacting at the right moment against an incoming attack they can also imbu their own daggers with the fire Elemental making them less reliant on Mages compared to some of the other vocations and they also follow a similar theme to The trider from before thieves of course being able to attach explosive fireworks to their targets and even detonating them on demand leaving their targets stunned and disoriented as far as weaknesses go this location doesn't have the defensive capabilities of other classes such as fighter so you'll have to be more careful how you position yourself in combat it's also likely that just like the Strider from before the thief will lack proper AOE attacks making them less efficient Against One Versus All Encounters this brings us to the fourth and final base vocation and the Archer for all of those who prefer long-distance combat but want to be a lot more Nimble than a mage we have the Archer another ranged vocation specializing in Long Range physical attacks using primarily a bow and arrows they perform their attacks from afar and can even Target enemies in high positions in addition to this they are also essential in supporting the front lines for example by targeting enemy weaknesses they can create opportunities for your allies to strike in some of the gameplay footage we've seen them using a very powerful long-winded charge shot that has the power to completely bring down even the largest enemies to its knees creating the perfect opening for your allies to move in as they level archers also gain access to skills which allow you to shoot arrows more quickly or even to fire multiple arrows at once this can be especially helpful when delivering Elemental damage to exploit enemies weaknesses or using explosive arrows to take down entire groups besides this being an offshoot of The Strider just like the thief they also get skills to improve Mobility allowing you to disengage and put some extra distance between you and your attacker it's also very likely that this extra Mobility just like in the case of the thief could come into play in unique ways now that Dragon's Dogma 2 features extended environmental interactions so cool trick shots and other Shenanigans may be perfectly suited for the Archer as far as weaknesses go it's mostly defense related as this is still a slightly more squishy vocation that needs to be careful about positioning also it's weapon usage might be slightly limited given its choice of bows which is why the Archer might not be the best choice if you want to exclusively focus on melee range but let's move over to advanced classes and there's one thing we have to specify about them and that is the fact that in Dragon's Dogma 2 the way you unlock at least some of the advanced classes is not done by leveling up the base vocations instead it's done via Quest that deepen your relationships with various vocation Masters you will find this in the towns and cities and this will of course start with you finding the weapons of advanced vocations and then bringing them back to the vocation Masters they can also Grant special TOS that teach skills of the highest order so-called Masters teachings which are supposed to be some of the strongest in the entire game so let's talk about some of these Advanced vocations starting with the first one Mystic spear hand is a brand new hybrid vocation added in Dragon's Dogma 2 one fully available only to the Arison meaning that you can't have pawns using it it somewhat resembles the previous game's Mystic Knight however it includes lots of Unique Mechanics being a hybrid it specializes in both melee and magical attacks making it one of the few vocations effective at any range it can use melee attacks can quickly Dash to any Target even use ranged magical spells and has plenty of CC via paralyzed mechanics as its name implies the Mystic spear hand uses its main weapon called dual spear to adaptly overwhelm its en enemies with flurry of attacks effectively being able to hit multiple targets at the same time one of its most interesting skills however is its ability to stun a group of targets with a magical debuff and then following with a spear combo that quickly teleports between and hits each effective Target all while an after image continues to provide additional hits and damage as you level up the vocation it also gains various spells capable to paralyze enemies its incredible access to crowd control mechanics also extends to single Target bosses as the Mystic spear hand can swiftly jump towards enemies even once flying further away something that normally other melee classes have difficulty with but we've seen it wielding the power to manipulate the corpses of their fallen enemies and effectively turning them into useful projectiles in combat for a melee vocation Mystic spear hand is definitely a flashy one and no doubt something to try out if you prefer this style of very artistic and Visually appealing combat not many down size to think of here except maybe some dual spear attacks seemingly locking you in animations so careful planning of your strongest attacks and positioning during the enemy stun phase might be important also having the capacity to switch between targets so easily while also providing ample c means you'll have to do the heavy lifting in fights to ensure that other party members have ample time to follow up with their own abilities we also have a ranged counterpart to this well somewhat it's called The Magic Archer avilable ailable only to the Arison the magic Archer vocation excels in longrange combat with their magical arrows in addition to attacking or healing magic archers are also adapt at supporting their allies in combat they can learn a custom skill that unleashes a devastating attack over a wide area in exchange for reducing their own maximum HP in the previous game they used to be an insanely strong option with Incredible versatility having access to bows daggers and even staves this meant they were extremely adaptable providing incredible damage party support but also lots of crowd control mechanics in Dragon's dgma 2 magic archers seem to continue this role of being very specialized into dealing damage with pure magic arrows in fact its biggest draw comes from its ability to use these magic arrows as far more Superior options compared to the regular physical ones they also hom in on targets effectively letting arrows to continuously hit the same Target in its weak spots over and over or hit multiple smaller Targets in a larger are area having the option to choose between different Elemental arrows really enables this location to Target specific enemy weaknesses and taking them down much quicker we've also seen magic archers using an arrow shot capable of resurrecting targets from afar a long range spell that no doubt can be extremely useful previously this vocation could also buff party members similarly using their magical arrows to fully expecting that to carry over to Dragon's dgma 2 it's hard to pin down any weaknesses for the magic Archer given how strong it already is but it's good to knowe that this can be a bit more highrisk High reward than other classes given how some of its strongest attacks can reduce HP additionally positioning is another key factor here as well as knowing how to make use of different elements to exploit enemy weaknesses while providing crowd control to create openings situational awareness also becomes important as you have the power to resurrect and even buff Fallen party members in combat so something to keep an eye out for this brings us to the seventh vocation which is the sorcerer now the sorcerer is a vocation completely specializing in various devastating High burst but also longcast magic attacks their spells are conjured with both hands through a large staff and can change the tide of battle at any given opportunity as their magic spells take longer to cast it is key for the sorcerer to find the safe place and determine the correct moment to strike for those confused about the difference between this and the Mage well let's just say that the sorcerer is going to bring any magic ability you have to the next level you'll get to call down massive meteors from the sky cause hurricanes Unleash the Power of thunder and lightning and much much more Sorcerers are excellent at unleashing powerful AOE spells that deal insane bursts of damage however it all comes at the cost of having much longer cast durations however an interesting mechanic that Sorcerers possess is the ability to use Quick spell which will shorten the spell cast time at the expense of stamina luckily this can be combined with one of the new abilities called Galvanize which will instead recover back some of the Lost stamina effectively playing between these two means that you can continuously use Quick cast without having to consume any stamina regen items in the previous game Sorcerers were already capable of using many of the Mages core skills and even the elemental boms so for Mages enthusiasts that want to go to the next step this is going to feel like a natural upgrade all other access to Healing abilities even a applying Buffs to your team members weapons via Elemental booms should all still be there for party-wide support though in the previous Dragons Dogma Sorcerers also had access to skills such as ltitude that could slow down and even completely stop enemy movement including attacks in a larger area plus various other Unique Mechanics such as necromancy to call forth on Fallen enemies and Aid you in combat now on the downside obviously this is another vocation with lower defenses so they will be rather vulnerable to attacks that's why positioning yourself is again going to be important you're going to want to stay in the back out of Harm's Way while your team stays closer to the front lines this is going to be the key to your survival another factor is the much longer cast duration meaning that in short fights against regular mobs the sorcerer can fall off in damage as you don't get to cast as often at number eight we have another new vocation the trickster is another vocation exclusive to the Arison and again completely new to to Dragon dongmu they have the power to conjure Illusions through the smoke created by their own unique weapon called the ceremonial sensor but they can also use Illusions to deceive enemies into fighting against their own and even have the ability to temporarily increase the power of Pawns Way Beyond their limit so it's clear that trickster has a very unique play style not just by Dragons Dogma 2 standards but its entire RPG genre standard first because tricksters don't actually deal much damage with their weapon instead this helps them to draw in aggro combining this with their power to create smoke clones and even illusionary surfaces it means they can really exploit surrounding environments to bring enemies to their Doom it might seem unconventional but sometimes the most effective tool to bring down an enemy is to literally make a jump off a cliff besides placing down fake walls this vocation is also excellent at scouting ahead and sneaking around enemy camps via its astral projection as long as your physical body doesn't get hit this can be combined with some of your other skills to cleanly set your enemies up with some Illusions before ever setting foot near them given the trickster support nature they are also best at buffing their party with some of their insense abilities causing everyone to deal a lot more damage than they normally do plus more advanced options can eventually be learned like for example calling forth illusionary dragons to truly terrify your enemies to their core leaving them open for some big damage now its biggest downside is obviously its unconventional play style relying on more indirect ways of taking down enemies so those who seek a more direct approach might want to look somewhere else also environmental hazards and cliffs might not always be available so some of its skills might suffer from limited use at times that being said it's no doubt going to be one of those vocations that can really make up for some interesting funny moments to be remembered at number nine we have the warrior unlike the fighter the warrior no longer uses a shield instead it wields two-handed weapons such as great and Hammers and relies on their heavy armor and robust Constitution to carry them in combat they aren't tanks since they lack Shields instead they offer far higher burst of damage especially via charge attacks this lets you wind up extremely high damage melee attacks which can shave off huge amounts of the enemy's health bar while also stunning them in the process later on Warriors can also learn an ability that can help with slow weapon swings that will require you to well time your button presses but this will in turn let you perform much faster attack animations and as such providing a much quicker series of blows for some insane damage it's not all slow attacks though as Warriors also gain access to barge an ability which can be used with R1 to quickly shoulder bash into a Target stunning them and leaving them open in the process overall Warriors is an excellent option for those who prefer more deliberate and strong melee attacks while also having a lot more potential for AOE compared to the basic Fighters at the end of the day your oversized weapons can easily hit multiple targets at the same time and there are even many skills that can further help with that including continuous spin attacks that will send enemies flying now it's hard to think of downsides for a class that both excels in high damage and great survivability however if we were to think of one it's probably the fact that its attacks can feel rather slow at first and the only way to make them quicker is via precise button presses that come via later unlocks also being a Frontline vocation means that you're constantly In Harm's Way so being methodical with the way you Unleash Your strongest attacks and reserve them for the moment enemy is down will be important to your survival last but definitely not least at number 10 we have one more vocation the warf farer the warf farer is a new vocation exclusive to Dragon Dogma 2 and exclusive to the orison that can use every weapon and learn different skills from each vocation by using diverse weapons the Warfare can respond to any situation and create combos that cross vocational boundaries the warfare's lower base stats require them to utilize the situational strengths of different weapon types to be on par with other vocations with specialized strengths and definitely looks to be an incredibly fun and versatile option to have it's going to pretty much give you access to everything that you want and even its icon shows that it can use bow and arrow even like swords and and even staves so if you're undecided which one to use I guess the best approach is to use everything now from the sounds of it it's also going to have some downsides compared to going purely speced into one single vocation it seems that your stats are going to be lower than some of the others plus it also seems that it's going to respond differently may even not have the same highest level of the same skills as if you were to focus on one single class unfortunately it seems we don't have any official footage on the Warfare or at least it's very limited at the time which yeah more surprises for when the game comes out it definitely sounds like something we can eventually achieve much later on in the game or who knows maybe it comes sooner than the rest but via different means but that is pretty much it with all of the 10 vocations in Dragon's dongma 2 let me know Down Below in the comments which are going to be the first ones you will main personally I think I'm going to go with either thief or with the Archer and then maybe switch eventually to either the magic Archer or the Mystic spear hand those two personally I found to be the coolest but I definitely have a bias towards the Mystic spear hand in the meantime thanks so much for watching and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: KhrazeGaming
Views: 79,400
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Keywords: khraze gaming, khraze, khrazegaming, dragons dogma 2, dragons dogma 2 classes, dragons dogma 2 vocations, dragons dogma 2 all vocations, dragons dogma 2 classes explained, dragons dogma 2 vocations gameplay, dragons dogma 2 best vocation, dragons dogma 2 vocations guide, dragons dogma 2 which vocation to play, dragons dogma 2 vocation tier list, dragon’s dogma 2 vocations, dragons dogma 2 tips, dragons dogma 2 vocation guide, best vocation, best vocation dragons dogma 2
Id: 71cQDtV8q8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 55sec (1255 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2024
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