Which VOCATION Is Right For You In Dragon's Dogma 2? - (Dragons Dogma 2 Tips and Tricks)

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the Character Creator demo is out now we're just around the corner from the release of Dragon's Dogma 2 so it's time to pick a starting vocation what's a vocation why does it matter well today I'm going to help you make that decision and explain why let's [Music] go let me know in the comments what vocation you're picking initially so vocations are essentially classes they're the defining combat style that you essentially want to play now every character from your player character to the pawns that will join your party will have a vocation now during the character creation process you'll only be able to pick four vocations but you'll actually pick one for yourself and one for your main porn that will join you throughout the entire Journey now if you are planning to jump in day one it's probably a good idea to download this demo and do it in during the character creation process there so you don't spend time doing it on day one as you can make characters in the demo and save them so you can just launch right into the game on day one with those characters now you can always change your vocation at a later time so it's not a decision that you're necessarily locked into but you'll still want to have a good understanding of the four basic vacations that you'll be starting as especially because you'll at least be using one of these four vacations for a period of time throughout the game until you find a vocation ma that can teach you some of the advanced vocations and for the most part these four are going to be the most common that you'll see from porns to yourself throughout the game now speaking of these starting vocations there are actually those Advanced vocations you can learn from maesters now Advanced vocations represent sort of like higher tier combat style like specialist combat Styles like say a warrior which can also be learned from a porn but then there's also some hybrid vocations that can only be learned via the player something like the magic Archer sort of like a combo between a Mage and an Archer obviously that is locked to the player only porns can't actually play as that vocation each vocation will have access to a set of weapon skills core skills and augments weapon skills are linked to like a specific weapon type now there's some of these that may be on multiple locations core skills are specific to that vocation that you are and augments are passive Buffs mostly specific to that vocation though there are some common ones like conveyance and opulence that we'll see across multiple vocations but for the most part they're the unique parts of the vocations kit so we'll cover these in a little bit of detail as we talk about the main Fort we'll start with the Archer now the Archer and the thief is actually a split of the original Strider vocation from the original Dragon Dogma but the Archer vocation specializes in longrange attacks using a bow and an arrow they perform their attacks from afar and can Target enemies in higher positions in addition they are essential in supporting the front line for example by targeting enemy weaknesses they can create opportunities for your allies to strike so as an Archer you can expect skills like parting shot that allow you to fire an arrow while jumping back after performing a leaping punt or midair front kick or even something like puncher Dart so where you can draw the bow string to its absolute limit before firing makes aiming more difficult but allows arrows to pierce targets with greater impact and then you've got more common weapon skills like say barrage shot allowing you to fire arrows in Rapid succession allowing you to concentrate attacks on a single Target now for the Archer specifically you can expect to not necessarily be immediately in the front line You'll sort of have someone in front of you that can take some of that brunt of damage and you'll be like lobbing arrows over the top top of them and they're also good at ambushing Targets with their ambus scan or to do additional damage to attacks when targets are not in battle stands or having endurance from having a higher maximum stamina so essentially allowing you to fire more arrows in a period of time so you can really expect to be sort of sitting back in sort of the mid-range firing arrows as an Archer the thief is the other half of the original Strider now Thief attacks with deadly speed deadly rapid and consecutive strikes with daggers in both hands while exhibiting outstanding Mobility they quickly step away after striking and exploit openings to cling on on to enemies and inflict heavy damage they may also steal items from NPCs and enemies so as the thief you can really expect to be sort of that stealthy thiefy character with a weapon skill like Shadow cloak allowing you to blend into the surroundings rendering them more difficult for hostile targets to be detecting them and then when the moment strikes you've got skills like biting wind so you can Dash past an enemy with blades extended following by further slashers when using the same attack on contact and for the the core skills you've got a lot of movement based skills something like controlled fall so you can tuck your body into a tight roll when hitting the ground after being knocked down allowing the user to swiftly regain their feet or foot pad allowing you to kick off a wall allowing the user to launch themselves at Great distance but it's not all about that movement right you've got Scarlet kisses to unleash a flurry of forward slashes so really here you can expect to be moving around a lot it's it's probably going to be a very flashy vocation where you know you'll be able to jump off enemies jump off walls move around in Ste steal some things and you know if you like that sort of roleplay aspect of characters in classes in other games and you'll definitely find that success here as a thief and your augment sort of support that right you've got gratification so you slightly restore Health when you deliver a killing blow to a foe and subtlety to decrease the likelihood of being targeted by foes so you can slip around the battlefield without actually being the main like aggressor in combat if you do want to be that main aggressor and sort of take some of the brunt of that damage the figh is probably the class you want to look at the fight vocation excels in mil combat definitely wielding a sword and shield Fighters can slice through enemy ranks and deliver powerful blows whilst using Shields to protect themselves and their allies now it's not all about defense here you have got weapon skills like blind strikes you can Rush forward towards the Target and deal powerful blows but you can definitely expect to play a bit more of that support protective role right with something like true deflect so you can deflect attacks back towards the target with impressive might or Enchanted counter so when using defend while Enchanted automatically counter with an elemental attack corresponding to that enchantment or steeled foundation so you can use your Shield to ease the impact when falling reducing your fall damage received and hastens recovery after the fall so it's really a blend of a sort of traditional sword and board protecting allies deflecting countering damage and sort of keeping everyone topped up while dealing a little bit of damage at yourself it's not all about defense but you can definitely expect to be a bit more of a protector role just like with their augmentations provocation to incre inre the likelihood of being targeted by foes and metal to augment your physical defense I suspect that if you personally don't want to play as a fighter the fighter class will be a very common porn class especially for your main porn to have enemies actually attack this specific type of character that's supposed to be attacked right so they can take all of that damage without you having to suffer it yourself and lastly we have the Mage now the Mage wields a staff the Mage offers support to their party in various ways from launching magic attacks offering enchantments that bolster their party's weapons to cast ing healing spells so similar to an Archer here you can expect to be playing a similar role where you're not going to be in the front of combat you'll really be sitting back a little bit and pressuring enemies from distance that may be by casting your own damage spells like flag ration to unleash a swirling jet of flame straight ahead for a period of time or even healing and protecting allies like hom to conjure a magical sigil that cures the caster and their allies of certain dehabitation but as a mage you've also got access to something like levitate which allows you to manipulate the Caster's weight through magical means allowing them to float temporarily or quick spell to hasten the incantation speed so you can actually sling more spells faster which you definitely will want to be doing because obviously the more spells you can get out the more damage or protection you can do and you've also got more just damage Focus spells right like Focus bolt to fire a condensed magial burst that differs based on the active enchantment the augments for the Mage will increase your magic defense as well as beaude to increase the amount of Health recovered from curatives and Curative magic so you've got a little bit of bit of extra support there to help you as a bit of a glass cannon in combat as well as a support character to deal damage out now again this is probably another one that you'll see a lot of porns players if you personally don't want a players to be able to provide that support those healing aspects as well as being able to enchant allies weapons with different magic types which will obviously help with targeting weaknesses or just being able to deal extra damage in combat now we've touched on it a little bit but what vocation should you put your main porn as now there isn't really a right answer here but what I would say is pick something that complement your main character right let's say you're playing as a fighter you probably want something like an Archer or a mige to be a bit more of a ranged character to give you a bit more flexibility in combat and then vice versa right if you're playing as a Maj or an Archer you probably want someone to protect you like a fighter in those instances now there will be porns that won't just be these four initial vocations like we touched on earlier in the video and you'll be able to change your Poland's vocation in the same way that you can change CH yours over time so you have that flexibility in terms of what they're actually going to be playing as but just thinking about it in that way as to what synergizes best and don't just pick two that are exactly the same as you'll often be finding equipment that you both want to use or you might be sort of stepping on each other's toes in combat but let me know in the comments down below if you spent time in the demo what characters did you make what vocations did you and your main porn pick as well I'd love to know and if you've got any like role playing aspects of your character as well do let me know I love reading that stuff so let me know your thoughts in the comments down below thank you guys for watching this video till the end thank you to our members for supporting the channel my name is noza and I hope you have a great day
Channel: NorZZa
Views: 98,274
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dragons dogma 2 vocations guide, dragons dogma 2 best vocation, dragons dogma 2 which vocation to play, dragons dogma 2 classes explained, dragons dogma 2 vocation tier list, dragons dogma 2 vocations, dragons dogma 2 vocations ranked, DD2, dragon’s dogma 2 vocations, dragons dogma 2 vocations beginners guide, dragons dogma 2 tips, dragons dogma 2 vocations gameplay, dragons dogma 2 gameplay, norzza, dragons dogma 2 all vocations, dragons dogma 2 classes, archer, fighter, thief, mage
Id: R6ixnzlpSnI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 35sec (575 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2024
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