Ranking All The BEST Magick Archer Skills In Dragon's Dogma 2

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well it is finally time today we take a close look at the one and only magic Archer easily the most powerful class in both Dragon's Dogma games with a plethora of skills that bulldoze anything in your path shoot giant ice cubes control flaming arrows stun lock dragons just for fun and for when you're bored there's the one shot martyr's bolt to give you a few Chuckles let's take a look at the monster that is Magic Archer and rank all of the insane skills from worst to best forus is going to send a magical Shield toward one of your pawns once it reaches them they can now receive any attack and not take damage once any amount of damage is blocked the shield will then explode to hit the attacker depending on how strong that attack was the shield will go up and damage delt this is unfortunately going to be very hard to test as you'd need to get hit by every attack in the game to correctly judge it in my experience the damage and knockback are very good but you don't need a skill like this most magic archers will be dealing big damage rather than supporting pawns and simply using the other two healing skills offered in this class are more efficient than fertiles bolt chain sends out electric bolts that attach themselves to enemies or the ground the idea here is to get a bunch of these out so you can connect them and create say a wall of Defense you can also deal loads of stagger with bolt chain as when attached to enemies it pulses over and over I had a few people pretty excited about this skill but it never really did much for me the dam damage is so low it might as well be non-existent sometimes you can hit a few bosses for some decent attacks but still stuff stands there unfazed for the most part the advantage is really high stagger potential to keep opponents reeling but almost every good skill in this vocation staggers possibly even faster than this it seems set up to be your defensive option as magic Archer has no way to avoid damage without proper skill usage but the amount of work required to set up a trap is way too much using the free aim sends out three bolts instead of one but it never hits the ground where you want it and shooting one at a time takes forever then you finally get that trap set up to defend you and it lasts one maybe two skill uses you could get pretty creative here and get more out of the bolt chain but it underperformed for me every time canescent orb is a large ball of fire that when shot out can attach to surfaces you can sit it anywhere you like including midair and on top of large monsters my initial thought was oh this should be the best for Undead and while it definitely dealt with zombies pretty well skeletons and liches were largely unharmed another skill that should be your more defense oriented option place it nearish to you and have enemies unable to attack you as they die before reaching your location and the orb is going to set enemies on fire rather quickly which is a nice bonus overall though canescent orb is a giant light bulb you'll see a lot better in the dark and possibly deal a bit of damage with it lots of enemies are not weak to Fire and the ones who are often aren't that challenging in my opinion and with damage this poor you're much better running the other fire spell namely Blaze Fang Arrow do be aware however that applying burn to an opponent is quite advantageous early on late game it's seemingly pointless as the damage over time never does even close to you often your basic attacks but early on it might clear out groups well and slay monsters faster most players are going to avoid condescend orb as a light source being the best perk isn't great when you don't need a light source this badly Arctic bolt is the coolest skill magic archers have access to you charge up this very slow shot that eventually turns into a giant chunk of ice the longer you charge the bigger your shot is eventually launching an iceberg at your enemy and you could see why this is pretty fun to use shooting off enormous chunks of ice into beasts with this loud dunk sound is Peak gameplay the skill has potential to deal very high burst damage if you hit weak spots most often you will hit a weak spot because the projectile you're launching is the size of a wall imagine going to a fire range and while your buddy is shooting bullets you start firing cars at the Target one of you is not going to miss I can tell you that along with this offering some high damage you get enormous stagger potential it's even possible to stop dragons from casting with this enormous force in fact for me this skill usually beats out Frost hunter or the other ice skill for magic Archer early on in the game as your damage will be lower then but you can charge this up to be effective every time later on however Arctic bolt doesn't necessarily fall off but other skills begin to outperform it the Downs set of a very long charge shot every time you want to use this means you're either going to take a while to deal big damage or need to shoot before charging all the way losing its potential on a normal vocation something like this would easily be at the top of the skill list but since magic Archer is simply insane this High burst Power Shot is not necessarily your best option recovery arrow is a massive healing skill you can charge it up to fully revive a pawn when they're down or you can send the bolts out early to heal both your pawns and yourself simply using this at all grants yourself a heal even if it doesn't hit Pawns there's a cool way to use this too where you throw a Pawn off a ledge revive them and then jump into their arms skipping large sections of walking actually a pretty fun idea and works as long as enemies aren't lurking below other than that the big factor is that it looks pretty cool they gave the activation of a long charge and effect you might see in an MMO excessive green light covering your entire team kind of makes you feel like a legitimate support player overall recovery arrow is just a heal and Mage pawns usually take this role on your team instead but being one of the better healing options for solo players and Reviving pawns from range is quite useful also easy healing that grants you a lot of heal back every time is never bad in pretty much any game ever so horrific bolt allows you to charge up a shot that's going to put enemies to sleep and it seems to work on almost everything with enough buildup the sleep will place enemies in a slumber where they go from attacking you to lying on the ground unable to attack at all you gain really large advantages over enemies allowing you to charge up long attacks and hit enemy vitals without ever missing once a sleeping monster takes damage they are going to wake up and begin to attack again you can put them back to sleep but it's going to usually take longer to do so a second third or fourth time and enemies may also gain immunity to this when they're in certain stages or even in certain Attacks An enraged ogre for example did not seem to care at all about the Sleep shot whatsoever so it can be very situational and possibly only used a few times during a fight but that could also be all you need as when encountering large groups you can place most of them asleep and deal with each one at a time or put a large foe to sleep and then clear out the Goblins in that area extremely powerful being able to neutralize any Target in an instant there are going to be a couple downsides that you should know about though number one is pawns can often screw this up have them wait first and they won't attack the enemy but otherwise they wake the Beast up almost before it's asleep the charge time will not all that long means you do need to be in a good spot to get this off and lastly this is much better when used on warfare than actually as the magic Archer class with magic Archer you actually don't have any good way to exploit to sleep almost all your attacks lock on from range and have tracking so your enemy laying there for an open shot isn't actually that different from them flailing around whereas if you were playing Warfare you could sleep enemies and switch to a big hammer to smash that weak spot with indomitable lash or something so horrific bolt is an incredibly useful tool because the idea of placing a monster attacking you to sleep is crazy good but Magik Archer also doesn't need this to succeed at all martyr's B is the highest damaging attack of any class in Dragon's Dogma 2 you're going to charge up a magical bolt that when released creates many different light pads all flying around in a dome like shape anything within that Dome is hit who knows how many times and completely annihilated the big catch to this is that each use will not only consume your health but consume your max Health as well so after every use you're going to have less and less Health until you sleep or use an all heal potion what's really cool is the more Health you use the more damage you deal so a full health Arisen can consume almost all but the smallest segment of his health and drop any boss level threat in the game martyr's Bol allows for sixc fights on a regular basis super easy way to farm out dragons super easy way to push through areas you're underleveled for and super easy way to say screw you to a monster that defeated you previously it is the most OP attack in the game now all that being said this is definitely not the best skill for this class even having several downsides to take into account you can never use this on small targets because if you do you're simply wasting health and no all heals are not that cheap to acquire while you can forge them only about three or four are found just exploring around the game so unless you're going to waste a massive amount of time forging tons of these with an expensive price martyr's bolt can only be healed by resting which is fine most monster fights aren't too far from a campfire anyway while martyr's Bol is extremely powerful and greatly decreases the challenge of every encounter it must be used sparingly and if you don't use enough Health you might then engage in a lengthy battle with the possibility of getting one hit at any time Ricochet Hunter is another charge up skill it can be used before or after a full charge obviously your power is going to greatly be increased from fully maxing it out the skill sends out tons of tiny electric bolts and in fact you send them out like firing a minigun making it even more fun to use what these bolts do is bounce off of walls but they do so while getting stronger and stronger every time they bounce completely trivializing any fight that takes place in caves and other Close Quarters you don't even need a Target let them fly into the dark path ahead and walk through with Nothing Left Alive this skill was also in the first game there it was just as broken but could not be used outside at all as it never hit the target in this sequel you can use it outside since the minigun fire allows you to better aim them before they hit the wall not your best attack still as they don't get any boost but it does work if monsters vitals are free and open to you obviously this one is much less usable than others as you won't be indoors as often as out but when you're in those Prime situations nothing is going to beat Ricochet Hunter deleting an entire horde without you aiming at all for what you usually use this for there's no better option also just so happens to be your best lightning skill too which means it's always nice to have around for changing your weapons element if even just for a few seconds Blaze bang arrow is an option you're never going to take take off as a magic Archer this is a fire arrow that deals massive AOE once it lands the AOE hits targets nowhere near it and has enough damage to instantly drop any lesser enemy when hitting vitals it deletes large chunks of health and can do so even when you feel like you totally missed the vital Spot while this is usually safer to free aim getting the attack out faster as well it can also be manually aimed to let you control the arrow itself your camera is transferred to the arrow letting you move around and land just where you want to not only is this very strong fing weak points every time but it allows magic Archer to stop fights before they've even started as the range for this controls very large you can shoot it into a group that's just standing around and boom over half of them are already dead again magic Archer doesn't have a way to avoid damage using blaz fan can greatly improve your survival chances and give you a nice opening to start charging other skills and the damage is just absurd even when I was lower level this thing was instantly dropping enemies all over the place I really couldn't manage to find a griffin as I think they were all hiding from me when I had this on but I imagine it would be very very silly to fight them with this obviously this is going to fall flat on dragons due to them being dragons but the amount of times I use this is beyond any other skill just try not to miss when you're controlling the arrow or you're going to have to slowly turn all the way around maybe a bit too bright of an explosion for your eyes sometimes but power is power Frost Hunter bolt sends out Frost arrows that continuously attack foes for several seconds the longer you charge this skill or lock onto a Target the more ice arrows are sent out and there are several things this skill offers making it so good in almost every situation the skill attacks repeatedly for some time letting it gain high damage and stagger quite quickly if you keep using it the arrows are going to freeze opponents not nearly as fast as archers drenching arrows but enough to matter several times in a single fight and because you can get out more than one Arrow at a time you might possibly have about 10 frost arrows attacking a Target in an instant this is another time time where I simply need to show you a dragon fight against a dragon you can let these fly repeatedly for the entire fight and nullify that enemy it will hit their heart and head so many times that they can't attack you and get defeated very quickly weak points get targeted down so quickly things can't stop you the one thing about this skill you do need to know is that it's going to underperform if used incorrectly for some reason just sending out one of these makes the skill look really bad so using Frost Hunter and switching over to something else is not really the ideal strategy instead you're going to spam Frost Hunter getting as many of these icy bolts into your foe as possible then it outperforms almost everything frostbite is such a powerful perk as freezing enemies in place is unbeatable and frost Hunter offers that on top of bonker's damage laking arrow is the sleeper skill for the magic Archer vocation every class has that one skill that's heavily overlooked but also manages to be almost too good life-taking Arrow as stated is used to heal pawns you're going to send it out and absorb absorb the health of nearby enemies once the bolt hits your Pawn they're healed depending on how much is absorbed and go ahead and completely ignore all of that because it's not how you use the skill instead send out life-taking Arrow ahead of you and your pawns it will siphon the life of any enemy near it and stagger them in place every time it does so this means it is the best defensive option for magic Archer the slow-moving orb prevents any enemy from reaching you if they don't die from the siphon they will also be staggered and I had way too much fun with this going around firing as many of these as I could massive groups all just grunt as they lose all their health random passive animals and pwns are siphoned as well which is more fun than useful and the best use of all is that this skill also damages large monsters no it's not going to beat other skills but it will allow you to damage a large opponent and simultaneously clear all the fodder around him heck it actually deals more damage to vitals as well which it seems to aim for when possible if you're in a tight cave you let one of these fly down the to grab all the hiding enemies and stop groups from jumping you due to its insane range you can also let several fly in different directions to cover a wide area and when harpies get aggressive it prevents them from attacking and drops them down onto the ground just try the thing I really cannot explain how ridiculous this turned out to be seems like a slow way to play at first but siphoning an entire pack of goblins wolves and saens at the same time is something else plus you can also heal your Pawn indefinitely if they're an up close type of role sagitt Avalanche manages to be the best magic Archer skill this will summon many different small orbs around you as it locks on once released each orb is sent towards the lock on point for very high damage and that is it a very simple skill to describe and more powerful than anything else the precise lock on lets you deal with anything quickly tougher Sans can be deleted with one full charge flying enemies all get attacked and one go monster vitals are cooked as this heads straight for them every time and because of so many high damage shots in such a short amount of time it can easily stagger any foe sagittate Avalanche is the allrounder skill you will use most often I originally thought it would be lightning as well it looks like it would be lightning at least the orbs kind of are purple but no this is just general magic damage no actual element which makes it even better because the damage is always good and never weak to any opponent I also believe heavily and ease of use if something is great but a little bit too situational or requires a lot of effort to pull off I might not use it as much sagittate Avalanche can be fired almost instantly every time and never fails to take out what I need it to also being a very unique skill that looks cool sending out a bunch of orbs what could possibly be more terrifying than seeing this itty bitty human with all these orbs waiting to be sent at you great way to show off and be effective at the same time and there you have all the magic Archer skills ranked in dd2 if it already wasn't quite obvious this vocation is extremely powerful having access to multiple high damage skills and being able to use any element whenever they want you might not have a good way to defend yourself physically but skills like life taking arrow and bolt chain can prevent enemies from getting to you at all and when life gets you down and monsters beat you up the good old martyr bolt is there to oneshot whatever you're facing just beware that the one negative this class has is the worst fashion man do I really hate those stupid looking arm flaps hopefully you enjoyed this video and learned a bit more about what true power looks like like thanks for watching and I'll catch you next time [Music] [Music]
Channel: SheenShots
Views: 26,235
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dragon's dogma, Dragon's dogma 2, Dragon's dogma 2 tips and tricks, dragon's dogma 2 gameplay, dragon's dogma 2 how to, dragon's dogma 2 guide, dragon's dogma best class, dragon's dogma trailer, dragon's dogma tier list, dragon's dogma review, dragon's dogma 2 review, dragon's dogma 2 trailer, everything you need to know about dragon's dogma 2, Let's play dragon's dogma, Beginners guide to dragon's dogma 2, Ranking All The BEST Magick Archer Skills In Dragon's Dogma 2, tier, OP
Id: YmxTqitbPBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 20sec (1040 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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