TOP TIPS TO HELP You Get Better at Dragon's Dogma 2

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if you're anything like me then you've been  taking Sweet Sweet hits that Dragon's Dogma   2 all weekend and can't wait to sit down and play  another Marathon gaming sesh but the game does a   poor job of explaining certain mechanics when it  comes to the UI or showing you how to competently   do certain things in this video today I want to  help you get better at the game by explaining   some of the more obscure portions of Dragon zma  2 make it so that you can Crush face with little   to no problem well you know performance issues  aside still waiting on that patch capcon but if   this is your first time on my channel the way I  do things is by up in the knowledge of my videos   so that you can decide if it's the right one for  you now with that being said it's difficult to   paraphrase an entire list so please take a look at  the chapters in the timeline of the description to   get an idea of the subjects I'll be covering and  simply navigate to the ones that interest you the   most the biggest tip on this entire list though is  about swapping out to different vocations either   for yourself or your Pawn if you're struggling  stealing aggro from your tank then you need to   put some levels into Thief to get the augment that  helps you reduce your aggro and have your pawns   spend time as fighter or Warrior to help them get  additional aggro that's easily the biggest thing   that has changed my life playing as an Archer  primarily because I was sick of always having   to deal with a rampaging Beast after one or two  big heavy hits this will make things easier for   you and on you and trust me it's going to be a  lot better but if you look at the entire list   and that's all you wanted to know please feel  free to shut the video down and get back to   enjoying your time in Dragon Dogma 2 before you  head out please don't forget to like comment or   subscribe if this video helped you as that has  a huge impact on my channel and if you've not   yet picked up dragon Dogman 2 for the PC you  can use my link to my Capcom Affiliated Nexus   store in the comments section below this will  get you a key directly from the developer and   I get like a 20% commission which goes a long  way towards supplying my mini Aussie's vicious   treat addiction you can also find my Pawn code in  the description and comment as well but let's get   started here on how to get better at Dragon  Dogma 2 and one of the first tips I want to   talk about is actually going into the options  menu going into game settings and then coming   over here here from game settings to priority of  materials to combined and destination of combined   items so you can swap this around by default I  think it's like this so priority of materials to   combine means that select whether items should  be taken from the Pawn's inventory or from the   player's inventory first we're going to set it  to pawn this way that every time you are in the   game world and you're looting things just either  have your Pawn loot it or send it to your pawn   and then when you come back to start doing a bunch  of combining of all these uh materials which which   is going to be our next tip don't worry about it  you can use destination of combined items you can   be player item storage I thought you could do Pond  but player item storage you want it to go to item   storage so this way it'll pull from your Pawn to  make items that you're trying to combine and then   it'll place them in item storage this just saves  you navigating through a bunch of different menus   your own inventory going to deposit to withdraw  back to your inventory to your Pawn's inventory   it's a headache having it go like this will make  the game automatically put put anything that you   craft go right into item storage so this means  you save those settings we come over here to   our um let's go over here to to this guy cuz he  going to come part of our second our second uh uh   tip at this sir and we go to organized storage  and then to combine and doing any of this it's   going to pull firstly from my pawn and then Place  immediately into our storage let's now go into   a little bit more information on this so when it  comes to combining you can just simply go through   this list and go okay I'll take a ripened Apple  okay okay let's do if it's gray out you can't   use it obviously so it's like this is gr out so  cannot be combined let's go with like a Moonglow   here let's go with maybe sun bloom or syrup Leaf  this is going to give me a bunch of question marks   or if I go over here to green weish or whatever  how you pronounce that into any of these it's   going to give me a bunch of sbus drought all these  fun items you can do this however you want but you   can also press right bumper and on let's see  what it is on e on a PC and just use recipes   all the recipes for the things you've unlocked  are going to be in here and if you have things   that you have unlocked you can go all the way  down and you just got a bunch of question marks   so you just go ahead and let's go confirm cool  we just made soothing Brew in the lower right   corner tells me use it to cure silence so I don't  need to kind of scrub through every single item   to see about crafting new uh things I can just  use this recipe portion to just save me a ton   of time when I was first going through this I was  going through okay I'll craft everything I'll make   all these different combinations it makes all  the combinations in here for you so you do not   have to worry about it obviously grade Out means  you don't have the materials for it and what have   you now another big portion of item inventory or  Inventory management is your deposit and withdraw   capabilities now this is your storage right when  you get to the very first Tavern you've got that   organized storage you'd simply let me just kind  of restart that you come up to this guy you talk   to him you go to organize storage and you deposit  or withdraw but one of the best things that you   can do that took me actually quite a bit of time  here is I'm going to go over to my materials I   can press a to every single one or I can press X  on my on my uh controller or shift on PC and go   through this and just select them and then once  I'm done with that I press a and all of them go   into my stash immediately and I can just simply go  over here to another character and we can do the   same thing here right okay all this well that's  good we'll send right to the stash and that just   saves you so much time rather than having to  go through the quantity of every single item   like okay go into here do this and one thing you  should really know too about using the stash is   that or the storage I too many action RPGs in my  life when you're using storage things that would   degrade such as this Beast steak or this aged  Beast steak they will not degrade if they are   in storage so storing things is absolutely crucial  you can see at the very bottom of the screen right   here I'm at 134 of 1,000 so a stack if I were to  stack a thousand of these it does not go towards   that 1,000 limit only one of them does the parent  item does so use this to the best of your ability   and it will enable you to have a ton of time cut  down and also a ton of resources to do a bunch of   combining later that you then can just pull from  your stash or what have you and worth noting that   anytime you go to enhance equipment it will pull  from your uh stash your organization your storage   without having to actually be in your inventory  so have to run back and forth you simply go do   an enhance item at any of the uh the item vendors  that allow you to do it and it will pull from your   storage to do so and another big item Inventory  management tip here is with these context clues   so if you look right here you can see four icons  this icon which stands for the Arisen this icon   which stands for your main pawn and these two  icons which stand for Pawn One and pawn two you're   going to see those uh icons replicated and you can  see them all right here as well right you can see   these icons replicated if you take a look at any  item over here so when you see these things this   is telling me that there are no syrup wart leaves  on any of my four characters but there are six in   the storage and if I kind of go through this list  here let's take a look see okay there are 11 curus   droughts on drafts on my character but none on the  other ones and 11 more in the stash but you can   use this to kind of get a real quick um kind of  context tip of who has what where and which Pawn   you know this is going to be super useful for you  when it comes to buying things in a shop trying   to allocate items to any of your ponds whatever  it is you can simply use this menu right here to   get an idea of who has what where and this is then  replicated further we jump out of this screen and   go into our quests you can see this information  right here which is telling you that your main   Pawn has information on this Quest same thing  here the First Pawn in my list has information   Here pawn one so that is replicated right there  of course right so just anytime you look at your   items menu you can see that now another really  quick little tip here for you is jumping to and   from the start menu now of course this is the  easiest way to jump to everything right items   quests equipment All That Jazz if you have a PS5  controller or if you are playing on a PC you can   simply press the PS5 controller and it will  immediately jump you to map you can jump to uh   using a button on the here if I press this button  it'll tell me uh okay none of these just tell me   which one goes to the map cool cool cool cool  cool great great great great video Ryan um but   map is one of the crucial one crucial ones right  you can do it here from the screen if you have   a a Xbox controller it's your your select button  jumps you right here but the thing I'm trying to   show you here is if you you press R1 and allows  you to kind of bring up this this would be the   same thing as pressing control on keyboard you'll  see that this little radial menu on the left where   all of your commands for your pawns turns into  a quick action menu you can uh qua some drafts   use a roborant whatever you pronounce it turn  on your Lantern but you can immediately go to   your items menu from that screen just saving you  a button press and having to jump through another   kind of like it's not really a loading screen  but just the animation of doing this and this   versus just doing this kind of saves you that  little bit of time so a big portion of Dragon's   Dogma 2 is going to be your time management and  what you're going to see here when you press the   pause screen is how you tell time you've got this  little moving Mosaic around just ignore that what   you're going to see is this little icon or this  the sun which moves counterclockwise it's going   to move like this around this uh this dial here  and this Mark tells us that this is the time of   day so by looking at this we can see the sun is  just starting to rise it is just bright and early   very very early in the morning and if I press B  and jump back into the game world we can see the   sun's pretty much replicated uh roughly where it  is in the dot right I'm on I'm looking to the east   the sun's starting to climb and if I press pause  again it's now moved itself up a little bit more   so you can find it all the way over there as  it starts to rise so if you're wondering man   is is the sun about to go down I don't know you  can go ahead and press pause and see is the sun   over here well the sun's about to go down and  it's about to get night night time so this is   how you're going to manage time in Dragon's Dogma  using the go command with your pawns is going to   enable you to have them point out any specific  things that they find they'll tell you hey I'm   going to take you towards the quest or hey I  found a riff Stone a treasure chest whatever   it is make sure you're pressing that up button  to send your Pawns in route to those locations   but also keep in mind that anytime you encounter  any monsters you're going to need to press that   again to refresh their command to go and find  the location that they desire this can get a   little wonky sometimes you have to kind of back  step a little bit to get them back on the scent   of it as they might start sending you towards a  quest that they have got knowledge of but using   go is huge because they will also if you press go  all the pawns that are not geared towards showing   you an objective or a specific item will just go  and loot things around for you so using go is one   of the things that I do a lot to help cut down on  time for me flopping vocations is absolutely key   to having an effective time in Dragon's Dogma and  that's not even much of a minmax conversation it's   more about talking about using augments to make it  so that your playthrough of a specific vocation is   easier better and more fun so take for example the  uh Archer I've been playing Archer a ton and you   can click you can go ahead and press shift here  and jump over to these and this is okay this one   increases your stamina so this is an augment that  I can use on all my vocations that it's really   going to help me out or stuff like this cause your  Lantern to consume less oil increase damage dealt   when striking it targets vitals which is really  good enables you to clamber up Cliffs and scale   foes and other Serv versus more quickly all these  things are really helpful but if you're playing   an Archer or a mage maybe and you're like man I  keep drawing aggro well you're going to want to   spend some time as a thief this allows you to  get subtlety decreases the likelihood of being   targeted by foes things things like this enable  you to kind of stay under the radar so you can   do DPS you don't have to worry so much about  uh constantly pulling off from your tanks or   gratification here which heals you a little  bit reduces stamina consumed when struggling   in a fo's grip or reduces stamina consum clinging  to it or pinning a foe down all these things are   going to help you out outside of playing a thief  and furthermore if you are playing maybe a DPS   Focus class jumping your Pawn onto Fighter for a  little bit will help you out because they'll be   able to get stuff like this which increases their  physical defense but mainly provocation increases   the likelihood of being targeted by foes so if you  go and select any Pawns in The Game World you want   to make sure that they've got augment or if it's  your main Pawn that they I'm sorry not augment   they've got the augment Pro ation and if it's  your main Pawn you want to make sure they take   provocation or over here one over is a warrior  too Vitality increases your max Health improve   your ability to push and pull targets so all  these things will kind of help you out when it   comes to holding aggro gaining aggro whatever  it is for whatever class you want to play but   this requires you to swap vocations of both you  and your Pawn to maximize your augments on your   main character and those will come over here into  your augment section where you get 1 2 3 4 5 five   six and I've got quite a few to already pull from  every time you head back to town or maybe even   when you find yourself next to a riftstone you're  going to want to swap your pawns out if you take   a look here I'm level 27 and my two main pawns are  25 and 25 so it's getting ready to swap these guys   out for other ones so that means I'm going to come  over here to my Rift Stone and we're going to jump   into the rift to take a look at some new pawns now  what I like to do with when I'm looking at this is   trying to bring up weapon skill information this  way I can Target any kind of Mage who has specific   healing capabilities or maybe take a look at a  fighter who has specific fighting capabilities   or maybe I want a thief and the I want the thief  to have piler so it can steal for me like take   a look at Phineas here I'm not going to take him  because he only has this one skill versus knight   song who's six levels lower and has all these  range of skills now when it comes to the level if   the pawn matches your level it will not cost you  Rift crystals now if it is above your level for   every level above yours that it is it will cost  you Rift crystals and sure that's on a sliding   scale here right so Lilith over there level 28 is  31 Rift crystals Phineas over here who's 29 is 68   so that's what an extra 35 Rift crystals so you  can get around this though by coming over here and   you can find some different pawns now these pawns  friends pawns are all going to cost you zero Rift   crystals so I could bring Sarah over here from  whichever one of my friends has Sarah and that's   a level 31 Pawn it's not going to cost me Rift  crystals even though it's above mine also too if   I look at previous hired pawns this is still going  to show me yeah it's going to cost some right so   this can be a cool way to pull in some of your  previous ones but being able to pull in any of   your favored pawns um will also show you that hey  it's still going to cost you a little bit of money   but this guy has this guy's name is Spartacus uh  oh I know who that is I was like who's is this uh   but you can also circumvent this by using any  pawns that you find from forgotten Rift Stones   those are the rift stones that you find on the  game map that are broken so when you look around   the map and you see this this is a normal Rift  Stone but if you look at and find any of these   kind of broken looking ones if I could ever ever  ever find one in the middle of this and very not   helpful video um those broken Rift Stones Don't  Tap you into the Nexus which allows you to bring   or the void which allows you to bring um here  this one uh allows you to bring in more pawns   this is what allows you to bring one of a  supercharged pawns that are usually above   your level have a pretty good selection of gear  and they are free riff Crystal wise so you can go   ahead and access these and get a pretty good Pawn  from them now back to your favorite menu in the   game the inventory one what you're really going  to want to make sure you do too with your pawns   is give them curatives of some sort especially  if they have the choen uh specialization where   they can use curatives on you and they won't use  your curatives in your inventory you'll have to   give them some of your own which is actually quite  fine right because you have only a finite amount   of uh carry capacity so if I give you know let's  just say my main Pawn five of these it's going to   help me out carry wise and they can now use them  all of your characters will not heal themselves   if they do not have the capability to do so using  curatives so make sure that you use these on all   of the pawns that you have access to and if that  pawn dies any items they have in their inventory   will get sent to your storage so don't worry about  those ponds dying with all the curatives or maybe   materials you've got on them it's no big deal you  have to personally gift items that you want them   to take with you or with them so don't worry about  losing anything it's always going to come back to   you now you've probably seen this little icon on  the main capital map the divers salon and you've   probably wondered what the hell it does well maybe  you took a small break from the game or it's been   a couple days or maybe you just don't remember  what happened the last time you were playing   when they talked about a specific Quest well what  this divver is going to do is it's going to take   any one of your active quests and it's going  to give you either a hint or a little bit more   information on what to do to complete it so for  example here the scaly Invaders this says wait a   day then return to Har Village this is going to  be pretty straightforward it's sometimes pretty   cryptic but you pay 50 gold duckets and it says  venture to Har Village the next Milestone on thy   path easy right but what about one that's a little  bit more obscure right like this one doesn't   really have much information to tell me watch  the beggar as he goes about his day and see if   you can find out how to make how he makes his coin  so we set that to our active Quest we're going to   go back here only make athy talk to her and and  consider thy path with a cautious eye and an open   mind lest the light of Revelation forsake thee and  it's basically telling you do this at night or do   it when it's starting to go inight and you'll be  able to kind of watch this guy see what he does   and you'll figure it out sometimes they're super  cryptic sometimes they're pretty obvious but this   is a way to kind of get back on track if you've  lost sight of any Quest or what you're supposed   to do the diner is going to help you out with  that and at that it brings our video here to a   close so hopefully these tips helped you out none  of them are particularly Earth shattering a lot   of them just came from me B bashing around the uh  UI long enough to figure out what all these little   things meant or going into the game settings and  doing this or that and you know maybe you didn't   know how to tell time or maybe you didn't know how  the item storage system really works in the game   you just kind of store things and definitely  in hoped for the best and maybe this kind of   broke that Mystique or maybe you knew it all so  go ahead and let me know in the comment section   below if there's anything that comes to mind for  you that really worked out in your first couple   hours or maybe you're now your 20 30 40 50 hours  of gameplay in Dragon Dogma to you're like you   know what I just wish I had known this earlier  I wish I had just put my time into Mage in the   beginning to unlock the augmentation that speeds  up my stamina regeneration I would have been way   better off with all my other vocations whatever  it is let it be known in the comment section   below I always try to make sure there as there  is as much information disseminated out to the   people as possible but as always thank you so much  for watching here today have a good one and take [Music] care [Music]
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 76,689
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to GET BETTER at Dragon's Dogma 2, dragons dogma 2, dragons dogma 2 tips, dragons dogma 2 beginners guide, dragons dogma 2 tips and tricks, dragons dogma 2 guide, dragons dogma 2 early tips, dragons dogma 2 tips for beginners, dragon's dogma 2 beginner tips, dragon's dogma 2 advanced tips, advanced tips, get better at dragons dogma 2, dragon's dogma 2 tips and tricks
Id: 0jbphBh450U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 3sec (1203 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2024
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