Dragons Dogma 2 How To Unlock ALL Vocations - EVERY Maister Skill Location Guide

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wondering how to unlock all of the different  vocations as well as their powerful Meister   teaching ultimate skills so you can power up your  playthrough and get those nice achievements well   don't worry we have you covered here with a handy  and Speedy walkthrough drop a like below if we   help you out and let's not waste your time and  jump right into it first up will be how to get   the meister's teaching skills for the starter  and advanced vocations we'll begin with the   fighter and lonard is the Meister he's found  in Mel here on the map and later in the story   through various side quest completions he will  move here in half the fighter meister's teaching   skill is rius Fury whereby you re a Flurry of  Blows on an enemy dealing massive damage at the   cost of stamina to get this you need to progress  through the main story missions at the beginning   of the game through the Border watch checkpoint  through Mel and onto the main city of vermund   which is versor here you talk to Captain Brandt  at the tavern at night and complete one of his   missions after doing this you then travel back  to melve in the oxcart and there will be a dragon   attacking it repel or cheese the dragon with the  ballista in the tower and then soon afterwards   talk to lonard complete any side quests that he  has to give you if you haven't done them already   at this point and he will give you the meister's  teaching skill scroll with this amazing move I   got this immediately after repelling the dragon  so it shouldn't be too hard next is the Archer   meisters teaching skill which requires completing  a series of side quests with the elves I recommend   hiring a pawn in the rift with the specialization  that allows you to understand what the elves are   saying it's called Woodland word Smith I actually  have this on my pawn currently if you want to hire   her she's a kitted out Mage with lots of heals  and Buffs here's her ID for this Quest you will   also want access to a bow so it's recommended you  play either the Archer or the warf farer so you   can shoot a bow cuz it is a part of the quest the  meister's teaching skill for the Archer is called   the Heavenly shot which will drain all of your  stamina to lose an exceptionally powerful shot   not long after you arrive in Burnsworth for  the first time after the first few main story   missions you will see an elf near the weapon  vendor shop this is glender and talking with   him will give you the quest called The Gift of  the bow you then need to buy or find any human   bow and give it to him he will then ask you to  meet him so that he can learn how to shoot it   travel to the quest marker on the map with a  vocation that can use a Bow Shoot the targets   and then watch as he learns from you and you've  now completed the first part of this if you have   one place a port Crystal because we will need to  come back here later after doing this go back to   the main city of Burnsworth and pass a day at the  Inn glender will then arrive at the same location   by the weapon vendor and ask you to join him for  a Archer trial that he needs to take now you must   go back to the quest marker a similar area as  before hence the port Crystal being very useful   travel with glender and kill mobs along the way  until you finally get to the sacred Arbor which   is the home of the elves here you will learn that  his sister and the daughter of the leader of this   area has been kidnapped by an ogre now you must  travel to the ancestrial chambers cave defeat the   enemies inside and at the very end you will find  the ogre you then need to quickly kill the ogre   and move Dorian to Safety in order to complete  this Quest successfully after you've saved her   and beat the ogre you will then be thanked and  you'll get a nice chunk of 16k gold and a pretty   good bow return then to the sacred Arbor rest a  day at the inn and speak with tiisin the Elven   leader to receive the Heavenly shop meister's  teaching scroll next is the thief meister's   teachings obtained through main story progression  of Brand's various quests in Burnsworth you need   to do his quests until you can ask him about the  false Sovereign and you'll get a quest called the   nameless Village this is where you will gain two  Thief meisters teaching Scrolls the formless faint   the true teaching that allows you to dodge all  attacks automatically as it drains your stamina   as well as the fake version Blades of the P where  you draw your blades together to do an explosion   that adds fire to your weapon and damages enemies  but also yourself you must make your way to the   nameless Village here east of fernworth you then  want to talk to Floyd and the house at the top of   the hill and he will claim to know nothing about  Arthur after this he'll just give you the fake   meister's teaching for the blades of the P you  will then need to travel head into this small   hole with a ladder go down and you'll find a cave  with various platforming tasks that you must go   through including planks that will move based on  your weight so you need to angle them so you can   run forwards and jump to the next and after doing  this parkour you will eventually meet shil at the   end and this is the true Thief master who will  grant you the pilers handbook scroll to learn   formless faint and Amazing Thief skill next is  the Mage and sorcerer together because they both   require the same five special items the Mage  meister's teaching is an insanely good support   skill called Celestial peon that summons a wave of  Holy Light That juices your whole party's stamina   gives you bonus speed and reduce damage taken  that does consume all of the Caster's stamina   and knock them off their feet the sorcerer however  gets two Meister teaching spells male storm that   conjures a whirlwind to wreck havoc on enemies  and meteoron to summon a literal meteor shower   firstly you need to get the five Spellbook Quest  items though Fus Shield is sold by Dudley which   can be found as a Wandering merch here in Mel  and if he isn't here you might also find him in verworn in Burnsworth you need to finish the quest  to find the kid Malcolm by talking to Kendrick   here in the slums in Burnsworth talk to all of  the kids in the slums and you'll discover that   he went down a secret passage underground Then  Kendrick will reveal this passage and you must   go in there to save the boy and find the library  travel to the jail where the magistrate is being   held and tell him of this library and he will  agree to leave and move there after this rest a   day then go to the underground library to receive  this book off of the magistrate howling blizzard   and death Nations toll can be found together here  in the waterfall cave to the north of the map it's   located here in the cave but be warned when you  open this chest it will summon a white or a lich   boss to defeat the let there be light is found  in murden's house in the checkpoint rest Town   you're going to go here for the sorcerer hand  in anyway but you need to parkour on this ruin   and jump in the window to steal this book first  do not enter the the house and do this normally   or he will attack you you must sneak in and get it  through the window now you have all five books you   want to make a forgery of each one so you can  hand in to get all of these different Meister   skills in one playthrough go to the scrap shop  in the checkpoint rest town here and pay to make   a forgery of each book rest on a bench and spam  do off four times and that will be a long enough   period of time for the forgery to be complete  do this for all five of the books after this   equip your courtly clothes and go to the front  door of murden's house here in the checkpoint   rest town he will let you in if you wear these  clothes and then you can talk to him and he will   request that you bring him these books you want  to trade him the fory the fake version of each   book and this will give you the ma storm meisters  teaching scroll next you need to go here on the   map to this little girl's house where trishia is  located you will probably need to rest between   various interactions with her but luckily there  is a camp just nearby talk with the girl until   she requests these spell books so she can learn  magic trade her the real version of each book   and then rest a day or or two and return to the  house you'll find her outside going on a complete   Rampage casting spells she is completely out of  control you need to wait until she gets tired and   you see her panting after casting a spell at this  point run up to her and grab her with R2 to stop   her Rampage after this rest a day and return to  the house and then talk with everyone inside and   you will gain the meister's teaching for the  second sorcerer spell meteoron as well as the   Mage Meister teaching for Celestial peon these are  some awesome moves next is the warrior where you   can gain the Ark of Might skill which channels all  of your strength into a single powerful blow but   consumes all stamina for this you must travel here  and talk to Baron he will ask you to bring him a   new recruit as well as three swords buy three  swords from any weapon vendor and meet the boy   called hrey in Burnsworth he approached us here  on the map but you can wander around or rest at   an inn and he should find you after this go to  Baron and he will thank you for the swords and   the recruit of the boy he will then challenge  you to a duel and if he doesn't do this right   away rest and then return during the jewel you  just need to fight him until you can pick him up   and throw him out of the circle and this will  have you win after this though goblins will   attack and you must follow them and kill all  the Goblins rest until night time and return   to Baron's location here on the map and talk with  him causing a cyclops to attack kill this monster   and then talk with Baron once more and you'll  get the lifetaker great sword Baron will then   say that he's leaving Burnsworth and you must now  find him in batal he will be here on the map just   south of the checkpoint rest Town border and  when you talk to him he will thank you and give   you the me's teaching for the warrior next up  is how to get the hybrid vocations and unlock   their meister's teaching skills for the trickster  you just need to go here on the map to the Shrine   of the Oracle by talking with the oracle's ghost  form you will gain the trickster vocation but if   you want to acquire the meister's teaching skill  dragon's delusion which summons an illusionary   Dragon to fear smaller enemies and trip larger  ones you will need to go around to the side of   the shrine and climb this ladder to the top  walk near the very front and you will see the   oracles physical form and she'll reward you with  her meister's teaching skill pretty easy right   next is the Mystic Speare hand which requires the  same prerequisite quests as the fighter vocation   Meister skill travel to Burnsworth at the start  of the game through the main story and complete   a single Quest from Brandt and then travel back  to Mel when you come back to Mel there will be a   dragon that you must repel or kill if you want to  gain the vocation and the meister's teaching all   together at the same time very easily you need  to kill the dragon you're unlikely to do this   on your first playthrough however you can cheese  it by using the ballista in the tower to shoot it   three times which will kill it outright this will  give you the vocation and the meister's teaching   skill when you talk to sigard afterwards if the  dragon is dead sigard can also be found here on   the map in half if you missed him in this Melvin  counter if you didn't manage to kill the dragon   or you don't want to cheese it this way you will  then need to travel to the dragon's breath Tower   here on the map it's a long and hard climb with a  lot of monsters along the way but when you get to   the Tower you'll meet sigard and you must then  go to the top to defeat this Dragon once and   for all after defeating it he will then give you  the meister's teaching for wild Fury which will   summon a clone to do a flurry of attacks with you  at the cost of a lot of stamina then we have the   magic Archer next and it's a fairly simple one  once again you must travel here to the map at   the volcanic island at this spot you will find a  dwarf who needs three common herbs to soothe his   pain these are located all around so it should be  quite easy after giving him the herbs he invites   you to his home go to his home where you will then  meet his wife an elf who is very skeptical I of   you you need to then escort him to the nearby Camp  to the hot spring you can either carry him there   and escort him defeating monsters along the way or  you can defeat the monsters beforehand to just run   him there pretty easily or you can place a port  crystal in the camp pick him up and then teleport   to that Port Crystal skipping the whole journey  once you get him to the hot spring his elf wife   will appear saying that she followed you because  she didn't trust you but she has now seen that   you were truthful she will give you the magic  Archer vocation and when you talk to her again   you'll get the meister's teaching skill for the  Mar's bolt skill which is an extremely powerful   ability that One-Shots many bosses but costs your  maximum HP then we have the Warfare evocation next   for this you need to talk to lemond in the  hot spring area in the volcanic island where   you carried the dwarf to for the magic Archer he  will ask you for some n liquor and you will need   to give him three to four of these you can get  these in several ways either craft it with fruit   wine and Sor and Tails or find them and there is  one in the elf and dwarf's house the magic Archer   Meister if you've already got that vocation there  is a vendor in BAU that you can access if you are   either a beast or wear a beast mask and then move  this sack into the fence and you can buy them   for 5K gold each if you manage to get one you can  also duplicate them at the scrap Vendor by making   a forgery of it and this will just straight up  give you two after the forgery is finished so   gather buy or Forge three to four of these and  then give them to lemond in the hot spring after   you give these to him he will unlock the Warfare  vocation for you and talking with him again will   give the meister's teaching skill for rearmament  which is an important skill for this vocation as   it allows you to switch between the multiple  weapons that you have equipped and so there   you have it how to get every vocation and their  meister's teaching skills we hope this one helped   you out drop a like if we did help and subscribe  for more Dragon's Dogma coming your way very soon
Channel: Arekkz Gaming
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Keywords: dragons dogma 2 all vocations, dragon dogma 2 all vocations, dragons dogma 2 how to unlock, dragons dogma 2 all classes, dragon dogma 2 all classes, dragons dogma 2 mage maister, dragons dogma 2 fighter, dragons dogma 2 archer, dragons dogma 2 thief, dragons dogma 2 warrior, dragon's dogma 2 sorcerer master spells, dragon's dogma 2 mystic spearhand, dragon's dogma 2 magick archer, dragons dogma 2 trickster, dragon's dogma 2 vocations, dragons dogma 2 vocations
Id: whJopGeIZD0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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